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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 97 KB, 1200x942, mega-drive-mini-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9190742 No.9190742 [Reply] [Original]

The final batch of games for the Mega Drive 2 Mini have been revealed:

>Star Cruiser
>Night Trap (because of fucking course)
>Mahou no Shoujo: Silky Lip (Sega CD)
>Ex-Ranza AKA Ranger X
>Ragnacenty AKA Crusader of Centy/Soleil
>Midnight Resistance
>Chelnov AKA Atomic Runner
>Honoo no Tokyuuji Dodge Danpei
>Captain Tsubasa (Sega CD)
>Super Locomotive (new arcade port by M2)

>> No.9190749

How much does it cost?

>> No.9190750

Serious question.
Why do people get excited about an ARM SoC running an emulator on top of Linux?
This is not a "sega genesis" any more than my laptop is. It could as easily be a SNES or even a PS2 with the right software installed.

>> No.9190751

I really want to know if the Working Designs games are doing to be on the North American version. Night Trap is "so bad xDDD" but I wish they hadn't wasted a slot on it when there are way better SEGA CD games out there.

>> No.9190756
File: 60 KB, 1400x787, SEGA-Mega-Drive-Mini-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's small and cute

>> No.9190759

It's a piece of molded plastic with a tiny, single chip PCB inside it.

>> No.9190769

I think it's neat that it's an official release from SEGA, and yeah the design adds to the novelty factor. You can do all of this and more on a $15 TV stick, though it's nice to see SEGA giving some of these titles recognition, especially the SEGA CD ones. Sad there's no 32X on it, too

I'll probably skip it myself due to the price, but it's still fun to look at

>> No.9190771

If you spend any amount of time on this board, you should know that many people are too stupid for emulation.

>> No.9190809 [DELETED] 
File: 397 KB, 582x663, chrome_x2bPobCLuW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One last game announced.

>> No.9190819
File: 307 KB, 1920x1080, FahkCM1aMAcWx78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprise games announced:

>Party Quiz Mega Q 2022 (an updated version of Party Quiz)
>Party Quiz Sega Q
>Devi to Pii (unreleased game by Takashi Iizuka before he joined Sonic Team)
>Puyo Puyo Sun (new M2 port, 2 player only)

>> No.9190823

>Puyo Puyo Sun (new M2 port, 2 player only)
Incredibly nice inclusion.

>> No.9190824

Iizuka looks like a nice guy.

>> No.9190836
File: 343 KB, 794x1100, 95-space-harrier-ii-mega-drive-capa-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Space Harrier 2 (overclocked port)

>> No.9190839

Correction: it's a new version made from the ground-up.

>> No.9190841

Just when I thought they stopped adding in new games they continue with the surprises. OP made this thread too early I reckon. I fucking love Space Harrier 1 on the Saturn but have never played Space Harrier II.

>> No.9190843

Who on Earth would ever select Mega Drive II sound? The original is just superior in every way.

>> No.9190845

Harrier 2 was a laggy mess on the original. It was an early release, after all.

>> No.9190848

They just confirmed region switching

>> No.9190849

Yup, that's sweet.

>> No.9190850
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>Ask your mom

>> No.9190851
File: 191 KB, 799x596, ever17_laughing_at_blick_winkel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He does love Space Harrier after all.

>> No.9190853

Thought on NEC SG mini or X68000 mini?

>> No.9190860

And a Space Harrier 1 port was just announced.

>> No.9190863

Space Harrier is, in my mind, just one of SEGA's undisputed masterpieces from the 80s.
It surprised Kamiya himself. Dude was looking confused.

>> No.9190865

so are all old games

>> No.9190868
File: 1.07 MB, 1000x1005, space_harrier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is a good fucking port of Space Harrier 1. Graphics are intact and the framerate, while not 60fps, is decent enough I think. Though maybe that's just the YouTube compression? I dunno. But seriously, I think this looks even better than the 32X version, though to be fair it's been ages since I last played the 32X version.

>> No.9190869

Ijidkijidk Sun? Very cool.

>> No.9190870

Over 2 hours already; this a fucking long livestream. They really went all out for this final announcement stream.

>> No.9190873

We're finally getting a version of Space Harrier II that's not shit.

>> No.9190874

Sega released a trailer for the US lineup

>> No.9190879
File: 177 KB, 1531x1198, Dreamcast_Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Mega Drive Mini 2 is already far greater than the Mega Drive Mini 1. This is great. Sega will have a really tough time trying to one-up themselves when announcing the Saturn/Dreamcast Mini, in terms of number of games included.
Nice, will watch after this livestream.

>> No.9190881

Is the cyber stick still available for order or is it out of stock already? Given the nature of scalpers buying this stuff it's probably the latter.

>> No.9190916

Space harrier 2 looks amazing, I thought it was the arcade version of 1 at first. Puyo puyo sun is pretty cool but the megadrive is capable of streaming better sound samples.
The even showed in the stream that you can change the menu to english.

Unless you are using mister your emulation is crap.

>> No.9190932

I am actually happy we finally got a version of Space Harrier 2 that's not an ugly, low framerate mess.

>> No.9190949

It's all a big ball of "meh" to me.
Puyo Puyo Sun getting a GEN port is a nice surprise, as was SEGA acknowledging Shining Force CD's existence, but everything else varied between "not interested" and "shovelware trash" like The Ooze and FMV shit.

>> No.9190964
File: 350 KB, 1280x833, 9C526636-384A-4C6C-93F4-3D4A60C1C1EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega Drive 2 ended up having a really nice game list. Glad I got one ordered.

The Genesis 2 though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQfjjlt13Ss

Seems like it’s more or less the leftovers as a lot of these were on complication carts back in the day. Might end up cancelling my Genesis mini and just sticking with the Mega Drive.

Really happy with the Mega Drive, kinda disappointed with the Genesis, but it’s what I expected.

>> No.9190967


>> No.9190971

>Glad I got one ordered.
I failed to order back when it was first available for preorder and it went out of stock fairly quick, but now apparently some sites are accepting preorders once more.
>Really happy with the Mega Drive
Same, their lineup is better than the Genesis Mini 2.

>> No.9190980
File: 455 KB, 1100x1104, Mahou no Shoujo Silky Lip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is in.

>> No.9190985
File: 29 KB, 500x500, SEGAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally saving some important games for a Mini 3 with the CDX or Neptune looks

>> No.9190991
File: 112 KB, 640x916, 80D359E9-5789-4846-9B31-1D580AD9B5D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazon jp got some back in stock, though they are a bit more expensive than they initially were (only by 300 yen). Even after shipping that’s still quite a bit cheaper than the Genesis Mini 2.

Yeah, I think imma cancel it. It may get rare, but it also feels like a glorified 6-Pak. None of the game selection looks like they really tried too hard, and to spend $130 bucks on a novelty is kind of silly, where as almost all the games on the Mega Drive 2 look like something I actually want to play. Thank goodness I can read a little moon runes.

>> No.9190996 [DELETED] 

Sega of America seems fully poz at this point. They’ve been doing one of those “diverse faces of gaming” for months too. Guess I don’t really care though as I don’t really play anything new from them anyways.

>> No.9190997 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 840x560, 9B0A11AC-EE06-49EA-99C1-3AE5C6186664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, very logically and factual observation, ben!

>> No.9190998 [DELETED] 

>nooooo you can't be black or gay

>> No.9191002

>Captain Tsubasa (Sega CD)

>> No.9191004

So someone is going to dump the bonus games and preserve them right? Will they likely run on real hardware

>> No.9191005
File: 1.88 MB, 1407x2360, 617db474-063c-4c95-916e-0137135a7f3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so, the North American version is still missing a lot of the good SEGA CD titles and there's still no 32X stuff on either. Plus the CDX and Neptune are just really cool in general. Would prefer it over a Saturn Mini.

>> No.9191006 [DELETED] 

They can be whatever they want, but when that’s the focus of your videos as a video game company it’s stupid.

>> No.9191008

Silky Lip is great. I love that opening.

>> No.9191009

Pretty cool that they ported Super Locomotive to Mega Drive, but I hope that somebody hacks it to put Rydeen back after the roms are dumped.

>> No.9191012

>So someone is going to dump the bonus games and preserve them right?
People will. That's what happened with the first Mega Drive Mini. Dumped, uploaded and archived.

>> No.9191013

Need Saturn mini next

>> No.9191016
File: 256 KB, 1280x720, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lip-chan a cute

>> No.9191019

I'm just worried since this is going to be limited in numbers that it could be possible that no one with knowledge on how to dump these games will get one

>> No.9191023

>Genesis Mini 2 has Herzog Zwei
Based and RTS-pilled.
I suppose that is a legitimate concern.

>> No.9191024

Were the exclusive roms ever dumped from PC Engine Mini?

>> No.9191025

>Will they likely run on real hardware
the Space Harriers require a Sega Mark V from another timeline

>> No.9191028

>Can't get YMO
>How about OMY instead?
fucking kek

>> No.9191030
File: 235 KB, 1280x720, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9191031
File: 1 KB, 48x48, 472844FE-6B3E-4FAC-810C-5CD4D1AE4F40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can somebody list the exclusives for the jp and na versions?

>> No.9191039

Sega has announced the Genesis 2 will only get the initial run. The Mega Drive 2 on the other hand shouldn’t be as limited as it has already sold out and restocked before it has even been released. Plus, the JP versions of mini consoles don’t tend to appreciate that much in price.

So basically, unless one of those new games is exclusive to the Genesis Mini 2 you should be fine.

>> No.9191060

>Star Cruiser
Ah, haha. I like the music, but it's a meme game. The Mega Drive has some good games but it looks like they are going for meme games.

