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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 229 KB, 680x410, 1633157117487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9223975 No.9223975 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>9218813

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake Trilogy (2020-11): https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more):
More /vr/ shooters:
Doom Shovelware:
Fileplanet archives:
Doom RPG series:
Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.9223978
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Submissions due Oct 12th

94 PROTONS OF /vr/
See picture below for details

512 LINEDEFS OF /vr/

=== NEWS ===
[8-31] Realms Deep 2022 announced

[8-31] Anon shares orthographic voxel caching demonstration

[8-27] Nirvana interviews Ribbiks

[8-27] Corruption Cards is updated to 4.0

[8-26] Frantik DM 2 - New 32 Map FFA Deathmatch MegaWAD

[8-25] XBAND Multiplayer from Doom SNES working!

[8-23] Photos from planned FMV scenes for 3DO Doom released

[8-18] Threewave Capture the Flag and Rubicon 2 added to Quake remaster

[8-18] Various id games on PC Game Pass

[8-18] Trailer for Chasm: The Rift, confirmed to be on GOG and Steam

[8-18] Revolution added to DOOM 2, also interview.

[8-17] GOG versions of Doom now offer re-release ports

[8-17] Voxel Doom is out

=== PREVIOUS ===


>> No.9223979
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>> No.9223984
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>> No.9223987

>Sandy space FPS
I'd play it.

>> No.9223992
File: 58 KB, 640x320, 0_s2u_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Marathon...NOW

>> No.9224002

I should set up SheepSaver and play Pathways into Darkness.

>> No.9224004

is there a port exactly like woof but i can make my fov 110 instead of 90

>> No.9224009

>realize anon babel ancient
Babel confirmed retro
>fireballs discuss
>sniper hitscanners
>duke far fucked
>death stupid
>enjoy super dead

>> No.9224012

Along with needing to make a sound in a certain place, a problem with teleport traps is that the monster is already aggro, which means their reflex window already happened 5 minutes ago so they can shoot you on the exact same frame they teleport in, which doesn't happen with monster closets and (instant) elevators

>> No.9224014

>valiant requires slaughtermap
>pistolstart balanced
>shotgun enemy mods
>damage high, thought little
>port annoying talking
>bullshit saving playing sunlust
>big voxels builder
>tim die easily outside

>> No.9224021

>>valiant requires slaughtermap
It is true, you are an absolute bitch if you don't do the full Lunatic experience.

>> No.9224025





Hail to the king, baby.

>> No.9224029
File: 480 KB, 688x488, 1633832000810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute, this actually looks good.

>> No.9224038

>nobody deathmatch
If you don't count fridays, then yep.

>> No.9224040

I mean that's id's excuse for removing deathmatches entirely from the latest stuff.

>> No.9224051

What's their excuse for removing map making and modding support?

>> No.9224056

Nobody really used their shitty mapping by numbers crap.

>> No.9224058

I'm usually critical of bugs and dislike some "legacy" mechanics like auto aim.
But that last bit is retarded. Tall monsters were a known challenge of the game, it's pretty obvious by the map designs. No shit is "broken" for utilising the game's mechanics.

It's so ingrained into the game that removing it is a big step away from Doom for most people, like 3D levels. Which is fine, it's okay to enjoy standalone ZDoom games.

>> No.9224064

You couldn't make maps for actual vanilla Doom without having it always in mind, it was a fundamental part of how the game worked.

>> No.9224072
File: 8 KB, 64x128, PANEL5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just throwing the idea out there. You know how in Doom there are textures of pictures here and there like in Panel 5? Well, I was thinking, could you use one of those AI picture generating websites to create custom pictures for wall textures like in panel 5? What about wall textures?

>> No.9224073
File: 606 KB, 1610x1199, example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I think it'd be doable. These are my first two attempts at it too in pic related

>> No.9224081

People were trying this some months back for texture generation, dunno what came of it.

>> No.9224083
File: 5 KB, 64x128, PANEL5 - replacement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copy pasting over panel 5's picture right quick.

>> No.9224090
File: 11 KB, 64x128, изображение_2022-09-01_043644119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use bilinear compression method to avoid sharp pixel edges.

>> No.9224092
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>> No.9224094

I like mine better because I made it

>> No.9224102
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Shoulda used this for HFFM

>> No.9224103
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>> No.9224113

holy shit i was thinking back to nostalgia of going through megawads like alien vendetta with the weird call of duty mod on zandronum

decided to look up and see if new versions of it were made and the guy is still going and even wants to put tarkov into doom


>> No.9224115

Holy shit is that the RGA3 guy?

>> No.9224140

kek that's the same mod that has "girlfriend" options.

>> No.9224149

When it comes to Doom, moddb feels like this weird isolated satellite community full of weird shit. The Island of Misfit WADs, if you will.

>> No.9224154

It kind of is, lot of edits of mods that are either "hey lets smoosh about twenty fucking mods into Lithium and call it it's own thing" and a handful of genuinely interesting things hiding on there.

Not a random example either: https://www.moddb.com/mods/lithium-heat

>> No.9224163

Looks good.
I'm seeing that they've replaced one of the casino's name to another less "offensive"

>> No.9224176

>I'm seeing that they've replaced one of the casino's name to another less "offensive"
You just knew something like that would happen with all the busybodies kicking about.

>> No.9224186
File: 155 KB, 512x512, rsz2_demon_fucker_permit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother

>> No.9224195

i'm actually playing Halo.

gotta make use of that MCC somehow...

>> No.9224196


>> No.9224203

Duke's casino has ALWAYS been called 'The Lady Killer' and that name is right on the trailers, you dickcheese!

>> No.9224207
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Actually "The Plantation" was supposed to be the name of the wrestling ring, while the building it's in is supposed to be "Booty Island." So the former is definitely still in the game. I know this cus I'm a member of the Discord server the dev team created and I know for a fact they do not go for revisionist/PC bullshit, especially considering they're all smart enough to know that DNF is not endorsing anything political, and ergo the naming of "The Plantation" isn't meant to be taken seriously like the rest of the game at all.

I do wonder why it was called that, however....

>> No.9224213

>ad mortem
more like fag mortem lmao

>> No.9224241
File: 587 KB, 1590x925, Builder_xJlHu1Eo8Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, this is the closest I've come to finishing this map, I think. See if I'm wrong! Vanilla Doom 2, complevel 2, target port PRBoom or DSDA or what have you, it's just a silly ol' Doom map. I want to move on and make more...


>> No.9224306


>> No.9224312 [DELETED] 

LOL! uhhh based?

>> No.9224347
File: 81 KB, 1605x1549, aaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finish writing webnovel chapter about protagonist successfully negotiating with a sapient ant colony that communicates through writing out words with their bodies, offering to kill a different colony for them in exchange for their help in escaping a chasm
>pop open babel for testing and chillaxing
>realize I am a fucking retard and my revenant auto-offset adjust code has a massive failure case
>have to redo it like I did for the arachnotron
>code is also still awful
I'm going to lose my fucking miiiind I thought I was almost done AAAAAAAAAA
I was gonna release it tonight but now I need to do this AAAAAAAA

>> No.9224379

i played 1 and some of 2 and didn't like it, though i do love halo and it taught me gyro aim (i can't stand aim assist).

>> No.9224389

ur novel sounds kino anon
where can one read it

>> No.9224412
File: 1.29 MB, 3200x1800, Behold my testing area.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this kino is about ~112 chapters ahead of the current release, so it's not so kino yet. At the moment our protagonist is eating bugs in a prison cell to regain his bullshit powers so he can bust out and take revenge on the fucker who inadvertently put him there by trying to murder him and nearly succeeding and, worse that that, injured his pride (that he totally doesn't have according to him, probably). It's complicated. Also that's a run-on sentence but idgaf since it's 4chan.
It's on Royal Road but I'm not gonna shill it by name. However, let's say it's ranked around ~2800 on the site, isn't a LitRPG, and started in March. Yes I know those numbers are meh but I don't care, it's fun to write.
Also I'm going to fucking lose my mind trying to make a hitscan do the thing I want it to do, fuck. It's like, 95% accurate but still fails at the edge cases because technically a projectile isn't perfectly thin like a hitscan, so I've gotta figure out how to adjust it to run along the upper line of the trajectory and AAAAAA

>> No.9224421
File: 300 KB, 720x1128, Mondo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my "/vr/ Mondo Project" submission.


Mondo Anon please acknowledge.

>> No.9224459

There's an ALEPH One remake of PiD. Seemed decent enough for the bit I played.

>> No.9224463

I've checked that out too, but I wanna do it right, with all the extra windows and such.

>> No.9224471

Play 2 and Infinity, Marathon 1 is a slog, they all are but 1's levels can fuck off.
Why would you do this to yourself, Pathways into Darkness is fucking awful.

>> No.9224481

>1's levels can fuck off.
t. man who did not purchase the cheap colony ship

>> No.9224485
File: 1.26 MB, 3200x1800, Screenshot_Doom_20220901_012559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just had this motherfucking thing draw me a line to try to figure out why it wasn't working and I don't even know anymore man.
I hate correct offsets so much but they look so good AAAA

>> No.9224502

I wonder if there are people who played only Infinity.

>> No.9224506

How accurate is Raze for Duke?
I know it's based on GZdoom so I'm a bit worried, I'm more familiar with nBlood and that thing is great compared to DOS version.
I've only played eDuke and it was pretty janky but accurate from what I've heard.

>> No.9224519
File: 2.89 MB, 640x360, UMMAFOOKINGENIUSCUNT.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy FUCK this took way too long and uses way too many magic numbers. However, the Revenant can now very, very accurately tell if it should shoot at you from shoulder height or not, preventing exploit-y bullshit. You don't want to see the code for this (but I'm gonna post it anyway so someone better at ZS than be can recoil in disgust)

>> No.9224535
File: 81 KB, 1404x1427, don't try this at home kids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's times like this that I like having a 4k monitor. The top of this file also now reads:
>Please, for the love of whatever deity or power you respect, do not attempt to replicate the coding stunts in this actor.
>I am a professional (read: trained moron) and it is my job to make hacks like this for enterprise-level software.
>I do not condone the following code, in fact I hate it, but it works, so I'm keeping it.

>> No.9224548

Isn't it RedNukem in a wrapper?

>> No.9224605

> quake nowhere to be found
Good, like it's supposed to be.

>> No.9224660
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>bullshit saving playing sunlust
>harder cyberdemon
>spider vendetta
>oh revenants imagine
>remaster chainsaw
>literally boobie

>>damage high, thought little

Strong like bull, smart like tractor

>> No.9224707

No. RedNukem is just special fork of Eduke that can play Duke64 and Redneck Rampage. Raze is like Gzdoom for Build Games.

>> No.9224717
File: 641 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20220901_023246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Square Wave shot for the Space Hunter's rifle came out better than I hoped. I don't have footage for all this just yet though.

>> No.9224719

Strong like tractor smart like hay bale.

>> No.9224721
File: 487 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20220901_023308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and from the side

>> No.9224736
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The primary fire too, the idea here is the pulse travels out, stops and then arcs out electricity. The zaps can spread to nearby enemies and they flip the fuck out while they're being shocked. It's pretty goddamn funny.

>> No.9224761

>spider vendetta
alternate universe alien vendetta full of arachnotrons and masterminds

>> No.9224797

thinking about how much cooler inferno would've been if warrens was the opening map and the base difficulty for the episode instead of hell keep
i appreciate the sheer hostility in inferno's level design, but it feels like sandy wasn't willing or able to commit to it on the combat side, and the end result was just annoying instead of challenging
he came out swinging with some of the toughest maps in doom 2, so it was probably inexperience and time constraints more than anything else

>> No.9224801
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hoh damn! I was wondering about the restoration. Its looking real goood
and >>9224207 is also reassuring. Everything's comin up milhouse!

>> No.9224805

I know you can use arrays in QuakeC on FTEQCC, but can you use them just the same as regular C or are there still limitations?

>> No.9224810
File: 1.32 MB, 480x480, destiny 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Pathways with the Aleph One port for the first time a few weeks ago and had a horrible amount of fucking fun.

The puzzles weren't too bad either besides figuring out how to pass the invincible green oozes and it deserves a lot more credit than it gets, which was basically at nothing anyways.

>> No.9224868

Infinite monster height is not a bug, that is intentional. Otherwise I agree. There's a few levels which actually depend on the spec hits overflow, but those are very, very rare, and there's internal exemptions for stuff like that.

I don't agree that this outright breaks maps. It gives the player SOME advantages SOME of the time, while giving monsters their own advantages in return. A group of Cacos or a Pain Elemental is now free to traverse above a group of Imp and Pinkies on the ground, so they're not held back like in Vanilla, in return the player could potentially flee by running on top of the ground monsters and moving underneath.

