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9200286 No.9200286 [Reply] [Original]

Is Yoshi's Island one of the classic Mario games?

>> No.9200287


>> No.9200431

I consider it more a high quality side game, like Mario Land or the Wario series.

>> No.9200483

It’s usually considered a “Yoshi game” and not so much a Mario game. I mean is but it isn’t, you know?

>> No.9200491

Yeah sure. I mean it kind of isn't, but the title (at least in North America) says it is, and ultimately who cares? It's close enough. You can control Mario by himself occasionally. Whatever.

>> No.9200507

The overseas subtitle is SMW2 but in Japan it's still Super Mario: Yoshi's Island.
As other anon said, it's similar to the situation with Super Mario Land 3, although YI is even more of a "real" Mario game because it was made by the Mario team.
It has a lot of elements from Mario games including piranha plants, koopa troopas, and well, Bowser himself.
Not to mention the setting is in Yoshi's Island, which is a location in Super Mario World, and has Kamek.
I still consider it its own game, a Yoshi game, but it's obviously part of the Mario franchise too.

>> No.9200523

This is the proper idea.
A true MARIO game has Mario jumping through levels as the MC.
The side games are usually just as good, but not truly Super Mario.

>> No.9200981

This. The game is a collectathon and feels like it takes ages to playthrough

>> No.9200994

>I consider it more a high quality side game
Same situation with SMB USA

>> No.9201062

>The game is a collectathon
Someone tried to pass this shitpost in the last YI thread and got destroyed with arguments.
You can finish the game without collecting everything.
Also threadly reminder that the buzzword "collectathon" started being used around 2010, it's not a retro term, it's a jaded cynic "your favorite vide game sucks!!" style term coming from youtubers and "gamer critics" from the new millennium.

>> No.9201089

Not for me, its too slow and boring to play for me. I usually get bored by world 2 every time I play.

>> No.9201092

>love SMW
>find SMW2 extremely unfun
Never "got" it

>> No.9201094
File: 24 KB, 237x213, images - 2022-08-23T084537.564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst Mario game. And yes it's a Mario game as you control Mario.

>> No.9201167

>"collectathon" started being used around 2010, it's not a retro term, it's a jaded cynic "your favorite vide game sucks!!" style term coming from youtubers and "gamer critics" from the new millennium.
I hope this is bait because people absolutely used the term collectathon, at least around 2001-2002

>> No.9201176

Is there any proof?
Though 2001-2002 still isn't retro per se, but the older result I could find on google was 2010s. I don't ever remember any magazine or internet forum mentioning that term in the 90s.

>> No.9201250

It kind of is and kind of isn't. It was made by the main Mario team, takes place in the Mario world, has many Mario characters and other main staples of the franchise, but ultimately it plays quite different despite being a platformer.

As an aside, while I think it's an excellent game, there is one thing I hold against it, and that's that it's not very replayable. Every other Mario game before it is either very short and/or has warps, so you can always start up a playthrough, and either 100% it or just skip ahead to your favorite world, and a couple of them even allow you to tackle levels or worlds in whatever order you want or even craft your own path through. Yoshi's Island is 100% linear: you HAVE to play every single level in every single world in order, from start to finish. The only choice you have, and the only thing that can differentiate your playthrough is whether to collect the collectibles or not.

>> No.9201253

Mario 2 usa also plays different. Difference is that's a good game unlike YI.

>> No.9201276

I'm actually of the opinion that if we're going to allow a Mario reskin of what was originally a different game into the "canon," there's not much of an excuse for excluding Yoshi's Island. Yes, I know the idea of making it a Mario title was floated around before it became Doki Doki Panic, but that was in the conceptual stage.

>> No.9201420

very fun concept and my favorite game as a kid, but there are some sections that i do not find fun at all. Early jungle levels, the cave levels, and so on.

>> No.9201430

YI is absolutely a collectathon. You need to collect every single coin in the levels to confirm that you got all the reds.
>but they're a slightly different tint
This isn't easy to notice in autoscrollers in particular. Also they included an item to uncover them because they knew. Also also there is literally no difference in the GBA version.

>> No.9201435
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I've never gotten 100% in Yoshi's Island. I still beat it and don't consider myself missing out on anything but a few optional extras.

