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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9185529 No.9185529 [Reply] [Original]

Some dude is porting The Simpson Arcade Game to Genesis

>> No.9185531


>> No.9185545

holy based. should have been done in the 90s

>> No.9185560

holy smokes
hope he's documenting his process

>> No.9185567

holy bazinga

>> No.9185573

holy shit!

>> No.9185575

Holy guacamole!

>> No.9185576

>hope he's documenting his process
Yes. Been thinking in making ports to old consoles and would love to read that. Also, this http://www.bizzley.com/ is from the guy who did the R-Type port to Speccy, if you have not read it I hope you enjoy reading it.

>> No.9185585

isnt someone also porting it to the nes?

>> No.9185596 [DELETED] 

Imagine if such talent and effort was used on something that actually mattered

>> No.9185603
File: 181 KB, 744x1000, E82F8495-4BF5-4FEA-8056-91E3FE00AD25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember back when Nintendo Magazine System (official Nintendo mag in the UK) used a screenshot of the arcade game for Bart Vs The Space Mutants, but somehow it convinced me for the longest time that there was a SNES port

>> No.9185609 [DELETED] 

Then you'd call it a "faggy retro wannabe indie game" and move on.

>> No.9185617 [DELETED] 

I was thinking more like reverse-engineering car ECUs for open-source OBDII hacking. You know, stuff that grown-ups care about.

>> No.9185623 [DELETED] 

No-one cares, nerd.

>> No.9185625

Isn't Pier Solar highly regarded?
Not that anon btw but yeah I agree these ports are more like dickwaving either to showcase your skill (autism) as a programmer and/or a fanboy and want to show "see? my favorite console/system CAN run this game!".

>> No.9185627

A received new updates.


>> No.9185638

OP is a twatter and phonefag

>> No.9185657


>> No.9185662

Hm fair enough

>> No.9185667 [DELETED] 

Stop buying cars with that shit

>> No.9185705
File: 1.27 MB, 498x370, haha-no-how-about-no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't Pier Solar highly regarded?

>> No.9185731

One of the best things about making games for genesis is that because you can use as big cartridges as you want, you can make something with better graphics than a lot of games released back in the day if you put in the time.

Did you see the hack of ghouls n ghosts someone is make with more detailed back grounds.


From some of the forums I've read I think there is nice 32x scaling stuff coming too.

>> No.9185739

lmao why

>> No.9185747 [DELETED] 

>I was thinking more like reverse-engineering car ECUs for open-source OBDII hacking. You know, stuff that grown-ups care about.

No grown-up gives a shit about your babby-shit car-kiddy interests, junior. Just drive a 1970 Ford Mustang like a real adult.

>> No.9185754

dang, no need for the supergrafx version anymore

supergrafx one had washed out colors and shittier music

>> No.9185776

Fanboy who don’t understand retro history.

>> No.9185779

>as big cartridges as you want
What is the limit?

>> No.9185785

>someone is make with more detailed back grounds.
At 3:14 background trees are affected by the wind, but the hack version doesn't. Also, raining in the hack version has background blinking.

>> No.9185804 [DELETED] 

Imagine being so silly as to live in an absurdist universe and still think that anything matters.

>> No.9185826

Holy false expectations, these among with the so called NES port will end up being abandon when those so called devs hit the wall.

>> No.9185853

Why would anyone play a console port in the era of emulation?

>> No.9185860

Because not everybody here is a /v/baby

>> No.9185861
File: 178 KB, 1376x720, arcade_snes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was porting it to the snes
too little vram

>> No.9185885

I think this all the time. Video games are a talent drain on autists

>> No.9185890

most likely just another shitty tech demo that will go nowhere, trust no one but this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwcK-5n5o_w

>> No.9185897

No one gives a shit about what matters to you.

>> No.9185901

What's the point? You would just emulate genesis instead of emulating with mame. Both are doable through retroarch with zero effort. I played simpsons with mame and retroarch a lot a month ago.

>> No.9185906

Can't wait until this and X-Men are on MiSTer.

>> No.9185912 [DELETED] 

>Zoom and tranny emulate tech
I stick with old fashioned system.

