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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9201692 No.9201692 [Reply] [Original]

Just as the subject implies, what was your earliest memory of playing video games? Do you remember what your first game was?

>> No.9201705
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Parents wanted me to learn math and shit
SMB1 was my first actual video game video game

>> No.9201707

Local daycare had Tiny Toon Adventures for the SNES.
My mother was a pretty avid gamer before she had a stroke that gave her bad motion sickness. She bought an N64 for the household when it came out, and between her, me, and my sister, she was always the first one to beat new games. We'd usually rent from the local video store, but we did buy a few games, including both Zeldas for it.
My father was more attached to his old consoles. I never figured out how to get his Intellivision working until I was a teenager. Something about the RF switch just confused me when every other console I knew was just "red plug in red socket, etc."

>> No.9201718
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Unironically a Pac-Man arcade cabinet. I'm old as fuck

>> No.9201732

And there's nothing wrong with that.
They made games?
Those sound like fine parents to have had, Anon. I'm sorry she suffered that stroke, I hope she could at least enjoy watching you guys play games.

>> No.9201738

Being 4 years old and playing Contra on a bootleg NES hooked to a small black-and-white TV in my room

>> No.9201758
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I was three years old when I watched my older brother beat Yoshi's Island for the first time. Giant Bowser scared the shit out of me, and when he was defeated and Kamek flew him into the moon I remember looking out the window to the full moon and bursting into tears for fear he was up there.
Kids are dumb, but damn if it isn't a wholesome memory.

>> No.9201785

Playing Donkey Kong Classics on the NES, yep

>> No.9201845

Based retarded kid brain

Based old man

>> No.9201867

Getting my GBA SP around 2004 playing Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Sonic Advance 3, and Pokemon Firered

>> No.9201985

NES, playing original super mario bros/duck hunt when I was 3

>> No.9201989

Blockout on a 086

We've had this thread a hundred times

>> No.9202147

Yeah, it happens alot now.

Playing pole position with my mom on 2600.

>> No.9202178
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Cauldron on Amstrad CPC

>> No.9202185

Super Mario Kart in 1992. I was 3 years old.

>> No.9202227
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First game I remember playing myself is pic rel.
First game I remember seeing played was Abe's Odyssey

>> No.9202235

A card flipping memory match game on either C64 or IBM PC and my dad helping me to play Super HangOn because i was too small to move the big red bike "controller" correctly. Both are also my earliest memories.

>> No.9202240

Watching my rich cousin playing Comix Zone and Doom.

>> No.9202253

In the early 90's my aunt bought my cousins a NES. Mario/Duck Hunt was our first game. And Dig Dug 2 for some reason.

>> No.9202427
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Jurassic Park on the Sega Genesis.
Barely remember anything except that my toddler hands were too retarded to make the Raptor character work, so the basic enemies would kill me.

>> No.9202469

Super Mario Bros on NES as it was the first console and game I got
Or maybe some old Mac game on my fathers computer, like Shufflepuck Cafe or Qbert
Hard to remember what was first

>> No.9202592

Virtua Fighter 2 arcade cabinet at local mall

>> No.9202606

I remember my dad was playing Samba de Amigo on Dreamcast and I tried playing it but I was so young I couldn't figure out what to do.

I also remember really wanting a Gameboy when I was little. I once spotted Pokemon Yellow on the shelves of Electronics Boutique and asked my parents if we could get a Gameboy and that game, but they said no. A few years later my dad found a Gameboy Color with Tetris DX inside it at his office and couldn't find the owner so he gave it to me. The first game I chose to buy for it was some Winnie the Pooh game. Both Tetris DX and the Winnie the Pooh gamw fell behind this huge cabinet and we couldn't reach it until 2016 when we moved. Anyways, I once saw one of my friends playing Pokemon Crystal and I asked my parents that since I had a Gameboy now if I could get it, and they said yes. It was after I got that game that I really started getting into gaming desu.