It goes both ways, and I can only think of one official level where it would actually break progression. I don't consider just deviating from the Vanilla gameplay as outright BREAKING levels, to me, jumping to bypass things is something that would break levels.

>> No.9224887
File: 253 KB, 375x173, WHEN IT'S DONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

94 Protons Of /vr/
For those interested, go for broke! From August 11th to September 12th

MegaUpload: https://mega.nz/folder/z9ZVEAJJ#t4IEL6VGFY7tBBMIEOKXUA
>Proton Pack (fixed some textures and added a few more)
>PROTDECO16 (patch for testing your levels in GzDoom)
>94SplatDefault, 94SplatNC-HUD
>A collection of optional MIDIs for mappers to use.
Please stake a claim on a MIDI you've settled on so that we don't get doubles, also, you are not restricted to the MIDIs in the folder, feel free to use one you sourced/made yourself.
If the assets update, I'll reply to this post stating so.

Special slots:
>E1 Boss Level, x2 Paratamizers as a finale: Claimed (?)
>E2 Boss Level: Discuss
Are you interested in making an E2 boss level, do you have anything special in mind, or would you be ok with a modified Icon Of Sin battle?

>Optional Hunted style map: Unclaimed
We could have up to two of these if there's the interest for it. Feel free to be playful with the concept of an Arch-Vile labyrinth.

>Large city battle level akin to Odyssey Of Noises: Discuss
One suggestion for a larger city level was that we all take turns designing parts for it. How would we best go about this?

>Secret slaughter map, ala Go 2 It: Discuss
Multiple ideas has been suggested. One cool idea was to use an existing /vr/ map as a base and slaughterifying it, is anyone interested in this, and do they have further suggestions for a suitable candidate? Someone else suggested another approach, mind that we could have two secret slaughter maps if we wanted to.

Current Submissions: 17 Maps!

To Do:
>M_DOOM (something styled after Plutonium in the periodic table)
>Interpics (optionally one per episode)
>E2 Boss
>E3 Boss
>Super Shotgun
>Possibly rework the Death Exit effects somehow

WANTED: 3D Modeler, one who can do weapon stuff, one which can do monsters.

>> No.9224893

But i don't feel like playing Hexen in space...

>> No.9224905

btsx e2's map31 is the only slaughtermap in the mapsets officially offered in the official unity port, right? I wonder how it runs

>> No.9225013

there's also go 2 it (plutonia is in the port)

>> No.9225021
File: 57 KB, 640x770, 1654112755504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting so much effort into secrets I know the two people who play my map will never find
there's no sadder realisation than this

>> No.9225042
File: 947 KB, 1065x681, 1651286515101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just saw this
as much as I loved voxel doom, I hope someone goes through the trouble of doing the same for gzdoom using voxel doom's assets.

i promise to find ALL your secrets when you release your map here, anon...

>> No.9225046

>i promise to find ALL your secrets when you release your map here, anon...
daw thanks man, I'll go all out for them

>> No.9225062

>tfw you regress into an unga bunga caveman brainlet when it comes finding secrets in Doom and any other game

>> No.9225067

you guys find secrets? i just check doomwiki or uv-max playthroughs

>> No.9225068
File: 7 KB, 179x225, 1637731803919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much this
I can spot different wall textures and hidden passageways underneath stairs but any secret that requires more critical thinking than that just shuts my brain off

>> No.9225075

I missed one behind a waterfall in Hedon. Literal negative IQ moment.

>> No.9225097
File: 283 KB, 130x60, DOOM-6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually does. And their FAQ addresses all the bullshit rumors.
Hopefully they don't fuck it up. But where Manhattan project tossed in a tranny joke, I know for a fact they won't get that close to the edge with this project. Though tbf I don't remember 3D doing that either.
Pic unrelated. Was just browsing gifcities earlier and found it.

>> No.9225104

I just stick with whichever I find naturally, through random wall checks and noticing odd details.
100% a level feels good, but I never feel like I'm missing out if I don't. It's rare as fuck that anyone puts some fun Easter egg in a secret and not just some ammo/armor.

>> No.9225128

>build the Ripper in DRLA
Now this is chainsawing

>> No.9225159

I check every waterfall in video games now after playing so many, but in Doom and whatnot I can only spot misaligned textures or super obvious secret placements. Otherwise I have to circle the room going "UGH, UGH, UGH, UGH." I like breaking shit to find secrets in other games though it can be too obvious sometimes.

>> No.9225165
File: 145 KB, 1441x491, hammerfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These hammers frustrate me. They don't look right.

>> No.9225186

>a distinctive old school look
This does it for me, now I’m sold on voxels.

>> No.9225216
File: 367 KB, 1085x810, Doom Slayer Formerly Guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright which is your favorite main campaign Doom 1 level?

>> No.9225219

>It's rare as fuck that anyone puts some fun Easter egg in a secret and not just some ammo/armor.
probably something along the lines of "it damages the integrity of my serious megawad"
which is a shame because video games are meant to be fun and silly goofy easter eggs are pretty fun

>> No.9225230

E2M2 forever.
>finally get to it through Consolation Prize
>it’s barely half of what it was on PC

>> No.9225241
File: 31 KB, 264x392, 1658279021170923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unholy Cathedral, of course

>> No.9225243
File: 15 KB, 377x207, logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The /vr/ Mondo Project is a rip-off of the Doomworld Mega Project series. The purpose of the project to encourage creativity and bolster /vr/ as a mapping and modding community.
- Submit as times as you would like by the end of 2022. Updates are allowed.
- Any kind of playable custom content for any DOOM IWAD is considered a valid submission. Maps, gameplay mods, etc.
- Include the phrase "/vr/ Mondo Project" with your submission so that I can find them all.

The submissions will be compiled into a zip with each submission given its own folder. Please include a txt with some information about how to play your submission and credits for any resources used.
I will be reposting this at the start of each new month. Please do not add this project to the news post.

Acknowledged. That was a fun episode, thanks for submitting. Submission count is now up to 5.

>> No.9225245

What's a good Doom source port for someone that doesn't like Doom?

>> No.9225247


>> No.9225250

Chocolate Strife.

>> No.9225251


>> No.9225262


>> No.9225272
File: 152 KB, 1920x1080, image_2022-09-01_111622208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll be swiss cheese!

>> No.9225274
File: 3.23 MB, 2400x1200, 1620221913652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Main campaign Doom 1 level
The first three, E1M1, E1M2 and E1M3 are my favorites. Brief, to the point but memorable breezes.

>> No.9225293

Look at how they're handled on other FPS gun sprites.

>> No.9225294

I don't have any comparable examples to look at. These hammers were based on the one from my revolver sprite, but it doesn't look right here.

>> No.9225296


>> No.9225302

Hold on a minute....

>> No.9225315

i actually really like this map

>> No.9225325
File: 288 KB, 2507x2141, IMG_20220901_183551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a few reference shots from my russian boomerstick. Please excuse the shitty cellphone quality.

>> No.9225330
File: 7 KB, 567x357, Screenshot from 2022-09-01 18-55-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brain is giving out, what kind of encounter would fit this kind of room layout?

>> No.9225334

>what kind of encounter would fit this kind of room layout?

>> No.9225336

i am not reshaping the room into a penis.

>> No.9225338

When in doubt, chase the player around with more revenants than they can quickly kill.

>> No.9225337

Which one? The big rectangle? Or the smaller rectangle?

>> No.9225339

Top right kind of looks like one, left looks like a hand, judging from the location the hand is being inserted into a cavity.

>> No.9225341
File: 18 KB, 590x269, Screenshot from 2022-09-01 19-00-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can throw me shape and cover ideas too man, i have spent a lot of time over-designing the previous areas, and my brain is mush.
i already did that, pic related.

>> No.9225347

Which direction are you coming from and where are you going?

>> No.9225350

coming from the center teleporter, the upper rooms will give you a key which unlocks the final unconnected one.

>> No.9225359

Berserk+Inv+Room full of Barons and maybe a Cyber. Works better if the player hasn't picked up any high-tier weapons yet.

>> No.9225361

Wasn't this exact encounter in tricks and traps?

>> No.9225364 [SPOILER] 
File: 135 KB, 467x730, 166197307735843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HL1's monster design was pretty cool.

>> No.9225365

Did it have a berserk? I can't remember.

>> No.9225383

>Acknowledged. That was a fun episode, thanks for submitting. Submission count is now up to 5.
thnx and u bet.

>> No.9225389

are we including the xbox, ps1, gba and the jaguar levels?

>> No.9225430
File: 433 KB, 1600x900, arwop_roman3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay now that I'm done with ARWOP, I could ask for a direction what to try-out next on the menu after an intermission of sorts
The first reply will decide:

>> No.9225462
File: 197 KB, 919x498, Screenshot from 2022-09-01 20-03-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what became of the room so far boys, the three stooges are mancubi.

>> No.9225472

looks good

>> No.9225490
File: 236 KB, 1280x720, 1662056325119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9225496
File: 95 KB, 315x400, 1653738528246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9225506

Gonna stone you to death

>> No.9225510
File: 39 KB, 963x600, j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9225529

Not cold but I want all the snow so I can know all the comfy

>> No.9225531
File: 160 KB, 640x618, 1661877104960868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible in MBF21/DEHEXTRA to have a pocket Archvile jump weapon like in Jumpwad, but without the self-damage?

>> No.9225532

dredd doom is still wip, so what if there was a strontium dog doom?

>> No.9225539
File: 2 KB, 64x128, VR PC texture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

editing textures is harder than I thought it'd be, these darn 64 X 128 pixel limits are crazy maaaan

>> No.9225545

You can go wider. Taller would work with different degree of success.

>> No.9225549

Oh damn, dude, that's pretty helpful, maybe I can just draw all new hammers with this, proper side-hammers! Thank you so very much!

>> No.9225554

You're welcome. Hammer shotguns are sexy as fuck and I'd love to see it come out pretty.

>> No.9225558
File: 4 KB, 64x128, 1662057166697411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9225559

I'm using paint since its the first custom texture I've done so I think my capabilities are a bit limited.
I'm trying to keep it in the normal pixel limit since I'm not ready to jump into super modding shit yet.

>> No.9225561


>> No.9225563

foiled again

>> No.9225570
File: 74 KB, 1006x760, image lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I doing wrong here? I'm trying to write a UMAPINFO for No End In Sight so that you can access the bonus map from E4M6's secret exit, but it just refuses to work for some reason

>> No.9225573
File: 115 KB, 800x611, bisexual_lighting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if Carmack and Romero did not broke up?
You can never truly destroy their love.

>> No.9225574

>MAP: E1M0

>> No.9225581

go with Wicked. then Masque, if you haven't played it yet.
leave Nyar for leftovers, it's too gimmicky.

>> No.9225584

who wouldve guessed that a mere 25 years later, they would be advocating for trans rights

>> No.9225585

how'd you put pictures over the box ?
pretty plz, i'm not good at texture art

>> No.9225590 [DELETED] 

>DOOM 1: a classic because there was nothing else like it at the time. a literal stone wheel that only endures in popularity thanks to pop culture (you might call it the Grateful Dead of video games), and mods made by severely autistic individuals who felt totally fine playing one of the most barebones shooters in existence for 30 years. also every enemy has a visible protruding anus for no reason at all.
>DOOM 2: literally a glorified expansion pack for the first game but with a few more monsters and way shittier levels, and a new weapon that makes every other weapon pointless
>Quake: DOOM except with no demon anuses and better music, except the weapons all suck ass and the monsters are shit and boring and take forever to kill with basic ammo
>Quake 2: Quake 1 with DOOM weapons and aesthetics, but for some reason it just isn't fun to play
>Quake 3: multiplayer only Quake 2 with better weapons except this time you fight lesbian alien women and R.A. Salvatore talks to you through text
>DOOM 3: Quake 2 but takes place in a metal box and somehow everything became even more boring
>Quake 4: DOOM 3.5
it's a travesty of life that actual good shooters like marathon and timesplitters have been relegated to the tomb while this shit retard company has managed to survive on tech demos made by freaks and literal transexuals, all because thin-haired gen x losers grew up listening to metallica and playing doom on their dad's PC and can't let go of the past. has there even been a more overrated company than this fucking turducken?

>> No.9225592

Something Wicked is good, very nice verticality there. Never played Nya-thing.

>> No.9225603

First of all, for the love of god, acquire and familiarize yourself with something better than Paint. Look up Paint dot net, Krita, or LibreSprite, all free and better suited for this sort of thing.

>> No.9225607 [DELETED] 

>>and a new weapon that makes every other weapon pointless
lol lmao, the rest of your post is just as silly.

