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9211913 No.9211913 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best Castlevania game and I'm tired of pretending it isn't. The shitty egoraptor video is a joke.

>> No.9211927

Video is dogshit for other reasons

>You can't whip swing everywhere like in bloodlines
>although you can shoot the whip in multiple directions you don't have many opportunities to do so
>level design is boring
>physics are crap

I prefer Dracula X despite being a worse version of Rondo. and SOTN made the inverted castle better, igarashi went even further by doing it in real time in bloodstained

>> No.9211940

Well a facebook meme and reference to an e-celeb are very strong pieces of evidence.

>> No.9212006

I wouldn't call it the best personally, but I do think it's at least good if not great and find it pitiable albeit ironically fitting that it's become the whipping boy of classicvanias if not Castlevania in general. A bit shameful, too.

>> No.9212017

It's a good game but it's not really in the running for the best CV.

Have you played CV3, Rondo, X68k, and the original?

>> No.9212025

Its about even with CV1

>> No.9212124

It's just way too easy. The 8 way whip makes the game a joke. CV3 or Rondo are way better.

>> No.9212134

no one cares about some jackass who can't play games for shit
it's pretty good though but for me it's 3
yeah that whip swinging needs to be in another game and expanded on, i mean you could do it on the hooks in this one which is something but i wouldn't mind part of a level built around doing it on the ceiling

>> No.9212149 [DELETED] 

Egoraptor is singlehandedly responsible for poisoning so much retro game discourse. I hate all of his videos so much, he's only capable of expressing his dogshit opinions with strawman arguments and then when you actually see him play the game you realize he's an ADHD baby who can barely sit still for 10 fucking minutes to figure out a basic mechanic. He's honestly like what would happen if DSP had humor and charisma.

>> No.9212186 [DELETED] 

Egoraptor doesn't have humor or charisma though, thats why JonTron left the channel, because Jon actually does have humor and charisma and realized he can do much better solo.

>> No.9212328 [DELETED] 

Why do people always bring up Egoraptor in these threads? Doesnt AVGN have more appeal? Hes the one who called IV his favorite game

>> No.9212354 [DELETED] 

A lot of zoomers here so they watch that jew show GameGrumps instead of kino like AVGN

>> No.9212363 [DELETED] 

if driving away all your friends is charisma, i'd rather be an insepid naif

>> No.9212368 [DELETED] 

I think people here hate Egoraptor because he's such an easy target. He's not a character like AVGN, and he's obviously very pretentious and stupid at the same time. That being said, game discussion that revolves around internet personalities is cringe and not needed.

>> No.9212380

You only think this because it’s easy

>> No.9212475

I mean its amazing but I still prefer Rondo. Rondo just feels better okay? Its also more rare and prestigious. This is not pretentious of an opinion either. Its just the reality. If Rondo was on the other platforms and wasn't butchered I don't even think people would debate that its the best one. It would be common knowledge.

>> No.9212979

I agree that Rondo would be universally considered the best one if everyone had a chance to grow up with it. Honestly a shame the real version of it never got released here for so long. It has to be one of the best sidescrollers of all time.

>> No.9213171

>Dracula's Curse
>Super IV
I don't really have any statement on which one is the best but goddamn the 90s Castlevania games have a fucking crazy strong quality streak

>> No.9213184

Rondo is on psp, it's actually how I first played it myself. It's stupid as fuck that you need to play through the remake to unlock the original but eh, back then having portable RoB and SotN was pretty novel before I knew how to jailbreak my psp.

>> No.9213192


90 castlevania ranking

SOTN > Rondo > Bloodlines > Dracula X > Castlevania X6800 > Castlevania IV

It was difficult to rank Castlevania IV and X6800 because both are unnecessary remakes that make you want to play the original.

