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/vr/ - Retro Games

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915516 No.915516 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good, classic dungeon Crawl games? RPGs specifically.

>> No.915521

Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder, Lands of Lore, Ultima Underworld

>> No.915526

>dungeon crawlers
pick one

>> No.915531


Normal /v/ pls go.

>> No.915546

Specifically 6, 7, and 8.
1, 2, and 3 are okay, but really archaic, and may be difficult to some, compared to the last three.

Megami Tensei is cool too.
And Deep Dungeon series on the NES/Famicom (have been fan-translated).

Might and Magic: Mandate of Heaven and World of Xeen on the PC.

>> No.915559

Azure Dreams and Vagrant Story are pretty nice by my standards.
The old SFC Shiren The Wanderer games, and Torneko's Mystery Dungeon are cool as well.
Not sure if Diablo counts, but I had a lot of fun with it as well.

>> No.915583
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I played through the original Phantasy Star recently and really fucking enjoyed it. Lots of towns and overworld exploration from an overhead perspective, though. Might not contain enough dungeons/dungeon variety for long time dungeon crawlers.

>> No.915639

kings field

>> No.915842

How long is the first dungeon of eye of the beholder, and do you ever get out of it or is the game like Ultima Underworld? I've been in there for a while now, although frankly I'm probably lost. There's no in-game map, is there?

>> No.915983

>There's no in-game map, is there?
Although you might've possibly encountered a bug. I know I did once - for some reason a key on floor 6(? - the one where you meet the owl druid guys) didn't spawn, I even checked the maps for its location and it was just gone, so I couldn't progress through a door on that floor. Had to hexedit through that shit.

>> No.915990

There's no map, no- and the dungeon is never left.

>> No.916000

So what is my objective in the game exactly? I mean, there's the obvious "explore" but what the heck am I looking for? Freedom?
From the opening cutscene I garnered "Hey, heroes, go in this cave, for justice!" and then we go in the cave and some robed guys menacingly wringing their hands. So I think I was tricked? Maybe I shouldn't have gone into the cave? Although it was a cutscene so obviously that's not an option.

>> No.916001

Dungeon Master 1 + CSB
Pool of Radiance (and onward)
M&M 2-6
Wizardry 5-8 (5 is overlooked, easily the best of the first pentalogy)
Dark Heart of Uukrul
Legend of Faerghail

>> No.916003

You're going in to kill the beholder at the bottom.

>> No.916006

And collect his titular eye, I suppose.

>> No.916012
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>> No.916017

Just do whatever with it. Remember though, a Beholder's large main eye maintains its antimagic properties even after the monster is dead.

Check out Slayer for 3DO it's like action dungeon crawl.

>> No.916026

Also is it just my copy of it, or can you just totally max out every single stat of every single character at the creation screen if you opt to alter your stats from their rolls.

>> No.916035

You can do it in every version. The intent probably was that you're supposed to roll the stats IRL and then accordingly transcribe them to videogame form.

>> No.916071

There's also a sequel to Slayer called DeathKeep, also on the 3DO

>> No.916076
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If you're just looking for a fuckhuge maze, Legacy of the Wizard might do. It's a platformer though, so it's more of a protoMetroidvania than an RPG.

>> No.916082

Legend of Grimrock. Polite sage for non-retro

>> No.916089

if you have a hard time with ultima underworld, you're gonna suffer with any of the other crpgs recommended in this thread

>> No.916248

There is an in game map in Ultima Underworld. You need to pick up the pack at the entry to the Abyss.

>> No.916256

Shining in the Darkness

>> No.916525

Dungeon Explorer.

>> No.916530

I really enjoyed Shadowgate but it can be extremely cryptic at times.

>> No.916790

I'm talking about an in-game map in Eye of the Beholder.

>> No.917110

>in-game map
there is no in-game map in EOB

however there is some port which allow you to play having in-game map

>> No.917117

That looks sexy as fuck.

>> No.917120

No I actually like the idea of no map. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing it. I didn't get a manual for the game so I'm kinda figuring it out as I go.

>> No.917131

I'm conflicted when it comes to games with no auto-map. On one hand I like the idea of bringing out a page and writing it in order to advance in a game but on the other hand mapping EoTB for example is a complete nightmare.

>> No.917142

kill yourself, /v/. oh wait you're already dead.

Azure Dreams on PS1, also Ungra Walker, Battle Hunter if you can tolerate a budget game with sci-fi setting, good gameplay but shit story.
Light Crusader from Treasure Games
Shadow Tower
Persona 2: IS and EP
SMT1 and 2 on SNES

>> No.917145

Arcana if you liked Kirby's music.

>> No.917164

You should see it in motion. The transitions look fucking amazing for a 1987 game, though there are noticeable rendering glitches.

It's just a remarkably fun game overall. Though the towns are ugly even by 80's standards.

>> No.917224

I was a little wary of trying it because I heard it's pretty damn difficult. I also tend not to beat first person dungeon crawlers for some reason.

>> No.917295

Dungeon Master is such an amazing game. Both fun and more accessible than any old RPG I can think of. I mean, Legend of Grimrock still has almost exactly the same interface.

>> No.917321

shin megami tensei

>> No.917339

I'm not from /v/, and I personally think that retro dungeon crawlers are even worse than newer ones, the are all the same, you just walk through some poorly made 3D dungeon and kill things once in a while, they are boring, poorly made, and often don't even have a real story, which to me would redeem a game like that, but no, the developers were so lazy that they couldn't even do that.

>> No.917353
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Oh, he mustn't be from /v/ then.

