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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9221439 No.9221439 [Reply] [Original]

>im forgotten

>> No.9221443

Was playing it a few weeks back.

>> No.9221480

*get seen through a wall*

>> No.9221502

Funny how random 2000s fps resulted in a cancer that is the genre now.

Crysis was one of the most soulless shooter games i've played.

>> No.9221506

lol you installed patch 1.4

>> No.9221675


>> No.9221852

Crysis is awesome. Far Cry is fun too, but the indoor levels suck and the difficulty gets retarded towards the end.

>> No.9221859

It's amazing how terrible this game is. I would rather play Trespasser than this piece of shit.

>> No.9222110

What? sneaking around then sieging camps of the marines was some of the most intense, real danger feeling gaming i've ever done, and this was in late 2010s not release time. I didn't install any patches though and didn't admittedly play to the end, didn't care much once it went indoors

>> No.9222798

Far Cry has always been shit. Far Cry 3 was okay because it actually executed the ideas well for once. But it's still a mediocre game. Just soulless copy paste Ubisoft shit.

>> No.9222865


>> No.9222875

God open world are so boring. I like the idea, but haven’t enjoyed a single real open world game. Does DQ3 count as an OW?

>> No.9222906 [DELETED] 

not retro

>> No.9223241

Far Cry is not open world

>> No.9223265

far cry was great. it always seemed weird to me that crysis eclipsed it in everyone's memory, i thought crysis was much less interesting

>> No.9223312

I didn't play it around release either. I feel like the team just put in the minimum amount of effort and care into the game. The guns feel like shit, marines and mutants are really just boring enemies, and being on an island isn't really interesting. All of that could have been fixed. Somehow Far Cry is even devoid of any personality. Even Wolfenstein 3D has personality.

>> No.9223394

Crysis is essentially Far Cry 1 with more bells and whistles and on a vastly improved engine.
Far Cry imo is only better in the sense that the game design doesn't completely shift gears when the mutants arrive like in Crysis.

>> No.9224346

would've been left as a good experience if firing the silenced gun does not alert everyone in 100km radius

>> No.9224350

Works on my machine.

>> No.9224351 [DELETED] 

I was playing Far Cry 3 and I noticed that the plot is very similar to this game, it's as if ubisoft has been making the same game since forever. even primal which is the caveman game is similar to this game. Not that it's a bad thing because it keeps the series' identity

>> No.9224364

it seems like you just wanted different things from it. I didn't care about the gun feel because this game was the first time I really felt like to sneak up on people I had to imagine what they would see and hear and understand, as a person would. In games before this it was just 'use the rules' like 'firing once they can't hear, twice within a while they can hear'. This one felt like they had the capability to grasp what was going on and react appropriately (even if this is all just in my head and I was tricked by the level design! that's what games are supposed to do!). Such a contrast to hl2 which was discussed in the other thread. The ai is 'complicated' but you feel like you're shooting penguins

>> No.9224369

The console-exclusive sequels add depth to the far cry concept, despite them being linear games. But the series hit its stride in the second game.

>> No.9224371

Tech demo trash just like Half Life 2.

>> No.9224373

the series is unrelated to the game far cry. there is zero connection

>> No.9224375

Never hear anyone talk about it, but hear a ton of praise about 2 all the time

>> No.9224403

This game was fucking great for like the first 3 levels.

Stealing boats, hang gliders, sneaking around in the bushes and shit...Then it throws you in a generic underground lab, and you never get to do any of the fun stuff again. The first Crysis was a lot better IMO, same vibe but more of the good stuff and less corridors.

Real shame both series nose dived after that though. Far Cry 2 was shit and I won't change my mind about that, no matter how many hipster faggot YouTube video essays try to tell me otherwise.

>> No.9224406


No one in this thread has actually beaten the original Farcry. I dumped hours into that game and never ever beat it- its that fucking broken.

>> No.9224409


I also like to "forget" that their was an entire level full of enemies that jump around on walls and launch rockets at you from hundreds of feet away whether they could actually see you or not. Because that was extremely fun and clearly not bad enemy AI or level design.

>> No.9224413

>'dumped' hours but didn't get my cheevo
never understand this approach to games. Why don't you play what you enjoy? If you want to do something that's not fun for the satisfaction of finishing the task, why don't you go to work at a job and get paid too? Otherwise, just appreciate the inherent fun of the gameplay

>> No.9224442

Bought this and FEAR together and vastly preferred the former. Farc Cry 2 is great though.