>> No.9225614 [DELETED] 

>lol lmao
the mark of the defeated

>> No.9225615

alright, thanks for the info

>> No.9225618 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 192x282, 1530714491073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Romero been particularly outspoken on troon stuff? Because I'm thinking (having no real knowledge on what he tweets) that he's just doing the generic half hearted "trans rights" tweet shit because the social pressure is on.

Shit post, also no one cared about Marathon which is why it got relegated into the tomb.
Timesplitters was alright for a console shooter of the time but people are really overselling it.
Shit post.

>> No.9225623 [DELETED] 

yeah i hear hillary clinton has been personally emailing romero telling him he needs to shout trans rights on his streams or they're going to put him guantanamo bay. youre gay btw.

>> No.9225624 [DELETED] 

I'll just assume your a faggot,

>> No.9225626 [DELETED] 

It makes sense for romero to support trans stuff tho. Hes a weirdo (in a good way).

>> No.9225628 [DELETED] 
File: 189 KB, 533x400, 1637448386596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you literally 12 years old?
Because you're painfully childish even for this website.

>> No.9225629 [DELETED] 

sucks you didnt read the post, i clearly stated that doom was the best game ever and anyone who wouldnt want to read a post about doom is really gay

>> No.9225631

>Half Life M16s
I’m not the biggest fan of the HD updates and I love the MP5 with the grenade attachment, but it does seem weird to give to a bunch of soldiers like this. I’m entirely illiterate when it comes to these tactical details, but having them go in with assault rifles does seem more fitting.

>> No.9225636 [DELETED] 

are you mentally 12? youve been playing a shitty 2.5D shooter for 30 years bro. wake up.

>> No.9225638 [DELETED] 

I didnt ask

>> No.9225639 [DELETED] 

ask what?

>> No.9225641


I like the sound of the m16 a lot, its more bad ass than the mp5. But HL enemies are such bullet sponges I fucking hate playing on hard.

I guess custom difficulty can be made with some tweaking.

I guess the original idea was small portable ( silent?)submachine gun since we are just shooting a couple of nerds and security officers.

>> No.9225643
File: 2.07 MB, 2560x1440, gzdoom_2022_09_01_21_11_46_694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoever made this map deserves to die of testicle cancer.
like, fuck you and fuck your mother that shat you out of her STD infested arsehole that godforsaken day.

>> No.9225646 [DELETED] 

whoa there, easy reddit

>> No.9225648

The mp5 makes sense given the indoor environment. what wouldhave made more sense though would have been Colt Commando

>> No.9225650
File: 280 KB, 2560x1440, gzdoom_2022_09_01_21_06_05_456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy my arse.
fuck this nigger shit.
why in every fucking community project there has to be a literal cancer troll map and the idiots in charge fucking allow it?

>> No.9225654

>love Hexen, played it regularly since I was 3, my favourite game of all time probably
>never had a Mac, never heard of Marathon
>find out about it thanks to an anon who posted a .webm here about a year ago or so (it was from 1, with the Security Officer shooting grenades out of the assault rifle from a room overlooking another one filled with lava)
>find out about Aleph One
>play all games and fall in love with all three of them
>playing through Rubicon X now
But yeah, I guess there's some esoteric connection between Hexen and Marathon since they both tickle the same part of my brain.

>> No.9225657

Then again the m16 also makes sense, since in everything else the soldiers are pretty armed to the teeth and are there fuck up some aliens if needed.

One of the things I loved about HL. Not only HL soldiers have that villain charisma, they are not portrayed as complete idiots. They win a lot of the fights in the game against armored aliens.

Also the original idea by gman was exactly using human military power to attack the borderworld, Freeman was just a incident.

At least its one of the theories.
I would just give the HECU m16s, and suppressed mp5s to the black ops if Hl ever got remade properly in the old engine.

>> No.9225672 [DELETED] 

I'm >>9225654 and the reason I never heard of Marathon is because it was Mac exclusive you nonce.
Tl;dr you're a faggot

>> No.9225673

The thing is they didnt know what they were up against so they brought 9mm guns to deal with scientists and guards. Thats why i suggest the colt commando or any more compact version of a 5.56 rifle.

>> No.9225684 [DELETED] 

LMAO jannies pin this

>> No.9225686 [DELETED] 

>the reason I never heard of Marathon is because reason

>> No.9225697
File: 151 KB, 963x1200, 1620229555304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The M16s make more sense because it's been the standard service rifle of the Marine Corps but maybe in the end the devs chose mp5 because they wanted the pistol and the full auto gun to share the same ammo.

An Mp5 with a grenade launcher is kinda dumb and an M16+203 with a heat shield looks sexy as hell.

It's a videogame so obsessing too much over whether it "makes tactical sense" or not is a bit odd lol.

>> No.9225702

>Has Romero been particularly outspoken on troon stuff? Because I'm thinking (having no real knowledge on what he tweets) that he's just doing the generic half hearted "trans rights" tweet shit because the social pressure is on.
Showed up to some virtue signaling stream that was virtue signaling off the back of virtue signaling to do his own.

ZDoom tried to do a "thank you romero" E1-style trans mapping project and it fucking died on it's arse.

>> No.9225703

9mm MP5s makes sense because they're going to be shooting things in really volatile environments. You probably don't want to accidentally overpenetrate while inside some top secret high tech lab and cause more mayhem.
Of course that would make sense if they didn't have underbarrel grenade launchers, but I'm not going to dock points for that because the MP5 with a grenade launcher is awesome.

>> No.9225715

>It's a videogame so obsessing too much over whether it "makes tactical sense" or not is a bit odd lol.
Yeah, it’s just that in hindsight it seems…dinky (?) for them to bring submachine guns. Giving the “get in thurr marines” soldiers M16s and MP5s to the black ops/sneakier soldiers as >>9225657 suggested is a hair more fitting. Still love the MP5s tho so my deal is nowhere near broken.

>> No.9225716
File: 43 KB, 297x209, MP5_GL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An Mp5 with a grenade launcher is kinda dumb
Dumb and kinda awesome at the same time. I mean, motherfucking Ahnold used the same gun in End of Days.

>> No.9225717

>Mac exclusive
Durandal was released on PC as well.

>> No.9225721 [DELETED] 

The Windows version of M2 had level differences that I can't seem to find a comprehensive list of, could anyone help with that?

>> No.9225725
File: 396 KB, 1920x1080, Watching u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's watching.

>> No.9225730
File: 22 KB, 650x231, M4_m203_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently according to imfdb its not even a m16 its a colt 727 which is like a Colt Commando

>> No.9225738
File: 165 KB, 775x1198, 71BoEQbBBqL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the difference between these 2 releases?

there is 13 pages difference and the cover is slightly so different

>> No.9225739
File: 165 KB, 600x583, 8fqhlabedjc91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anything happening?

>> No.9225741

He must be arguing about mouse aiming.

>> No.9225748

Zero interest, Sigil wasn't really remarkable beyond who made it and I don't see a point in tossing him off for old time's sake.

>> No.9225750
File: 95 KB, 1674x987, releaseme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strife is what Marathon could have been.

>> No.9225752

No, not even close to what marathon does and i like strife.

>> No.9225753

Would love a HECU mod game where you play as a cardboard sniper. Killing aliens and nerds.

>> No.9225756
File: 46 KB, 360x780, elea547c74188f6ff83efaacc243615a837af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scan be genuinely interesting if eh gets the right people to make the game, and use his aesthetic ideas.

>> No.9225760 [DELETED] 

nice wolfenstein erasure, shitlord

>> No.9225768

Daikatana reference goes here.
Otherwise, I just want Sigil 2.

>> No.9225772
File: 247 KB, 840x851, 513-5132648_photo-hl-op4-hecu-robotgrunt-zps479e4808-photobucket-hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean they eventually bring tanks, artillery, fucking aircraft, its all out WAR.

A good idea woudl be as I said give black ops supressed mp5s and pistols. Give all the soldiers from we got hostile normal not supressed mp5s.

And all soldiers from surface tension onwards have m16 and the great opfor heavy machinegun.

Also have some units near the end with experimental power armor that resembles the german version, give love to everything.

>> No.9225775 [DELETED] 

can you faggots shut the fuck up about your playground tier army man what-if babble? holy fucking shit, lose your virginity

>> No.9225778
File: 108 KB, 256x198, RomeroDeez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This mancubus... has no dick!

>> No.9225779

is there any strife-like mod for marathon?

>> No.9225780 [DELETED] 


>> No.9225782 [DELETED] 

i hope you die a painful death you baby-brained genetic waste

>> No.9225784

>Also have some units near the end with experimental power armor that resembles the german version, give love to everything.
This would make no sense, since they pull out of black mesa once shit gets too hot

>> No.9225787

Nigga youre on a thread about doom and old fps games you have no room to talk

>> No.9225790

I hope whatever is wrong with you you get over it anon.

Fair point. I apologize. Maybe a cameo as a black Mesa made robot or something. Dissembled.

>> No.9225791
File: 11 KB, 476x411, 1661775239647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Report and hide. Why are you people so insistent on responding to bait and stupid posters? He's not even smart enough to use proper capitalization, don't even bother.

>> No.9225794

>schizo gets butthurt because his bait thread got deleted

>> No.9225796


>> No.9225803 [DELETED] 


>> No.9225805 [DELETED] 

>i'm a faggot so you must be too
>bespeckled nerd devolves into using nigger lingo when insecure

>> No.9225808 [DELETED] 

>capitalization is tied to intelligence
holy reddit

>> No.9225809 [DELETED] 

fr bruh no cap

>> No.9225813 [DELETED] 

>regurgitates insults from other people
yep, that's Reddit™

>> No.9225815

>Colt Commando

The Colt Commando sound in max payne 1 and 2 must be one of the most satisfying gun sounds in games ever. Its a bit metallic.

>> No.9225819

>if eh gets the right people
I'm sure Romero will do it right, after all he's a cool guy; eh makes video games and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.9225838
File: 204 KB, 2560x1080, yer fond of me.....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad luck to kill a lost soul

>> No.9225859

At least switch to Paint.NET or something. Also note that width of even vanilla was going as far as 256 (But it needs to be power of 2)

>> No.9225868

yeah I've switched, another anon recommended it as well so I've installed it, thank you either way

>> No.9225870

*starts jacking off to a soulsphere*

>> No.9225890
File: 8 KB, 298x169, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may be an extremely dumb question but: how do I restart maps in raze? I'm playing a blood mod and if i write map whatever in the console it just goes to the regular game's map.

>> No.9225896 [DELETED] 

use your thumb to masturbate your butt

>> No.9225898

Does Raze have a listmaps command like GZDoom?

>> No.9225916

> some esoteric connection between Hexen and Marathon
Hexen has a clear connection with every first-person game that includes where-the-hell-should-I-go mechanics, Metroid Prime for example.

>> No.9225917

Utter shit?

>> No.9225928

I think I remember seeing this guy's engine in the duke4 forums (I think). I thought that it was just some neat stuff added to the build engine, but looks like he added and changed enough stuff to be considered a proper, individual engine.

>> No.9225978

yeah but anything similar to idclev i tried and didn't work either

>> No.9225984

wait i didn't read that properly. i am half awake
i will check for that

>> No.9226007

Is there a stigma for otherwise unnoteworthy maps that use features such as 3D floors, portals, etc? I always felt like there was, but I've never asked.

>> No.9226010

3d floors reguarly fuck up in coop online as players suddenly bug thru the floors as the engine gets confused trying to figure out who is where and players wind up stuck in lava instead of on the bridge but thats kinda of an niche case I guess

>> No.9226014

There's a stigma for people going overboard on advanced port features in an attempt to cover up a total lack of mapping fundamentals. It's part of why people recommend Boom format as a starting point. If you're just an amateur clearly trying to learn though, it doesn't really matter what advanced ports/features you use.
I'm pretty sure he meant actual 3D floors, not Vanilla-style fake bridges.

>> No.9226024

My bad, my knowledge of doom mapping is pretty basic so I only experienced stuff like 3d floors and slopes on a mouth breather level.

I agree that fundamentals are important, making a good map is less about having intricate details and 'cool shit thats neven been done before' or whatever, if the map lacks good flow people will get tired of wandering around lost and nothing kills interest in a map like that, unless you're the type that loves getting stuck or something.

>> No.9226027

By unnoteworthy I mean something from someone that typically only does community wads.

>> No.9226053

Just because you're an unknown mapper doesn't mean your map is inherently unnoteworthy. If it's good it's good, no matter who made it, or what port it targets.

