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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9202573 No.9202573 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to enjoy the retro classic Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in 2022?

>> No.9202630
File: 107 KB, 680x1180, sub_HUEG_21_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe it is best enjoyed on the retro console "Xbox", OP

>> No.9202634

on the PS2 on a CRT tv

>> No.9202646

not this

>> No.9202651

ps2 for lo-fi or pc with community fixes (you can achieve ps2 colors and reflections if you prefer that)
why? xbox is pc port on lower graphics (better textures and draw distance than ps2 though)

>> No.9202658

one thing about the PS2 version to be aware of is that the gamma is very dark for SA

>> No.9202684

>game has bad graphics
>has always had bad graphics
>but just because some half-ass remake fucked up now calling the game out on its bad graphics is haram

>> No.9202685

get the original 1.0, install xinput mod, widescreen fix, framerate vigilante for 60fps to avoid framerate bugs, silent patch, and skygfx mod for the ps2 soul

>> No.9202697


>> No.9202701

ps2 and or multi theft auto

>> No.9202707

No one played GTA for grafix except for IVfags, they were always outdated looking

>> No.9202757
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with the umaru skin

>> No.9202761
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>> No.9202818

Not OP but I have MTA:SA installed. Does anyone wanna play? Only populated servers I can find are in south america. We could easily grab the nearest empty server and do some motorcycle races or jet fights or whatever.

>> No.9203083

PC modded for PS2 graphics

>> No.9203104

I liked the PS2 version a little bit better than the Xbox version. Never bothered to play the PC version.

>> No.9203246

I side loaded the android port onto my nvidia shield and have the graphics settings turned up. The characters are still ugly but otherwise it looks good and it's fun as hell.

>> No.9203247

This. And some other mods like coop missions if thats your thing.

>> No.9203257
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Unless you have a ps2 and crt tv ready to go
PS4 also has an upscaled ps2 verson ready

>> No.9203290

I can't really recommend the PS4 version since it uses the same control scheme as the PS2 version but since the DS4 doesn't have analog face buttons, the driving feels busted.

>> No.9203293

>no blur

>> No.9204260

ps2 version on a CRT looks the best but has the worst framerate. So I would suggest the PC version with a bunch of mods such as:
>stories sprinting
There's so many mods out there but these are definite needs

>> No.9204272

PS2 and PC are designed for the same framerate, bunch of shit breaks if you disable the framelimiter.

>> No.9204274

That's what silentpatch is for; it fixes all the physics bugs you get at 60fps

>> No.9204276

Not all of them, jumping over small ledges like on Sweet's roof can still insta-kill you

>> No.9204286

Just booted up the game to test this and the bug has definitely been fixed

>> No.9204492

Ps2 with a friend, switching off every time you die as you rack up stars

>> No.9204546

the decompilation that rockstar dmca'd right before releasing the awful remake

>> No.9204694

Pirated PC version with all the restoration/compatibility mods. If you're ever going to spend money on these games just put it towards a used PS2 and copies of the game, there's no version of these games worth buying from Rockstar in the current year..

The PSN version has removed music.

>> No.9204696
File: 1.11 MB, 3840x2160, gta-sa_2022.01.09-17.16_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fan of this. https://www.definitive-edition-project.com/sa-de
Don't touch their versions for III and VC though.

>> No.9204702

Xbox version. PC version of the game is fucking aids

>> No.9204724

Stop lying on the internet

>> No.9204919

Just used this for both VC and SA a couple weeks ago. Why didn't you like their VC mod seemed good to me?

>> No.9204953
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I just followed the page on pcgamingwiki and everything works fine.

>> No.9205079

no it doesn't, afaik it only fixes lockups on 1000 fps black screens between scenes. i don't even see user track radio crash on high framerate on he list of fixes.
as for framerate vigilante, i feel that is a dirty hack that only reduces engine braking and increases swimming speed to partially get around these notorious high fps glitches. that being said, even stock game is ok on 60 fps.

>> No.9205086
File: 230 KB, 1248x768, L8MXy2n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RoSa (+ improved AI textures)
is shit like this fixed already?
they have the impudence to use it as a promo screenshot even

>> No.9205101 [DELETED] 

What's wrong with that?

>> No.9205104

here's the original

>> No.9205105
File: 58 KB, 800x600, CandySuxxx-GTASA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9205108

oh so both had three legs guess i don't need to stop drinking after all

>> No.9205112
File: 39 KB, 256x256, CandySuxxx-GTASA-SignTexture[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck am i expected to treat a mod compilation seriously if it doesn't even list the mods
it's an arm

>> No.9205113

call it whatever you want you're still a fag

>> No.9205649
File: 827 KB, 3840x2160, gta-sa_2022.01.01-23.45_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why didn't you like their VC mod seemed good to me?
They backport the control scheme from SA to VC and III and it makes the games play very differently to how they do in vanilla and I dislike this change greatly. PLUS re3 and reVC basically invalidates the definitive mod as well.