>> No.9185918

>do TG-16 exist too?
Rad! Just go port X Men, Aliens and other Konami original arcade games.

>> No.9185928

>too little vram
You get ahead yourself?




>> No.9185935


>> No.9185961

Cool I hope I get to play it someday soon

>> No.9185967 [DELETED] 

What like a Fake Vaccine Campaign?

>> No.9185970

Yea, good lucking buying a playing original Simpsons and X-Men arcade boards. LMAO

>> No.9185973

I know the snes pretty well.
Simpsons Arcade have too many characters on screen at once. There's no way you can fit all that.
The game can be ported, but it has to be cut drastically.
My intend was to make just the first stage BTW.

Also, I couldn't find the enemy sprites on the net. It takes too long to rip them.

>> No.9186105


>> No.9186117

vindicated in the end, kiddo

>> No.9186123 [DELETED] 

MAME has been around since 1997 you poser faggot retard.

>> No.9186124
File: 122 KB, 1133x705, 27C7124F-68AA-4B28-8EA4-79383283153C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What had been.

>> No.9186126 [DELETED] 

I not poorfag like you.

>> No.9186145


>> No.9186149 [DELETED] 

>I-I'm not retarded, I'm wealthy!

>> No.9186156 [DELETED] 

Post your PCBs

>> No.9186171

Man, thats really cool.

>> No.9186175

Don't these projects look good in a portfolio? You get to do something you like AND have something to show to companies.

>> No.9186202

Even if true, any company that would employ you would ask you to do shitty software, sadly.

>> No.9186209 [DELETED] 

You lost kiddo

>> No.9186218 [DELETED] 

You sound like a kid who's trying to sound mature, ironically enough. As a 30 year old myself, we care about the cost of gas, taxes, and groceries. Take your gimmicky nerd shit elsewhere junior, like high school. Maybe the kids there will give a shit about car computers.

>> No.9186246

Fucking Acclaim man, they just had to snap up the home console rights

>> No.9186269

>too many characters on screen at once
Super NES can handle all, try program right timing.

Example: Final Fight 2 readjusted and Gradius III stock patch without SA-1.

>> No.9186272

i just think it's cool nigga

>> No.9186287 [DELETED] 

Like burning down immigrant run stores because a fentanyl addict got knelt on?

>> No.9186304

ljn ruins everything they touch. still, I cannot believe that no one at ljn thought of buying the console rights to konami's adcade game and porting the code for a quick turnaround. seems like a bunch of scumbags that made a quick buck by securing licensing exclusives would have seen the profit in it and with other titles.

>> No.9186314 [DELETED] 

driving out koreans is a 13% tradition

>> No.9186458

Would be better ported to the dreamcast

>> No.9186490 [DELETED] 

or like spending 6 years worshiping some fat queeny new york conman faggot?

>> No.9186528

Can you upload tech demo on Youtube or Bitcube?

>> No.9186614 [DELETED] 

not that anon but literally the opposite

>> No.9186621 [DELETED] 

rent free

>> No.9186624 [DELETED] 

your self awareness is incredible

>> No.9186630 [DELETED] 

That’s why Democrats want to take away the 2nd amendment, so they can incite violent riots as a terrorist bludgeon and no one can defend themselves from their prowling thugs. It’s similar to the violent tactics used by the SA in Nazi Germany.

>> No.9186636 [DELETED] 

As an Asian American, I just find it fascinating how they cover up the rising amount of hate crimes committed by blacks against us and our property.... all because demographically we don't matter to dems.

America needs to immediately institute a national stand your ground law and constitutional carry.

>> No.9186654 [DELETED] 

>democrats want to take away your guns so they can fist fight you instead of just stocking up on legal guns
anarchists aren't democrats and most of them don't even vote

>> No.9186664 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 595x581, 1C43ADBE-7164-468E-9E69-1F6DE505102D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anarchists are a joke, no one with a room temperature IQ takes that meme ideology seriously

I keep forgetting anarchists exist till they do something funny like the CHAZ garden.

