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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9188698 No.9188698 [Reply] [Original]

>first three games have Lara fighting against bats, alligators, dogs, a variety of exotic animals that are near extinction, hitmen, sharks, a dragon, federal agents, italian mobs, aliens, aboriginals, mutated britishmen, dinnosaurs, among others
>fourth has her fight against bats, alligators, magical dogs, scorpions, giant scorpions, giant golden mosquitos (?), mummies, skeletons, magic soldiers, metallic bulls and ninjas (that are actually evil spirits and not human)
It's probably because the setting is mostly Egypt but I thought it was a subtle shift to make Lara less of an animal killer and make the game lean more towards fantasy instead of realism.

>> No.9188790

Yes and then she went on to kill white dudes because partiarchy

>> No.9188795


>> No.9188892

All I'm wondering is if her pistols are a magical item she found in some ruins, if she wished for them after releasing a djinn or something like that.
>inb4 suspension of disbelief, technological limitations, etc.
I just find it funny that some of the most useful items in theory —no reloading, infinite ammo, they don't get jammed, they work after getting wet— are the default guns.

>> No.9188915

Should I use Tomb1Main or the automated fix?

>> No.9189042
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I think it's just a game conventionalism. Lara doesn't use melee weapons/hands-to-hands combat (aside of AoD), and games usually have one weapon with infinite ammo, usually melee exactly.

>> No.9189073

For the first one OpenLara works perfectly from start to finish, but this Tomb1Main seems newer. Never used it though.

>> No.9189084

>unironically playing the PC versions
Oh nonononoonohhhhhhhahahhHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH
The console versions are far superior in these games, the PC versions are like completely missing shadows, lighting effects and most sounds

>> No.9189091
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Enjoy your 320x240 picture.

>> No.9189092

Remember that one Natla line in Anniversary, when she says that Lara can't kill her, because she will eventually run out of ammo?
Read the room, Natla.

>> No.9189096

For me it's the Automated Fix. It does wonders to TR1.

>> No.9189098

Of course I do
240p looks fucking amazing on CRTs

>> No.9189163

Lol, the PC are way better and the Gold version are PC exclusives. The problem is that they are a pain in the to run because they need pacthes for current hardware as opossed to downloading an iso and playing them on a emulator.

>> No.9189308
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Are you guys actually good at classic Tomb Raider or do you save scum? I managed to finish the first game legit but TR2 destroyed me and TR3 was literally impossible tier. I had to start a new game on emulator and map quickload/quicksave to the DS4 touchpad, I'm convinced not a single person ever beat the final boss on the PS1 version, it's just not possible.

>> No.9189332

>The problem is that they are a pain in the to run because they need pacthes for current hardware
>Download GOG version
>Install Automated Fix

>> No.9189343

I don't think any of the classic TR games have given me much grief. Maybe outside of India section and that underwater segment in London in TR 3. Most of my deaths were caused misplaced jumps, but I can go through The Great Wall and Venice on one save.

>> No.9189432

Should I play it on Saturn or PS1 first?

>> No.9189620

PS1 has slightly improved visuals (muh water) and better framerate: PS1 mostly stays at 30 with some dips on heavy scenes, Saturn struggles maintaining 20. I would go with PS1, it's also the most iconic version and the one that everyone played at the time. Play the Saturn version when you replay the game in the future as a curiosity.

>> No.9189641

I always wonder what's wrong with people like you. Not only it's clear as day you never played the games in question, but obsess over things that are utterly meaningless, while in the same time completely ignoring actual issues.
PC version is FAR better to be played. Less stutter, better controls, better save system (particularly in 3). Carrying about some bullshit display is the epitome of a try-hard.

>> No.9189646

>The problem is that they are a pain in the to run because they need pacthes for current hardware as opossed to downloading an iso and playing them on a emulator.
Don't make me re-upload for the n-th time the GOLDs from Cenega release, you technologically illiterate dumbass

>> No.9190694
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What about 2? TR2Main or the automated fix?

>> No.9190732

>most sounds
filtered by getting cdda music to work on dosbox

>> No.9190784

TR2Main is usually the recommended option.
Anyway, the automated fixes work just fine and do pretty much the same things.
For 3 onwards use the Peixoto patches.

>> No.9190832
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I got to ask:
What the fuck are you people patching/fixing?
>go to gog-games
>get the TR I want to play

>> No.9190854
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>> No.9190861

Zoomer-senpai, the patches have nothing to do with pirating the game. You can apply them to a pirated copy as well as to a legit one.
They are for things like widescreen resolutions, some restored content, etc.

