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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 225 KB, 1600x900, ob1vlbw1pw071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9151085 No.9151085 [Reply] [Original]

*that* part

>> No.9151106

That's actually not that hard at all. She just got caught sometimes.

>> No.9151112

if thia filtered you, then you are legitimately bad at video games. i'd even say this is one of my favorite parts in the game. you literally just run to either corner of the room and shoot them dead with punisher / shotty / tmp, what the fuck is so hard about that?

>> No.9151114

Having parts that stick out to you like that are good, otherwise it's like a lot of modern games that are just bland the whole way through.

>> No.9151123

"that part" means he beat the game and is replaying it. do you not know what it means to be filtered?

>> No.9151131

>means he beat the game
it means he struggled with an easy part for so long that it left a permanent imprint on his psyche. you too, were seemingly filtered because, you too, are bad at video games.

>> No.9151139

QTE did not age well

>> No.9151143

I played this part just the other day. What a fucking fun game.

>> No.9151145

Pleb filter.

>> No.9151175

For me it's the fucking double Garrador room in the later half of the castle

I'm like 99% convinced that room exists just to teach the player that "hey, 30k pesetas for a rocket launcher isn't actually that expensive" there's even a merchant like 30 seconds before it.

>> No.9151193

The castle has a lot of fun parts. The game changes a lot but it's a lot of fun, not better than the town, but still. After the castle it's just a downhill

>> No.9151201

Yeah, I replayed it (PS2 version) last year and while my fav RE's will always be the original games (classic gameplay), RE4 it's just fucking fun to play, RE5 wasn't really the same though I had some fun 2 players with it.

>> No.9151217

I was doing a randomizer run last weekend and ended up with several armored Garradors in the minecart segment, it was pure aids.

>> No.9151336

RE4 has difficulty scaling: for each death, fewer enemies will spawn,
Therefore, no one got stuck or filtered

Go larp somewhere else

>> No.9151349

Game is easy as fuck, baby tier in fact.

>> No.9151454

*that* whole game is garbage.

>> No.9151880
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Episode 27 in Robot Alchemic drive, that mission auto forces you to use the tank mech, problem is, its stuck in its tank mode and you can't make it go bipedal, to top it off all the ordinance you can use it makes the enemy teleport, so you spend 90% of the fight using the protagonist only means of attack(you did remember to buy it and upgrade it right?) and very slowly whittle the enemy down.

Its fucking aids, the only black spot in my otherwise favorite game.

>> No.9151887
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>> No.9151930
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I always really liked this section. It's always weird to see people on /v/ complaining about it.

>> No.9152070

That part is just the part that makes me cringe, and it's the random giant robot statue in the middle of a castle room it can't move from except to destroy everything and fall off a cliff. RE4's AI is so exploitable that there's no real difficult part, just feint them and they'll whiff bro.

>> No.9152076


>> No.9152087

Kek that's balls

>> No.9152097

I replayed the Wii version, since it seemed to work best on PC emulating with mouse controls, last year. It's so fucking good.

>> No.9152101

A lot of people think that's the best part of the game.
Stop trying to validate yourself, it's revolting.

>> No.9152248

The first chapter is the only one worth replaying, chapter two and three are boring and feels like a linear haunted house or something.

>> No.9152273
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That room almost made me quit my knife only run. I'm struggling to remember why I didn't just go to the next area, maybe one of them is holding a key or maybe a bud dared me to kill them, but I remember taking many retries while attempting to slowly knife them both down while knifing the other 200 enemies in the room.

>> No.9152290
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There is a reason why the game showers you with grenades anon. Shotgun plus grenade combo clears the room out real fast.

>> No.9152459

Now THIS is retro

>> No.9152465

I've been playing RE4 for the first time and I'm anxious to open the door to that room lmao. If it weren't for having to babysit Ashley, the game would be way different. To be fair though, I guess it adds to the tension.
I still prefer 1-3, hell even CV.

>> No.9152484

try it with the motion controls if you can. it's too good, the game becomes very easy as you can quickly and accurately headshot everything in sight without much effort.

>> No.9152547

Kill yourself

>> No.9152556 [DELETED] 

This isn't /v/ although a lot of people here like to pretend it is since the rule change.

>> No.9152558
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This and MGS2 right before Ray. On Exrreme difficulty with no cheating it used to destroy my thumb.

>> No.9152584

If you have the semi-auto rifle and a couple grenades its a joke.

>> No.9152661

Wow, you didn't do this part with your eyes closed and your hands tied behind your back and your dad pounding your ass like the rest of us did? Pathetic.

