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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9222819 No.9222819 [Reply] [Original]

Always wanted to get into classic Dragonquest/Dragon Warrior games, but never really knew where to start or which versions of the games to play. I like the graphics/sound of the NES versions but do the SNES remakes have substantial gameplay improvements?

Like for example, FF1 on PS1 (Origins) is pretty much the same as the NES version but has a shitload of bug fixes and improvements that make it pretty much entirely superior to the NES version, gameplay-wise. Is there anything like that for classic DQ, or is it down to just preference of NES vs SNES aesthetics?

>> No.9222823
File: 3.80 MB, 3376x1440, dragonquest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you had to do was ask, anon-kun

>> No.9222827
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based and infopilled
thanks anon

>> No.9222836

Make your own decisions. Don't let the posters here sway you into one version or the other, because in the end, they all have their flaws.

>> No.9222838 [DELETED] 

What does this mean by "sometimes buggy fan translation" for 2 and 3? I know there's a lot of autism surrounding fan translations of JP games, and "buggy" is pretty vague.

>> No.9222840

What does this mean by "sometimes buggy fan translation" for 1 and 2? I know there's a lot of autism surrounding fan translations of JP games, and "buggy" is pretty vague.

>> No.9222853

You mean the SNES version? There's a small side-quest in 2 where you have to save one of your allies from a curse. The fan-translation causes the game to crash when it's triggered. I think it may have a fix now, but you may want to play the GBC version instead.

In general, the fan-translations for the SNES games are decades-old and have not seen any updates, so there's portions of bugged text and empty or untranslated dialogues scattered about. Not serious enough to make them unplayable, but simply annoying.

>> No.9222868

Depends on what graphics you like the most. I grew up with Gameboy Color and actually prefer DQ3 GBC to the more visually “busy” SNES version

>> No.9222876

I personally found that compared to the clean and precise look of 1&2, DQ3 for GBC is a muddy mess.

>> No.9222891

HD-2D version when

>> No.9222905

There's no point in playing DQ1 if you aren't going to play the original version. For such a rudimentary game you have to go hardcore and take the original experience in order to gain the historical value and understanding.

>> No.9223081

We've having this thread for the third time in like 2 weeks so if you check the vr archive you may find other answers

But in short, every single port/remake of DQ makes the game easier than their original versions. This is ALWAYS true, and the worse in that regard is the SNES version of 3.

Not much in the way of bugfixes though. If you're looking for a bugfree experience, there is a romhack of 3 that fixes a couple of bugs. And stay away from 2 on SNES and its fan translation because I got a really shitty bug when I played that (tiles in a dungeon didn't load properly so the bg was all messed up and I was constantly getting teleported out of the dungeon, that was near the end of the game though I managed to go through it anyway since I knew the place).

Then most ports/remake have extra content (except from 1/2 on SNES).

So it's up to you to see what you care the most. You seem like a good fella so just go with the original versions; THEN check out the ports/remakes if you like the games enough.

>> No.9223093
File: 9 KB, 256x239, Dragon Quest I & II (Japan) (patched)_028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get that bug/crash when I played; but I got that other one I just mentionned

This is quite a shame because the SNES version of 2 is one of the few remakes I actually really, really like. The graphical style is really charming and I like how they kept the overworld/dungeon backgrounds for battles like in 1.
Too bad it does make the game easier than the original though, though it's not as bad as other ports/remakes in that regard, the changes are pretty light.

>> No.9223106

I started DQ1 on android yesterday by recommendation of an anon last thread. The port is very good, I was going to play the gbc version first but the mobile version is better to play on the go. If you want to live it like 1989 go play the nes version, or get the gbc version which has a more faithful translation and enhancements

>> No.9223369

Hell if I know. And I still insist that they should remake 1 and 2 in the same style and release the whole trilogy as one title. Those two games likely are small enough that there'd still be space to spare.