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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.91 MB, 640x427, quake1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9168548 No.9168548 [Reply] [Original]

this is quake on saturn

>> No.9168550
File: 2.83 MB, 640x427, quake2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9168553
File: 2.94 MB, 640x427, quake3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, it really does play how it looks

>> No.9168554

i love how it looks.

>> No.9168558
File: 2.93 MB, 640x427, quake4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9168561

are you one of these two guys who shit on each other all year about the n64 and saturn?
people come far and wide to witness the retardation and autism

>> No.9168570
File: 2.99 MB, 720x491, quake.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9168573

since the remaster has a n64 filter it would have been nice to have a saturn i like these red lights

>> No.9168590
File: 49 KB, 736x736, 1641652153977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturn chads absolutely stay winning, PSX couldn't even run Doom and yet here's Quake

>> No.9168592

running at a buttery 8 fps

>> No.9168595


every frame is a painting anon, it gives you time to appreciate the graphics

>> No.9168604
File: 177 KB, 1135x2048, 416BFFED-E8FF-4749-94CA-B7E06407E68A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the point of arguing over who made the least shitty port? You can play the original PC version in 1080p on a Raspberry Pi at over 100fps. The Quake gave us the modern FPS when iD open sourced it.

>> No.9168609

All kinds of autistic dumbfucks on this board that cling to their dogshit port that has suboptimal controls, gimped textures, and shit framerate because they got it for Christmas when they were 7 years old. There is a Saturn Duke 3D autist, a Quake N64 autist, a doom PS1 autist. Just laugh at them and pay them no mind

>> No.9168614

Do you guys like video games? Be honest.

>> No.9168623
File: 41 KB, 540x405, 5611447F-C7A5-47DD-86FC-8C7F326CC65F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have more fun watching Arino and reliving the nostalgia vicariously through GameCenter CX these days.

>> No.9168775 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 300x294, 1615509646596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9168783

Not him but this has been long settled.
Nothing will beat the PC original. But out of all the console ports the 64 wins, no contest. All other ports are dog water in comparison.
I do however find the Saturn version charming, and well worth playing to experience it.

>> No.9168785

Is this even running on the real Quake engine? Everything is off, the maps, the AI, the weapons...

>> No.9168790

I guess you’ve never looked into console ports of id software games?

>> No.9168792

No, it's basically a totally different game with a Quake theme.

>> No.9168816

Y'know, for how the guns are actually 2D sprites, you'd figure they'd have some nicer ones drawn up, or at least touch them up a little.

>> No.9168824

so apparently john carmack threw a tantrum when he saw texture warping in a saturn doom prototype but had no problem with this

>> No.9168826
File: 2.68 MB, 2638x2025, saturn quake geometry-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.9168841

But, can you bunnyhop? Jump higher on ramps?
This is really important

>> No.9168912

It doesn't play great but the engine looks amazing, and there was no way you could have done a straight port in Quake engine at the time. This was the better solution at the time.

Also the two exclusive levels are great, I wonder if they've ever been back ported to PC

>> No.9169163 [DELETED] 

PSX has Quake 2 retard.
>Saturn """chads"""
your entire console sold less units than super mario 64 and your mascot is a canonically transexual purple jester.

>> No.9169664

No bhopping but yeah slopes and rocket jumps are in

>> No.9169696

Saturn doesn't run Doom because the port that was put together was completely clownshoes from top to bottom, some people blame Carmack but Bagley is vastly exaggerates the story.
Hexen is the same engine and it runs alright on the Saturn, Playstation had a port of Quake by the same devs who put it on Saturn, but they couldn't get it published and it was never released (probably was closely comparable), and Playstation had Quake 2, in addition to playable Doom, which Saturn didn't.

Console warriors are mentally ill.

>> No.9169717



>> No.9169793 [DELETED] 

stop posting pictures of an ogre without his grenade launcher.

>> No.9169840 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 848x1024, 1643188003811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would drag my dick through a mile of broken glass, just to hear her fart through a walky-talky.

>> No.9169893

Quake on PC has a small amount of texture warping because it only does the division by z to correct the perspective every 16 pixels or something like that. A combination of the 320x200, the darkness and the grainy textures helps hide the warping. By this point it's fair to say that Carmack no longer raged about texture warping now that he was guilty of it too.