>> No.9213419

You could have grown up with it if you weren't a poorfag. I bought the game a few months after it released. Rondo was talked about in gaming mags of the time and amongst Castlevania enthusiasts.
>Step 1 : have or buy TurboDuo
>Step 2 : call game store that does imports and order game
>Step 3 : enjoy the greatest Castlevania with the greatest OST

>> No.9213928

Bloodlines is my overall favorite, but Rondo is arguably the best

rondo isn't even my favorite pce game

x68k is too short, needed a few extra levels

super iv has the best atmosphere, gives me chills sometimes

dracula xx is dogshit

the nes games are meh, i'd rather play legendary axe 1 or 2

>> No.9214016

I've never played castlevania because the hearts don't replenish your life. That would be like if Sonics coins did nothing but give you points.

>> No.9214046

Suck my cock and choke on it.
Dracula XX is the best classicvania of all time.

>> No.9214302

Bloodlines is my favorite as well. Feels like a black sheep in some ways. More "gamey"/arcade-feeling, which is true of many Genesis games vs SNES being a little more refined and cinematic. To me, Bloodlines just FEELS so damn good. I like having diagonals, but they're not as exploitable as IV. It's a good compromise. The difficulty is solid too. It's not insurmountable, but a 1cc will take some effort.

>> No.9214304

All castlevania up to Bloodlines had a Score system. SOTN was the first to not have a score system

>> No.9214426

Konami was never good. You can stop pretending now. The kids have gone to bed anyway.

>> No.9214439

My biggest problem for me is the OST. Every Castlevania has amazing music (except HoD) and then you listen to Super Castlevania IV and the only noteworthy thing from it is Simon's theme. Bloodlines and especially Rando have way better music which helps the games even more.

>> No.9214497

it's my favorite "classic" castlevania next to rondo.

i wish they went more in the direction of CV4, bloodlines & rondo/dracula X with castlevania rather than the direction of SOTN. metroidvanias are boring.

>> No.9214579

4 falls apart at the end with bad level design and shitty bosses
Instant death spike traps that have wonky hitboxes and Slogra are cheap as fuck and not fun. Despite it being the easiest game, it gets really sour and cheap at the end.

>> No.9214812

Bloodlines also has a really satisfying "hold attack for extra damage" thing going on.

>> No.9214880

Castlevania IV shits on rondo and bloodlines. Rondo looks like a souped up NES game and bloodlines is literally a rushed unfinished game. Not owning SNES must have sucked back then

>> No.9215030

The only people who think IV is the best game are the people who have never beaten/played any other castlevania

>> No.9215039

It's not my favoritr Castlevania but it is one of the most fun SNES games I ever actually owned. My main critique is that the game is, to me, almost flawless until a very specific moment - there is a series of disappearing platforms right before the Frankenstein boss fight, and to the best of my knowledge there isn't a consistent, skill based way of getting through, best case scenario I can recall (this was 8 years ago so don't spazz on me if inaccurate) is you could charge through, get lucky enough with the platforms where you didn't get insta-drowned in sewer water, and hopefully don't eat too much damage from some other bullshit obstacle that may have been there at the same time, I don't totally recall. Any anons know what I'm talking about and if there is a fair way past it? I'd love to hear how I missed an obvious solution like a retard but I left the game feeling in good faith that the game had decided explicitly that it was done being fair so I was done playing it, which sucks because it was a 9/10 for me up to that point.

>> No.9215140

Demonstrably false. Youre a faggot that makes shit up. You likely have hiv.

>> No.9215143

Cool atmosphere and one of the better early demonstrations of the Super Nintendo's capabilities. Level design is pretty boring compared to Rondo and the 8 way whip doesn't get enough utility. They also didn't balance the difficulty around its capabilities.

>> No.9215158

castlevania 4 is fine, rondo is the one thats overrated. sure the voice acted cutscenes and cd quality music were impressive back then, but people need to stop pretending that the actual game is good.

>> No.9216290

Only AVGN faggots like this game. Bloodlines and Rondo shit all over it in terms of level design and difficulty.

>> No.9216306

This, finally someone understands the problem of this game gameplay is too shallow

>> No.9216345

I disagree. I actually rank Rondo pretty high just for how it controls.

