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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.92 MB, 640x360, vc spree.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9190665 No.9190665 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm playing through Vice City after centuries and the missions have disappeared off the map even though I've not finished with the campaign. I don't watch cutscenes because I have ADHD. I googled and found out that you have to buy assets to continue the missions which sucks cuz I I spent a shitload of money on guns and ammo not knowing assets were needed for the campaign. I only have around $40,000 now. The Print Works are mandatory and it costs $70,000. What do I do? I tried to use a trainer for free money but it didn't work, just glitched out and the game crashed.

>> No.9190669

Hidden packages, rampages, vigilante missions, unique stunts, you were going for 100% right?

>> No.9190671

No I just want to beat the main campaign.

>> No.9190673
File: 151 KB, 1600x900, mad taxi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steal a taxi (not a cabbie) and do its side mission.

>> No.9190675

Fire truck missions make an absolute fuckload of money, or just exploit cone crazy

>> No.9190678

thanks. btw was there some benefit of doing the cabbie side missions? like unlimited sprint or something?

>> No.9190679

I suggest vigilante missions for some fast cash. Get 3 stars near a safehouse and net yourself an undercover cheetah, store it in your garage and save. You can respay this car when you get too much heat. Do it on the east island cause the airport fucks you up in these missions. Or use a tank if you had the foresite to save one from that mission.

>> No.9190680

You get sprint from the ambulance missions. Taxi only gives you... jumping taxis.
This is also a good answer.

>> No.9190690
File: 69 KB, 551x310, tommy-vercetti-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-gta-wallpaper-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool that sounds fun

General Vice City/GTA thread if you guys want.

>> No.9190814

type ICANTTAKEITANYMORE if you are on PC
Really tho, type PANZER to spawn tank, get vigilante missions and just roam the everliving fuck out of it. It's fast, fun, you can speed boots by shooting backwards and tank will not catch fire.
Game will tell you that you will not achieve 100% with cheats, but who cares about that crap, 100% in Vice City is extremely boring.

>> No.9190831

>I only have around $40,000 now.

You have at least enough for one of them. Buy it and let the money accumulate.

Look up all the side missions as there are plenty and I'm sure you didn't do them. They wrack up money fast. Vigilante is fun and challenging and easy to make a lot of money on.

That's fine. You don't have to do all the tedius shit. Just the fun stuff which is typically campaign plus side missions. I find the RC missions the most fun.

>> No.9190935

>100% in Vice City is extremely boring
Not true.

>> No.9190946

Compared to GTA3 it kinda is.

>> No.9191042

Even if you are using the guide for the sake of your sanity, every car mission is way too long and is nothing but a grind, rampage missions are mindless and restrictive and good luck with shit like ramp jumps that frequently won't register for no damn reason. Even if you are fine with parts of it, at least one side activity will feel exactly like what it is - a percentage grind. Even Rockstar knew that 100% is stupid with that t-shirt.

>> No.9191264
File: 2.93 MB, 852x480, vc vigilante 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh I'd just steal a tank from the army with 6 stars if I wanted one like I give a fuck.

Anyway the vigilante missions were a lot of fun. Here's finishing the level 12 one. Paramedic missions were a fucking snore and I managed to flip the fucking ambulance on its back right on 12 itself and screw it up. Messed up the fire truck one, too, somehow at level 11 lol. Never gonna do either of those again, so boring. But the vigilante shit was really good.

>> No.9191268
File: 2.93 MB, 852x480, vc vigilante 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9191270
File: 2.92 MB, 852x480, vc vigilante 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or does Vice City still look really good?

>> No.9191279
File: 2.62 MB, 852x480, VC Tranny1 na.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9191284
File: 2.92 MB, 852x480, VC Tranny2 na.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9191302

> I don't watch cutscenes because I have ADHD
You don't watch them because you're a cunt. Look up the Cone Crazy exploit.

>> No.9191315

>the Ammunation shooting range mission to get fast reload
that was fucking annoying

>rampage missions are mindless
well no fucking shit, that's the entire point
what a fucking moronic complaint

>> No.9191389

How is it that you don't understand how to make money in this game after progressing to that point? Even simply destroying property gets you money. Jesus Christ...

>> No.9191436

You get one fucking weapon and all you do is abuse the camera for groups to spawn, good luck if it's some dumb shit like a shotgun.
It would be fun it they were coming to you or you could use different guns, as it is now it's boring, stupid and mindnumbing.

>> No.9193396

>I don't watch cutscenes because I have ADHD
You're just lazy and stupid. This has nothing to do with ADHD.

