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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 595 KB, 1008x888, Fallout New Vegas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9206850 No.9206850 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any significant video games whose exclusive purpose is to make fun of video game tropes? Not necessarily a 4th wall experience, but more like a mockery of the industry itself. Kind of like Birdman in regard to film and acting.
I ask this on /vr/ because range-ban and it is very plausible that it has been done before: ClayFighter 63 1/3 is satirical of Nintendo 64's proclivity to name nearly every exclusive title, but other than that, it's not quite what I'm looking for.

>> No.9206853

I was gonna say the simpsons game but how it isn't retro but it does have a ps2 port kek

>> No.9206865

>exclusive purpose is to make fun of video game tropes
No. By definition a game is also a game.

>> No.9206870

Takeshi no Chousenjou fucking newfags.

>> No.9206874

Haven't you studied narrative and thematic expression? It's not mutually exclusive.

>> No.9206879

Penn and Teller's Desert Bus

>> No.9206890

Looking for 'content' for your pretentious jerkoff youtube video?

>> No.9206895

Nobody gives a shit about retro content

>> No.9206898

good answer

>> No.9206925

I never played it, but isn't Moon on the PS1 marketed as this?

>> No.9206927

They're not retro, but if you really hate yourself, you can try to make your way through the Matt Hazard games.

>> No.9206928

you sure seem to know a lot about what these youtubers put out

>> No.9206931

With Takeshi's Challenge I don't know if it's intentionally satirical. I've heard the commonly-repeated statement that Beat Takeshi despises video games and wanted to make fun of the people who play them but I think that's probably just an urban legend.

In the episode of GCCX where Arino interviews one of the game's devs he talks about how they would go out for drinks and Takeshi would drunkenly suggest some dumb shit to put in the game and they would put it in just so as not to go against him.

>> No.9206934

"Anti-RPG." Too bad it's not fun, waited years for it to be translated for nothing.

>> No.9206935

He thought games were degen ruining youth and the ending screen calls you a loser for wasting time with this shit.

>> No.9206937
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>> No.9206941

>fan translation
don't talk to me

>> No.9206943
File: 14 KB, 250x246, disgruntled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure Earthbound is THE anti-vidya, it's why it was so beloved, it turned tropes on their head for kicks, it does treat a lot of it seriously and the result is a very surreal adventure

>> No.9206947

Did you send that pic to your prospective employer?

>> No.9206948

And then the old nip ludite wanna be starred in Yakuza 6.

>> No.9206954

Parodius and Trio the Punch: Never Forget Me... are about Konami and Data East respectively parodying themselves

Earthbound and Super Mario RPG are partly a parody of common RPG tropes at the time

Space Quest 3 and 4 get very meta, 3 is about rescuing the games' developers from a scummy game developing company and 4 is about time travelling through fake future sequels to the series

>> No.9206958
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Are you really going to take this game so seriously?

>> No.9206959

At least he was good in that. I wonder how much Sega paid him for the role.

>> No.9206962

Moon Remix RPG Adventure

Extremely untrue

>> No.9206964

>Super Mario RPG
god that game rocks, it's up there for best RPG of all time

>> No.9206965

NES generation are in their 40s. No one gives a shit about game history or any of that crap.

>> No.9206968

/vr/ is not the place to ask. Retro games were still laying the foundation for a lot of the tropes that modern games make fun of today. There wasn't a lot of self-awareness in the industry's infancy. You'd have cheeky, self-aware games like Earthworm Jim and stuff, but not the sort of thing you're looking for.

>> No.9206970

There was an Aqua Teen Hunger Force flash game like Super Mario Bros. But it was called something like "Just Walk." Gone now, like tears in rain.

>> No.9206973

I mean yeah, it's very niche like all video game content is going to be, but I see analysis videos for NES games in my recommended feed all the time, and they get 10K - 50K views which is pretty respectable

>> No.9206976

Tiktokers dying to watch those NES Analysis.

>> No.9206980

It's like a bell curve, NES nostalgia was the shit during the 2000's, it's viewereship peaked during the 2010's, and now we are on the receding phase where the attention it gets is similar to the one it had in the 2000's.