>> No.9216346

It controls like shit.

>> No.9216354

it's the same as the others except you can backflip, which is surprisingly useful, namely against axe knights

>> No.9216360

Again, I disagree. I like that it adheres to Classicvanias and how you'll need to commit to your jumps, but it DOES allow for slight adjustments in the air.
I also like the whip extension trick.

>> No.9216367

I understand that being a contrarian is a big part of your personality, but it's agreed upon that Richter controls horribly.

>> No.9216373

I haven't heard that. Where did you hear it?

>> No.9216379

The controls are really good

>> No.9216381

explain how instead of saying he does and just expecting me to know how
i mean maybe he does compared to maria but so does everyone else except for grant

>> No.9216382

It's not easy. Not Castlevania III hard, but not easy. There's some very annoying traps and platforming sections during the late game.
Overall I think Rondo and X68K are better, but I prefer it to Bloodlines. Not even considering Dracula XX, this game is trash.

>> No.9216492
File: 1.96 MB, 498x459, CVIV_swim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean that disappearing segmented bridge right before Frankenstein? It actually is consistent, the pattern depends on how you approach it, literally. That is to say, if you want a reliable pattern consistently, don't ease up when you walk up to that part, because otherwise the blocks won't spawn and activate in a way that works.

That isn't to say that you should just walk on through without stopping, you can and should stop, look, and go when you have a path, but if you get some bullshit like two blocks in a row disappearing, I'm pretty sure you can just turn around and try again.

>Rondo looks like a souped up NES game
Just played through Rondo again recently and yeah, it felt like a more advanced NES game, except I don't really get what I want out of a NESvania. Like, I don't really get people who say it's harder than IV or that it's all well designed, because I just tear through it save for when the game decides to be kind of dick with stuff like overwhelming odds in Stage 2's alt route or the bridge to the clock tower when so many bats come at after at weird angles, if I'm just being blocked by some random winged asshole with a sword in front. I think Rondo tries using ideas form older games while throwing in its own, like alt routes and enemies getting an update and some having more advanced AI, but aside from stages 3 and 5, I wouldn't say it really does much of anything cool or even all that fun. Stuff like spear knights poking you into a pit or the entirety of the ship level throwing all sorts of shit at you while still putting care into how is great, just wish Rondo gave me more of that.

>> No.9216516

>Feels like a black sheep in some ways
That's something I got to think about recently. I've yet to do a full playthrough of Bloodlines, but of what I played and what I've seen, it was and in deed looks fun, and yet it often seems like it doesn't get talked about much. Shoot, IV threads are almost always the only time I see anyone say anything about it. Did not that many people actually play it back then or what?

>> No.9216773

Rondo is more visually pleasing than IV even if you think it is technically inferior. Stylistically IV is muddy and the character sprite and enemies are uglier.
Also, visuals play a small factor in how good CV games are considering two of the best games in the series are on NES.
IV is good, but if you're going to say it "shits on" Rondo, you should have better points lined up.

>> No.9216846

>Did not that many people actually play it back then or what?

the japanese version is one of the rarest megadrive games, and the american version goes for a pretty penny too

same with MUSHA

>> No.9218257

Egoraptor lost all credibility when he played the game and couldn't get past stage 8. Also he clarified he never said the game is bad, he just wanted to be smartass and point out ways to improve the game to utilize the swining mechanics more (which he didn't see because he never got past level 8, the shit he mentioned is present in the game, in later stages).
IV being "easy" was always a midwit take. Having played all CV games extensively, I can say I can beat Rondo, Bloodlines, even CV1 without losing any continue (using each game's exploits, like the holy water to stunt Death in CV1, or the bible in Rondo which makes most of the game a piece of cake, not to mention item crash for i-frames), CV4's diagonal whip can only do so much, and most of the difficulty comes from the platforming, which I think it has some of the best in the series. Also, for all the shit people give the diagonal whip and how "it wasn't designed around it", I'll say that IV is the game with the most amount of enemies that attack you from an angle, by far.
I still struggle a bit trying to beat IV without using a continue, especially the last 4 or so levels.
The game is pretty good at making the player feel super powerful, but it only seems easy because the game has unlimited continues. Also I doubt most people could beat stages 8 to 11 on their first try. Stage 8 in particular is a huge filter akin to some of the hardest levels in the NES games, nothing in Rondo or Bloodlines come close.
Anyway, all great games.

