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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9214581 No.9214581 [Reply] [Original]

guys which ps1 emulator should use epsx or is there a better one

>> No.9214589

If only there was a wiki that gave recommendations

>> No.9214592

*there were

>> No.9214594

thanks very helpful

>> No.9214602

Yes this site has a diy ethic

>> No.9214631

duckstation > all

>> No.9214634

yea true

>> No.9214679

Have you considered reading the board sticky? It's only like three sentences long.

>> No.9214713

What happened to it?

>> No.9214723

No matter what game you play or how """accurate""" the emulator is, you may have a good time but it will never be considered beaten until it happened on real hardware with the original medium.

>> No.9214725

Actually nobody gives a shit, get a job fag

>> No.9214739
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>> No.9214743


>> No.9215769
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>> No.9215936

No thanks, I have a PC.

>> No.9215996

What emulator is this?

>> No.9215997

>No thanks, I'm literally that poor

>> No.9216008

Supposedly DuckStation is the best, depends on what you're looking for though I guess


>> No.9216034

Mednafen is the most accurate but also by far the most pain to set up and doesn't even come with a front end, Duckstation offers the best compromise between accuracy and convenience, Beetle PSX HW might be worth a look seeing as it's basically a port of Mednafen with a front end and some settings and features included.

>> No.9216035

I suffered through ePSXe for so many years as a kid, now with so much better shit I don't know why its ever even considered

>> No.9216050

The best platform to play them on is the original ones. FF1-3 on NES/Famicom (with appropriate translation patches), 4-6 on SNES/SFC, etc. I hope that helps you OP.

>> No.9216065
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>Mednafen is the most accurate but also by far the most pain to set up and doesn't even come with a front end

>> No.9216114
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Duckstation or retroarch's version of it. epsxe is old school.

The big difference is that the modern emus have what's called PGXP which reduces jitter and texture warping. It makes them look like early PC games.


>> No.9216119

Beetle PSX HW is the worst of all worlds. Not as accurate and buggier than regular Mednafen, and not as good at enhancements as Duckstation. It was ok when it first surfaced, but there's no point to it anymore.

>> No.9216124

Same reason people still use and recommend Project64 and ZSNES (well, the latter not as much these days): familiarity and inertia.

>> No.9216301

(((They))) are poor and retarded?

>> No.9216337

>I'm triggered by PC Master Race Chad
My PC setup cost more to build than your rent.

>> No.9216342

Duckstation (called swanstation on retroarch)

>> No.9216353

Just use duckstation

>> No.9216383

>doesn't even come with a front end
either you just drop the iso onto the mednafen executable, or you download mednaffe which takes likes 30 seconds to setup

>> No.9216395

I've never had issues with Beetle PSX HW. Upscaling causes graphical issues with various transparencies, but upscaling PS1 games isn't desirable and software rendering is too slow anyway for anything more than 2x most of the time. If I were upscaling Duckstation is better 100%, but I normally don't.
I have had one issue with Duckstation (Swanstation in this case) though, Xenogears softlocked on the Deus boss fight which is a super classic emulator bug apparently, but Beetle didn't.

>> No.9216419

>buying chinkshit over a proper computer
who's poor exactly?

>> No.9217139

>coping this hard
>projecting this hard

>> No.9217147

I like this meme that there's some kind of hall of fame of neckbeards that you get to join when you "beat" a game according to their rules. This isn't junior high, there are no real-life bragging rights to be earned, just e-peen. Hilarious to expect anyone to want /vr/'s approval of all places.
>original hardware
>no continues
>final destination

>> No.9217149

>deflecting this hard
>arresting this hard
peak kwab
sorry poorfag-kun, but i'm sure you'll make back the money you wasted on chink garbage with your shilling someday, just not with me. try being a door to door salesman, that should help your situation out.

>> No.9217176

No, epsxe, the abandoned emulator that received the alst update over seven years ago, is certainly the best one for sure.

>> No.9217583

This is just stupid. If you'd have said emulator with save states, I'd have agreed.

>> No.9217937

>implying there are PSX emulators let alone any emulator at all that doesn't support save states in any capacity
>implying that people would even bother emulating if there weren't save states to abuse
>implying implications

>> No.9218074

Fuck I remwmbwr the 8 bit comics with pervert black mage... I miss it

>> No.9218108

psxfin if you don't want to fuck with settings and just play.

epsxe is better overall. 3d games can look freaking great with this emu but you occasionally have to fuck with the options.

i'm not a computer master. just my personal experience talking.

>> No.9218115
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>> No.9218161


>> No.9218506

delusional puristcuck please

>> No.9218598

Why do I keep seeing people shilling Duckstation and shitting on Beetle PSX HW?

Always sounds like its just a fan boy with no arguments too.

>> No.9218624

>read thread
>there are people still recommending ePSXe in 2022
The choice these days is between Beetle PSX/Medafen vs Duckstation.

For ease of use and emulation hacks like better perspective correction, pick Duckstation.
For accuracy, pick Mednafen.

>> No.9218631

This thread should've gotten only one single reply and it's this one >>9214679 Fuck you /vr/ as per usual.

>> No.9218634

Anon you know you can measure emulation accuracy mathematically right? Duckstation is more accurate. Simple as. We don't need to argue for it because all of the documentation is right there in the emulation wiki.

>> No.9218638

Honestly I replied just for an excuse to test a post I apologize

>> No.9218650

>its just better okay
Not convinced.

>> No.9218750

Okay retard, i don't care about convincing you at all. Feel free to read into the existing documentation. Or don't and keep using outdated emus. That's your perogative.

>> No.9218761
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I just played VP1 on it and beateded it. Sucks there are no titters games like there are now on PSX but it was aight.

>> No.9218787

Well sorry usually when people tell everyone something is better than something else they should be able to prove it.

>> No.9219025

speaking of just tried, cant make it set my ps3 gamepad that happens to work no problem with ePSXe, pressing buttons in vain , so much for the superior emulator

>> No.9219105

Duckstation's implementation of PGXP is why I use it. Makes my racers look like gamecube games

>> No.9219129

guess is a fair price for not being able to use usb controls

>> No.9219231

>not being able to use usb controls
Never had an issue with this in my life, Neither do most people. You know this though, nobody would play the emulator if this was the case

>> No.9220236 [DELETED] 

>"Duckstation is the best emulator"
>*angry NPC noises*
>"i-it just is okay??"

>> No.9220281

well imma google some support then wish me luck

>> No.9220405

Why are you consolewarfagging over emulators of all things. Nobody is holding a gun to your head making you use duckstation nor do you have to pay for these.