>> No.9190893

Tomb1Main is based on Glidos, which in turn is the base for 'Automated Fix' (which is just an automated installer for the Glidos version of Tomb Raider).

Automated Fix is outdated (installs an old Glidos version), and even the latest Glidos release is outdated compared to Tomb1Main (updated regularly).

Tomb2Main is also better than the Peixoto fix (outdated).

So just use the Main's for both 1 and 2.

OpenLara works too for TR1, it's multiplatform, up to you which one feels better

>> No.9190904

not only is the pc version far superior, there is also a shit ton of mods for it



>> No.9190962

You don't get me, do you?
I'm asking what the fuck you are patching, when you can play the game straight from any given installer, GOG one being the easiest to get.
I was 13 when this series started. And I still don't understand what the hell you people are patching. Is it one of those "muh one true display of CRT and specific shading" bullshit things that actual zoomers do to play the game "as it should have been"?

>> No.9190982

The PC versions are objectively inferior graphically.
>b-b-but muh resolution!!!
Effects like lighting and shadows that create atmosphere are far more important for visuals than texture resolution
The PS1 versions look better than the PC ones because of this
For example, its never dark in the PC versions
No matter what windowless underground tomb you are in, no matter if you are diving through a narrow underwater tunnel, there's no shadows and darkness in the PC version. It looks like absolute shit and kills the atmosphere entirely. It even affects gameplay, for example in Tomb Raider 3 on PS1 in the Antarctica base, you go through pitch black corridoors with flickering lights and strong mutant enemies rush at you, and the only time you can see them is when the broken ceiling light rapidly flickers, giving a strong horror atmosphere. On PC since the area is fully lit there is no tension, and you can see the mutants long before they reach you.

>> No.9191000
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>> No.9191027
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Nothing tops sanic vs rabatnik

>> No.9191034

Don't listen to the PCkeks newfriends who want to get into this series, you will have a much better adventure on the PS1 versions, with much more soul

>> No.9191045

how so pc has everything ps1 has and more

Looks like someone never played the pc version

>> No.9191052

Saturn has longer draw distance

>> No.9191065
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Step up niggas. I even finished it with a handful of save crystals to spare. There were plenty of bullshit sections though, London can fuck itself. I'll take a while to avoid getting burnt out, and then I'll move on to the Dreamcast for TLR and Chronicles.

>> No.9191116

Love stuff like this, I'll step it up

>> No.9191119

>PC version is FAR better to be played
Setting up modern controller support is a hassle.
I've sifted through multiple forum posts where none of the solutions worked.
Playing with Duckstation extended my life expectancy, a little stutter is a fine price to pay.

>> No.9191131
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>> No.9191151

get tomb1main and stop complaining

>> No.9191158

does it works with the polish dump?

>> No.9191195

It works on pretty much everything.
I am almost sure that the Cenega release is just a GOG release with GOLD add-ons.

>> No.9191202


You want to try that again in a legible language?

>> No.9191209
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>Setting up modern controller support is a hassle.
I just use xpadder

>> No.9191230

Do it. I found TR3 to be quite challenging, definitely steps above 1 and 2, there's way less human hitscan enemies like in 2 but the level design can be pretty merciless and unintuitive in London's case. It's not as hard as Rayman 1 or maybe Alundra, but it's definitely in PS1's top 3 hardest games.

>> No.9191252

I beat 1 on PS1 like 2 years ago when I got my retro setup up and running. Will probably just play it again and beat the first 3 games in a row

>> No.9191253

>Playing Tomb Raider with a controller

>> No.9191286

>PC versions are completely missing shadows

>lighting effects

>most sounds

The PC versions have missing music in some of them which is easily fixed, and footprints and weather effects (rain/snow) in Tomb Raider 3. That's it. There are no missing shadows or lighting effects.

>> No.9191301

You are beyond idiotic. That has nothing to do with "shadows", that has to do with brightness/gamma settings, which you can adjust far more on the PC simply by using monitor settings, which you don't even have to do, because it isn't an issue.


>> No.9191392

See >>9190982
The PC versions are unfinished, its like a beta version
Play the PSX versions
Nonsense, they really are missing a lot of shadow and lighting effects.
>because it isn't an issue
Completely kills the games atmosphere, most places in these games were meant to be dark

>> No.9191446
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Thanks, I'll use Tomb1Main and TR2Main

>> No.9191785

Yeah, you can't even see the pixels in the PC version. And no CRT shader either.