>> No.9218403

>you can't have an opinion unless you 1cc

>> No.9218437

Never said "you can't", but when talking difficulty, people overestimate the difficulty in games like CV1 or Rondo. Especially the later, it's one of the easiest in the whole series (classic). I find the whole "IV is too easy" opinion very misguided for the reasons I mentioned.
Still, all these games are great and are revered by Castlevania fans.

>> No.9218448

It's not even close to the best Castlevania title, but it's not a bad game either. If one of your worst games is SCV4 then obviously you're in a good position

>> No.9218474

This is rubbish. The bridge is entirely random and will not be consistent. You can approach it exactly the same and it will be a different pattern. It is not known what the pattern is based on, but it is not a global timer, nor a stage timer. There's a reason it's called the Vegas bridge after all.

>> No.9218512

For me, it’s Symphony of the Night

>> No.9218519

I had to look up who this Egoraptor actually is. People here care about Youtubers now? I thought that was a meme.

>> No.9218551


>> No.9218579

>People here care about Youtubers now?
old youtube youtubers? yeah.

>> No.9219049

>This is rubbish. The bridge is entirely random and will not be consistent
No it isn't, yes it will, and I don't even care what your sources are, not with that attitude. I have unironically consistently gotten the same pattern, or arguably even better if it isn't the same pattern, a working one, and have only died like twice ever to the bridge.

>> No.9219103

i'm tired of these dumb revisions by useless e-celebs, it's already settled since the 90's that the IV is better

>> No.9219109

maybe post old ones that aren't dumbass shitheads then

>> No.9219168

I don't understand complaining Super is too easy while mentioning Rondo in the same breath. As someone who's played all the classicvanias Rondo is the easiest by a good margin even not counting Marie since shes basically an unlockable easy mode.

>> No.9219291

>even not counting Marie
I wish we got a game that was more based around Maria rather than Richter, because maybe then the developers would have to step up how Richter handles and what he can do because stuff like the backflip and moonwalk don't cut it for me. Basically give me SoTN Richter, SoTN Richter is cool and it'd be great to have a game designed around him.

>> No.9219414

it's kind of the same reason people lord tank controls in classic RE when none of the games were particularly difficult, they streamlined what had been a unique type of gameplay based on the controls.

>> No.9219940

Who says Rondo is difficult? I've also heard people complain that it's too easy and that's why it's not as good as III.
I don't think more difficult = better necessarily. The reason I don't rate IV as highly as Rondo is that the presentation of Rondo is better, both art and music (fuck off "souped up NES game" fag). Also, the levels are more concise and aren't made artificially difficult by poorly spaced checkpoints. Branching paths and a second playable character are also points for Rondo.
Difficulty is not as important as balance and polish.
All Castlevania threads seem to devolve into arguing which game is the most difficult and therefore best. It's a stupid assumption to begin with.

>> No.9220104

Agreed, being the easiest isn't a bad thing. Honestly I'd argue part of why its the best is because its the easiest, the other classicvanias have tons of cheap shots.

>> No.9220110

One thing I've learned from discussing video games on the internet, and especially 4chan, especially a small board like /vr/, is that there's always ways to shit talk any game, even really good classic ones like IV or Rondo.

>> No.9220267

This game has the best atmosphere. The music fits the theme of the game and the pace of the gameplay better than something like 3 or rondo. I normally enjoy anime but I think the energetic rock ballads and anime art style in rondo are inferior to the classic realistic horror aesthetic and film score music of 4.

