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File: 563 KB, 800x600, 800px-SaffronCitySSB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9140018 No.9140018 [Reply] [Original]

Was Saffron the most iconic town in Red/Blue?
For me, it was Celadon.

>> No.9140038

I think they're all pretty iconic but some stand out more than others. Despite being so small, they're all pretty memorable for some reason or another.

>> No.9140051
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for me it's picrel

>> No.9140052


>> No.9140102

This. No other town like it

>> No.9140275
File: 15 KB, 562x562, 1637872527694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pallet: home
>Viridian: both the first and last town you visit
>Cerulean: Cerulean Cave and the upper routes
>Vermillion: S.S. Anne
>Celadon: Department Store and Game Center
>Lavender: spooky
>Saffron: Silph Co
>Fuchsia: Safari Zone
>Cinnabar: Island near Seafoam, Pokemon Mansion, Fossils
What does Pewter offer? The only point of interest is the Museum which is pointless other than the Aerodactyl fossil you can swipe later on

>> No.9140705

>What does Pewter offer? The only point of interest is the Museum which is pointless other than the Aerodactyl fossil you can swipe later on
It's the first gym you ever fight. It's the first point where you do some grinding in the game. Most likely you caught a Caterpie so you probably have a Butterfree by the time you beat the gym. You've already learned fully about Pokemon evolution about this point, and then you get led into Mt Moon where you officially meet the bad guys, get a cool rock, and maybe you even caught one of the coolest Pokemon in the game.

>> No.9140762

>For me, it was Celadon.
I agree. It felt like it had the most going on.

>> No.9140779

johto is for jotos

>> No.9140785

>and maybe you even caught one of the coolest Pokemon in the game.

>> No.9140804
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I probably spent the most time in Celadon because of the Game Corner and department store.

>> No.9140807

It's Celadon for me too. It was definitely the town I returned to the most since I was always eager to buy TMs.
Cinnabar and Lavender always stand out in my mind thanks to the Pokemon Mansion and Pokemon Tower.

>> No.9140835

Cinnabar is my favorite for the diary entries in the Pokemon Mansion, the fossils becoming alive again, and the Missingno and Safari Pokemon glitch.

>> No.9140847
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They are all great. In a vaccum viridian is the most plain but by nature of being the first and final city it still works

>> No.9140868

Vermillion was it for me, there are just so many things unusual about it. It's a seaside town which was new. It had the SS Anne which was its own whole battle area, but also it's the first town since Veridian that you travel backwards from to start pursuing solutions to things instead of staying forwards moving, so it's a pivot point in your journey as well. It connects across the map via the Diglett Tunnel to a place you probably didn't know was beside route 2, and has a whole optional route next to it as well.

Because of the tunnel it also connects to a weirdly high amount of distant places and marks a good time to backtrack for anything you want. Vermillion opens the game up.

>> No.9141175


>> No.9141179

Clefairy is faggotry incarnated

>> No.9141187
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Good points, but Lavender has the same effect x2 on opening up the game

>finally make out of the tunnel that requires Flash
>arrive in Spooky town
>tower full of ghosts mons you can't do anything with at the moment, mysteries to be solved
>from this moment onwards you can either travel west or south and the game becomes truly unlinear and you can start doing some routes/town/dungeons in the order you want

The entire central area, Lavender, Celadon, Fuchsia, is where the real meat of the game is at imo

also Vermillion and Lavender have the best colours using SGB

>> No.9141207

Easily this, which is ironic since it doesn't even have a gym.

>> No.9141242

Viridian is because it's the only one with a song dedicated to it.

>> No.9141252

the jpegs of pokemon that fly in the background of the stage are peak soul

>> No.9141270

It's got to be Pallet, the town where everyone's adventure started. Lavender's a close second but you can't beat the first town in one of the most iconic video games of all time.

>> No.9141529

It ain't a town it's a City. There are only two(2) towns in Red/Blue

>> No.9141572

Pewter and Cerulean always stuck out in my mind because they were the first gyms you tackle.

>> No.9141859

celadon is still my favorite pokecity
it just has a bunch of cool stuff and is green

>> No.9141916

t. Jigglypuffbro

>> No.9141992


>> No.9143573

Lavender thanks to the internet

>> No.9143607

I had fun playing Clefairy and using metronome in a playthrough once. Pokemon as a game is more fun if you play it kind of retarded or like a kid who just wants to try anything that seems cool.

>> No.9143651


>> No.9143664

I had that once too, brought the Clefairy up to the E4, fun times

>> No.9143907

So... why the name "Sylph" for the company? Seems awfully random

>> No.9143914

sounds cool

>> No.9144134

a sylph is some kind of fey creature
dunno why they went with it though

>> No.9144142

Why were a third of Super Smash Bros levels just rooftops?