>> No.9226187
File: 6 KB, 250x200, 1659084555317270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These features by themselves are neither good or bad. They're tools that unfortunately get misused a lot. As the other Anon said, good fundamentals are what matter in the end. A well thought out combat encounter will make your map fun to play twenty years from now.

The ZDoom community is they're more concerned with Doom on a technical level. That's why you see extensive modding projects on there, but you rarely ever see impressive ZDoom maps. I guess one way to put it is they ask how, not why.

>> No.9226189

could be cool if his recent DOOM levels are anything to go by, but it could go really bad if not done right.

>> No.9226243

The thing is, I feel like you need to be a cacoward winning mapper to actually justify the use of advanced source port features, despite how easy they are to actually implement. Nobody wants to play Generic Techbase #9495: now with 3D floors!

>> No.9226248
File: 1012 KB, 1000x1000, 1640795682649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it funny that noob mappers here are anxious as fuck about their first projects
and then some based retard goes and uploads shit like this to idgames

>> No.9226251

Counter-example I played recently: That one map in DUMP 2 by the Eevee furry with the portals and stuff. Very fun, interesting use of the features, wouldn't have felt as smooth if it just used normal teleporters.

>> No.9226257

I'm not a noob mapper, not by any means, it's just something that I've been thinking about since my first map back in 2015, which was very much "ok, I have UDMF, do everything".

>> No.9226273
File: 124 KB, 321x1024, 1650350104152m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D floors are good as a means to do some more advanced texturing on a basic beginner friendly level or some very light landscaping like a small bridge, many beginner maps make the mistake of making big combat arenas or (trying) to make non-euyclidian landscapes with them without even having a grasp on dooms scales for map making, also:
>mapping doom for your awesome 3D level idea and not just quake
inevitably this leads to a excessively large 3D floor / s where either the player or the enemies on top of them cannot even attack because they lack proper line of sight / firing capability.
it takes a conscientious beginner to step back from these impulses and ask questions like "how can I tip the player off where to go" and while this may result in a more run of the mill map, it instills the skills and experience to make better, more experimental maps down the line when the mapper is better acquaintanted with concepts of scale, flow and posses the technical know how.

>> No.9226289

DBP51: Deadly Ritual is out now!

>> No.9226290

This has been on my mind recently. If you're making a map for a ZDoom format, I'm expecting you to go all-in on its features. I don't want to play KDiTD with slopes, I want to play something of the same caliber of Ashes 2063 or Elementalism. And like others have said, using these features while keeping the map >fun is pretty hard, and it's how we end up with garbage like DTS-T. When a mapper does manage to pull it off, the results are quite beautiful.
Ah sweet right on cue.

>> No.9226303

heh, based retard. I like that.

>> No.9226304

>that one map that mogs all the other maps in the megawad and is the only reason the megawad is even remembered today
what's her name?

>> No.9226306

Misri Halek and the Mucus Flow I guess?
I find both of them grossly overrated desu

>> No.9226309

They can be misused to cover up/compensate for a map, or at least it has been perceived that way. In the early days of ZDoom mapping, there was a lot of stuff where people were eager to just shove in new features here and there, even if they didn't really add anything to a level, even if maybe they were a poor addition, and then a bunch of effort being put into stuff like fancy 3D floors when the map is actually not that good.

It's honestly just that like with Vanilla and Boom maps, you should know mapping fundamentals and actually have a plan for the gameplay, simply don't rely on GzDoom features like a crutch, in the same way you shouldn't rely on Boom features like a crutch. Don't throw in stuff like 3D bridges and structures just for the hell of it, put that stuff in because you think you can make something good with it.

>> No.9226321

How different would your opinion be if 3D floors were a Boom feature? Keep in mind, 3D floors were a feature in ports dating back to late 90s early 2000s, well within the time frame of Boom's original development.

>> No.9226390

I like bilinear filtering in some games

>> No.9226393

Its needed in half life

>> No.9226403
File: 31 KB, 371x371, steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, in games where the ground textures are clearly just massive multicolor pixels, it's pretty obvious that the artist intent there is to have linear filtering take care of the work and blend them together. The pixels look too harsh otherwise.

>> No.9226408

It's ok in games where it was developed with it in mind but on sprites? It's fucking hideous.

>> No.9226412

Nice. You gotta start somewhere, I just haven't uploaded any of my first stuff to idgames.

>> No.9226421
File: 2.75 MB, 1920x1080, UE 30341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unreal and Half Life from then on, I filter. Quake 2 and before, I don't. I'm on the fence about Thief.

>> No.9226425
File: 44 KB, 640x400, kart0227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than KartMP, Juicebox and Slipstream, these are some mods you should have a look at:

The main things you want from this one are the alternate scoreboard, the vote and restat commands for players, and, apparently, better stability (every server I know uses it). There are also other commands you can try playing with.
This saves stats from the server such as player wins and track records and adds a permanent ranking with ELO, which would be cool, even more if you posted the results as a spreadsheet occasionally.

As for the first three I mentioned, Juicebox makes many changes to make the game faster and less annoying, and it tries specially to give players at the back a chance at catching up with the frontrunners, which would be good for beginners. It's also explained here: https://hyuu.cc/j/
For KartMP, see the picture for a good starting config; I also recommend turning battleaccel on, and haste if not using Juicebox at the same time. And the difference between Slipstream and Pisstream is that the latter, in addition to the drafting mechanic, also adds boost stacking. In vanilla, only the strongest/longest speed boost can be active at one time. With this, boosts from shoes, pads and drifts can all stack and be applied at the same time, making things much faster and also more intuitive. You can decide if you already want to use it over normal Slipstream (or neither).

>> No.9226430

Some mods I DON'T recommend using are:
Hornmod: they cause file size and RAM bloat and are annoying.
Funny deaths: little point in using them together with Juicebox, and the particles can become excessive and cause frame drops if there are many players.
Acrobatics/Acrobasics: gay, changes the balance more than it seems, and if you don't use the new mechanics you're at a disadvantage.

You can still try these mods if you want to. If you go to the in-game server browser (in moe/1.3), join Karts R Us for a popular server that uses all three to see them in action.

>> No.9226443


>> No.9226461
File: 1.81 MB, 1920x1080, q2_0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you replicate the devastator but its more OP than the original gun.

>> No.9226481

Yes, they do indeed have until the year 2003 or 2004 typically ordered games with combat intemperate to have most if not all characters in video games sold in their nation to be turned into robots. Especially console games.

>> No.9226487

>tim die
bit rude

>> No.9226494

He invented death.

>> No.9226515
File: 544 KB, 1600x900, 2750570-11110135_10153309503037090_7488964444823163651_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you could say that my invention was a little, ehrm, Ih-IMPRESSIVE! Mua-ha-ha!

>> No.9226545
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x720, THICCC.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After committing my daily crime against programming, I did some more testing of Babel and did this for no reason.
I'm really just paranoid about releasing it the update at this point because I keep finding shit that needs touching up.

>> No.9226546
File: 67 KB, 250x250, 1631382723837.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9226554

Those thick laser streaks are sex.

>> No.9226559

>I'm really just paranoid about releasing it the update at this point because I keep finding shit that needs touching up.
Do it, you wiener

>> No.9226572
File: 898 KB, 1200x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DEHACKs your SS nazi
>DEHACKs your keen

>> No.9226574
File: 2.75 MB, 1920x1080, Pointy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can totally customize it to basically do anything with the sprites so long as it's moving a group of them of a certain size along a straight line with a scale gradient across them.
I'll do it I swear, I just need to quadruple check everything again and then cry when I find another issue.

>> No.9226586

Well, it currently looks like the lasers are coming from under the gun because of how wide they are, maybe they could be thinner for the first short bit of travel, or outright invisible?

>> No.9226591

Yes (sort of) and yes, depending on configuration

>> No.9226592

I think it's a detail worth adding, then it'd make that raygun perfect.

>> No.9226594
File: 2.70 MB, 1920x1080, Nonmeme.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be clear, this is me fucking around. The actual tracers on default settings look like they do in this hastily-recorded webm

>> No.9226596 [DELETED] 

this is gay. mods were a mistake.

>> No.9226597

Huh, those extra thicc rays were kinda cool though.

Shut up, whore.

>> No.9226604 [DELETED] 

>Shut up, whore.
says the one simping for a fat fag making brutal doom tier D2 mods. make sure to rinse after gargling that chode so your breath doesnt smell during your shift at carl'a jrs tomorrow.

>> No.9226606

You can absolutely make them look like that with just a few sliders. If Hiromoot wasn't a gay fag and actually let me put a video up to like 10MB or something I'd webm this, but instead you get it on catbox.

>> No.9226614

lol loser

>> No.9226617

Oooh, granular, that feeds into my autism.

>> No.9226620

dudes, i finally get the TimeofDeath vibe. I just played one of those crazy high maps that slowly opens more and more, and pushes infinite height into your face from the first second. I had a long day at work and just blasted shit while it blasted me. i kindof want to make a youtube channel where I just max ToD maps

someone tell me their ToD story

>> No.9226625

You could always just call it a beta and get people to give you more testing and feedback to figure shit out.

>> No.9226626

Yeah I mean they were all just internal but then I made them less internal. There's also a page (in the beginning of that video) that you can click to reset them one by one in case you fuck up.
Honestly, in a more practical way, it's useful for converting them into beam-like visuals for those who don't like the tapered tail style. Beams are also a bit more highly visible.

>> No.9226631

Yeah I did that a while ago but now I'm kinda trying to make sure it's not fucked before I dump it out. Like, it's fine, mostly, but there's shit that I notice sometimes and go "well that needs more polish" like the revenant aim adjust and that leads to huge rabbitholes of work. What I really want to avoid is releasing a billion tiny updates as I fix shit, because THAT is annoying.

>> No.9226657 [DELETED] 

>a laser gun going pew pew is brutal doom tier
Dilate harder twittertroon

>> No.9226667

>I am a professional (read: trained moron) and it is my job to make hacks like this for enterprise-level software.
I read somewhere on /g/ that enterprise rewards those who can pump out functional code at high speed but didn't think it would somehow become relevant thinking about it here kek

>> No.9226669

"Functional" is a much looser definition than you would probably expect. It's less "mechanic puts the part in your car and does the bare minimum" and more "my crazy uncle welded in a lawnmower part over here to get my car to start".

>> No.9226671 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry but I think that anyone who can be against something that's completely optional that you have to voluntarily download and only affects your game or the people you play with who also voluntarily downloaded it are absolutely fucking retards who need to be removed from the gene pool. Your post is included in this. Mods aren't a mistake, you were.

>> No.9226673

You'd be surprised how much shit is a tower of duct tape.

>> No.9226674

I'd say Tumblr, but that was more a tower of dried jizz tissues.

>> No.9226676

Demonic Hordes

>> No.9226684
File: 2.72 MB, 1280x720, yd33ry - [00.00-00.41].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just dum

>> No.9226686

I would ree at my encoder for not being able to VP9 without melting my CPU if I wasn't so impressed. God damn.

>> No.9226691
File: 702 KB, 946x708, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this is the settings I use. I didn't do anything fancy, just used the mpv webm script which makes making webms super quick and ez

>> No.9226694
File: 79 KB, 2150x950, wfr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fug is that? I have this piece of garbage

>> No.9226702

I used to use that but mpv is just quicker as you can watch the video and just press a hotkey if you want to make a webm of a certain part.

>> No.9226707
File: 151 KB, 270x278, 0EED843B-2677-458E-B330-5F01EB3B3581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Recreates all of Wolf3D in Doom, then creates like 10 other mission packs in the same year
>Creates Artic Wolf, a wad that gets remade like 4 times and inspired Wolfenstein mods for decades
>Also creates a one man movie studio so out there he gets an entire Vice Documentary out of it.

Name a single more chad and prolific Doom Modder (spoilers you cant)

>> No.9226709

The dev of Project MSX.

>> No.9226719

MSX or MSFix'd?

>> No.9226723
File: 95 KB, 337x380, UAC! I'M COMING TO KILL YOU! ON MARS AT YOUR TECHBASE! NOT IN HELL, IN REAL LIFE!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit fuck I did it, here you go, if I spend any longer tweaking this I'm going to go mad.
Huge changelog posted to the devlog section if you really wanna read that shit.
3 files included
The mod
The mod but I took out the titlemap and titlemap music
Just the monsters.
Please use at least GZDoom 4.2, tested and works on the latest as well though. Shouldn't be any version locking unless Graf decides to blow up menus again or some shit. Bear in mind that anything but the monsters-only version is a FULL MOD so it'll probably break if you use it on a map with custom player classes. Custom content like monsters usually doesn't blow up, but they obviously won't have anything to use to interface with the fear/sync systems.
Tell me how broken it is in the comments of that page or here, and have fun. There is a significant nonzero chance that I fucked this up really badly and something is broken, just so you know.
>>9223978 I guess I should quote the news post.