>> No.9191068
File: 252 KB, 640x891, 19xg1tffw3u51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why has Sega forsaken Surging Aura

>> No.9191075

Because it is about as fun as watching a paint dry. Imagine having a Phantasy Star 4 engine and making this.
Graphics are great, I'll give it to them.

>> No.9191082
File: 126 KB, 800x598, 2290712049279094757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Illusion City
>no Vixen 357
>no Sorcer Kingdom
>no Twinkle Tale
eh at least it has Silky Lip

>> No.9191084

I really, really, really, really want that hard case/pouch that they showed during the livestream. The one with the zipper. Seems really useful, not just for the Mega Drive Mini 2 but for other stuff as well. Pretty, too.
>no Sorcer Kingdom
That's such a 50/50 game for me. On one hand there's a lot to like about it, but on the other hand I remember some moments in that game that felt a bit meh.

>> No.9191097

>>Star Cruiser
Neat. Never played it. But this game looks interested.
>>Night Trap (because of fucking course)
It is one of the most notorious Sega CD games.
>>Mahou no Shoujo: Silky Lip (Sega CD)
This is some sort of Japanese dating sim RPG, right?
- Cool.
>>Ex-Ranza AKA Ranger X
- Also a highly demanded title. Good choice.
>>Ragnacenty AKA Crusader of Centy/Soleil
- Another good solid choice. Crusader of Centy is basically a Link to the Past clone, in many ways. Though it has a few of it's own unique gameplay ideas. It's no where near the length of LTTP. But a good action RPG.
>>Midnight Resistance
It's a good port. Soundtrack is ace. But controls take some time to get use to. The arcade cab uses some swivel game stick that can do 8-way circle aiming. So the Mega Drive game had to adapt that to three buttons. But it's a good port, and also another 8-meg cartridge that came out after Strider.
>>Chelnov AKA Atomic Runner
Interesting choice.
>>Honoo no Tokyuuji Dodge Danpei
A Dodgeball game. This one looks kind of fun.
>>Captain Tsubasa (Sega CD)
Very Japanese FMV type game?
>>Super Locomotive (new arcade port by M2)
Interesting. I have never seen Super LocalMotive. It is interesting how much new content has been coming from M2 for the MD.

No Snatcher here. But I wonder if it will appear on the US version? I am surprised that something like Panarama Cotton didn't make the cut, given it's rarity.

>> No.9191114

Did they not include Switch (i.e. Panic) in the line-up? Admittedly it was a weird fucking game, and by most metrics not even a *good* game, but I love the sheer insanity of it. It's emblematic of 90s era SEGA madness. Would be saddening if it were to just be left forgotten by SEGA. Would be better if we got a proper sequel.

>> No.9191118

>It's a good port. Soundtrack is ace. But controls take some time to get use to. The arcade cab uses some swivel game stick that can do 8-way circle aiming. So the Mega Drive game had to adapt that to three buttons. But it's a good port, and also another 8-meg cartridge that came out after Strider.

The Mega Drive port of Midnight Resistance is pretty close to the Data East arcade original in many ways. It runs at the same 320x224 resolution, sprites look about the same size. The Data East game has a lot more colour, unsurprisingly. It also has some extra art/ tiles and audio voice clips. The soundtrack is one of the areas that might be better on the MD. The arcade game uses a joystick with a rotation mechanism on it that allowed for aiming. The MD controls aren't as intuitive. But you can adapt to them.


>> No.9191208 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 267x372, Sega_Genesis_Crusader_of_Centy_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Ragnacenty AKA Crusader of Centy/Soleil

Image related goes for stupidly expansive prices on Ebay. Maybe because ATLUS published it? I do remember renting this game for the Genesis, but never owning it. My initial impressions were that it was a lot like Link to the Past on the SNES, which was a good thing to me. But the game isn't as open ended as Zelda.

>> No.9191214
File: 72 KB, 267x372, Sega_Genesis_Crusader_of_Centy_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Ragnacenty AKA Crusader of Centy/Soleil

Image related goes for stupidly expensive prices on Ebay. Maybe because ATLUS published it? I do remember renting this game for the Genesis, but never owning it. My initial impressions were that it was a lot like Link to the Past on the SNES, which was a good thing to me. But the game isn't as open ended as Zelda. But it is a good action RPG.

>> No.9191220

I suppose the new Space Harrier 2 was ported using Sega CD hardware?

>> No.9191225

So is your mom.

>> No.9191237

Still no way to pre order in Canada

>> No.9191245

midnight resistance plays fine on genesis, autofire makes it work great and the music is stellar, way better than the arcade.

>> No.9191248

Damn, seriously no Snatcher? Gay as fuck.

>> No.9191262

Europe pre order is September maybe you will be able to then

>> No.9191312 [DELETED] 

This board has been redditfied for a long time. See
>but it's still fun to look at

>> No.9191332

>Rolling Thunder 2
>Shadow Dancer
>Herzog Zwei
Kino taste already

>> No.9191337

Because of the new games retard

>> No.9191340

Games you can pull off the system and emulate on something better that doesn't have sound latency with that shitty linux kernel.

But hey at least it's fun to look at for $130.

>> No.9191350

Still games that would never be released without it, retard.

>> No.9191356

>Still games that would never be released without it
Because no one asked for them, retard.

>> No.9191357
File: 486 KB, 500x281, 1659886510502368.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can resin 3D print that exact same shell, put the exact same hardware and software inside or better software and have it be less locked down and have functionally the same product or better. For cheaper.

I made an arcade cabinet instead because that was actually harder and more fun to do.

>> No.9191361 [DELETED] 

Except every MD fan asked for Fantasy Zone and Darius ports to be released, fucking retarded redditor lmao. The other new stuff is very appreciated too.

>> No.9191365 [DELETED] 

>Except every MD fan asked for Fantasy Zone and Darius ports to be released
Considering they were unreleased games that for all know could've been lost before they were revealed, no reddit, "every MD fan" was not saying that.

They're nice novelties to have on better systems once they're pulled from the device, not a reason to drop money on plastic with sound lag.

>> No.9191371

So when does this thing
>I can resin 3D print that exact same shell
Not in that quality you can't. 3D printers, especially consumer/prosumer ones, print very ugly items because they only cost a few hundred-to-thousand dollars and aren't made for professional work. Your print layers and edges will look handmade as fuck.
I mean if you like the artisan look... I'd go with sculpey clay myself. Much finer finish capable.

>> No.9191375

When does this thing come out I meant to say. I'm reading right before Halloween.

>> No.9191379 [DELETED] 

>Considering they were unreleased games that for all know could've been lost before they were revealed
Fucking retarded newfag redditor they are NEW ports or remakes, not unreleased old shit.
>not a reason to drop money
Yeah right just shit on all the effort put into an old console like the retarded poser emuredditor you are.

>> No.9191380
File: 884 KB, 641x823, night trap ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Night Trap

>> No.9191391 [DELETED] 

>they are NEW ports or remakes
Oh, so now they were always asking for things that were never in development back in the day then? What were MD fans "asking for" then, reddit?
>shit on all the effort put into an old console
Continuing to use the same linux kernel that makes these games emulate worse than on a laptop is not "effort", tryhard fanboy faggot. Did M2 put in "effort" on the Genesis mini 1 that had improper YM2612 replication that PC emulators had fixed for years?
>retarded poser emuredditor you are
I'm not the one buying an emulationbox that can't even playback audio correctly.

>> No.9191402 [DELETED] 

What a retarded redditor emubaby, if you are so desperate about accuracy then just use real hardware/flashcarts instead of your shitty glorified PC emus with decades of development compared to the MD mini lol

>> No.9191406 [DELETED] 

>simps for a literal emualtionbox
Top cuck. Thanks in advance for when those "new" games get dumped and I can play them accurately lmao

>> No.9191408

If you sell it on etsy somebody will buy it

>> No.9191412

>oh god no people are wasting their money on something they wanna buy instead of things I want them to buy!
>this is stupid
Who died and made you the government? Better to spend $100 on M2 and Sega than on taxes.

>> No.9191417 [DELETED] 

>noooo, you can't le criticise my consumerismerino

>> No.9191418 [DELETED] 

Already said that I just support the new software, you inbred emuredditor with no reading comprehension.
>and I can play them accurately lmao
Not if you are an emucuck that's for sure.

>> No.9191424 [DELETED] 

And who died and told you we can't laugh at the tards who still fall for these meme devices?

You have social media and reddit for being a fanboy sycophant with no standards.
>he says strawmanning better methods of playing these games.
I'm sure you'll learn English some day champ.
>Already said that I just support the new software
And you can do that without having to spend a dime.
>you inbred emuredditor with no reading comprehension
Says the inbred emuredditor with no reading comprehension
>if you are an emucuck that's for sure
Again, says the linux emubox consoomer.

>> No.9191431

>And you can do that without having to spend a dime.
By being a retarded contrarian emucuck doing absolutely nothing for the console but pirating new content? Doubt so fella.

>> No.9191439

>By being a retarded contrarian emucuck
Anon, are you so retarded you think "emulation" is exclusively a "desktop computer" thing? Do you even know what "emulation" is?

Don't worry we know the answer already.
>doing absolutely nothing for the console but pirating new content

>> No.9191442

The US list was already released (see >>9190874
), no Snatcher, no Popful Mail, no Lunar. Honestly very disappointing that they thought Night Trap and Sewer Shark were more important.

>> No.9191445
File: 43 KB, 599x449, 1202248638790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And who died and told you we can't laugh at the tards who still fall for these meme devices?
You're the disgruntled fag here, not me, so I'd say I win because I am right and you are WRONG, emphatically so.
Just like
>oh my GOD NO! not emulation! stop changing the way the ones and zeros move around in memory and on the CPU! you'll introduce two milliseconds of lag to the game and make it unplayable! i know, my name is Goku and i can sense this kinda thing! ULTRA INSTINCT, BITCH!
Man GTFO of here with that shit. Emulation is fine, if you don't like it that means you have a stick up your ass(or your head) and you should remove it and stop acting like a dork, post-haste.

