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File: 62 KB, 420x374, Virtual+Boy+Wario+Land+(Japan,+USA)-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9216612 No.9216612 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people love to overhype pic related so much? I mean I like it too, and the 3D effects are pretty cool, but at the end of the day it's just the Land 1 formula with worse level design and pacing. Honestly I liked 1 a lot more and think no one would care about VBWL that much had it come out for the GB. Like, just because it's a good game from a shitty system, you don't have to act like it's some sort of holy grail to make the system appear less shitty.

>> No.9216630

The platform lends it a unique aesthetic, and another Warioland 1 with high res assets isn't a bad thing. It's just neat and what else are people going to honestly recommend when talking about the VB? It's this or Jack Bros. Goddamn you're such a faggot who is even "overhyping" this anyway?

>> No.9216640

>who is even "overhyping" this anyway?
Many retards writting shit like
>le getting a real vb is worth it just because of this game, literally 10/10
Virtual Boy fanboys are a thing, believe it or not. Pretty nuts imo

>> No.9216678

Saturnfags aren't much more ridiculous

>> No.9216695

talk about obsessed

>> No.9216764

I like the Pochita shark on the cover

>> No.9216794
File: 187 KB, 1280x429, wario_VB_story1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soul& atmosphere

>> No.9218307

I love the VBWL manual so much.
Also love how the black and red monochrome scheme actually makes sense within the game's locations, since it's all underground cabes lit by torches or lava.
To reply to OP, maybe it's "overhyped" because the virtual boy has a pretty negative reputation, as a system itself, so people aren't expecting to find an actually pretty good game in it.
But that besides, I think this game stands on its own. I think it's like a more powerful upgrade from SML3. Both SML3 and VBWL are my favorites in the Wario series, anyway.
I think it deserves its hype or praise, Virtual Boy or not.

>> No.9218936

I think people are just coming around to the fact that the Virtual Boy's library is surprisingly good. There may only be like 20 games but most of them are decent with only two or three actual stinkers.

>> No.9218947

It plays better thrn the first, buy lacks the more "explorable" levels. Never cared about the non death ones so id rank it either just below or sometimes above 4. Its the least gimmicky of the series.

>> No.9218952

I use to think Water World was the biggest filth pile on it, but you know what, coming back to it with the mindset that its Virtual Asteroids, its not too bad.

>> No.9219270

No. I owned most of the VB carts and 15 out of the 23 were stinkers. I loved the 3D and still play many DirectX 9&11 pc games today using 3D Fix Manager and a 3DTV. Many Unity and Unreal Engine 4 games are perfect in 3D.

Nintendo went cheap with only red LED displays and ended up with a failure. 3DS - again Nintendo went cheap with a lenticular display and ended up with a failure.

Nintendo creates failures due to greed and cutting corners on costs.

>> No.9219341

its great if you have original hardware and everything is working perfectly
its basically the only title like this on the system

i prefer the arcade style pickup and play games on the system but i can see why ppl shitpost wario

never got ported, never got remastered, never got a compilation release
virtualboy fag = sufferring
unless youre rich

>> No.9219345

waterworld is excellent
only underage youtubers and people who cant think/play for themselves hate it
>best OST on the system
pick one and only one

>> No.9219501

how does one emulate it?

>> No.9219578

3DS sold 76 million units, which is only 5 million units less than the GBA which had essentially zero competition during it’s lifetime while 3DS had to compete against the rise of smartphone “gaming” and Sony.
I wouldn’t call that a failure and I don’t even like new shit.
If Nintendo went for a full or limited color display for VR in 1995 it would have been probably twice the price or more as nearly every single component would have to be scaled up (not just the display). It cost $180 ($330 today) in 1995, doubled that price brings you to around $400 ($777 today) for something even they knew was going to be a niche novelty product for people who already bought into the Nintendo brand.
The PSX which did regular rasterized 3D on your TV (what consumers actually wanted) just released prior for $299, and there was the Saturn to worry about. If the Virtual Boy launched for even $250 with a few more colors (not even sure that low of a price would be possible with color), it would have crashed and burned even harder. Nintendo cut their losses and released it as is instead of folding the whole thing. It was the only move they could make once the factory was built.
Virtual Boy should have been a peripheral for the Ultra 64, simple as. N64 could have had some proprietary video output jack in the back and slightly different architecture and that could have significantly cut down costs on a Virtual Boy unit, but even the logistics of that seems like a nightmare and perhaps even impossible.
Just enjoy it as a fun curio that made it to market instead of having warped hindsight.

