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9209014 No.9209014 [Reply] [Original]

OK... now that the dust has settled let's compare the Genesis Sonics(1,2,3&K) and Mario(World 1&2) once and for all. Two 16 bit franchises enter. Only one leaves.

We will be using be using old gamepro categories to determine who wins. Each franchise will be graded on:
>Fun Factor

And.... GO!

>> No.9209016

both are shit

>> No.9209021


SMW is better than most 16 bit sonic, but I think 16 bit sonic is better than Yoshi Island.





>Level Design


If Knuckles levels were like they are in the adventure series, I would put sonic as a better level design

SMW > Sonic >>> Mario World 2

>> No.9209024

both get mogged by Joe & Mac: Caveman Ninja, next

>> No.9209025

what about >replay?

>> No.9209029
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Sega Mega Drive didn't sell in Japan.
Sonic didn't sell in Japan.
Mario and Donkey Kong are considered the 2 platforming icons in Japan.

>> No.9209043

Mario: Sonic:
Graphic technicality: 7/10 8/10
Graphic design: 8/10 7/10
Sound: 10/10 9/10
Control: 7/10 7/10
Fun Factor: 7/10 7/10
Challenge: 8/10 8/10

tl:dr Commander Keen is the best of the franchises because it actually has a soul

>> No.9209045

Smw and YI aren't even good Mario games. Complete mismatch. Sonic games win.

>> No.9209048
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I can replay sonics all day ( especially with level select ) but mario all stars + world is the best friggen cart on the block. That said Mario World 2 sucks a butt.

>>Level Design

I kind of agree with this there's a ton of sonic levels I love: Ice Cap, Chemical Zone, Hydrocity, All the Green Hill Zone. But then they throw the Casino levels at you and they're just trash. Sonic 3 has super cool story telling. You crash his mother fucking death egg. Then in Knuckles you beat the shit out of that little fucker and metal sonic and then its a pretty epic last level and boss fight. I don't like genesis music in general, but sonic has some bops. Sonic 1 is a good platformer, but its no where as fun as the other sonics or marios even.

Marios got some awesome levels and there's no straight up bad ones. Mario levels all kind of blend together for me. None really stand out. All the castle levels are pretty challenging. Not a big fan of the ghost house levels. Challenging and still fun. I think the collectables really take these games to the next level with world. Sonic has replay to master the game do the levels fast, but just finding shit in mario world is fun.

The Winner???

Donkey Mother Fucking Kong

[ X ] Collectables
[ X ] Exploration
[ X ] Challenge
[ X ] Graphics
[ X ] Personality
[ X ] Speed

DKC wipes the floor with these plebs. Easily the best 2d platforming trilogy ever made.

>> No.9209062

>level design smw
>fly over 90% of every level
Great design. Imagine playing Sonic games as Tails and just flying over every obstacle. It would be a fucking joke.

>> No.9209068

Flying is completely optional and flying has more depth than tails and knuckles gliding

>> No.9209082

>level design smw
>fly over shit
mehh mario is a weird one. the levels are as easy as you want them to be. in 3 + world you can always drop yourself a powerup or whatever

>> No.9209090

they're both pretty good
haven't played either in a while though but i prefer the 2d sonics
also why are you countin yoshi's island, it's good but it's not a mario game

>> No.9209093

Yoshi's Island went too far with the OCD collecting crap, but I'd still take it over any of the Sonics.

>> No.9209095

Yoshi Island level design is too boring.

>> No.9209098

Wasn't there some incredibly powerful autist that took the time to check every stage and completely dismantled that meme of being able to bypass "90%" of the stages with the cape?

>> No.9209101

No doubt Mario's flying can be extremly tecnical which many rom hacks display but we're talking about base SMW here and you're grabbing double Cape for every level of the game.

>> No.9209106

I took double cape+blue yoshi to every level. It made it incredibly simple.vsmw and sf2 were the first two games I bought for my snes.