>> No.9193407

adhd is when you hyperfocus on something, not can't focus
i don't even have it but that's just common sense

>> No.9193421

Steal a hunter from the military base, activate vigilante mode and go hunting with it, you can make a fortune

>> No.9193446 [DELETED] 

Nope, it's a chemical thing where there is less dopamine in the brain than the brain of the average person, resulting in being unable to filter stimuli properly, resulting in lack of focus. It's easily treatible with a low dose of amphetamines (Vyvanse here). If the meds don't give you a life changing (i.e. actually being able to focus and realizing you were a retard all along) experience on trying, you don't have ADHD. That's how simple it is. It's a chemical thing.

Hyperfocus happens when a person with ADHD forces himself to focus on something for a while, which results in extreme focus which is also shit as it creates tunnel vision and a complete disregard for context or other factors. Not to mention it makes you act like a retard, which untreated ADHD basically boils down to.

The le hyperfocus is le superpower faggotry comes from Plebbit forums where it's filled with self-diagnosed autists who don't actually have ADHD. In my opinion: either take your fucking meds or shut up about it because then it's your own choice. Also ADHD has nothing to with being unable to focus on a fooking GTA cut scene. People with ADHD can perfectly watch a movie or even read a book they're interested in, it's the overarching lack of structure in their lives that makes them suffer.

Sorry for the rant but I'm tired of people on the internet using ADHD as a quirky personality trait when in reality it's just an arbitrary chemical imbalance which creates a lot of suffering in people who have true ADHD that goes undiagnosed in adulthood.

>> No.9193484 [DELETED] 

I don't really have ADHD you stupid autists. Stop taking everything so literally. I just can't be fucked to watch boring cutscenes.

>> No.9193519 [DELETED] 

How about just fucking google it retard? How the fuck are you unable to make money in VC you stupid cunt. Maybe if you'd have watched the 1 minute cut scenes you'd have discovered the entire game is about buying assets and collecting every 24 hours. Stupid fuck.

>> No.9193525

SA has the best 100% of 3D games

>> No.9193565

I had sex yesterday. For this reason I have never done a 100%

>> No.9193598

I don't see how not being able to 100% finish while having sex has something to do with what was being talked about, but sure dude, hope you get better.

>> No.9193613 [DELETED] 

Look at how autistic you are, it's just incredible you sperg like this over a twenty year old game. Honestly how old are you? Do you have a job? Have you ever had sex? I now fully remember why I left this shithole board long ago and I won't make the mistake of coming back this time.

>> No.9193669

I really liked the vigilante missions in this one, you could probably get alot of mileage extending the concept into a separate game.
Any other car chase games worth a shot?

>> No.9193681 [DELETED] 


>> No.9193682

Worlds scariest police chases on ps1 rules

>> No.9193769

I downloaded a save file editor when i got to this part.

>> No.9194250

zoomer n00b

>> No.9194568

I used to do this in the miami vice car since you could repair it.

>> No.9194587


Yeah just buy the assets you can (since they generate cash)... Then go on a killing spree against gangs and rampage missions... Sometimes other gangs drop lots of cash and the properties generate money which you can pick up constantly it's really not that hard to get rich fast in that game


But most importantly learn to pay attention you little impatient zoomer shit lol

>> No.9194629
File: 1.96 MB, 3840x2160, GTA_ Vice City 31_05_2022 15_06_52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my favourite 3D GTA game but still a great game to play.

>> No.9194636

>> Having money problems in a GTA game

>> No.9194654


They're trying to be a good goy

>> No.9194659


Oh and spree kill the whores / hookers they sometime drop a ton of cash too

>> No.9194663

Pursuit force on PSP is like 90% Police chases

>> No.9194671

Op wanted to complete the story mode (and just that) without watching the cutscene and you just have this to say?

>> No.9194687 [DELETED] 

>I have ADHD
>actually I don't

>gets upset over being told he's a fucking retard

I don't think videogames are for you. Try a less intense hobby.

>> No.9194703


Lol or they're a roastie (another form of retard)

>> No.9194721 [DELETED] 

You don't watch cutscenes so you play to get from A to B but you don't want to do C so what's the purpose?
you don't really want to play it, right?

>> No.9194730
File: 62 KB, 1334x922, 5e50cfda10bc17da4bd2448530f20e00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why the fuck not? It's my favorite one. A game like that should be about a vicious loner against the world.

The butt buddy switch between 3 shitty unlikeable characters amongst everything else that sucks in GTA V for example is fucking pretentious garbage.