>> No.9226725

MSFix'd dev deserves some points for doing what he did. But the actual dev of MSX was a goddamn enigma.
>Dev comes out of nowhere
>High end productions for a Doom mod at the time
>Well done model ripped sprites with solid animations
>Gameplay design and overall tech that rivals even Zscript mods nowadays
>Just a good fucking mod all around, super punches are cool as fuck
>Dev just vanishes without a trace

>> No.9226728

Nice work on the trailer. Short, sweet, and punchy.

>> No.9226734

It took so long that I'm dreading making the other video where I explain all the mechanics. Good god I was not made to edit videos.

>> No.9226737

Ijon Tichy, dude's an ACS warlock, does fucking incredible shit and pretty much just operates in the background, doing his own thing.

I vaguely remember it doing stuff like pushing you upwards to simulate a jump before shit had proper jumping.

>> No.9226740
File: 82 KB, 750x1000, Jacked up Dakka Guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ijon's a good pick too. I've stolen a lot of good ideas from his mods. I got nothing but respect for that crazy bastard.

>> No.9226741


>> No.9226751

Mark unironically could have been bigger and better if he wasn't such an egotistical fag.
>made what is still the most popular mod with normalfags
>got interviews with mainstream media over it
>not a fat fuck or an introverted sperglord
Problem is that he can't code for fuck, can't keep his mouth shut when it comes to hot opinions on things, and has an ego about as fragile as a glass spiderweb. Such a waste.
As much as I'm not a fan of the majority of his shit, Term does kinda qualify too, specifically for being ridiculously prolific.

>> No.9226753

He's making his own games now so I guess it turned out ok for him.

I'm fine with him really, he got a lot of people into Doom modding that wouldn't be here otherwise and practically every popular mod is a pile of crimes against scripting if you look under the hood.

>> No.9226756

>practically every popular mod is a pile of crimes against scripting if you look under the hood
Not to the degree of brutal doom. Seriously it's on a whole other level, even today. There's a reason only the insane and the incomprehensibly autistic make mods of it.

>> No.9226768

Nice work on the itch-io page. Gonna update now and give it a whirl.

>> No.9226770

When everything breaks in half, remember to tell me so I can help you unbreak it or fix it on my end :^)

>> No.9226775
File: 296 KB, 1440x900, Screenshot_Doom_20220902_055249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW I still sometimes go back to the older builds of Dakka just because there's something neat about them.

>> No.9226779

One is newer than the other

>> No.9226781

What is it with people demonstrating shit in MAP01s yard?

>> No.9226782

I mean, there’s literally like 100 Brutal Doom derivatives on Moddb and the ZDoom forums alone. To a point it’s literally a meme there.

Even now some of those derivatives get millions of views on YouTube. Dude left a hell of a legacy.


>> No.9226790
File: 1.14 MB, 720x360, MAKE WAY FOR THE GIANT BLUE LASER DILDO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy to get to. Just boot the game up, mash enter, noclip, hold S and D for a bit and you're there.

>> No.9226793

Need a pacifist server that's just the yard.

>> No.9226797

I'll have it fixed in 5 minutes

>> No.9226805
File: 3 KB, 400x517, STFDEAD0 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, fixed, fucking shit man. I tested the WRONG VERSION OF THE PK3 before uploading like a god damned idiot.

>> No.9226815
File: 42 KB, 192x192, 1660597562684.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In more detail, a good example of synchronization is Imps.
shouldn't this be "are Imps"

>> No.9226818

Example is single, but the noun is plural. Honestly, I dunno. Grammarly didn't flag it so I left it.

>> No.9226821

I changed it to "a group of imps" because you know what, that was kinda clunky.
I literally write as a hobby and my English is this fucking bad holy shit end me

>> No.9226823
File: 166 KB, 384x256, 1661751315474.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all good man, you did bring up a good point. Writing is hard.

>> No.9226828
File: 107 KB, 2177x1593, less horrible but still awful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been churning out about 7000 words per day for almost three weeks now in an effort to finish up a big chunk before the currently releasing one finishes (so I have time to edit proper), and I think my hands are going to fall off. That, in addition to writing confluence docs for literal retards I work with who can't use a computer.
But hey, somehow I finished this up and I don't think it's overly fucked, so that's good.
I even managed to make pic related out of the absolute horror I posted last night which is way more readable.

>> No.9226830

Laz unironically was very prolific for his time, one of the really notable people of Wolfenstein modding in the 90s and early 2000s, and even some with Doom, porting some of his adventures to that engine.
Apparently he happened to fall on some really hard times right before coof happened (something about getting scammed out of payment for a bunch of work he did), I really hope he's doing ok.

>> No.9226851

I seriously think that Mark is good at mapping, and I would love to see him do a short episode of like MBF21 levels.

>> No.9226852

Genuinely he is, he has a great grasp of flow and detail. I have no idea why he doesn't map more often.

>> No.9226858

Dude had a passion for his Wolf mods, the fact that stuff like Artic Wolf still gets updated and remade in every source port shows his impact. Hell, I think there’a even a GZDoom remaster of all his old levels released like 2 years ago

Gotta appreciate that commitment. Hope he does get back on his feet.

>> No.9226859

That got me thinking, who is the most prolific Doom Modder of all time?

>> No.9226861

I'm gonna cast my vote on Xaser.

>> No.9226873

I guess Xaser really has to be up there, he's done big projects in ZDoom as well as Vanilla, with contributions to both ZDoom projects and Vanilla projects, for a very long time. He hasn't been around the longest, but he's just been very prolific, stuff like Zen Dynamics alone was outright groundbreaking in the community.

I'm sure there's other guys in the same league, but my mind is blank right now, and the first guy said Xaser, and he's definitely a good example. Uh, I suppose also Scuba Steve, back when he was more active in actually making Doom stuff? Not on the same level, but he had his own TCs and projects in the 90s and 2000s, and did various contributions to projects like Twilight Warrior, which could very loosely be described like the Hideous Destructor of the 90s.

>> No.9226878

Any mirrors of Wolfenstein X: Hearts of Liberty by v0rpal? It was hosted on ModDB but it's apparently dead now. internetarchive was no help

>> No.9226883

Just beat death wish for the first time. I didnt find all secrets. But im pretty sure the author didnt put the voodoo doll in one time. I kinda like using it sometimes

>> No.9226887

How'd you like it? The way people talk of it makes it come off like Blood's own Plutonia.

>> No.9226891

Xaser doesn't feel like the right answer. I think Paul Corfiatis is a closer pick, I counted 7 megawads.

>> No.9226897

Has he made any gameplay mods before? Because that guy asked "who is the most prolific Doom Modder of all time?"
I'd put modders and map makers into two categories here.

>> No.9226902

Oh right, shit, you're right, he's been around a really long time doing vanilla stuff and music for ages. I guess Xaser came to mind just for his wide range.

>> No.9226903

I consider modders and mappers to be essentially the same thing. If there were to be a separation, I'd probably combine mappers and gameplay modders into one category and then have source port and software devs as another category.

>> No.9226907
File: 670 KB, 720x360, I must go, my planet needs me.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I consider modders and mappers to be essentially the same thing
I sure as hell don't lump myself in with mappers. I have no fucking clue what I'm doing with the map making tools.
I still struggle with doors.

>> No.9226908

Probably Cyb in my opinion. MassMouth and Void were well-known early ZDoom wads that I can think of that influenced many map designers using the port.

>> No.9226909

That shit is pretty easy to learn. You oughta try out making a Boom map or something, maybe not now, but some day in the future, if nothing else because it's valuable experience since I know you wanna make your own games from scratch.
See it as practice.

>> No.9226916

Door is simple. Set the ceiling height to the floor height. The lines of both doors need to be facing outwards. Then, mark both lines with DR Open Door (1). Then, tag the line 1, and the door sector 1.

Difficult part is making levels that are fun to play. It's hard to tell, because Doom itself is fun to play, if the map is bad, you'll still usually have fun with the innate mechanics of Doom. It's hard to tell if the map is elevating the fun or not.

>> No.9226918

On here everyone would love it and maps would be full of them. Lotsa Boomers have a hateboner for UDMF.

>> No.9226921

It was pretty good. I liked it. Beat it on lightly broiled. Id play it again. Used nblood. Found the secret levels in episode 2 only. Didnt look up secrets or nothing.

>> No.9226926

I've posted it before but if you'd like, I could post the unfinished map I was working on years ago. Once you get into the basement and kill the monsters down there, you've hit the end.
Make sure to shoot the trees


>> No.9226927

>anchor textures of the doors sides
>drag door bottom (roof) to ground
>cover door animation with either a second slim wall with a lowered roof or just lower the roof of the entire room to hide it
>assign line def action "door: generic" to door lines that should be facing oppositely outwards
>note door thickness is usually between 8 and 16 pixels
thats a formula for a basic door, you might enjoy checking out chubz doomer if you ever do want to get more into mapping

>> No.9226928
File: 31 KB, 1280x800, TITLEPIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9226940

How to play Duke 3D online? Aside from Steam editions

>> No.9226947

Best played with the YTP weapons mod imo

>> No.9226950



But I haven't used it since 2010 so idk if its still alive. Works for Blood too.

>> No.9226972
File: 1.74 MB, 1600x900, spasm0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SWTWC it is then . .
Gonna grab it later once the time comes, I need to mention how crazy SoE arena mode becomes when you download the Soul of Evil Reloaded mod - as it has an interesting tweak added to default Knight AI by ginving then a Rottie/Fiend styled jump-attack to spice things up, and was wondering if the VR-anon could try doing something with it for the possible v2.0
ClockTower will become super-nasty with those dudes getting revamped

>> No.9226974
File: 28 KB, 642x427, 94endoom1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an endoom. It's largely inspired by the endoom from plutonia 2. Feedback and suggestions are welcome.

>> No.9226990


actually, one is the uk release, the other is us

>> No.9226993

looks real cool, maybe add some darker gray or black scratches at the edges of the screen, on the lower half, to make it look a little bit deeper

>> No.9227051
File: 31 KB, 642x427, 94endoom2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't want to use dithering characters since they don't really work well with the half-cell characters I've used everywhere else, so unfortunately there aren't any darker greys. I tried it with black and I still think it works pretty well. This also gave me the idea to add bullet holes and make the whole thing more worn looking. Hopefully it doesn't effect readability.

>> No.9227070

Sweet bulletholes.

>> No.9227123
File: 84 KB, 320x200, 1635579752955.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey what's the option to remove the "steps" from scrolling ingame in dsda-doom? I mean the white text list on the right side of the screen, a new line appears whenever the PC does an action

>> No.9227125

That's a nice chaingunner.

>> No.9227165

If i had a berserk pack...i would fuck it

>> No.9227196

Please tell dear anon, what the fuck is this?

>> No.9227215

Basically all Community Chests.

>> No.9227242

>starts mapping at 1998, much before legendary giants like Erik Alm, Eternal or Xaser
>member of TeamTNT, the most known Doom mapping/modding of 90s
>participating on Zdoom projects at 00s
>at 10s makes 4 cacoward winning projects, which were biggest influence for new school of mappers and most acclaimed and known wads of the whole decade
>still 23 years later at top of his mapping game and creates one of the best and prettiest wads: Heartland, which is also first quality map pack for Eternity Engine

>> No.9227254

Besides Matthias Worch, Iikka Keranen, Pinchy and YukiRaven, what other known Doom mappers created Quake maps?

>> No.9227269

I just want a doom mod that enhances the original game. does that exist?
>punching the air doesn't wake up every demon in the world
>cacos, barons, hell knights bleed their respective blood color
>sprite fixes (filling holes in sprites)
>additional sprites (zombiemen now have the correct sprite when you see them from a 3/4 angle on different sides)

>> No.9227275

Smooth doom?

>> No.9227301

How old is skillsaw?

>> No.9227304

Well, I di-
>well known
ah nevermind

>> No.9227336

Doom 2 sprite fixing project will solve a chunk of these.

>> No.9227339
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, q2_0024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mod made by the new blood devs when they were Q2 modders many years ago.

>> No.9227342

amazing, this is what I was looking for, thanks.

>> No.9227343
File: 14 KB, 380x220, iTR5Nlk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sprite fix is shit. SHHHIIIIIT!

>> No.9227369

Yeah I like the original lost souls too, and >>9227269 can open it up in Slade to delete them if he doesn’t like them either.

>> No.9227384

Making the fists silent is totally possible in Decorate. I'm not sure if it's also doable in Dehacked/MBF21.