>> No.9206985
File: 314 KB, 640x365, enemy3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if it fits your bill but SeGaGaGa

>> No.9206991

You'd be surprised man, not that the only people who watch YouTube are TikTokers (that's why they're on TikTok and not YouTube)

>> No.9206995
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>> No.9206996
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>> No.9207000

I was just about to bring up Segagaga. It's basically just a dumb joke a Sega employee made for fun in his spare time. And Sega actually decided to give it a budget and official release for some reason. Legend has it that once the game was completed, they handed him 200 bucks and went "this is the game's entire advertisement budget, so use it wisely".

>> No.9207002

Game Tengoku 2 for PS1 is a parody of games. It's a vertical shooter but the levels are all different kinds of games. One level you're playing through a horror adventure game the next its a dating sim. Sort of like Philosama in that it changes its style every level.

>> No.9207005
File: 17 KB, 480x272, racing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a racing level from it, i think this one plays almost like f-zero. Oh and its actually funny, would recommended.

>> No.9207006

>Penn and Teller's Desert Bus

The entire game is a piss take on interactive gaming. Sad that this one never got released. I actually think it is one of the more interesting Sega CD games.


>> No.9207009

What about a parody of the fanbase?

>> No.9207020 [DELETED] 


Plus the intro to Desert Bus is classic:

>> No.9207031


Plus the intro to Desert Bus is classic:

I love the 'Life Simulator" description Penn gives. Monotonous driving a bus through a desert simulator. I could almost imagine this idea being suggest by Penn and teller themselves, since they have actually travelled on busses through the same distance.

>> No.9207038
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Hate the fact that this is the only game I can think of.

>> No.9207041
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Pic related has a few vidya parodies on the box art, but I've never actually played this so I can't give you my thoughts on it.

>> No.9207080

neptunia series

>> No.9207102

I wonder why Family guy got a video game, but no movie like the Simpsons did? They could have done it as a send-off/finale to the series in 2013-2016.

>> No.9207128
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault(10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Simpsons Game is actually a better take on satrizing Video Game tropes and taking a shit on their developer. Fun co-op game as a kid, beat it 3 times since I was a kid. Still, it has that stink the Simpsons Movie had to a lesser extent.

>> No.9207135

At worst, the Simpsons movie is a 4.5, if not a 5, to me.

>> No.9207175

Desert Bus?

>> No.9207197

The game is a solid 7.5. Worth playing with a local friend.

>> No.9207207

That Stewie movie they broke into 3 episodes was a movie when it originally came out, but directly to dvd.

>> No.9207232

No. I studied English. You should try it. Posting in Zoomlish with get you justly mocked by grownups.

>> No.9207261

Deez nuts

>> No.9207265 [DELETED] 

Not retro, but The Stanley Parable

>> No.9207275

Your fucking up the thread.

>> No.9207419
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, SLUT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EA tried their hardest to ruin Timesplitters 3. They insisted the protag have a catch phrase like "it's time to split." The catchphrase was included in the game, but everyone in the game groans and cringes whenever the sgt cortez says the corny ass line.

>> No.9207427

I'd translate it as "what are you doing taking a game like this seriously?"

>> No.9207471

because timesplitters is a serious game

>> No.9207554 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 800x720, 1661416391371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might fit the bill, or maybe it's just a bad game

>> No.9207565
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The one and only.

>> No.9207584 [DELETED] 

Goat Simulator is an intentionally retarded game that parodies simulators, MMOs, Zombie shit and Payday 2.

>> No.9207607

What is your point? A game can't mock games because it's a game? Holy shit you're dumb.

>> No.9207617

The Bard's Tale (2004) is a sarcastic take on RPGs.

>> No.9207620

secret of evermore had some old movie parody lines in it, mostly just B-movie titles

also, not retro yet but Saints Row: the Thrid had a bunch of retro references and other things in it. It parodies, from memory and a list I found:
the Atari tanks game, text adventure games, GTA, Modern Warfare, TRON, The Matrix, Marvel and DC franchises, Star Wars, Pong, Shadowrun, Dead Rising, World of Warcraft, WWE Raw, Predator, Top Gun, Dukes of Hazzard, Street Fighter, Michael Jackson, Gears of War 3 Horde mode, and those 1950s style space/mars movies.

