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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 34 KB, 258x387, Quake2box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9186806 No.9186806 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9186847

Is this game fun? because holy shit it looks pez compared to half-life. They must have gulped when it came out.

>> No.9186875

Yeah it's fun. It's one interconnected world rather than a series of levels so there's a bit of back and forth but some idiots would have you believe it's a pile of steaming shit which couldn't be further from the truth.

>> No.9186885

don't care, all the homies are waiting for the Q3A revival

>> No.9186930

i'm scared of mtx and gacha shit tho

>> No.9187035

i think its just as good as half life. half life reaches higher highs but the shitty parts are really shitty. I think quake 2 is consistently good throughout. More focus on shooting which works to its favor and if you cant remember what youre supposed to be doing prese F1 for your help computer.

>> No.9187041

Didn't they already release an RTX version?
also am I the only one that likes Quake 1 more?

>> No.9187043

Kill yourself.

>> No.9187047

It's good, yeah. Quake 1 has a better aesthetic but 2 is still pretty solid and there's a shit load of content.

>> No.9187052

Remasters were a mistake.

>> No.9187056

So were you but your mother insisted they have you anyways even if your father never quite grew to love you or forgive you for ruining their lives.

>> No.9187063

Shouldn't you be on discord talking to your homo friends about your heckin remasters?

>> No.9187064

And shouldn't you be dilating? Wouldn't want your wound to close

>> No.9187071

Dilating? I think not. But it's really tiresome seeing cancerous faggots like yourself shitting up a retro board with re-master, re-pixle, re-translation, re-tard garbage.

>> No.9187073

>shit weapons
>shit enemies
>shit movement
>shit levels
>shit powerups
>ok music
>shit music usage
finally they're gonna fix all of these! can't wait!

>> No.9187862

Hopefully the remaster ports Quake 2 N64 into the game.

>> No.9187869

Why can't I play Quake 2 on widescreen but I can play Quake 1 with it fine? Both are on Steam

>> No.9187887

I mean it's cool and all that but it's not like there isn't already better ways to play it. Seems like a bit of a cashgrab to be honest.

>> No.9187907

We already got RTX. What more do we need?

>> No.9187918

RTX is garbage.

>> No.9187923

kex engine was shit for the q1 remaster, they fucked the physics

i expect no better for a q2 remaster, i'll continue using vkquake and yamagi quake 2, so i dont give a shit

>> No.9187932
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>> No.9188058

Official expansion support for RTX, assuming it’s worth more than developing a port that can make some quick console bucks. Similar support to what Q1 received (64 port levels, new episode) would be nice, but anything Q2 related seems like a pipedream. A new Wolfenstein announcement seems just as likely if not more.

>> No.9188295

you're trying too hard schizo

people are just going to call you a retard and tell you to fuck off

just go to /b/ if you're looking for a fight with randos online

>> No.9188307

>they fucked the physics
Nah, it's identical. You're just repeating something convincing sounding someone else said. You've never played it.

>> No.9188312

People actually play these old games unironically? lmao, I'm just here to shitpost

>> No.9188321

But Quake Live was out for over a decade already

>> No.9188331

I've been playing a fuckload of Q3A and QL this week. I can find a few players on Q3A and QL populates around midnight for me

>> No.9188456

you're both right. physics got broken but fixed later on.

>> No.9188459

they're still broken, just circle jump with vkquake/joequake/quakespasm then try it with the shitty kex, it's off and it's noticable, i also dont know why the fuck they have auto run enabled by default, kex version sucks ass

>> No.9188538

Why the fuck would you want to walk in Quake ever?

>> No.9188567

Q2 is first and foremost a multilayer experience. If it's not FFA DM, its Ctf, 3wave, rocket arena 2,freeze tag and dozens more. The single player is largely forgettable. Q2dm1-8 are timeless. As are McKinley Revival, unrdm1 etc etc

>> No.9188595

There was still some interest in creating singleplayer maps for awhile. It took a couple expansions to make them nastier but it’s still a well rounded idsoft enemy roster with a decent take on the archvile, something sorely missing in the previous Quake.

>> No.9188717

>no special mention to ztn maps
Really, nigger?

>> No.9188738

Bahaha feel stupid now, huh!

>> No.9188959

you're both retarded. load up quake in vkquake and joequake. if you know how to strafe jump go ahead and do it. immediatly go back to the kex engine and unironically tell me its the same. its not. its not fixed. its not even close to being the same. What are you nightdive disinfo agents? fucking kys

>> No.9188963

Ironic, because Quake 2 arguably has the worst netcode. Everything else defaults to 20Hz, but Quake 2 is always 10Hz.

>> No.9189027

Quake 3 Arena is legitimately one of my absolute favorite games of all time.

>> No.9189037

this and UT99 were my drug back then

>> No.9189093

All of the games are on sale right now, there are a few people left playing

>> No.9189260

Yamagi quake 2 is what you're looking for. Turn off the texture filtering.

>> No.9189306

>has never played quake and doesn't know you don't want autorun on when you strafe jump

>> No.9189513

>I can't wait to pay too much money for permission to use a digital copy of a slightly polished game I already owned because devs are all shitstains who take advantage of nostalgia

>> No.9189525

it is now close to 7pm the following day, i've heard no announcement. what the fuck OP?

>> No.9189659

Say what you want, but being able to play Quake 1 multiplayer online without it being a complete scrotum-ache is pretty fucking rad. I never got to play 3Wave back in the day and now I have. To have that experience for Quake 2 would be pretty cool.

