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File: 19 KB, 310x445, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9153837 No.9153837 [Reply] [Original]

Yo are there any mods for PC half-life to turn it into ps2 half-life

>> No.9154062

Yes surprisingly. https://www.moddb.com/mods/yet-another-ps2-half-life-pc-port

>> No.9154069

it's only one of, if not the most, active modding scenes to have ever existed.

>> No.9154073

Isn't this just the HD version with a lot of loading and worse frame rate? at that time even shitty pc's could run this game at 120fps

>> No.9154108

There are some minor changes to the game, plus it includes Decay and a Vortigant mode.

>> No.9154109

The PS2 version has another set of new models and a lot of new content

>> No.9154264

also runs at 60fps, has mod support, has kbm support and if you use a controller a very interesting lock on mode

>> No.9154271

Half-Life vs Metroid Prime, which one?

>> No.9154296

hl1 actually has a better lock on system because you are not vertically locked on, you can still control which part of the body you are targeting so headshots (which deal more damage) become a conscious effort while prime 100% removes aiming from the equation and just turns it into a strafe-vania. They both control pretty similarly when in lock-on mode but the vertical freedom is the best part and I'm surprised to see no games copied it.

>> No.9154309

What about the Wii version of Prime vs HL? Considering that's basically M+KB with extra whistles.

>> No.9154327

primes enemies aren't really designed to take advantage of location based damage so it doesn't really add much to the game, just makes it control differently

>> No.9155089
File: 136 KB, 1152x480, r_fullbright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this also entail completely ruining the contrast?

>> No.9155104

>also runs at 60fps

>> No.9155185


>> No.9155452

didn't watch

>> No.9155527

Yeah its called playing the PS2 version, wtf retard

>> No.9155573

what are you trying to show here?

>> No.9155598

lol no and your mom's old 3.2 GHz 2004 Pentium 4 HT was NOT the standard. Running the game at 60 FPS was no easy task for late 90s PCs.

You zoomers and your obsession with thinking the average PC gamer played in 1600x1200 with two Voodoo cards in SLI.

>> No.9155607

The competitive standard of cs and quake in the 2000s was 120fps, they played at shitty resolutions like 320x240 but 120fps was possible

>> No.9155706

But are there compatible mods for PS2 Half-Life?

>> No.9155762
File: 719 KB, 1920x2160, overbright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PS2 version's flat lighting. I think I even turned the brightness all the way down for that screenshot.

To be fair, it also looks flat on PC by default, but you can at least fix that (picture related).

>> No.9155893

No but there was this hidden Half-Life PS2 level where you if have this PS2 Demo jampack disc, you could play the level of Half-Life Uplink.

>> No.9155959

>The models were updated even more with posable fingers eyes
>Many props were given updated models, most notably the HEV charger and health station
>Many map changes from simple stuff to enemy spawns to reduce frustration, to full on rooms being altered

>> No.9156078

What a terrible video. It sounds like he is just echoing whatever he has heard about the port instead of forming his own thoughts, not unlike Gmanlives. The aspect ratio also hasn't been corrected.

>> No.9156126 [DELETED] 

Counter-Strike 1.5 and below have a cap of 100 FPS, and Quake has a cap of 72 FPS without source ports.

Not saying that 120 FPS wasn't an alien concept, but it doesn't apply in this specific scenario.

>> No.9156135

Counter-Strike 1.5 and below have a cap of 100 FPS, and Quake has a cap of 72 FPS without source ports.

I'm not saying that 120FPS was a completely alien concept in the relevant timeframe, but it just doesn't apply in this specific presented scenario.

>> No.9156136

I played it and the loadings are too long, maybe it's more playable on a ps2 with hard drive and ssd but it's not playable on disk

>> No.9157076

your drive might be dying, hl1 on ps2 is a CD game which gives it very fast read speeds

>> No.9157267

why did you call the file "r_fullbright"? Is that the ps2 version or did you just switch on fullbright?

>> No.9158231

It's a joke.

>> No.9159175

I fucking love Half-Life

>> No.9160012
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x2160, downgrade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a patch that turned Half-Life 2 into PS3 (X360) Half-Life 2.

Didn't go so well.

>> No.9160021

i dont know why you put 360 in parenthesis because the 360 version is actually a decent port and the PS3 version was notoriously bad with like 10fps segments and loads of bugs. not like it matters since HL2 is a terrible game anyway

>> No.9160025

I meant to say that the PS3 actually means 360 in this context.

>> No.9160030

...then why are you shitting on the good port instead of the really bad one?