>> No.9186827


>> No.9186853 [DELETED] 

tho they're happy to tell everyone including you what asian terms are 'racist'

>> No.9186860 [DELETED] 

>barely any dirt
>none of the plants spaced properly
>dry as sand

Reminder the retard who did this "garden" got positive coverage in mainstream media. As a gardener, this makes me seethe.

>> No.9186871 [DELETED] 

Mods, can we get all this off-topic political bullshit purged from the thread?

>> No.9186883

I grew up with the DOS port. It had a copy protection mechanism where you had to pick out a Simpson character from a page in the manual or something like that, though, and I didn't have said manual, so I would just keep starting the program over and over until I got it right by sheer luck. I must've REALLY liked the game back then.

>> No.9187048

imagine using your limited time on this earth to port a mediocre beatemup to a dead console

>> No.9187236

What do you use it for?

>> No.9187309 [DELETED] 

Deleted Asian Americans post show mods not only fag but racist.

>> No.9187317

I know that stock genesis can do scaling effects, but I don't know if it's a good idea to sacrifice performance to do that, maybe if it could be developed for 32x the port would be more faithful. genesis handles things like fast scrolling sessions and multiple sprites per scene

>> No.9187321

can someone tell me whats so amazing about this?

>> No.9187326

complaining on /vr/. Haven't you noticed that any kind of ambitious project shown on here is met with a cacophony of childish bitching?

>> No.9187346 [DELETED] 

>le 8 wot
Also mods douche never get pay.

>> No.9187386 [DELETED] 

Preparing to transition to own the chuds uwu

>> No.9187401

It would have, if not for licensing issues. Konami didn't have home console rights for The Simpsons.

>> No.9187576

was typical back then for games to be advertised then not see a released, there were a few on amstrad that were never seen, athena, terra cresta and street fighter 2, some were advertised with a price.

maybe they were finished but never released, makes u wonder if they'll ever surface.

im still waiting on code age commanders, square enix translated it fully but never released it.

>> No.9187583

>You would just emulate genesis instead of emulating with mame

or play it on a flashcart on a CRT with original hardware. Comfy.

>> No.9187584


>> No.9187652

Good god, this game looks and sounds awful.

>> No.9187703

Most 16-bits ports have inferior hardware to the arcade, that's the whole appeal of a port, to reach a decent compromise.

>> No.9187785

Funny how you automatically assume that people would be emulating it.
Just.. really shows your age, that's all.

>> No.9187832

A lot of people still play on OG hardware with flashcarts, surely you'd realise that if you've spent more than five minutes here

>> No.9187834

We've even seen cut down arcade ports that have been restored/enhanced in more recent times, eg Sunset Riders

>> No.9187906

Jesus Penis, I can't believe what he's making take place!

>> No.9188014

Why the fuck would you emulate dotcrawl
Especially on arcade game

>> No.9188016

Those people are retarded pederasts

>> No.9188108

I don’t get you saying? Speak clear.

>> No.9188112 [DELETED] 

>mods cope
I stick with old fashioned system.

>> No.9188179

Maybe its just cool to see how far you can push the genesis?

>> No.9188189

Yeah if hyper accuracy were the goal the 32X would be a better target. You could get pretty close to arcade perfect on that. Genesis is obviously more interesting though.

>> No.9188193
File: 2.32 MB, 256x224, dddd_2m.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is as far as i got

>> No.9188214

It takes a lot of technical knowledge and effort.

>> No.9188240
File: 148 KB, 499x472, propane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just.. really shows your age
Yes, really shows how I'm 36...
Seems like you youngsters are the ones so eager to prove your /vr/ street credits by insisting emulation is bad every chance you get even though it's obviously a fucking miracle and everything I ever dreamed of as a kid. You can play any game you want on demand all through the same system yet you feel the need to sabotage this miracle in every way you can come up with. I will never get your faggot ways.

>> No.9188245

its a shit game. if the guy is so devoid of originality to make his own genesis game atleast he could port something worth playing

>> No.9188260

Because it takes a lot of work and once you've done 1 level you have already proven to everyone that it can be done. I think that could make you less motivated to finish it.

Have you seen how much stuffing around it takes to connect an arcade board or a pc to a crt.