>> No.9169917

Carmack was such a bitch, he ruined id by turning it into a tech demo farm and scattering all of the legendary artists and game designers to the wind because he was mad that designing good games takes more time than programming them.

And what was the technological legacy post quake that he sacrificed his entire team for? A dead on arrival, obsolete real time shadowing technique, megatextures (lol), and getting beaten at VR by Valve?

>> No.9169934

doom3 was more about the normal mapping. Every object and surface in doom3 had a normal map and all lighting was done per pixel. People had done bump mapping before, but D3 was really the first time a full scale game had done it globally with no vertex fallback.
Megatextures was too early. At the time he made them VRAM was super limited. A few years later there would be an arms race to put the most RAM on a GPU you could but it was too late - megatextures had been declared a failure and his new corporate overlords didn't want him going back and fixing Rage. Doom 2016 uses the fixed megatexturing and you wouldn't know because it worked with no limitations so with no bitching most people don't even know it's a "failure" that runs at 1080p60 on a PS4.

>> No.9169938

>Romero not actually working on Quake, instead playing Doom deathmatch or working on other companies' games
Carmack did the right thing, the mistake was not jettisoning Tim Willits while he was at it.

>> No.9170163

Megatextures is a technology that allows every surface in a game to have a unique, seamless texture map, yet because the 3D artist workflow revolves around Substance 3D and procedural texture generation, you can find repeated details within a single mesh, let alone between multiple meshes

Why are artists such lazy pieces of shit lmao

>> No.9170164

>Carmack did the right thing, the mistake was not jettisoning Tim Willits while he was at it.
Yeah I read that Willits would intentionally give McGee terrible advice that cause him to enrage Carmack. After a few too many of these episodes, they fired McGee.

>> No.9170178

I haven't posted regularly on /vr/ in a long time. Is some sperg-off going on these days between Saturn Quake vs other Quakes or something?

>> No.9170182

I don't think they really intended the artists to make no two 128x128 squares alike. It was more that they could take a texture they would tile across an entire mountain and then selectively paint more detail here and there without worrying about how to arrange this texture in a texture atlas and how to manage their texture budgets. It was stuff like, take this brickwork on this wall and then start drawing posters and cracks and graffiti and the engine will just handle it.
Doom Eternal doesn't use megatextures but they did take the concept and rework it. The artist now has to go back to using sensible textures correctly UV mapped to the objects, BUT they can also use arbitrary decals to add hires detail, which is basically what they were supposed to do with megatexturing but didn't/couldn't and now it's being handled by a multi-texturing shader in realtime as opposed to an offline megatexture step.
So I'd say carmack's was a necessary misstep on the road to rapid unique texturing.

>> No.9170187

>But out of all the console ports the 64 wins, no contest.
So? That's like giving a medal to the tallest retard, who gives a shit?

>> No.9170190
File: 72 KB, 600x375, unearth_normal2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the funny thing is, doom 3 looked worse than Half-Life 2, which didn't even have normal mapping on half the textures lmao.

>> No.9170197

never played this but the Duke 3D port by the same guys was pretty good

>> No.9170209

I've always wanted to play a game with a retardedly high budget where every single part of the visuals is hand crafted with no repetitions, like one continuous painting.
Just imagine.

>> No.9170358

How does this even happen

>> No.9170367

eldritch code desu

>> No.9170718

People say this is a marvel but the real marvel was the PSX Q2 port. It actually ran good and was playable unlike this 10fps slideshow.

>> No.9171101

Literally no one saw Saturn Quake as a marvel but Saturnfags.

>> No.9171192

because doom 3 overdid it, carmack was so blinded by his own tech that he forgot that real life isnt that fucking bumpy meanwhile valve spent their time making surfaces that needed to be bumpy normal mapped and id got so caught up in their razor sharp shadows and bumpy ass world that they forgot to make a good game

>> No.9171219

Valve wasn't able to properly bump map their characters until some guy who worked on Lord of the Rings showed them how to do it. They were going to scrap the bump mapped character textures before that guy showed them how to use Zbrush.

>> No.9171549
File: 2.91 MB, 640x497, quake 6.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly no game in the history of our medium has been more eminently playable or a greater triumph

>> No.9171551
File: 2.94 MB, 640x497, quake 5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no of course I don't only believe this because it's on saturn and I have to slavishly defend everything on saturn regardless of its quality

>> No.9171554

>he ruined id by turning it into a tech demo farm
Id was a tech demo farm ever since Commander Keen.

