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File: 11 KB, 320x240, celda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9173904 No.9173904 [Reply] [Original]

How did (you) react?

>> No.9173912

I don't have autism, OP. I'm sorry.

>> No.9173929

I never played any of the 3d zelda games. well I tried the first one on n64 but stopped after the first temple. it was ok.
I did enjoy the 2d zelda games and zelda 2 was great for an action rpg. I got to ganon in it but never beat him even after all these years.
but the 3d ones dont interest me so I never played them. I heard some were hit and miss

>> No.9173959

I was like 5 years old so I was excited for the cartoon zelda and didn't know anyone was angry about it

>> No.9173963

I'm no Zeldor purist but they're good games anon, particularly LttP 2 which I played on an emu in 4k and found it brilliant.

>> No.9174017

Were people genuinely upset about Wind Waker's art style? Because that's the least of its problems.

>> No.9174067

>i am 9 and this looks okay
>maybe i'll check it out after i beat mojimbo's mosque

>> No.9174091

Take into account the time during which this reveal took place, and put yourself in the shoes of Nintenkiddies back then. We were hot off the heels of OoT and MM. Spaceworld 2000 had shown a cool sword battle between OoT Link and Ganondorf, implying something like OoT but bigger and better was on the way, with the power of Nintendo's new console to push the graphics beyond our wildest dreams. By that point the PS2 was out, Xbox was on the horizon, and the jokes about the kiddy purple lunchbox were already taking hold. Nintendies like myself were insecure as fuck and seething at the likes of GTA and Halo not coming our way, but hey, at least we got a darker and more mature Zelda being made, shit's gonna be wild!

And then instead of reassuring us that everything was fine and cool shit was coming, Nintendo quintupled down on the kiddy shit and we get this faggot cartoon kid instead. No wonder I and others flipped the fuck out.

Thankfully, I grew up a bit in between that time and when the game released, and figured hell, it's still gotta be good, it's Zelda, so I bought it and enjoyed it for what it was.

>> No.9174129

OP, I finished the game on Dolphin at 5fps. That is how I react to this game. I love it.

>> No.9174241
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I cringed.

>> No.9174248

The real thing that ruined zelda was not letting Link keep the brown sleeves

>> No.9174285

you don't understand they were very MATURE and ADULT gamers who only played very ADULT and MATURE children's games

>> No.9174295

>hurr all games are for kids
FUck off. As if any kid could appreciate LTTP or yoshis island. Those games are masterworks.you're just some pessimistic loser

>> No.9174306

wind waker was good

>> No.9174325

Since when are cartoony graphics inherently childish anyway?

>> No.9174330

>any kid could appreciate LTTP or yoshis island
But the game were aimed at them. It doesn't matter if only an adult could appreciate all the work behind it.

>> No.9174340

Imagine if they tried to make a Metroid game where everyone is a big headed chibi. It's not inherently wrong but it's a bad fit for the established feel for the series and emphasizes it's for a younger audience.

>> No.9174348

This explains it perfectly,I was expecting something like oot but with cutting edge graphics and they just took a giant shit on the fans as usual,that's why they released twilight Princess to make up for it but it was too late then.

>> No.9174354

I had fun, that's how I reacted. I will say that it's kinda empty on the sea though.

>> No.9174395
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But they did.

>> No.9174407

The more I read about Miyamoto the more he seems like a pedantic asshole

>> No.9174428

...a pedantic asshole who just happened to be right

>> No.9174435

You're still talking about the series where the main character gets turned into a cutesy bunny rabbit in one of the most beloved entries before this point, right?

>> No.9174436

the final boss of zelda 2 is the thunderbird then dark link

>> No.9174437

Ganon isn't a boss in Zelda 2, though.

>> No.9174439

More like cell-da, amirite?

>> No.9174457

its been so long I honestly dont remember. It was a very brief moment in time. I vaguely remember dark link. Now I think I should go back and play thru it again.

>> No.9174481

The cutesy bunny that you're only for a tiny moment and exists to emphasize you as defenseless and weak?