>> No.9191453

>shifting the goalposts
As expected from the poorfag emunigger, you don't even own a real MD lmao.

>> No.9191468

Anon, it's ok, I'm sure when you waste a portion of your disability check on this you'll be less pent up about those of us who will wait to download the new roms Sega and M2 cooked up just for consoomers like you.

In the meantime, you can always ask your handler how to set up an emulator on your PC, or maybe a retropi while you wait for mini 2's release. You may even learn how to save a bit of cash in the long run.

>> No.9191483
File: 1011 KB, 2937x1752, 20220807_175727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just stick with my Genesis and Genesis 1 Mini

>> No.9191486

I'm not an emulationfag. I like hardware. But an arm linux box ain't it.
Just give me an official, accurate, sega hardware clone that can run overdrive or whatever, and I'll make the onions face and hand over the money.
Just imagine the seething from retro trash collector scalpers when their shit becomes obsolete.

>> No.9191491

I have emulators on my PC. Just because I buy useless shit for my own pleasures don't mean I don't get the free options too.
That's like saying you can't buy fishscale cocaine AND cook your own shard at home to have more than one option available. I mean, one releases dopamine(meth) and the other blocks the reuptake of dopamine(coke). You get similar yet different experiences.

>> No.9191497

I don't think 68000s are made anymore. You'll need to tool up a foundry line for that chip, which would cost a few hundred million to do, so you'd need to sell a billion dollars retail in product minimum to make it worth it.
Are Z80s still made?

>> No.9191498

Don't misunderstand, he's not a real hardware bro, he's just retropi emufag coping with:
>my emu with decades of development is better than your new emu!!
Fans who care about old console already have the real thing so this is a retarded point only a poser poorfag emucuck would make.

>> No.9191502

Put more effort into replying to yourself, emubaby.

>> No.9191505

Pathetic, now go cope with your retropi trash, poser.

>> No.9191516

Cope with your emubaby cuck box, buycuck.

>> No.9191517

I have the first Gen Mini, and the TG16 one too built on the same HW and dev'd by M2.
Both emulate just as sharp as my PC does. My modded Wii also performs as well as my PC. They all work great.
Hell my PSTV the one that sucks dick in emulation. It should blow the Wii out the water but it's a piece of shit.

>> No.9191518 [DELETED] 

all games exist because of consumerism, whether you pay for them or not. you're just a boring autistic anti fun faggot

>> No.9191532

>I have the first Gen Mini, and the TG16 one to
I hope your TG16 isn't dead yet.
>Both emulate just as sharp as my PC does.
Unless your PC is some 20 year old, pre-built XP machine, no they don't. The sound innacuracies have been well documented, not to mention the pixel shimmer.

>> No.9191535

>my emu shitbox is better than yours!!!
hilarious, meanwhile real fans buy it to support new content and because they can, instead of being a poorfag emufag freeloader with no real consoles lmao

>> No.9191536 [DELETED] 

>nooooooooo not minor inaccuracies that no one notices

>> No.9191541

>I don't think 68000s are made anymore.
Really? Shit. How come there's so many listed on chinese websites then?
Really old stock?

>> No.9191543

The Mega SG was a thing for a while, sadly it didn't stop scalpers

>> No.9191548 [DELETED] 

>hilarious, meanwhile real fans
Have standards and don't buy stupid shit? Yes
>nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo why can't you be retarded like me and not notice problems!!?
Sega must be really desperate to push this shit here. Guess covid really did a number to their finances.

>> No.9191562 [DELETED] 

>Have standards and don't buy stupid shit?
You are the one here buying retropi shit instead of a real Mega Drive here, retarded emushitter lmao.

>> No.9191576 [DELETED] 

>You are the one here buying retropi shit
Nope, PC only, was only suggesting retropi as an alternative.
>instead of a real Mega Drive here
Except these mini systems aren't real mega drives, ESL nigger.

>> No.9191595

>Nope, PC only
Even more of a pathetic poorfag then
>Except these mini systems aren't real mega drives
I meant the real one tard, where is yours? No one who is serious about accuracy is an poorfag emufag coping about mini consoles.

>> No.9191608

>No one who is serious about accuracy is an poorfag emufag
Correct, hence why don't buy these emuboxes like this one.

Think of it anon, instead of blowing a hundred bucks on this you can save for a decent PC that can play these games and more, and much more accurately.

>> No.9191609
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Im buying this purely as a collectible. Yeah, il play the new games on it. No. I dont expect it to be as good as the real deal. I love the Genecide, i have every game besides maybe a few jap titles i still want. I will enjoy it for what it is and for being a neat piece of new Sega hardware. The price is nothing to me, im very frugal with cash if its not towards my interests. I have no need to mess with flashcarts for the small handful of games id play on one. This suits my needs fine.

>> No.9191616
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, Game_Gear_Micro_hand_comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are buying it to display and for the novelty mostly. They released a master system adaptor that doesn't even play games

>> No.9191617


They literally when out of their way to fix certain games like PSII, Space Harrier II, and Tatsujin, de-maked Puyo Puyo SUN, Made a New MEGA Q game withover 300 new questions, and ported multiple old arcade games.
>"Y-you can just freakin emulate it dude!"
The fact these autistic jap devs went out of their way to do cool shit like is worthy enough for these mini consoles.

>> No.9191624

Or maybe you could buy a real console instead of being a retarded poorfag coping with emulation? Again MD fans buying a mini already have the real thing, but I don't blame you since 100 bucks is a lot of money for you lmao

>> No.9191671

lol i don't care what you buy nigger just try not to have an aneurism about other people's fun

>> No.9191681

If they don't come with anti-piracy, since M2 was smart enough to include anti-piracy in GG Aleste 3 when the Aleste Collection and the GG Mini came out, and no one to this day was able to crack it.

>> No.9191684

this is going to blow your poverty damaged mind, but some people can afford a nice pc AND some fun novelty gadgets

>> No.9191686

>PSII and Tatsujin
Cool what fixes? It would be nice if they improved the framerate of Super Hang On too.
Seems like Space Harrier II will use the Sega CD hardware, there's no way vanilla MD can handle the sprite scaling, although there's some flickering

>> No.9191773

>Damn, seriously no Snatcher? Gay as fuck.

I never expected Snatcher in the Japanese Mega Drive II release. Snatcher was released in English only.

>> No.9191847

Tatsujin BGM will play at the correct speed
PSII has an easy mod (2x walk speed/xp/money & halves the encounter rate)

>> No.9191864

Anyone got a link to the video? I want to see this.

>> No.9191872

> Two Sega trivia games, one with the DAYTONAAAAAA guy as the announcer
> No translations

>> No.9192085

Maybe they're actually cloning them. The 68K is a very venerable CPU with a ton of documentation. If the chinese are making decent ones, you might have a decent idea on your hands with reproing the Sega Genesis. Just gotta get Sega to give up their documents on the system's sekrits. Good luck there,

>I hope your TG16 isn't dead yet.
Why would it be? It's a well-built emu box. Like I said, it AND the first Genesis Mini are very well-made and play games great. Come with great USB pads too. The TG16 Mini's controller has more cord than you'd ever need and the turbo switches and everything work a treat.
>The sound innacuracies have been well documented, not to mention the pixel shimmer.
I never notice any of that. If it's there it's not noticeable. I can't imagine anyone finding these issues unless they autistically look for them. Oh wait, retro gamers are 70% autists, 20% regular lovers of retro games, and 10% hipsters that just collect to collect.

My POV with these mini systems is, if they're nice looking, come with great games, and have great controllers, there's no harm in buyfagging.
There are a LOT of much shittier things in retro gaming you can waste cash on. Or you can be a genuine fuckwit and pay the taxman.

>> No.9192091

Can't wait for the roms of new stuff to get dumped so I can play them on an actual Mega Drive

>> No.9192142

Damn, is it going to be a collection of Sega questions like the Capcom version of Quiz & Dragons? Now im sad we dont get it if true.

>> No.9192169

>Or maybe you could buy a real console
Already have a PC lmao
>spending over 100 federal reserve notes on novelty shit to look at
Why are buyfags like this?
>Why would it be? It's a well-built emu box
>I never notice any of that. If it's there it's not noticeable.
It's there, and it's a long enough running problem that it should be fixed, like maybe actually replacing this shitty kernel. Doubly so concerning it's M2 and they should know better. And the Genesis mini 1 objectively has bad sound reproduction on M2's behalf:

This is a problem chiefly on M2 here. Fan emulators fixed this problem over a decade ago.

>> No.9192204

Yeah well that's why the Sega CD bombed in the first place

>> No.9192205

I wish I still had a working Mega Drive ;_;

>> No.9192215
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I kinda hope they go for this route with the eventual Saturn Mini. Like make an actual, honest Saturn machine with a smaller footprint that can play games with 100% accuracy. No emulation. Actual hardware. Bonus points if it can read Saturn discs. I will be willing to fork out like $200 for this if it were to be realised. I don't want no emulation box since I already have my PC for that.

>> No.9192238

lol yeah people with money buy things enjoy, autist
enjoy your pc though, probably won't be able to afford anything that nice for a while

>> No.9192239
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it's for the Sega Mark V from Earth-817

>> No.9192243

>people with money buy things enjoy
You could've spent that mone on some English lessons.

