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File: 1.05 MB, 1000x631, Hounds_resting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9177764 No.9177764 [Reply] [Original]

I feel bad for having to kill them…

>> No.9177782

They were little bastards, but I also felt a little sad to off them.

>> No.9177790

yeah they're just animal

>> No.9177793

Just sneak around them while they're napping.

>> No.9177801

Friendly reminder that the original design for Houndeyes was for them to be passive animals that could be fought or tamed depending on the situation, but playtesters just kept shootign them on sight every time so Valve redesigned them to be enemies.

People always go to the Antlion caves in HL2, but I consider the Houndeye redesign to be the worse playtester-induced redesign.

>> No.9177854

They look like pugs, don't they?

>> No.9177907

I wouldnt feel bad about offing animals that attack me alien or not

>> No.9178041


>> No.9178126

They got new species in Black Mesa

>> No.9178130

>playtesters just kept shootign them on sight
I cant blame them, their faces are literal bullseyes.

>> No.9178139

I wonder what the supposed problem was if they just left that functionality in. Either way it's not like they're challenging enemies. They're just kinda there.

>> No.9178539
File: 264 KB, 1280x1024, Half Life 2 Antlion Caves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to look this up, is this the Antlion Caves change you were talking about?

>> No.9178634

Unless it's a pitbull. Then it's a good thing.

>> No.9178740


>> No.9178879

I've heard this was really a joke... but is it?

>> No.9178890

It would have just been yet another useless feature that doesn't add anything to the gameplay or even makes it worse, the only value of which would be people making youtube videos about it 20 years later.
Like all of those countless obscure "ambitious" and "experimental" retro games that nobody bought.

The better you make your FPS game, the more it starts resembling Doom.

>> No.9178990

NO, I refuse to believe this is real

>> No.9179270

Based Coomer

>> No.9179271

it's the sounds they make that causes you to feel said.

>> No.9179283

You're soulless btw

>> No.9179383

Well like all the aliens that appeared during the resonance cascade they just appeared in a completely different world incredibly scared in fight or flight mode. They dunno what the fuck's going on.

>> No.9179396

I guess they only true invaders is the Nihilanth race, which are the vortigaunts, alien grunts, those floating alien controllers and the big baby himself, since all of them have an extra limb on their chests.

>> No.9179407

The vortigaunts aren't even willing invaders. They were mind controlled by king baby. So basically you're killing unwilling slaves in self defense.
Also just imagine all the aliens that didn't even teleport into an actual corridor or something and instead teleported straight into a wall or something.

>> No.9179410

I used to plant satchell charges at the little asshole's feet when I caught them napping. Welcome to Earth.

>> No.9180214

That's the in-lore reason why the building starts falling apart / the basic structure gets more fucked right?

>> No.9180351

How so?

>> No.9180478

Alien creatures teleporting into the support beams and shit and fucking it up.

>> No.9180520

>Mind controlled
More like forced to do it otherwise they'll be tortured. They still run away when hurt.

>> No.9180532
File: 720 KB, 852x480, Opposing Force 2022-08-14 16-23-20.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at him go

>> No.9180536

Friendly Houndeyes would have been superfluous in HL's current design, but back when the game was intended to be more of an immersive sim it would have been cool to have a tamed pack of Houndeyes in some areas of the facility when you return to them.

>> No.9180545

Heavy boys

>> No.9180550

No, that's the alien manta bombers fucking shit up nigga

>> No.9180575

Yeah but the whole place starts falling apart right away and you literally see aliens teleporting into places where they're trapped / into vents in the first like 5 mins of the start of it

>> No.9180612

There are some houndeyes in that biodome complex in Opposing Force.

>> No.9180647

When searched for "half-life 2 antlion cave play test" it linked to a reddit thread where someone claimed it was them who did this, and felt justified because 'Half-Life games are linear, so i didn't expect I would be able to get lost'. Might be someone faking it for upboats, but funny if true.

>> No.9180676

It's a great argument.

>> No.9180681

They had bullsquids in the canals on HL2 but playtesters got too frightend to go into the water and would get stuck.

>> No.9180976

She's sucking good.

>> No.9180994

They also had you mom appear during Highway 17, but playtesters would stop and jerk off too much so they removed her.

>> No.9181119

Obviously fake when the premise (Half-Life is linear) isn't even true

>> No.9181136
File: 1 KB, 16x125, Anon gets tricked tw(...).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw if there's a bunch of them in a room with nothing happening, they'll eventually go to sleep, but one stays awake to keep watch for threats

>> No.9181138
File: 346 KB, 691x827, 1640515897001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what way is Half-Life not linear?

>> No.9181164

dude, Half Life is a literal corridor shooter.

>> No.9181171

The redesign happened in HL2 because they cut a lot of stuff from the final game, I don't think player input was considered.

>> No.9181751

Honestly I would have thought that they just got freaked out by the guard so much that they didn't realize it was a maze. But I think that part of the tunnel doesn't even have him chasing you. And also I think anyone would be able to figure out that they were looping after like a minute max.

I really have to wonder where the fuck they got their playtesters. They actually confirmed that Eli's face model was an actual hobo looking for work, wouldn't surprise me if they did the same for their playtesters.

>> No.9181795
File: 123 KB, 1400x788, tf2_mann_vs_machine_800.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the removal of BLU from MvM. Still mad about it, especially since the code leak revealed it was a feature at one point.