>> No.9174487

lol who do you think most of the people who played and appreciated those games originally were?

>> No.9174501

yeah that's my point, it was just a dumb teenage boy attitude of the time

>> No.9174504

attp was cartoony

>> No.9174505

Shitty /v/ bait thread. The rule change was a mistake.

>> No.9174516
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There are different kinds of cartoons, yes.

>> No.9174606
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>interpreting video games

>> No.9174608

>left hand

>> No.9174661

Link is literally, canonically left-handed

>> No.9174663

not in my copy

>> No.9174670

t. twilight princess wii owner (fag)

>> No.9174673

and also the other games dude

>> No.9174675

i was 10 years old and thought it looked gay as fuck when i saw it. ended up buying it and became obsessed with it for like 4 years. went back to it as an adult and mostly hate it now. funny how time changes a man...

>> No.9174691
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>WW comes out
>OOTfags hate it for its visuals
>millennials who grew up playing it praise it for its visuals
And the game itself is still a tech demo with no content

>> No.9174701
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I agree that the game has content issues but I still think that what's there is pretty comfy. I know gameplay is important but visuals/presentation/music also contributes a lot.

>> No.9174740

It does start great, but then fizzles out after that tower dungeon Imo. TP was the opposite, beginning so bad I almost dropped it, but it got better. Duality of cube.

>> No.9174783

cumming so hard when i got to actually play the demo myself, and steal the weapons from enemies. it was honestly surprising that nintendo didn't bring back that "feature" until botw

>> No.9174794

>the game that flopped so hard they dmca'd a fan project so they could do it instead but worse

>> No.9174824

The exact moment Zelda was ruined was when Breath of the Wild was released, it moved away entirely from everything that is Zelda.
Given its success, that's all we're gonna get from now on.

>> No.9174827

>The exact moment Zelda was ruined was
when they made Eiji Aonuma a director because he doesn't understand what Zelda is and thinks Octoroks are the most scary threatening monster in video games.

>> No.9174830

spooooky octopus

>> No.9174853

i think i hate aonuma now and love tezuka, im convinced. fuck that guy. and fuck his fancy zelda shirts too.

>> No.9174887
File: 61 KB, 848x479, 1660396588328459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Troon Link apologists BTFO by Satoru Iwata himself

OH NO NO NO NO...... GameCube "sisters", we got too cocky.....

>> No.9174947

Links sword is stupid.
Link is stupid.
He's holding the wrong shield
Celda was so dumb.

>> No.9175143

Breath of the Wild was tight. The sequel is probably gonna be great.

>> No.9175151

Yeah I enjoyed Skyrim too

>> No.9175159

not retro i dont care about modern trash and yes im younger than you

>> No.9175162

I reacted defensively
>just wait for it to come out!
>it's going to be great!
>zelda games never let us down before
Then it came out and I got far but never beat the game, didn't know why at the time. Eventually picked it up MUCH later on the wii with homebrew (diosmios at the time) and didn't really enjoy it much, eventually dropped it again as I played other games. Finally beat it with the Wii U version and I realized the game just sucks. There's way too many problems and it's not remotely fun.

I can say I beat it, but I was completely wrong about it pre-release. Nobody hated the art style, they hated how shitty it was and how the game was presented as an easy baby game full of easy baby shit because it is.

>> No.9175165

i dont see how its easy at all
also it has amazing exploration
I think you're just not giving the game a chance. WW is the closest zelda has ever gotten to being like the original NES game. its honestly incredible.

>> No.9175167

Skyrim was a little disappointing. I really loved Morrowind and Oblivion.
Now that's epic.

>> No.9175172

>I think you're just not giving the game a chance.
Normally I would agree with posts like yours but they said they beat the game, anon. Some people just didn't like how easy it was. I loved Wind Waker but I can understand why it would fail to keep people engaged. Taste is subjective.

>> No.9175174

its not fucking easy. its honestly one of the hardest zeldas. its the only 3d one where i died. and its puzzles are insanely creative and actually made me look around the room.