>> No.9171569


>> No.9171574

this is how the entire game plays btw

>> No.9171576

I liked to play this on the PC with that first Godsmack album in the CD drive

>> No.9171593 [DELETED] 

Yea but you also like diaperfur so thataint saying much.

>> No.9171608

No, it's basically Saturn Powerslave with a Quake skin. Hell, the gun's are just sprites in this version.

>> No.9171662 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 617x463, 2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's further down the spiral

>> No.9171661

I just want to be able to paint the light map in 3D in unity. That's all... That's all I want...

>> No.9171673 [DELETED] 

>Anna kang
Divorced carmack 4 months ago. They have two kids. She's bitter as fuck.

>> No.9171690 [DELETED] 

>People come far and wide to witness this autism
First thing I thought when I entered this thread. Hope janny leaves it up and running.

Also, Saturn quake is better than n64 as it has better controls.

>> No.9171693 [DELETED] 

>romero is raising his jewish wife's son from another man and has no money
>carmack produced two hapas and is now divorced in his 50s
>mcgee was almost anally raped by his own father and eventually just disappeared from the industry
>hall is just a faggot with a bad hair line
>willits was disowned by all hia former co-workers and is a pathological liar and manlet
sandy was literally the only based one in the end.

>> No.9171694 [DELETED] 

Super FX games are more responsive than Saturn Quake.

>> No.9171717 [DELETED] 

>sandy was literally the only based one in the end
correct. Adrian ended up buying a resort in Ireland. Think he was gonna help out with Blackbox but Romero couldn't cobble together a proof of concept. though at least Sigil was decent.

>> No.9171720

N64 Quake which is on a cartridge has longer load times than Saturn. And why does frame rate suddenly matter to Nintendo fans when discussing first person shooters? Their best fps Goldeneye runs even worse than SNES star fox.

>> No.9171721

I'm convinced the people starting these threads are simply autistic morons who have been chased out of every other retro gaming community on the internet for their constant console warring. /vr/ is their last safe space to make their autistic shitposts.

>> No.9171742

>N64 Quake which is on a cartridge has longer load times than Saturn
*on the first level and by 2 seconds (and that's if we pretend you didn't crop the saturn portion of the webm you post every time). give it up dude. i told you last time, this argument was settled a long time ago and it's just tiring now.

>> No.9171751 [DELETED] 

i'm quake 64 fag. back in 2017-18 i used to make console id software port threads comparing the games and one day some homosexual started trying to meme saturn quake as being better than quake 64 and then he was BTFOd several dozen times, but he persists. now even more dedicated autists than myself started recording their own webms of both games and showed how terrible the saturn version is. realizing that his cover was blown, he switched gears, and last thread went as far as to say saturn quake isnt even comparable because it's ackshually a sequel to powerslave instead of a proper quake game and is "better for it". i no longer engage him to the same degree but i like to have a good laugh at his expense once in awhile. it's just sad now.

>> No.9171760

>Their best fps Goldeneye runs even worse than SNES star fox
Goldeneye is a much more responsive game to control than Saturn Quake.

>> No.9171879 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 76x99, N64ConsoleWarrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9171885 [DELETED] 

>romero is raising his jewish wife's son from another man and has no money
He has money. They a still do. And he had a bunch of kids of his own.
McGee, last I saw, was still operating his own business and trying to find a place in the games industry again.
Hall is kinda insufferable on twitter, but I wish him well.
Carmack has a new girlfriend already. And is wealthy enough that he can work on any pet project he wants at any time.
Hope his kids are alright.
Fuck willits

Sandy is based. Has like 9 grandkids and never stopped doing what he loved.

>> No.9171896 [DELETED] 

>admitting to being pro Nintendo

>> No.9171905

Zooming in and shooting in multiplayer brings goldeneye to a stand still. Especially if there's smoke and explosions happening.

>> No.9171923 [DELETED] 

>admitting to being gay

>> No.9172293 [DELETED] 

Didn't know that, sad.

>romero is raising his jewish wife's son from another man and has no money
Romero has so many ex-wives and so many kids, which end up being paid for by other men down the line, so on that point it evens out.

>carmack produced two hapas and is now divorced in his 50s
Nothing wrong with hapas, unless you're Tenda Spencer.