>> No.9209116


>> No.9209121

It wouldn't surprise me. Lots of levels in Mario World take place in a cave, haunted house, boss castle, underwater, or simply do not have upwards scrolling required to fly.

That being said, I don't see the cape being overpowered as bad anyway, because it's fun, optional, and most people never learned how to properly use it.

>> No.9209314

Sonic. Yes MW2 is impressive but Sonic(especially 3&k) has a better look imo.
Giving it to Sonic. Majority of the tunes are great with a few being God tier.
Its a cop put but... Going with a tie.
>Fun Factor
Mario. The hold right meme on Sonic is overplayed but Mario just has more going on and is more fun overall.
Def Mario. Sonic outside of a few spots is decently easy.

>> No.9209512

There are haunted houses with secret exits that can be accessed by flying. Do you anons even play these games?

>> No.9209543

>>Fun Factor

It's like no contest.

>> No.9209552

SMW has 100 exits to play. That is much more than all 16-bit Sonics combined.

>> No.9209579

>smw has more bloat

>> No.9209590

forced meme is forced

>> No.9209602

Sonic 1 = Kinda bare-bones mechanically wise. It somewhat open-ended but nothing near the Mario world games. The later levels are pretty mediocre.
Sonic 2 = Some quality of life-additions were made, but it also sacrifices the somewhat open design of the first game.
Sonic 3&K = The best pacing of all the games in this selection. It combines both speed of Sonic 2 with the environmental exploration of games like Sonic 1 and CD, and does it the best. Each stage brings something new to the table, though some of the new gimmicks are rather rough.
SMW = Best Mechanic. I don't really like the game itself, but the formula has allowed for the creation of much better romhacks.
Yoshi's Island = Best level design overall. It's also the best in terms of animation quality. The game kinda drags at the beginning and near to the end. Some of the hidden items required for 100% are way too obscurely hidden.
While I think that both Mario games have good music, I don't like the basic chips Nintendo usually using for most of their first-party titles. The music from Sonic is already good as it's and I think it evokes much more emotions compared to Mario soundtracks.
About the difficulty:
Sonic 1 & 2 aren't difficult. They got a few "difficulty spikes" in the later stages, but nothing too challenging, and same goes for Yoshi's Island. Other than a few very specific stages needed for 100% completion the game is pretty easy overall. Most people tend to complain about the special stages of Sonic 1 & 2, but the ones from 3 are easily the most punishing. The game is pretty easy overall, unless you consider the special stages. Most people also claim that Mario World is pretty easy, but I remember the later stages of the game having pretty hardcore platforming. Mario World has an easy start, but overall it's the hardest game out of the bunch.

>> No.9209951

Apples and oranges, but I'll bite

>Fun Factor

Donkey Kong Country is the better Nintendo platformer series anyway. I like all of the games, but S3&K > DKC2 > S2 > DKC1 > SMW > Yoshi's Island > DKC3 > S1

>> No.9210094
File: 31 KB, 370x269, DK_Country_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Donkey Kong Country over Super Mario World, probably over both classic Sonic too (barring CD). If you want a good platformer play that or Mega Man X

>> No.9210220


>> No.9210328

The problem with sonic games is that the level design just can't decide if it wants to be "go fast" or "precision platforming" so it just keeps switching between the two and that's fucking obnoxious

>> No.9210332

I don't think the levels are designed that way.

>> No.9210491

>Fun Factor

>> No.9210552

My favorite game.
My favorite game.
My favorite game.
>Fun Factor
My favorite game.
My favorite game.

Oh, even though the thread says specifically Mario vs Sonic, I entered here anyway just to say I prefer my favorite game. Thanks!

>> No.9211648

Have you even played them? This is literally only true for Sonic 1

>> No.9211668

>Donkey Mother Fucking Kong
>[ X ] Exploration
whut? better than mario world? are you crazy?
>[ X ] Personality
there's not a sinlge(1) character who is more famous than Mario
>butubut he just waahooo
yeah, cause the monkey speaks 3 languages
>[ X ] Speed
wtf this means exactly?