>> No.9191803

>most places in these games were meant to be dark

And they are...There are pitch-black areas in Tomb Raider 2 on PC unless you use flairs...You have no idea what you're talking about. Shill elsewhere, tranny.

>> No.9191895

>its another "sonyggers come up with imaginary issues to pretend there is a reason to play anything on their overpriced, underpowered joke of a machine" episode
Gaming has gone downhill eversince Sony decided to spread their cancer all over it.

>> No.9191902

what an embarrassing post.

>> No.9191903
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>make the game lean more towards fantasy instead of realism.
Did you not get far in the first game?

>> No.9191957

I accept your concession.

>> No.9191965
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>playing chess with a pigeon

>> No.9192003

In the enemy department.
In TR1 there's only five human enemies and anything before Natla's Mine/Atlantis is mostly, if not all, animals. Tomb Raider 2 reduces the fantasy enemies to the yetis and the Xian statues while in 3 it's mostly human/animal enemies with the exception of Kali statues and dinos.
I'm just pointing out that the player went from killing heckin' endangered snow leopards and literal government workers to "evil spirits created by Set" and mummies. And while we are at it the scorpion/spider enemies always felt silly.

>> No.9193000

You're such a butthurt liar lmao
Even if there are SOME places that are still dark on the PC versions, there are a hundred that are supposed to be dark and are totally lit up on PC
I have seen it countless times, stop coping

>> No.9193003

You have a very sad life if you think corporation fanboyism has anything to do with anything in this thread.
Its just a fact that the PC versions look aesthetically by far the worst for classic Tomb Raiders. They are also missing lots of audio files. You're not a real Tomb Raider fan if you can't acknowledge these facts.

>> No.9193340

>Oh, TR thread, neat
>It's just some idiotic console war
You niggers don't even play those games, just arguing about superfluous shit

>> No.9194106

Nobody cares outside of you and your schizo opinions are worthless anyways. Fuck you, fuck your shitty consoles with a of its games and fuck the corporation you are fellating.

>> No.9195241

>playing anniversary
>bosses are QTEs
>The Cistern is now part of Midas Palace
>Lara feels guilty over Larson's death, who knows happens in Natla's Mines instead of Egypt
>Atlantis is now streamlined, you only have to swing your way up instead of exploring it

>> No.9195252

Gonna pop a vein, fatso. Hush.

>> No.9195256

>new game is worse than old game
color me surprised.

>> No.9196361

You forgot the best bit
>10th anniversary game
>Released almost a year after the anniversary
Anni is such a fucking clusterfuck, it goes 180 and turns into a joke. It's only real benefit was the amount of people I could easily convince to play TR1, since they've played Anni and were curious how the original compares.

>> No.9196385
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Anniversary is a great entry point into the franchise.

>> No.9196489

Am I just getting old or some of the environmental puzzles in Anniversary are more convoluted than in the original?

>> No.9196515

Yep, there was that new puzzle in Egypt for example where you need to rotate pillars.

>> No.9196603

It's the new engine that allows for much more creativity. You can now have physics puzzles and shit. And it was mid-2000's, the games were still enamoured with the idea of physics puzzles, because Half-Life.

>> No.9196706

I'd rather take half-baked physics puzzle than press W to get past the pseudo-QTE. I mean think about it - we reached the point where fucking QTEs got gutted down to just continuously pushing one button.

>> No.9197240


>> No.9197979

I liked seeing the levels in more detail, but some of the puzzles were terrible or just padded out. Like the Poseidon room in St. Francis Folly or the the water one in Egypt. They probably made them so the game could last longer.
There is canceled PSP anniversary remake that surfaced last year and is supposed to be closer to the original but I haven't played it yet.

>> No.9199420
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>> No.9199513

Especially since they remove the quicksaves. The cistern in the Tomb of Tihocan was a drag.
I liked the physics puzzles though, it was mostly the going back and forth that I found tedious.

>> No.9199727

>There is canceled PSP anniversary remake that surfaced last year and is supposed to be closer to the original
Imagine being this much of a zoomer
Do people literally forget the clusterfuck behind making Anniversary or something?

>> No.9200254

ESL moment

>> No.9200516

The build of 10th Anniversary was leaked only last year.