>mcgee was almost anally raped by his own father and eventually just disappeared from the industry
That's really not what happened at all, his biological father tried to KILL him at like his 13th birthday party, the only time he ever met him, get it right. The rest of his life is all the more sad. I guess living in China is pretty bad, but at least he has his boyfriend/husband.

>hall is just a faggot with a bad hair line
It's not a hairline if you shave it all clean bald.

>willits was disowned by all hia former co-workers and is a pathological liar and manlet
As he should.

>> No.9172621 [DELETED] 
File: 436 KB, 503x741, american mcgee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't Mcgees sister vanish as well?

>> No.9172623 [DELETED] 

PS1 has the best version of that game

And that quake looks unplayable

Saturn had shmups and not really anything else for it

>> No.9172637 [DELETED] 

Rather just play PS1 or something at least it's run smooth unlike this smooth brained junk

>> No.9172649

At least PS1 runs smooth

This runs like a low flow toilet

>> No.9172663 [DELETED] 

>better controls than twin stick

>> No.9173027

the saturn only render quads, to make a triangle they merge superimpose two of the vertices
I'm pretty sure this is just the laziest solution

>> No.9173034 [DELETED] 

damn didnt know mcgee was that cucked. i guess thats what happens when your dad tries to rape you.

>> No.9173060 [DELETED] 
File: 270 KB, 1080x599, Screenshot_20220813-105042_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Romero has so many ex-wives and so many kids, which end up being paid for by other men down the line, so on that point it evens out.
lmao no, that isn't how it works buddy. he pays child support on them in addition to providing from his literal wife's son. he lives in a mediocre house and keeps his doom paraphenelia in a fucking small cabinet near his fireplace because he sold most of it and has little space otherwise. he did an entire video about it. the dude is a hyper cuck.
>Nothing wrong with hapas
>That's really not what happened at all
actually it is, pic related.

>> No.9173064 [DELETED] 

Is Romero still in Ireland? Is Mcgee still in China?

>> No.9173074

Saturn doesn't support UV texture mapping, which means you can't easily support clipping without generating every possible clipped variant of a texture. I believe this particular bug is caused by textures not being clipped correctly during map construction (as it would cause an explosion of variants of that texture). You'll see this problem in hellslave as well.

Yeah alternatively, it could possibly be one of the cases where they had to convert triangle specific textures to quads, I'm not sure. Also, lobotomy put out 3 games in less than 3 years with an extremely small team, so I wouldn't call them lazy.

>> No.9173079

The truth is that nobody who talks about it here knows.
Best guess is that it was very rushed, because there are some fairly obvious bugs in the program that a veteran programmer like Bagley would have been able to fix easily.

>> No.9173197

We'll definitely never know for sure, but Jim Bagley is definitely also lying/exaggerating about getting 60fps out of Doom on the Saturn, when many computers stronger than the Saturn couldn't do that, and people like Lobotomy Software, who had the best track record of putting first person shooters on the Saturn, didn't get anywhere close to that.

If he got that much speed but John Carmack complained of texture warping, it'd have to be some goddamn insane texture warping. More likely he didn't make a port which looked like Jell-O in an earthquake, but he also vastly exaggerated the performance gains and understated the texture warping. Carmack admitted in later years he probably made a bad call, but people interpret that as him saying that Bagley totally got turbo performance out of the machine before he ruined it.
Given that the port is a janky and very badly optimized mess, not just in rendering but also in audio, it feels like Bagley and his team outright weren't putting a very earnest effort into it and that they were just kind of hammering together a contractual obligation while focusing on another project. They could probably do a lot better than this.

>> No.9173204

There's also the fact that Doom Resurrection on 32X proves the Dual SH-2s in the Saturn are more than capable of running Software rendered Doom. Since Carmack was involved in the 32X port of Doom he probably had good idea of what those CPUs were capable of and where his own port to the 32X was held back due to time and budget constraints.

>> No.9174804 [DELETED] 

He's married to a woman.

>> No.9174808 [DELETED] 

Yeah. Presumed dead but no one knows iirc.