>> No.9211729

Sonic. 2D mario peaked at 3 and world was good but more of the same really, then yoshi's island was more of an experimental gimmick game than a mario. Sonic blew it away in terms of presentation, creativity and replayability with multiple routes.

>> No.9211782

>there's not a sinlge character who is more famous than Mario
strawman argument. describe mario's personality. he doesn't have one. whats the difference between him and luigi. there is none.

sonic is an impatient little fuck that thinks he's a bad ass. he gets angry at you when you sit for too long. he always chases down egg man. he beats up knuckles but spares him. he does his little #1 finger deal at the end and start of games.

donkey kong is just a big chad. he starts his game listening to cool ass music before cranky explodes his ass. he wears a fucking tie the whole game. he bulldozes enemies and he high fives diddy. he's just a cool dude that wants his bananas back. like even dixie plays a friggen guitar riff when she beats a level.

mario is fat and eats mushrooms. thats all they gave him.

>> No.9211786

SMW > Yoshi's Island = Sonic 2 > Sonic 1 >>> Sonic 3

SMW = 5/5
Yoshi's Island = 5/5
Sonic 1 = 4/5
Sonic 2 = 5/5
Sonic 3 = 2/5

SMW = 5/5
YI = 5/5
Sonic 1 = 5/5
Sonic 2 = 5/5
Sonic 3 = 4/5

SMW = 5/5
YI = 4/5
Sonic 1 = 4/5
Sonic 2 = 4/5
Sonic 3 = 4/5

Fun Factor
SMW = 5
YI = 4
Sonic 1 = 3
Sonic 2 = 4
Sonic 3 = 1

>> No.9211793

>whats the difference between him and luigi. there is none.
Mario has been depicted as brave and courageous while Luigi is cowardly for like 20 years now. Not exactly deep characterization or anything but there is a clear difference between the brothers.

>> No.9211839

> but the ones from 3 are easily the most punishing
The special stages in sonic 2 are borderline impossible, I have no idea how anyone could think they are easier than those in sonic 3.

>> No.9211864

>he gets angry at you when you sit for too long
On mario 64, mario takes a nap and dreams about lasagnas and princess peach, on Odyssey, the little guy dreams about over fucking 30 types of pastas, but hell, sonic is cooler cause he ''gets angry''
>d-doesn't count! it's world(1 game) vs (3 sonic and 3 dk games) ! the 16bit era!
whatever dude, as fat as mario is, the guy is such a athletic freak, running fast, jumping high, riding on dinosaurs and flying with capes while stomping turtle monsters on land,sky, caves, underwater, that's way more cooler, soulfull, personal, remarkable than anything Sonic ever did... Want a proof? look what Mario is today and what Sonic is today.
>he always chases down egg man.
same with bowser, dumbass
>he beats up knuckles but spares him
ooooo the edgykatana lord Sonic spares enemies, what A PERSONALITY
>he does his little #1 finger deal at the end and start of games.
Mario's punch while jumping/ airplane stance is way more coller than this
>i'm the best hihi, #1
>donkey kong is just a big chad
yeah, he's a monkey, what a banger, right? he does high fives and eats bananas, and the trump card: he listen to musics.

>> No.9211871

DKC is funnier than mario the only funny thing about mario is his mustache.

>> No.9212141

he doesn't have one most of the time, but when he does it's great

>> No.9212225

Holy shit calm down with the tard rage

>> No.9212240

You need to go back to /v/ and not pollute this forum any longer.

>> No.9212314

And we all know that Japan has shit taste

>> No.9212359

Are people who say they prefer Sonic just hipsters? I genuinely don't get how anyone seriously likes it more than Mario. It's got like 8 levels in the whole game, and the level design is much less interesting. All the Sonic games are like 7/10 to me, not trying to be rude.

