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9204776 No.9204776 [Reply] [Original]

The Tubular of its generation

>> No.9204894

Just run forward and jump at the right times. You can finish this level without ever letting go of the forward direction and run.

>> No.9204949

tubular is easy compared to fucking outrageous, the only real thing you have to worry about if you pay attention is chargin chuck footballs

>> No.9204986
File: 66 KB, 750x515, filter-circus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/Tubular of its generation/ general?

>> No.9205043
File: 2 KB, 256x224, SMBLL_World_1-3_Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of SMB1 is really that tough compared to SMB2.

>> No.9205139

2-3 is Gnarly-tier bro

>> No.9205140

Tubular is such a great stage

shell jump is something that was intended, but I don't know if, i-frame usage was something they had planned. SMW is the first game in the series that brought this I think

>> No.9205278

There's actually a level in NES Remix that's exactly that. It automatically runs for you and you can't stop, so you have to time your jumps

>> No.9205282

Isn't that how you play every level?

>> No.9205285

What's the meat game?

>> No.9205424

Psychonauts, the meat circus is the end game and it's notoriously shitty because it combines all of the jankier mechanisms in one stage with a tight-ish time limit

>> No.9205468

But anon, that is how you play the whole game when you are good.

>> No.9205508

NES Remix was so good, wish they'd make more or try SNES Remix

>> No.9206117

there are several levels where this will result in death, notably the castles

>> No.9206270

people found this hard?

>> No.9206376

I have way more trouble beating super mario than i do beating ninja gaiden or any of the nes castlevanias

>> No.9206381

that's fair, it's pretty fast paced
but so is ninja gaiden because of that respawning enemy crap