>> No.9227387

>Ducktales - Moon Theme

>> No.9227390

MBF21 has code pointers for silent weapons. If I ever start my MBF21 project back up, I plan on making the Fist silent for a jailbreak map.

>> No.9227392
File: 8 KB, 443x253, 1637201390643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ketsui doom when?

>> No.9227395

auger;zenith is funfunfunf

>> No.9227404

I think a silenced pistol would be cool and make the weapon have a small purpose rather than none at all. Maybe match the fire rate to the chaingun, and implement that reloading proof of concept that one anon made a while ago.

>> No.9227462

Ok bros
How the FUCK does decorate work? I just want my pistol to deal double damage.
I loaded the doom wad. I searched in SLADE for "weapon" "pistol" "decorate" "guns" "items" etc and I couldn't find shit.
I can figure out the rest. just point me in the direction. where the FUCK is the decorate file in the doom 2 base wad?

>> No.9227475

Decorate is a ZDoom feature, why the fuck would it have any relevant files in the iwads from 1993/1994?
Look in gzdoom.pk3 or zandronum.pk3

>> No.9227483

obviously, friend, I got my words mixed up. I meant "how the fuck fuck does slade work". and also if I had any idea what I was talking about, I wouldn't be asking in the first place.
but still thanks, I found it.

>> No.9227492

Slade's "decorate tool" is just a text editor.
you can open up notepad and write the code that you need there. Please consider consulting the ZDoom wiki for documentation, although bewarned that you'll be yelled at for not using zscript because of all the cultists in there saying it's "easier".
Look up how another mod does its weapons. Or follow the various guides that there are on youtube or online. I believe wildweasel had some site with tips on how to make decorate weapons, but i'm not sure if they're still around.

>> No.9227498

>map gives you the BFG
>next room is a cyberdemon fight
>sigh and press quicksave
>die a few times trying to pull off the bfg trick but manage to pull it off
>consider that the fight wouldve been more interesting if you weren't given the bfg
>but you still had to use it because 80 plasma for a cyberdemon is too convenient

anyone else know that feel?

>> No.9227502

Both the bfg and cyberdemons were a mistake.

>> No.9227503

Grammarfag here. That anon's grammar was correct because "is" affects "example" and not "imps." (The imps ARE the example, but the example IS good.)

>> No.9227516
File: 1.08 MB, 600x609, 1633090777829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that makes sense

>> No.9227547

>anyone else know that feel?
Yeah, a cyberdemon when your best weapon is a plasma rifle would be more interesting, or at least a few cyberdemons when you do have the BFG. It’s the same sadness you can get when playing Doom 2 where 99% of encounters aren’t worth using more than the super shotgun and the 1% gets drowned in all the rockets and cells you’ve been hoarding in the playthrough.

>> No.9227554
File: 63 KB, 736x400, Screenshot-Doom-20220611-224858.png.e53b4f5522e13072c13e442defe98457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that last part in the parentheses is actually pretty retarded, and I shouldn't have added it. But the other point stands.

>> No.9227576

>Running Extermination Day with DoomKrakken Monster pack and Doom Incarnate weapons
>Any time i kill the korax "boss" enemy the level is completed
I dont think thats how its supposed to go,but sure ill take it

>> No.9227605

Convenient place to get to for testing while being lazy enough to not use a proper test map.
I used to go the extra mile in being lazy and had an edited version with a teleporter to there that was just directly behind the spawn point.

>> No.9227609

I have no idea.

>> No.9227627

The AMC Squad Episode Four Trailer released

>> No.9227635


>> No.9227678

It's dead, Jim
Is there anything else?

>> No.9227679

>Daikatana weapons in Q2
KMQ2 has a functional Shockwave hidden in the debug mode

>> No.9227682

Is the Quake remaster good or should I bother with a sourceport? Also while I'm at it, Blood Fresh Supply is still abandoned, right?

>> No.9227713

Found a ledge-climbing mod a while back. It initially didn't work with High Noon Drifter so I thought it was because it was on 3.4.1 since it worked with mods on 4.7, so I didn't try anything else. But on a whim, I tried with Combined_Arms and GMOTA just now and they work. It turns out it was because I wasn't editing Basilissa to inherit from ClimbingPlayer too.

Finally I can climb as Corzo. Now to see about getting it to work with Wrath of Cronos.

>> No.9227720

if you've never played Quake - sure, it's alright, and the new episode is best played in it.
but it won't be able to run some mods and framerate has to be locked to 60fps for movement to be bearable.

>> No.9227721
File: 123 KB, 682x537, eeeeee5555555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, i have been playing a custom pk3 in GZDoom, & the pk3 has both bullet holes & blood decals disable (i can't see any bullet holes or blood on the wall when i shoot an enemy or when i shoot the wall), & i am trying to figure out how to re enable both.

This is the pk3 that i am referring to


I have been using Slade editor to look through the pk3, but i have no idea where the line that disables the bullet holes & blood decals could be.

I have looked through the decorate.txt to see if i could find it, but i have not seen any lines that mention disable the bullet holes & blood decals.

I am out of ideas & i also have my number of decals maxed out too, if anyone was wondering.

Any help would be appreciated

>> No.9227723

A real man would use the boomerang settings to grab themselves and pull themselves out of the map rather than use a mod to get places.

>> No.9227725
File: 361 KB, 1024x768, kmquake2_301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I recognize that weapon, that Russian Zelda schizo-mod snatched it for their disintegrator reskin (which is quite strange since it's nowhere to be found in-game, along with Zaero's sonic cannon)
Yes I did finally bothered finishing it up recently, but don't feel like shilling it anymore

>> No.9227734

/vr/ needs to play this and legacy one day, it is a wild trip on par with golden souls and sunder

>> No.9227742

Might be the puffs, I'd look at if it's replacing bulletpuff with anything.

>> No.9227749

It's your fault for quick saving.

>> No.9227782
File: 22 KB, 962x280, qqqqqqqqqqqqq222222222222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullet puffs seem normal, at least from what i can tell

>> No.9227814

what map?

>> No.9227831

No decaldef? Maybe it's fudging that one way or another?

>> No.9227837

also >keyconf
Not to do a Graf but who the fuck even uses that anymore?

>> No.9227842

>It turns out it was because I wasn't editing Basilissa to inherit from ClimbingPlayer too.

Nevermind, I'm a double idiot. This wasn't why and I still don't know why, but it's working now, so I don't care.

The fun part about this is getting to make a line in SNDINFO to make the character use one of their other sounds when climbing, to personalise it for every mod. In GMOTA I used the barrel pickup sounds for each character.

That's an interesting idea. I've only used that setting just to mess around. I thought you could only go up.

>> No.9227846
File: 69 KB, 899x941, haha yeah who uses it lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha yeah what kind of retarded faggot would use tha-
>oh right, I use it

>> No.9227853
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>> No.9227869
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>> No.9227881

Quakespasms are best source ports for Quake. Best way to play Quake imo. Howerer remaster is worth the price because of the new expansion Dimensions Of The Machine alone. It is that good. Quakespasm can play the expansion, but it misses some moving shadow effects that can be only done on the Remaster port atm.

Also you get remastered version of Terra (legendary single player episode by czg) with Quake Remaster. Remaster comes 2 really good extra maps including new very fun, sexy and challenging final map. You can't get the remaster from Quaddicted.

>> No.9227904

It's fine for classes and stuff but the motherfuckers who still use it for weapon bindings are the bane of my existence.

>> No.9227921

I recall seeing something about ANIMDEFS hacks to disable decals on the page for Consolation Prize, maybe check that file and see if you can make heads or tails of it.

>> No.9227930

>That's an interesting idea. I've only used that setting just to mess around. I thought you could only go up.
Stealing a video from this one nerd, where we're going, we don't need roads.

>> No.9227946

>Also while I'm at it, Blood Fresh Supply is still abandoned, right?
Correct. If you’ve been spoiled by its setting for custom cultist reaction times, you can look into a fork of Nblood called Not Blood and BuildGDX for difficulty setting customization.

>> No.9227954

Read it in her voice

>> No.9227959

Oh fuck I remember now, that shit had every fucking texture as an animated texture that flipped between the same sprite.

>> No.9227967

I am guessing the creator of the pk3 did this same animated wall thing.

That's some retarded shit.

>> No.9227976

Personally, I don't usually like decals, especially not the default crayon scribbles, but I just turn them off myself, I'd never bake my preference into a mod like that.

>> No.9227982

Looking at it, that appears to be exactly what he did.

>> No.9227983

Fuuck! That's really nice! Thank you for your contribution!

>> No.9228016

It's just fucking weird to do it that way, there's less messy ways than having a bloated to fuck animdef, especially if they've already got custom puffs and stuff to shove nodecal and noblooddecals on.

>> No.9228026

Replace ANIMDEFS with this
And add
>decal "BulletChip"
to the bullet puff actor. That seemed to enable decals for me. No idea why the decal needs to be re-added, but it does.

>> No.9228038

Spiked is working on that now that the source code is out.

>> No.9228090
File: 3.04 MB, 500x390, 1642544990492.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you actually got the blood & bullet holes to work.

I appreciate you helping me, thank you.

>> No.9228095

If you want rocket explosion stuff and enemy attack decals you'll have to add those back in too, probably.

>> No.9228138
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x720, arthur3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone recommend any good shadow warrior user maps? loads of absolute trash seems commonplace

>> No.9228148
File: 2.24 MB, 1366x768, 2022-09-02 20-47-50.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casing being projectiles will never not amuse me.

>> No.9228162

Oh hey I recognize those bullet chips!
Fun fact, casings also inherit your momentum, so if you run forward, shoot, eject, then stop you can launch them pretty far.

>> No.9228185
File: 2.59 MB, 1920x1080, Momentum.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I already had a webm of this sitting around but I guess not, so I made one. The whole reason I made this feature was actually to stop casings from looking weird when you're moving around at high speed, but it's also just pretty neat in general. Also applies to bullet casings, really it was the chaingun's absolute hailstorm of casings that was the main target of the visual issues.

>> No.9228193
File: 113 KB, 640x480, 3b05a8a83aa4c2faed3bc8964395eddfa1cfedb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be Doom modders in 3022

>> No.9228208

Listen. I appreciate your work. But for the love of Christ fix the aspect ratio of your hud.

>> No.9228213

I once did a very lazy and stupid sort of e-tank system for ammo/health/armor that for reasons I still don't understand, would fire the excess pickups off as projectiles around you in random directions.

I don't know what I was on that night, it broke me when it managed to trigger secrets and shit.

>> No.9228219
File: 167 KB, 800x1000, doomsmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that? You want me to keep using the same settings forever and never change them? Are you sure?
I usually use the alt hud but I had it set up like this for some SBARINFO stuff that I eded up axing, then I just left it.

>> No.9228223
File: 701 KB, 680x501, 1644943884822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question (no pun intended) but would anyone be interested in a Serious Sam classic mapping project sometime in the future? There wouldn't be anything too special about it, just make a map that's playable. The real purpose would be for /vr/ anons to get a taste of mapping in the wonderful Serious Editor and have fun with it. Although learning how to work with SED is a big enough challenge as is. Be prepared for lots of jank and experimenting with the editor because there aren't that many tutorials out there.
This would be a long project for sure because creating serious sam maps can take a while (on top of learning the engine). No doom speed mapping here!

>> No.9228230

Why the FUCK is GZDooms default config so fucking trash

>> No.9228236

Graf thinks it's modern, expected and it's what he likes.

>> No.9228241


>> No.9228250
File: 1.02 MB, 3200x1800, Screenshot_Doom_20220902_141356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you I checked the box to preserve aspect ratio. Then I took this screenshot and re-enabled the alt hud.

>> No.9228251

Wait how the hell do you set up mpv to make webms like that? and on a GUI too?
I've just been using ffmpeg on the command line with a script.

>> No.9228254

The default bloodsplatters are kinda meh, but the bulletholes I think are adequate enough, considering they have to work on a wide variety of surfaces. I like the BFG decal a lot.

>> No.9228272


>> No.9228289
File: 999 KB, 3200x1800, Screenshot_Doom_20220902_142401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.9228296
File: 721 KB, 3200x1800, MOAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9228306
File: 1.74 MB, 3204x1860, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9228314
File: 320 KB, 1150x643, rrrrrrrrrtttttttttttttttttttt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep i got those working too, i manually added them from GZdooms decaldef.txt to Triton_II.pk3's decorate.txt

>> No.9228318


>> No.9228326

Now THIS is doom!

>> No.9228328
File: 241 KB, 3200x1800, Screenshot_Doom_20220902_142401 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it, I increased the scale

>> No.9228331
File: 60 KB, 808x832, ghghghghghghghghhg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9228336

why did they kill the serious sam forums?