>> No.9202610

My earliest memory playing vidya is with the sega genesis/megadrive. I cant remember if my first game was Sonic 2 or Streets of Rage 2.
I vaguely remember getting rekt in Sonic 2 stage 2 falling platforms. I also remember jamming out to the SoR2 soundtrack and getting destroyed by the wrestler in stage 4

>> No.9202626

i still remember the night when my dad bought me the SNES with super mario world at toys r us. i remember being introduced to mortal kombat 2 back when arcades were still around in a K-mart during the 90's.

>> No.9202676

Watching my cousin play Donkey Kong Country.

>> No.9202694

What do you mean Anon? He's actually still there, on the moon - waiting for you.

>> No.9202723

I thought 3D graphics were made from cardboard as a kid.

>> No.9202773

The N64 Mario games (64, Kart and Paper) as well the two Zelda while father was playing FF8
Link screaming to wear a mask and Ultimecia impaling Squall remained impressed to me

>> No.9202834

games i was born into: smw, dkc, joe and mac, gradius, jurassic park, toy story, tetri sttack, loony toons b-ball, gameboy games

the ones I remember by age 3: dkc up until the rainy level, everything about gradius especially the opening and music, and playing tiny toons babs big break in the car on gameboy and not being able to see jackshit unless you got the contrast just right

the other games were just always there, I don't have any memories that stick out until another year or so

>> No.9202838

I played links awakening on an emulator my dad got us. I used the arrow keys and x and z as b and a. I also had a sega genesis and sega cd. I really enjoyed Jurassic Park on sega cd.

>> No.9202896

This one here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAkTZ12XB8c

I was 3 or 4 years old, and the bigger brother of my friend was playing it. I remember liking the game, he even let me play, but I was more interested in seeing the other titles. A couple of years later, I got my own Master System with Sonic the Hedgehog. That was the first game I played which was actually mine. Not long after, I saw the og Street Fighter on my older cousin's Super Nintendo. At the time, I thought technology couldn't get better.

>> No.9202898

I remember watching my uncle play the first level of Duke 3D on DOS, and one of my cousins playing Jurassic Park, Sonic 2, and Toejam and Earl on the Genesis when I was real little, maybe 4 or 5. Didnt know what all of these games or systems were until later when id get into gaming when I was like 7 or 8. First game I remember playing myself was Sled Storm on the PS1 and The Simpsons Arcade at the bowling alley. I also remember Ridge Racer and the Windows 95 ports of Sonic CD and Sonic 3&Knuckles as some of my oldest gaming memories.

>> No.9202914

Wow Jurassic Park on the Genesis really left an impact huh. I dont even think its that great of a game it just stuck in my memory real hard as a kid.

>> No.9202979

A handheld fotball goalkeeper game in maybe 1988 at the age of 5. It had a blue oval shape and not very sophisticated

>> No.9203036

i think i was 2 years old or so when i saw my dad playing Resident Evil (can't remember if it was 1 or 2)
playing myself? I think it's C&C on the PSOne. Earliest memory i have pressing buttons

>> No.9203343

"video" games with no video

>> No.9203349

>gonna write this like I'm 6 and I think you know the people in this story

Mum sent me up the road to to Gary and Tracy's house to tell Dad that dinner was ready.
Dad is having a beer with Gary. I knock and enter "Dad, mum said.. what's that?"
Wizard of Wor on the Commodore 64
End up playing it for 30 minutes
Forget to tell Dad dinner is ready
Mum calls up and ends up chatting with Tracy on the phone.
Playing on an Intellivision now - BurgerTime.
End up having cold dinner real late.
A week later, Dad comes home with an intellivision "Gary was selling it, he wants to buy some new computer". My Dad knows nothing about computers or gaming.
Play Burgertime with my mum until bed time.

Gary died in his sleep a few years later, some heart problem (he was a big guy). Only 34 years old. RIP Gary, legendary gamer. Sold my Dad my first game console.

>> No.9203370

>I'm old as fuck
You're in good company here. My earliest gaming memory was Christmas of 1989 when Santa Claus brought me an NES, and dad set everything up and played it with me all day. First game was, of course, Super Mario/Duck Hunt. Then for my 5th birthday a couple months later I got Metroid and Legend of Zelda.