>> No.9207621

Post modernist Irony is a cancer.

>> No.9207626

Have you ever seen a Minstrel Show?

>> No.9207631

Lazy Jones the game about a slob who busts his ass to shirk work and play shitty vidya.

>> No.9207681

>I use words and I have no idea what they mean

>> No.9207929

It really is. And it has now created so many layers of irony that most zoomers aren't even sure what's real anymore. It's also the reason so many people had to adopt "unironically" recently.

>> No.9207942
File: 106 KB, 800x720, 138571-flower-sun-and-rain-nintendo-ds-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might fit the bill, or maybe it's just a bad game. Janny, this is a re-release / localisation of a 2001 PS2 game, and is hence permissible to post on this board.

>> No.9207987
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It is. I still don't know what the hell it even means to be post-modern, because everything is post-modern. I had a crisis when I learned Gintama was a post-modern anime, and Earthbound was post-modern too.

>> No.9208035
File: 192 KB, 962x745, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charles Barkley Shut up and Jam Gaiden

>> No.9208045

Obvious answer is MGS2.

>> No.9208052

OP already did that

>What is your point?
That you should learn English so you can communicate with humans. Also reading comprehension.

>> No.9208058

earthworm jim has some of that but's still pretty video gamey

>> No.9208094

It's kinda hard to not be postmodern in the information age, any work that comments, reacts, or builds upon previous work has some element of postmodernism

>> No.9208148

I think Desert Bus is the only legitimate "anti-game" in that it takes shots at both the industry and the players themselves. It's one thing to make fun of the industry for being unoriginal/boring, but it's another thing to make fun of the players who enjoy the unoriginal/boring content too.

No More Heroes 2 did something that was sort of in the same spirit. The first game had you do terrible 3D mini games between missions to grind money. Players hated them and they were basically filler, but eventually a contrarian defence force popped up once No More Heroes 2 announced it was replacing them with 8-bit retro mini games. SUDA51 decided to troll and made it so that the ONLY 3D minigame brought over to the sequel was the arguably broken scorpion collecting activity. It was basically him saying "you liked the 3D mini games? Here, enjoy the best one."

Cruelty Squad is a bit of a modern anti-game, though some of its troll mechanics are actually decent from an immersive sim perspective.

>> No.9208182

Not him but if you watched anything videogame related on youtube they start recomeding you those faggy gaming channels with videos such as:nobody understands dark souls. Or some other stupid shit like that

>> No.9208238
File: 13 KB, 300x316, C9B58149-C042-4087-A8AC-EE15290981A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always figured it meant going against the grain than what's normally done in any and every medium, but like you guys said, it's pretty much a useless buzzword now when "avant garde" is more appropriate, since fucking EVERYTHING has been subverted in some way shape or form. Calling something "Post-modern" is redundant and honestly pretentious that I think it's just people trying to folate "vidya as an art" than what's already necessary. Not retro, but YIIK: A Postmodern RPG fits that bill despite everything about the game's story is all literally pretentious on purpose.

Anyways, I'd say Drakengard considering what Yoko Taro has said on multiple occasions that certain characters and themes are jabs at troupes he disliked in other Jap games.
Also delete your thread, OP. It reeks of pseudo-/lit/ wankery in here.

>> No.9208251
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 63326E70-B3EC-4FAA-AD38-660B76AA1F38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Staying logged-in to Google
>Saving any cookies outside of here

>> No.9208419 [DELETED] 

No, because I'm not a racist.

>> No.9208430

FF7, though not necessarily through its gameplay

>> No.9208482

But that's every work that has ever existed, it's central to creative expression. It's just the avant garde to modernism, it's not really a thing anymore.