>> No.9228348

I am now tempted to do a maximum statusbar hud where the game is played where the face ought to be.

>> No.9228351
File: 2.36 MB, 2560x1440, gzdoom_2022_09_01_20_53_30_355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recommend me some good campaign high detailed map only megawads for Doom 2
why dont the mappers make more campaign structured megawads anyway?
like, with some kind of proper feeling of progression techbase > infested techbase > hell
its always a random bunch of abstract maps that have no connection between one another
the Extermination Day campaign megawad is the only one that comes close to what Im looking for but I can only make it work with brutal doom, instead I want one that is map only and vanilla enemies so I can run my favourite gameplay and monster replacement mods with it

>> No.9228356

Here's a hud idea for you fellas, entire game is played in Doomguy's eye reflection.

>> No.9228357


>> No.9228360

This was the only map i've played that was any good.

>> No.9228364

Was there ever any validity to Doomguys face looking in the direction of enemy sounds or was that all BS?

>> No.9228365
File: 779 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20220902_213728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to die.

>> No.9228368

Going Down has that sense of progression, for the most part.

>> No.9228372

Does Trenchbroom actually work for HL1 these days? The changelog implies it can read the map format at least.

>> No.9228383
File: 133 KB, 1000x1000, g3 brass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should see how a G3 rifle ejects spent casings, that can go as far as 10ft, I could see it actually damaging a stained glass window.

>> No.9228391

>giant ass medal things for using your weapons a lot
I guess Tapwave is still about then.

>> No.9228406

There's a vanilla version of EDay that you can run with basically anything. I've played it a bunch of times.

>> No.9228408

thanks, im familiar with that one though. got a folder with 100's in, but its pretty depressing trawling through it.. did find a couple of good ones but cannot remember their names

>> No.9228416

It doesnt work for me.
Gives me some kind of error I cant understand.

>> No.9228425

>those floating glass shards just spinning in the air
Gets me every time.

>> No.9228438

Screenshot or copy and post it.

>> No.9228439
File: 375 KB, 640x400, ultima underworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9228451

Pretty much this, or 3DO Doom but smaller, yeah.

>> No.9228456

Haven't you played Scythe 2, Valiant, Eviternity or Heartland?

>> No.9228459
File: 73 KB, 1253x517, Screenshot 2022-09-02 210548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont understand why it doesnt work
all other map only vanilla enemies megawads work even the ones with custom textures
this shit just refuses to work

>> No.9228476

I liked that more when it was called Lunatic.

>> No.9228481

I know exactly what that is. There's an American flag sprite in EDay that's just called FLAGA0, and if anything in any other mod uses FLAG in it's sprite names it'll fuck up. You need to change the name of the sprite and then change the actor to use the new sprite name.

>> No.9228482

You gotta include an arbitrary paper doll that updates based on your current powerups and pickups.

>> No.9228484

>like, with some kind of proper feeling of progression techbase > infested techbase > hell
I’m nearly done with Hellbound, it has a fun and gloomy take on this formula.

>> No.9228493

I wonder what happened to the DNF 2001 build restoration project and the drama surrounding it. How about he still missing 2002 Build?

>> No.9228514

Actually scratch that, it was FLAGM0. I changed it to AFLAM0.

So you'd open EDay up in SLADE, go into Sprites, Decorations, find FLAG, change it. Then go back out into the main directory and find the biggest Decorate text file, CTRL+F AmericanFlag, then change the sprite names under Spawn.

>> No.9228524

Why do I recognize that HUD and shotgun?

>> No.9228531
File: 385 KB, 1024x768, kmquake2_299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played thru his DoomedQ2 mod about 7 years ago and have both the sequel and the Plutonia addons downloaded and installed already, just need some time to get on with it - maybe after this years Halloween I'll do my thing again . . .

>> No.9228532

This is why when I was still assed about doing mods I burned a pair of letters to give sprites a prefix that probably wasn't going to fight with whatever the shit other people call their stuff.

Any sprite name that makes sense to use, makes sense to everybody else too.

>> No.9228536

The hud's one of the fifty thousand versions of Doomvisor.

>> No.9228581

There was an amusing issue I was having playing Ashes Weapons with Smooth Doom monsters. Revenants would seem to disappear during their pain state and I couldn't tell why at first. Turns out the Revenant was turning into a revolver because its painstate used the same name as the level 1 revolver pickup.

>> No.9228612

I had this with Smooth Doom Monsters and Trailblazer, shotgunguys were turning into a reload sprite for the shoutgun on their fire state.

>> No.9228650
File: 719 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20220902_225052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babel verdict: I like it a lot!

>> No.9228659

so it's 9, 27, 36 or 45 levels (with Sigil)?

>> No.9228676 [SPOILER] 
File: 819 KB, 845x810, whatsthat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's that?
>you're going to get doritos instead?
>really now
>you think you have the audacity to buy another brand of chips.
>you will regret that purchase

>> No.9228678

It’s great, one of my favorite “keepin’ it Doom mods” next to Hideous Destructor. My favorite “yeehaw fun” mods are Combined Arms, GMOTA, and High Noon Drifta. Need to check out La Tailor Girl sometime.

>> No.9228682

Whats the best way to make duke maps? And how do i learn? I downloaded mapster 32. Dragged duke3d grp into it. Now idk what to do.

I just wanna make a couple rooms and mess around. See what i can do bros

>> No.9228686

I cant save it because it gives me multiple entires error

>> No.9228697

>Need to check out La Tailor Girl sometime.
It's pretty great with a monster mod, if you can look past how fanservice-y it is, it's base premise is really fucking cool for switching up gameplay.

>> No.9228715

>It's pretty great with a monster mod, if you can look past how fanservice-y it is
That’s tolerable to fine, almost quaint and cute compared to some of the other stuff out there. Also looks like it has good gun sprites too, that’s a very important aspect for me.

>> No.9228726

Thanks, I'm glad you like it. I pretty much made it to be my ideal version of Doom, so it's great that other people enjoy it too.
>Hideous Destructor
It's funny because holy absolute fuck am I bad at HD, but I really do love what it does conceptually. I'd definitely play a full game made with the same general concept of "Basically ArmA/R6 tac shooter vs Demons with just enough wackiness to keep it fun".
I see it and Babel as kind of two different directions of the idea "How to make Doom harder but still Doom". One tries to be more realistic (with all the benefits and drawbacks), while the other doesn't so much care about that and instead attempts to magnify the existing power fantasy-like gameplay.

>> No.9228742

>I'd definitely play a full game made with the same general concept of "Basically ArmA/R6 tac shooter vs Demons with just enough wackiness to keep it fun".
Isn't that kinda what scavver's paradise is supposed to be?

>> No.9228757

>You can't get the remaster from Quaddicted.
Well, not from QA, but the remaster pulls the mods list from https://mods.silver.quakeapi.com/content.json
The Gamedir: and Download: fields are of interest.
tl;dr https://mods.silver.quakeapi.com/terra.pak and place it as terra/pak0.pak
So much for the obnoxious Bethesda account garbage.

>> No.9228761

>It's funny because holy absolute fuck am I bad at HD, but I really do love what it does conceptually. I'd definitely play a full game made with the same general concept of "Basically ArmA/R6 tac shooter vs Demons with just enough wackiness to keep it fun".
I too am fucking terrible at it, still a lot of fun with lots of training wheel options. I’m taking my time with this current playthrough after taking off the “no bleed/wounds” training wheels while minimizing my saves. I like the way this sucks.
>I see it and Babel as kind of two different directions of the idea "How to make Doom harder but still Doom". One tries to be more realistic (with all the benefits and drawbacks), while the other doesn't so much care about that and instead attempts to magnify the existing power fantasy-like gameplay.
Wow, words and thoughts taken right out of my head. Spooky.

>> No.9228776

I got pretty okay at it once I got better at the terrible inventory.

>> No.9228791

>terrible inventory
You think so? Express your thoughts if you’d like.

>> No.9228794

are the unity add ons worth playing?

>> No.9228797

They're good wads, but good wads you could already get elsewhere.

>> No.9228798

Like the Doom unity addons? Yeah they’re good, especially fucking Rekkr are you kidding me? That also got a standalone release so now I can say it’s one of the best FPS from the last decade.

>> No.9228813

>words and thoughts taken right out of my head. Spooky
I'm listening to your thoughts with the CIA microphones planted all over your room :^)
To expand on that though, I would postulate that HD's conceptualization went something like this
>How do I make Doom more engaging?
>Harder games are more engaging.
>How do I make Doom harder?
>Tac shooters are pretty hard.
>How can I make Doom a Tac shooter and not make it suck?
>Let's make Doomguy actually just a human, but also make the guns like real guns, then make demons have to conform to some semblance of physical laws.
>Then, everything dies pretty fast, and Doomguy's main advantage is sheer utility and brainpower.
>Well fuck this is fun but it plays like shit on a lot of maps.
>*Endless balance cycles*
Whereas Babel went more like
>You know, these new "boomer shooters" are kinda fun but they miss the spark of Doom
>Doom is also fun, but it's just a bit too easy at times
>How can I make Doom harder? If Doom came out in 2017, how would it play?
>Well, I guess it would have more aggressive enemies, and harder-hitting weapons
>Probably a bunch of other shit like altfires but those are gay so I'm not gonna do that
>I like the devils from Valiant, and how such a simple change can massively affect enemy threat level
>I like what I did with FKER's weapons but I can probably do it better
>You know, enemies are also more threatening when they all attack at once
>I bet I can make them do that on purpose
>Shit, now it's too much.
>You know what's cool? Making enemies run away from you. Can I do that?
>Yes I can.
>I can also make them do other things
>*endless tweaking* Well, now those two systems kinda balance each other out now
>I wonder how much polish I can slap on this

>> No.9228819

Revae and co done did a good job with it.

>> No.9228868

Well its not awful, I just prefer other types.

>> No.9228882

Well it sure ain’t no Ultima VII styled inventory management but I wouldn’t be opposed to it being better.

>> No.9228887


>> No.9228889

>punching the air doesn't wake up every demon in the world
Easy to do with ZDoom ports. No idea if DeHacked or MBF21 can do this.

>cacos, barons, hell knights bleed their respective blood color
The Crispy Doom and Woof source ports have this as a native option. It's also a very common change in ZDoom gameplay mods.

>sprite fixes (filling holes in sprites)
>additional sprites (zombiemen now have the correct sprite when you see them from a 3/4 angle on different sides)
Literally the Spritefixes project, put them in their respective autoload (there's one for each Doom iwad). This one actually makes a pretty significant visual difference, the animations are still the same, but things like incorrect offsets are fixed so that they don't look janky anymore. Doom's original animations are pretty smooth, but obfuscated by whoever put them in the .wad being too lazy to align them all properly. Also they fix stray pixel stuff, and also restore missing sprite rotations.

The Doom Sprite Fix Project is one I would recommend even to hardcore purists, because it's still the original graphics, just cleaned.

>> No.9228904

Nothing like taking the voxel stuff that looks pretty faithful for 3D stuff and then smooshing it in with a whole truckload of uncanny valley.

>> No.9228908

I should've probably stated in my post "open at own risk". I think raytraced doom looks... ok? But the neural upscaled sprites are horrific.

>> No.9228912

>No idea if DeHacked or MBF21 can do this.
MBF21 has a flag for silent weapons.

>> No.9228919

I think matt's goal was less making the game more engaging and more about recreating rainbow six 3 in doom, with the spare mods he's done before as a test like the babuin and pain elemetal stuff. It just sorta evolved into what it is now out of sheer perserverance and stubbornness

>> No.9228921

That's really weird because I know for a fact that I've played R63 and HD doesn't play at all like it as far as I remember.
It was a console version of R6 though, so maybe that has something to do with it.

>> No.9228926

Oh wait it was R6 Lockdown lmao, okay maybe I'm retarded. To be fair it's been almost 20 years.

>> No.9228940

R63 was more about the planning phase and covering every hole in your strategy than about the gunplay itself, specially in the final version with the bugged zero miliseconds reaction AI that wrecked everything on the hardest difficulty.
HD is a lot about planning fights before engaging proper, even if said planning is chucking a derp to camera your way around corners (in maps you haven't played before) or using the invis ring to adquire a better vantage point. The only thing similar in the sort of combat is how weapons become harder to use due to innacuracy of the user when hurt. When you use a wounded operator in R63, he can't run, he moves much more slowly, his aim is always as if he was standing and moving (ie massive cone of spread and no focus) and is constantly bleeding leaving a trail the enemy can follow.