Still a work in progress but he's trying gain as much vram as possible

Why not. Make a little hobby game that potentially millions will play and a game that will be spread around in rom collections for decades to come. Sounds pretty cool to me.

I think the genesis is more powerful than simpsons arcade, its looks a bit like a super 8 bit game but it still looks attractive because of the artwork.

>> No.9188329

>genesis is more powerful than simpsons arcade
Absolutely state of mutts

>> No.9188334

Cannot wait try out one day. If you need sample music. Get a C700 VST with some SPCtool and xmsnes

>> No.9188363

>prove it can be done
Nobody cares about shitty tech demos, either port the entire game or just fuck off.
He's just a retarded segaturd.

>> No.9188378

>holy based. should have been done in the 90s

It couldn't be done by Konami. I think they only had licensing rights for an Arcade game. Because Acclaim snagged the home console rights. Maybe Konami could have teamed up with Acclaim? IDK?

>> No.9188396

>I think the genesis is more powerful than simpsons arcade

Apparently you can tinker in the bios and change it so that there are a lot more enemies than standard gameplay.
proving that its a bit more powerful than the Genesis hardware, maybe not by much.. but its definitely more powerful than the Genesis hardware.

The Genesis came out in 89 and was based on 88 tech, Simpsons came out in 91 and was based on 90 tech. so.. wouldn't surprise me if it was a bit more powerful. (had to, with 4 players and a ton of enemies)

>> No.9188645

>you can use as big cartridges as you want
Why can't NES or SNES roms be bigger than consolelly possible?
I know N64 can

>> No.9188653
File: 29 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good enough
put it on litterbox

>> No.9188682

yeah wish they put a bit more effort by doing 32x

>> No.9188693

better yet mister it

>> No.9188845

How about if you cut some animstion frames and adjust the hitbox physics to make themneven better then the arcade.

>> No.9189362

I'm going to say it.
The Simpsons Arcade game is pretty bad.

>> No.9189529

Yeah it's not that great but it came out during the beginning of Simpson-mania and anyone who was a kid at the beginning of the 90s and had the opportunity to play it then will probably have fond memories of it.

>> No.9189557

this looks great

>> No.9189573

wow thats really good

>> No.9189932

What Super Nintendo SDK assembly you using?
PVsnesLib? Zeal? ca65? Or Apple IIGS basic?

>> No.9190006

The Simpsons lacks complexity, but that's true of at least a few arcade beat em up classics. Neither of the Turtles games are deep and neither is X-Men, for example. FWIW, The Simpsons does benefit from its license. That's the whole point really. But who isn't a Simpsons fan? Plus, I love the sound palette in this game, I can hear everything from it in my head perfectly. I love the sound it makes when you put a quarter in.

>> No.9190704

I wonder if this guy is using the same engine as the Final Fight porting guys, would make sense to all work together and create a brawler engine that everybody can use to make Genesis ports with.

>> No.9190739

because mame is bitch to run on psp. and genesis emulator runs flawlessly on psp

>> No.9190859

Why we care?

>> No.9190884

The NES and SNES have much more limited addressing capabilities and rely heavily on bank switching to swap in chunks of data. You can theoretically bank switch any size of rom at all but that means you'll need a custom bank switch IC that can handle your system. Other CPUs had 24 or 32bit addressing natively and can address plain roms of much greater size.

>> No.9191276


>> No.9191463

Good gameplay tho

>> No.9191504

>should have been done in the 90s
it couldn't, because the only license for this game was given to one publisher that released only on home computers.
takedown in 3...2...1....
>Isn't Pier Solar highly regarded?
no, retard.
>One of the best things about making games for genesis is that because you can use as big cartridges as you want
why do you compulsive liars on this board just make shit up as you go? the limit is 4mb. anything larger than 4mb needs to be banked in.

>> No.9191509

>much greater size.
4mb is the limit on megadrive. anything else you are imagining is pure fantasy.

>> No.9191547

yeah no shit but im saying it should have, whatever the legal barriers were

>> No.9191586

So 32 Megabits is the max? That's neat.