>> No.9175716
File: 2.90 MB, 640x497, quake 7.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9175867


>> No.9176238 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 888x839, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carmack already has another gf. Her old and busted wife is SEETHING in the replies

>> No.9178042 [DELETED] 

post her replies

>> No.9178074 [DELETED] 

what about adrian? i guess he can be lumped in with hall for just being a weirdo all round. based sandy though, what a guy. you know as much as people like to rag on mormons for some of their... "questionable" religious beliefs, they really do have good values and end up living cozy lives behind white picket fences. along with the added benefit of strong community and beautiful landscapes in utah, i can't say i haven't been tempted to join the LDS.

>> No.9178149 [DELETED] 

so we're supposed to seethe at romero over a jew wife while seeting at mcgee for making fun of a die for israel eceleb

>> No.9178156 [DELETED] 

Wait, he separated? What happened?

>> No.9178157 [DELETED] 

what are you trying to say here? yes, they're both gigantic faggots. romero and mcgee should get bottom surgery while holding hands in hospital beds next to one another since they both love trannies so much.

>> No.9178159 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 594x211, american.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's based.

>> No.9178161 [DELETED] 

>w-what are you trying to say here
that you're crying about jews and manlets while simping for a radical zionist manlet, because he hates trannies, i guess? still retarded

>> No.9178162 [DELETED] 

This is a blue board. Don't disrespect those of us who have had bottom surgery or considering it. Stick to the topic at hand, Quake on Saturn which is superior to N64.

>> No.9178163 [DELETED] 

who am i simping for? sandy? what does sandy have to do with jews? you make no sense you fat nigger.

>> No.9178169 [DELETED] 

>hurrrrr durrrrrr look at me pretending to be retarded
you will never fuck abby and you will always be a zionist tool no matter how many times you say kike on an imageboard

>> No.9178176 [DELETED] 

i legitimately have no idea what you're trying to say so i can only assume yoh are a manlet mulatto transexual similar to romero himself. let me be clear: everyone except sandy is a fag. sandy is a portly white man with like 5 white kids and 15 white grand kids and he doesn't virtue signal on twitter. he's based. i dont know what you're mad about.

>> No.9178181 [DELETED] 

Sandy is also a Mormon, so there goes your argument.

>> No.9178189 [DELETED] 

nobody belies you don't know who ben shapiro is.

>> No.9178193 [DELETED] 

He's referring to Ben Shapiro, you clueless buffoon. American was trying to get under his skin, and an attack on American is perceived as a defense of Shapiro.

>> No.9178196 [DELETED] 

now explain how mormonism correlates with loving jews or being anti-white.
>inb4 muh jewsus!
it doesnt matter because christians read their little book and think jesus was a blonde white man even if he was a filthy kike faggot in reality. if that leads to them producing dozens of white offspring then it's based. you dont understand people work. do you have 5 white kids? no. you are a greasy velcro-headed octoroon who thinks he's white. you probably think hitler wasn't just a freemason tool for kikes to establish iarael while you simultaneously shit on christians who actually produce white children and you yourself have barren loins. you can say what you want about sandy but every other guy on that dev team is some cucked liberal homo with hapa kids or a boyfriend and sandy is a jolly white man that likea doom because he liked killing demons and has a huge white lineage he created with his penis. he is based and you are a cuckolded virgin nigger.

>> No.9178202 [DELETED] 

>christians read their little book and think jesus was a blonde white man
>you dont understand people work unga dunga
stopped reading before i morph into an anti-semitic zionist

>> No.9178204 [DELETED] 

t. jew hitler worshipping octoroon with no kids

>> No.9178205 [DELETED] 

what are you trying to say here? i can't parse anti-semetic zionist memespeak

>> No.9178206 [DELETED] 

>now explain how mormonism correlates with loving jews or being anti-white.
What kind of nonsensical response is that? You called the others fags for various reasons, but Sandy is also a fag by virtue of being a Mormon, simple as.

>> No.9178209 [DELETED] 

>nigger can't read

>> No.9178215 [DELETED] 

colloquial american jesus has long brown hair with a goatee and a white robe with a red sash. only /pol/ thinks he's seen as the chad meme

>> No.9178217 [DELETED] 

how many white children do you have? how much money do you have? are you good at anything? oh right, you're a 39 year old genetic dead end who never accomplished anything and then you espouse superiority over a santa clause with actual talent who's continuing the white race, all because he's a "mormon", as if this moniker somehow makes him worse than you, a virgin and a failure.

>> No.9178221 [DELETED] 

you blew up the projector

>> No.9178226 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, that is some insane projection.