>> No.9189728

q1 remaster was given for free for anyone with the original game

>> No.9189730 [DELETED] 

t. owned by Sk0oGe on CROM FFA

>> No.9189764

The RTX for the game completely changes the tone and mood of the levels. The ultra realistic lighting does not mix well with the low poly aesthetic. If you disagree, please feel free to post screenshots of areas you believe look better with RTX enabled and we can discuss them.

>> No.9189781
File: 143 KB, 1400x1400, 1642131779046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kweik too...home

>> No.9189838

henry, we know it's akshually you.

>> No.9189893

the best thing about hl is the player shutting the FUCK up. I can't even watch a quake match: HURP HURP HURP HURP

>> No.9189910

Retro board has room for remaster talk if the remaster is competent.
Your monkeypox is showing, you need to get tested.

>> No.9190492

The weirdest thing about Quake 2 is how if I (can't speak for anyone else) play it without music, i.e. the steam releases, it's really boring but with the soundtrack - or one of your choice - it's fucking amazing. Exact same game just needs a pumping soundtrack. Must be like playing GTA games without the radio on.

>> No.9190504
File: 87 KB, 205x256, 1660692570745224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant believe there are retards that play q1/q2/q3 without source ports

>> No.9190505
File: 1.04 MB, 1078x793, 1660059378136704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no quake 2 remaster, no quake 4 port, no new quake game teaser, absolutely nothing

>> No.9190527

Some people just don't want to be happy, I guess.

>> No.9190535

I like the gibbing, the dying enemies that try to shoot you, and some of the music. I played Half-Life first and Q2 a few months later. It already felt outdated to me.

>> No.9190543

If your source port doesn't have square shaped particle effects, I want nothing to do with it

>> No.9190632


>> No.9190674

plz no
I want military industrial theme to go and stay go
remake Q1 instead

>> No.9190683

Me, I enjoy Quake 2 and I also enjoy watching people seethe over it.

>> No.9190684

>remake Q1 instead
This already happened mongoloid

>> No.9190705

>Didn't they already release an RTX version?
Yeah, but it's a tech demo. I think OP means a Quake 1 kind of remaster.

>am I the only one that likes Quake 1 more?
I don't think that's an uncommon opinion, I hear it a lot. I like it better, too.

>> No.9190724

>a Quake 1 kind of remaster
how would that be different from just going into q2rtx settings, toggling renderer to opengl and texture replacements off?

>> No.9190736

Yes except for the forced backtracking.
It would revive the multiplayer if only for a couple months.

>> No.9190785


>> No.9190890

>It would revive the multiplayer if only for a couple months.
tastyspleen if america
q2.playground if euro
Go and play it now

>> No.9191104
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>> No.9191109
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>> No.9192106
File: 390 KB, 648x1768, quake2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking mayhem

>> No.9192123

living q2 multiplayer would have been cool for the week

>> No.9192126

>this thread

I'm surprised it's fashionable now in /vr/ not to like q2.

>> No.9192132

midwits who like to suck civvie balls

>> No.9193285

you're making the very bold assumption that a casual is going to know about them. hell, i don't even think most casuals would be aware of doom sourceports if mods like brutal doom or urban brawl didn't include them in their download.

>> No.9193356

No, it is not.

>> No.9193371

I'm surprised you react to how fashionable things are, instead of forming opinions of your own.

>> No.9194156

Half life was pretty amazing when it came out and did things I've never seen before in an fps but it has aged horribly. The shooting just doesn't feel good at all. Just full of bullet sponge enemies that don't react to getting shot. Jumping and crate pushing puzzles out the ass.

>> No.9194171

Quake 2 has my favorite deathwatch map of all time. The warehouse.

>> No.9194194

I dare you to launch Q2, kill some mooks with anything other than SSG, and then say this again with a straight face.

>> No.9194329
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I like HL's weapons but I like Q2's more.

>> No.9196007

>Le bullet sponge
Filtered by location damage. They should have made everything a headshot on easy instead of lowering the health.

>> No.9197065

plus the expansion pacs and the new ones

>> No.9197071

have it on my phone, good shit

>> No.9197112

For me is:

>> No.9197203

any recommended q2sp custom maps? just played small pile of gibs which was very solid

>> No.9197873

Why are you talking about remasters on a retro board? They are never accurate. They always introduce new bugs, framerate changes etc
You are not really playing the game if you are playing a remaster or remake

>> No.9197916

stfu faggot, the Quake Remaster was perfectly fine in 2021.

>> No.9197923

>I can't wait to outright lie on /vr/ and act like a total retard, but that's ok since I'm anonymous and can shitpost to my hearts content!
You were given a free copy of Remaster if you already owned Quake 1 on Steam. And it didn't replace Winquake since it gave you the option of either.

>> No.9197927

It never happened

>> No.9197931

Sup Shillman

>> No.9197939

It will happen. Nightdive confirmed they were working on two new additional remasters and the music composer of Quake 2 said that something big will happen soon. Likelihood it will be later this year (It's not technically 25 years old yet, it released in Dec 97) or rather it just wasn't ready yet and don't want another Blood Fresh Supply issue again.

>> No.9197960

I don’t know about older stuff but there’s a bunch of newer maps made by Quakewulf that are good.

>> No.9198571

>Who's ready for the remaster announcement tomorrow?
Faggots and zoomers are.

>> No.9200239

it didnt happen i am disappoint

>> No.9200709

half life is literally up there with halo & doom as the most accessible FPSes out there. are you high?

>> No.9201315

both games have shooting that's not that great, but i like quake 2's better.

HL is way more memorable though because of its storytelling. i finished quake 2 for the first time not all that long ago (maybe 6 months ago) and there's really not much to it, so i don't remember it well.

if you want something memorable play unreal instead.

