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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 21 KB, 266x375, Doshin_the_Giant.gamecover.amazon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9171532 No.9171532 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't Americans get this 1st-party Nintendo game? Is it considered bad?

>> No.9171536

amerisharts hate anything that's even somewhat unique or different, they just love buying the same game over and over again

>> No.9171539

not enough guns and tits for the ameritards
t. ameritard

>> No.9171540

Im an amerishart and i imported this and Nintiddies Puzzle Collection back when they came out.

>> No.9171548

it just looks retarded.

>> No.9171659

>it looks dumb
Pleb take. Had N64 got this we would actually have a GOOD N64 game to talk about.

>> No.9171876

Pretty mad we never got this
Also no reasons why we didn't get Another Code R (Trace Memory), The Last Window, Disaster Day of Crisis and especially, Xenoblade. which took so long to come over (all not retro)
I don't understand Nintendo on these specific decisions
How is Doshin? I never hear anyone talk about it

>> No.9171881

He didn't say it looks dumb, he said it looks retarded.

>> No.9171906

there are a lot of jap games that bare basically so bad they wouldnt be well recieved on phones if released today. PS1 had a ton of this kind of trash. Maybe a small bit of gems amongst the layers of trash.
There's a freakin horoscope astrology fortune telling simulator on PS1 and like 10 horse breeding sims. A turn bsaed RPG mountain climbing sim where you fight yetis and manage supplies.

>> No.9172243


I modded my GameCube to play this at some point. I don't know Japanese and I didn't look anything up so figuring out how to do anything in it was a weird and fun challenge. It seemed to be a mostly aimless game in which you could do just enough cool and creative things to keep yourself amused in kind of a SimCity/Populous style. I had a fairly good time with it, but it didn't feel especially polished.

The experience of a person who could actually follow whatever story the game may or may not have might be substantially different.

>> No.9172394

It's literally a chore. Look at the gameplay. All you do is raise and stomp ground for 5 hours. You can speed up this 'gameplay' loop by 300% and you still end up bored. Imagine making such a boring tech demo. Truly it's a bad game. In an era were I was playing Settlers and RCT, do you think I enjoyed playing such an awful game?

If you're mad you never got this you are just a tasteless faggot. Melee and Monkey Ball were all you needed.

>> No.9172437

No, but Americans are considered bad by the Japanese. They remember the Plaza Accord.

>> No.9172464 [DELETED] 

>I don't know Japanese
This had a Euro release in English

>> No.9172584

Kinda like britlards and their obsession with egg games

>> No.9172618

Not retro

>> No.9173252

Why didn't you play the Euro ver instead?

>> No.9173265

It isn't retro, so I never bought it.

>> No.9173272


I don't remember.

>> No.9173345

This is what people thought and then Sony brought over Katamari Damacy and it was a surprise hit. Nintendo flubs again
>A turn bsaed RPG mountain climbing sim where you fight yetis and manage supplies.
This sounds awesome you philistine

>> No.9175070

It, unfortunately, is bad.
>Be a child
>Play Melee
>See the Doshin trophy
>This piques my interest
>Hit the web with that sweet sweet dial up
>Learn about the game
>Can't play it
>Fast forward
>Learn to pirate and emulate
>Remember how cool Doshin looked
>Download it
>It's shit.

Big disappointment. Glad I didn't pay for it.

>> No.9175106
File: 266 KB, 1228x1216, 814r2sOp15L._SL1228_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS1 also had Austin Powers Pinball

>> No.9175212

>Learn about the game
>Can't play it
>Fast forward
>Learn to pirate and emulate
>Remember how cool [game] looked
>Download it
>It's shit.
many such cases

>> No.9175221

why is Kazutoshi Iida a weirdo

>> No.9175550

I booted it up recently because I really want to play tail of the sun but haven’t bought it so I went with the only Iida I can play and I enjoyed my time with it. Wouldn’t really say it’s fun but it was very interesting and the day based system makes you want to see what’s next. I stopped playing because the game is a little tedious and one day my giant died and I never felt like redoing that day.
I feel like miyamoto was very inspired by this game to make pikmin.

>> No.9177104


>> No.9177210

rent free europoor

>> No.9177215

this is the only decent austin powers game we got

>> No.9177302

nintendo has gotten by the past 40 years by just recycling the same ideas (with all new ones being stolen from other games) over and over again. which isn't even a bad strategy. a game isn't automatically better just because its unique, and doshin is a perfect example.

>> No.9177356

Austin Powers Pinball is an average game. There's much worse on PS1

>> No.9177436

Doshin is a weird janky toybox that can be pretty fun for a while, even if it's not a great game

>> No.9177438

Reggie was in charge around this time wasn't he?

That fucker veto'd a LOT of releases he personally disliked, unless NoJ went over his head to push a release. Didn't like art games, didn't like RPGs, didn't like anything too japanese. Nintendo really survived despite of him during that time not because of him.

>> No.9177445

>Didn't like art games, didn't like RPGs, didn't like anything too japanese
Based if true

>> No.9177581

I just bought a complete copy for 3 bucks. What am I in for?

>> No.9177587

>In 2021 Minecraft has a total valuation of more than a billion dollars. The precise number is 1.7 billion USD. Minecraft is the most popular game in the history of video games having been played by 166 million players in the month of August 2021 alone.

>> No.9177594

didn't doshin have a modeled penis maybe thats why

>> No.9177687

Doshin absolutely would have tanked in America.