>> No.9191643

this fucking website can find an issue with everything lmao. man its just a fun project. i don't see how you can be into retro games and not think it's at least kind of neat

>> No.9191670

>because mame is bitch to run on psp. and genesis emulator runs flawlessly on psp
lol at solving an issue with not knowing how to configure your emulator by porting the game over to an entirely different platform and then emulating that.

>> No.9191927

I fucking love the idea of doing our own ports these days, a buncha devs are currently porting their own cart version of Final Fight to the Genesis and its awesome.
Final Fight, Simpsons, that Mortal Kombat Arcade hack, the people who can't see the point in that (that its fun) shouldn't call themselves gamers, they're casual emulating faggots who don't understand what its like to have a soft spot for a certain console.

>> No.9192890

Why not port it to ps2 so it plays closer to the arcade?

>> No.9192990

Wowie sure does seem like something that'll languish in the preliminary stage and won't ever get finished.

>> No.9193213

You can just use bankswitching to have hundreds of megabytes just by using simple ls logic. Otherwise you can just make break up each level into 4mb chunks and load them onto your flashcart seperately.
Compare darius to darius 2 on genesis.

Bankswitching is not hard, atari 2600 games did it. Anyway 4mb is bigger than most of the games on the system. You could also just load stuff from the sd card if you really wanted to but I don't think anyone has done it yet.

>> No.9193247
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imagine posting in a board about dead consoles and then making fun of dead consoles

>> No.9195017


Stupid... SNES would have been a better choice.

>> No.9195020


Since when do gardening tools have emotions? You dumb wigger roastie cringedutchess

>> No.9195232

If you read through the thread someone has already tried. Too little VRAM, not enough power for all the sprites that need to be on screen

>> No.9195243 [DELETED] 

I’m going to say it.
Here I go.

Get ready.


>> No.9195264


Ok... I'm not a tech expert but I thought the SNES had higher hardware specs compared to the genesis... With the genesis only having a slightly faster processor (the "blast processing" they tried to market which was a few . mhz)

Also the SNES turtles in time game was by konami and even though some animations were cut... They surprisingly made more stages and bosses in the arcade version compared to the arcade

People from that konami company could probably make it if they wanted to.

>> No.9195270


More in the SNES version compared to the arcade*

Typo, fixed.

>> No.9195285


Also look at other konami arcade ports comparing SNES and Genesis... Sunset riders is terrible on genesis, and the turtles in time knockoff (forgot the name) is terrible on Genesis too

I'm not a total SNES shill nor anti Sega but the SNES seems better in sound and graphics and such over Genesis with a very few exceptions usually.. I do like Sega games too but SNES came out a few years after Sega and had a mostly better system when it came to games on both consoles. Genesis originally was competing with NES for a short time before SNES was out.

>> No.9195303

Another thing, I've seen some programmers emulate expansion chips on SNES carts and such... I don't think Sega had any special carts as far as I know besides the sonic and knuckles lock on cart, but the SNES had a lot of games with their own expansion chips

But porting it might not even be worth the time since if porting to any 16 bit system you would still have to cut animations or whatever else... Arcade machines have.entire dedicated motherboards

>> No.9195308

holy ravioli

>> No.9195315

Konami's licensed arcade brawlers are god-awful. It's really sad that slapping a brand name on a shit game is enough to make people think they're good - while their original games that are actually fantastic like Vendetta get no love.

>> No.9195320


No... The Simpson's arcade game is pretty fun and vendetta is ok too

>> No.9195370 [DELETED] 


Lol they probably play Nig-B-A jam lol or Shakfu

>> No.9195374
File: 22 KB, 500x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think Sega had any special carts as far as I know

>> No.9195428

>But porting it might not even be worth the time since if porting to any 16 bit system you would still have to cut animations or whatever else...

That's part of the charm dumbass, to try and see how close you can come to the original arcade version without having to resort to enormous roms and expansion crap.
optimization can be a wonderful experience.