>> No.9208492
File: 56 KB, 462x381, Götzendiener.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Götzendiener for the PC Engine.
It's a very short and strange isometric puzzle game where you have to navigate through a dungeon and get out of it.
The intro shows a cutscene where a supposed hero takes on a journey to save a damsel, but when the game starts, you see the same hero eventually fail and die at the hands of the "final boss."
You take control and play as the damsel, and the game could've continued in a more traditional way after that if it wasn't a strange quasi-satire about weird and unpractical "gamey" level design.
You traverse through rooms where some of the enemies were already killed by the now dead hero. Sometimes taking shortcuts by falling down is beneficial and speeds up progress significantly, whereas in any other game the player would've been punished for it.
The best part is that this whole thing takes itself so seriously, that at it feels eerie.

>> No.9209516
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I hate that this game kind of indoctrinated me into gaming. I jived to Comic Book Guy's cliche naming (Kid me was like "Yes, I understand what you are saying"); and its depiction of heaven was something I knew was satirical but also made me think that it would be nice for it to be real.
I deserve your best insults.

>> No.9209521

Everything has been postmodern for the last 30 years. It has something to do about how capitalism is fucking with our perception of reality, as if it is something you can't avoid falling into, even if you aren't a reddit zoomer. Scholars can't quite reach a consensus, they can just limit themselves to guessing and saying what is not postmodern.
Oh yes, Earthbound is very postmodern, that one is so obvious.

>> No.9209532

Every discussion on postmodernism will come across as pretentious schizo ramblings.

>> No.9209614

Smartest anon in this thread. Came here to say No More Heroes. The game literally requires you to mime masturbation. It's all trope busting.

There are some more modern examples, like the Stanley Parable, The Beginner's Guide, and the eCheese Zone, all of which are niche indie games, and mostly they're 4th wall breaking, or they are so deep into the mocking of the industry that it's indistinguishable from surealism.

Back in the day, a lot of Japanese games were sorta games-world aware. Like the Mystical Ninja series... I think. Someone back me up there.

The Space Quest series is very self-aware, but more makes fun of sci-fi tropes, rather than game tropes.

Time Bandits for Atari ST features a Pac-Man world and a Star Trek text adventure, both of which are a tad tongue in cheek, especially considering this was weird at the time, and that the game is a hard core tough as nails 2-player 2D exploratory shooter.

Everything Jeff Minter ever did, including Attack of the Mutant Camels.

Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy text adventure certainly makes fun of other text adventures. Sam and Max games do this to other point-and-click adventure games. Monkey Island, too.

>> No.9209698

There is nothing smart about making contrarian design decisions for the sake of it.
You can argue that NMH2 had a "broken" final boss to demonstrate the "unsatisfying nature of sequels" but that won't change the fact that this aspect of the game is half baked.
Suda's pretentious hipsterism grew more than Kojima's ego over the years. Just look at NMH3, aside from a few jokes (like the one about FF7s graphics) most of it is barrage of bad comedy.
This reeks of Troma (which Suda is a big fan of), and just like Lloyd Kaufman his most sincere works are his earliest ones.
Metal Gear Solid 2 was made with a reference to the first installment and with the goal of shattering the expectations that most players have for sequels.
Xenogears ran out of budget, so the second disc is constructed as a retelling rather than a comprehensible story. Postmodernism was a byproduct here rather than an explicit intent.
And more recently there have been games like Lisa the Painful, which take the traditional RPG formula and cleverly punishes the player for trying to do things "right".
Art should speak for itself, and just because someone made something intentionally terrible doesn't turn it into something good.

>> No.9210102

Game Tengoku on Saturn and Panic on SEGA CD kind of poke fun at other video games

>> No.9210140

Umineko makes fun of the genre of VNs and mystery novels in general

>> No.9210264

funny, that's the only PC Engine CD game I own. I remember buying it mainly to test the console. You have sparked my interest in actually sitting down to play it.

>> No.9210269

>using the internet at all
>living anywhere but an isolated forest
you're not smart or impressive, you're not dodging the (((man))), they already have everything they'd want about you. you're either off the grid completely or you're not.

>> No.9211267

The point is X can make fun of Xself, even if it's wrong.

