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9206364 No.9206364 [Reply] [Original]

This really was the highlight of an incredible game. Each level was very different in theme, mechanics but were the hardest levels in the game overall. I wish we could have got an official Lost Levels type sequel with nothing but more levels like these. Anyway let's rate these based on how much you like them, and then how difficult you think each one is.

Difficulty. Hardest to easiest.
Power gap
>Way Cool

Personal ranking. Best to worst.
>Way Cool

>> No.9206386

Strange of them to keep the famicom graphic up there like that.

Also: https://youtu.be/7RzRSlpvJG4?t=117

>> No.9206390

Not that strange, Super Mario World has a number of things coded after the 4 colors of the SFC clover/buttons: switch palaces/special blocks, koopa troopas/shells, yoshis, and one thing I only noticed recently: the koopalings, always thought it was weird how they had different colors from their canon colors, but yeah there's pairs of them that are yellow, blue, green and then Wendy is red.

>> No.9206409

also forgot my ranking:
>Way Cool

>> No.9206764

these levels used to upset me as a child kek
now i enjoy them quite a bit & look forward to them on my playthroughs

the flying one is still FUCKED

>> No.9206768

Dog shit names I have no idea which is which.

>> No.9206770

>Sound of Mario inflating
Mondo is the hardest one.

>> No.9206775

Read it and weep, /vr/gins. Super Mario World just told me that I was a bona fide Super Player.
Guess you guys are gonna have to answer to ME from now on, huh?

>> No.9206843

Awesome = ice level with heavy platforming and a SMB1-style bridge section at the end.
Groovy = just a classic athletic-style Mario stage with lots of tricky enemy placement, it's also the level that you see in the title screen of the game.
Funky: another athletic-style stage, similar to Groovy.
Outrageous: Forest level with lots of bullet bills and Lost Levels-tier difficult jumps with springs
Mondo: level with rising water mechanic
Way Cool: level that focuses on the moving ropes and moving platforms, similar to the butter bridge or that one chocolate island level, but much crazier.
Gnarly: the first of the special levels, mostly vertical platforming
Tubular: need no introduction.

>> No.9206885

What is this stupid meme going on that Tubular is somehow difficult? Did you even play the game? Literally just press up and down on the dpad bro, it's a fickin pballon stage

>> No.9206908

Tubular was easily the hardest for me as a kid. I put the game on hold for a quite a while after getting stuck on it, probably months. I randomly ended up picking it back up again and finishing it and the rest of the special levels weren't as hard.

>> No.9206912

I don't even call it a meme, more like a myth. The idea of Tubular being difficult comes from loooong ago. It was mostly brought up by people way too much used to fly over everything with the cape or blue Yoshi, thus they didn't develop any real skill with the game and suffered when they couldn't use their crutches. Had they played normally, Tubular would be a simple matter of a few tries to get the level layout and where the P ballons are. The stage is prettt short, it doesn't take long at all.

>> No.9206918

Congrats you're good at children's games.

>> No.9206936

i don't think it's that hard myself compared to outrageous but to be fair, you barely even use the p balloon before that level, and not at all for an extended period of time, so having to get used to a new style of movement could be tricky especially as a kid

>> No.9206974

Yeah, I think I was 6 when the game came out and I got the SNES that Christmas.

>> No.9206978

And youre bad at it. Commendable

>> No.9206979

Thanks! I'm a smart boy, ain't I?

>> No.9206989

Find a job next then I'll really be impressed.

>> No.9207012

A lot of people here on /vr/ played SMW for the first time in their teens or 20s, as they grew up playing 6th or 7th gen games, and only discovered older gamers later, when they wanted to delve into older games from before their time.
But for other, older /vr/ users, SMW was one of their childhood games and most kids lack patience. Tubular is a level that requires patience. Balloon Mario is slow and hard to maneuver, and the ball-throwing chucks placed around the level make it so you have to carefully wait until their cycle finishes to pass below or above them, and it's also a timed challenge as balloon mario, on top of being slow, has a limited time. One hit or time's up, and Mario falls to the void.
Ever since I was a teen, I could do Tubular in one go without any challenge, it's a short and easy level if you're careful and patient. But kid me, as a 7 or 8 year old, just wanted to go as fast as possible and panicked if I waited too much and Mario started deflating, and one way or another I ended up failing and getting frustrated with the level, ragequitting. Most kids experienced something similar, effectively getting filtered.

>> No.9207014

I only remember Tubular because it's the one I got stuck for a very long time.

>> No.9207113

I don’t remember which ones had which names but these are the ones that stuck out to me in one way or another:
Balloon level - intimidating at first but pretty easy after you’ve burned a few lives figuring out how to control balloon Mario effectively
Ice level - hard but not overly so
Rising water level - the very beginning of the level sucks ass if you’re small Mario, forgettable otherwise
Brown forest level - I always cheesed this with a blue Yoshi and/or cape as a kid. Definitely the hardest level in the game if you don’t do that, I finally beat it with small mario a few months ago when I replayed the game for the first time in years
Green apple (last) level - fun final level but too easy. I wish they had green apples in other levels

>> No.9207115

I hate it.
I'll never forget how ugly the game got after I winning the last stupid world. Had to restart my game just so I could keep the original palette .

>> No.9207140

I've found it already. Damn, I'm a boy who makes his parents proud!

>> No.9207351


Still sucks compared to Mario 3

>> No.9207769

Also koopas changing in that kind of Mario’s head lookalike.

But despite this change being weird, you can agree it was the most impressive change you ever see in a Mario game after totally beating it. I never see something comparable after that.

>> No.9207881
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These four colors you used to see frequently in tech logos (especially Microsoft and SNES) actually celebrate the Order of the Eastern Star, loosely known as "Freemasonry for Women".


>> No.9207949

Back to polveddit you spaz

>> No.9209693

I unironically find Castle #7 to be the hardest level in the game. Outrageous is a distant second place.
And yes, I know you cheese both of them with the cape. I’m referring to actually playing the levels.

>> No.9209782

i don't remember that one bein so bad compared to roy's castle
at least there's a bigger part of it that isn't snakeblock hell

>> No.9209858

>oy vey
Forgot to tell him to take his meds.

>> No.9211623

If it had been Red, Yellow, Blue, and Pink you'd find some other symbol or logo to make up a schizo theory about.

Red, Yellow, Green, Blue are just common colors found in thousands upon thousands of logos, flags, symbols, and emblems.

>> No.9211628

Forest of Illusion secret Fortress and Underworld secret fortress are the the hardest imo.

>> No.9211775

Take your meds you cocksucking nigger kike tranny

>> No.9212479
File: 14 KB, 320x320, creepy_huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you first played these, how long did it take you OP? I was only 8 at the time and had to hand it over to my friend who was way better at games. He showed me how to beat it and then I could do it on my own.
I have the hardest time with any of the chainsaw/spinning levels, like that bridge. Combined with autoscroll, it set me back weeks as a dumb kid.
Not to mention google chrome and microsoft windows. The four elements, earth - wind - water - fire, and also the swastika or wheel of time.

>> No.9212487

Best thing was finding out one of those stages was the one playing during the main menu screen.

>> No.9214630

yeah it was pretty based

>> No.9215373

Yeah I realized this a couple seconds after entering the level.
I played through that 30th anniversary hack earlier this year. The levels were definitely a bit more challenging since I was actually trying to get all the Yoshi coins

>> No.9215380

Same, a VERY long time. But there are other memorable levels, such as the one that is almost single-screen and made entirely of throwable blocks.