>> No.9175176

>I think you're just not giving the game a chance
I gave it 3 chances and it did nothing for me, even after beating it

>> No.9175179

I dont understand why Windwaker gets called the easiest game. that game will throw 3 darknuts at you. also all the enemies actually block and do it often.
3 darknuts +2 moblins at once while having to dodge wizzrobes and other gremlins
Yeah okay, '''easy'''
people just say its easy because of the graphics

>> No.9175181

I can't say I agree it was one of the hardest, and I certainly don't agree that it was the only one where you have to look around the room. There was a lot of that in Ocarina of Time. No need to get worked up over differing opinions about video games. I realize how ironic it is of me to have typed that in this thread, of all threads.

>> No.9175185

I honestly found the swordplay pretty easy throughout Wind Waker. My opinion has nothing to do with the art style; I love the art style. I'm a big fan of Minish Cap and Four Swords Adventure in addition to Wind Waker for that very reason.

>> No.9175196

Bullshit you found it easy way to subtly imply im shit at games, who do you think you are exactly?

>> No.9175247
File: 1.22 MB, 800x902, TLoZ_FDS_Box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only retard here is you.

>> No.9175253

I'm your new stepdad, or something.

>> No.9175261

why the fuck do they keep drawing Link's sword in such a retarded way? look at the grind. They kept that retarded style consistent all the way up to TP.
Literally why? it makes no fucking sense and it doesnt make the sword look any cooler. Where did the japanese learn to draw swords like this?

>> No.9175262

>it makes no fucking sense and it doesnt make the sword look any cooler.
It actually looks cool and you are objectively my inferior.

>> No.9175274
File: 34 KB, 563x743, katana2_zpsc9ab4427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it. By far the most expressive version of Link, far from the cardboard cutout he is in other games, and sailing was a lot of fun
He seems like a right cunt to be honest
Japanese swords have a bevel at the tip, and old school anime style art usually shows the same on western style swords

>> No.9175284

That shit happens like one fucking time in the whole game.

That's like saying OoT is hard because of Iron Knuckles when they appear like twice in the entire game. I used to piss off both of them in Ganon's Tower for fun

>> No.9175294


>> No.9175296

>WW is the closest zelda has ever gotten to being like the original NES game
lol, lmao even

>> No.9175318

in this one case yeah, but don’t forget he ruined Paper Mario.

>> No.9175331


I didn't buy it. It was too gay

>> No.9175341

what? it happens several times in the game

>> No.9175361

This fucking wind waker link was the face of zelda for like 10 years it felt like, he was on the cover of every fucking zelda game released on gamecube, GBA and DS. Fuck wind waker

>> No.9175365
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>> No.9175381

>I got to ganon
Based zoomie larping as a boomie

>> No.9175421

I love Toon Link!

>> No.9175429

I bought a gamecube specifically to play this game.

>> No.9175462
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>> No.9175469
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>The EXACT moment Zelda was ruined forever

>> No.9175474 [DELETED] 
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Don't call anybody!

>> No.9175479

That game was amazing and looked awesome. Only inbred retards wanted adult link turning into a furfag.

>> No.9175482

Just like your parents when you were born.

>> No.9175484

You yourself were a dumbass kid when you played those, you anal spasm. Also Yoshi's Island was a fucking mistake.

>> No.9175509
File: 441 KB, 882x728, it's aonuma style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9175539

SNES Zelda and its fucking storyshit and pain in the ass "gameplay".

>> No.9175579

>Posts 87
>Posters 48

Ah it's another OP samefagging throughout the entire thread to keep it bumping for the next three weeks thread

>> No.9175594

>literally lose your attacks

>> No.9175626

People were expecting this


and got that >>9173904 instead.

Then we got Twilight Princess and it still sucked anyway.

>> No.9175652

Keep in mind that the intial Wind Waker trailer is a terrible video and further, Nintendo revealed it with a NO FOOTAGE ALLOWED debut. It was never meant to be seen publically. They made a trailer and got pissed when people actually saw it.

>> No.9175724

I do remember the first WW pics to look horrendous. What changed my mind was seeing it in motion in the commercials.