>> No.9203424

Kindergarten, 1988. Some kid brought in a NES with Super Mario Bros. and we all sat around the TV mesmerized by it. I remember he kept flailing his arms when he wanted Mario to jump and I was thinking he was dumb and I could do it better if he'd just give me the controller.

>> No.9203448

I was a dinosaurfag and it was also a bit scary

>> No.9203464
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Karateka and Paratroopers on ZX Spectrum (or Commodore VIC) in a computer club (yeah, we already had those here in 1990)

the first game I played on my very first PC was either Wolf3D or Blake Stone in 1994

>> No.9203878
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First grade computer lab

>> No.9204249

>Do you remember what your first game was?
>What was your earliest memory of playing video games?
Jerking the controller to the right as far as I could thinking it would make Mario jump further.

>> No.9204401

Alex kidd, although I mightve played something else before then.

>> No.9204532
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>> No.9204612
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Air-Sea Battle

>> No.9204643

Why was there versions of Oregon trail for Apple ][ line IBM PC, Atari 8-bit, monochrome Mac, Commodore 64, Windows 3.1, and the TRS 80 Model I &III series, but NONE about the Santa Fe Trail!?

>> No.9204713
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based grandpa

>> No.9204990

A nearly unrelated anecdote but when I was in highschool they still had one of these fucking computers IN USE in like 2009 when I was in 7th grade I think. It was in a language class and the only thing you could load onto it was some quiz software for books in a reading program. I had to use it for like 5 minutes each week and it was the worst thing to look forward to that entire year, fucking piece of shit that was.

That was a weird school.

>> No.9205393

when I was around 5.
I played the original spyro and crash bandicoot games at my grandmothers, as well as some weird japanese racing game for PS1.
I remember watching my older brother play resident evil 4 / halo 2 / oblivion and my dad buying a PS2 slim and it being a big deal at the time since we could now play PS2 games.
it almost seems like they're fake memories they happened so long ago now.

>> No.9205401

Probably Super Mario NES

>> No.9205563

Some tetris clone with ASCII symbol running on the blocks.
The point of the game was avoid to hit it - but I couldn't read back then, targeted it on purpose and when "game over" appeared thought that I won.

>> No.9205590

Playing Dino City on the SNES

>> No.9206449

Alex Kid on the Master system. Dont remember the year though. Maybe 1992 or 93. Couldnt even finish the first stage and i was terrified of the octopus.

>> No.9206475

Playing Qbert on a Colecovision in the basement in the house we lived in when I was 5.

>> No.9206483
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I remember playing jurassic park on the master system and being terrified of the dinosaurs to the point of shutting down the system and coming back just weeks later, it felt too real. I won the console with about 10 games and little by little I managed to beat them. I remember the first game I beat was James Pond 2 and then Chuck Rock 2.
It's funny how the child's mind can be carried away by fiction. I remember watching my cousin play Resident Evil 3 and it was really scary.

>> No.9207142

I think the first video game that I remember having, (provided that games developed for computer systems count) was either Tonka's Space station, or an emulated arcade game on 32-bit MAM; back when MAME was completely separate from MESS.

>> No.9207152

my first gaming memory was playing lan soldier of fortune: platinum edition with my pops. i miss him.
the first game i really played on my own though? duke nukem 3d atomic edition. i had an old dos desktop and my dads original cd that he showed me how to use. it was great

>> No.9207981


>> No.9208368
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My earliest memory was playing river city ransom with my older bro. This was an NES game. You could pickup rocks and sticks and throw em at the baddies. The sound track itself hits me hard. Fuck i'm getting old. Followed by this game is of course Super Mario Bros 3. After that we got a PS1, so we played Ace Combat and Spider Man a lot.

>> No.9208394

Original nes, hooked up to the TV we kept in the basement, playing Mario with my mom

>> No.9208421
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>I'm old as fuck
I know that feel. My earliest gaming memory was pic related at the arcades. I remember not even being tall enough to reach the controls, much less play with any kind of skill. The creepy, otherworldly music and vocals were both fascinating and terrifying to a kid just barely out of his toddler stage.