>> No.9192245

>It's there, and it's a long enough running problem that it should be fixed, like maybe actually replacing this shitty kernel. Doubly so concerning it's M2 and they should know better. And the Genesis mini 1 objectively has bad sound reproduction on M2's behalf:
Yeah but I never notice this because I don't listen to the emulated version next to a real genesis. I don't even own a real genesis. I also don't compare the Mini to my PC or Wii setup, again because I'm not an autist and I do not care. Let's be straight here, the Genesis itself is a buggy POS at times with different models having different faults. Just like older SNES models have shitty power regulators that fry CPUs. Home consoles are by and large cheap shit. Even the PS5 is laughably cheap and crappy compared to decent PC parts or actual quality electronics like Keithley power supplies or Tektronix scopes that cost $2000+.

The PS5 is seen as "expensive" but the goddamned thing costs less in MSRP than the step-down flagship graphics cards from AMD and Nvidia(6800 and 3080 respectively). There's a reason for this. It's a piece of shit. Just like the TG16, Genesis, and SNES were. Because people are tight-fisted about gaming consoles. Remember how much people BAWWWW'd at the PS3 being FIVE HUNDRED NINETY NINE US DORRAR? And that POS too fried the balls on its BGA packages, because of retarded engineers designing down to a price, because people are cheap fucks. They'll go out and buy some shitty $200(BOM and labor) smartphone with a micro-dick screen for $800+, but whine about having to pay $500 for a gaming system. People thought the Neo Geo AES was a luxury item at a time when many households had $1500 PCs that dad only used to create shitty spreadsheets for work, and he let the kids play absolutely SHIT games on.

Thanks for the head's up on the TG16 Mini though. Like I said, shitty engineering. I always use my SNES Classic power supply and haven't had any problems.

>> No.9192252

>pooranon now grasping at straws
love to see it

>> No.9192260 [DELETED] 

>spic buycuck grasping at straws
dilate and touch grass

>> No.9192268 [DELETED] 

Because not everyone is some faggot not it all nerd with no life and and adn you suck monkey butt and stink.

>> No.9192283 [DELETED] 


>> No.9192284

I agree with this. I've been using emulators for two decades at this point and I'm not some moralfag who balks at the idea of piracy since I myself have done some pirating. Just because I think the Mega Drive Mini 2 might be cool to purchase does not suddenly make me some drooling retard CONSOOMER who can't emulate.

>> No.9192291

>since M2 was smart enough to include anti-piracy in GG Aleste 3
Wait really? That tiny ass game gear micro had DRM and anti-piracy measures in place?

>> No.9192317

>Another fag.

don't you have anything better to do?

>> No.9192319
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which is why is not included on the EU and US versions! YAAAAAY!

>> No.9192325

Wait whats the point of these? Its not a real genesis. the emulation is worse. I dont get it. Whats the benefit? You guys shit on emulation devices all day 24/7. but now that its in the vague shape of a genesis its ok? huh?

>> No.9192327

those M2 motherfuckers, as cheeky as always.

>> No.9192439

Its just using what they (expense wise) have available to release/re release new Mega Drive content. The fact that its original devs doing this makes it above most emu boxes and literal shit devices like the PS Classic. This comes off more as actual devs giving a shit rather then just a cheap cash grab.

>> No.9192504

this, you have a series of unreleased games and heavily enhanced versions of games...

the only weird thing is the enhanced Space Harrier 2. since it also included Space Harrier 1. which is weird because theres ALREADY a 1:1 arcade port of Space harrier 1, the 32X port.

unless that what makes these Games special is that they can be played in a regular Genesis without the SCD or 32X, which i really doubt given the 'Sega Mark V' thing. im not really sure then what is.

>> No.9192507

Yes. Looks like they learned their lesson after Darius MD got dumped.

>> No.9192509


>> No.9192521
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Honestly I would've been fine if they just avoided the FMV games aside from Starblade, yeah that was originally part of the selling point of the SEGA CD but it deserves to be remembered for those games that made it onto the MD2 Mini and stuff like Snatcher. Still not a terrible list overall but it's weird to see they didn't bring some of those titles over, especially Popful Mail which is literally the only official English version of that game.

I've been enjoying SEGA CD games all year long via-RetroArch but I'm glad to see some of these games finally getting some recognition from SEGA. Even better if more people are finally able to discover and play them this way. It's more accessible for average Joe (provided they can afford it) than setting up RetroArch on a TV stick and still way more affordable than buying the original hardware and games.

>> No.9192534

>Wait whats the point of these?
You know the thousands of dollars in retro games for sale on Steam, N's eShop, PSN, etc?
Well these little trinkets are how you get young blood into retro gaming so they can buy more roms on those stores, because game companies are in fact in the BUSINESS of selling games.

Retards like me just like having cool little officially-branded physical products. I buy these things as much for the controllers as I do the games, maybe more so.
The SNES Classic's controllers are AWESOME for use on the Wii for emulators. And you got two of them. The NES Classic has terrible cord length on the controller though, fucking bullshit for otherwise great-feeling classic NES controller goodness.

>> No.9192550

>I buy these things as much for the controllers as I do the games, maybe more so.
I've never bought a mini console before. How do the Genesis Mini/Mega Drive Mini controllers compare to the originals from the 90s? Good? Faithful? Or somehow even better?

>> No.9192571

I don't know, never had a Genesis as a kid and don't remember from the few times I played one.
They feel pretty good with the Mini. Stout plastic and good clicky buttons. You get two in the box, decent-length cord, USB 2.0.

>> No.9192608

If you think every original dev that left Sega in the last 20 years is working on this, you're a moron.
>which is weird because theres ALREADY a 1:1 arcade port of Space harrier 1, the 32X port.
Except the 32X port isn't accurate. It has slightly more slowdown than the arcade, also 32X emulation still isn't perfect even on PC.
Just buy a wireless retrobit controller.

>> No.9192642


>> No.9192713

I never said that tard, im speaking purely of all the new stuff/versions being added by original devs plus M2 staff clearly giving a shit and even going out of their way to add stuff like regional versions. Only the two Sega minis gave a shit to do touches like that.

>> No.9192727

They're good. I have a mini with the hueg three button USB controls, and bought the six button controls later and use them for all my games.

>> No.9192735

What's also interesting, is the first Mini even has a sliding volume button, spring-loaded cart slot door, and the little door on the side can be removed. No need to increase production costs like that. But nice little touch anyway.

>> No.9192741

A stupid but hilarious touch would be if this Model 2 has an option for the original Model 2 audio buzz.

>> No.9192748

It looks like it's going to have a little plastic disc in the CD portion that'll spin. Why? because it's fun and very Japanese to have models with realistic parts.

>> No.9192752
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Just for the record. They WERE trying to bring the Lunar games and popful mail for the US version but Victor Ireland who only owns the fucking audio for the games wanted way more money than what Sega could offer.

>> No.9192780

It would be interesting to see these 3 re localized in some collection, more accurate to original scripts.

>> No.9192790

How does that even happen? How does some tard own the rights to music in a game and not the game developer/publisher?

>> No.9192791

shit like this is why im glad i just have a fucking mega everdrive pro

>> No.9192810

Didn't something similar happened with the Silent Hill games? Maybe that's why Snatcher's not on the Genesis Mini 2 neither.

>> No.9192826

The J-version of Snatcher is on the TG16 Mini. Konami is tight-fisted with it.

>> No.9192831

It's a strange coincidence that all of Blaustein's localization projects (MGS1, SotN, Silent Hill 2-3) had their voice work redone when they were ported to other platforms though.

>> No.9192850

Im guessing the reason Snatcher isnt on is because of some issues with paying Konami. All their heavy hitter titles were on the Genesis Mini 1, so maybe its sone type of "bundle price" thing or the rights/paper work to go through to add it is not worth it in the budget for getting just 1 game from a specific publisher, especially for the non Japanese version. I think Fatal Fury 2 is only one on there that is also from a single major company but Snk are huge whores so probably easier to get their ips.

>> No.9192860

Mostly just for the new games M2 (or whoever) made just for this. Seeing all these games together in a "specific set" is also pretty cool, as well as their advertisements related to that. I don't plan on buying it, though.

>> No.9192863


Hello Mudda
Hello Fadda

>> No.9192906

Thankfully, this probably emulates Model 1's sound. The Model 2 part of this is probably just cosmetic (ie, for "the aesthetic") and for the branding.

>> No.9192909

M2 didn't make all these games, some games were made by homebrew developers and they just made it official and put the finishing touches

>> No.9192912

In my dreams.

>> No.9192914
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>a strange coincidence that all of Blaustein's
Coincidence? Blaustein you say? Named after sapphires, Shapiro?
Coincidences indeed.

>> No.9192924
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>> No.9192935

take your pick >>9192924

>> No.9192945

that's actually really funny
good for them for including this dumb shit

>> No.9192962

Those mad lads.

>> No.9192971 [DELETED] 

Based. Deplatform Tranny at every turn.

>> No.9193006

>>>Star Cruiser
>Neat. Never played it. But this game looks interested.
There's a complete English translation for it (2016), if you want to give it a try.

>> No.9193014

Never played either platform, but it would be interesting to see either one. I'm especially interested in X68k, as it seems like a cool platform with great graphics (and sound). Different anon than OP, by the way.

>> No.9193020 [DELETED] 

>nooooo, you must infantilize non-whites and support baby rape

>> No.9193024

Why have English fan translators, as well?

>> No.9193029

They did it?
Japan doesn't fuck around with authenticity.

>> No.9193034 [DELETED] 

>my favorite crony capitalist corporations are anti-capitalist like me!

>> No.9193041

I think Mark V has always been the tongue-in-cheek for Genesis. https://segaretro.org/Category:Sega_Mega_Drive

You were probably already referencing this though, tacitly, and then I'm replying this way like an idiot.