>> No.9211374

Douglas Adams' Bureaucracy is even more of an "anti-adventure game" than Hitchhiker's Guide

>> No.9211401
File: 208 KB, 1280x853, 1648697949856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello glownigger. please, tell me more about how i should build a compound in the middle of nowhere and just give up.

>> No.9211414

I'm in the same boat as you, anon. I just don't kid myself into thinking you can remain a ghost while indulging into everything the modern world offers. Using Linux, VPNs and the like won't do shit for you, but carry on.

>> No.9211474 [DELETED] 

>and just give up.
You're playing video games.
You already have.

>> No.9211483 [DELETED] 

cringe reddit post.

>> No.9211536

Penn & Tellers Smoke and Mirrors didn't get released? I thought it did.

>> No.9211539

It didn't. The rom was released much later.

>> No.9211640
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Lester The Unlikely is supposed to be a satire of cinematic platformers like Prince of Persia or Another World, where instead of a cool guy embarking on a great adventure, you’re just some loser who gets trapped the jungle because he’s retarded. Half of the game is aggressively unfun to play because Lester is such a gigantic pussy you’re pretty much fighting him the entire way although after level 13, Lester is kissed into chadhood and it gets slightly better (but only slightly). If you want an anti-platformer this is the closest I can offer. Also just a fun thing to think about: "fucking loser gets trapped on island and becomes a badass" is also the plot of Far Cry 3

>> No.9211825

Finally, a game that I can relate to.

>> No.9211851

Metal Gear Solid 2, the entire ending of the game is basically roasting the player for wanting to play MGS1 again but bigger and better.

>> No.9211936 [DELETED] 

videogames are for fags

>> No.9211939

yeah I thought that shit was annoying and pretentious

Kojima was like “Oh you enjoyed my previous work, making me financially and artistically successful? Well FUCK YOU.”

>> No.9211942

He didn't want to make a sequel, it's very simple. He had to, however. Also he had a few thoughts regarding the internet age and those feelings melded together very well. Truly lightning in a bottle. He tried many times to recapture the "gotcha" moment and failed miserably.

>> No.9211943
File: 42 KB, 325x242, 211BDB1A-040D-4DC1-947F-168B392FA939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not exactly retro but I Wanna Be The Guy might fit your criteria

>> No.9212286

It's just a point n click adventure game, nothing about it makes fun of videogames at any point once lol
you are gay

>> No.9212291

The amount of salt these YouTubers cause the shitposers of /vr/ to experience is hilarious. Are you guys just jealous that you didn’t channel your forbidden knowledge of videogames into monetary gain the way they did? Or is it something like a delusional elitist’s sense of pride?

>> No.9212295 [DELETED] 

Serious sam 3 (not retro waaaah its an answer)

>> No.9212356

Dink Smallwood

>> No.9212365

Thee big issue as I see is that most "POST MODERN" or "DECONSTRUCTIONS" or whatever else you want to call it are made by people who are so far removed from the inspiration they claim to be deconstructing or parodying or whatever else THEY WANT to call it that they don't even know they're deconstructing in the first place. It's basically just smug self awareness regarding genre tropes they've never experienced first hand in a sincere fashion and don't realize were always kind of self aware from the start. And if it's not that it's basically just doing the same shit you're making fun but loudly exclaiming WOW THAT'S JUST LIIKE A VIDEO GAME! or I SAW THIS SHIT IN MY ANIME! but then you just do it anyways. It's like a video game that pokes fun at the idea of a sewer level but then makes you plunge into them anyways. They don't know how to build anything and can just mock, reference or belittle. Sincerity is seen as outdated and gauche now, not because genre tropes are tired but because for hack writers it's easier to point at the low hanging fruit than it is to make something genuine.

>> No.9212369

I think it really is just the latter. These bitches are absolutely obsessed with retro game YouTubers though; they’re the only people that ever bring them up on this board.

>> No.9212403

Moon (and Undertale by extension)
>Anti-Fighting Game
Super Smash Bros.