>> No.9181804

>a picture for Xenworms

>> No.9181809

there are several non-linear sections (like blast pit) where you can complete several objectives in whatever order, so it can be said that it is not COMPLETELY linear

>> No.9182010

Noooo hecking good pupperino's

>> No.9182306

This is the ONLY non-linear section in HL, along with Pit Worm's Nest in Op4

>> No.9182314

>like 2% of the game isn't totally linear (and you have to do all the objectives anyways, you just pick which hallway you go down first but you still have to go down both) so it's not a linear game!
Weak argument

>> No.9182346

I wish we got Houndeyes in Half-Life 2, and the Bullsquid. Heck, I'd have loved to have seen more, new Xen creatures hanging around.

>> No.9182351

Are they anything like the Rottweilers from Quake?

>> No.9182362

YWN have a Squid-face woman kiss you the way this bullsquid sucks water.

>> No.9182370

The biggest downgrade of Half-Life 2 over Half-life 1 was the utter lack of alien lifeforms. There's the headcrab zombies, the barnacles and...that's it. What a pisspoor choice.

>> No.9182378

Ichthyosaur and leeches are also there

>> No.9182381

It's there for a single cut scene and then you never encounter one again. Doesn't count.
And the leeches are more of a plot device to keep you out of the water then an actual enemy you fight.

>> No.9182384

What about the Ant Lions, aren't they aliens?

>> No.9182390

Right. I actually did forget about them.
Still should have been more then a handful of aliens. Basically my main complaint is that 95% of the encounters in the game are military men and zombies when the OG Half-Life had a much more even split between everything so you never got bored fighting the same shit.

>> No.9182414
File: 193 KB, 503x374, Panthereye_Half Life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something else too - why not add some of the cut aliens from the first Half-Life? The Kingpin, Snapbug, Sphere, Floater, Unidentified Quiver Creature. I'm still upset we never got the Panthereye.

>> No.9182419

Imagine if we got chased by one of these in the beginning stages, it knocks a Bullsquid out of the way as it hounds us. We make it to high ground where we think we're safe, only to watch it leap right up onto the balcony near us, then leap over to us. We run away and behold, an environmental kill aparatus. Climbing up several boxes on ropes, it chases us up and up and, seeing a torn but still holding piece of rope, we wait for it to jump onto that box and, with the crowbar/pistol, we cut it, and send it plummeting.

>> No.9182898
File: 30 KB, 530x350, 1641438963793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine if we got chased by one of these in the beginning stages, it knocks a Bullsquid out of the way as it hounds u
Yeah I already played that game

>> No.9183007

I hate these fuckers so much

>> No.9183026

tlou2 dogs were worse BUT IT AINT RETRO NIGGERS

>> No.9183127

How are they tho?

>> No.9183726

Bump for >>9183127

>> No.9183818

>military men and zombies
except the military men basically were zombies too, they didn't seem to have any life to them or be human and would just stand there/shuffle while you mowed them. their muttering wasn't comparable to squad. we got. hostiles

>> No.9185463

Half-Life is partially linear, but with many open and looping sections. Half-Life 2 is a lot more linear.

>> No.9185634

This probably wasn't a bad design decision. Random maze sections in games that otherwise aren't maze games, are never particularly fun. What would it be adding to the game, other than annoying the player, who wants to get to the next action set-piece?

>> No.9185943

On A Rail comes to mind

>> No.9186318

The worst section in the original Half-Life desu. Or at least up there.

>> No.9186374

That's because of its story. It wouldn't make much sense for the Combine to have alien life forms strutting about everywhere when they're supposed to be the boss. The aliens life forms we do see are pests that are there by accident (except for the Vortigaunts).

>> No.9186378

Wow it's almost like they could have written a not shit story to allow aliens in...or just added that there were way more alien pests / invasive species that you encounter out in the wild and that's another reason why people stick to cities / the command outposts

>> No.9186385 [DELETED] 

More is always better. Valve prototyped all sorts of different alien enemies for HL2 (remember the Hydra?) but they sucked ass and were ultimately cut from the game.

>> No.9186387

HL2's story focuses on humans, not aliens. The Combine aliens weren't revealed until the end of Episode Two. It's boring to fight rabid animals all the time anyway.

>> No.9186390

More isn't always better. Valve prototyped all sorts of different alien enemies for HL2 (remember the Hydra?) but they sucked ass and were ultimately cut from the game. In the end, we still have a game with a lot of enemy variety.

>> No.9186394
File: 115 KB, 239x228, 1634875588647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's boring to fight a bunch of cool, unique aliens. >You should have to fight the same fucking faceless soldiers the entire game instead!
Holy fuck you people have the worst taste.

>> No.9186512

Who gives a shit if they're "cool and unique" if they aren't any fun to fight.
>You should have to fight the same fucking faceless soldiers the entire game instead
Literally the best enemy in the game. Every encounter against the combine soldiers is a blast because of their fantastic AI.
>Holy fuck you people have the worst taste.
No, it's you.

>> No.9186517

HAHAHAHA I hope for your sake that you're baiting right now and this isn't your actual shit opinion. The enemy variety of HL2 being shit is one of the biggest reasons that HL 1 still reigns supreme as being the better game

>> No.9186531

A faceless soldier with good AI. Alien beasts just lunge at you like wild animals

>> No.9186535

Get it through your thick, anime riddled, skull. THIS ISN'T BAIT. HL2 is superior to HL1.

>> No.9186549

Agreed. Lack of enemy variety is not an issue as you're constantly fighting Combine soldiers in completely different situations with completely different strategies.

>> No.9186613

They could have added more biomechanical combine enemies. For that reason I don't think it was because of story.

>> No.9186638

Valve also toyed with that idea but decided to avoid any direct representation of human scale alien enemies and instead visually depict the Combine as a more transparent force.

>> No.9187010