>> No.9220349

The medley of classic songs near the end really makes it awesome. it's okay that this game is easier than others. Not every game needs to give the exact same experience

>> No.9220409

My sources are me and the entire CV4 community lol. This game has been TASed multiple times and analysed. We recently figured out a new way to zip in stage 4. But I'm glad some rando that doesn't know shit has figured out how to get consistent vegas bridge LMAO

>> No.9220431

>same pattern or arguably better
>only ever died twice

Who cares? That's besides the point. The point is not that the patterns are hard or not, the point is that there is no known way to manipulate the pattern you get. Looking through the code, the RNG for the section is affected by multiple byte addresses, including some that are unknown what the function is. It is pretty comparable to the mines at the end of Surf City in Battletoads, where 4 bytes are just going nuts to set the pattern, hence why the end of Surf City is not a consistent pattern, just like Vegas bridge.

>> No.9220741

I thought Rondo was pretty balanced in terms of difficulty when I first played it. Kind of similar to the original Castlevania but a bit easier. It's fair. There are parts that will challenge your first time, but nothing is really complete bullshit. You can't tell me anyone claiming Rondo is "piss easy" beat Death their first try or didn't die once to Shaft's boss rush.

>> No.9220778

>The best game in the series is the piss-easy one that I can actually beat

Every time.

>> No.9220920
File: 404 KB, 1200x675, super-castlevania-iv-header.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu I, III, IV, Rondo, and SOTN are all equally qualified candidates. I also lean more towards IV because its free whip is largely an improvement from the older games and it nails the atmosphere and vibe of CV perfectly.

>> No.9220924

Similar to what the poster above you said about Rondo, I highly doubt someone who says they didn't die in certain parts of CV4 the first time they played it, like the submerged city in level 3, or the cellar stage, or fighting Slogra-Gaibon-Death.

>> No.9220931


One of the worst 16bits cv, remakes are a mistake

>> No.9220949 [DELETED] 
File: 282 KB, 748x398, castlevania_remakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remakes are a mistake
Except when they're done right.

>> No.9221632


But thats still wrong.
Castlevania Chronicles is the best.
The level design, music, and enemy variety is great.
How does everyone forget this game exists?

>> No.9221637

I appreciate how little bullshit it actually throws at you compared to other castlevania games.

>> No.9221761

Yup, that's the part I was talking about. Absolutely hateful thing to put in an otherwise really really fair game up to that point. I feel so vindicated. Fuck you Castlevania IV. I don't wanna break up but don't talk to me for a few days.

>> No.9222656

Because it's a sloppy port of a game for a Japanese computer most people didn't know existed a decade ago.

>> No.9222659

Chronicles is hot garbage

>> No.9222673

I don't really play a lot of Castlevania but I can say for sure I didn't care too much for Rondo. I've seen Rondo fans say Dracula X is garbage which actually kind of makes me want to play it, Bloodlines and SotN look fun too

>> No.9223014

>i've seen Rondo fans say Dracula X is garbage which actually kind of makes me want to play it
it's not as bad as people say it is, just kind of a rough game with some ugly backgrounds.

>> No.9223084

Not that anon but bad backgrounds? it has really good ones. Rondo is the one with many levels of brick walls. Both games look pretty good though, Rondo has simpler backgrounds but still manages to make a good use of art direction (save for the copypasted brick walls), Dracula X's more expanded color palette and details make it look more similar to SOTN.
Anyway yeah there's basically no bad Classicvania games, probably the worst one in terms of gameplay and level design is the arcade Haunted Castle. Only one I'd say it's not very fun to play (though it has charm and a great OST)

>> No.9223146

Everyone sucks this game's dick what are you talking about? I hate it by the way, its so fucking boring compared to any other castlevania game

>> No.9223149

Its good you are just a castlevania 4 loving faggot

>> No.9223152

Dracula X recycles Rondo assets into a kind of remix semi-sequel. It's "we have Rondo of Blood at home"

>> No.9223194

III > Rondo > SOTN > IV > Bloodlines
By no means are IV and Bloodlines bad games