>> No.9212404

This is what Trannytale cultists want you to think
In reality, it's just westernized DQ clone.

>> No.9212442
File: 35 KB, 640x480, C9968A4E-CDEC-437B-AD38-B1328D2E0A25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conker’s Bad Fur Day is probably the most meta game ever made while still being genuine. That’s what immediately comes to mind.

>intro with Conker chainsawing the N64 logo and literally calling it a “stupid logo”.
>”context sensitive” buttons
>lot’s of 4th wall breaking throughout
>conker is half aware he is in a video game
>characters and conker himself will alternate between being aware of the interactive and scripted nature of their reality and being unaware for the sake of moving the story forward.
>is overall a deconstruction of rarewares most known-for genre, and the most popular kind of games at the time (3D platformer) without any pretentiousness
>conker will pull out and play killer instinct on gameboy as an idle animation (meta and self advertising the dev and the brand)
>as game marches forward, reality itself breaks down and blurs the line between you and the silly game in “Matrix” style
>turn of the century western cultural zeitgeist by the time you complete the game with most major pop culture touchstones referenced
>depressing ending with Conker not getting what he truly wanted. All he wanted was Berri, but got friends, kingship, money, land and power instead (lol.)
>Game ends with Conker seemingly on a loop as he returns to Cock and Plunker for a drink under nearly the same circumstances, the foundation of “Game Over - Try Again?”

It really is a masterpiece.

That’s my vote for the “anti-video game video game”. I don’t think it’s been done better before or since.

>> No.9212478

It was called “Go Right”. I played it and it definitely lived up to its name.

>> No.9212492
File: 342 KB, 1061x380, 84D37820-A117-4E63-B63E-499A5BC1AD1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I remember that. Apparently it’s still playable…on the volume 5 dvd? How is this possible? DVD games were glorified trivia show shit. Was it a video of the game being played? Can anyone speak on this?

>> No.9212843

I've heard of this game but never played it, your description makes me a lot more interested now though. Been a while since I sat down and played a good SNES game


>> No.9212849

>youtuber fucking SEETHING

>> No.9212856

You should play Stanley Parable, it's LITERALLY what you described. It's the sort of thing a 13 year old would think is very smart and deep.

>> No.9212859

>unable to use technology anonymously
>says others are not smart
wew lad

>> No.9212884
File: 351 KB, 1200x1071, 1200px-Wario-ware-inc-mega-microgamesUSA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow I saw this thread and completely forgot about WarioWare. It references various Nintendo games, mainly in 9 Volt's stages. There's also a Game Center CX game for DS based on the show, I've never played it though

>> No.9212892

Smash can actually be considered an Anti-Fighting Game desu

>> No.9212940

MGS2 and Lisa are perfectly playable and can be appreciated by individuals unfamiliar with the tropes and Xenogears is still enjoyed by people despite its problems because they understand that they were a by-product.
No More Heroes 1 was a sincere game with some unintentional design mistakes, while No More Heroes 2 was a betterly designed game, with deliberate design flaws.
The problem is not that devs like Suda lack inspiration, but that they don't think through how their game will be perceived out of context.
They're think like: "Let's embrace incompetent design decisions to satirize incompetent game designers by being incompetent!"

>> No.9212942

>They're think like:

>> No.9213701

Did anyone mention Takashi's Challenge?

>> No.9215083

Not retro but half minute hero I guess

>> No.9215085

>Posting in Zoomlish with get you justly mocked by grownups.
You should take English again.

>> No.9215091

The movie was the last decent thing to come out of that franchise.

>> No.9215093

There's nothing more anti videogame than the secret ending for the lost world game


>> No.9215096

How is I Wanna Be the Guy not retro?