>> No.9193051

Oh, nice. At least you get the option to experience the johnny-come-lately pleb timeline.

>> No.9193053

Is it really that easy to develop new sega genesis games?

>> No.9193054

Cool. Just remembered something that the Darius port from the first Mini was homebrew, too (right?)

>> No.9193072

>Silky Lip

Only Japan could come up with a name/subtitle like that. Anyway Star Cruiser looks interesting. Had never heard of it, and there is an English fan translation available. Cool.

>> No.9193073

Eh, just wainting until the upgrade and exclusive ROMS get extracted and made compatible on Genesis Plus GX on the Wii, sorry but i am that broke.

>> No.9193106

I like how these mini consoles are accompanied by Japanese manual scans; they aren't as common on the internet as English manual scans
Speaking of which, anyone know where to find a Langrisser Mega Drive manual scan? I assume the Genesis Mini 2 will only have English manuals on the website

>> No.9193131

Sewer Shark and Panic on Funkotron were never released in Japanese, either, yet here is Sega (in Japanese audio, when you get to the games listings) promoting the Genesis Mini 2 to a Japanese audience with those games on it: https://youtube.com/watch?v=MN2-9qYY57Q

So I'm guessing the only reason Snatcher in English isn't on here has to do with some of Konami's bullshit.

>> No.9193138

Not necessarily (though I've read on /vr/ that NES and Genesis homebrew is not hard to make). M2 are dedicated game engineers and nerds. They've done things like this a lot. See if you can find their 3DS Sega 3D Classics "Giga Drive" interviews for some fun details on this.

>> No.9193140

Like I said, Snatcher(Japan) was released on the TG16/PCE Mini.

>> No.9193146

Why should that matter, though? You'd think they'd want the English version out there for Americans, Canadians, Brits, and ESLs to want to support Konami's products. Plus, they're promoting English-language games to Japan's game fans in that ad there (meaning they'd probably think "Hollywood Snatcher" would be cool to own, as well). Surely there is another reason for Konami/Sega making this retarded decision.

>> No.9193148

They could if they wanted to. The old radica controller had the 68000 and everything remade onto a tiny chip but it wasn't perfect. Then people will whine that its not native hdmi. So really blame the idiots who would rather have native hdmi than perfect hardware recreation.

It can't be that expensive when you have ali express sellers with all sorts of custom silicon stuff.

Probably, I got some sony rgb encoders and they look brand new. No one would ever make such a niche product brand new right now. Either that or they are old rejects.

>> No.9193170

I think that they invented a new Game Gear mapper and emulator/flashcart developers now have to reverse engineer it to support it. Similar to Paprium on Mega Drive.

>> No.9193202

Not trying to be a dick, but learn how to find things. I had no idea where what you were looking for was, and it's the first result on this google search.


>> No.9193215

Played through it recently, too. Glad they included it here (I had forgotten that they bought out Atlus, so I thought it had little chance for an American re-release). It's a lot of fun, perhaps too dramatic. It's not that much like Zelda, but also feels somewhat like Secret of Mana mixed with something like the Game Gear Shinobis. A lot of fun, in any case.

>> No.9193219

After Burner 2
Alien Soldier
Bonanza Bros
Columns 3
Crusader of Centy
Devi to Pi
Fatal Fury 2
Fantasy Zone
Gain Ground
Honou no Toukyuuji: Dodge Danpei
Magical Taruruto-kun
Midnight Resistance
Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water
Out Run
Party Quiz Mega Q 2022
Party Quiz Sega Q
Phantasy Star II
Puyo Puyo Sun
Puzzle & Action Ichidant-R
Ranger X
Shining in the Darkness
Space Harrier 2
Splatterhouse 2
Star Cruiser
Star Mobile
Super Locomotive
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
Thunder Force IV
Tougi Ou: King Colossus
Virtua Racing
Captain Tsubasa (Sega CD)
Ecco the Dolphin CD (Sega CD)
Final Fight CD (Sega CD)
Lunar: Eternal Blue (Sega CD)
Lunar: The Silver Star (Sega CD)
Mahou no Shoujo: Silky Lip (Sega CD)
Mansion of Hidden Souls (Sega CD)
Night Striker (Sega CD)
Night Trap (Sega CD)
The Ninja Warriors (Sega CD)
Popful Mail (Sega CD)
Robo Aleste (Sega CD)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms III (Sega CD)
Shin Megami Tensei (Sega CD)
Shining Force CD (Sega CD)
Silpheed (Sega CD)
Sonic CD (Sega CD)
StarBlade (Sega CD)
Tenka Fubu: Eiyutachi no Houkou (Sega CD)
Wondermega Collection (Sega CD)

(NOTE: names of games in this list are by their American nomenclature, so look them up if you see a game name you might not be familiar with)

>> No.9193220

Link to stream?

>> No.9193224

>North America And Europe
After Burner II
Alien Soldier
Atomic Runner
Bonanza Bros.
Crusader of Centy
Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf
Earthworm Jim 2
Elemental Master
Fatal Fury 2
Gain Ground
Golden Axe II
Herzog Zwei
Lightening Force: Quest for the Darkstar
Midnight Resistance
Phantasy Star II
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Shining Force II
Shining in the Darkness
Sonic 3D Blast
Streets of Rage 3
Super Hang-On
The Ooze
The Revenge of Shinobi
ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron
VectorMan 2
Virtua Racing
Ecco the Dolphin (Sega CD)
Ecco: The Tides of Time (Sega CD)
Final Fight CD (Sega CD)
Mansion of Hidden Souls (Sega CD)
Night Trap (Sega CD)
Robo Aleste (Sega CD)
Sewer Shark (Sega CD)
Shining Force CD (Sega CD)
Sonic CD (Sega CD)

>> No.9193234

Are they working their way up to a Saturn mini/classic eventually? Damn, I just realized that even though the PS1 mini did well, no one but us here would probably give a damn about a similar thing for Saturn since it didn't sell well in NA. Japanese release eventually, hopefully.

>> No.9193235

>Brand new games made for this collection (by M2 and honored homebrew developers), for all regions
Devi & Pii (Special Content)
Fantasy Zone (Special Content)
New M2 version of Space Harrier II + Space Harrier (Special Content)
Spatter (Tricycle-san) (Special Content)
Star Mobile (Special Content)
Super Locomotive (Special Content)
VS Puyo Puyo Sun (Special Content)

Other anons have reported in this thread that other games than listed here, including Phantasy Star II, have received some bonuses, too.

>> No.9193246


Here's are 7 minute overview trailers, if you want to save time and just see the games:
>Mega Drive Mini 2
>Genesis Mini 2
>Genesis Mini 2 (Japanese subtitles and some audio)

>> No.9193282

Good gamez.

>> No.9193302

Thanks anon

>> No.9193310

Np anon

>> No.9193329

SegaRetro only has Langrisser II (which is on the Mega Drive Mini, so of course there's a manual download for that)

>> No.9193384

This is my biggest complaint about these minis, no manuals on them, just some dumb website it gives you a qr code link to. Actually scan and put them on the machine you can bring up at anytime and that would be a cherry on top.

>> No.9193387

Its also weird they didn't include Rocket Knight yet again.

>> No.9193395

Tin foil hat, maybe its because they are planning a modern console re release and dont want to cut into those sales? Its weird we get bloodlines and hard corps before but zero new konami stuff this time. Maybe the deal for the rights wasn't as good as before or they wanted more for Snatch.

>> No.9193397
File: 387 KB, 200x200, ezgif-3-9b02918f7a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the exclusives in each region are:

Ah Harimanada
Columns III
Dodge Danpei
Mahjong Dojo (Gambler Jiko Chuushinha: Katayama Masayuki no Mahjong Doujou)
King Colossus
Nadia: Secret of Blue Water
Mega Q 2022 (brand new game)
Sega Q (brand new game)
Ichidanto R (fun fact: "Tanto" means "a lot" in Kansai dialect, referencing the amount of minigames; "Ichidan" means "group", so "Ichidanto" means a "a lot of group minigames", right?)
Star Cruiser
Capt. Tsubasa (CD)
Lunar 1 (CD)
Lunar 2 (CD)
Magical Princess Silky Lip (CD)
Popful Mail (CD)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms III (CD)
Starblade (CD)
Tenka Fubu (CD)
Wondermega Collection (CD)

Desert Strike
Earthworm Jim 2
Elemental Master
Golden Axe II
Herzog Zwei
Out Runners
Rainbow Islands Extra
Rolling Thunder 2
Shadow Dancer
Shining Force II
Sonic 3D Blast
Super Hang-On
Streets of Rage 3
The Ooze
The Revenge of Shinobi
ToeJam & Earl 2
VectorMan 2
Warsong (Langrisser)
Ecco: The Tides of Time (CD)
Sewer Shark (CD)

NOTE: Sonic CD has different soundtracks between the two regions

Sadly no S3&K in either version...

>> No.9193404

I wish those sega cd meganet collections came out on the us machines, thats a nice little chunk of titles under one entry.

>> No.9193406

*Magical Taluluto-kun (sorted it out of order, not alphabetically...)

>> No.9193408

Hopefully since you can change regions that means we can get the jap sonic cd soundtrack.

>> No.9193417

King Colossus is out of order, too... Please excuse any other errors I made, here. Check those other lists I posted if you notice any discrepancies that I didn't, as I just copy/pasted them from a news site. They should be 100% accurate (even though that Japanese list is redundant and mixes in some of the American names of titles into it).

Are there any repeats of games from that "Sega Games Can" compilation in that WonderMega one?

>> No.9193418

Im surprised they didn't include Zero Wing in either version. Clayfighter is such a weird pick, im assuming it was a part of the offer for Earthworm Jim. Never see it referred to as a genesis classic.