>> No.9160036

I'm not?
Well, I am technically shitting on both, but not one in particular.

>> No.9160042

>lets take a bad game and make it even worse
but why

>> No.9160047


>> No.9160050

i think you might be retarded bro

>> No.9160060

Nah, I gave the original DVD version a try. It still holds up.

Doesn't even stutter on a modern PC like it did back in the day.

>> No.9160067

Saying that while exhibiting poor reading comprehension skills.

>> No.9160076

>I typed (360) because I really meant 360
>uhh well actually I meant bother versions
>uhhhh actually you can't read, i'm gay lol!
just admit you've never played anything but PC and made a mistake. the PS3 version is bad, 360 is faithful. the moar you know.

>> No.9160085

I typed (360) because the PS3 version is based on it, you absolute fucking retard.

>just admit you've never played anything but PC
Want me to take a photo of my 360 copy? Or are you just going to find another convenient ad hoc rescue?

>> No.9160090

>PS3 version is based on 360
you poor retard
>Want me to take a photo of my 360 copy
yes, validate yourself to me

>> No.9160109
File: 2.37 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20220809_040702030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Castrate yourself before you pollute the gene pool.

>> No.9160115

I played the coop campaign with my buddy just emulating ps2 version, the controls are actually great on controller.

Why not give that a shot? you've played it KBM enough by this point, change it up.

>> No.9160123

>owns the game
>still made the mistake
>validated himself to me

>> No.9160131

>Still trying to save after getting retarded assertion proven wrong

Anon, even I feel second-hand embarrassment. Absolute Dunning-Kruger case.

The Xbox 360 version is shit.

>> No.9160140

>this PC mod turns the game into the PS3 (ackshully the 360!) version
okay retard, i get it, on top of not knowing what you're talking about, you buy games you think are bad. there's nothing more to be said.

>> No.9160150

>this PC mod turns the game into the PS3 (ackshully the 360!) version
Yes, you retarded ignoramus. Half-Life 2 was updated to have its assets be in line with the Xbox 360 version. Obviously you don't know shit since you don't even like this game, yet you feel the need to express your uneducated opinion.

And yes, the PS3 version is based on it. It was outsourced to EA.

>> No.9160160

you could have just said the mod turns the game into the 360 version but you added in PS3 for uhh... no reason, apparently
>uhhhh w-well it's because the PS3 version ackshully is the 360 version
then why does it run like shit, have worse textures, missing features and 10x more bugs? oh right, because it's on the PS3, running on a modified engine because 360 and PS3 don't even share the same architecture, rendering your initial statement pointless.

>> No.9160179
File: 353 KB, 220x165, risitas laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you added in PS3 for uhh... no reason, apparently
Because the OP was talking about the PS2, so I brought up the PS3 as an analogy. Jesus Christ, it's not rocket science.

>then why does it run like shit, have worse textures, missing features and 10x more bugs? oh right, because it's on the PS3, running on a modified engine because 360 and PS3 don't even share the same architecture, rendering your initial statement pointless.
Hahaha, you are actually serious? You don't know shit about how consoles and development work. What do you think a port is? They don't just rework the game from scratch for a specific platform.

It's a modified engine, BASED on the one used for the Xbox 360. Jesus Christ, how hard is that to understand.

>> No.9160185

>that reaction pic
i dont even need to read anything you posted

>> No.9160187

I accept your concession.

>> No.9160206
File: 29 KB, 192x144, c1a0_flipsign8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did they change the rocks to magenta? Clash with the UI?

>> No.9160208
File: 108 KB, 576x432, redrok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the retail game vs while they were making it and made these posters i mean, nothing to do with ps vs pc

>> No.9160214

>I accept your concession.
I accept the fact you made a mistake.

>> No.9160236


KEK! you're both autists

>> No.9160324

>Even more detailed 3D models
>Same 98' level geometry.

This hurts my autism like you wouldnt believe.

>> No.9160442

And that's why I prefer the original models.

>> No.9160864
File: 406 KB, 320x240, risitas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you said you didn't read anything I posted.
Could you make it any clearer that you are butthurt and don't want to admit that you are a massive retard?

>> No.9160941

How the fuck is that even possible? I've never played this version but I recall the original Xbox one being just fine in terms of framerate.

>> No.9160958

Why wouldn't it be possible? It came along with the episodes, which you cannot play on the original Xbox.

And no, the framerate is not fine.

>> No.9160964

How about
>Even more detailed 3D models
>Except that their textures are even blurrier than before
Triggers me like you wouldn't believe.