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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9187835 No.9187835 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly makes the gameplay here feel so good? How come a lot of other action games feel janky in comparison?

>> No.9187837

>DMC 3


>> No.9187840

Traditional japanese polish.
Bayonetta surpassed it though, in sheer gameplay, I don't care if you prefer certain things about DMC3, Bayo perfected the Kamiya style action genre.

>> No.9187843

ninja gaiden is better

>> No.9187847

Never touched a Gatesbox in my life, but I played a bit of Sigma on PS3 and it seemed alright. Still prefer Bayo.

>> No.9187850

Bayo's enemy design is still poor, the only fights I found exciting were the witch fights. Meanwhile even dinos in ng are fun

>> No.9187857

Let’s be real, they’re both phenomenal games. Ninja Gaiden is more punishing and imo feels more responsive while Bayonetta is more sleek and explosive.
DMC3 was in a sweet spot where it’s still accessible to newcomers without too much focus on the deeper systems while the story and atmosphere aren’t as painfully self aware as in DMC5. It’s the one DMC game that is the most replayable. The faggot calling it bad is probably the same autistic retard that spammed threads about DMC1 on /v/

>> No.9187860

These games have a big problem that's still unsolved: the controls are so fluid and intuitive that enemies have no chance unless they attack faster than your brain can react. So a good player learns the rhythm of an enemy and predicts their attacks rather than responding to tells and cues. Bayo really is closer to poker than an action game if you realize what's actually going on. Nobody can just fight fight Jeanne and win: you have intuitively learn the probability of her attacks and respond with the most likely counters before you even hear the tells. For me personally, this is a bit underwhelming. I wish I could actually do all the crazy shit instead of conditioning my brain until it's basically an extention of the game's AI playing with itself.

>> No.9187879

>have to practice to get good

>> No.9187883

Since this is mostly a 7th/8th/9th gen thread anyway... when do you think are we getting 7th gen on /vr/?
/v2k/ is not happening and /v/ is impossible to use. I want to talk about 7th gen.
>not retro!
I know and neither is 6th gen and if you press me, neither is 5th gen, but here we are. I just want to discuss games in a slower board.
This thread is probably gonna get purged due to Bayo talk.

>> No.9187921

Some skills are more fun to have and use than others, you know. Automatism you get by playing a lot of Bayo feels great to some people but not so great to others.

>> No.9187927

At this rate vr will become v2.0 now I understand why oldfags didn’t want the change.

>> No.9187935

Barely half a year after launch, /vr/ became just /v/ for clowns so sad they couldn't even fit on /v/ or even /vg/. Most people on /vr/ want to talk about modern games but in a safe space, and for some reason they feel this is it.

>> No.9187939

you are a moron.

>> No.9187946

was there ever given a real logical reason why /v2k/ wasn't made? It was highly demanded, it would have been a win-win for everybody.
The main argument against it was "hiro doesn't want more video game boards", but then useless boards like /vrpg/, fucking /vm/ popped up from out of nowhere when NOBODY asked for them, yet /v2k/ never was made and instead /vr/ got fucked with the 6th gen inclusion.
It's been 2 years and we're still stuck with this clusterfuck, yet nowhere to properly discuss 7th and 8th gen games.
>but most 9th gen games are just remasters of 7th and 8th gens, you can discuss them on /v/
that's besides the point, /v/ is just /b/ with a video game theme and SFW (barely)

>> No.9188130

>>DMC 3


>> No.9188170

what the fuck are you talking about retard

>> No.9188175

i agree, it's especially bad how the game becomes an endless mindless button masher on dmd with how inflated enemy health gets

>> No.9188519
File: 33 KB, 550x713, 44b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another zoomer game thread on /vr/ - Retro Games

>> No.9188869

No one was off topic until you posted.

>> No.9189870

Styles and polished combat. Coming from DMC2 this game looked especially strong as well since it not only was it a much better game than 2 but it also improved upon 1 in every way. DMC3 is practically the real start of DMC in my eyes. DMC4 is my favorite overall and I still need to play DMC5 before I make an opinion on that one.

>> No.9189873
File: 610 KB, 245x205, 1652365597215.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another zoomer bogeymanner on /vr/ - bitch about getting older

>> No.9190209
File: 401 KB, 968x1024, Talk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DMC3 is the best game of all time

>> No.9190215
File: 2.89 MB, 366x275, Dmc 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What exactly makes the gameplay here feel so good?
A lot of things go into why games "feel" good.

>Responsiveness of button presses.
>How good the animation is. DMC2 stinger vs DMC1 and 3 stinger for example.
>Being able to accurately control the character.
>High execution ceiling like royal guard.

>> No.9190221
File: 26 KB, 512x512, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DMC3 is practically the real start of DMC in my eyes.

>> No.9190532

Well, it IS a prequel.