>> No.9175814

>posting in a thread about a game you haven’t played

>> No.9175829
File: 7 KB, 480x360, 5F63847B-308A-4018-8314-54F5395DD679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh he got to Ganon alright
probably took him ten minutes

>> No.9176086


>> No.9176103

Yea the stage was set w OoT and MM like you said. The space world video, especially at that time, was insane! For them to drop that cartoony shit in its place, yeah that ended the series for me and I haven’t touched Zelda since. I think it even ruined the handheld titles because they went away from the OG 2d art and started shitting those up. I’d say this game broke Nintendo’s hold on me as a fan. I still enjoy some of their games here and there but this did more then just ruin Zelda for me personally.

>> No.9176186

lmao, getting this broken up over an art style change

>> No.9176540

Yes extremely. But based on what these guys >>9174091 >>9175626 said. Nintendo put out a demo with more bishie anime Link being a badass and people thought that was a piece of the next upcoming game. WW toon Link being rolled out in 2003 just enraged everyone because they had prior expectations.

Also 2003 was kind of the height of the anime fandom being fuckhuge and mainstream so everything cool had to be classic anime looking in some way and definitely not horrible evil western cartoons. Western studios were trying their hardest to imitate anime look at that time too.

Nintendo definitely tried really hard to make the WW style the new permanent look of Zelda around that time. The GBA and NDS games keeping it up, Four Swords Adventures appearing on Gamecube, everything was Toon Link up to Twilight Princess on Wii.

>> No.9176558

Paper Mario was never good

>> No.9176582

The most perfect moment is there's a long keynote presentation that people reported on from Aonuma about the events development of and events that led to Twilight Princess, and there's a moment when the subject is on the DS Zelda games where he goes "Toon Link wasn't well accepted by customers" and then immediately follows it up with "I asked my staff to put Toon Link in the DS Zelda"

>> No.9176592

Yes. Bigtime. We were all freaking out on the message boards back in the day.

You're right. It was the least of it's problems. When it came out most actually liked the style and art. It gave it an almost 3D LttP feel. Character designs were still meh, but the world was pretty, when it was artificially blurred.

>> No.9176746
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Nintendo was a toy company back then. Everything Nintendo made in the first years of the Famicom was a simplified version of some other game, theme, story. This is why there is no continuity between games. There are way too many expectations from childrens toys and media. They are for profit short media. Not a bible, koran, teachings of buddha, etc... People are sadly looking in the wrong places for what they need.

>> No.9176949

I missed all the anger because I didn't visit any online Zelda communities or had any awareness of the other renders. Played it without a guide and remember really liking it for the exploration and world interactivity. I've been meaning to play it again to see how I'd feel about it now.

>> No.9176984

I don't think zoomers realize how insane the anime look and everyone trying to imitate it was in the early 00s. Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon were pumping out random half assed garbage that might as well have been animated versions of the how to Draw Manga books. Everyone wanted an anime block on their channel, and Deviantart was not fetish fuel yet, but a series of people drawing anime style versions of western toon characters carrying big swords.

>> No.9177086

For context, OP's video is this trailer, which was never meant to be seen by the general public only journalists

This is first footage someone not in the industry would see "officially" of Wind Waker

>> No.9177146

This isn't BotW.

>> No.9177364
File: 132 KB, 249x354, Link-Red-Tunic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just wears a tunic over his other garments, its ok?

>> No.9177392

You can unlock brown sleeves in the latest game, funnily enough. I wanna say you have to beat all of the shrines to get the whole outfit though.

>> No.9177426

Is it worth playing the GBC games? (awakening, seasons, ages). I've been going through the 2D games in order and it's so hard to go from alttp to la, with the shit graphics and tiny claustrophobic screens.

>> No.9177437

They are some of the best in the series though having to pause every 5 seconds to switch items does suck though, LA got a remake that fixes that but similar to WWHD it completely fucks the artstyle of the game.

>> No.9177460

Because the nes game railroaded you through the first half of the game right?

>> No.9177526
File: 772 KB, 280x252, thank you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are fun.
As far as Zelda is concerned, 2D is best D.