>> No.9200646

It's easily the best crtystal dynamics game, Legend was too short and had too many fights with humans and Underworld was just okay

>> No.9200664
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How did they fuck up the PS2 port of Underworld so badly? It looks absolutely hideous compared to Legend and Anniversary ones, and if you emulate the game you get lots of broken effects, like the fire looking like this


>> No.9200665

that's a succint way of dealing with retards, i'm taking it

>> No.9200670

The PC versions let you save anywhere s they are objectively the superior choice

>> No.9201965


>> No.9202391

And that doesn't change the fact its content and the whole backstory of it is a common fucking knowledge since '06, before Anniversary even hit stores. THEN, the whole thing, in detail, was covered during the 20th anniversary interviews.
So saying "it only surfaced last year" means you are completely out of your fucking depth with the subject.

>> No.9202512

Thats inferior though, save crystals make TR1 and 3 feel so much more rewarding. Also 2 and 4 let you save anywhere on consoles too.
In fact not only does pc let you save anywhere but the save crystals are still there and heal you, giving the game like an absurd over supply of heals, totally trvializing all content.
TR3 on PS1 is brutally hard, one of the hardest games ever. On pc its a joke.

>> No.9202965

You can save anywhere on console as well with a cheat, though it gives you all weapons and medkits as well. This is actually a good way to play, since the difficulty comes from the environment, not the battles.

>> No.9203754
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>You can save anywhere on console as well
>with a cheat

>> No.9203759

>This is actually a good way to play, since the difficulty comes from the environment, not the battles.
Yes, I can remember how the difficulty didn't came from the fact you could reach Antarctica in TR3 with barely any weapons and ammo, turning already challenging levels even harder, because now you had pea-shooters against really tough and numerous enemies.
But clearly, a cheat for all weapons and 1k ammo for each of them is fine and doesn't affect anything at all when you shot DEagle nilly-willy at everything

>> No.9204801
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troye has working decomps with added features for last revelation and chronicles that both look solid: https://github.com/Trxyebeep/TOMB4, https://github.com/Trxyebeep/TOMB5
not sure why tr3 is the only one that doesn't have an active reverse engineering project, is it really that cursed?

>> No.9204940

Just use save states on an emulator

>> No.9205006

>decomps with added features for last revelation
Nice, does it work? The github page doesn't explain much.

>> No.9205219

This game was designed with a keyboard in mind. It is impossible to play otherwise without stripping off your thumb's fingerprint.

>> No.9205225

>is it really that cursed?
IMO it's one of the prettiest games con PlayStation. The PC version looks like ass in comparison

>> No.9205260
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>designed with a keyboard in mind
>where the game expects you to hold bunch of buttons simultaneously, something that most keyboards struggle with

>> No.9205301

>bunch of buttons simultaneously
Since when is CTRL+ALT ”buncha buttonz"?
>most keyboards struggle with
Good old ps2 keyboards never had this problem

>> No.9205302

Tomb Raider series is frustrating because it just doesn't have a perfect game even though 2 came the closest
1-5 suffer from outdated controls and level design which is sometimes too confusing and puzzles which are too cryptic, especially in TLR. There's a reason why Mario 64 is still highly regarded and these games aren't

Then there is AoD which no sane person defends even if it was unfinished because the setting is far less interesting and no one wants to play as some dude

Legend Trilogy is a mixed bag, Legend is amazing compared to AoD but too short and linear with too much combat and dumb QTEs, Anniversary is the best modern game even though it basically stands on giants shoulders and some areas were simplified and looked more dull, Underworld was okay, there were no more QTEs and movement was the best but it was short and had a few bugs

2013 and beyond are not Tomb Raider games

>> No.9205310

>no one wants to play as some dude
Naughty Dog begs to differ

>> No.9205318
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>no one wants to play as some dude when you can play as Lara

>> No.9205443

TR3 is absolutely dreadful at many points
1 and 2 are really difficult too

>> No.9205517

I'd raid her tomb, if you know what I mean, wink wink nudge nudge.

And if you don't, by "raid" I mean "take" and by "tomb," I mean "shopping for pretty shoes."
She'd be my hag and we'd be best friends and we'd have buttered scones and tea every Thursday afternoon. : )

>> No.9205663

> outdated controls and level design


>> No.9205689

neck yourself.

>> No.9205703

seething boomers
tank controls are shit and no one likes them

>> No.9205710
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>im a gay nigger faggot and i get filtered by the slightest challenge
Sucks to suck you retarded zoomer.