>> No.9195732

no bank mapping tech

really down to the team doing the porting - likely multiple konami teams like the one that did bloodlines

>> No.9195757

>I was porting it to the snes
>too little vram

looking it up, the simpsons uses the same board as the X-Men arcade board by Konami. specs are:

Input: 8-way joystick, 3 buttons
Arcade system: Custom hardware
Cpu: Motorola 68000 (@ 16 Mhz)
Sound CPU: Zilog Z80 (@ 8 Mhz)
Sound Chips: Yamaha YM2151 (@ 4 Mhz), K054539 (@ 48 Khz)
Display: Raster, 288 x 224 pixels (Horizontal), 2048 colors

I would imagine something like this would be do-able on the Genesis. Minus the extended colours. Surely a port could work on the SNES? the SNES has a good port of Turtles in Time, which is on better Konami hardware. I would imagine that the sprites/ art would have to be reduced in size. the 288 x 224 resolution would have to be cut down to 256x224.

>> No.9195764

>4mb is the limit on megadrive. anything else you are imagining is pure fantasy.

Super Street Fighter 2 is 40MEG (5MB), but it apparently uses bank switching for the extra 1 MB.

>> No.9196173


>> No.9196874

Hope so

>> No.9196885

I had a bunch of Mickey Mouse games with that annoying bullshit.

>> No.9197109

That would be neat as fuck, especially if they can make it play well.

>> No.9197698

There is nearly no challenge in that. I'm sure a half-decently optimized MAME build could do that. I was emulating this on my P2 400 back in the day. I would be fairly surprised if this didn't already exist. The point is getting it to run on then-contemporary hardware as Konami almost certainly would have done if it wasn't for Acclaim's shovelware stranglehold on the console license.

>> No.9197716 [DELETED] 

Judging from TMNT I imagine this would take some pretty fierce optimization, and Simpsons isn't pretty supported. Eh, still bet it'd be possible to straight up emulate, though.

>> No.9197925

I'm glad at least someone gets it

>> No.9198114
File: 1.19 MB, 2557x1801, ElYmajdX0AIhVpM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is nearly no challenge in that. I'm sure a half-decently optimized MAME build could do that. I was emulating this on my P2 400 back in the day. I would be fairly surprised if this didn't already exist. The point is getting it to run on then-contemporary hardware as Konami almost certainly would have done if it wasn't for Acclaim's shovelware stranglehold on the console license.

Konami didn't start developing mega Drive games until 1992. The first games they released for the console were Sunset Riders and HyperStone Heist. the arcade game did come out in 1991. They could have worked with Flying Edge to publish the game for the Mega Drive. But I would imagine that they would prioritise the SNES version more. Back then, up to about 1991, Nintendo really had an exclusivity on third parties. Which is something that ended with the SNES. From what I can understand, the FCC may have put some pressure on Nintendo to stop exclusivity with third parties, as it was looked as a monopoly. Acclaim had to create an alternative label/ company called Flying Edge, which would publish Sega Genesis/ Mega Drive games. Acclaim dropped the Flying Edge label after Nintendo changed their contracts.

>> No.9198142

>Fucking Acclaim man, they just had to snap up the home console rights

Acclaim probably would have been open to publishing a Konami Simpsons arcade game, if the opportunity happened. Acclaim was the type of publisher, that would almost publish anything that came across their path. The Simpsons was a big license for Acclaim, so if Konami approached them, they probably would have said "let's do it!". Acclaim Published a version of Spider-Man vs the Kingpin for the GameGear, which was something that they picked up from Sega.

>> No.9198191

Did they do much, if anything in cooperation with Jap devs though? I don't think so. I just don't think the communication channels were there.

>> No.9198269

I can't believe I now own all those games pictured, 13 year old me would never have believed it.

>> No.9198574

ok when will it be released doe

>> No.9198797

a number of those 8bit ljn games like friday the 13th were created by independent japanese developers. restructured 'acclaim' probably refused to pay whatever konami wanted.

>> No.9198814

Why though

>> No.9198829

Why do these idiots do this instead of porting shit to PC and decoupling framerate(to do 120hz+ framerate) and to preserve the damn games?

Fuck these fucking troon Genesis remakes.
No I WILL NOT play your pointless Sunset Riders Genesis port with inferior sound to the Arcade.

What a fucking waste of everyone's time.

