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9200790 No.9200790 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so much more comfortable than all the other Game Boy models?

>> No.9200797

It's not?

>> No.9200803

Wow you're dumb.

>> No.9200805

not really
kinda looks like a pain in the ass to hold compared to the og gba actually

>> No.9200829

>looks like
Opinion irrelevant

>> No.9200913

I am not sure I agree, but let's say I do. It's because it has no shoulder buttons, which force you to provide a counter-force with your palms and wrist whenever you press them. This is more fatiguing. Similarly, with so few buttons, many games do not require more than simple inputs.

>> No.9200921

You agree.

>> No.9200935

The OG Game Boy is more comfortable because of its larger size. The GBA along with every other horizontal style handheld are of course the better option.

>> No.9200954

Even as a kid I found it pretty comfortable to hold for long periods of time. More comfortable than the Color or Pocket, at least; I never had a GBA. It's definitely more comfortable than the SP to me nowadays even though I love the SP.

>> No.9200960

Could you comfortably hold my large size?

>> No.9200985

I'm trying to have an intelligent discussion about retro video game handheld. Please don't devolve the topic into pointless sexual innuendo.

>> No.9200991

Because its bigger, that's not hard to figure out

>> No.9200993

Are you implying I'm stupid?

>> No.9201204

It's thicker. It fits your palm better, especially adult sized hands.

>> No.9201213

I always preferred the Pocket, even into adulthood. But I have tiny feminine Donald Trump hands.

>> No.9201341

I hate how Nintendo managed to make the comfiest handheld ever but went back to uncomfortable bricks afterwards.

>> No.9201353

Because it was made for the hands of Japanese salarymen rather than the hands of Japanese children.

>> No.9201382

It feels big in a child's hands

>> No.9201683

Just like you

>> No.9201821

Because you think saying that makes you one of the cool kids

>> No.9201841

Because it's two handfuls worth of hardware.
I can hold GBC in one hand and reach all the buttons. I think last time I replayed pokemon red I did it entirely one handed.

>> No.9202383

people with 2 working hands only play games 1 handed for 1 reason
you pokefuckers are twisted

>> No.9202418

You telling lies online, anon?

>> No.9202968

You have adult sized hands now.

>> No.9204057

Speak for yourself.

>> No.9204067

Stop being wrong.

>> No.9204075
File: 68 KB, 750x752, D84OBzYXoAE-hKU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I am not wrong. get your head of of your ass, ya fucktard. Learn to realize that not everyone is the same.

>> No.9204078

You are genuinely wrong if you don't think the OG Game Boy is the most comfortable model. This is not up for debate.

>> No.9204082

>This is not up for debate
OK then, fucko, show me a timestamped comparison between the OG Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, and Game Boy Color. show your work.

>> No.9204107

The fuck? What part of that sounds outlandish? My hands aren't even big.
I also play N64 left hand only whenever it's a slow boring dialogue part.

>> No.9204165

It's the one I had as a kid.
It's not. Comfy screen but very heavy, and it was very inefficient with batteries so you had to constantly change them. Was practically impossible to use outside too

>> No.9204279

This, this site is filled with children that think buttons near the edge is perfectly okay.
I am not a fat fuck either, i'm a tiny manlet with baby hands but every single handheld ever made except the GB has horrible ergonomics not designed for adults.