>> No.9208518

I got this bootleg console that plugged into the TV and it had 100s of basic games on it but nothing was really worth playing.

>> No.9209839

I was fascinated watching my brother play Zelda 2 when I was a toddler. One day my brother finally let me play it and I was so into it I refused to pause to go to the bathroom and shit myself.

>> No.9209842

Something about the color palette and sound design of genesis games made them all a bit scary and unsettling when I was a kid, especially because I didnt have one myself and only played it as friends' houses.

>> No.9211790

Wizard of Wor 5200 should have had voice synthesis.

>> No.9213535

I played Jurasssic Park on the gameboy of a friend one day at school during break and got really far in it killing the T-rex so I asked for it for the NES and it was like the nightmare difficulty version. The raptor enclosure was terrifying and I only got to the T-rex twice and never killed it

>> No.9214045
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I think it was this game on Windows 3.11.

>> No.9214143

>what was your earliest memory of playing video games? Do you remember what your first game was?
I played a video game for the first time when I was five years old. My mother stopped off at a friend's house one night and her boyfriend had a Nintendo. I played Super Mario Bros on it and loved it.

>> No.9214154

Mario Kart Wii with my sisters.
t. Barely 18 y/o zoomer

>> No.9214171

table-tops are what I remember most, but so many arcade cabinets to choose from my first.I remember kids houses who had games & then random arcades / stores that had certain games.

some kids had atari, some kids had nintendo. michael hollander had a turbo-graphix 16 & we watched leonard part 6 & played adventure island jesus god do i love adventure island

one kid had a lot of floppy disk games- where i first saw maniac mansion, prince of persia, so many crazy computer games, burgertime. he also had a powerpad.

nobody was better than KH, tho. later he introduced me to supercards & roms. he even built a few aracde cabinets that held roms with spaces for four joysticks & six button layouts

>> No.9215492
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>> No.9215495

The game every kid's drunken stepfather had.
Except he was too busy molesting your sister to play it.

>> No.9215506

i remember playing Combat on the atari 2600 at my grandpas house, but at the time i might have already had a nes with mario/duck hunt, so not sure which memory is earlier. my other grandparents also had a colecovision

>> No.9215538

Tetris that came with the gameboy i got back in 1990

>> No.9215540

Sega genesis playing sonic 1

>> No.9215734 [DELETED] 

>reddit-larps are what I remember most

>> No.9215740

I remember my dad playing pitfall on intellivision.

>> No.9215839

It's got to be Super Mario Bros on the NES or in the arcade. I was probably 3 or 4, and this would be back in 1985 to 1987. 1988-1989 was probably my first time really sitting down to play an NES. SMB, SMB2, Metroid, Punch-out, Othello and some other games. I remember SMB3 coming out and playing that at friend's houses. It was amazing.

>> No.9216341

The cowboy game on the 2600 where there's a wall in the middle and a cowboy on either side and you and a friend shoot at the wall slowly eating away at it until you can shoot at each other. Can't remember what it's called. Might have been on a cartridge with multiple games. Used to play the shit out of it with my best bud. We haven't talked in years.

>> No.9216538
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I do indeed remember my first gaming experience, Excitebike on the NES on a christmas morning, my dad had bought us an NES from overseas, funny enough it didn't have the first Mario game, it was a bundle with Excitebike and Contra.
This was in 1987, I was 4 at the time.

>> No.9217157


>> No.9217391
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first game I remember playing

>> No.9217403
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I put so many quarters in the Double Dragon II cabinet here, back when it was a hot dog stand.

>> No.9217993

Probly could've, anon. Probly could've.

>> No.9218541
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Watching my older brother play A Bug's Life for the PS1.

>> No.9218578
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Probably Star Fox 64

>> No.9218747
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Probably Pitfall. I have more distinct memories post-Atari though.

>> No.9218929

Putt Putt goes to the parade on my grandpa's windows 98 pc

>> No.9219036

I don't have a specific memory, but I remember being 3 and playing the All-Stars verion of SMB and everyone thought it was really funny that I got so excited I jumped along with Mario lol