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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 781 KB, 2401x1533, large.2016892804_LadyStalker.jpg.a87158c0af514a98a14eda6df52c5d71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9171921 No.9171921 [Reply] [Original]

I was curious from anyone that is involved with the translation community why some projects take longer than others. This has been an ongoing project started in 2011 I come back to every few years but since the update in 2018 it's been dark. Any reasons some projects get caught in a limbo like this?

>> No.9171932

Games they translate are better off being in moonrunes. Gideon is a faggot.

>> No.9171940

It's called Gideon being a lazy cunt. Perfect example of someone who rested on their laurels ages ago and needs to retire.

>> No.9171950

It depends on how many people they have and how good they are at Japanese.

>> No.9171953

>Spent 2 decades holding SMT If
>Releases it
>Game is shit
Protip: if a game isnt translated, its not worth playing.

>> No.9171968
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Seems pretty fun for what it is

>> No.9172036

Just use a phone to translate it. There can't be much dialogue in an action rpg.

>> No.9172098

>Some team announces they are doing the PS1 version
>Nooooo you can't do that gets off his ass and releases the SNES version
Gideon is such a faggot holy shit

>> No.9172135
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Very much this. He's not a faggot for how he acts, he's a faggot for being the premier example of an old guard retro game translation hacker. The big issue is that he has called dibs on translating almost a hundred JP-only games since AG was formed, and everybody else in the romhacking scene allow him to do so since he has the clout to do so. This got to the point where games like in the OP actually have translation guides up for years, but nobody has gotten around to coding it into the game itself because certain inidivuals somehow hold the sole rights to doing so.
Thankfully, the shitposting surrounding SMT If has led to romhackers being far more willing to put out whatever they want to and completely ignore the unspoken dibs rule of old.
Sega Saturn Chad's like myself have been eating good because of it (because, for the most part, sega autists are fairly removed from RHDN's horseshit and instead congregate in decades-old Sega fansites where they actually share their knowledge)

>> No.9172212

I want this game to be translated so bad

>> No.9172237
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>> No.9172289

Saturn translations have recently massively accelerated
Mega CD remains untouched and the final major Mega Drive rpg remains strangely untranslated.

>> No.9172397
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Didn't think I'd get to post this again.
And allow me to join the rightful chorus: Gideon is a faggot. And now (?) a dirty jsw, too.
I don't have a smartphone.

>> No.9172428

Guess they just lose motivation.

There is a PSP game I waiting for which had 3 different translation teams already working on it, each working on it for 1 year then disappearing.

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.9172452
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>he has the clout to do so.
How? How does anybody respect such a useless man who sits on projects and WHY would anyone respect these 'claimed' games, regardless of who does the claiming, in the first place? The whole claiming culture is retarded.

It makes me proper mad.

>> No.9172456 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 593x584, 1642638756248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes, I translated SMT
>no, you can't criticize me

>> No.9172461

I dont respect his dibs "rule" since there are no rules in translations. lol at faggots thinking this is some fair play world where cuz some loser in his parents basement goes thats mine to translate I have to go oh ok friend and not work on it? lol retard faggot thinking for sure. gideo n has zero claim on any games and if he or anyone whines I CLAIMED THAT I simply do not care and until you release your transloation patch of said game thats 100% you dont get to claim shit. boo hoo to bad so sad times have changed and your "clout" means nothing when it comes to people playing games they couldnt. in fact claiming games is just typical never was anyone cool ego chasing where they wanna be popular so they pull shit like this.

>> No.9172476

There's a bit of dibs where there'll be squabbling about who did it better, and then there's just the smarter, yet naive option other translators go through that's just, "I'm sure this guy's going to get it done, so I'll just translate something else."
Obviously, it feels like a waste of time to have 2 groups translating the same thing when it could take months for either team, so certain things will lay dormant as long as someone has them listed and 'claims' they're going to eventually get done with it.
You definitely don't want to wind up with another scenario like having 2 more retranslations of Final Fantasy 6.

>> No.9172484

Didn't he purposely fuck with the game, making the ending almost impossible to get.

>> No.9172489


>> No.9172491

He's just retarded.

>> No.9172558

>Why don't people constantly work work work for my benefit?? What's wrong with them?!

>> No.9172559

If... was great. You just haven't realized that you belong to /v/.

>> No.9172562
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On a certain level I think there's a sense in respecting a "dibs" system, not because I feel anyone should own or, but it just seems like it would be better for everyone if potential translators spread out and worked on different projects. That way more shit actually gets translated rather than everyone just doing the same game. The problem however, is that so many of these potential translators want to call "dibs" then sit on their ass for years at a time. And I get as a fan project there shouldn't be a HARD dead line but if so much time passes and another group can get the work done faster then they should by all means really be allowed to do so. I can respect a need for patience but if years go by and there's nothing to show then I think it's fair to put the game back up in rotation.