>> No.9152687
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>“That” part is the tutorial

>> No.9152695
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>> No.9152696

what a passive aggressive and homoerotic way of saying you're bad at video games

>> No.9152708
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>> No.9152714
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>> No.9152721

only on the lower difficulties, professional doesn't scale you fucking casual

>> No.9152725

Seriously? That's the part of RE4 you're going to whine about?

>> No.9152729

Half the game is that part. Aresident evil sucks.

>> No.9152732

>Aresident evil sucks.
The schizo has arrived. Why is it always the good games that get stuck with your like?

>> No.9152736

Get your autism checked, that's not passive aggressive. It's very blatant.

>> No.9152746

bros I played this game twice, most recently last year on GC. I don’t really like it. Environments felt pretty bland compared to 1/2/3/CV

>> No.9152749

holy shit
I ended up restarting and getting the float ninjutsu just for this fucking jump

>> No.9152753

Is there some other part that comes anywhere close to the difficulty of the Water Room? It's a gauntlet of many different types of enemies all at once and you have to escort Ashley the entire time, it never lets up.

>> No.9152776

This thread is so /v/
How do you not feel embarrassed posting this shit.

>> No.9152935

I just beat it, died the first time but beat it fine the second time. Just used the rifle for the majority of it cause I had a decent bit of ammo saved up. I swear 90% of my ammo drops is rifle ammo, is that normal?

>> No.9152980

There is a system behind item drops. For ammo I believe it favors giving you ammo drops for the gun you currently have equipped.

Professional changes things a bit, if you have a health item in your inventory it will never drop another one, so even though professional drop less ammo, you still end up with tons, assuming you arent taking hits constantly.

>> No.9152983

5-4 is the only other notoriously annoying part, though that is literally the end of the regular game and you have tons of ammo and exclusive upgrades.

>> No.9153031 [DELETED] 


why do you type like a troon

>> No.9153556 [DELETED] 

>reddit spacing
you dont pass

>> No.9153564

What version has those costumes? Were they in the original and I'm just retarded?

>> No.9153568

Those were in the Gamecube version.

>> No.9153583

I don't get it either. I posted earlier that I found this section lots of fun but I'm not gonna pretend it didn't push my shit in on my first playthrough.

>> No.9153640

You see these overly confrontational and insulting posts in most threads. Same general style, probably only a few people doing it, but they've been as obvious as posting "why are you posting this? nobody cares" in new threads.

Ignore them.

>> No.9153658
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to this day I still get mad when I imagine a spinning cylinder with blades on it

>> No.9153885
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Only if you have autism, though.

>> No.9153960

how do you not feel embarassed getting filtered by the water room?

>> No.9153979

Stop using "filtered" wrong. That only applies to people who couldn't get any further and stopped playing.

>> No.9153982

stop getting filtered lol

>> No.9154168

I save the rocket laucher from that one room

>> No.9154192

left my ps1 for a week trying to get it before I realized I didn't care anyway and just killed him

>> No.9154204

Think I tried for an hour before I quit and just beat his ass. It'd be a different story if it was like a one-time item you can only get from him, but you grab it a bit later on anyway, so it's pointless.

>> No.9154210
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yeah its pure autism, but it's my mental illness and its the mental illness of a generation

>> No.9154930
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Not even the most glowingly positive discussion of vtmb omits that the sewers are unfun tedium.

>> No.9155043

>you will never be Ashley and be protected by Leon

Gonna suicide soon

>> No.9155047 [DELETED] 

>This isn't /v/

Once /vr/ turns into that cancerous shithole I'll finally leave forever. This and /tv/ are the only boards left

>> No.9155048 [DELETED] 

/tv/ is the worst board in this place by far.

>> No.9155056 [DELETED] 

At least it makes me laugh, on /v/ its just needless hostility and people attack each other.

On /tv/ people direct their anger towards the content. /vr/ is slowly becoming more hostile. I just want to post sbout games whilst not having an account or what i say permanently stored

>> No.9155059 [DELETED] 

/pol/ and /sp/ are the worst boards, anything with flags generates evil.

Abolish all nationalism, tax the billionaires now

>> No.9155061 [DELETED] 

/pol/ is always right and you will hang.

>> No.9155074

Literally just walk out of the room when shit gets tough, you now have an auto save. The real shit is the Cabin fight on Hard and the two Garrador room

>> No.9155087

> two Garrador room
You can kill both with a single rocket. Need to be somewhat precise with the aiming as the right one has a shitload more health so the positioning is to kill him and catch the other in the blast but nobody aggros in the room when you walk in you have plenty of time to get your aim. The rocket launcher fucking breaks 90% of the supposed tough encounters in the game.

>> No.9155091

>Cabin fight on Hard

I've literally never died there, i love the cabin fight. Just spam flash grenades when las plagas pops out their heads.