>> No.9201436

You beat it, but you didn't complete it.

>> No.9201440

So be it. It's not like DKC2 or 3 where you get a new secret boss and a more definitive ending.

>> No.9201443

You still get new levels. It's sad that you need a shitty tacked on boss and ending to justify that.

>> No.9201519

>you control Mario
All Mario does is cry and shit himself. You might be thinking of mario world.

>> No.9201534
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>you might be thinking of Mario World
No. I own this game. Do you?

>> No.9202446

collectathon isn't necessarily a negative term

>> No.9202453

Baby mario is fun to play, but Yoshi is boring, and I hated that they removed some properties he had in SMW and the level design is really boring. They put a height cap that prevents you from accessing some areas early, forcing backtracking

>> No.9202468

In mose cases it's used as a negative.
And for some reason YI has a very persistent anti-fanbase (maybe it's just 1 guy, but still, he's persistent).
Then again, I don't think there's a single video game that doesn't have 1 dedicated detractor here on /vr/.
But yeah, Yoshi's Island can be finished without caring about a perfect score, the collectathon argument is very silly, especially since 1/3 of the "collectathon" aspect (the stars) is more about not getting hit rather than collecting.

>> No.9202608
File: 40 KB, 515x516, 1613144765971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno but what I do know is I love that game with all my heart and it's definitely a comfy summer game.

>> No.9202616

Using this logic, Mario World is a yoshi game cause you control yoshi?

>> No.9202638

Yes? SMW was Yoshi's first appearance

>> No.9203538

I did 100% and yes, you're not really missing much.

>> No.9203671

Yoshi is controlled by Mario. You never use him independently.

>> No.9203738

it's the first yoshi game, you can sometimes play as mario but the reason it's called that is because it shows the origin of mario (and luigi)
yeah i always thought it was a genre term, i mean there's genres called stuff like metroidvania or roguelike because people are lazy when it comes to coming up with new words

>> No.9205154

Because yoshi island has absolutely nothing to do with 2D Mario anymore. It's a weird, floaty collectathon that's completely worthless if you go through it like a regular platformer and an annoying chore if you try to get everything.

>> No.9205178

Is Sonic a collectathon?
>gotta collect 50 rings to access bonus stage
>gotta collect chaos emeralds to get real ending
I used to think "collectathon" referred only to games that were built around collecting only, but it's now being used for any games that has the option to "collect" things?
is Pac-man also one?

>> No.9205184

I'd say Space Invaders was the first collectathon. You have to collect alines (in the form of shooting them) to get a high score.
Doom is also a collectathon (keys)

>> No.9207479


The baby theme / especially baby Mario's crying ruined this whole fucking game... Along with Yoshi being near invincible / no challenge.

Baby Mario should have simply been kidnapped and rescued at the end of the game.

Yoshi could have had a heart system like Mario 2.

Everything else is nicely done but I rarely go back to it from the shit that ruins it... The no crying patch I've seen looks like it would make it slightly better, but it's still too easy for me.

The first 3 Mario's are only worth going back to imo

>> No.9207485


Or 4 technically... Jap & USA Mario 2

Before some sheep says that

>> No.9207604

scotformer with the best graphics, gameplay and mayors

>> No.9207674

>complains about baby mario crying
>says the game is too easy
anyway based Yoshi's Island, making midwits and low IQ contrarians out themselves like crazy.

>> No.9207768


You're a moron that thinks you're clever, I beat the game before and those statements don't "contradict"... I didn't claim I beat the game perfectly but it's overall pretty easy

>> No.9207771


Wtf is a scotformer and are mayors?

>> No.9207796

FIrstly you don't have to get any red coins to beat the game, secondly if you weren't a zoomer you'd know that this is how everyone who was good at Mario played Mario when kids didn't have the attention span of 3 year olds and and an infinite selection of video games at their disposal.

>> No.9208374

I'm the mayor of CWCville

>> No.9208383

Saving the baby was a cool mechanic, separating it from the other mario games.

>> No.9208390

No one used that word, always nice to see people rewriting history
Are you per chance part of the tribe?