>> No.9172573

Im very grateful to translators who make me feel like square is still coming out with snes games for Christmas. And not wasting time on a game of you know some other guy is working on it, makes sense

But calling dibs on multiple games at once? Nah. That's nonsense.

>> No.9172581

>If... was great
Tell me you're personafag, without telling me you're a personafag.

>> No.9172698

I like all smt games. Don't be gay.

>> No.9172712

Ever use a cheat cartridge to change something's name? It's kinda like that.

>> No.9173007

Same, it's at 85% complete now for 4 fucking years, why not just finish it or if you really don't want to finish it hand it to someone who would.

>> No.9173016

Nowadays only a handful of people that are actually delivers. They are tom and some dudes from segaxtreme.

>> No.9173216

Why do you want a trannylation. Do you think it's going to be accurate to what the developers intended.

>> No.9173220

Go back to /v/, trannylover.

>> No.9173776

>But calling dibs on multiple games at once? Nah. That's nonsense.

Well I certainly agree. You definitely shouldn't put out a claim on three games when you haven't so much finished one.

>> No.9173782

Any percentage they tell you is just bullshit so they can pretend like they're actually doing work.

>> No.9174572

Those guys are notorious for starting projects just to scare away other potential parties. There's an unwritten rule in the romhacking community that you can't work on a game if someone else is working on it.
This is enforced by the mods at romhacking.net by excluding peoples work from being on their database unless it conforms to their rules, and also to their ideology.

>> No.9174724

who cares, just do it anyway. They all seem like huge fags for doing this. Make a bloody google translate version of it. Probably better than half the trash they come up with anyway.

Also, why does Ladystalker play and look worse than Landstalker.

>> No.9174865
File: 40 KB, 453x604, 5B9D861D-35AA-4310-83F8-167F5EE4F4F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly just learn Japanese. In the time that you wait for one game to get translated, you could have already learned the language and played all of the games you wanted to play and be deep down the rabbit hole of JP-only games. Meanwhile that game you were waiting on still hasn't been translated or the translation was never completed.

Speaking from experience here.

>> No.9174889

Aeon genesis translations have the most basic picture book style dialogue anyways, why sit on it that long if you’re gonna release a translation that shitty

>> No.9174894

If you've ever played a Persona game, then you have already played SMT If

>> No.9174940

learning another language doesn't automatically make every japanese game good.

>> No.9174967

The problem becomes a matter of where you can post it. You could also drop it someplace like here but it seems like the big communities are all about sucking off that e-faggot dick.

>> No.9174982

>How? How does anybody respect his "clout"
I can explain this one.
>is a forum moderator, part of a mod clique
>threads discussing new projects claimed games are closed
>or, "mod post: before discussing this any further, ask for permission from gideon" (that way, he's still involved)
>was at one time enforced in multiple forums by the clique
>SEQUELS to a claimed game were included

The stupid whining audience plays a large part into this as well. The idea of a game getting two translation projects somehow enrages some otherwise useless spectators, who will then enforce that "clout" and throw hostility at the new translator.
They're horrified by duplication of effort for a 15 year old project because they think the new translator should cancel the game he likes and move on to another game that may be their own personal favorite (which is claimed but the project is dead so they hope *just this one* someone will snipe it)

SMT:if was the best thing AG did. Some inroads were made with Sutte Hakkun and Super Famicom Wars (both stealth releases because of the "rule") but only with SMT:if (and maybe the GeoFront/LuminaTales trannies) was the audience taught the hard way about the dangers of cheering for that rule.

>> No.9174995

they rejected a patch that fixed it made by someone else, then made a new rule to protect ag's feefees so that romhacks that are meant for other romhacks need to be patched against the original translation (linked) which leads to cases where the compatibility may be broken at any time.

>> No.9175047

Got a list of finished hacks that aren't on RHDN that aren't dickbutt nonsense hacks? Not being antagonistic, just wondering if I'm missing out on anything decent.
Not really.
Is there a link to the patch somewhere?

>> No.9176034

definitely this. i regret not learned it sooner, but i still happy now that i understand the languae.

>> No.9176098
File: 48 KB, 640x480, FCB99F65-D0B1-4EEB-BF98-55C94BF0618F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not every Japanese game is good, but every good game is Japanese.
Sure learning a language doesn't make every game good - I never even claimed such a stupid argument - but there's so many games that never got translated that you could practically spend a lifetime just playing unlocalized games; many of which are absolutely phenomenal and will never even get fan translations. And all of the games that have been translated (whether official or otherwise) are often very different in Japanese due to changes made in translation, or often even just because of differences in culture and language. As a result of the later, a great game with amazing dialogue might be extremely cheesy and unbearable in English.

Basically, if you like Japanese games then you should learn Japanese. There's nothing but benefits to doing so. And then you don't have to fuck around with the bullshit that everyone in this thread has been crying about. I don't even know who the guy they're complaining about is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>pic unrelated

>> No.9176152

This. I laughed when I played Amagami like a year after I started learning after waiting 5+ years for a patch, and then it took another 5+ years for the patch to come out, which was instantly panned and I laughed my ass off at the basic mistranslations I wouldn't have made a year in, let alone 10.