>> No.9224447

Bruh it was literally one of the first PC games I ever owned a million yonks ago. I'm 34 now. Farcry is total garbage, and much better games came out that same year- even before Farcry. A lot of people call it a tech demo and I'm inclined to agree given how overly ambitious everything in the game is. The levels are huge, but basically linear boxes where theirs really only one way to proceed. Vehicles blow up almost instantly because some Eastern European finger slipped during programming. The game is impossible to beat without completely breaking it ala glitches. So I mean, what else was I supposed to do as a kid? You clearly haven't played judging from your "Dr. Analyze stranger on the internet" post.

>> No.9224458 [DELETED] 

Nothing screams retrogaming like Far Cry, literally my childhood

>> No.9224461

>.Then it throws you in a generic underground lab, and you never get to do any of the fun stuff again
Wrong. You are only indoors for two levels and then it goes back to the usual outdoor sandbox maps for quite some time. The indoor levels are weak, but they are only a minor portion of the game.
Git gud. I beat the game on challenging and while it's definitely tough (mostly towards the end), it's far from impossible. Only the on-rails jeep section and final arena made me rage.

>> No.9224470

>then it goes back to the usual outdoor sandbox maps

From what I remember, the rest of the levels are linear as fuck compared to the opening stages, and the introduction of the mutant whatever enemies completely fucks up the stealth/action pacing.

It reminded me very much of those early 90s games where they put out a couple really polished levels for the demo disc, then the rest of it was a rush job that never captures the same potential.

>> No.9224516 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 500x378, level 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat the game not too long ago, so I think your memory is incorrect. The early levels were not notably more impressive or open than the later outdoor levels.The later levels are actually more memorable to me because I had to try harder to survive.

>> No.9224521
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I beat the game not too long ago, so I think your memory is incorrect. The early levels were not notably more impressive or open than the later outdoor levels.The later levels are actually more memorable to me because survival was much harder.

>> No.9224540

And yeah, the Mutant enemies are less fun than the Mercs, but it's still fun watching the Mercs and Mutants beat the shit out of each from a distance. The Flood in Halo were worse.

>> No.9224551 [DELETED] 

it came out in 2004
that was 18 years ago

>> No.9224596

its always annoying when people blame their own retardness on the game. dont keep trying the same tactics forever and expecting them to work.

>> No.9224798


>> No.9224808

I gave up at that stupid helicpter boss, fuck every game that does this

>> No.9224916 [DELETED] 

And? Halo came out even before and there's nothing less retro than Halo. How is Far Cry any different from a modern fps?

>> No.9224936

Boss Copter is a video game equivalent of anime truck.
Wherever you go, he'll be there to fuck you up, watch you die and reborn over and over.

>> No.9225369 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 318x313, 1661878313883005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played farcry 2 yesterday
>boring no music
>malaria is basically a timer limiting gameplay
>traveling past another roadblock
>kill all the noogs
>wait 2 minutes because i know what is about to happen
>2 vehicles show up
>kill them
>2 more show up
>rinse and repeat
>travel 1/8 of the map
>do it all over again
Now i know why its so impossible to live on africa

>> No.9225456 [DELETED] 

I watched my cousin play it one time. He was running through an empty desert chasing a truck. I asked him what he was doing, he said he had to destroy the convoy. It gets away from him, I ask if he has to start over, he says no. The truck turns around and starts driving back towards him. He starts shooting and following it again. It gets away from him and drives away before turning back around and driving at him again. I say that it looks too easy, there's not even any enemies shooting at him. He says hold on. 30 seconds later 2 jeeps show up, some guys get out and he shoots them before returning to chasing the truck. This goes on for what feels like 10 minutes. Eventually the truck starts smoking and stops moving. Then he just runs off.

>> No.9225460 [DELETED] 

I remember being so disappointed when Far Cry 2 came out. It was marketed as a highly realistic dynamic shooter where you could use the environment to your advantage. Nothing could have been further from the truth. The setting was pretty cool though.

>> No.9225478

Was that the version on GameTap? I played it there to try it out back when I was subbed for the Sam & Max series, and in the first hut I went inside I heard every enemy outside and beyond a wall start shooting at me and saying stuff.
Mad me drop it immediately since it was telling me I could be stealthy.

>> No.9225504

Despite never finishing it I consider Far Cray one of the best games ever made
The first part of the game is 10/10. It does start to suck after a while but the beginning is so great that I give it a 10/10 anyways, just pretend the rest of the game doesn't exist

>> No.9225770
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I played it around Christmastime last year on the 2nd hardest or hardest difficulty. I legit cannot remember the last time a game made me seethe so hard out of sheer frustration. If I ever replay it I'm doing normal or lower.

