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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9219051 No.9219051 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck you I like him.

>be me
>get this game in college
>everyone loves it, play it for hours and hours, amazing
>unlock Link
>like him, get good
>end up pretty much unbeatable against anyone else on campus
>one Jock punched a hole in the commons wall because I absolutely shellacked him with Link abusing his default ring-out throw

Good times.

>> No.9219057

who doesn't like him there? it's pretty cool

>> No.9219061

I always got made fun of for playing him. Everyone called him gay and cheap. Always chose his purple/pink outfit to put more salt on the wounds.

>> No.9219063

purple and pink are nice colors though
sounds like you went to a closeted fag college

>> No.9219067 [DELETED] 

not retro

>> No.9219072

you obviously didn't grow up in the 90s and 2000s. That was the common go-to insult.

>> No.9219075

yeah i know and i did, and i think that still happens anyway
just sayin that shit taste is shit taste

>> No.9219078

>closeted fag
spotted the modern faggotron, you're gay.
everyone was calling everything gay and retarded, watching youtubers i used to enjoy from the early 2010s evolve by 2016 to "hate calling things gay and retarded because its offensive" was how i knew things were changing for the worst. Sure, it wasnt the most original thing to say and as much as we used to, but it sure did gatekeep all the homos and trannies from taking over like they are now.
I miss those times. Thanks for reminding me you fucking gaylord >>9219063

>> No.9219080

how am i gay exactly, sir faglord?

>> No.9219110

link was good
not unbeatable though
talim was the busted fighter, jumping ringout combo

>> No.9219220


It was him and Cassandra. They were so tricky and fast, but had so many good knockout moves. Easy to play them very well too, compared to other characters.

>> No.9219279
File: 65 KB, 660x566, SpongeBob_Reading_Two_Pages_at_Once[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use it as an insult
>"but it wasn't meant to be offensive"

>> No.9219287

The only reason him, Spawn, and Heihachi were tournament banned was because they were exclusive to each platform, so it didn't feel "fair" to competitors who didn't own all three versions. Also, his items being mapped to the C-Stick by default is a fun nod to the series.

>> No.9219432

>end up pretty much unbeatable against anyone else on campus
You didn't play any serious SC players.
And any decent sized college would have a few.

>> No.9219440 [DELETED] 


>> No.9219615

most of the people i've met online who were vocal about it were FGCniggers.

i've never met anyone IRL who hated link in SC. the gamecube version was the preferred version where i went to school because of it.

>> No.9219650

didnt cassandra have one kick or knee that you could just spam across the map

>> No.9219683

Yeah everyone did. Every single gaming magazine even said this was the best version because Link was the best guest character. I was lucky to have all the consoles when this came out and Link’s inclusion made this version the easiest multiplat choice I ever made.
Sony got the short end of that stick, Heihachi is lame and was already in a fighting game. He also doesn’t match the “fighters with weapons” theme. Dumb choice and I pity people who only had a PS2 in this case. They would at least have first access to Darth Vader next generation but this was temporary and SC2 is the better game.

Anyways, it’s 2022… where is our SC2: Complete Edition hack that has Link/Spawn/Heihachi all in one game?

>> No.9219691

>I always got made fun of for playing him. Everyone called him gay and cheap
They were just salty that you were kicking their asses.

>> No.9219717
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>> No.9219732

ps3 hd version emulated without link

>> No.9219736

Link isn’t in that version.

>> No.9219827

I have gamecube fatigue

>> No.9219832

Agreed. All the 5 year olds who constituted 70+% of it's install base have reached their mid 20s childhood nostalgia period now and it's absolutely awful having to see their obnoxious hot takes.

>> No.9219841

ah yes, "hot take", a clear 45 year old term

>> No.9219852

Hot take is a radio and newspaper term from before your father was born.

>> No.9219872

>>one Jock punched a hole in the commons wall because I absolutely shellacked him with Link abusing his default ring-out throw
Nope. This never happened.

>> No.9220052 [DELETED] 

Nintendiddler secondaries are a cancer

>> No.9220060

They could have added all three special characters to the GC version, and both the others to the other two versions.

>> No.9220382
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he is unlocked by default. there is no reason why they would advertise him so heavily and not allow you to control him right away. what a fake story

>> No.9220404

>unlock Link
He's unlocked from the beginning.

>> No.9220451

Link was my friends favorite growing up. Ironically, Raphael was mine. His footwork was incredible

>> No.9220454

even my "i am a very mature gamer now and i hate nintendo" friends were stoked to play as link

>> No.9220468

Soul Calibur II is a perfect video game.

>> No.9220487

The HD version doesn't have Japanese voices.

>> No.9220491

It's a good thing the English voices are hilarious.

>> No.9220498

>end up pretty much unbeatable against anyone else on campus
Not a hard thing to do lool. He's basically a cheat character.

>> No.9220506

i still call things i don't like gay, even when speaking to gay people. The gayest niggas I know will call gay shit gay shit when they see it. There's a difference between a gay nigga and a nigga who's gay

>> No.9220509

I found the gamecube version awful to play, the controller is not a good fit.

>> No.9220538

No one said that. Take your meds schizo.

>> No.9222316

SC2 Link looks better than TP Link

>> No.9222329

>Soul calibur
Maximum cringe and always was.

>> No.9222423

It started the trend of guest characters in fighting games which is really fucking gay and lame. I'd rather those spots go to new characters or ones from the series.

>> No.9223457

I'd fuck him

>> No.9225480

guest characters are one of the few "fun allowed" things left in multiplayer games (not just fighting games) since everything has to be e-sports friendly nowadays.