>They must have gulped when it came out.
they were released a year apart zoom zoom.

>> No.9201328
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>> No.9201421

>they were released a year apart
i know. so? graphically they pushed the quake engine forward that far, and they sit back like 'we did it' and then this so giant step happens that makes it look like they did nothing at all and are a joke

>> No.9201940

you really have no idea how fast things were moving back then do you
a little over a week before quake launched, plutonia launched.
it was not particularly surprising that a game that came out over a full calendar year after quake 2 would look better.
besides, unreal was way more impressive in the graphics department anyway and came out a 6 months earlier. i also think its gunplay is more fun.

>> No.9201961

leaving most of your emotional vain post aside, and dealing with facts of the matter. yes things were moving fast, however, for id, it was still more that things were moving past, because quake 3 came out another year after half-life again, and ... it doesn't look any better than quake 2 aside from some gimmicks that you only see if you are forcibly made to attend to them
>it's curved though!1
ok. this brown thing?
>cuRVED! you couldn't do that before!!

>> No.9201983
File: 653 KB, 1984x768, quake 2 vs quake 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it doesn't look any better than quake 2 aside from some gimmicks that you only see if you are forcibly made to attend to them
how old are you? serious question

>> No.9202049

while I was being a little bit inflammatory before, i say in all earnestness that the right looks like the left with "hi-res texture mod"/"hd texture pack", including the arguably worse overall look that that entails

>> No.9202052

>how old are you? serious question

>> No.9202074

it looks the exact same on my stock copy
the only thing ive added to my install is models (using lara croft in screenshot)
okay, assuming you're not a zoomer, were you paying attention to the development of graphics at the time? like, i get "dude BROWN lmao" as a complaint, but i feel as though you're outright ignoring major developments. its way more obvious than the marginal improvements we've made in the past several years.

>> No.9202078
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forgot pic

>> No.9202083
File: 1.58 MB, 1920x1080, kingpin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon (and the last person to defend anything Q2), but come on. aside from shaders on the pad and the flames, the scene on the right can easily be made in Q2 - better, actually, since the dynamic lights were downgraded in Q3. doubled texture resolution was a hardware thing rather than some engine achievement. MD3 was cool I guess, but not in any immediately apparent way to the players.

>> No.9202085

While Half-Life looks comparable to Quake 2, with its technical achievements being skeletal animation and scripting, Quake 3 was a big leap forward in tech. It also introduced shaders.

>> No.9202089

I love Kingpin but that game was very outdated compared to Quake. Flamethrower and the explosions were the best though.

>> No.9202096

>the dynamic lights were downgraded in Q3
in what way?
>doubled texture resolution was a hardware thing rather than some engine achievement
well fuck me, i didn't know we were talking strictly about software improvements.
look, im not arguing quake 3 was a massive leap like quake 1 was. im saying that >>9201421 minimising the advancements quake 3 made in graphics (software or otherwise) was retarded, which he was only doing do somehow connect to half-life being better than quake 2 (honestly, i have no idea what his point was)

>> No.9202106

>in what way?
lightstyles (blinking & flickering lights) were removed, and projectiles illuminating the surroundings are done in some hacky way that's dependant on the underlying static lightmap (barely visible in darkness and much brighter where it's lit anyway), also the explosions are "tall" - hard to explain & don't know why it is that way.
lightstyles can be sort of hacked back in via shaders when compiling a map.

>> No.9202120

Listen man, you seem like you are having some kind of episode. I would get some sleep and come back to this another day. I'm not saying this to rile you up - in case you think you're being normal: I said 'quake 3 looks like quake 2 with a hd texture pack' you replied with some gibberish about lara croft (??) and then attached the quake 3 pic again.

Aside from this you are just lost fighting a monster of your own creation. You assumed I was a zoomer and so you think you need to convey that graphics changed a lot in a year in the 90s. I didn't even bother engaging with this because it's your problem.

>(honestly, i have no idea what his point was)
It's pretty simple
1996 quake
1997 quake 2 graphics 1.5x better than quake
1998 half-life graphics 4.0x better than quake (thinking about quake 3 in developement: 'gulp')
1999 quake 3 graphics 1.8x better than quake

>> No.9202139

>I said 'quake 3 looks like quake 2 with a hd texture pack' you replied with some gibberish about lara croft (??) and then attached the quake 3 pic again.
sorry, i read "the right looks like the left with "hi-res texture mod"/"hd texture pack" as literal, so i went into that map myself and took a screenshot, and noted that i installed custom models so you wouldn't sperg at the obvious non-stock head in the health meter.

i assumed you were a zoomer for presumably not having played the game, and seeming to believe id was worried about half-life eating quake 2's sales.
>Is this game fun? because holy shit it looks pez compared to half-life. They must have gulped when it came out.

id were not concerned about half-life. they gave out quake 2 licenses and obviously half-life is a weird amalgamation of both engines, valve's own code, plus a few others:


>Actually we have a licence to the Quake II engine. We have the source code to the original DOS Quake, Win Quake, GL Quake, Quake World, Quake II, and all of the various patches. We pick and choose from that source base depending on what we are trying to do. However, we've been implementing a lot of our own sub-systems (animation, AI, GL and software renderer), so about 75 per cent of the engine is our own code.

>1997 quake 2 graphics 1.5x better than quake
>1998 half-life graphics 4.0x better than quake (thinking about quake 3 in developement: 'gulp')
you were comparing it to quake 2 earlier. for reference, this is where quake 3 was three months after half-life launched: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4d7XFM7UT88
i dont think id were concerned one bit.