>> No.9215401

and morons who deluded themselves into thinking they are smart

>> No.9215404

>im a joyless fuck who cant accept entertainment media and i must brag about being smart to hide the tears

>> No.9215439

>n-n-no u
Just embarrassing

>> No.9215664
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No one here really understands what "anti-vidya" really means and I don't either. Conker or NMH 2 are definitely not anti-video games. They still exist and revel in the fact they are video games and poking fun at tropes and the industry as a 4th wall break isn't really being anti-video game more like just making a joke. They're still platformers and action games at the end of the day. I think Takeshi's Challenge is the only actual anti-video game because literally everything about the game's design is to be anti fun and to be anti video gamey. You have to use a dumb controller gimmick, you have to play bullshit sections that purposefully are hard as fuck, you have to do insanely cryptic order of operations to beat the game and while it is a parody of RPGs at the time it never earnestly embraces being a video game despite being one. I think a main point of confusion for this topic is that does an anti-video game need to be fun? Are video games meant to be fun and therefore to be anti video game you need to be anti fun? Or do you just need to poke at enough tropes, if so nearly every game ever with a post ironic post modernist twist is an anti-video game. Anti fashion relies on the existence and knowledge of the inner fashion circle, same with "anti-movies" and the like. I think an anti-video game is ultimately too hard to quantify because we don't really know how to define a video game in the first place. Video game's dont need to be fun, nor insanely interactive, nor respective to any specific genre. The broad stroke of what a vidya even is is why you can't make something antithetical to it. Or maybe the problem is that all of us are too invested in video games to properly see it from the outside, it's why Takeshi's Challenge and Penn and Teller's Smoke and Mirrors are the closest thing to an anti-video game simply due to being created by people who didn't like or play video games.

>> No.9215697

>Earthbound and Super Mario RPG are partly a parody of common RPG tropes at the time
Nigga Mother 2 isn't parody of shit, the game used outdated game mechanics from late 80s games, the monsters on the map was a good idea but besides that the game doesn't take anything from that era of JRPGs.

>> No.9215714

you didn't have to drag the hou's into this anon.

>> No.9215728

>inevitable cope response
I barely watch anything on YouTube and have no goddamn idea who 99% of the “content creators” that get namedropped on this website are. It’s just sad to see people on a board that is supposedly 30+ in age acting like 9th graders.

>> No.9215754

If you try to deconstruct it, I guess you could make the argument that it really does make a mockery of gamers and the entire videogame enterprise.

>> No.9217746

and space ghost coast to coast is a talk show

>> No.9217816

MGS2 attempts to psychologically destroy its audience purposefully by having underwater escort missions and bomb disposal.

I don't really think it works because the game was a huge hit, but kojima made the attempt

>> No.9217839

>its another "knowing less actually makes me smarter!" boomer

>> No.9217852

post-modernism is just a schizo boogeyman

>> No.9218049

take your meds

>> No.9218117

Imagine thinking video games are a waste of time while you watch TV and streaming services and think that watching streamers and listening to podcasts is better.

>> No.9218460

it's just projection and tryin to fit in from people who watch them, they'll say it's hatewatching or summit but it's pretty obvious
how is smash bros an anti game? it's a platform fighter

>> No.9218479

not gonna check the numbers but I think it’s a few months shy of the cutoff date for this board

either way it’s definitely made in the retro style so I thought it was fair to point it out

>> No.9218502


gameplay looks like a slideshow, so you could conceivably do that with DVD menus lol

>> No.9218516

>it's a platform fighter
Not ever they used that term around Smash
When they describe Smash, they say it's a party game. The context of that that it's not your everyday traditional fighting game, especially when the director intended to have Smash to be a fighter than isn't in some world of STR like environment the FGC had in the past.
but you can put aside FGC bullshit and notice you can do plenty more out of genre shit in Smash than you can do in most fighting games after Street Fighter 2.

TL;DR Sakurai is just as pretentious as his co-workers at HAL and Ape (Itoi) and other industry names like Kojima, Nomura, Yoko Taro, and Toby Fox, so don't expect him to describe his stuff as a straight line.
It's definitely an anti-game.

>> No.9218682

When you have a moment of free time please do us all a favor and paint the walls with your brain

>> No.9218704

Maybe play more fighters other than Smelee and Quickgay.

>> No.9218712

Have you ever seen how Sakurai acts when he's questioned about Smash on a fighting game or competitive standpoint?