>> No.9177542

I'd recommend you give Link's Awakening a fair chance. The GBC games are very similarly presented, just in color. You might like the DX version of Link's Awakening a little bit more since it's also a Game Boy Color game.

>> No.9177576

there was a lot of complaining about it on gamefaqs back then

>> No.9177671
File: 203 KB, 800x800, hyrule-warriors-classic-tunic1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have the 8-bit Link amiibo there is also brown sleeves on the Classic Tunic. However, Hyrule Warriors did it first because when the 3DS port was announced they just patched in for free a Classic Tunic for Link into the Wii U game. It was a preorder bonus for the 3DS version in Europe and Japan, but it's a regular old unlockable in the Switch version.

>> No.9178263

Ok there bud time to turn off fortnite and get ready for bed you got a big day tomorrow

>> No.9178538

No, nononono, buddy, fuck you. Wind Waker was a fantastic game with a beautiful visual style. Fuck all the fat edgelords like you who continue shitting on it out of some protracted adolescent bullshit.
Fuck you to death.

>> No.9178552

This was the era of Linkin Park and George Bush. They cockteased the fans with a dark fantasy tech demo in 2000 perfect for the times, and then they came out with Wind Waker rofl

>> No.9178564

>a beautiful visual style
Do-do-Dora! Dora the Explorer!

>> No.9178643


>> No.9178646


anon, the previous 3D game was Majora's Mask and the Gamecube tech demo looked like an Ocarina remake/successor, do the math

>> No.9178823

Wtf? Almost everyone who played and loved those two back then were kids. Adults did not really play games back then, it was 99% kids

>> No.9178930

magazines (printed) were a bit pissed off when this happened in Spaceworld I think

>> No.9178940

I liked it. I'll admit I was 12 at the time but had already played every other Zelda game to death and was a big fan. I was confident it wouldn't be a permanent change and I enjoyed it for what it was. I liked the game more that Twilight Princess, which felt dead and empty more than any other Zelda game.

>> No.9178947 [DELETED] 

There is any good Zelda after Majora Mask and Breath of the Wild is overrated garbage not a real Zelda game

>> No.9178986 [DELETED] 

BotW is probably the closest thing to a real Zelda game since the original.

>> No.9178996 [DELETED] 

>this faggot retard take again
this is literally a freezer temp IQ reddit opinion. there is nothing remotely similar about BotW and Zelda 1 outside of both being open world action-adventure games. that is literally it. BotW is closer to Oblivion or Skyrim than Zelda 1 -- in fact, according to the devs, Skyrim influenced BotW. BotW has no real dungeons, has tons of chatty NPCs and towns, has gay shit like paragliding, has no real tool items since everything is condensed into a fucking magical ipad, has stats and 1000 meaningless collectible items like every shit tier RPG ever made, is complete with a fucking a stamina meter. you are mentally retarded child if you think BotW and Zelda 1 have fucking anything to do with one another, and don't even try using that gay webm of the Zelda 1 prototype the devs made to plot out the world design as an excuse because it didn't end up being the game. now stop with this meme.

>> No.9178998

these mods are out of fucking control. somevody needs to start doxxing.

>> No.9179890
File: 9 KB, 147x200, 1590086029196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually remember exactly what I said as soon as it was shown to me
>"Did they not have enough memory for real textures?'
I was very worried how sparse the world would be before I even knew about the sea... that gave me really bad feelings

>> No.9179913
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>OOTfags hate it for its visuals
>millennials who grew up playing it praise it for its visuals
Millennial are OoTfags you idiot. We played OoT when it came out. Maybe late birth year range didn't but the cutoff starts at 1981. I was 1986 and played OoT but never bought a gamecube or played Windwaker.

>> No.9180598
File: 78 KB, 640x591, linksawakeningphotos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9180619

Fuck this faggot loser. Miyamoto should behead him with a katana.