>> No.9144153

The nature of the game calls for high places you can fall from

>> No.9145562

It's Silph

>> No.9145592

Might have been the most iconic due to the anime. I always thought Viridian City was the most iconic in the game.

>> No.9145721

You're fighting on the Silph Co building. Which is the place you fight Giovanni and get the master ball. As far as cities go you probably spend most of your time and that one city. Sure is not iconic but at the time it's really all they had.

>> No.9145730

Is it still worth playing RBY over FRLG?

>> No.9145739

Yes, FRLG doesn't support Pokemon Stadium.

>> No.9145742

gen 1 mechanics have a lot of novelty for those burnt out on gen 3 and later things like abilities, natures. Gen 1 has speed crits, body slam and hyper beam spam. I think it's still fun, honestly.

>> No.9145805


They made a machine to find ghosts, that's probably why they chose it; them being an all-purpose tech company probably wasn't considered.

>> No.9145973

I like how East Kanto was structured like an actual metropolitan area with offshoot suburbs around it.

>> No.9146006

Broken ass Tauros.

>> No.9146012

FRLG completely butchers the ost

and believe it or not even the aesthetics are often inferior

>> No.9146014

Tauros is single-handedly the most difficult pokemon to catch in the game.
My friends completed their pokedex thanks to me staying all night awake one time, swearing I would catch one, and I did, it took hours, after trying for many days. Fucker.
I only managed to ever catch one other Tauros in my life.
Then they were in Gold and Silver, but I'm talking Tauros in the safari zone of Red and Blue.

>> No.9146017

The Seafoam Island/Cinnabar/Viridian glitch was a life saver. But fuck catching Chansey in the Safari Zone, ball always fucking missed.

>> No.9146020

Most people don't know that there are wild Chansey on Cerulean Cave, hence Tauros being harder to catch than Chansey even though technically she has an even lower catch rate in the Safari Zone.

>> No.9146027

Lavender as it’s the one everyone knows. I’ll freely admit I’m a zoomie, and I jailbroke my Wii a while back and emulated fire red on it. Even though I knew the stories weren’t true, there was a little voice in the back of my mind that was still paranoid that every legend about the town would be waiting there to ambush me for some reason.

>> No.9146029

I always forget about that, because I'm in Cerulean Cave for one thing at that point. Ditto, Kadabra, and Raichu are all catchable there too.

>> No.9146035
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>fire red

>> No.9146042

Gotta have my updated graphics bro, I’m a zoomie remember? I didn’t grow up with the original Gen one but I did grow up with fire red, though my first game was sapphire

>> No.9146058
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That's disgusting. Not your age, I'm mean playing a bootleg version especially as a first playthrough

>> No.9146060

Celadon and Vermillion for sure

>> No.9146067

It's the only one where people instantly can remember the music

>> No.9146069

Meeting Team Rocket right after basically. Should've been a town

>> No.9146103

Lavender is a big part of why I still think RBY (And FRLG for that matter) are among the best Pokemon games. If you know where to go then you can immediately leave the first time you reach it. If you don't then it lets you figure out on your own after reaching the ghost Marowak that you need to go to Celadon and come back later. I can imagine multiple ways that modern Pokemon would stop you to fully complete the tower right then and there.

>> No.9146143
File: 119 KB, 680x447, D4A8D0A2-28BE-4216-B3F3-2DEFB5CB22DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9146367

Modern Lavender
>When you get there the door to the tower is locked
>The path to the southward routes are blocked by 2 guards or some other abritary bullshit because the non linearility would get players lost
>objective on on-screen map + sign + NPC in the middle of the town with a huge red "!" over their head remind you you should be going WEST. West being that direction over there! But if case you're still lost you can also get that info in a sub menu.

>eventually get the device to see ghosts and the game uses the same mechanics to tell you to go back to Lavender
>only then after beating the tower the roads to the south open

Obviously there are also no random encounters

>> No.9146378

Cerulean Cave was so much better in RB and it was nerfed ever since. The Pokemon you could find there were basically team ready. It was cool when someone who had beaten the game could trade you a high level pokemon from it.

>> No.9146392

The main novelty of RBY mechanics is that it puts emphasis on item management and exploiting moves to make you able to take down higher level opponents. The less you have to grind, the more fun you'll have with it.

>> No.9146403
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>exploiting moves to take down higher level opponents

oh yeah

>> No.9146404

I really like both. I think you can’t really go wrong with either. I think a new player should definitely play RBY first, though. They still hold up.

>> No.9147023

not him but I find FRLG to be superior
they are my favorite pokeman games
I will agree that the original OST has something special about it

>> No.9147034
File: 325 KB, 729x307, literalsoulandnosoul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ost isn't the only thing special about it. frlg is an abbomination in every possible way, it's only saving grace is the running shoes


>> No.9147038

I disagree.