Especially ironic when you were busy shitting on Romero. You will never be half the legend he was and still is by releasing new Doom WADs.

>> No.9178227 [DELETED] 

im 30, i have 2 blonde sons, i own my house and both my cars are paid off. i 100% guarantee i am more successful than you in every aspect of life. you have contributed nothing to the race you think you're part of and you attack people like sandy out of envy. you are a failure.

>> No.9178229 [DELETED] 

all you have to do is mention ben shapiro and the /pol/yp will eat himself alive passive-aggressively defending him

>> No.9178230 [DELETED] 

>the legend Romero was
"let me just say... trans rights!"

>> No.9178235 [DELETED] 

>noooooo john!! what would ben shapiro think?!?!?

>> No.9178237 [DELETED] 

ben shapiro is a kike faggot and i have no idea what he has to do with this. did romero debate him or something? your mind is fucking messed up dude. you also need to stop samefagging so hard.

>> No.9178242 [DELETED] 

ben would probably suck him off

>> No.9178245 [DELETED] 

is that why you replied to me responding to this with passive-aggressive buttpain >>9172621 i don't believe you don't like him so save yourself the angry keyboard clicking

>> No.9178249 [DELETED] 

i honestly think you're schizophrenic dude. i really dont know what you're mad about. are you saying im the guy who posted the twitter screencap? just tell me what you're actually mad about and maybe we can find a common ground. i dont like romero, i dont like mcgee, i dont like ben shapiro, all i said was sandy was based compared to people who post tranny propaganda on twitter. i am honestly confounded by what your issue is.

>> No.9178254 [DELETED] 

romero defending trannies doesn't do anything to his past accomplishments. doom and quake are still fun games. only projecting /pol/ schizos give a shit.

>> No.9178259 [DELETED] 

oh okay, so you're just mad that i made fun of romero for being a literal cuck lol. what a weird and long-winded way of getting to this point. do you by any chance paint your fingernails black and keep a copy of DOOM PSX in a cabinet near your fireplace?

>> No.9178261 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you saying im the guy who posted the twitter screencap?
what's this about niggers not being able to read

>> No.9178262 [DELETED] 
File: 1.63 MB, 245x327, 844432299.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee these Quake threads are always very wholesome...

>> No.9178264 [DELETED] 

insert another projection joke here seriously what the fuck

>> No.9178269 [DELETED] 

how exactly can i "project" being a 50 year old half mexican manlet with woman hair and black fingernails who was fired from id for not doing any actual work and subsequently led a life of cuckoldry and advocates for transexuals online? are you implying that i am one Alfonso John Romero?

>> No.9178271 [DELETED] 

oh i didn't know he painted his fingernails black. flattering of you to assume i'm him.

>> No.9178283 [DELETED] 

It wouldn't be 4chan without every single forum injecting trans genders and politics into everything.

>> No.9178289 [DELETED] 

listen dude, i get it. reality fucking hurts. you ever hear that old saying, "never meet your heroes"? it's good advice, because most people are going to disappoint you. if you arent a 50 year old mexican failure living in the past, then you're his fan, which is arguably worse -- but understandable. you grew up liking the games you think he contributed to (he didn't) and you're having a hard time conflating his past with the present reality that's a cuck and a liberal fag. you're trying to isolate his past self in effort to isolate your own childhood, but what you need to realize is that he was a fag all along and your childhood was a lie. grow up and move on. this is all i have left to say to you. good luck man, seriously.

>> No.9178292 [DELETED] 

i mean even without that, the quake threads always turn to shit. they are quite unique kek

>> No.9178293 [DELETED] 

At least this weekly Saturn Hate thread is somewhat entertaining.

>> No.9178295 [DELETED] 

shut up faggot i never cared about his politics at all. all i did was make a little bit about how a /pol/yp took issue with mcgee trolling ben shapiro and you've passive aggressively projected about it all the live long day. doom is still a fun game and i guess you're just too addled with radical ideology to see past that

>> No.9178296 [DELETED] 

yeah i like seeing the saturn dude and the n64 guy going at it ngl

>> No.9178386

Meanwhile Saturn is not even capable of multiplayer for quake

>> No.9178403

Just because Saturn Quake doesn't have multiplayer doesn't mean the hardware couldn't pull it off:

>> No.9178415

And just because my mom weighs 700lbs doesn't mean she can't wear a thong bikini. Saturn quake doesn't have multiplayer no matter what mental gymnastics you pull out of your tiny brain

>> No.9178420

I didn't say Saturn Quake had multiplayer. I simply replied to your comment that Saturn was incapable of doing multiplayer for Quake. There's plenty of examples that it could pull it off in both homebrew and official releases. Duke 3D runs on the same engine as Quake on Saturn, and it does multiplayer with Netlink.

