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File: 130 KB, 1280x720, super mario bros 3 nes vs snes allstars1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9219217 No.9219217 [Reply] [Original]

never got around to finishing this one, is there a reason for one over the other?
I'm only familiar with the GBA one and would spend my time as a kid cheating with the two flutes

>> No.9219225

it's the same game but you can save at the beginning of a world, any broken obstacles stay broken as well

>> No.9219229

GBA VC on Wii U is the best version because it has all of the extra levels included. Before you could only get them by scanning e-reader cards, and not all levels were released in every region, so Nintendo made it an official romhack. Go find it on the internet and beat the main game before jumping into the bonus levels.

>> No.9219319

isn't the field of view on the gba version very bad though?

>> No.9219329

yes kek its the worst version but tendies will always argue shit vs piss anyway. just play the NES release OP >>9219217

>> No.9219338

I'm not a big fan of SMB3

>> No.9219354
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SNES is 256 x 224 and GBA is 240 x 160 so you lose 16 pixels horizontally and 64 pixels vertically.

>> No.9219405

can't be that bad compared to mario 1 on nes and mario 1 on gbc

>> No.9219487

I like the NES version the most and It's not nostalgia because I have only been playing SMB3 for a few years. The remake looks weird and loses the charm and feel of the original, the music is less catchy on SNES, and I don't know what it is but I swear the NES version controls better, it feels slightly more responsive to me.

>> No.9219869

Is this really that big of a deal though? It's not like this is a Sonic game where a bigger field of view actually matters. The voice clips in the GBA version are a bigger issue than this, and even those aren't as bad as people make them out to be

>> No.9219928

NES version is best, or Famicom I guess - people say that one has harsher rules for losing powerups when you're hit right? Anyway play one of those two, with the choice between them depending on your desire for difficulty. SNES one is fine but the audiovisual design is generally a bit worse in my opinion. If you happen to like it a lot more though then go with that one I guess. Neither one has extra areas to explore or anything as far as I know.

>> No.9219938
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Super Mario Bros 3.

>> No.9220028

>two flutes
There's three.

>> No.9220045
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Obligatory post.

>> No.9220047


>> No.9220130

you only need 2 to get where you want to go though

>> No.9220136

y is the pirahna plant diffrnt

>> No.9220138

cherrypick-kun's collages never could be taken seriously because he purposedly cherrypicked some things while leaving out other things, for example there are different color palettes for the caves on All Stars. He simply decided to leave them out on purpose.
It's still cool (in a schedenfraude way) to know there's a person that's so obsessed with hating SNES, though. Imagine being him.
As for OP: Play the original NES version first, then the All Stars remake, then just toggle between the two depending on what you feel like playing, both are good.

>> No.9220141

This is what autism looks like

>> No.9220195

difficulty nerfs for the americans

>> No.9220248

the calculations for homing fireballs were too heavy on the cpu. or they just couldn't be assed to figure out the math.

>> No.9220430

>play SMB3 original version
>shit's great, having a blast
>arrive at 6-5
>get all joy sucked out of me
Seriously what the fuck were they thinking with this level? Flying that far with a koopa shell in hand breaks my fucking fingers

>> No.9220435

This is the kind of stage that you break out the P-Wings for.

>> No.9221374

this is what peak ability looks like

>> No.9221496
File: 12 KB, 533x274, Screenshot 2022-08-30 at 20-27-33 Super Mario Bros. 3_Version Differences - The Cutting Room Floor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people say that one has harsher rules for losing powerups when you're hit right?
>Damage System
>By far the biggest change between versions. In the Japanese version, getting hit while powered-up causes the player to shrink to Small Mario just like in the first two Super Mario Bros. games. Apparently this was deemed too hard for overseas players, so it was changed: Anything above Super Mario reverts only to Super Mario when hit, then to Small Mario. While Super Mario World went back to the Japanese system, this revised system became a series standard following New Super Mario Bros., and it was also retained in All-Stars. This change makes the short demo that plays on the title screen that explains the general physics of the game "incorrect" in the international versions as Mario is clearly shown being reduced to Small Mario when being hit by a shell when he is Raccoon Mario, something that, bizarrely enough, was not fixed for either All-Stars or Advance 4.
There's also this level design change.

>> No.9221542

autism is based and you're a fag
that is what retardation looks like

>> No.9221546

You play the original, and by that I mean the Famicom version

>> No.9221560

>this revised system became a series standard following New Super Mario Bros.
I think it was actually the GBA port of SMW that first made it standard, which combined with the reserve item slot meant Mario was essentially indestructible. SMB3 for GBA had an e-Reader card that restored the original damage system as a "Hard Mode", but otherwise it was never seen again in any Mario game.

>> No.9221706

I remember beating SMW Advance to death thinking it was easy but when I got my hands on the SNES version I really had a tough time because of the damage system and how you couldn't just teleport to any stage to load up on powerups

>> No.9221763

>for example there are different color palettes for the caves on All Stars.
Are there? I played the GBA version (and admittedly it's been probably over a decade since I last did a full playthrough) but I only remember the brown caves, I don't remember any color variation

>> No.9221769

>The raised spikes don't even align with the door
Weird. I guess you can still use it to be safe, but it's an odd choice

>> No.9222857
File: 40 KB, 515x516, 1613144765971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love World 3, 4, 5, 7 & 8 so fucking much!