>> No.9202146
File: 91 KB, 249x325, malcolm x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1999 quake 3 graphics 1.8x better than quake
absolutely retarded. i have no idea how you think half life is 4x better than quake 1 but quake 3 doesn't even make it to 2x.

>> No.9202153

because it's marginally better than quake 2 and it's very hard to argue that quake 2 even looks better than quake...
both times they added power to the engine and also made horrible decisions that make things look worse in large ways

>> No.9202164

>marginally better than quake 2
*half-life* is marginally better than quake 2. you get more open vistas which is really nice, as well as the "cutscene" elements from the story, and higher poly first person gun models, but outside of that im hard pressed to think of any major improvements.
>it's very hard to argue that quake 2 even looks better than quake
from an aesthetics standpoint, sure. i think quake 2 looks boring as fuck. but graphically? i think you're forgetting how choppy the animations are and just how low poly everything is. i say this as someone who's played an unreal amount of quake singleplayer content over the years because it's my favorite game. quake 2 is simply more impressive from a technical standpoint, even though i think it looks like shit and is pretty fucking boring.

>> No.9202168

Goldeneye kids using Half-Life of all things as an argument to downplay Quake 2 legacy is fucking ironic.

>> No.9202170

I don't think there's any point in me and you arguing any more because it's just a case of you (and I guess, iD,) looking at, for example the video you posted, and seeing it as looking great whereas I see it as lame, generic/dated (for the time) and ugly. We must just be 'looking for' different aspects of graphics. So never mind.
The fog looks good

>> No.9202172

how so?

>> No.9203251

you are a fucking retard. quake 3 was the base for allied assault and cod. it looks far better than half life. half life is about as good as quake 2 but with better models. you are seriously fucking brain dead

>> No.9204290

> quake 3 was the base for allied assault and cod
no idea what this is supposed to imply. quake 1 was the base for half-life so, does that mean it looks as good?

>> No.9204292

was the remaster announced

>> No.9204305
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lurk moar retard

>> No.9204321
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>can't talk about oldschool deathmatch games because only a few hundred people play them and the trynnys all post here between grooming sessions
>can't talk about classic singleplayer fps because /vr/ is full of schizos
>can't talk about throwback shooters because that involves going to /v/
When did the state of afps/Quake games get so grim? Classic doom is just about the only classic shooter you can talk about.

>> No.9205000

whats that supposed to prove that I was right. rtcw was straight up quake 3 engine and looks much better than half life. quake 3 was known for having good graphics
mohaa and cod are a lot closer to quake 3 than half life is to quake though. also half life only looks marginally better than quake 2 just the models are nicer. its not 4x better than quake and better than quake 3 like you claimed.

>> No.9205052
File: 56 KB, 512x254, hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course it looks better than quake 3 look at this horrible mess >>9202078 that looks like this,

>> No.9205056
File: 45 KB, 640x403, hl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and look at, I dunno, randomly the place I'm up to in H-L, it looks like a damn photo compared to that, without even getting into models, effects, animation, interaction...
I admit there are some parts of hl that look radically worse, e.g. some of the water
But take away the claim that hl is 4x quake then, call it 2x. quake 2 is still 1.5 and q3 1.8 so.. point stands

>> No.9205062

It's been bad for years. There was an afps general on /vg/ and it was always fighting archival the whole time I was there, maybe 2018-2019. Every so often a new game tries to revive the Q3 formula and falls into the same cycle of tiny playerbase, no support, closure. Come to think of it, I haven't checked in on that egg game in a while.

>> No.9205092

the fuck is there to revive about Quake 3? The revive was called Quake Live and it failed miserably. The only way to revive Quake 3 is to give it a real singleplayer campaign.

>> No.9205137
File: 42 KB, 640x480, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, do people who think that Half-Life is somehow graphically comparable to Quake 3 really exist?

>> No.9205236

i dunno which side you're arguing but that's not actual half-life. there's no skybox like that

>> No.9205239

(unless it's from some console port or something)

>> No.9205323

>1998 half-life graphics 4.0x better than quake
Are you sure you are talking about Half-Life that was barely any better than Q2 and not about Unreal?

>> No.9205345

Are you trying to pretend you're a different person? Because you said this before

>> No.9205592

>There was an afps general on /vg/
It was trash.
Egg game is dead because 2gd listened to all the crying Quake Live players and reverted all the unique aspects of the game back to it's QL form.

>> No.9205682

It’s open source, go revive it instead of waiting for people to serve you.

>> No.9205705

>Just started replaying this after finally getting Yamagi Quake 2 to work on full screen with non-shit controls
>It's actually a lot of fun
I don't get why people shit on this so hard, it's no Quake 1, but the Strogg are fun to fight and the guns are nice. The standard music volume is a bit too loud I guess, I repeatedly got ambushed because I couldn't hear the Strogg over Sonic Mayhem pounding in my ears so that's getting lowered a little.

>> No.9205776

Ive played that game so many times that j know exactly what part of the gane that is

>> No.9205797

It's a pre-release screenshot, that map isn't in the game

>> No.9205930
File: 154 KB, 400x298, kooping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this thread still going?

>> No.9207721
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>It also introduced shaders.
This would be called materials in any other sense. It's not "real" shaders like advertised on GPU's.

Half-Life has one significant trick up its sleeve, namely gamma-corrected lighting. It's a crucial step towards photorealism.
None of the Quake games or Doom 3 for that matter make use of this.

>> No.9207728
File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, q2qd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally zero need for it.

>> No.9207729
File: 705 KB, 1920x1080, gamma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a Quake 2 map compiled with gamma-corrected lighting. Helps a lot with the radiosity.

>> No.9207731
File: 2.92 MB, 640x360, q2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah inb4 the FOV spergs.

