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9157753 No.9157753 [Reply] [Original]

This was a Garbage Zelda facts

>> No.9157756


>> No.9157760

Every Zelda game after the original NES games were bad or complete shit.

>> No.9157769

Too easy
The graphics looks like a Game made for Babys
The sailing

>> No.9157785

It was too easy? I thought it was fairly alright.
The graphics were Cell Shaded. They still look pretty good.
The sailing... Yeah, that was a pain.

>> No.9157829

I really like the sailing but if you hate it then it makes perfect sense that you would dislike the game.

>> No.9157860

The graphics still hold up. But it was garbage, same with Mm oot and alttp.

>> No.9157975

There's a lot of things they could have done to spice up sailing but they half-assed it.

>> No.9158004

It's like they got 70% through developing a great Zelda, then realized they had to release the game in two weeks and slapped the rest together in a frenzy to just get it functioning
The game pretty much has the same formula as LttP and OoT, except when the 'second half' transition point happens, you're actually much closer to the end of the game than you would be in either of the two earlier games. In OoT, you just got through the tutorial, in Wind Waker you've basically experienced most of the game already with the exception of a couple dungeons

>> No.9158041

What are some zelda facts that aren't garbage?

>> No.9158074

It was pretty great up until like Dragon Roost island, after which it became a sailing simulator with little to no dungeons inbetween.
the backtracking was just painful. even WITH the ballad of gales

>> No.9158105

I still was never able to finish this shit despite owning it in both gc and wii u. If I give it another go do you have any tips for me to finish it this time?

>> No.9158107

>Game made for Babys
Well it's a Nintendo game

>> No.9158152

I think Wind Waker was the moment that people either saw that Nintendo was no longer concerned about games for "everyone", or they doubled down and said "so what if it's the easiest game ever made for babies? It's COMFYKINO"

>> No.9158370

Been replying through it, and I understand why anyone would not like WW. Even at its best, WW is casual AF.

Having said that, its world, music, aesthetic and general "feel good gameplay," coupled with a nice enough character controller and set of items makes it a fun experience for me.

If you know what you're doing the Triforce Hunt and combat with weapon items is actually fun.Not the bosses though, they suck.

>> No.9158379 [DELETED] 

you don't even get to sail yet until you do the jabun curse, going straight from dragonroost to forbiddenwoods without being able to deviate

>> No.9158382

Play the HD version and get the Swift Sail as early as possible.

>> No.9158952

I think it holds up better than Ocarina of Time except for the time spent sailing.

>> No.9159190

it was the only great 3-d zelda game until breath of the wild game. Oot was very good and Mm was annoying with the restarting.

>> No.9159203

Ah for fucks sake stop trying to fit in. When people say that Nintendo games are the easiest shit ever they mean Wii and onwards.
This is also not true, some first and second party Wii games were harder than anything on PS3 and X360 [/spoiler[

>> No.9159242

nostalgic and fun but like all pre botw zelda's not handhelds, get boring bc only so much you can do. not enough content, if it had another 6 months to a year could've been goated

>> No.9159348

It's the best in the series.

>Too easy
Does not matter at all.
>The graphics looks like a Game made for Babys
Dumb faggot no taste.
>The sailing
Comfiest and most atmospheric experience in gaming. They're basically diagetic loading screens, which is ingenious. The anticipation each voyage builds up before arriving at each destination is unmatched by any other game with shitty loading screens.

>> No.9159354

Imagine believing that a game being easy has anything to do with it being fun or worth playing

>> No.9159360


does nothing to me, cell shading can age worse because the animation


combat is underrated, but dungeons are boring

I don't really like the troon link era

>> No.9159367

The only reason this board hates WW so much is because the board is populated by boomers and people who LARP as boomers.
If you're a boomer, you grew up with games like Zelda 1, Zelda 2, and ALttP. You didn't grow up with WW, because it was simply past your time, and as we all know, new = bad.
If you're a boomer LARPer, you grew up with OoT. WW wasn't past your time, but you realize that openly liking it makes you uncool on this board, so you pretend to dislike it so you can "fit in" on the 4channel's last bastion of actual gaming discussion.

Basically you're all predictable faggot losers and you deserve nothing but pity and scorn.

>> No.9159371

WW is boring

>> No.9159372

Maybe the game's just bad if you played those games though?
>Boomer: Oh boy, I love the adventure and challenge of the Zelda series. OoT is a landmark title and shows the potential of the series in 3D like never before. Surely a game after it will improve on this groundwork!
>Boomer larper: Oh boy, OoT is a great game! Now that I've played it over and over for years, surely the next Zelda game will take into consideration that I have honed my skills on the game and build upon that and not be an offensively easy game that makes Elmo's Number Adventure seem like Dark Souls.

>> No.9159373

You can think that if you want, but in reality, you're the one who's boring. You'll die without realizing it.

>> No.9159380

>Maybe the game's just bad if you played those games though?
This would be a fair point if it didn't promote blatant closed-mindedness. The best thing about the Zelda series is that each game is so different from the last, which you should want. You should want every game you play to be a completely new experience—otherwise, you could just be replaying the same game you enjoyed before.