I hope despite being only in us version they include the jap Streets of Rage 3 in the region settings. I also wonder if Japan will get to play Decap Attack if they switch to US version

>> No.9193420 [DELETED] 

>>9190848 says you can, my fren!

>> No.9193431

Decap Attack is only in the first Genesis Mini.

>> No.9193435

>Still no Pulseman
Maybe for the Genesis 3 it'll have a Sega Channel attachment.

>> No.9193437

Really surprised that hasn't made it. If we're talking Sega Channel, hopefully M2 cranks up their autism to 12 and finds and publishes the Garfield lost levels and some of those other SC games, too.

>> No.9193441

What does he think he can get out of it? NOBODY is doing anything with the franchise, and while I ADORE the game, the only people who care anymore are jackass nostalgia fags like me.

>> No.9193545

This is only getting a tenth of the production of mega drive mini because of the semiconductor shortage and is going to sell out

>> No.9193571

That game has some of the nicest FM sounds I've heard on a Sega machine:

>> No.9193574

>Are they working their way up to a Saturn mini/classic eventually?
Yes, they've been considering a Saturn/Dreamcast Mini for a while now, but is facing issues with keeping production costs down. He said not to expect a Saturn Mini anytime soon.

>> No.9193605

here's some NA exclusives:
> Herzog Zwei (not on the japanese system)
> Revenge of Shinobi
> Shadow Dancer
> Rolling Thunder 2
> Golden Axe 2
> Desert Strike: Return to the Golf (good pick)
> Warsong
> Sewer Shark - This one is a real surprise, since it hasn't seen a release since the 3DO days in 1993. This was also a pack-in game for the Sega CD.
> ToeJam and Earl Panic on Funkytron
> Streets of Rage 3
> OutRunners
> Shining Force II
> ClayFighter (weirdest addition)
> Ristar
> Earthworm Jim 2 (Interesting)
> Sonic 3D Blast (maybe they could include Jon Burtons patch?)
> Vectorman 2

Sadly no Snatcher. No Core games like Soul Star. No Popful Mail (thanks WD), or Lunar. No working relation with WB, so no Mortal Kombat. Can't blame them for not including some of those. But there's some interesting surprises in the US list.

>> No.9193754

See the replies to this post >>9191031 for anything else.

>> No.9193818

Easy pass, the real draw for me were the CD games and they are all easily affordable for the real hardware I own. Snatcher, lunar, popful that would've got me. But sewer shark and night trap? Nah.

>> No.9193836

Nice. I mean, they can't use the same SoC that used on the Mega Drive minis for Saturn/DC emulation, or can they? Anyway, DAMN I just thought about native emus coded for Apples bew silicon...do any exist yet???

>> No.9193885

Master System Mini when?

>> No.9193934

That's a remix though, the original arcade is FM

>> No.9194110

Japan is getting the original game Decap was a localization of, unless i mixed that up with another game.

>> No.9194198

I could've sworn I also saw news about that Magical Hat game you're referencing being announced for this a few weeks ago, but apparently, it's not on the MD2 Mini. Unless you're struggling with CERN delusions like I am, maybe you're thinking of Magical Taluluto-kun?

>> No.9194206

MAYBE if this sells well enough, and that would take a few years to determine, knowing these things. Remember anon, they make these primarily for the Japanese market, so it would have to be exceptional timing and reach for a "Mark III Mini" to get announced there.

>> No.9194387

>Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf

I have to give some credit to EA for adding more games to the mini collection. They only added Road Rash II to the Mini 1. EA was a big third party on the Genesis/ Mega Drive between 1990 to 1997. My only complaint are the lack of sports games. I understand the licensing issues. But, something like Mutant League Football or Mutant League Hockey could have worked. This US Mini 2 is going to be sold as a limited release, so I guess it's not going for a wider appeal to the general consumer.

>> No.9194418

guess you are just saying that because of Pacman CE NES. but im sure M2 did the work behind the arcade ports (trycycle, Superlocomotive, Puyopuyo2VS, Sega Q) as well as the enhanced Genesis Space Harriers, making imaginary consoles (Sega Mark V) is kind of their trademark. the only games not made by M2 are starmobile and DevitoPi

>> No.9194420
File: 1.15 MB, 2419x1814, Sega-CD-Model-2-Box01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> Sewer Shark - This one is a real surprise, since it hasn't seen a release since the 3DO days in 1993. This was also a pack-in game for the Sega CD.

Sewer Shark was a game that was really filmed in 1988, and the footage sat for a few years until Sony Imagesoft picked it up to be published on the Sega CD. I know this was the default pack-in game for the Sega CD model 2. It might have also been included with the Model 1. it was ported to the 3DO and to nothing else after that. This is the first time Sewer Shark sees a re-release since 1995. Night Trap has been appearing in quite a few places.

>> No.9194425

1988? the flying fuck?

how, or WHY did they make a game based on something that wasnt really made for the FMV era?

>> No.9194430

I could be, but i swore i saw "hat" in the title of one of the listed titles unless there is another jap only title with a similar name.

>> No.9194439

Might have been for that one fmv system that never launched, same at night trap.

>> No.9194450

Enjoy the deep dive

>> No.9194452

This was never going to happen. Its technically a lightgun game so it would be jank to have it in there and then tell people to ignore that option menu slot.

>> No.9194461

Popful Mail and Lunar aren't there because Victor Ireland probably said no.

>> No.9194467

>1988? the flying fuck?
>how, or WHY did they make a game based on something that wasnt really made for the FMV era?

Hasbro was working with the founder of Atari (Nolan Bushnell) to design a new game console that would use VHS tapes. I guess the tapes would stream video and send computer data, or something. Digital Pictures was founded to make games for the system. They developed Night Trap in 1987 and Sewer Shark in 1988. The console was cancelled. The footage sat around until 1992, when they decided to just make the game for the Sega CD. Though before the Sega CD, Tom Zito (Digital Pictures) said that Sony was actually interested in publishing both Night Trap and Sewer Shark for the SNES Playstation CD.

Night Trap was filmed in 1987, you can see the filming dates in the clapboards in this 'dangerous games' documentary:

Sewer Shark was said to be filmed in 1988. It kind of shows, when you can see the Aliens (1986) and even Innerspace (1987) influence.

>> No.9194470

>Popful Mail and Lunar aren't there because Victor Ireland probably said no.

He apparently said 'Yes", but then demanded too much money from Sega.

>> No.9194491
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Film Date: 7 - 30 - 87.

>> No.9194494
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>> No.9194517

I'm curious what the offer was. I have no sense of scale for these things.

>> No.9194519
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Night Trap for the Sega CD does have a newer intro that was filmed for the Sega CD. Sega hired the actors for the SCAT team sections and filmed a new intro, and new 'game over screens'. The Sega CD intro has the SCAT commander holding up a Genesis game pad. While in the original 1987 footage, he is holding a prototype Hasbro controller.



The 32x version doesn't even have the Sega CD intro.

>> No.9194539

I thought the games were night trap and haunted manor (i think that was the name), didnt knew sewer shark and corpse killer were also part of those games. Specially considering how 2 of them are 'puzzles' and the other 2 are shooters.

>> No.9194592 [DELETED] 

>>>9194467 (You)
>I thought the games were night trap and haunted manor (i think that was the name), didnt knew sewer shark and corpse killer were also part of those games. Specially considering how 2 of them are 'puzzles' and the other 2 are shooters.

I know a lot less about the development of Sewer Shark. But Tom Zito said it was filmed in 1987. The original game they pitched to Hasbro was a demo called "Scene of the Crime" which was included with the 25th anniversary Night Trap release. Scene of the Crime is a prototype for Night Trap.


>> No.9194596

Sewer Shark isn't in the same category as the others. It's a legitimately fun rail shooter.

>> No.9194602

and yet, people are here excited for those very games lol

>> No.9194620

>>>9194467 (You)
>I thought the games were night trap and haunted manor (i think that was the name), didnt knew sewer shark and corpse killer were also part of those games. Specially considering how 2 of them are 'puzzles' and the other 2 are shooters.

I know a lot less about the development of Sewer Shark. But Tom Zito said it was filmed in 1988. The original game they pitched to Hasbro was a demo called "Scene of the Crime" which was included with the 25th anniversary Night Trap release. Scene of the Crime is a prototype for Night Trap.


here's a small write up I can find on Sewer Shark:

" In 1987 the Isix (pre Digital Pictures) team started development on the interactive movie Night Trap and Sewer Shark. After filming Sewer Shark at a cost of $3 million Hasbro announced on October 19, 1988 that it has decided to pull the plug on its secretive $26 million video game console as it would be too expensive for most families to purchase."


Sewer Shark cost 3-4 Million dollars US in 1988 money. It was filmed by a special effects guru named John Dykstra. Who made the miniatures for the original Star Wars, and continues to work to this day. This is his only directing credit.

>> No.9194637

>Sewer Shark cost 3-4 Million dollars US in 1988 money.
Holy shit. That's like half the budget of The Terminator. They weren't fucking around.

>> No.9194683
File: 158 KB, 592x841, innerspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy shit. That's like half the budget of The Terminator. They weren't fucking around.

It wasn't cheap, and still looks really good, even today. The movie has shades of Aliens (1986) but mostly draws influence from image related. Innerspace from 1987. Innerspace has actor Dennis Quaid in a tiny ship and yelling at martin Short.

>> No.9194720

90% of the people who want to play it in english dont even know about the lightgun option. Considering they remade Space Harrier and added easy mode to phantasy star 2, i hardly think just removing the light gun option or having a disclaimer before you select the game would kill much interest in it or be a huge feat for the devs to alter. Nobody wants Snatcher as a light gun experience.