>> No.9207735
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>> No.9207738
File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, Yamagi Quake 2 2022.08.23 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9207742

I don't mind the FOV, but those square particles trigger me.

>> No.9207746

Quake 2 has that good old Doom 1 DNA in it. Really feels like a successor.

>> No.9207775

Erm, every Id Software FPS has Doom DNA lmao. Why do you say Quake 2 specifically?

>> No.9207786

the top one looks like a dogs breakfast. clearly the map isn't designed for that gamma. I wouldn't even say it looks more real. It looks like a weird-looking sunny day instead of what seems to be supposed to be sunset in the bottom pic, which at least looks fun

>> No.9207819

Top one looks like a tranny AIDS patient, bottom one way better.

>> No.9207825

Quake 2 so pretty.

>> No.9207827

Because Doom 2 has more experimenral, gimmick and open maps and large enemies quantities and in Quake 1 you feel like a wimp against chtonic lovecraftian evil as opposed to badass marine in Doom and Quake 2.
Now Quake 3, Doom 3 and Rage being different from Doom is even more obvious.

>> No.9207829

So was it announced or what? Was fucking anything announced? Quakecon seemed like a fart in the wind. I was really hoping for a Quake reboot (or sequel to the first game) tease.

>> No.9207836

Skill issue

>> No.9207924

Quakewulf’s stuff is amazing.
Not him, but my only reservation towards Q1’s vanilla levels was the design choice of locking grunts, enforcers, and dogs to the starting levels of each episode.
Not a concern anymore with user maps being liberal with their placements, not missing them too much because their lack of presence is made up for by the zombies, and I understood the concern at the time of preventing 1996 era toasters from melting.

>> No.9207937

Top is clearly more realistic, but it diminishes the effect of the smaller lights. The sun should be made darker.

>> No.9207968

>also half life only looks marginally better than quake 2 just the models are nicer
And, umm, more than one 8-bit palette for all textures, decals, directional sunlight, among other things.

>> No.9208047

sperg here. it just looks bad things get warped near the edges and the middle part of the screen looks further away than it actually is and for what purpose? so you can larp as a deathmatcher on a 4:3 screen in the late 90s? its just ugly as fuckin sin and really unnecessary in single player and especially on widescreen monitors. why?

>> No.9208053

Anyone else thinks the railgun in Quake 2 feels off? Like it's input laggy, it doesn't feel right at all. I hate it. I didn't get this feel from the railgun in Quake 3 and beyond. In general Quake 2 has a shitty feel, including its input laggy mouse and it's disgusting misaligned reticle. You can fix the reticle issue if you centre your gun but then you can't see your gun and it makes the experience a lot shittier even though it's more optimal for gameplay. Then other guns are annoying, too, like how the chaingun and the hyperblaster both have obnoxious wind-downs that either result in wasted ammo or time for while you wait for the wind down to end. It gives the guns such an unsatisfying feel when they would be great otherwise. It's completely unnecessary even from a "balancing" perspective since the chaingun eats ammo and hyperblaster isn't hitscan (and can also be balanced by simply limiting cell ammo availability, like how plasma is balanced in Doom). Both these guns make mince meat of the bigger enemies and actually make the game a lot more fun but as stated they feel unsatisfying for the given reasons, so instead if you wanna be ammo proficient you can use the SSG workhorse which is boring and clunky as shit and takes way longer to kill enemies. None of the enemies are threatening at all btw so the whole thing is just fucking tedious. Just a shitty feeling game overall, such a bad (and completely unrelated) "sequel" to its progenitor.

tldr Quake 2 is balls. A clunky mess with no natural flow at all with completely shit game feel.

>> No.9208068

Because, you retard, I'm playing on 27" screen. If I play 105 FOV on that I will see less in my immediate vision than 105 FOV on a 24" screen. To me the perspective looks normal because the "warped" sections are like periphery. This will probably be too much for your 95 IQ to grasp so peace. And yeah, there is a substantial difference in size between 27" and 24" monitors.

>> No.9208078

i have a 27" monitor and i still dont want the middle of the screen to appear tunneled nigger

>> No.9208092

It all depends on your distance from the monitor, not its size, you two retards.

>> No.9208101

quake 2 has the best railgun where you actually need skill to time it right. quake 3 is just point and click babby mode, getting impressive medals is nothing and you should end every match with like 10 of them cause its so ez.

>> No.9208108

i know that hence why i don't need to tunnel the middle of the screen

>> No.9208114

>Anyone else thinks the railgun in Quake 2 feels off?
Felt fine for me, as did the other weapons so I don’t agree with the rest of that post vomit. Things only feel “stiff” if I’m coming into Q2 after having just played Q1, but the same happens when I go back to Doom after binging Q1.

>> No.9208192

You are both correct.

The distortion of a high FoV is corrected by the inverse distortion introduced by looking at a flat plane, but only if if it matches the appropriate viewing distance, which it probably doesn't at such a high FoV.

The default FoV in Quake 2 with hor+ is already in a sweet spot, if you ask me.

>> No.9208659
File: 152 KB, 1280x960, old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Synthetic showcase, specifically demonstrating bounce lighting.

>> No.9208665
File: 173 KB, 1280x960, new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamma-corrected. Notice how the room turns more blue due to the reflection from the bright texture, as it should.

>> No.9209364
File: 85 KB, 640x480, xashOB_lm04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the room turns more blue due to the reflection
since you bring that up I noted in either xash itself your mod for it, that doesn't happen enough. it's very subtle but if you compare xash with your dll:

>> No.9209370
File: 99 KB, 640x479, hlexe_sw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vs hl.exe software,
you notice that hl has more 'harmony' in the colors, the corridor is all subject to the same bluish light tint which is aggregated from its textures. The xash version, this blend isn't quite happening, the wall is a bit green, the roof a bit redder.