>> No.9155184

What room

>> No.9155230

Don't even need to do that as luis is a pretty effective killer - just keep enemies at bay with shotgun and a few incendiary grenades and he will plough throw enemies.

>> No.9155243
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but in a good way

>> No.9155601

>RE4 has difficulty scaling: for each death, fewer enemies will spawn
Is this real

>> No.9155641

On easy and normal, yes. The game has dynamic difficulty so if you do badly more ammo drops, enemies become less aggressive and eventually less spawn. On pro the dynamic difficulty is disabled and everything is set to the hardest with one exception that more money drops (to offset the other elements).

>> No.9157101
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Easily the hardest (non-boss) room in the game for me, any vanilla playthrough with this room is so hard
The giant robot part sucks on any 60fps version of the game, you need to tap the buttons so quickly on the QTEs that it takes a ridiculous amount of speed and concentration and ruins the whole point of a QTE which is to be more engaged in the cutscene, those and the two boulders on the switch port and other 60fps versions (I would assume) are way harder than they should be.
Cabin fight is easy and super fun

Also, surprised no one mentioned this room or any JJ room in the island or the whole chopper mike section, fuck the chopper mike section

>> No.9157105

also forget what I said about the double garridor room, the chopper mike section with all the mini-guns is way more frustrating and stupid

>> No.9157126

I just play RE4 in 30fps all the fucking busted animated and timing isn't worth making the game feel a little smoother.

>> No.9157134

Never needed the Rocket launcher for that one. Just use the bells and be careful when running. Then again, you did get that Broken Butterfly, right?

>> No.9157186

just download re4_tweaks. holy shit. it fixes literally any issue you could possibly have in RE4

>> No.9157215
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Not gonna bother making a new thread to ask this I trust you guys can help.

Im gonna be playing the original resident evil for the first time tomorrow. Does playing as chris or jill change the game significantly? I want to play the game in the most quintessential manner which unless someone says otherwise Im going to assume its playing as the guy which tends to be the standard for most games.

>> No.9157237
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>knife only run of 4

bruh that doesn't even sound fun. I did it with Chris in 1 but 4? Fuck that. How do you kill the Gigantes?

>> No.9157246
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Also unless I'm confusing my initial run with replays you have access to the mine launcher by this point and that's great if you get the enemies bunched up.

Call me a madlad but I also use it for >>9151175 . I fucking love the mine launcher

>> No.9157249

Just play both. You won't even be spending 20 hours on the game. Jill is easier to play with first.

>> No.9157251

>How do you kill the Gigantes?
slash their legs until they fall then do the QTE, repeat a couple times and they die. its not much harder than using guns desu

>> No.9157275
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Chris takes more damage and Jill has more inventory space. Jill also gets a lockpick which gives her more access to some areas early in the game. Storywise there's some minor differences but no huge disparities, things mostly proceed the same with either character.

You can really use either one without too much of a problem but I say Jill is 100% the best choice for beginners. Inventory space is going to be more of a problem than health especially since keys take up a slot and you won't know which key opens which door if it's your initial playthrough. Jill has the overall easier path and she's cute. Think of Chris as sort of like an expert mode which is better when you have some familiarity with the game.

>> No.9157289

>she's cute
chris is cute too okay?

>> No.9157307

I replayed the VR version last year, and it's super tense when the stronger enemies start appearing in groups.

>> No.9159652

I think the HD version of MGS2 nerfed the strangulations in the harder difficulties.

>> No.9159661

Basically, Jill is easy mode, Chris is hard mode, but Chris gets free healing from Rebecca, has more HP, and can do more damage with the knife (which is legit good in RE1, almost comparable to the handgun in damage).

>> No.9159790

RE4's difficulty scaling doesn't kick in if you quit to title instead of continuing on each death. Good trick if you want to dick around on a normal run without the game babying you just because you wanted to watch a bug melt Leon's face off. Though of course you can't take advantage of any checkpoints and always have to fall back on the hard saves.

>> No.9159807
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this is *that* part

>> No.9159898


>> No.9160094

I liked it

>> No.9160172
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I've played Symphonia like 6 times through but yeah, that game is THAT Dungeon: The Game.
>Meltokio Sewers
>Temple of Earth
>Temple of Lightning
>Temple of Ice
>Temple of Darkness
>Latheon Gorge
>Ymir Forest

>> No.9160445

Shotgun deals with the dogs. Admittedly the tiny FOV makes navigating difficult.

>> No.9160483

It's no wonder that the only good mod patched it with a door that skips all this shit.

>> No.9160489

Wow, what a mansion!

>> No.9160514

Are there any mods for RE4 that let you have 2-player coop with one player as ashley that removes the hiding spots on the maps?