>> No.9205685

It doesn't. The driving is still buggy and the driving license missions are almost impossible without limiter. The one where you have to barrel roll your car on a jump basically cannot be done without the limiter.

>> No.9205729

You can swim at full speed and climb atop sweet's house but you still need to turn the limiter on for the driving school

>> No.9206191

PC, honestly. Which version look best is highly subjective and up to individual preferences, but on PC you can tweak it however you want. Also the cities are slightly more detailed and render distance is way better It was honestly pretty awful on PS2, especially in countryside you could often crash into something before it even appears). And, well, you do shoot a lot in this game, so obviously a mouse works much better here than a pad.
Just remember to mod the deleted songs back in (or download a version that haven't removed them in a first place)

>> No.9206332

>weeb shit

go back to /a/

>> No.9206402
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anime mods in san andreas are soul

>> No.9206439

anime website, go back to you know where

>> No.9207218

gives a whole meanin to the term little nigga

>> No.9207282

>wrong alpha blending on trees
Why aren't people bothered by obvious errors?

>> No.9207323
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This. Disgusting.

>> No.9208998

make sure you don't have removed songs

>> No.9209019
File: 47 KB, 381x454, 1657797646921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how the fuck am i expected to treat a mod compilation seriously if it doesn't even list the mods

>> No.9209060
File: 239 KB, 279x573, arufa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I hate it when modders don't properly pose or rig the hands.

>> No.9209110

>Loli board deleted.
Looks like Moot had second thoughts, "Anime website".

>> No.9209119

nah, he just didn't want normalfags like you complaining about that, as your type is wont to do
lurk moar idiot

>> No.9209124

moot was an actual unironic cuckold, gaze into the abyss for too long etc.

>> No.9209128

/c/ attracts too many MAP apologists as it is.

>> No.9209150

>Moot pussied out, normies won.
Thanks for admitting our superiority, it's rare for someone to concede like that.

>> No.9209449

GTA III = Best on Xbox
Vice City = Best on Xbox
San Andreas = Best on PS2

Did I get this right?

>> No.9209553

>he just didn't want normalfags like you complaining about that
That's not why it was deleted, you fetus.

>> No.9209607
File: 2.85 MB, 700x394, gta-sa_2022.01.01-23.48.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. They are all best on PC these days. If you were talking release you'd be right.

>> No.9209647

Don't humour him he tried to use it against you that you don't masturbate to little girls

>> No.9209736

is there a pack with all of this

>> No.9209756
File: 329 KB, 1920x1079, cj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever used the crash info mod that gives incredibly accurate information on why the game has crashed and which mod is responsible for it? Mine has stopped working all of a sudden. The crashinfo doesn't show up anymore after a crash.

>> No.9209873

being made in 2003 doesn't make hd remasters good.

>> No.9210051

what's wrong with the xbox versions of gta 3 and vc?

>> No.9210078

Real physical copy, real PS2. There's no other way.

>> No.9210169


>> No.9210915

they are made by a diffrent studio with no regard for visual style

>> No.9212203

They have the same visual style

>> No.9212279

PS2 version is on PS4 if you don't wanna buy physical copy and a PS2.

>> No.9212293

got his ass
absolutely destroyed
completely bodied
okay enough, he’s already dead

>> No.9212312
File: 986 KB, 3840x2160, GTA_ San Andreas 16_01_2022 19_18_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9212643

Can't buy it anymore after remasters came out, also it had cut music

>> No.9212653

hey retard, the problem is that a $60 "remake" of a game shouldn't look worse than the original version

>> No.9213416

Silent Patch has all those things already, no need for a seperate mod

>> No.9213427

Those Brazilian bros are keeping it alive, it's unreal how popular that game is over there.

>> No.9213434


>> No.9213596

What about this pack? https://www.definitive-edition-project.com/sa-de

>> No.9213617
File: 1.41 MB, 3840x2160, GTA_ Vice City 24_07_2021 18_44_31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For SA? best version. Their III and VC versions are not as good due to backporting SA features which change how those games play and no longer give that 'turbo vanilla' experience.

tl;dr for III and VC use re3 and reVC, for SA use definitive mod.

>> No.9215270

for the best experience you should mod your genitals to female ones and overwrite your hormones with estrogen

>> No.9215358

This version - Updated Classic: GTA San Andreas

>> No.9215421
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Anon why would you make such a retarded post? If you need to talk about something i'll listen as it is good to get things off your chest.

>> No.9215481
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