>> No.9209374
File: 95 KB, 640x480, xashVanillaNearest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(bare xash (on top of having no o'bright) seems to have it worse so maybe you just need to do more of what you were doing)

>> No.9209674


I wouldn't know about any tint created by the software renderer, but colored radiosity all hinges on the map compiler.
The official tool does not have any colored radiosity, so you won't get the effect from that Quake 2 screenshot. One of the custom compilers (VHLT?) implements this.

>> No.9209681

half life's original rad doesn't bounce the color at all?

(btw the software renderer isn't special in a color sense, the opengl version of that pic looks exactly the same colorwise just with horribly blurred/mipmapped textures)

>> No.9209686

>half life's original rad doesn't bounce the color at all?
Nope, I even investigated the source code to get to the bottom of that. It appears to treat every surface as a medium gray, and there are some other odd deviations from Quake 2's compiler. I'm guessing Valve got an early build of QRAD that didn't modulate the bounces with the texture surfaces.

>> No.9209725

hm! well, I looked at the lightmap of that scene, and it is, as that would predict, all the same hue - a blue hue because the directlights are blue. So that raises the question of why in xash the textures are not taking on as much of the hue from the lightmap...

>> No.9209738

Could simply be explained by a shift in gamma.
Try matching "gamma" with the other variables of "texgamma" and "lightgamma". If I remember correctly, these are 2.0 and 2.5 respectively. You can use the skybox as a reference for texgamma, since it's not affected by lightgamma.

>> No.9209753

is this the cvar gamma? otherwise xash doesn't seem to have it
but you could be right because playing with just plain gamma did seem to bring things more in line with the hl.exe (i'll give it a proper look later)
lightgamma does nothing detectable (in xash)

>> No.9209763

It's a separate cvar in vanilla GoldSrc. Not relevant in Xash.
You also have to reset the texture cache for the changes to apply, I think. Just enter the values in the console before starting a level. Set all three gamma values to 2 or 2.5 and see if it does anything

>> No.9209768

yeah, that's all Q2 weapons, delays on everything.
just the basic shotgun: you fire it - no muzzleflash - pump sound plays - pump sound ends - pump animation starts - pump animation ends - weapon looks ready to refire - another half second passes - weapon is actually ready to refire. everything that could be mismatched - is.

>> No.9209771

oh ok i can't do that my exe is from Day One and has no console. maybe i'll pick this up later if I get a retail exe. the point is not to change hl though (i know you're just talking about establishing the mechanics of the effect - but there should be something in xash that on fiddling makes it exactly how it is in hl as-is. which as mentioned may be gamma)

>> No.9209787

You can perhaps still add these cvars into the startup config? Just a thought.

Anyway, the texgamma in Xash is fixed (and correct), but I guess it could be altered to behave exactly like it does in vanilla Half-Life with its disparity between texgamma and lightgamma.

>> No.9209792


>> No.9209794

I want to know the age demographic for the folks who still plays this game.

> How old are you anon ?

>> No.9209843

Quake 2 is the first game I ever remember playing, around the same time it was released.

I'm 28 now.

>> No.9209848

yeah i'll try it

just searching around texgamma this guy thinks it's boned in xash (dunno if this is you and this is your fix)
moddb com/engines/xash3d-engine/downloads/authentical-goldsource-like-look-for-lightmaps-and-textures

>> No.9209862

Huh, interesting find. I only ever shared it on 4chan. Some other anon must have redistributed it, even though it violates the GPL. He could at least have included the readme.

>> No.9209871

Actually, never mind. The description states what has been changed, and it's not what I did. Very curious. The upload date is only some days after my post.


>> No.9209872

it's the same? cos you said xash texgamma is correct but the description of this says it needed to be changed to 0.6something

>> No.9209896

>cos you said xash texgamma is correct
Technically, texgamma was always correct (at 2.0). It's the other gamma values that are way too high at 2.5.

This mod seems to restore the (arguably incorrect) GoldSrc look, which entails lightgamma and texgamma not being the same.

>> No.9209913
File: 27 KB, 713x127, tex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

innit 0.9?

>> No.9209923

Xash3D uses different values entirely. It bases everything around a gamma of 2.2, for some reason. Half-Life's map compiler uses a gamma of 2.0 for its lighting, so it makes sense to use that as a reference instead.

Texgamma in Xash3D doesn't map to texgamma in GoldSrc either. It's a confusing mess.

>> No.9209929

Explain this, you jump further when walking than running?

>> No.9209932

Actually, I don't even think it's used at all.

TEXGAMMA has an effect on texgammatable[256], which in turn is read by TextureToGamma(), but I can't find any calls to that function, at least not on Github.

>> No.9209937

never understood why the TR laserbeam Guards never fired post-mortem unlike the other variants
and who the fuck thought it was a neat idea that they should survive a point-blank hit from the Shotty?

>> No.9209947

I'm curious about this too, but I can say that in addition to this, you need the right frame frame rate for jumps to become optimal.

>> No.9209949

I must say that after playing the projectN64 mod recently again, no muzzleflash in vanillaQ2 is painfully jarring to look at. . .

>> No.9209989
File: 1.58 MB, 1024x1536, gamma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half-Life: Uplink has a working console, and I changed everything to match Xash3D with gl_overbright turned off.

>> No.9210039

I am fine with Yamagi Quake II, thank you very much.

