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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.53 MB, 1273x954, xbrz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9181095 No.9181095 [Reply] [Original]

why do people think smoothing filters look good? it makes games look like muddy dog shit.

>> No.9181102

They don't like sharp pixels because they grew up playing these games on a CRT. The raw output looks wrong to them because they're used to games looking "cartoony."

>> No.9181118

But it looks nothing like CRT. Unless they've had a really shitty TVs.

>> No.9181125

It's not about whether or not it looks like a CRT, it's about how it looked to them as a kid. Human memory malleable. Some people just don't want sharp pixels. I'm not saying I agree with their mentality, but that's usually the prevailing reason for why stuff like xBR and bilinear filtering exist as an option in emulators. I'd say bilinear filtering is closer to how someone might "remember" a game looking on their shitty consumer set without having to overtly use GPU-demanding CRT filters.

>> No.9181183

They're a fun novelty to use for a few minutes in my experience. As far as imitating what a TV actually looked like to me I have yet to come across anything as accurate as the NTSC filter in Mesen.

>> No.9181243

OP is right, smoothing filters are soulless

>> No.9181262
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like makeup, in the wrong hands you get trashy results that tart up the subject from a certain viewpoint

>> No.9181268

Guardian Heroes shader in the remaster is good

>> No.9181851

For me it's nostalgia. Reminds me of being 10 playing Final Fantasy III (US) on ZSNES.

>> No.9182021

I don't know, I've never liked em but some people got shit taste, I just like games to look natural on whatever I'm playing it and filters on LCD screen doesn't look natural so no thank you and CRT most natural looking.

>> No.9182124

What's this 2xSai ? it looks like shit indeed, but this is so old, it's obsolete, there's much better shader nowaday.

>> No.9182132

Nobody like this anymore, and nobody will admit anymore they ever used it. These days it's scanlines, rounding the picture, fucking up the aspect ratio etc but the modern equivalent of shit like SuperSAI and XBR are AI upscales.

That is the new trend for the tasteless, and just like SuperSAI and XBR in a few years the trend will die and nobody will admit they ever used it.

As for the why, it comes from the 00's. Check reviews of 3D games at the time and reviewers will complain the graphics are bad because "you can see jaggies", this in people's mind turned to "you can see little square = it looks bad". Back then I had a friend who had every console etc and he told me "if you can see the pixels then it looks bad", never realizing how dumb this sounded because he wasn't really aware what a pixel was and didn't know the only way not to see a pixel is to turn off your screen. To this day I still believe the majority of filter users are like this.

>> No.9182163

>why do people think smoothing filters look good? it makes games look like muddy dog shit.
The PC delusion that you can "improve" how a games look, and yes this is a PC problem that should be eradicated like the cancer it is.

>> No.9182516

I have never understood how anyone could tolerate filtering. It really does look like absolute shit.
CRT > pixels >>>>>>>>>>> filters

>> No.9182550

I readily admit I used it back in the day. Back then, seeing square pixels was considered a limitation. If someone makes a low resolution "pixel-y" game today it's an artistic choice and not because we can't do any better. We're seeing the same shift with low polygon counts today too in 3D games where people see low-poly games as soulful and not just a limitation of the hardware.

>> No.9182674

>raw output
Stop using this word to refer to emulator integer scaling you stupid fucking troon piece of shit.
What comes out of the consoles is the raw output.

>> No.9182680

it's really simple. they are fucking retarded. if someone is defending it remember they are retarded.

>> No.9182687
File: 88 KB, 676x911, soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If someone makes a low resolution "pixel-y" game today it's an artistic choice
No it's not.
Even troon indie games look better on a CRT at their native res or preferably on an LED Grid.

Integer scaling is garbage and ruined entire generations.
There is NOTHING WRONG with square pixels, but there is plenty wrong when you multiply them with integer scaling.

Celeste being played on a 128x128 LED Matrix

People need to be educated on this already.

>> No.9182690

Integer scaling =/= Raw pixels
See >>9182687

>> No.9182704

I play games any way I want. I'm sorry if what I do with my time causes you physical pain. But I can't be responsible for your emotional damage. Maybe talk to someone, get help. Don't be afraid to tell your mother you're having problems and anonymous people on the internet are hurting your feelings.

>> No.9182716

>w-well no ACKTUALLY...
You have crippling autism and you need to kill yourself ASAP.

>> No.9182771

No the one who needs to kill himself is you you fucking neckbeared pos

>> No.9182772
File: 167 KB, 1440x1440, monkey_island_crt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with integer scaling. It just simulates the look of lower resolutions.

>> No.9182787

Arguing over semantics no one gives a shit about is literal neckbeard incel behavior. Neck yourself. You contribute nothing to the thread.