>> No.9208428

>its da JOOZ
meds now schizo

>> No.9208431


>> No.9208813

Not a Mario game. I hate this game for daring to include itself in the painfully underutilized Mario "world" series. It's even worse than when Wario stole the land series.

>> No.9208818

Both games have unnecessary backtracking and dumb minigames

>> No.9208826


Kill yourself, toxic drug pushing scum.

>> No.9208829


Kill yourself too, toxic drug pushing scum.

>> No.9209493

>Someone tried to pass this shitpost in the last YI thread and got destroyed with arguments.
Well, where are they? Even if you run through the levels, it still takes a lot of time because the levels are unnecessarily big. Mario 3 was able to squeeze a huge amount of gameplay depth within small levels.

>> No.9209495

It was definitely the easiest Mario to beat when it came out, if you disregard All-Stars.

>> No.9209525

imagine being over 12 and enjoying Mario

>> No.9209649

imagine being 20-30 and not growing out of the 12 year old mindset to be "mature"

>> No.9209835

I don't like it but the soundtrack is amazing

>> No.9209849

I'm imagining it with ease because I still enjoy Mario. Those first four games are all pretty killer. I'm not sure that I like Yoshi's Island as much as I did as a kid, but it's also pretty good.

>> No.9209853

Imagine taking that bait

>> No.9210064

There's only like 4-5 level tracks and they're nice at best.

>> No.9210068

Sums it up pretty well.

No, it wasn't, which is why you don't see other game trying to replicate it.

>> No.9210139

Where are the arguments that it isn't a "collectathon"? In the fact that you can finish the game without having to perfect it. Also the "collecting" aspect is more about not sucking, not getting hit, rather than searching. Some levels are more tansaku-like, but most are straightforward and you can find everything easily, it's more about the challenge of getting everything without falling or missing it.
Also, Mario games always had secret bonus rooms, so this isn't inherent to Yoshi's Island only. But again, the important part is: you can absolutely finish the game, see the final boss, and the ending sequence without ever touching a single coin or flower in the game. Yeah there's 6 extra levels as a reward for completing the game, but they're extra bonus levels, again, you can see the ending screen and the final boss no problem. Not what I'd consider a game about collecting, it's more about platforming, with an optional collecting (or rather, not getting hit mostly) challenge.
>Mario 3 was able to squeeze a huge amount of gameplay depth within small levels.
Sure, but this game isn't SMB3 and it doesn't need to be, it's another game. Bigger levels are also fine.

>> No.9211174

Collectathons are games that feel like chores. So no, Sonic is not a collectathon.

>> No.9211185

Always found collectathon to be a dumb term? They're just platformers or sandbox platformers that have more then one collectible item. Genres are arbitrary to begin with but this always felt even more arbitrary.

>> No.9211193

>Its another game. Bloated levels are also fine

>> No.9211202

Levels are boring, the game doesn't lock your progression like 3D mario games, but if the gameplay and level design were better nobody would complain that the game is boring.

>> No.9211203

YI is good, cope auster

>> No.9211208

>YI is good
Not when compared to every single Mario game before it. Even bland ez mode SMW makes YI look trash. YI is only good when comparing it to janky rushed platformers.

>> No.9211213

cry more

>> No.9211308

Mario games always had flower power and quick action. How do you figure replacing that with egg collecting and waiting for a cursor to move up and down before releasing your shot as an improvement? It clearly isn't.

>> No.9211314

Egg throw has a lot of depth, but the levels don't take much advantage of Yoshi's abilities and he's lost some SMW properties, now he has to use those specific powers. It was a mistake in my opinion, the remake of this game improves a lot of gameplay but adds more unnecessary backtracking

>> No.9211323

samefag harder

>> No.9211335

get your bloated ass out the dining room and stop trying to make this a meme

>> No.9211341

I only weight 250lbs which is perfectly healthy.

>> No.9211381

>improves a lot of gameplay but adds more unnecessary backtracking
What are you referring to?

>> No.9211385

DS remake with new characters. I like the graphics and the new characters, but the game is even slower than the original and doesn't improve the level design.

>> No.9211386

Ah, you're a retard, excuse me.