>> No.9210469


>> No.9211016

>Every so often a new game tries to revive the Q3 formula and falls into the same cycle of tiny playerbase, no support, closure.
because most arena shooter fans don't want a revival. they just want either a 1:1 remake of what they (for lack of a better word) "think" arena shooters were (which is usually quake 3 or UT) from their nostalgia or a fucking time machine so they can go back to a time when they could pubstomp people without fear of some killer doing the same to them.

>When did the state of afps/Quake games get so grim?
it's not just a retro thing. multiplayer shooters in general are a dying genre...
>halo infinite is pretty divisive with fans on how 343 is handling it and borders on abandonware at times.
>battlefield died.
>nobody cares about CoD anymore.
>e-sports killed overwatch and it's only kept relevant by porn.
...at this point the only thing keeping the genre alive in a multiplayer capacity are battle royal games.

>> No.9211369

Isn't changing hl settings to (off ideal?) ones to meet xash not addressing the issue of being able to change xash to match hl when hl is not distorted? Anyway, I also seem to be able to get the blue back in xash by turning overbright off and light modulate to 1. but that's not half-life. Half-life has overbright.
I wasn't able to find a gamma setting for xash that could bring back the blue, while ob was on

>> No.9211461

fuck off

>> No.9212071

Not sure what you mean. Changing the settings I explained can bring the lightmap very close to having ideal precision (but still not quite right, it seems). Try setting modulate to 0.333 in Xash3D and see if that helps shift the hue. Not sure why you would want to, though.

>> No.9212167

light modulate doesn't change it.
>Not sure why you would want to, though.
You can't understand why I would want xash to look the same as half-life (without changing half-life's own back-end settings to abnormal values so that it's no longer how it was intended to look)?

You mentioned that xash looks more accurate to reality than hl (I think?) but my xash screenshots are just looking a bit more cartoonish because the textures don't take enough of the direct light's tint and stick with their saturated colors. It's only like a 2% difference but noticeable.

Never mind though, it was interesting to talk about but I probably will leave it be for now

>> No.9212246

Well, as I explained before, the lighting not taking on the color of the environment is a fault of the compiler, not the rendering. A distorted gamma tinting the room the right way is really just coincidental, and such an ad hoc adjustment would only make things worse elsewhere.
Could you try with a more synthetic test case like that Quake 2 example I used? Combine it with VHLT and make use of colored radiosity.
Custom maps seem to work with Half-Life: Uplink, by the way.

>> No.9212248

>Well, as I explained before, the lighting not taking on the color of the environment is a fault of the compiler, not the rendering
oh, this is wrong. I was testing the same .BSP file in xash and hl. I thought that would be assumed because otherwise I'm not comparing the renderers.
The blue hue is in the lightmap (in both cases because it's the same file) as compiled at Valve because the blue hue is coming from blue directlights not bounces.
The lack of hue-ing is happening at rendertime.
BUT you're right I should test at least a different map to see how consistent this difference is

>> No.9212252

By the way, I should probably try to explain how the gamma settings work in GoldSrc (as far as I understand them.

So there is the canonical "gamma" cvar, on which the two other gamma cvars are based. The value of this doesn't seem to affect anything directly, but its relation to the others does. In the default case of the gamma being set to 2.5, it matches the lightgamma, but not the texgamma. This means the lighting stays untouched, but the textures are scaled to match the expected gamma of 2.5. If you shift the gamma slider down to 2.0, the textures now stay as they are, but the lightmap shifts down to a lower gamma.

Xash3D doesn't appear to make use of texgamma, even though it exists in the code, so in essence, so you can never get the default behavior of GoldSrc, if that's what you really want.

>> No.9212258

>I was testing the same .BSP file in xash and hl. I thought that would be assumed because otherwise I'm not comparing the renderers.
I know, and that's my point. The map's lighting is inherently "wrong", and one should try to fix that instead of fixing the renderer.
>The lack of hue-ing is happening at rendertime.
I'm pretty sure it's being hued as much as it should. Try comparing the same scene with just the lightmap, and then only with fullbright textures.

>> No.9212263
File: 214 KB, 1024x768, c1a0d_shot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here is the scene with only textures. The floor seems to be a bit more red or greenish than blue. The scientist's coat is a pure gray.

>> No.9212265

> if that's what you really want.
when I got around to firing up a hl.exe and started looking around black mesa, something surprisingly felt like "THIS is half life. THIS is the Sector C that I experienced in '98". Surprising because I thought I was getting that in xash but something must have been slightly 'missing' (different) and it seems to be this

>The map's lighting is inherently "wrong"
Trying to make the look better/more correct/more physically accurate etc., is one project. Making xash do what goldsrc did exactly is another. They each have worth

>as much as it should
Well it's different to hl and can't be made to match yet so this is part of the idea that half-life is wrong and you and xash have corrected it. That's fine for the one project. I guess ultimately if people want the original half-life experience they can get it easily without xash. I just thought it was the same

>> No.9212268
File: 52 KB, 1024x768, c1a0d_shot0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is the lightmap, which is just a pure monotone color due to the lack of color-sensitive bounce lighting.

>> No.9212267

yeah no i know what the textures look like this isn't adding understanding. it's not my claim that xash doesn't take on the blue hue, my claim is that it takes on like 5% less

>> No.9212273

>Making xash do what goldsrc did exactly is another. They each have worth
Well, then I can say the texgamma is DEFINITELY a factor. The subtle tint isn't even the most glaring difference in this case, but more the brightness of certain textures. Skyboxes are unaffected by lighting, so they show the most obvious difference.

Does that other DLL you linked address this properly?

>> No.9212278

I forgot to try it, lol. I will test it later

>> No.9212313

For good measure, I tried compiling the map using VHLT. Not all lights seem to work, though, and the lighting is clamped by default because of the bad modulation behavior in the Steam version. Any useful parameters I should know?