>> No.9182807

>No, you can't have it look how I hate it, you can only have it how I like it.

>> No.9182808
File: 211 KB, 1280x720, hq720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It just simulates the look of lower resolutions.
No it does not you double nigger. It just oversharpens shit.
Integer scaling will not look like pic related.

Integer scaling is goddamn meme that needs to die.

Another cool video of a low res LED Matrix. Once again it looks NOTHING like the Integer Scaling meme.


There is a reason LED Grid Shaders are a thing.

>> No.9182819 [DELETED] 

stop shitting up the thread you fucking tard, no one cares about your youtube channel

>> No.9182836
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not semantics you fucking NIGGER.
Integer Scaling looks NOTHING like Native Low Res LED/LCD screen.

Low Res LED/LCD screen looks similar to a CRT.

>> No.9182843

>Integer scaling will not look like pic related.
and that's a good thing? wtf is that monstrosity

>> No.9182851

No one ITT plays their video games on a tiny LCD lightbulb circuit. No one cares. Fuck off.

>> No.9182852 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up you neckbeard piece of shit
Stop spreading misinformation and fucking kill yourself

>> No.9182862 [DELETED] 

Stop derailing the thread with off-topic garbage.

>> No.9182865 [DELETED] 

See >>9182852

>> No.9182881

That's a close-up of a bunch of Big RGB LED Matrices combined zoom zoom.
The camera is very zoomed in to show off the detail.

These are also Game Boy/Game Boy Color games so the resolution is quite a bit lower too.

>> No.9182886 [DELETED] 

It is very much on-topic you neckbearded scumbag.

>> No.9182896 [DELETED] 

This is a thread about emulator filters, not about your shitty pet projects that you cooked up for an electrical engineering project.

>> No.9182903

Blurry CRT filters are nowadays' Super Eagle.

>> No.9182913 [DELETED] 

Stop spreading misinformation you stupid fucking neckbeard. Stop calling integer scaling "raw pixels" while indicating that consoles weren't outputting raw signals(when they fucking were).
Get the fuck out of my hobby you fucking cancer.

>> No.9182956 [DELETED] 

Just die sperg. This isn't about you.

>> No.9182958 [DELETED] 

you seem angry

>> No.9183915
File: 397 KB, 3840x2160, myeyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can look good in some games.

>> No.9184117

Dali's Melting Playstation.

>> No.9184504
File: 1.29 MB, 2491x1899, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the phone processing eating the details? lower res should output like pic related.

>> No.9184508

This is like a video game reimagined by French impressionists


>> No.9184510

Pretty sure that's just bog-standard line-doubling, which was standard with VGA-era DOS games. I do see there's no such thing going on in your shot, though.

>> No.9184624

Thanks for teaching me something new. So back in the day, VGA cards basically already did integer scaling for resolutions lower than 640x480?

>> No.9184662

>why do people think smoothing filters look good?
Huge ass screens thet weren't designed for those old CRT era games. Also shit taste probably has a hand to play there.

>> No.9185454

Something like that. The whole reason for it is VGA monitors only synced at a minimum of 31KHz or so, but they wanted to retain backwards compatibility with older CGA and EGA games and applications, which ran at 320x200@60Hz, so the solution was to line-double and run them at 70Hz, so they became 320x400@70Hz. Hi-res EGA games ran at 640x350@60Hz, so they just ran those as-is with letterboxing (I think also at 70Hz, but I could be wrong, been some time). As for actual VGA games, they could run at 640x480@60Hz, but only at 16 colors at the time, so they opted for another mode called Mode 13h, which allows for 256 colors, but at line-doubled 320x200@70Hz, just like CGA and EGA games.

>> No.9187719

Nobody can actually be this autistic. There's no way.
And LEDs don't look like a CRT at all. You're blind and retarded if you really believe this shit.

>> No.9188529
File: 1.68 MB, 3984x2656, IMG_1014m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9188563

Been using them for decades and never had a problem.

>> No.9188608

I want to see this in motion.

>> No.9188683

Why do you care?

>> No.9189376

Lemmings ftw

>> No.9190167
File: 156 KB, 640x640, 1506653654144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9190175
File: 8 KB, 120x100, 1500941036034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you basically don't want any pixel art game to be upscaled?

So if I had a monitor that was 1024x512 or some shit and the game was based on this resolution, you'd call it ok? It's only if my monitor is double this size and it just upscale the game's window to fit that, is when it's a problem?

>> No.9190389

Brain dead zoomers who are too lazy to carry a crt home

>> No.9190395

Even cheapest consumer CRTs look better than footage on any LED screen