>> No.9206093
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>Zooming this hard

>> No.9206101

I still remember playing TR'13 for the first time and right after the title screen, you have to cross a ledge by walking over a log. Obviously, remembering this from TLR and Chronicles, I stopped to see how long it takes for LOra to get off-balance. And I waited... and waited... After 10 seconds I tried to then just simply jump off... and realised I can't even do that.
By the time I've reached bits with automated jumps, I was already completely jaded on how fake everything in that game is.

>> No.9206104

Ask me how I know you didn't even play any Core-era TR, but still get your panties in a twist anyway

>> No.9206216

I've beaten 1 - 5 on PC like nearly 10 years ago, playing 1 on the Saturn and I'm up to Obelisk of Khamoon, so far I've needed no walkthroughs and only had a couple of cheap deaths. I don't remember much after St. Francis' Folly as that's the furthest I got as a kid.

>> No.9206306

Why would anyone play classic Tomb Raider on console except being in the 90s and not having a PC, is beyond me.

>> No.9206380

I played them when I was a kid but never finished them

>> No.9206383

Zoomers are the ones who like the shitty Uncharted trilogy

>> No.9206406

I'm pretty fucking certain that post was bitching about supposed flaws of Core-era TRs

>> No.9206584

I genuinely think with a bit more time, polish and direction Underworld could've been truly amazing. Felt like the closest thing to a proper modern TR game.

>> No.9206598

>Excellent tier
1, 2, TLR
>Good tier
3, Legend, Underworld, GoL
>Decent tier
Anniversary 2013, RotTR
>Bad tier
>Shit tier
Need to play Temple of Osiris and the GBC/A games

>> No.9207470
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Nulara will never be tomb raider

>> No.9207509

Underworld was unironically rushed for Christmas. And before that happened, half of the team had to switch to Anniversary, because Crystal Dynamics decided to pull the rug from under Core, even if they didn't have manpower or even basic will to make that game.
Result: half-baked Anni and understaffed Underworld that couldn't keep up with pre-planned schedule

>> No.9207513

>nu-Lara anywhere above shit-tier
You goofed up
ToO is better than GoL, which belongs meanwhile to a decent tier at best

>> No.9207758

I sort of agree, R above 13 though. They're barely games, more movies that make you push buttons, but they're movies I didn't mind watching at all.

>> No.9207823
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This is probably my favourite video game secret.

>> No.9207951

>she wished for them after releasing a djinn or something like that
Lara asked for a big pair of 44s that would never run dry. She didn't get what she intended, but the guns are still pretty useful.

>> No.9207958

Tomb Raider games for the GBC have even more clunky controls because of the limited button input, so you need to learn various button combinations for your movements, first one is okay but way too long with too many similar environments, Curse of the Sword was more enjoyable with more varied levels and quicker gameplay for sure
On GBA there is The Prophecy which is a decent game with a top down view but it's very repetitive because all you do is avoid traps, Fight enemies and flip switches, Legend on GBA is ugly brown mess and the DS version is not much better with weird controls and pseudo 3D movement
The DS version of Underworld is surprisingly decent though
The PSP games are basically the same as the console versions so there is almost no reason to play them

>> No.9208975

As a kid I cheated my ass of in the first 3 games and as an adult I realise it was the best way to play.
Especially TR3 is much more fun with infinite torches and savecrystals.
Though I beat all of them the gamer way but that shouldn't impress anyone

>> No.9208978

RE4 had tank controls m8

>> No.9208991

The games give you enough medkits to kill any enemy with your starting pistols, while you will never ever survive big falls, spikes, fire traps or boulders. Combat is not the focus and skipping it is not a big deal. This ain't RE.

>> No.9209061

>The point and the argument

>> No.9209389

took me right back to media play anon

>> No.9209621

I played all 5 with WASD/Numpad mappings, totally fine.
I always cheat torch, i mean you have 2 pistola with infinite ammo, so who cares...

>> No.9209893


>> No.9210210

Cool victim complex, brah.
This guy laras.

>> No.9210274

you seem to be retarded

>> No.9211159

>He said, while insiting cheating doesn't affect the playthrough

>> No.9211894


>> No.9211897

yes, he, troon.

>> No.9212305

This fucking shit reminds of the The Hive. I can't wait to play Tomb Raider 3.

>> No.9212309

>even though 2 came the closest
No lol
3 and 4 came the closest to perfect
In fact 3 is perfect

>> No.9212385

>3 is perfect
On PC or PS?
The framerate tanks on the PS1 even in the house levels

>> No.9212563

>insiting cheating doesn't affect the playthrough
never did that

>> No.9212573

Does the PC version have desynced cutscenes like PS1?

