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File: 222 KB, 950x950, PSX-final-doom-box-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9201375 No.9201375 [Reply] [Original]

>They just had to include the shitty fucking Master Levels instead of just doing 16 levels from TNT and Plutonia each
What the FUCK were they thinking

>> No.9201396

Are you really complaining about 100% extra content you don't even have to play if you don't want to?

>> No.9201398

>100% extra content
you don't get it retard, PS1 Final Doom only has 30 levels which is half occupied by shitty Master Levels instead of the actual Final Doom

>> No.9201402

Well, that's shitty.
But it's a moot point now and pretty much was even at the time.
You wanna play Doom just play it on a PC.

>> No.9201407

I don’t have the energy to care since DOOM in current year is just an engine for infinite awesome free DLC levels.

>> No.9201409

Plutonia is great even by current standards, in fact it kind of is the current standard. Most modern megawads are heavily inspired by it.

>> No.9201495

I prefer TNT much more over Plutonia. I like the techbase aesthetic, the larger levels, the more diverse themes instead of lots of brown. It's also not so unfair with all the traps.

>> No.9201507
File: 403 KB, 900x506, cc67ea0469c51e6c9bfd9a64dd6eb8c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The back of the box lies saying it has over 30 levels too. A dev from Williams said on Doomworld the port was a quick cashgrab after the release of Doom PSX. Regardless, I still love Final Doom PSX to death, it's comfy as fuck and I have lots of good memories of it, playing link cable deathmatch with my brother on System Control and Attack. Good shit, kino game.

>> No.9201978
File: 36 KB, 280x240, Final Doom (USA)-0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing this lately after beating PSX Doom. I've been enjoying both, the lighting and the differences in level design and enemy placement with the original maps. Playing it with a pad makes it feel more like how people would have played it then (console or not) too.

Final Doom has been less enjoyable but I don't mind having the Master Levels in there, for one thing I've played those way less than I have already played TNT/Plutonia and I'm not a fan of TNT, at all.

There is just Subspace I couldn't complete, got stuck in that outdoor area with a floating 4 switches cube that seem to do nothing and the only way to backtrack is jumping through the window which doesn't seem intentional. I'm not sure I ever beat that map. Also I died 5-6 times in Vesperas, that map is full of deadly traps and playing it on PSX just makes it worse.

The one thing that sucks about the PSX version is that it's impossible to go over enemies (I think that's possible in the original Doom), plus enemies stick to you like glue impairing your movement AND being close to them on the X/Y axis will hurt you EVEN if you're not close to them on the Z axis. All this together really fucks some maps where are there pits with enemies and small ledges.

>> No.9202014

>it's impossible to go over enemies (I think that's possible in the original Doom)
Actually no, in vanilla Doom monsters have infinite height. Some source ports let you turn that off but originally you could not go over or under monsters

>> No.9202015

You can't go over (or under) enemies or decorations in original Doom, actors are infinitely tall. For example on Entryway imps can block you at the elevator where you run over the trigger for the rocket secret, and cacos can be fuckers and block you even a mile up in the air. Modern sourceports alleviate this issue

>> No.9202016

but interestingly, projectiles such as fireballs and rockets Z coordinates DO matter, they can go over and under you in vanilla. Wonder why. Also splash damage is infinite height too.

>> No.9202020

That's true, how weird

>> No.9202302

but it's not a straight port it's pretty different

>> No.9202308

plutonia sure is very brown

>> No.9202310

>console shooters

>> No.9202325

It was a measure to ease calculation heaviness and resource use, so it wouldn't just run exclusively on high end PCs.

>> No.9202328

>starts to lag as soon as there are 10 sectors on screen

>> No.9202503

Evilution and Plutonia fuckin suck dude
>paying for wads

>> No.9203108
File: 2.94 MB, 720x406, three dimensions.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is due to limitations of the Playstation itself, a lot of Final Doom's levels would not run problem free on the console without a lot of modifications and simplifications. Sometimes they would work on adapting a level, other times it wasn't worth the effort and it had to be skipped outright, so they decide to use a bunch of the Master Levels as a substitute, as those are not nearly as complex or demanding.

Of course, the Master Levels aren't nearly as good as Plutonia (which had to sacrifice the most levels by far, featuring only 5 of its 32 levels), so you get quite the downgrade in quality as a result. One could wish they would have made more original levels as substitutes instead, but as guys who worked on these port told, the Final Doom port was basically a quick cashgrab. Much more time, effort, and ambition, would then be put into Doom 64 later.

I like TNT a lot, and it's still cool on Playstation, but they replaced its cool original soundtrack with the one they already did for the first Playstation port, which is a shame because the music is arguably the best part.

It was basically a quick simplification to free up a little bit more memory, they probably figured it wasn't a big deal since the original game isn't all that vertical, but they never updated it for Doom 2, in spite of that game using much more vertical space. Probably because levels were more demanding though.

>> No.9203636

>instead of the actual Final Doom
you mean actual Ultimate Doom?

>> No.9204407

They put that on the first Playstation Doom

>> No.9205191

>is the current standard

The standard of bullshit.

>> No.9205781

What do you think is better?