>> No.9198835

>I think the genesis is more powerful than simpsons arcade
You stupid fucking idiot no it isn't.
The Genesis has a laughably small color palette and the sound cannot remotely match up to Konami's arcade hardware at the time.

You give Sega fans a bad name.

>> No.9198837

>The Genesis came out in 89 and was based on 88 tech
The Mega Drive came out in 1988
Genesis is the same hardwrare

>> No.9198839

Snes was incapable of beat em ups. You can list your rom hacks and one obscure jap weeb beat em up all you like but they're not even 1% as good as SOR2.

>> No.9198843

Turtles in Time is as good as SoR2.
Not as good as the Arcade version of TiT of course but still.
In fact I'd say it's better since SoR2 is a boring slow brawler.

>> No.9198845
File: 5 KB, 201x224, images (24).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laughable small colour palette
Still looks better than SNES.

>> No.9198852

I'm only going to give credit to TiT for being able to chuck footsoldiers into the screen. Everything else is better on SoR2.

>> No.9198859

Sonic 3 and Knuckles is my favorite game of all time but you are delusional if you think the Genesis could do Simpsons Arcade without significant compromise to color quality.
It just isn't possible.

>> No.9198862

>Everything else is better on SoR2.
SoR2 is slow as molasses and you don't have as much interaction with the environment.

SoR2 is so goddamn overrated because of the (plagiarized)soundtrack.
SoR1 and BK3 were both better games.

>> No.9198869

If the Sonic 3 crew were in charge of the port then there's no reason for it not to look good. Altered Beast stages even looked better than arcade on a less powerful machine.

>> No.9198871

>plagiarised soundtrack
Super Mario theme was a rip off. Can we not enjoy that anymore? And no sor1 and 3 were not better. That's zoomer talk.

>> No.9198880

>If the Sonic 3 crew were in charge of the port then there's no reason for it not to look good.
Listen here you fucking idiot.
It literally isn't possible. The Genesis wouldn't be able to do all the colors Simpsons has.

3&K doesn't have many colors, it's just well designed so you don't notice the limited color.
They could do make it as good as it is because the game was designed from scratch.
With Simpsons you're porting the thing and you can't make up for the limited color. The difference in color capabilitiy will be easily noticeable.
Sonic 3&K simply isn't as colorful as Simpsons. It just isn't.
If you downgrade the color for Genesis, even it might look passable for the time and hardware it would still be noticeably inferior to the arcade.

>> No.9198886

SoR2's music plagiarism is pretty infamous.
Also both SoR1 and 3 are better games. SoR2 is just too goddamn slow.
SoR2 has the best graphics and music but it has the worst gameplay unfortunately.

>> No.9198897

>it's not possible for an inferior machine to out perform arcade
>unless it's well designed
Nes Contra is another console game that looks better than its so called superior arcade version thanks to having more screen real estate. I can go on naming ports that look/perform better than their arcade originals.

>> No.9199132
File: 47 KB, 460x686, aYo43v2_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He says while posting in this elephant graveyard.

>> No.9199153

nobody cares

>> No.9199159

>troops remakes
Genesis does.

>> No.9199538

>No I WILL NOT play your

Good, Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

>> No.9200043
File: 258 KB, 1281x1737, blazingchrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what I said you cocksucker.
Genesis wouldn't be able to do Simpsons.
Sonic 3&K is nowhere near as colorful as Simpsons. Maybe you're colorblind and think it is but it isn't.
This whole conversation reminds me of pic related.
Tried to find the video but maybe he unlisted it or something or maybe I'm just misremembering.

>Nes Contra is another console game that looks better than its so called superior arcade version thanks to having more screen real estate.
Fuck no. You're a pleb who didn't even play the real PCB.
Contra on NES looks like butt compared to the Arcade version. And also the NES version doesn't have more screen estate, it's just 4:3 whereas Contra Arcade was TATE Mode 3:4 so it had more horizontal space but less vertical.
Apples and oranges but overall the Arcade version is a better game more advanced graphical capabilities.

