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File: 84 KB, 1024x640, MV5BYzc3ZGYzOTQtMjBiMy00ZTI0LTgyYjItMGMwYjI4OTc4YjlmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTY1ODc1MjE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9222731 No.9222731 [Reply] [Original]

>half the places you need to go are secret paths that take hours to find
>bossfights are annoying bullshit and you just want them to be over
>annoying parkour areas
>the fucking quicksand in maridia
>the quicksand in maridia that hurts you if you don't get out
So why is this considered to be so great?

>> No.9222738

Because it is.

>> No.9222776

Ur jst bad at da game

>> No.9222786

Git gud. Unironically.

>> No.9222793

>game requires you to use at least a tiny amount of critical thinking skills
>you failed
Honestly getting filtered by Super Metroid is like getting a single digit result from an IQ test.

>> No.9222797
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Don't touch me, filthy casual.

>> No.9222806

Do you think using the x ray on every section of wall, or falling into quicksand and spamming the jump button until you get out requires critical thinking?

>> No.9222807

I beat this game as a kid without a walkthrough. Get fucking good you casual zoomie.

>> No.9222814

>Be OP
>life sucks
>Now what?
>Aah yes, I'll complain about an old video game again and the replies I get to my obvious bait will at least make me feel a little bit alive again.

>> No.9222879

OP is James?

>> No.9222942

>So why is this considered to be so great?
I'll give you one (1) reason and that's the incredible non-verbal storytelling. The way changes of music, landscape and in-game elements come together to convey mood, atmosphere and emotion. Just simple stuff like a door locking behind you in a room containing a dead body. Or finding the statues of the game's bosses and realising what it is you will now need to do to complete the game. Or when you first acquire the speed boots and run away from the the lava.

>> No.9223074

i mean i beat the game for the first time a few months ago and i never even picked up the xray. so obviously you can just think around even doing that.

>> No.9223076

>half the places you need to go are secret paths that take hours to find
the only thing I can think of that stands out as legitimate bullshit was that hidden wall in lower norfair.
The bosses and a couple of the platforming gimmicks like the grappling hook are indeed flaws of the game. the environmental interaction and your toolset overall are so strong that it's able to overcome those issues.

>> No.9223103

playing this game made me really really sad because i played it after dread, all the times that the game went hands off and let me solve problems myself without talking down made it so special and it hurts knowing it could never happen again in modern games

all my favorite memories of the game were things that i did myself..figuring out wall jumping just from the behaviour of the animals, using shinespark dash to unintentionally skip to later sections of the map, even little things like learning the positioning of where to stand under ridleys tail to make the dodge rather than just hitting invincible button at the first sign of an enemy's animation (like you do in dread/every modern game with a dash button)

these things let me personalize my experience. they made me feel like my actions had consequences and let me handle the obstacles at my own pace without ever making the world feel like it's designed to grovel at my feet. But i guess some people got stuck, and they matter more than me, so i shouldn't ever be able to have this fun again.

>> No.9223173

lmao git gud
I’ve never even played this game, I was a genesis kid but I know bitchbaby whining when I see it

>> No.9223180

the only way I found the entrance to the draygon fight is through a walkthrough, and that was after spending 3 hours looking on my own.

>> No.9223183

getting gud won't fix the annoying bullshit i mentioned

>> No.9223510

Have you tried not sucking?

>> No.9223512

git gud

>> No.9223529
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>> No.9223543

It's fun, but SOTN is better.

>> No.9223593

not reading your post, op

Super Metroid is a perfect game, objectively. You can claim otherwise but you are wrong.

>> No.9223606

>>half the places you need to go are secret paths that take hours to find
there's like two or three, the path to kraid's lair, the path to the real part of kraid's lair, and maybe the tube but people should know that one by now because memes
>>bossfights are annoying bullshit and you just want them to be over
they're pretty annoying yeah with how braindead they are, idk how you're findin them hard though
>>annoying parkour areas
what? i don't even know what you mean. the wall jump room where it's required? that's optional
>>the fucking quicksand in maridia
yeah i'll give ya that one, just wait until you have space jump before trying to cross that really long room with the sand waterfalls
>>the quicksand in maridia that hurts you if you don't get out
no such thing, you mean the enemies in the quicksand that shoot at you? the ones you can freeze before they sink into it? they're actually pretty useful as platforms too

>> No.9223615

man I kind of agree. its fun but it overstays its welcome and by the end you're no better than a yoshi island addict slurping down secret smiley sunflowers... but in space. people compare this series like nes zelda... but nes zelda is fun to explore this game just gets fucking tedious

>> No.9223626

>best game of all time is actually bad ok guys

>> No.9223628

The pit in the area near the mochtroids just hurts you. Idk why.