>> No.9194757

Go ahead. Well wait for you to show us your 3D print that doesn't look even 5% as good as this does

>> No.9194761

Welp, im not disputing the facts. Also, just remembered the real name of the game i thought it was called 'haunted manor': Double Switch.

>> No.9194764

I understand all that, yes, and it would have been nice for M2 to jump through that extra hoop but it's an obvious reason why people shouldn't have expected Snatcher. People were hoping for it, sure, but that lightgun thing was clearly going to be a problem.

>> No.9194765
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So? I made this, and still would want to make a mini console collection, you sack of crap.

>> No.9194849
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On that Mortal Kombat point. I think the only "I can't believe they left that one out" game that Sega fully owns and doesn't have to license was Eternal Champions CD. Especially now that is considered to be a real cult classic these days. I wonder was it too violent and Sega wanted to be cautious since majority of the titles are E to T rated and didn't want a huge controversy on a really, even more violent than MK2 or 3 title on there.

For all the controversy about Night Trap, the ESRB actually re-rated it as a T For Teen game when it was given the 25th anniversary re-release. So that's in the clear. Wonder if the m-rating is why Sega wouldn't go after MK1 and 2 for the original mini and this one as well.

>> No.9194868
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Girl Harrier originally planned for Space Harrier II. Designed by the creator of Tails.


>> No.9194885

Eternal champions was on the first mini and most people shrugged and thought whatever.

>> No.9194940
File: 59 KB, 712x720, 1429825216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cucked out of all the Game Arts games because Vic Ireland wanted to be a jewtard
Amazing really. 24 years later and he still manages to poison the fucking well.

>> No.9195112

Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World
Black Belt
California Games
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
Deep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck
Desert Speedtrap
Disney's Aladdin
Doki Doki Penguin Land
Double Dragon
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Dragon Crystal
Dynamite Headdy
Fantasy Zone II
Fire and Ice
Ghost House
Golden Axe Warrior
Jurassic Park
Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
Lucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck
Master of Darkness
Masters of Combat
Ninja Gaiden
Phantasy Star
Road Rash
Power Strike (Aleste)
Power Strike II
Psycho Fox
Solomon's Key
Sonic Chaos
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Teddy Boy
The Ninja
Wonder Boy
Wonder Boy in Monster Land
Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap
Zillion II: The Tri Formation

What else?

>> No.9195130

Buggy Run
Rainbow Islands
Maybe some SG-1000 games to round it out and/or classic 80s Sega arcade games.

>> No.9195173

>Welp, im not disputing the facts. Also, just remembered the real name of the game i thought it was called 'haunted manor': Double Switch.

I'm not saying you're wrong. Because Digital Pictures did release a game called Double Switch, and perhaps it was planned for the Hasbro Nemo as well?

>> No.9195210

Might as well add some MS-ified GG ports like Sonic Triple Trouble.

Also a MS/GG mini sort of technically exists already in the form of the Sonic/Sega Coleco handheld which also supports video out. Not the best, but its something.

>> No.9195245

Companies had shit contracts so he ended up owning the localized scripts for quite a few of these. Xseed for psp lunar 1 ( a different game technically) wanted to initially cooperate with him and the og voice actors but that didn't happen, and the split wasn't amicable. Xseed redid the translation (a big plus, since npc lines in the original were random bullshit) and had some og vas do some npcs, even the ship song was by the same lady. Vic ireland trashed everyone involved in his own forum, was supremely annoyed by his increasing irrelevance, then a more direct ps1 lunar port to iphone happened and used xseed's version. So his forum organized a "fan campaign" to remove that and replace it with vic's script. Game arts still didn't buy the rights, so he made a show of relinquishing them to allow it to happen. And then they did use it at the detriment of the game.
Fast forward 2022, those rights were incomplete, vic ireland still owned the voice acting rights. And the script was the ps1 version so there might be even more fuckery.

Lunar 1 had soft subs in many scenes but those were removed in the us scd version, meaning it can't be released in its current form, unless they got supper or another romhacker to make a rom with the asset combination that's legal enough to release.

As for the money vic ireland (whom sega wanted to compensate and tracked down) wanted for the voice rights alone, it was more than the licensing of an entire game by falcom or game arts for the sega mini 2. Retranslating the game would make more sense, but they didn't do that and used their modding budget for a handful of new ports (one is a quiz game with redone questions)

And that's why nip games are much more anal with rights issues to this stuff to avoid these situations. Anything WD is affected, even the psn versions were technically published by them/gaijinworks directly.

>> No.9195248

Wii Virtual Console had Pulseman. Surely Sega has the ROM ready to go if GameFreak's willing to sign off on it. Can't imagine them saying no since compared to Pokemon, being paid for Pulseman is chump change.

>> No.9195267

P.S. Crusader of Centy is a legal clustefuck too (Atlus for the USA version) same for Wolfteam games, yet these were sorted out. Sega tried here.

>> No.9195269 [DELETED] 

>Sewer Shark isn't in the same category as the others. It's a legitimately fun rail shooter.

Sewer Shark is oddly one of the better Sega CD FMV games. The FMV was grainy, but they did what they could with the limited Sega CD palette. The framerate is smooth. It is pretty high resolution for Sega CD video. the shooting is kinda so-so, and the game does have some randomisation with the Catfish call signs. You can't really play through the game via randomisation.

>> No.9195294

>Sewer Shark isn't in the same category as the others. It's a legitimately fun rail shooter.

Sewer Shark is oddly one of the better Sega CD FMV games. The FMV was grainy, but they did what they could with the limited Sega CD palette. The framerate is smooth. It is pretty high resolution for Sega CD video. the shooting is kinda so-so, and the game does have some randomisation with the Catfish call signs. You can't really play through the game via memorisation.

>> No.9195346

>>Sewer Shark isn't in the same category as the others. It's a legitimately fun rail shooter.
>Sewer Shark is oddly one of the better Sega CD FMV games. The FMV was grainy, but they did what they could with the limited Sega CD palette. The framerate is smooth. It is pretty high resolution for Sega CD video. the shooting is kinda so-so, and the game does have some randomisation with the Catfish call signs. You can't really play through the game via memorisation.

Not only that, but the game does have a score attack aspect to it, by killing more sewer mutants. Also, the commissioner guy will give you different messages on your progress when you do bad or well. The game isn't completely linear.

>> No.9195358

Where are the "Centy is legal clusterufck" shit is coming from? They've always owned the IP. It's just a hyper obscure game they forget they own like Illbleed, Napple Tale, Blue Stinger, Dolphin Blue, etc.

>> No.9195429

A cute and a cool.

>> No.9195434

Good list, tons of good games there.

>> No.9195476

>Enjoy the deep dive
>https://youtu.be/gewkgV5QDJM [Remove]

Yeah this video basically covers the history of Digital Pictures. really fills out some details with the Hasbro media Vision console.

>> No.9195565

not frugal enough, the joy of these mini consoles is that it means brand new games will be dumped online for the very first time

>> No.9195648

collectards go and stay go

>> No.9195650

Guessing they're all going to be encrypted like GG Aleste 3 was, so gay

>> No.9195702

Trust the community, they'll find a way to crack it.

>> No.9195769
File: 316 KB, 540x405, 8970D962-23D3-4B51-9F7D-B07A1B2E238F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Sega knows they sorta scuffed the Genesis 2 compared to the Mega Drive. Checked today and the Genesis 2 is already 10 bucks off, compared to the Mega Drive 2 which actually got more expensive after their first wave of preorders sold out. Shame they skimped out so hard on the NA release, but it saves me money as now I’m just spending $80 for the JP version.

>> No.9195865

>Mega Drive Mini 2 Carrying Case already sold out
FUCK I missed it.

>> No.9195886 [DELETED] 

You report my post again and I will make sure this is that is the last post you ever fucking see here again you mother fucking butthurt nerd ass faggot wannabe janitor BITCH N***ER REDDIT CUNT!

>> No.9195975

The people who complain about the "lag" these mini emulation boxes have probably don't even play games.

>> No.9196026

The master system fucking sucks ass.
I can emulate sega cd on my miyoo mini.

I just want new translations.

>> No.9196274

I have come to believe that the Megadrive is cursed.

>Kid at middle school wants to be friends
>not really interested, he's motherless and smells like sulphur
>Nod in a non-committal way and ignore him
>He draws Sonic pictures all day. At least that's what I though they were
>I glance over one day and really look closely
>It's not Sonic at all, some type of demon
>He is on his own at lunch again
>Scrawling in an arcane language and sniggering
>Walking to school the next day, its almost dark at 11am, swirling clouds and howling wind
>The school is empty
>I am now in your world

>> No.9196320

I like c64 version better, just for the music

>> No.9196330 [DELETED] 


>> No.9196759

I think the region switching only involves switching from the Mega Drive Mini 2's game list to the Genesis Mini 2's game list and vice versa, meaning both region's consoles have all those games announced on each of them on both. I doubt it means that you can actually change any game's version on there to another region's version of it.

>> No.9196776

Thats exactly how the first one worked. For Hardcorps you could play the jap and even Probotector versions and Mean Bean would become puyopuyo. No way are both games lists on a single console, it would be nice, but only one that sort of did that was the turbografx and even that had 1 region exclusive game.

>> No.9197613 [DELETED] 


>> No.9197804

I trust the community to thread lock related topics and harass anyone cracking them, like the autismos did with Aleste 3.

>> No.9198052

No MUSHA Aleste. Fuck it

>> No.9198072

Already in the first one

>> No.9198110

>Like make an actual, honest Saturn machine with a smaller footprint that can play games with 100% accuracy. No emulation. Actual hardware
lmao even
just buy a saturn and the satiatior, a little bit more expensive but pretty much the whole library minus one really good game that uses the video port

>> No.9198117

Emulation is ghetto as fuck. People prefer not to use ghetto solutions.