>> No.9222864
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>> No.9222881

God I hope you get murdered

>> No.9224792
File: 1.99 MB, 400x400, 71CE39A8-D922-48E8-9010-A78D3491EB1D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism is retardation, skippy.

>> No.9224802

autist website normalfag

>> No.9224814
File: 65 KB, 400x361, 1656982999726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9224834

Do you have the one about the airship ? blocks being frozen in fear on NES and All-Stars ruining it?

>> No.9224848

>"censored" fireball

You need to take this one out if you want to be taken seriously. It's a palette limitation on NES.

You actually do have points though about the All Stars version completely missing the point of the whole "entire game is a play" theme, and the backgrounds

>> No.9224851

My guess is that it is also a limitation on NES. It's just a guess but knowing how a few NES games work, I can almost guarantee the animation of the "?" blocks is a CHR bank swap. As in, the game switches the entire background bank of the area but the only tiles that change are the "?" blocks. Thus, if the ship levels need to also use system for something else, you can't have it for the blocks. Well, you could, but it's a lot more complicated.

>> No.9224865

To see how silly this is you can do a simple mental experiment: imagine everything was the opposite. Imagine how much you'd bitch and moan that the "real, living world" turned into some sort of fake stage, platforms got shadows over the background, real bushes became white silhouettes etc.
The games are objectively different, but this infographic is being arbitrary about which version is better.

>> No.9224889

alternate reality what-if scenarios all you could find to defend all stars?

Either way it's the same result: the original theme and intent was lost by the interns in charge of the port, because they got lost into "what can be done" on this new hardware and "more = better" so let's add some shit in the clouds in the backgrounds of this stage play, oh wait... nevermind add them anyway who cares

>> No.9224902

Sure, if all you want to do is rush to the end.

>> No.9225117
File: 316 KB, 1039x1186, IMG_4329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9225173

Yes, based on a series of behavioral disorders.

>> No.9225346

Yeah the original might have a more consistent stage play theme but on the other hand these flat drab backgrounds would never fly on a new 16 bit machine, and SMB3 was still brand new when All-Stars was released so you could just play the original if you wanted to.

>> No.9225889

not to defend the autist too hard but you could add parallax backgrounds while preserving the character of the original.
I remember being excited by the graphical upgrades in the 90s but certain elements were definitely disappointing (the caves in particular), and other elements undoubtedly detracted subconsciously. Sometimes you can just feel the difference between a more generic, workmanlike production to spec vs a consistently passionate attention to detail. SMB3-autist goes through pointing out a bunch of differences, some are disingenuous cherry-picking and some are just stupid (or trolling/bait-- the green fireball? seriously?); but some of those details do matter. I wouldn't call the ending sequence sprites "amazing" but they are clearly unique details squeezed into the ending vs "minimum acceptable effort" in the SNES version.

>> No.9226019

iirc you use 1st flute to get to 2,3, or 4
and 2nd while in one of those levels to get to 5, 6, or 7, no?

>> No.9226036

You use a second flute while in the warp zone to go all the way to 8.

>> No.9226038

well yes, but you were saying "only if you want to skip to the end" which is not true.
With both you can go to any world you'd like that way you don't have to replay the entire game up until that point.
I still don't see why you need 3 ever though.

>> No.9226342
File: 236 KB, 501x330, 1660332432114732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9226357

>SMB3 was still brand new when All-Stars was released
SMB3 - Oct 1988
All Stars - Aug 1993
5 years is not "brand new" lmfao

but yeah the rest of your post is correct

>> No.9226448

In the west SMB3 was released in 1990.
But all around the world in 1993 the NES was still being produced and sold and getting new games and SMB3 was still THE NES game to have and a hot seller.

>> No.9227793

Another zoom zoom looking at dates on wikipedia pretending he was there detected. I know it's hard to imagine for a youngster brought up on cosumerism to the point that anything 1 year old is "outdated" and can't be found anymore.

You could definitely find SMB3 brand new everywhere in 1993. That's without mentionning some countries that got NES+SMB3 bundles around that period of time. The last NES bundle to be released in Europe was in the second half of 1994.

A lot of pre-teens were still playing the NES well into the mid to late 90's, although by 1995 it was harder to find things brand new it was still possible. We got the NES-SMB3 bundle, brand new, in 1995. The last NES game I bought brand new was in 1998, in the bargain bin of a general store.

>> No.9229014
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>> No.9229069


>> No.9229393
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Jesus man take it easy

>> No.9229417

Yes so nes is still the best. The extra levels are fun though.

>> No.9230062

The SNES version has nicer graphics but the audio is shit. I'd go for the original one personally.
Avoid the handheld ones.

>> No.9230643

racism is even worse,please refrain to do that.

>> No.9231260
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