>> No.9178430

Saturn quake haters don't want to accept reality. It's best you ignore him.

>> No.9178519

>There's plenty of examples that it could pull it off in both homebrew and official releases
No there isn't.
>Duke 3D runs on the same engine as Quake on Saturn, and it does multiplayer with Netlink.
Which isn't splitscreen and is way less impressive than splitscreen

>> No.9178549 [DELETED] 

Too bad about their leaders killing their wives, diddling kids and getting away with it because they own the entire state

>> No.9178574 [DELETED] 

late to this convo, you talking about pastors or conservatives?

>> No.9178640
File: 1.54 MB, 958x720, Quake 1 Sega Saturn Playthrough Part 1 1080p.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9178665

>Which isn't splitscreen and is way less impressive than splitscreen
You didn't say splitscreen, you just said multiplayer. But again, there are plenty of 3D Saturn games that do splitscreen multiplayer. And there's XL2's engine that shows it's possible.

>> No.9178703

The texture warping makes me want to vomit. Good god that's horrible.

>> No.9178704
File: 2.92 MB, 1000x750, quake.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9180632

Great game and conversion, played through repeatedly back in '98. Labotomy really knew how to get the most out the Saturn.

>> No.9181240

these arent too bad.

>> No.9181263

It's a pity Quake II on the N64 didn't garner more attention. As a non-pc gamer, I'd never played such fast paced multiplayer action before. It's more bare bones than Goldeneye, but it complements it perfectly. Singleplayer was quite boring, but the multiplayer was amazing. Moved on from there to Quake III on the PC. World of difference with the dogshit slow console FPS

>> No.9182152
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I am looking forward to the homebrew Hellslave for the system. Quake was a cool novelty find for the Saturn, but at that time I felt FPS games were best left as PC games and that attitude kind of stayed with me when I quit videogames and I sat on the sidelines for the most part with Halo. For $30USD at the Best Buy clearance, it still was not cheap, but there wasn't much more left for Saturn games that appealed to me still on the shelves. I did finally take the effort to divorce from mouse+keyboard PC controls for FPS to dual analog stick aiming when Gears released on the 360, glad I did since there's so many more console FPS these days.

>> No.9182260

Quake on Saturn is fun, but obviously if you want faithful gameplay you should look elsewhere but who cares these days, anyone can just play the PC version for that these days, unlike back then.

The fun of Quake Saturn is the love for the engine and seeing the compromises they had to make. Slavedriver worked great for Powerslave and Saturn, but they pushed it too far with Quake with the improvements in lighting and 3D models everywhere.

It's a shame enemy behaviour is really not there, but it's the same with DN3D. It makes me wonder what they had to work with and how hard it was to adapt that to their engine, after all as far as DN3D is concerned literally anyone can read and understand the con code for the original enemy behaviour, though if you don't have the engine source code you'll probably be missing some engine related quirks, you can still get most of it. Yet Lobotomy's version was still way off with enemy behaviour.

This guy and his days-long vendetta against the port is completely missing the point(s) and isn't fooling anyone but himself

>> No.9183671

He also killed his cat because the poor thing peed on his couch. I hate autists.

>> No.9183683
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The problem is that they targeted the Geforce 3's limitations.The only thing you get on higher settings and systems is uncompressed textures and higher shader precision, which has marginal gains.
Doom 3 doesn't even do phong per pixel, unlike Riddick.

>> No.9183689

Yeah he comes across as a creepy sociopath.

>> No.9183701
File: 147 KB, 1199x1200, asperger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate autists
So does he.

>> No.9183723

the thing that gets me is how he had no remorse over getting caught stealing as a kid and said he'd probably do it again or some shit

count your lucky stars he had intense interest in some benign shit like programming

>> No.9184773
File: 2.41 MB, 640x480, idcat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That story probably did not go the way people thought it did.