>> No.9198379

>I trust the community to thread lock related topics and harass anyone cracking them, like the autismos did with Aleste 3.
Is this shit actually true? You usually expect to see this type of brand loyalty from modern console warriors.

>> No.9198396

I dunno if this will happen
Any time soon
They’ll need much more powerful chipset and I don’t think it’ll be worth it for them
One of the main issues I think will be the resolution output
Don’t nobody want to output 480p and pushing 1080p on a cheap chip will have performance troubles

>> No.9198718

Did that actually happen? On which forum?

>> No.9198761

not necessarily, remember that due to the scarcity of NeoGeo parts and carts be it MVS or AES, assholes go out of their way to ensure people dont make ways to play the games without the carts, as in SD adapters.

the majority of SD Card adapter projects are always harassed or cancelled because the collectors dont want for their shit to lose value.

>> No.9198923


>> No.9198929

Hmm wasn't aware sms power was like that. A shame. The hope is that the hacker isn't demotivated and is willing to still do work, and maybe bring the discussion elsewhere.
I'm not too mad at smspower though. I am aware of a lot of forums that are simply afraid of attracting legal attention from big corpos, so they usually just nip it in the bud.

>> No.9198950

no, game dev is not easy (unless you are making something extremely simple)

>> No.9199243

English side is kind of a letdown. I feel like we could have at least gotten Sega Q. Several low text games are missing too? 3D Blast isn't going to be the Director's Cut? I guess they didn't waste a slot on Sonic Spinball.

>> No.9199309
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>> No.9199350 [DELETED] 

>some fun novelty gadgets
most reddit post i've seen on this board in a long, long time

>> No.9199371

Ain't gonna happen. Sega isn't autistic enough to design and buy an entire fab to reproduce unique outdated chips for a console they're going to produce in limited run, and Sega invented autism. Expect an FPGA at best, M2 emulator most likely. Remember that the English release will get garbage because new translations are out of the question.

>> No.9199373

>Remember that the English release will get garbage because new translations are out of the question.
RIP SF3 Scenario 2 and 3 official translations. Though I guess at this point everyone has played the fan TL version.

>> No.9199426

Oh cool. I guess I was using the TurboGrafx one as my reference then, my mistake.

>> No.9199428

Which region exclusive game was it?

>> No.9199689
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it's actually two games, Tengai Makyou 2 and Tokimeki Memorial

>> No.9199882

>Captain Tsubasa (Sega CD)
>Very Japanese FMV type game?
No, it's a football RPG pretty much and it's damn good. Kinda like the Famicom games, but with much better presentation.

>> No.9199909
File: 16 KB, 438x153, 2168207513_bea5ba079b_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder this is missing from both the Japanese Mega Drive Mini and Mega Drive Mini 2:

Castle of Illusion
Dark Wizard
Elemental Master
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe III
Herzog Zwei
Keio Flying Squadron
Light Crusader
OutRun 2019
Phantasy Star I (Fukkokuban)
Phantasy Star III
Rainbow Islands Extra
Road Avenger
Rocket Knight Adventures
Samurai Shodown
Shadow Dancer
Shining Force II
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage 3
Super Hang-On
Wonder Boy in Monster World

If this sell well and they sort the 32X emulation issues out, you can easily expect a Mega Drive Mini 3 with Virtua Fighter, Virtua Racing Deluxe, Stellar Assault and bonus releases like Japanese-language releases of Snatcher, Space Adventure Cobra and Lords of Thunder. People must COONSUME

>> No.9199961

Also Salamander was exclusive for USA/EU and the Splatterhouse version was different in the Japanese mini vs the others (PCE version vs TG-16 version).

>> No.9199968


>> No.9200562

Crusader of Centy is the US version of Soleil/Ragnacenty, and unlike those versions, the translation was handled by Atlus USA.

Back then similar publishing agreements weren't careful enough to assert clearly that the developers owned the English script, resulting in situations like Harvest Moon's script (not just the name) and Lufia 2 owned by Natsume not Marvelous/Taito, Breath of Fire's owned by Squaresoft not Capcom (they later rectified it), most of the stuff Working Designs touched, Terranigma/Illusion of Gaia and PAL versions of major Squaresoft games and Mega Man 6 owned by Nintendo of Europe not Quintet/Square Enix/Capcom.
Rereleases are still possible if the Western publisher is professional enough to play ball and ask for reasonable compensation (indeed it seems Soleil will be multi-language and include all variants), but it's just as likely they get greedy or petty and sabotage the entire thing.

Atlus USA could have sabotaged this but didn't. But it helps they're part of Sega.

>> No.9200572

>Puyo Puyo Sun (new M2 port, 2 player only)

wait, what, they made a 16-bit port of Puyo Puyo Sun? I'm interested in this.

>> No.9200650

Dude I fuckin love how autism M2 is

>> No.9200657

It's pragmatic. They're leaving their mark in such a way that it almost guarantees the next time something has to be done M2 is the first phone call. It guarantees future gigs.

>> No.9200780

So retarded and i say that as an aes and mvs owner. Do they not realize companies have been re releasing these games for decades? Do they think the system hardware is valuable? Because its really not, the carts are the real money and that stuff is easily playable.

>> No.9200795

You can emulate megadrive games on a freaking toaster. This is kinda pointless. I need them to release a saturn mini or dreamcast mini

>> No.9201161 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 762x312, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is NOT a thread for discussion
either gush about [new product] or leave

>> No.9201424

Why can't SEGA just make.. an actual piece of hardware with this but in mini form but still able to play your old sega genesis cartridge? Surely it can be done, except might the idea be stupid it seem but why not?

>> No.9201438

Id like their own version of the Evercade. Like something M2 could just keep doing new ports on, maybe get some old devs back to do "new" Mega Drive games, occasionally throw out some retro game packs like a Wolfteam pack or a GameArts pack, with extras like box and manual scans and some new added tweaks. Would probably be the best financial option to ever get any kind of "new" Sega system.

>> No.9201448

The mods for the /v/ boards have always had a problem with people calling things reddit. Why do you think GB2R is spamfiltered?

>> No.9201453

Anyone who still has old carts most likely still has their old console, so the market for that kind of feature is pretty slim. It would only really cater to people whose old consoles are damaged beyond repair or guys buying cartridges from pawn shops/ebay who can't find a classic console.

It's a neat idea, but it's not really commercially viable.

>> No.9201454

are you the same anon who was pissing his diaper about being reported earlier?

>> No.9201476

They could but you'd have to use FPGA or build a real SOAC. All those software emulator boxes with cartridge ports aren't really playing the carts, they're just dumping them and then playing the ROM. There's no real way to get a software emu running on a Pi or something similar to interface with real carts the way original hardware did.

>> No.9201585

So my wonder is how are they altering the Mega Q roms with updated questions and graphics. Are they actually recompiling the ROM, doing manual ASM patches, or scripted memory injections? There may be hope for translations for the latter.

>> No.9201657
File: 154 KB, 400x298, kooping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for the new games to get dumped so i can play them somewhere else.

>> No.9201868

I wouldn't count on that happening soon. See the "near-arcade" versions of the PCE mini as well as GG Aleste 3, etc.

>> No.9202163

Nobody cares.
The "final" version of Starfox 2 got dumped from the SNES Classic because people actually care about that console. The same will likely be true for this.

>> No.9202250

Whats the pc engine mini stuff? They updated some games for it?

>> No.9203038

Did Star Fox 2 have any anti-piracy? It's not a matter of just getting it dumped but getting it working on other emulators and OG hardware, which is the issue the other games mentioned before have.

>> No.9203325

The anti-piracy is irrelevant. It's only there to slow things down enough for the unit to actually sell through so people don't immediately download the ROM on day 1.

>> No.9203360

>game hasn't been cracked yet

How come shit like Starfox 2 and the G&W versions of Mario and Zelda get dumped days after release but the others from other consoles are suddenly so hard to rip?

>> No.9203371

Working Designs did the English opening music as well as the theme that plays in the star dragon tower at the end. That's probably what the issue is.

>> No.9203383

M2 learned their lesson from their Darius MD port that got dumped immpediately. Not only their ROMs are packaged in an obfuscated format (unlike the ones in Nintendo consoles, which just have the plain ROM), but they also use a different opcode table from the one on the original console, that their proprietary emulator translates on-the-fly. This is not just a matter of getting the games out of the flash memory like in other cases.

This is what has made the previously mentioned ROMs undumped yet.

>> No.9203662
File: 11 KB, 226x192, FoolSurprisedII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this talk about easy-to-crack devices reminds me that the Magical Drop 2 translation STILL has no dump out there

>> No.9204035

So the games are not made to run on original hardware, but run on their cobbled-together proprietary emulator.
Literally the definition of inaccurate, and you "people" are willing to dump $100+ on it.

>> No.9204278

Lmao, M2 literally goes through the most autistic measures possible to make sure their shit is accurate, they only tinker around with stuff afterwards to fuck with poorfags like you, it also solely affects what emulator the ROM is being played on, not anything game breaking.

>> No.9204606

What are coprocessors

>> No.9204610

why are you soulless npcs buying gimped armshit devices lmao

>> No.9204670

>make sure their shit is accurate
But it doesn't work on original hardware? That sounds pretty inaccurate.

>> No.9204709

Technically if its a new game running exclusively on the mini then it just means the mini is the platform.

>> No.9207245
File: 224 KB, 786x589, Ez2rGKHXEAkgm7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renegade, the best Kunio-kun port

>> No.9208464
File: 3 KB, 248x192, Vigilante_SMS_Stage1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same with Vigilante