>> No.9200128 [DELETED] 
File: 831 KB, 2120x2601, 1529674322916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back

>> No.9200201 [DELETED] 

not a thing, 2016 tourist

>> No.9201021 [DELETED] 


>> No.9201027

Mega has the ability to do that, but someone has to be a software and engineer genius to take advantage of genesis cpu

>> No.9201147
File: 16 KB, 211x241, 1659414138174077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arcade Contra is better
Nes Contra also handles better than arcade. You're the one being untruthful here.
>Genesis has less colours
Non issue you need to get over. It's all about who puts the port together.

>> No.9201305 [DELETED] 

Are you pregnant? You seem to be missing your period, honey.

>> No.9201317

My first thoughts were 'Why would anyone port it to Mega Drive when you can jus play the arcade version?'
But you anons have made some good points about part of the fun/challenge being to port it to a contemporary console equivalent and the uniqueness of ports vs just playing the arcade version again.

>> No.9201342

Technically you can go bigger. Up to 10MB without bank switching if you don't care about playing nice with the sega cd.

>> No.9201596

Incredibly based

>> No.9201981

I mean, playing it on the console you own sounds fun. Also rearranged OST for the system and remade sounds will make it feel fresh.

>> No.9202057
File: 227 KB, 318x314, Kwirk_Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did they do much, if anything in cooperation with Jap devs though? I don't think so. I just don't think the communication channels were there.

They have worked with: Atlus (see Quirk), Hal laboratories, Technōs , Capcom (Street Fighter: The Movie) and Sega. They did have working relations with some Japanese studios.

>> No.9202091

>Input: 8-way joystick, 3 buttons
>Arcade system: Custom hardware
>Cpu: Motorola 68000 (@ 16 Mhz)
>Sound CPU: Zilog Z80 (@ 8 Mhz)
>Sound Chips: Yamaha YM2151 (@ 4 Mhz), K054539 (@ 48 Khz)
>Display: Raster, 288 x 224 pixels (Horizontal), 2048 colors

I don't know what kind of graphics hardware the X-Men Konami board had. But it seems to have some hardware scaling with the 'balloon' sections.

Mega Drive/ Genesis hardware specs:
Cpu: Motorola 68000 (@ 7 Mhz)
Sound CPU: Zilog Z80 (@ 3.5 Mhz)
Sound Chips: Yamaha YM2612, Texas Instruments SN76489
Display: Raster, 320x224 (standard, though genesis does support other resolutions)
64 out of 512 colors

Cpu: Ricoh 5A22 (@ 3.58 MHz)
Sound :Nintendo S-SMP
Display: Raster, 256x224 (typical, though genesis does support other resolutions)
256 out of 32k colors

The Genesis would be closer to the arcade game in specs, mostly in CPU and audio. I bet some clever programmers could get a good SNES port going, Though, I think Simpsons arcade would be better on the Sega CD. The Sega CD has a 12MHz 68000, and can do hardware scaling and has better audio sample capabilities with the 8-channel PCM chip.

>> No.9202119

It would almost certainly be easier and closer to the arcade on the Sega CD. Genesis is doable but it would have to be cut down. A Sega CD port would save you the trouble of dealing with audio (use Redbook) and a faster CPU.
On SNES? Fucking lol, good luck trying to get more than 3 characters on screen at once without massive slowdown. You'll need to use SA-1 for sure just to get something respectable, or else you'll need teeny tiny sprites. The music will also be dogshit.

>> No.9202335

The charm of a port is actually having the console do the music instead of streaming it from disc, if you're going that route you might as well do what that other retard said and port it to PS2 so you have all the cpu power you'd ever need.
same with those idiots who bring up the 32X, porting shit to that defeats the point of doing a port to the Genesis.
The Genesis is strong and versatile enough for a proper Simpsons port.

>> No.9203546

No it's not strong enough, and plenty of games like final fight and sonic CD use redbook to great success. Your weird "it has to be on bare metal" insistence is silly

>> No.9203830

>No it's not strong enough
But It is though.

>> No.9204026

Your hostility and insults only prove her correct.
Go back from whence you came.

>> No.9204330

Why get mad at this? Are you retarded?

>> No.9204538

Real console on crt is superior thats why

>> No.9204543

acting out for attention.