>> No.9225853 [DELETED] 

Halo is retro though, sorry

>> No.9225891 [DELETED] 

You know, what's funny is that this meme was made by liberals attempting to mock Sam Hyde, who is arguably now at the height of his popularity.

Wonder how buttmad they are that he isn't forgotten yet.

>> No.9225905 [DELETED] 

>he's jewish
>...but liberals HATE him
you poor retard

>> No.9225914 [DELETED] 

>thinks calling him jewish changes anything I said

>"you poor retard"
Is that what your mother said after she birthed, orrr? I'm a little lost where you're going with this, gorilla nigger.

>> No.9225919 [DELETED] 

you poor retard.

>> No.9225920 [DELETED] 

most people don't even know who sam hyde is bro

>> No.9225926 [DELETED] 

I know you are but what am i

>> No.9225931 [DELETED] 

a poor retard.

>> No.9225935

>Crysis was one of the most soulless shooter games i've played.
the opposite but whatever

>> No.9225936 [DELETED] 

Most people don't know who Jocko Willinks is either.

>> No.9225938 [DELETED] 

I know you are but what am I

>> No.9225945

That's a really good point about game design. A certain element of a game can be so detailed and carefully used that it makes the game appear much more subtle and nuanced than it may really be. Far Cry is definitely not the worst FPS ever. I just think it is so bland. Individually some aspects of the game are not terrible, but the way they're used together creates something mediocre. You're absolutely right about Half-Life 2. That's not debatable.

>> No.9226040

The worst part is that 95% of the difficulty in the game is fair, but the remaining 5% is sadist bullshit that makes you want to kill whoever designed it. I beat the game out of spite.

>> No.9226064

Why do people keep saying Crysis was good?
I understand if it's their childhood game, but objectively, it's just a generic shooter. Nanosuit thing gets old 20 minutes into the game.

>> No.9226284 [DELETED] 

Did you post in the wrong thread? You reek of underage newfaggotry

>> No.9226792

>it's just a generic shooter.
anyone can recognize it in an instant.
It was out during the COD craze.
EVERY FPS back then copied COD.
COD was the generic shooter and still is. Crysis was a breath of fresh air in comparison.
>Nanosuit thing get old 20 minutes into the game

>> No.9226796

>Portal 2
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

This happened after MW2, that was the biggest game in the series

>> No.9226814

literally just a new System SHock 2. (it even have the same plot twist)
>portal 2
not a fps but whatever
I'm not saying Crysis was the only fresh fps during the cod craze btw.

>> No.9226862

How is Portal 2 not an FPS? It's a first person game where you shoot a gun. It doesn't shoot bullets but it IS a gun.
Define what an FPS is you smelly boy.

>> No.9226882

>I give it a 10/10 anyways, just pretend the rest of the game doesn't exist
this is people should do more widely. After I finally noticed that every game and movie starts flailing toward the end I just stopped considering the last 2/3 even to be part of a work

>> No.9226893

All people that never played the game and only watched a clickbait video on youtube

>> No.9226894

It's a puzzle game.

>> No.9226896

>ennemies speak in their native language on hardest difficulty.
The only other fps that did that was Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm

>> No.9227326

>Far Cry
Barely retro, but still, not really
Not retro

In other words - wrong board, faggot

>> No.9227329

You realise there are tonnes of games that just do this as a default... right?

>> No.9228172

you realize it have nothing to do with the point.... right?

>> No.9228294

I forgot how hilariously tacticool the gun on the cover is.

>> No.9228338


Far Cry has broken mechanics so I stopped playing. Any game that asks me to be stealthy and then has me get spotted through a wall isn't going to be worth it imo.

>> No.9228349

Correct. Gametap only had the latest version at that time, which introduced the bug where the AI can see you through stuff. Pretty big oversight from the devs/QA but luckily there is a fan-made fix for those unable to use earlier versions of the game.
Chaos Theory also has an option for that. There are English, Spanish, Japanese, and Korean speaking enemies, depending on the level location.

>> No.9230807

>Far Cry has broken mechanics so I stopped playing. Any game that asks me to be stealthy and then has me get spotted through a wall isn't going to be worth it imo.
Don't play it fully patched

>> No.9230852

FC1 is amazing. FC2 is dogshit. All the rest is cancerous garbage.

There is a fix for it. GOG has it included. Either play that or 1.32 64bits patch.

>> No.9233000

No, not really, but it's not like you care. The point stands - there is nothing special in enemies speaking different language than the one the game is located in.