>> No.9224013

as a fellow genesis kid, you should try super metroid
it is fucking great

>> No.9224063
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i hate zoomers so fucking much it's unreal

>> No.9224068

You can't seem to do it, so yes, it does require critical thinking. Apparently.

>> No.9224084

I think most will admit SM is a flawed game, it's just so ahead of the curve in other areas it gets away with problems other games might not.

>> No.9224087

It's well designed and the controls are tight, but Amiga Shadow Of The Beast was more impressive.

>> No.9224095

The only bad thing you listed was the quicksand. You're just a zoomer who can't navigate himself without a GPS map marker. SM is not difficult to traverse, you have a map, areas look very distinct and have their own landmarks/distinguishing features, and you eventually get the X-Ray scope to make looking for secret paths effortless.

>> No.9224153

Lmfao, this is basically all contrarian bait posts on here

>> No.9224157

kek no
James at least has money and a family

>> No.9224182

>SM is not difficult to traverse
there's a tendency to downplay intended difficulty to shit on zoomers, it is supposed to be a challenge to navigate, maridia is supposed to be confusing, it's the point of the game.

>> No.9224187

World Record owner is a zoomer

>> No.9224189

>wall jump is optional
not if you save down there

>> No.9224198

yeah that's kinda fucked puttin a save down there

>> No.9224208

well yeah, reaction times at the top level will always favor the gen of 20 somethings that exists.

>> No.9224256

Thanks I probably will, I actually own it on Wii U I just haven’t gotten around to playing it

>> No.9224438

>the fucking quicksand in maridia
>the quicksand in maridia that hurts you if you don't get out

Those ones are very true.

>> No.9224478

it's not a game it's a religion
avoid Metroid fans like the plague

>> No.9224567

Did you try to git gud? Make sure you try harder next time

>> No.9224595

This. I kept thinking Dread would take the training wheels off and open up, but it never really did.

>> No.9224612

>I beat this game that constantly gives you healing and ammo refilling stations
Grats anon.

>> No.9224618

Enjoy horrible input lag.

>> No.9224626

SOTN is way better

>> No.9224926

I had no issue playing this game blind and really barely got lost/had issues finding my way. Maybe you're just bad at this, anon.

>> No.9224970

Damn, the port that bad?

>> No.9225140

I beat this game in 5 hours on my original play thorugh. You're just brain damaged

>> No.9225146
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also, git gud

>half the places you need to go are secret paths that take hours to find
That's the only valid point

>> No.9225147
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>I beat this game in 5 hours on my original play thorugh

>> No.9225208

Not at all, I played through it on Wii U and experienced no input lag whatsoever.

And OP clearly doesn’t like adventure games, which is what SM actually is. To each their own, but I fucking loved it.

>> No.9225550

I've been playing this game since 1993 and I've still never been able to wall jump.

>> No.9225562

This x1000, Deer Force forever

>> No.9225964

same here

>> No.9225990
File: 307 KB, 600x536, 1641828370659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spin jump at the wall, then press the opposite direction of the way you jumped when you're on the wall
you'll see this sprite and then press jump
rinse and repeat, i find it easier to do it on one wall rather than alternate but that may just be me
if it makes ya feel any better i used to be able to infinite bomb jump but i can't anymore, it's so slow compared to later games

>> No.9225993

>Amiga Shadow Of The Beast was more impressive.
Impressive that the artwork is so hideously inept?

>> No.9225995

looks really good to me

>> No.9225998

It looks like it was drawn by Napoleon Dynamite

>> No.9226062

I respect your question. You are bad at Vidya. This was a test for the last generation. You are not needed anymore. Feel free to kill yourself anytime. Please like and subscribe.