>> No.917349

>Phantasy Star
>dungeon crawler

>> No.917357

oh no, I have a different opinion than you, I'm from your boogyman /v/, yup yup

I can't stand /v/ but this shit needs to stop, it's like the people that yells REDDIT REDDIT when ever they don't like something some one else says, it's ridiculous and doesn't accomplish anything.

>> No.917369
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This is clearly a thread about dungeon crawlers , so coming here and being like 'dungin crawlirs r 4 fegs' helps no one, if i see a thread about something i don't like, i don't waste my time crying like a bitch about it.

>> No.917537
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that's like saying doom is boring, you just get keys to open doors and shoot monsters

that's like saying point and click games are boring, you just click things and there's no replay value at all

simply, we find enjoyment in them, and actually play them, so we see them as fun exploration, knowing to be careful and alert at all times, being clever not to be raped by some monster with some new ability or some resistance we weren't expecting, searching for loot

if you don't like it, that's fine, i can understand the slow pace will drive people away

but other than that get out

>> No.917543

games like phantasy star and shin megami tensei are borderline dungeon crawl-ish really, they just don't have that western feel that most do

guys should i play shadowgate 64? tell me about it

>> No.917582

I've been playing RPGs for years but with very few exception if always found these tile-based dungeon crawlers like Might & Magic and Wizardry that stuff extremely boring, I have no idea why. They always feel so.. static and dead. I don't know how to put it. Why do you guys like those games, or hate them?

>> No.917585

no it's not like saying that at all, because there are at least some variety from game to game, with early dungeon crawlers once you have played one you have played them all. They weren't made with any thought at all, they were just a quick way for developers to make a buck.

>> No.917590

- moraff's world for the lolz.

- ultima underworlds if you thought daggerfall was boring..
- arx fatalis and system shocks if you think ultima gams are shitty graphix.

>> No.917593

>early dungeon crawlers once you have played one you have played them all
Can you give some examples?

>> No.917595

SMT were actually dungeon crawlers though, Phantasy Star games were just normal JRPGS, if you are going to say they are dungeon crawlers just because they have dungeons you might as well include every single other JRPG, I swear Phantasy Star fans are the worse ever, they think their games are some how different from other jrpgs just because they were on the genesis and strive to find reciculous ways to make it seem distinct.

>> No.917602

all of them?
it would make more sense for you, or another dungeon crawler fan to make some sort of argument as to how they are different from game to game and maybe some games that illustrate this. but of course not

>> No.917603

i'll reply to you with this post >>917590

>> No.917604

People always talk about Daggerfall, but does ANYONE like Arena?

>> No.917605

i actually never played phantasy star, but the first person dungeons are a dungeon crawler staple

>> No.917618

I'm not a "fan" of anything, I was just interested to hear you exemplify your argument that all "early dungeon crawlers" were basically the same, because I don't know too much about the genre (besides stuff like WoX or Wizardry).
But apparently you don't either so nevermind.

>> No.917634

>on the genesis
Your post might have had more impact if you had played the game we're talking about.

>> No.917638

i played it a bit and it seemed more or less the same, but i couldn't get into it then so only played like 10 minutes
i'd guess they developed a bit on it on daggerfall

>> No.917714

From what I've played and heard of Arena and Daggerfall, Arena is even more "millions of square miles of absolutely nothing interesting and everything is the same" than Daggerfall.

>> No.917775

>Pool of Radiance
That's one of those games which leave you wondering why you didn't play it before. The second part is not so good (hate that priest+warriors combo), but I really should try the other Golden Box games.

>> No.917789


>> No.917803

i like gauntlet, but it's closer to smash tv than to a dungeon crawler

>> No.917812

Realms of Arkania are very famous, but barely played them.
Lands of Lore
The Ravenloft games and, to a lesser extent, Menzoberranza
Anvil of Dawn (not as good as people say)
Ishar series. The art style is great, but it's a bit masochistic
Don't Go Alone. A light and fun dungeon crawler
Dragon Wars
Elvira 1 & 2. Lots of gore
Space Wrecked
The Legacy. Cthulhu Mythos dungeon crawler
Whale's Voyage

That's in addition to those already named

>> No.917829

Also I forgot to mention Black Crypt. That game hates you.

>> No.917865

I wouldn't call Albion a dungeon crawler, too much dialogue and story focus ("chapters" keeping you locked on the islands, short dungeons, pre-made party members)

>> No.917898

But it evolves from the older dungeon crawlers, and dungeons take a big role on it. Even if the last ones are way too big. I think it took me two days to finish them.

>> No.918565

Dump on this question

>> No.918572

this isn't /b/, we don't respond to commands to harass people

>> No.918580 [DELETED] 

phantasy star games don't have 1st person dungeons though, they are your normal top down JRPGs

>> No.918852

On that subject, I see a lot of potential in Daggerfall but every "dungeon" I go to is a graveyard with a staircase leading to 4 rooms.
Have I just been stumbling in the wrong areas?

>> No.918881

Do you mean "The Legacy: realm of terror"?

>> No.919049

I thought brandish was pretty good

>> No.919407

>guys should i play shadowgate 64? tell me about it

yes, it's a good game. but a bit slow and has shit character models but it feels gorgeous otherwise. this is the closest to a FPRPG the N64 has

>> No.919430
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and yet i keep crawling back to it

i just love that game, it's nice to be able to use wasd controls also.

there are several types of dungeons, yeah; sounds like you've been stumbling into a couple different ones of the same type.

then again, you'll pretty much find out that all daggerfall dungeons are randomly generated tedious messes anyway. not that i dislike the game, but it's kinda true.

>> No.919553

Yes, that one.

>> No.919575
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if it's anything like shadow tower i'm in :D

>> No.919598

the aesthetics are like the stuff From Software have developed. It's one of my favorites and the music is gorgeous.