>> No.9212417

Don't smw2 have that obnoxius baby that makes it unplayable. So its smw1 vs the three best platformers from the 16-bit era, it's not even a contest if you think about it. Smw1 have to be a masterpiece to win vs those three, but it's "just" a bery good game and a bit too easy. Since theres a save function they should have made it harder.

>> No.9212456

I really don't know why this is still even debatable to people. If we are only going by the 16 bit games here Sonic very easily wins this. SMW2 kind of isn't even a real Mario game either since you actually play Yoshi. So its more like a Yoshi game with Mario being a baby you protect. That only leaves SMW. An admittedly great Mario game of course. Does it beat the Genesis Sonic games? I mean if you were going to get the choice of being gifted games here I'd rather take 4 Sonic games over the single SMW any day. How about comparing the games individually? I'd still take Sonic with the only exception maybe being that SMW is definitely better than Sonic 1. Since you want to grade them though on the categories...

Sonic and even if some think not I'd argue Sonic has way more interesting details and environments in the levels which alone makes it much better.
Sonic easily again. Much better music, sound effects, that ring sound when you collect, etc.
All Sonic needs is a dpad and one button. You also need to be aware of when to roll or spindash. Momentum based. Sonic easily yet again.
>fun factor
If the above didn't convince well Sonic wins here again. Highly replayable, momentum/speed based platformer gameplay. Games got great everything. Maybe only special stages are meh but its not like they bring the games down much anyways. They can be fun sometimes.
This I'd probably give to SMW. Sonic is easy peasy for the most part besides certain sharp difficulty spikes with each game. So SMW has consistent challenge across the game.

The Sonic games are the best of the era for platforming period. SMW alone cannot compare.

>> No.9212471

First of all that was really only Sonic 1 in the most literal sense and second of all there is nothing wrong with this idea if done right which the games after 1 get extremely right mostly. The games are about both going fast and platforming. To not expect both combined is dumb. To even want one over the other is dumb. The games are speedy platformers. They never lied to you or any other idiot about what they are. Its only morons like you misunderstanding the concept.

>> No.9212494

What a retarded thread. It's obviously SMW.

>> No.9212676

The Sonic games are way more replayable. After going through SMW or YI I'm done with them for years. But I'll pick up and play Sonic 2 or 3 multiple times a year.

>> No.9213271

- Sonic, it’s clearly more colorful and nicer looking
- Sonic, more variety. SMW is just the same song played in a few different ways
- Mario, much more variety and customizability. I mean come on, Sonic games are just one button
>Fun Factor
- Mario by a longshot, the games have so much more in terms of content and replayability. Sonic games are just about a few special stages, getting the emeralds pales in getting 96* in SMW or all 100’s in YI (unlocking MANY secret levels). The ability to revisit the completed levels also just makes the game so much more fun
- Mario, getting the emeralds in Sonic games are pretty easy compared to unlocking and beating those secret levels in Yoshi’s Island

I love both franchises and own all the games from this era. But I gotta crown Mario the winner here

>> No.9213338

>Super Mario World
>Yoshi's Island

>Sonic the Hedgehog
>Sonic the Hedgehog 2
>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
>Sonic CD

>> No.9213793
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I cannot comprehend how someone thinks Sonic level design isn't interesting. There really aren't other 2D games that have the branching Sonic has. In fact there are many aspects you can only get in Sonic and it's within a single package.

>> No.9213803

Gamepro had the worst rating system.

>> No.9213806
File: 111 KB, 640x440, SMAS_SMW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mario all stars + world is the best friggen cart on the block
Jesus. I never knew this existed.
Holy fuck that is a gold product.

>> No.9213809
File: 1.65 MB, 5824x1024, s2-cpz-act2map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chemical Plant is the apex of Sonic Team's original level design. You have to go to Mania to get anything anywhere near as elaborate.

>> No.9213941
File: 266 KB, 1600x1038, og-donkey-kong-country-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DKC2 > Sonic CD > Sonic 1 > SMW > S3&K > DKC > Yoshi's Island > Sonic 2 > DKC3