You don't have to like every new direction they take, but that's not the attitude I see from people who shit on WW. They refuse to look at the game at its own terms and always make the same generic criticisms that suggest that you want every Zelda game to be the same. Which is boring and stupid.

>> No.9159384

Wind Waker isn't different at all though, it's literally just a watered down OoT 2.0.

>> No.9159393

Sick backpedal
>this game is too different from what i enjoy!
>except when it hurts my argument to say that, then it's the "same old shit but watered down"!!!!!!

It's a "return to center" from the left hook delivered by Majora's Mask, you dumb shithead. Not to mention there's a host of new ideas and concepts it brings to the table. It's more like OoT 2.5, and there's nothing watered down about it.

>> No.9159479

>watered down
>Wind Waker
>no water

>> No.9159485
File: 56 KB, 350x256, 9A4A2A7E-2DEF-47BD-9B71-3971F33F782D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worst Zelda game. /thread

>> No.9159580

This sure was a thread of garbage zelda facts.

>> No.9159603

100% this. fuck gayjora's fart.

>> No.9159740


even being as generous as possible the game doesn't even feel like 50% to me. The first portion of the game is fine even if people would have liked a greatfish isle dungeon, but the second you touch the mastersword in this game nothing feels complete anymore. Hyrule being a hallway, only two dungeons to repair the master sword, doing a bunch of side quest-tier shit as mandatory story content, it all just sucks the life out of the game.

Like it would be as if you were playing OoT and after turning adult all you have to do to get into Ganon's Tower is beat the forest and fire temple, but then instead of doign the trials you have to go back outside and then do bigorron's sword, the training grounds, beat malon's time in the race track, and catch all the big poes, and then you can come back and climb the tower.

>> No.9159750

Agreed, it's one of the few Zeldas I never finished, along with Farts of the Wild

>> No.9159756 [DELETED] 

>each game is so different from the last, which you should want. You should want every game you play to be a completely new experience
no not really, i want more of the same ole same ole, i want new dungeon items, new dungeon layouts, dungeons located in different parts of the world, different dungeon themes, ect

literally want a Zelda Game

>> No.9159782

It literally does nothing better than OoT

>> No.9159805

There's three CD-i games that want to laugh at you.

>> No.9159857

At least those games gave us years of memes and the games themselves aren’t really talked about, all majora’s twat gave us was a shitty time based Zelda game and a fan base of mouth breathers.

>> No.9159860

when you're 12

>> No.9159872
File: 1.42 MB, 502x400, 1655994867122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mad about the word farts
>thinks a 12 year old could have played WW at release
lmao at the state of your absolute lack of math skills and a sense of humor. Don't ever (you) me again, fucking tourist

>> No.9159879

I grew up with LoZ, AoL, and LttP, and WW is my favorite game in the series.

>> No.9159901

They could be if they played the HD port when they were 4

>> No.9160415
File: 32 KB, 328x277, 679423196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, okay. Let's be generous and say that it's the Forbidden Woods then, still makes the latter half of the game dogshit.
Sailing freely is only fun for like a short while until you've realised that there's virtually nothing worth exploring for. Mini-dungeons like the ice and fire isles barely count, and everything else is even less interesting than that.
The map is filled with nothing but submarines, platforms and tiny, barren islands. Basically just repetitive filler-content to give it the facade of being a finished game, which it obviously isn't.

The dungeons themselves aren't even that challenging, so it's not even worth going through drag that is 80% of the game to reach them. At least Ocarina of time had a couple of challenging bits and it wasn't bloated with filler-content. I LITERALLY avoided collecting hearts on purpose and it was still easy as fuck.

>> No.9160568
File: 263 KB, 1242x1532, e66547a24bf85e35868b8f2694e09f24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed it. Fun adventure with decent dungeons and the combat is satisfying if a bit too easy. The atmosphere and music is outstanding.

>> No.9160582


>> No.9160659

It was okay until Triforce hunting.
Triforce hunting is shit without the GBA link cable.

>> No.9160740

it did create dawn of the 3rd day memes

>> No.9160749

>>thinks a 12 year old could have played WW at release
why couldn't they? it's probably the easiest out of all the 3D titles

>> No.9160761

I think he meant someone who is 12 today playing WW at release? As in they weren't born yet? I don't think 12 year olds would have difficulties beating games on the basis of age.

>> No.9160775

>I don't think 12 year olds would have difficulties beating games on the basis of age.
I remember needing a picture of that room in the Earth Temple that's just pushing mirrors down pre-set paths until they lock into place at the end to make a point about how mindlessly easy it is, and finding a guide for the game that said "this is the hardest puzzle in the dungeon" and I was just without words. Modern Zelda fans are just built different.

>> No.9160778

When I was 10 I was racking up 70 eliminations on WWF No Mercy in Survival Mode. Modern video game players seem a bit pussified seeing as how they cannot figure out simple puzzles. It puzzles me actually that they think having a lives system makes a game unfair. I never really get a game over so I can't say I relate.

>> No.9160785

I like the HD remake, also has some gameplay improvements over the original release.
I like it more than twilight princess