>> No.9211437
File: 108 KB, 900x900, yoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will always treasure Yoshi's Island. It was the second game I ever owned and the memories of exploring the levels and fighting the bosses with my childhood best friend are some of my most treasured. It will always have a place in my heart, and even now almost 30 years later I still am moved to tears by the OST. Earlier this year I dropped acid and was up for 36 hours and towards the end I kept hearing the music in my head and I felt the pain and love in my heart for times long gone.

>> No.9211494

Degenerate faggot, go back to the 70s.

>> No.9211510

I fucking wish bro. the 90s were kino but I can't imagine how good it was in the 70s

>> No.9211680

>Worst Mario game
>it's an excellent game

this game just friggen stinks. all the other marios previous and since had some challenge and fun fast pacing to them. this one does not. its entirely style over substance with no replayability. yoshi moves slow as fuck. you don't get better at this game. you just memorize the secrets and challenges. the movement feels awful and the challenge here is pretty minimal. exploring these levels is only fun if you're some burn out stoner reject

>> No.9211686

>Collectathons are games that feel like chores
Oh so Sonic is a collectath
>So no, Sonic is not a collectathon
Well now I’m just confused. Are boring slogs collectathons or not?

>> No.9211696

Yeah you're right. The athletic theme and title theme are really good but I'm not wild about the rest

>> No.9211701
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based nostalgiafag acidanon
most of em just spout one word and a picture, so i respect the story

>> No.9211703

Based game, keep seething schizo

>> No.9211724
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>> No.9211732

This effect is really cool, but the level design is still not very good. It's a step backwards compared to SMW

>> No.9211745

Each level is much more unique than SMW. I really don't see what you mean.

>> No.9211747

One of my lifelong friends and I first played Yoshi's Island together the summer of '96. I'd just walk over to his place and we'd take turns (beat the level or die and we'd pass the controller).
Every summer I get really nostalgic and put on the OST on a good, sunny day.

>> No.9211748

They are boring. Most SMW levels take advantage of mario's new abilities, Yoshi levels are simpler. If they had made the transformations in real time instead of minigames, the game would go from 5/10 to better than SMW

>> No.9211749

>I’m just confused. Are boring slogs collectathons
this is going to blow your tiny mind but dkc bananas, sonic rings, mario coins are placed by game designers to help you navigate the level because without them r tards like you would get lost.

not that guy but here's some fucking stats:

donkey kong country has like 80 some bonus barrels
mario 64 has 120 stars
donkey kong 64 has 4000 ish (280 to 101%)
mario odyssey has 880 moons
yoshi's island has 240 flowers alone.... nevermind red coins and shit

y island also doesn't even have a timer. you are meant to play the game and search for all the shitty collectables for as long as it takes. thats the fun. gfy

>> No.9211764

how many times are you going to do this shit
no one cares about your shitty opinions
take meds and get taste.

>> No.9211928

>it’s the jews


>> No.9213746

>No, I own this game. Do you?
Wtf? You don't own shit, you're just renting it from Nintendo.

>> No.9213787

Yoshi's Island is not the best Nintendo game ever made but I think it probably has the most soul (pardon the buzzword use)

>> No.9213797

Wait, what? I have a copy at my house as I type this. I never signed a deal with Nintendo.

>> No.9213856

I have the most powerful nostalgia for this very game.

>> No.9213889

Worst SNES game ever.

>> No.9214038

Best SNES game ever.

>> No.9214448

>implying time limits in platformers are good

>> No.9214471

i wouldn't say they're good but i also wouldn't say they're bad, they're just there, 99% of the time they don't matter unless you're playing luigi u

>> No.9214541

They are good. Playing lost levels and having time run out in one of Bowsers fucking maze castles gets your ass into gear.

>> No.9215971
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Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario World und Yoshi Island

>> No.9217691

only in European magazines

>> No.9218176

Most of it was plagiarized

>> No.9218676

[Citation needed]

>> No.9218836
File: 2.18 MB, 2560x1600, Sweet Jungle (2015) [2560x1600].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoshi's Island was a 2D sidescroller collectathon masterpiece. Just playing it straight through is too easy & boring. The fun & challenge is in collecting everything by exploring each level & finding all the secrets while not taking any damage. If you're not into that then Yoshi's Island is not for you.

>> No.9218850


>> No.9218878

thanks for the wallpaper