>> No.9218782

oh so you're just an autistic fgcfag
yeah that checks out
>inb4 retarded buzzword spam
only smash i play these days is ultimate and that's pretty rare compared to single player games, loved brawl as a kid too

>> No.9218798


>> No.9218827

well firstly, i didn't bring up the competitive aspect of it, i brought up the genre
you fight your friends while platforming, so the term platform fighter seems appropriate
and secondly, i don't care what the dev thinks about it either way
in japan zelda was once called an rpg, in the us doom once was a game with premade maps, etc
what matters is what the game is like to most people, not some arbitrary "intentions"

>> No.9218830

Space Quest if we're on /vr/ being lighthearted.
Spec Ops: The Line if we're on /v/ being darkminded.

>> No.9218860

>well firstly, i didn't bring up the competitive aspect of it, i brought up the genre
I'm the one who brought it in the first place on my first place when referring Smash as an Anti-Fighting Game
>you fight your friends while platforming,so the term platform fighter seems appropriate
You're missing point entirely. I'm not also calling Virtua fighter an anti fighter because it moves in a 3D space.
>and secondly, i don't care what the dev thinks about it either way
Then what's the point of this thread even if we're not affirming how the developer designed the game as an anti-game?
>in japan zelda was once called an rpg, in the us doom once was a game with premade maps, etc
>what matters is what the game is like to most people
Cool, people could prefer to Smash a fishing gane or a transgender, but that's not even the topic here.

>> No.9219470

MGS2 literally tells you that you are an NPC Consoomer

>> No.9219912

*prefer to call Smash
*fishing game

>> No.9221370

I don't, though.

>> No.9221381

Well it is

>> No.9221481

Doki-Doki Literature club

>> No.9222449

Saints Row 3/4.
That's all they were.

Alternatively there's the desert bus game where the bus has a slight alignment issue.
You drive to vegas. You drive back. You fuck up, you start over.

>> No.9223963

Killer7 is probably the best deconstruction of vidya tropes but by not being available on every platform imaginable most people arent aware of it/dont care about it

>> No.9224030

It's already on the 3 platforms that matter the most.

>> No.9225925

Hotline Miami

>> No.9225940

did anybody mention WarioWare for the GBA yet? because i think that hits the nail on the head

>> No.9225983

Not quite. More-so a piss-take on simulations.

>> No.9225997

The south park games?

>> No.9226386
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>> No.9226409

thematically yeah, but as a game it's real fun

>> No.9226463

I always have considered Link’s Awakening as a metaphor of video games in general, the game is about a dream that isn’t really yours (the game) and when you finish it, everything you saw, every people you met, are being erased, they also insist of the fact that nothing is real at all. They also mention that if you don’t wake you gonna die at some point, i’m almost sure this is intentional and I always thought that since my early years.

I guess it’s one of the few Zelda’s game where I noticed some kind of hidden strong message, the other is Majora’s Mask with every habitants dealing each one in their own way to face their imminent and inevitable death.

>> No.9227049

Is that thing supposed to be a parody of Kirby?

>> No.9229012

It's not retro, but fairly old. Darksider 2 had Death complain about having to go and get 3x of a certain item, and he was all "Why is it always 3?".

But again, not retro. Can't think of anything older that did it to that extent.

>> No.9229040

I wish you illiterate fags would stop talking about postmodernism when you’ve clearly never read a book past high school

>> No.9229072

Surprised this thread's still up when it has next to nothing to do with retro. Sasuga ne.

>> No.9229108

This site has always been stupid about talking about anything that comes up after 9th grade English class.

>> No.9229116

>put le ironic quotation marks around literally everything
>critical theory and other marxist rhetoric
>"""""deconstruct"""""" well established ideas and conventions to shit up societal life
It's not deep or complex, retard.

>> No.9229142 [DELETED] 

> similar to the secret levels in sunshine
Just play Galaxy? I hate those levels, Sunshine shines when it's doing the Mario 64 thing and letting you explore a stage in multiple ways.

>> No.9229146

oops wrong tab hahahhahahhahhaha

>> No.9229160


>> No.9229170

no u.