>> No.9213360


Interesting, so while the classic TR games had most difficult puzzles and challenging movement, it also had the easiest combat and except for first 2 games Lara could survive falling from greater heights than in Legend Trilogy where she would just die from 4 times her height, AoD is the hardest overall because its a broken mess and nu-Lara is the easiest in terms of everything except the combat

>> No.9213404
File: 485 KB, 3164x3164, denuey1-5f7abee7-f847-40a4-a3f7-5bc22ec15354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not bring nulara itt.

>> No.9213654

because pc gaming is gay

>> No.9213907

>if you played Tomb Raider game you know these games play like ass
please never shill you channel here again

>> No.9214067

Indiana Jones on the N64 is and plays better than any Tomb Raider from the Core era
You can't rebute this

>> No.9214689

Im playing Tomb Raider 2 and I have to say the first 3 missions are kind of ass, I dont remember Tomb Raider 2 being so combat heavy and confusing.

>> No.9214778

His TR reviews are pretty entertaining, especially the one on the reboot
And he's not one of those prudes whoc bitches about sexy outfits

>> No.9215019

Old Lara looks like she'd rape you with a strap-on, LAU Lara looks like she's into some really weird kinks while nu-Lara looks like she has zero interest in humans and only wants dog and horse dick. Prove me wrong.

>> No.9215027

Old Lara is very capable but I think she would pretty normal in relationships, she's a woman first and foremost.

>> No.9215061

Was this really necessary

>> No.9215070

Dangerously based.

>> No.9215613

>never did that
Except you did, right here >>9202965

>> No.9215615

Which part of "stop making internet nobodies recognisable/famous" you still didn't get, in 1995+27?

>> No.9215765

anon, it's obviously the author the video.

>> No.9215815

CTRL+F'd the thread but there's nothing on mods for the original games, any mods for the original 4 games that are absolutely worth it?

Already played all of them back in the day so it shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.9217549
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I just want Lara to thrive.

>> No.9218170

I'm midway Tomb Raider 2 now (cleared 6 levels) and it's getting pretty hard to go on because of the abysmal combat. I'd be completely ok if the levels were devoid of enemies, because the level design itself makes it pretty fun to explore. But the fucking sad thing is that every door you open makes you engage in a fight in that you have absolutely no control over what's happening and have to keep jumping like a monkey while holding the shoot button. Does this get better in later games or are all the classic TR plagued by this?

>> No.9218604

Git gud scrub

>> No.9218663

reading comprehension isn't your strong suit

>> No.9219976
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>> No.9220024

Is it just me or are games with Tank Controls like TR and Resident Evil easier to play with keyboard than a controller? I'm probably just used to arrow keys instead of dpad

>> No.9220057

It was never the best combat, even at the time. DESU I wouldn't feel bad cheating for ammo and grenade launchering everything if I were you.

>> No.9220081

Just because Lara doesn’t auto latch onto the wall for Zoomers doesn’t make it bad. The puzzles are also better than anything new. It’s a challenge. The combat was what’s outdated.

>> No.9220101

Hmm, maybe that's a good idea, I'll try to keep going with this.

>> No.9220146

You're just used to it, I tried playing with keyboard and had a hard time because I was used to controller. However the x360 dpad is shit, so it might be it.

>> No.9220156

Learn to roll into the enemy back instead of jumping like a retard. Combat is easy on TB2 if you position yourself correctly.

>> No.9220815

You can turn on manual grabbing in Anniversary

>> No.9221026


>> No.9221130
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>> No.9221638

>Console peasant has a revelation why he's such a pleb
A true miracle.

>> No.9222693
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>> No.9222867

Tank controls are shit, deal with it. Hope openlara implements normal controls.

>> No.9223601

>Game build around its control scheme, using it to full capacity, rather than being hindered by it
>Zoomers filtered anyway
This will never stop being funny

>> No.9223604

Well, the 2nd Vikander movie got officially axed and Squenix sold their rights to half-decent publisher, so there is still hope

>> No.9223620
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You definitely need to have double digit IQ to get filtered by tank controls.

>> No.9224562


>> No.9226185
File: 416 KB, 1280x1760, tomb_raider_the_angel_of_darkness___mona_lisa_by_vinycalheiros_df53oqm-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]