>> No.9180624

>art direction has no bearing on a game

Low IQ philistine

>> No.9180675 [DELETED] 


>> No.9180739
File: 11 KB, 640x576, awesome retro pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This was the era of Linkin Park and George Bush.
Wow, it's refreshing to see someone that actually remembers the true vibe of the early 00s. I'm so tired of gen z "y2k aesthetic" revisionism .... /irrelevantautismpost

>> No.9180745

Harsh... But fair.

>> No.9180754

it was a comfy time when we could all be angry and aggressive at one thing but still enjoy life and games and tv but now everyone is divided into different hyper specific categories and they all analyze every single piece of media for something that could disagree or agree with them and everyone hates each other and we're somehow even more powerless than we were back then. Also everyone is obsessed with preening and primping themselves in a way that use to be considered metrosexual.
I remember when people use to wear just some ugly jeans and watch adult swim

>> No.9180762

I'm 1994 and always loved Wind Waker. I thought everybody who complained was retarded and probably a furry since VGCats made fun of it at the time.

Millennial / Gen Z bifurcation is so dumb. There was an in-between group - one that I would range between 1993-1997 - for autistic kids who grew up with the internet and normal kids who didn't.

>> No.9180834

This is the best art zelda has ever had

>> No.9180840

All generation splits are dumb and fail under scrutiny. It's literally s marketing thing

>> No.9180881

The EXACT moment 73 faggots posted in a bait thread.

>> No.9180887

It's not a bait thread anymore. Read it. It's just a comfy thread

>> No.9180906
File: 102 KB, 896x712, WW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found out Dolphin works on my shitty notebook so I'm finally playing this game. I hope it's great.

>> No.9180910

Go away

>> No.9180918

I didn't even know there was ever any controversy over this game until like seven or eight years after it came out. Nintendo fans are fucking weird.

>> No.9180920

Disc rot awaits thee, yon faggot

>> No.9180934

But its not here yet so dont see your point lol. im not a collector

>> No.9180945
File: 36 KB, 600x608, 3657C06C-24C2-4534-A8D2-6F3A9CC12FAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nintendo was a toy company in 2003

>> No.9180951

I was 11 when Ocarina of Time came out and it didn’t do much for me. Wind Waker on the other hand ended up being my favorite 3D Zelda game.

>> No.9180953

The internet was a lot closer to 4chan back then too. Today a surprising amount of online discourse is moderated by a gang of terminally online, puritanical incels in dresses.

>> No.9180958

Twitter essentially has the same image board format, just not anonymous.

>> No.9180960

It's because iphones gave the internet to normies. Before iphones, the average person believed that they should not use their real name in their email address and that if they "surfed" the internet too carelessly they would get a virus that would ruin the family computer. Smart phones made the internet safe for idiots and things like facebook and farmville were the gateway drugs that made it look fun and friendly.

>> No.9180964

As a 3rd world person, I refuse to pay for video games.

>> No.9180971

Only partially true. I graduated high school in 2000 and even the normiest of normies knew how to get free music from Napster on the family desktop.

>> No.9180978

Twitter threads are a mess to follow, horrible UI

>> No.9180982

yeah but that was teens and 20-somethings, not everyone and your grandma (literally in the case of facebook).

The way I always sum it up is:

pre-social disease: the Internet is SERIOUUS BIZNESS
post-social disease: the internet is actually taken seriously and isn't just a place for young people and nerds to get their jollies

>> No.9181038


Ok boomer, internet was never like this

>> No.9181047
File: 52 KB, 750x745, C38EE38C-1E3F-4EB8-A735-E1D74E476752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9181068 [DELETED] 

This isnt real. There is literally nothing you can do to prove that any of history is real. This is a real idea we zoomers have. History isnt real. Not even going 20 years back. We cant prove it

>> No.9181135
File: 6 KB, 319x287, links_awakening.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your game must be broken, Link looks like this in my copy.

>> No.9181302

Imagine being this salty, that you have to deliberately pretend I said something I didn't

can't relate

>> No.9181309
File: 43 KB, 340x630, -81466476384350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was like 5 years old

>> No.9181332

Please don’t respond to Lee Eddie zoomer trolls

>> No.9182028

>I hope it's great
The stupid design choices will become more and more apparent after you hit the forest temple.