>> No.9219779

Can you use 3D glasses to play VB games well?

>> No.9219989
File: 47 KB, 423x423, MxqETb4T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It controls amazing, the pixelart is awesome, every stage has its own setting and gameplay gimmick, and it's a very speedrun friendly game. The crazy scaling efects and big sprites remind me of those 80s/mid90s high quality Sega and Capcom and whatever arcade games, it's just a treat to play even with it being stuck on the Virtual Boy, which is saying a lot. It's just one of Nintendo's best "32 bit" games.

The pacing is great, Wario is fast like a canonball and not floaty at all like in the first game, and the level structure completely laser-focused, it's fast and fun.

>> No.9220193
File: 174 KB, 828x792, 1660763917154705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le getting a real vb is worth it just because of this game, literally 10/10

>> No.9220201

I loved playing VB Wario Land, but my favorite VB experience was Teleroboxer.
Still not a system I'd recommend anyone buying, they're really finicky, but if you can get one for really cheap or free, I would say go for it, it's a unique, very weird system and emulation really doesn't do it justice, the 3D effect is cool and the controller is also pretty good.

>> No.9221039


any other examples of games being overhyped because they're one of the few decent games on a bad system?

I'll go first... Sonic CD

>> No.9221074

not at all
the 3D effect is difficult to describe
and more prominent in some titles -
there is nothing else really like it

>> No.9221321

I was just about to make this exact comparison lmao

>> No.9221340

sega cd has plenty of good games
if it ran longer \ released earlier
it would have been even more stacked


>> No.9221343

If i could try and attempt to describe it, its not like real VR and its not like 3DS effects. Its kinda like looking at a 3D diorama, there is a depth to things which is amplified by being cut off from any other things outside of the game thanks to the visor. There are layers to things that dont feel like things are coming "at you" like normal 3D, but rather like things extend far away from you that a normal 2D image trying to replicate cant grasp.

If you ever played Iridion 2 on gba, that game kinda reminds me of how the VB plays.

>> No.9221357

its a 3D peep show
with multiple planes \ depths
the pitch-black + red amplifies the effect

most of the titles dont benefit much from it
but it is neat

>> No.9221369

Red Alarm is probably the best showcase for the hardware and maybe closest that feels like real VR. It often feels like your eyes are detached and wandering through this tunnel or something and fighting bosses in full 360 combat felt like the walls around you were physically there. Probably could have benefited from a Starfox ip attached to it.

>> No.9221598

should have been the pack-in title
also you should have about 3X the health kek

>> No.9222638

Innsmouth no Yakata is unironically a really cool VB game

>> No.9222929

Teleroboxer is great. It's Punch Out!! with robots.

People are turning around on Virtual Boy. If not for the fact that it's hard to look at for long periods of time there really aren't any other problems. And emulation solves that. Even the controller is somewhat ahead of it's time. A mid-90s version of what would evolve into the standard dual stick symmetrical designs we use today.

>> No.9222938
File: 174 KB, 1024x754, virtual-boy-teleroboxer-instruction-booklet-usa-page-2-1024x754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of like Punch Out but the way you can use individual arms with each dpad and the way you charge strenght etc is very unique. Teleroboxer is fun, challenging, and also is the game that feels the most like actual virtual reality since it's in first person. You're literally commanding a robot in real time via VR, it's so cool.

>> No.9222951

Yeah, it takes some getting used to with the controls but once you do it feels natural. I think the only beef, and this is something that applies across the board of the VB library, is that the game feels "thin." Even Game Boy games could be big at the time with stuff like Kirby's Dream Land 2 and Donkey Kong Land.

>> No.9223056



Sega saturn fans think every game on the console was amazing when even the highest rated game is Panzer Dragoon RPG. I don't get it either.

>> No.9223094

Well, the VB didn't have time to mature, so it's only comparable to launch games in other systems.
Teleroboxer would be really cool if it had a multiplayer mode.
Wario Land is a pretty robust game though, not the longest Wario game but it's full of secrets to discover.

>> No.9223552

There's a large contingent of people whose enjoyment of something is based mostly around whether others get to experience it. We used to call it being a hipster, I don't know if there is a new term of if hipster still works.