Which GTA is possibly even remotely better than Vice city?

>> No.9194748 [DELETED] 


>> No.9194752

>Why the fuck not? It's my favorite one
This may come as a surprise anon but i'm not you and my tastes differ.

>Which GTA is possibly even remotely better than Vice city?
I like GTA 3 more. In b4 autistic rant as you struggle to grasp different opinions.

>> No.9194776


It suits you, you're a more generic character compared to me lol... "In b4"... lol... " autistic "... Settle down hip sheepchanner insert buzzwords anon.

Surprised slightly yes... I figured you'd NPC " rant" yourself about GTA V or something.

GTA 3 is ok but Vice city is a classic. That's not opinion, that's just truth.

>> No.9194779

You sound insufferable. Fuck off.

>> No.9194781


Same to you buddy

>> No.9194810

>I don't watch cutscenes
You're the worst

>> No.9194825
File: 2.61 MB, 4587x2941, IMG20200527152623[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9194865


>> No.9195182 [DELETED] 

okay maybe that was something else then my bad
yeah it's kinda dumb how people do that

>> No.9195236 [DELETED] 


Go to Hell you toxic drug pushing shill... Mental health issues are deeper than "just a chemical imbalance so here take these toxic pills"... kill yourself... And anyone else pushing those toxic " meds"

The whole body operates on chemicals, most people really have issues because society and government and even life itself is fucked up, so people bottle their issues up and the mind and body naturally responds... but lab created garbage by pseudo intellectuals that even claim themselves that they "don't fully know the complexity of the brain" and to trust their toxic drugs that fuck with the brain, body, hormones and immune system is not the solution.

>> No.9195413 [DELETED] 

>suffer from ADHD
>take a pill
>don't suffer from ADHD
>roll into VC tread only to be told by some faggot that me taking a pill is wrong because society and government is to blame
>offers no alternative
okay, so anything on top of "all drugs for chemical problems are bad"? is sleep medicine bad as well? are pain killers? should I suck it up and take the pain during the operations as well? fucking retard

>> No.9196126


>> No.9196157

What the fuck game has 4 or 5 cut scene transitions between gameplay segments and why would anyone play shit like that?

>> No.9196247

How retarded are you?

>> No.9196260

Your comic sucks ass bro, dont feel bad

>> No.9196267

The fact you can't understand that simple comic is very concerning.

>> No.9196984

Not him but it looks to me like the guy is skipping multiple segmented cutscenes, too, before arriving at the gameplay panel. Pls explain what I'm not getting.

>> No.9197000

The gameplay segments in between the first three frames are obviously not included.

>> No.9197006

First four, even.

I'm surprised I've even had to explain it.

>> No.9197013

>What do I do?
go on a mugging spree, taxi work, ambulance work, etc...

>> No.9197132

>Oh and spree kill the whores / hookers they sometime drop a ton of cash too

Oh you know that parking meters in Vice City drop cash?


>> No.9197143

You sound like a faggot.

>> No.9197142

The PS2 GTA's have by far my favorite side missions and things to do. I love that you can just get into a random car and a new mission will start up. It's quite magical.

The rampages, while not perfect, do force you to use all the weapons and kill every gang type in the game.

>> No.9197329

Better than looking like a faggot. Maybe one day you'll have sex but since you're here and acting like a retard we both know it's far too late for you.

>> No.9197345

Thought you were leaving the thread and not coming back?

>> No.9197363

Are you offering to have sex with him?

>> No.9197401

I'm cheap and lazy, what's the best way to play this on PC?

>> No.9197447

Pirate it and use revc. https://github.com/Jai-JAP/re-GTA/tree/reVC/

>> No.9197457

Sauce on stunt jumps not registering. Because in my experience if the game notifies you that you nailed a jump, you got it.

>> No.9197563

Not thread, board. I haven't been a regular at this tip since maybe 2018; I've posted a handful of times since then, years apart. I've learnt my lesson and I'm out. This place has some of the crustiest, low T incels I've ever encountered on 4chan. It's where permavirgins go to fester and die. It's devoid of humour and has all the charm of a public Indian toilet. There are no redeeming qualities here, it's the online equivalent of AIDS. Have fun rotting here for the rest of your life as it's just about perfect for you.

>> No.9197573

In that case see you tomorrow.

>> No.9197574
File: 78 KB, 512x416, 54071260-126B-447B-B7D7-F6C80DAF669A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9197871

I got bored at this point too.

>> No.9198478

> I tried to use a trainer for free money but it didn't work
serves you right, cheating faggot. hope you get soft locked and never beat the game.