>> No.9182029

I was 12 and I loved it.

>> No.9182030

The only important thing is to play in native resolution to preserve the distance blur, crank up the anti aliasing if needs be. Same for Mario Sunshine.

>> No.9182031

Everyone called it Celda to epic pwn people who liked it or whatever we said back then.

>> No.9182035
File: 67 KB, 395x500, batman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an American I like see characters I grew up with in different styles.

>> No.9182038
File: 716 KB, 384x258, little prince.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soul boomer Japanese reference.

>> No.9182040

>grows up capeshit fag as a kid so when sees new takes and styles on game characters, accepts them easier at least if they look good to me.

>> No.9182084


I wonder what makes people the opposite way. Even as a non comic book reader I remember liking seeing all the different Zelda styles and Spidermen I grew up with. (TAS, Unlimited and Tobey Maguire)

>> No.9182087
File: 29 KB, 533x361, Game Boy GBC - The Legend of Zelda Links Awakening DX - Link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really because when I played it looked like this...

>> No.9182534

based miyamoto

>> No.9182615

Expectation, I suspect. When I was a kid I had a kneejerk reaction to dislike character reinterpretations and stylistic changes because "that's not how they are supposed to be."

>> No.9182701

You're not clever or funny.

>> No.9182710

well my nigga devil may cry didnt need z targeting

>> No.9182874

>check my new 3D zelda game!
>oh 3D is so fucking problematic we had to dumb down tons of things, also Z targeting pretty much turns the thing into 2D gameplay, whoops!

>> No.9184696

Loved it. It felt so fluid and fun. I rewatched that post stamp sized trailer multiple times.

My only real disappointment with the game ended up being the setting, strangely enough. I was expecting a 3D version of LttP from the original trailer, instead we got a pirate theme park.

>> No.9186264 [DELETED] 

Why were people so racist in 1997?

>> No.9186276

>Magic Powder
Nintendo pushin drugs to kids

>> No.9186290

>This is why there is no continuity between games
What did he mean by that?

>> No.9186452

yeah frankly i think the wii games were an improvement, even skyward sword doesn't literally make a fetch quest 1/4th of the game and have shite dungeons with the annoying mechanic from that one majora's mask dungeon in two of em, although i think the medli one was at least interesting
visually it's fine really i mean it's a game who cares what it looks like as long no textures are missing

>> No.9186457

maybe if you're in that age range when you really want to grow up but really that's just childish
should enjoy your childhood before it goes away

>> No.9186459

I was pissed then I eventually played it and loved it

>> No.9186462

he's a nice guy
kinda fucked up how that's the only game where ganon actually brainwashes hyrulian soldiers, they have families too ya know

>> No.9186469

Why did you all take this post seriously, are you really that easy to bait? Is it genuinely autism? How can you have been on the internet longer than a year and not immediately recognize this post as bait?

I am going to give you a tip for the literal autists among us: when a post is made and the text assumes something absurd is the commonly understood opinion (i.e. this easy cartoon nintendo game is impossible for children to appreciate) they are having a laff

>> No.9186474 [DELETED] 

In 1997 I genuinely thought that racism was dead and gone, I lived in a small town that was like 30% hispanic and grew up not even realizing that hispanic was a different race from “white”. We had one black kid and everyone loved him. My best friend was Vietnamese and everyone thirsted after the asian girls.

I thought the only races were white, black and asian, with indian being a subset of asian

>> No.9186492

>no, no, no you can't dislike a retarded cartoon style, it's just a kneejerk reaction
>source: I was a dumb kid

You're a dumb adult too

>> No.9186495 [DELETED] 

People are more racist today. Blacks can openly assault asians and loot/burn down immigrant run stores and the media all but encourages it with their silence.

>> No.9186569 [DELETED] 

Oh piss off

>> No.9187246 [DELETED] 

You can tell him off for going off-topic but not for being right. They need another Malcolm X, not CBD whities telling them they are little puppy dogs with no accountability.

>> No.9187285

Holy shit anon, work on your reading comprehension.