>> No.9212315
File: 182 KB, 1024x768, c1a0d(2)_shot0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9212337

your texlights aren't on - in zhlt at least, you're meant to add an entity called info_texlights BUT as far as I know it still uses lights.rad too - see if your version of that file has had the entries commented out, and uncomment +~0FIFT light 1 etc

I dunno where you got so much light from without them. I can't really understand this
>the lighting is clamped by default because of the bad modulation behavior in the Steam version
I dunno why you want to bring the steam version in at all since I thought it was crippled

>> No.9212361
File: 485 KB, 1920x1080, light_shot0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am using texlights, but probably not the right one. I used the one called valve.rad

>I dunno why you want to bring the steam version in at all since I thought it was crippled
I am talking about hlrad.exe. By default, it clips everything to more closely match the Steam version. I used the parameter "-limiter -1" to solve this.

Here is a synthetic test to showcase the color bleeding effect. Pretty sexy.

>> No.9212367

oh, Steam hl has recompiled maps? (I don't know anything about steam hl, I will never install steam).

yeah it is sexy, but I can see now why they didn't implement the color bounce in 98: because in game maps, at least like c1a0 i tested, it doesn't make a perceptible change

i dunno what's wrong with your rad file, is your compiler looking for valve.rad or lights.rad? it should say in the output

>> No.9212378

>oh, Steam hl has recompiled maps?
No, that's not it. Because of the way the Steam version overmodulates the lightmaps, the compiler compensates for this by clipping everything above a certain point, so details aren't lost to this bad behavior. It's meant for custom maps only. The vanilla maps are already affected by this, hence why Half-Life looks so bad out of the box on Steam.

>i dunno what's wrong with your rad file, is your compiler looking for valve.rad or lights.rad? it should say in the output
I just replaced lights.rad because everything was commented.
I think you are meant to use map-specific rad files anyway, and not just a generic one.

>because in game maps, at least like c1a0 i tested, it doesn't make a perceptible change
I'm sure it would have a profound effect on the bright outdoor maps. The red cliffs ought to reflect into some areas of shade. I can't be bothered to decompile the maps and give it a try.

>> No.9212407

>I think you are meant to use map-specific rad files anyway,
you make an info_texlight entity

>a profound effect on the bright outdoor maps.
oh yeah, it would in the shade. But you'd have to be careful - consider, a large portion of the reflected light energy from even materials like rough rock, is in specular, which does not take the color of the material.
So one might want to moderate the coloring and approximate a mix of maybe half the color and half white - I mistakenly thought the new tools did this: A setting called texreflectscale, I thought was a mixer like that but it's rather just a reflections strength. So I don't know if you can moderate it

>> No.9212409

Only if it’s the N64 version.

>> No.9212410

Nobody likes Quake 2 more than 1 other than contrarians. Strogg are lamer than Quake 1 eldritch atrocities and the general atmosphere is shittier because of it.

>> No.9212443

Eh, that sounds overly elaborate. It's not like the textures in Half-Life have any physical basis. Average brightness is a reasonably good metric for albedo, and since specular highlights are "baked" into the textures, you'd have to know how much to subtract from each individual texture for correct results.
Basically, for an engine of this caliber, just assume the entire world is made out of 100% rough materials. That's effectively how the game works from a PBR perspective.

>> No.9212495

To be fair towards Q1, shamblers and vores aren’t being run into nearly as often as the ogres and knights. The fiends show up often as well, but they feel more “demonic” less “eldritch”.

>> No.9212510

I would say enemies and environment feel more eldritch/ancient horror than demonic but the doom influence is there. Basic enemies feels demonically possessed, but in a more twisted, rusted way than something like Doom.

Still better than Strogg.

>> No.9212543

Quake 1 also is purposefully limited with its roster, grunts dogs and enforcers do not get placed outside the first level to each episode besides E1M2. Quake 2 will have sporadic mutants but it much more closely mirrors the consitency of the classic Doom roster, it even has another take on the archvile.

>> No.9212889

Is this a modified kmquake 2 by chance? normally you get the ugly UI stuff that comes with it

>> No.9212931

Yeup, that’s exactly what this is. Didn’t like the “high res” hud and got rid of it promptly, and I’m trying some weapon reanimation set I found off of the moddb.

>> No.9213487

Q2s medic is a joke. Archville was dangerous because it had tons of health and attack that discouraged attacking him in the open while he is busy resurrecting half the map. I have never actually seen Medic resurrecting anything as he can be melted with chaingun like everyone else

>> No.9213562

>Q2s medic is a joke
The medic commander isn’t, I love fighting those things.

>> No.9214929

I only like techbases in Q1. SoA specifically is much better than the base game.

>> No.9215087

Second this, my thoughts exactly. Techbase levels of Armagon are closer to doom experience. I am dropping Armagon every time I passed to the first castle level. Insomnia map (czg07) was a perfect continuation of SoA e1 for me.

>> No.9215127

Medic Commander is you getting punked by Rogue for not taking the original seriously.
>Literally spawns walls of Enforcers and Guards to soak up bullets.
>Enhanced blaster.
>Tons of health.
>Tesla coils do shit because the enemy can easily disable them.
>Usually far away, behind trap walls or above a platform. If you don't enter a room knowing where he is and clip him to a wall with the Railgun or BFG shots the constant spamming will burn out your ammo.
There's a point in GZ where you have a Tank Commander between you and the Medic Commander. I killed him first but while I dealt with the spawned mooks to reach the Medic, the fucker revived the Tank because I forgot to gib him.