>> No.9160567

You're in for a treat, anon. Resident Evil is such a great game. I only played it for the first time myself earlier this year and I had a ball.
It's already been said several times, but you should pick Jill first since her scenario is a little easier. You can probably beat both Jill and Chris's scenarios in under twenty hours, so you should really play both.

>> No.9161394

it's not even that hard, you just need to wait so they line up and you can take them down with the sniper
I legit think the Luis cabin and the chopper segment are both way harder

>> No.9161397

That one is a bliss with shotgun and magnum

>> No.9161413

>since it seemed to work best on PC emulating with mouse controls
lol wut
the most recent PC release is basically the definitive edition, there's even the hd project that makes it look amazing yet not touching the original artstyle at all

>> No.9161429

I got filtered hard by this shit, bought the game, tried to get past this for almost a week and ended up trading it with a friend
I just looked up what's a slalom

>> No.9161450

>The giant robot part sucks on any 60fps version of the game
I actually did a few tests on this part, at 60fps it starts looking for inputs earlier than the prompts shows up on the screen, if you skip the cutscene it works just fine. re4_tweaks fixes it like that anon mentioned

>> No.9161465

This room is literally the pinnacle of the gameplay formula and it goes horribly downhill from here

>> No.9161470

yeah the game gives you the broken butterfly for free, loaded with ammo, and you get the magnum ammo behind the counter near the cage room, not sure what else you'd use that ammo on

>> No.9163807

It's a great room, but it's nowhere near as hard as people say, you're just bad at vidya

>> No.9163810

30k isn't a lot when you never upgrade guns, even without selling treasure

>> No.9163824

All this game needed to not be shit was real time weapon switching but they were too retarded to do that. Having to enter the menu to select another weapon is so bad for an action game. It breaks the pace and action.
>need a grenade
>enter menu
>select grenade
>exit menu
>use grenade
>enter menu
>select weapon
>exit menu
Fucking shit. Amazing how such a small oversight completely ruined the entire game. Another small qualm I have is how when you aim with your sniper it always makes your aim horizontal instead of the direction you're looking at. Gives it a very clunky feel. I'm looking forward to RE4make since it's the same team as RE2make and that's easily the best Resident Evil game ever made (and one of the greatest games ever made, too).

>> No.9164667
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For someone interested in only the RPG aspects of this game, yes.

Knew a girl who never touched a computer game in her life yet still played VTM for the atmosphere.

But ... personally? I do enjoy pumping ammo in those geodudes, ammo that I pretty much saved the entire game before this point.

>> No.9164738

>i'd even say this is one of my favorite parts in the game
>you literally just run to either corner of the room
>i'd even say this is one of my favorite parts in the game

>> No.9164801

For me it's the chapter in PM TTYD where you go to twilight town. I love the game but that's my least favourite part.
Not if the only reason they stuck out was because you didn't like them

>> No.9166593


>> No.9166751

Spider Cave is kino.
I thought the difficulty is appropriate considering the point in the game it's at.

>> No.9166754
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Pic related filtered 7 year old me hard.

>> No.9166880

Damn that Ashley chick is cute. Cute!

>> No.9166893

"That" part for me will always be Oak's Parcel in Pokémon Blue at the tender age of six. I got a GBC for my birthday, but I could barely read at the time since I was so young. That roadblock encouraged me to learn just so I could continue playing. I'll admit I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, but that fetch quest always left a lasting impression on me.

>> No.9167220

I think the best touch of the water room in RE4 is that dudes spawn directly above the hideout room. You can still deal with them if you chose to turtle here but they make it less mindless.

>> No.9167223

This area is harder on PC because the 60 fps causes the enemies to be more aggressive. So Ashley gets caught or stabbed in the back far more frequently

>> No.9167325

Difficulty scaling does not apply to Professional. That one is always locked into the highest enemy quantity. Also way less ammo, extremely rare healing items and no armor vest to reduce damage. On the flip side, you get more money, so upgrades come faster.

>> No.9167350

You cannot access Professional without clearing the game on Normal first.
That said, dying to the room at a high dynamic difficulty and dropping down to lower dynamic difficulty is still having trouble with the room; people did do that and therefore remember it as a hard room, nothing more complicated than that. And there's still a minimum it won't go below (although no one should lose at that). Nobody said they stopped playing or didn't pass it, even among the people who said they had trouble with it. You introduced those things yourself, larpman.

>> No.9167368

I played re4 throughout the entirety of my baby mamas pregnancy, even though that went horribly wrong I still enjoy this game. I wish I knew that it would effectively kill off re series as we knew it.

>> No.9167394
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>> No.9167401
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