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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9195904 No.9195904 [Reply] [Original]

The decline of education and culture is insane, it destroyed people's imagination:

Soul Reaver - dark fantasy inspired by biblical mythology, a dead vampire travelling through the Underworld

Quake 1 - gothic medieval worlds mixed with cybernetics and augmentations

Perihelion - gods, genetic engineering, occultism, mutation (but on Mars) and also somewhat inspired by Sumerians

Morrowind - Roman-like empire invades a nation living beneath a volcano where fake gods rule and there's a disease which rots your flesh but makes you englightened

Omikron the Nomad Soul - 1984 style city where an AI rules over people's souls

Evolva - not many people heard of this game but it was super unique. split screen TPS where you control a squad of aliens that you can "evolve" to gain upgrades

Sacrifice - somewhat whimsical Terry Pratchett kind of twist on a war between gods in a surreal fantasy world

Giants Citizen Kabuto - an island with 3 species is flying through space, a technological race, a race of mermaids and a giant creature none can control

Arcanum - steam engine is invented in a fantasy world, pretty cool shit

Abe's Oddysee - comical but brutal story about workers in an alien factory fighting for their freedom, also has strong Orwellian/Huxleian vibes

Last Blade 2 - a comet in the sky draws out 12 swordsmen each with an agenda, set in 19th century feudal Japan

MDK - dude has a suit which is a weapon and his head is literally a machine gun

Powerslave - stupid story but nicely executed setting of egyptian mysticism

Tiberian Sun - earth is undergoing rapid ecological colapse and discovery of a new mineral dooms earth into endless resource wars

I just pulled this out of my ass and all of these had really great style and art design and settings, I don't even know what these faggots play now, but it sure ain't games.

>> No.9195910

A generational shift; a passing of the baton—to a bunch queer faggots.

>> No.9195912

Get this /pol/ garbage out of here. We just barely survived you guys tricking us into obsessing over trannies with that Goemon thing.

>> No.9195918

The saturated colors make for eyecatching thumbnails on a virtual storefront

The faggotry is incidental to that

>> No.9195919

The medium became mainstream. And this is the end result.

Games are made by diversity hires now and LGBQTPAIQQ people. Not by ten white nerds that play D&D together at the weekends.

>> No.9195921

Bullshit. Everything bad in the world has to relate to the specific minority that I don't like, it's a law of physics.

>> No.9195923

OP will spergout and post what he loves, dicks or shit. so it's better to leave this thread here as contentment

>> No.9195925

you can fuck right off you cunt

>> No.9195927

Quake: The nerds who made Doom want a Dark Fantasy game. They spend their freetime playing D&D, when they brainstorm all sorts of crazy ideas. They hire an Industrial rock band for the music and sound effects, and an RPG designer and Lovecraft fan (Sandy Petersen) to make annoying maps with amazing names. If something sounds cool/fun to them, like an ogre (because it's a fantasy game) but with a chainsaw and a grenade launcher (because it's futuristic) they put it in the game.
Morrowind: Michael Kirkbride drinks semilethal doses of caffeine and shuts himself naked in a room writing the 36 Lessons of Vivec.

Elden Ring: spends all his free time on social media or reading TVtropes/watching Youtube videos. Is afraid to disagree with anyone in his circle having >10% more clout than him. Has to fire the concept artists/musicians he hired because they liked one (1) Tweet by some conservative journalist. If he comes up with some interesting idea, he first has to see if it's a popular thing before actually implementing it. His idea of creativity is mashing up references together (Lotr meets Dexter meets Games of Thrones meets Columbo.) He actually isn't friends with the other people he is making the game with and has not even seen them in person (they meet on Zoom once a week.) Doesn't sit naked in his room drinking burbon and coffee to find inspiration. Is a fag.

>> No.9195930

Do you think LGBTwhatevers like making this cringy woke political shit? I mean, they must like games, or else they'd have diversity hired their way into a more profitable industry. Aren't there any tranny writers or gay artists that care about quality? Is it even possible to make a good game that acknowledges LGBT?

Someone has to be thining that.

>> No.9195934

Who are you describing in Elden Ring? I thought Miyazaki was based.

>> No.9195935
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>> No.9195942


It is the same thing. No experience equals shitty games.

>> No.9195950

Fanboys happened. Do you remember hordes of submissive fanboys for any 90 game? I don't.
Fanboys accept any piece of trash the devs throws at them.

>> No.9195956

millennials ate a bit too much plastic as kids

>> No.9195961

have you tried not playing mainstream schlock
anyway it's declined for four centuries if you wanna get technical but yeah

>> No.9195962

guy is just reposting codex takes with a couple words changed and pic unrelated.
possibly the same guy's been posting takes from russian forums over at /doom/ last couple of days.

>> No.9195963

Consoles happened. Art + Jewish materialism = soulless crap.

>> No.9195965

Does this corpo slop even have fanboys?

>> No.9195968

Go back to playing your video game shlock of the week, will you. Elden Broring is more up your alley.

>> No.9195972

Look around. All the fags raging in here are those fanboys. I would call them freaks because that's what they really are.
A fan is someone who appreciates something but has enough self value and braincells to bring to the table, these .... things only screech to even out their testosterone imbalance and emptiness in their hearts.
Big difference my man

>> No.9195976

Corporation is funnily not even to blame. It's the people that consume this garbage.
If no one would buy this stuff they would change their business model overnight.

>> No.9195983

The amount of corpo asslicking makes it even more obvious. Muh Sony garbage muh Xbox garbage. These drones are any corporations dream, hordes of braindead morons with money to milk off of.
Why would corporations change that? Fuck even Valve did it. Why make Half Life 3 when you can milk your steam drones.
It's a vicious clyle that will lead to even more shit games. At some point it will become so bad that it either splits into two different markets again (as it was before) or crashes & burns.

>> No.9195990

>I don't know what these faggots play now
I don't know why you're talking about what people play nowadays when this is a retro video game image board. Shame your education declined as much as everyone else's.

>> No.9195995

But as we can see this place is only for orbiting drones so any good thrwad or discussion is impossible. We have to go elsewhere for that.
This place is just cancer full of drones screeching their daily screeches. Hollow to the core.

>> No.9196001

Which is sad because this wasn't the case in the beginning. But the decline in education and brains brought us to this point.
There is really no use for imageboards anymore.