>> No.9228949
File: 329 KB, 1920x1080, 2022-09-02-220501_1920x1080_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ribbiks why do you do these things
And when you do finally figure out the code, most likely by getting a hint from the doomworld thread, you'll discover you can't 100% the map anyway because getting hit by a cannonball even once locks you out of the final area.
That said I really enjoyed this wad (jumpwad) otherwise.

>> No.9228968

Played through Anomaly Report with the Unity port, just to try it out, and I really enjoyed it.

>> No.9228984

I finished playing that just today too, managed to miss most secrets like usual.

>> No.9229024

Only the 5 last maps are set on moon, and the episode is Lunatic reference for a reason. There is also Vanguard references. The 3 wads form kind of a trilogy.

>> No.9229035

I just installed Terra through Remaster, dig it from my hard drive's folders and then copypasted it to my Quakespasm folder.

>> No.9229052
File: 404 KB, 800x600, FRIDAY NIGHT FIREFIGHT 82 MOTHERFUCKERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FRIDAY NIGHT FIREFIGHT LIVES AGAIN! We're gonna be playing jditxe.wad tonight, a collection of classic deathmatch maps remade and touched up to the high standards of 2005 ZDaemon mapping, now GET JOINING

>> No.9229058

Probably Sverre Kvernmo. Also Dario Casali.

>> No.9229098

Go fuck yourself, the BFG is genius and the Cyberdemon is good if you use him right.

>> No.9229117

The only mistake here are your constant useless posts.

>> No.9229127
File: 788 KB, 1200x976, BAND.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like two different ends of the same spectrum: One goes to immense lengths to be balanced with tons of maps bearing in mind its gameplay considerations, while one is a nightmare with tons of maps but is almost offset with how busted the player and monsters can be. And they both feel like "Doom".

>> No.9229135
File: 136 KB, 680x678, 1462356672278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9229143

which was your first doom version not including source ports?

>> No.9229150

How i can figure out the name of a song if the map pack didnt came with a readme? Extermination day level 29 if anyone is curious,sounds like a religious chant

>> No.9229156
File: 3 KB, 285x305, 1559849308235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Doom through Win95. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing with the launcher as a kid so one of the very first maps I ever played was River Styx.

>> No.9229162

Doom 1 shareware disk

>> No.9229163

>He's not even smart enough to use proper capitalization
do you know here you are? no one use 'proper capitalization', it's not english class ffs.

>> No.9229168

Then try mine. They have that fix, disabled fall damage, fixed spelling and grammar errors, things like that. I also deleted the music that plays during boss fights because I didn't like them interrupting my jukeboxes. The vanilla one has halved health for bosses if you're using a lower-powered weapon set.

Normal: https://files.catbox.moe/0uq38j.zip
Vanilla: https://files.catbox.moe/l1e0ga.zip

>I like the way this sucks.

My first foray into HD I was thinking "I very much do not like the way this sucks, this is terrible." and then not too much longer after that "Okay wait a minute..."

>> No.9229185
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>do you know here you are? no one use 'proper capitalization'
has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.9229187

The old Xbox 360 Arcade port, don't know if that counts or not

>> No.9229189


>> No.9229190

DOS Doom 1 shareware.

>> No.9229193

Doom 1, Heretic, or Hexen but you fight as Greek Theban, Spartan, or Corinthian warrior who at the end of the first Episode, gets killed in an ambush by Persians, then after some time meets Charon the ferryman of the dead, who accepts his coinage put in his corpse's mouth by his closest relatives during his funeral, then has to fight off all kinds of demons and gorgons and such through the River Styx and beyond. The 2nd episode concludes with a fight with a giant Sisyphus, who throws rocks and Greek fire as ranged attacks.

>> No.9229208

hey anon, there's also a place called gitlab, you know? Honestly, more modders and devs need to stop kissing up to github so damn much

>> No.9229217

I didn't make it

>> No.9229235

The Doom 1 shareware flash port on Newgrounds

>> No.9229246

first one i ever owned was ps1 doom, first i ever played was sega genesis 32x doom

>> No.9229251

>Custom enemy raises a shield and become invulnerable to every kind of damage until its down
thats the most gay thing ever

>> No.9229256

You can blame Hexen for that one.

>> No.9229257
File: 15 KB, 351x359, ouchface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>custom enemy raises a shield then, if it takes enough damage, gets guard broken and flinches back for a whole second, taking double damage
It's so easy to do it properly too.
Also this

>> No.9229259

>if it takes enough damage
It shrugs off BFG shots

>> No.9229262

I think you need to realize that my post was a hypothetical enemy that is designed much better than the (probably) D4T enemy you're complaining about.

>> No.9229301

Is there a way to play Duke 3d on PC but with the new content that was added to the 64 version of the game?

The 64 version is what I played as a kid, but I don't want the shitty n64 controls or censored babes.

>> No.9229321

Strange. I feel like I've used it but I know I haven't.

>> No.9229326

meant to reply to >>9228536

>> No.9229327

Either Doom64 or SNES Doom. I forget. I was pretty young.

>> No.9229339

It's often bundled in with other mods, so I guess maybe you'd have seen it with something before not using it.

Also there's UDV which is, well, it's this thing.

>> No.9229369

Doom2 on 3 or 4 floppy diskettes, on a 486 with Win 3.1

>> No.9229382

Post the webm of the Revenant shooting out Chain Gunners

>> No.9229384

there's an N64 mod afaik
flash sharware version then dosbox, then i think crispy

>> No.9229403

Most likely on DOS, not sure if it was Doom or Doom 2. All I know is it's one of my earliest memories.

>> No.9229404

You can play actual n64 rom with pc controls (much like Doom 64 ex) with Rednukem, but there's also Eduke mod which identical to the n64 game.

>> No.9229412
File: 1.77 MB, 640x360, revenant.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9229424

Thank u fren

>> No.9229445

Fast monsters must be the worst with that

>> No.9229484

my dad had a floppy version of doom ii on the family macintosh sometime around 2000 - i beat the game with cheats at 3 years old but never played it legitimately until recently
had doom 3 when i was 6-7 which of course scared the shit out of me so i took a couple years to get around to beating it
resurrection of evil's boss fight corrupted my disc somehow

>> No.9229557

That shit is just tedious. At least in RTCW I can work around it.

>> No.9229559

Doom has always been a part of my life, my parents used shareware Doom on a 486 to aid in weaning me as an infant.
Most of my early Doom memories were with a CD version of Doom 2 on a Power Macintosh, but when I got my own computer, I would use the WAD from that CD with Doom 95.
In middle school, I often downloaded Freedoom and Doom Legacy to the school computers and played LAN games with friends instead of doing my schoolwork.
As corny as it is, Doom is like family to me.
Despite never playing it (at least on PC) as a kid, Shores of Hell is still my favorite episode of Doom 1.

>> No.9229612

Are there any boomer shooter mods with good plot? I mean, shooting demons is fun and all but I crave something more

>> No.9229615

The flavor text/lore shit inside of High Noon Drifter is pretty good.

>> No.9229649

Marathon and System Shock are with a shot.

>> No.9229653

>not including source ports?
Is Doom 95 a source port for this purpose?

>> No.9229654

DNF 2001?

>> No.9229660

yes, but it's official and not based on the linux doom source code so it doesn't count.

>> No.9229667

How about the soundpost where the revenant beats you to death with your own mugshot?

>> No.9229671
File: 2.79 MB, 1000x562, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fsfh8c3.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want Revenant posts? You'll get 'em.
Except you won't because I'm going to sleep.

>> No.9229685
File: 623 KB, 1920x1080, King Mancuripper[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F8ml68a.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9229691

I've always felt that for something to truly count as a "source port", it needs to be based on publicly available source code, and made by community volunteers.
Official ports are a separate category to me.

>> No.9229701

Revision to "The Other Dario" by Washing Machine Enthusiasts.

>removed untaggable secret
>fixed a monster that didn't spawn in
>fixed not being able to go down a staircase
>made an alternate way to reach the secret soulsphere and secret mega-armour (no arch-vile jump required, but still permanently missable if you dawdle)
>the surprise king boner at the end now spawns in when you raise the staircase to the exit, instead of popping up right in your face which could be an instakill if you got bad RNG or were playing on nightmare


>> No.9229735
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i turned the difficulty in daikatana down to normal solely so i didn't have to hear as many of these fucks buzzing at once

name a single enemy in any fps game ever that's more offensive to the senses

>> No.9229750

Also Demonsteele and Highway Acelleroid Booster, Term's really good at that shit.

>> No.9229781

This unironically could work as a new enemy type that's a revenant that shoots out drones shooting projectiles at you.

>> No.9229782

My favorite in Booster is the one for the All-Brake. It's not actually a time stop, it's a lot more scary.

>> No.9229858

The Side Passenger is also great.

Also I just love that Term left the mech as Big Steppy

>> No.9229914
File: 1.31 MB, 1024x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the first ever gameplay mod you tried
this one is mine

>> No.9229926

Not that version, but I don't remember which exactly.

>> No.9229940

Does the Aliens TC count?

>> No.9229997

Probably the DeHacked version of Immoral Conduct, downloading it by chance on ZDaemon oh so many years ago.

>> No.9230057


>> No.9230094

AeoD v6, probably. Or Simpsons Doom or something, but that's just cosmetic.

>> No.9230149

Action Doom 2, back in 2009-2012.
And I'm not old or anything, I was born in 2000, I just started early.

>> No.9230154

You should be using JACK for GoldSrc stuff anyways

>> No.9230176
File: 65 KB, 640x295, magazine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically BD back in early 2012 but ended up finding better gameplay mods to play not along after. Looked at it again some years ago, that shit certainly became a bloated monstrosity and should've just been one and done after its Cacoward.

>> No.9230185

Is this a photorealistic portrait of Sgt Mark IV?

>> No.9230189

Wasps in Shadow Warrior, when you are playing it without the mouse, are strong contenders

>> No.9230191

This, haven't touched doom for a decade, then Brutal Doom appeared.

>> No.9230197

nah, i was just a zoomie so i ran with the meme at first, though after taking a break and coming back, i ended up not liking BD as much (its still a fine mod, but nothing spectacular), so i just prefer stuff like DSDA.

>> No.9230241

I can't remember. It was way back in like, 08 or 09. I remember whatdafuck.wad and a weapons mod that gave you a boombox that played the chorus of Never Gonna Give You Up on loop as long as you held the fire button. It had infinite ammo and did AoE damage to everything.

>> No.9230242

I kinda like fighting wasps in Shadow Warrior without autoaim, you have to step back and get into a zen focus state to hit the fucker. Or use prophylactic means of lobbing a gas grenade or a rocket into the area you hear them in.

Idk if it's exactly a gameplay mod, but the first one I remember playing is that old Simpsons Doom mod.

>> No.9230282

Man, this map is such an experience.
I generally dislike this WAD because of how grindy and slaughtery it can get, but this is really, really cool.

>> No.9230336
File: 53 KB, 679x427, huuuuuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a religious chant
are you playing some modded version?

>> No.9230376

Somebody best bake a new thread, we're teetering on the edge here.

>> No.9230382

>game has wasps while all the enemies move like wasps
Might be another reason why it receives so little custom maps.

>> No.9230386

>Update Sep 01, 2022: Crispy Doom 5.12.0 is released!

>> No.9230408

the doom triple pack on newgrounds, circa 09. it had the shareware versions of doom 1, heretic, and i think hexen. fell in love after that

>> No.9230414

is doombuilder still the goto mapping tool? wanna get into making wads and maps, just for shiggles

>> No.9230415

You mean Ultimate Doom Builder? Yes, that's the one.

>> No.9230417

yeah, thats the one i mean. sick. thank you

>> No.9230463

You're welcome

>> No.9230523
File: 25 KB, 632x270, doomguy urban dictionary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9230530

Has anyone extracted the additions to the remaster to let us use it with Quakespasm or some other source port?

>> No.9230561
File: 792 KB, 220x124, aniki_sweat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you see Doomguy blow Master Chief's gay ass

>> No.9230604

Mine was probably the Army of Darkness TC or Doom 2 Extreme, can't remember any older than that.

>> No.9230641
File: 78 KB, 550x305, doom03.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9230642

Here's the models https://files.catbox.moe/5ei2j2.7z

>> No.9230653

It's always just for shiggles until you accidentally make a megawad with new weapons and monsters.

>> No.9230673

Link to new thread NOW!

>> No.9230690

It was either The Sky May Be, or the Aliens mod where when you killed a former human they screamed "Motherfucker!" I dont know if thats THE Aliens TC

>> No.9230701
File: 336 KB, 388x512, 1428297-Cyberdemon-DOOM-Goatse-animated-meme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what to do

>> No.9230715

New thread.

>> No.9231097
File: 111 KB, 1920x1080, image_2022-09-03_143309146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oi cheeky m8!