If you care on any level about playing a game, why wouldn't you just learn the language?

>Any reasons some projects get caught in a limbo like this?
Because first, you have to find people who care, who are a minority. Then, you have to find people who are capable, which is an even smaller minority of that minority. And finally, you have to find people who are WILLING, which is such a small percentage that for your typical game, you will encounter maybe 5 people in 10 years at this level. And then, you have to hope that one of them is autistic enough to work an extremely boring job for months with no pay.

Honestly, I'm amazed any projects even make it out of limbo. Most of the time, releases happen because someone gets scared that they're going to be beaten to the punch by someone else.

>> No.9177843

You left out the part where gideon only released it because another group announced they were doing their own translation, and said group gave zero fucks about how he is supposedly the only one that's "allowed" to translate the game.

>> No.9177851

It should also be mentioned that Gideon Zhi has long since been part of the mod team on Romhacking dot net, so he gets special privileges as far as what's allowed on the website/community for that website. He'll do shit like this >>9174995 or straight up memoryhole any existence of another team doing a translation that his team already called dibs on.

>> No.9177858

>Got a list of finished hacks that aren't on RHDN that aren't dickbutt nonsense hacks? Not being antagonistic, just wondering if I'm missing out on anything decent.
Always check CDRomance, they pull hacks from any website (even if it's defunct abandoned shit from years ago) and put up prepatched roms for people to use. It's usually only translations, but they'll host any significant improvement hacks or conversions if they get requested.

>> No.9177883

If so many people are angry about it, why not make a new website, host all of the hacks already being offered on the old site, accept any other hacks available, and tell that gideon guy to go fuck himself?

>> No.9177886

>dickbutt nonsense hacks
did they die alongside imockery? shit on baddesthacks seem pretty retarded and uninventive nowadays.

>> No.9177891

Who is running that site? It seems pretty good.

>> No.9177908

There are several alternatives to RHDN, many of which have been around for a decade, as well as individual websites for group releases. The issue comes from RHDN. Romhacking is a really strong name and is so straightforward that looking up anything concerning romhacks will bring it up for the first ten pages of results in any search engine. Compare this to CDRomance, you're not going to know that it's a website that hosts romhacks (and more importantly, properly converted PSX eboots) until you go in it and start looking.
This also means that people looking to release their hacks will flock to RHDN due to everybody using it, and they'll only continue to use RHDN as the main hub for their releases. Only those who have been burned or mistreated like DDSTranslations would stop using it now, and the people who are 'angry' about it aren't romhackers themselves so it's not like they have anything to contribute in the first place.

>> No.9178135
File: 365 KB, 2362x1092, 7626560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back when /v/ was fresh this guy was actually doing something but nowadays he is a has been and getting schooled by zoomies

>> No.9178138

who dese

>> No.9178143

its been 15 years dude i dont remember

>> No.9178147

all i know is i want to pump a gluey wad of cum into the red head's cervix while the guinea mutt licks my balls

>> No.9178160

great idea make it happen

>> No.9178352

I met him in real life. He is extremely small, like 5'2", and maybe 220 pounds. This was years ago, so he's probably even smaller and fatter now. He also wore some kind of brimmed hat, maybe a fedora.

>> No.9178518

Hopefully this eventually comes out, I was unaware of its existence until now

>> No.9178641

It's a top want of mine for translations.

>> No.9179097

>make a new website
Too complicated. As it is now, you still have to update patches that are uploaded everywhere, which means keeping tabs on every single site simultaneously. It's like with people bitching about sites like CDRomance and others where they go, "Why isn't [Hack #367,235] ever updated?! Are they just slow & retarded?!" Try keeping tabs on 20+ sites at a time, solo or with very little help. MrRichard999 is a translator that was banned from RHDN years ago and was one of the only ones that would go around looking from random hacks to make patches and submit to RHDN. If a site like RHDN existed, no one else would contribute random shit like that, because no one does it now.
Gbahacks.com had the guy's MediaFire & Google Drive accounts nuked and was one of the better ones to get prepatched Pokemon ROMs, and 90% of Pokemon hacks aren't on RHDN. There are also swarms of Brazilian, Russian, Japanese & Chinese hacks, including the Chinese arcade hacks that only get submitted to HBMAME's database, because they keep tabs on where those are uploaded. I personally have no clue where they find them, either.

>> No.9179121

I legitimately don't understand how a translation can still take years at this point, even with someone doing it as a part time hobby.

>> No.9179175

Any group of people more entitled than the average translation wanter?You guys are moaning about people doing shit in their freetime for 0 dollars. Wait with patience or do it yourself

>> No.9179242

shut up gideon.

>> No.9180216

Same, hopefully someone finally gets it done

>> No.9180223

I imagine the actual translation is the easy part. It's the matter of getting the new text into the game that's tricky.

>> No.9180663

I wonder how hard that part is I assume its different for each game