>> No.9147047

Is the GBA soundchip really this fucking bad or was it the gamefreak musicians who messed up? this is tragic

>> No.9147060

Never understood the complaints about the soundtrack, it's not like G/S where the DS version completely obliterated the comfy tunes.

A large majority of the tracks are either sidegrades or glow-ups if you ask me.


>> No.9147064
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>> No.9147256

Soulless. Literally

>> No.9147307

> maybe you even caught one of the coolest Pokemon in the game
Based parasect truther

>> No.9147397

RBY is more appealing to me nowadays for some reason despite not really having nostalgia for it seeing as Crystal was my first Pokemon game. The remakes were great when they released but nowadays they have been surpassed in terms of visuals and mechanics so they don't have much to offer contrary to the original game's that have retained their charm and simplicity and offer a vastly different Pokemon experience that any other game in the series.

>> No.9147451

see, I like how FRLG look more than any other pokemon game; its just right
some of the battle sprites/moves of gen 4 look better, and of course some stuff from HGSS and gen 5 look nicer (like the spinning pokemart signs in HGSS; kino)
I missed out on gen 2 when it was new; never played the originals, but ive seen pics of cities at night and I admit I missed out

>> No.9147472

I always assumed Cerulean would be the most iconic. The first few towns are very small and quaint and linear, Cerulean is the first town you reach that feels massive and open.

>> No.9147539

The S.S. Anne stood out to me. It's not the gba sound chip so much as the arrangement kinda sucks. Compare:

>> No.9147568

This and I'm amazed its not mentioned earlier in the thread. Cerulean is built around introducing you to so many new mechanics and future hints. A bike that costs more than you'll ever make. How can you get it? You see a man across the water, what is he by? How do you get there? You fight a rocket member and they give you the TM Dig, which you can use outside of battle, the first move that can do that. You go north and seeBill who shows you more about the PC system. In the upper part of Cerulean someone explains the badge system. Your first ingame trade, IIRC is there.

RB are brilliantly designed games and I hate how much shit is thrown their way.
The big problem with the remake tracks in this and the Gen 4 remakes is they try to one-up the original music.

>> No.9147629

>see, I like how FRLG look more than any other pokemon game; its just right
It literally turned Kanto into a giant coniferous forest.

>> No.9147646


>> No.9147674

In the most urban region of japan, in a game themed around the consequences and dangers of technological and scientific development, a game that sparked from its creator lamenting how new generations won't get to enjoy his passion for bug catching due to evergrowing deforestation.

>> No.9147691
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>in a game themed around the consequences and dangers of technological and scientific development
What are you tards even headcanoning now?

>> No.9147703

>But fuck catching Chansey in the Safari Zone, ball always fucking missed.
iirc the safari zone mechanics were tied to the speed stat in gen 1. Basically, any pokemon's chance to run was determined by speed. Tauros has a naturally high 110 speed on so it would bolt almost immediately.
Chansey, by contrast, has a very low speed stat, which allowed you to throw rocks at it enough for it to be catchable.

>> No.9147704
File: 234 KB, 860x778, 613-6137756_mewtwo-ken-sugimori-art-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever played the game?

>> No.9147705

not that anon but he's probably talking about Mewtwo

>> No.9147707

How the fuck was the game centered around Mewtwo? He was an optional side story AT BEST

>> No.9147709

you weren't there man, everyone knew about and wanted Mewtwo back then. he was the new hotness. Also Cinnabar Island is all about Mewtwo

>> No.9147713

I literally grew up with gen 1. I was in theaters for the first pokemon movie.
The game was in no way themed around Mewtwo. You're confusing the plot of the first movie with the actual games

>> No.9147714

That's a pretty airtight criticism of the art design in FRLG in all honesty. I knew that the story had that angle but didn't really consider just how many trees are in Kanto outside of Viridian Forest in the remake.
I still like FRLG a lot though, trees and trumpets notwithstanding.

>> No.9147717

Are you serious? Practically everybody who beat this game also caught Mewtwo.

>> No.9147719

Might as well say that the game was based around the bird trio if you're going with that logic. He was a side thing and super cool but this wasn't gen 3 and beyond where the game centered around him.
You retarded zoomers are really outting yourself right now

>> No.9147725

The Team rocket storyline permeates the whole game starting with the stealing of fossils(that you can regenerate at cinnabar) and culminates with the attempt to take over the tech company to get their hands on the master ball which captures any pokemon regardless of how incredibly powerful and out of control they are. Now put 2+2 together

Also, Grimer and Koffing

>> No.9147731

You people have no idea what 'centered around' fucking means, I swear

>> No.9147743

I'm sorry you can't grasp a theme unless it's something like "omg the baddies are trying to summon the pokegods you must stop them" thrown at you at every second

>> No.9147752

the bird trio didn't have any story stuff going on, whereas there's a burned lab in Cinnabar that tells you about two man made Pokemon, Porygon and Mewtwo

>> No.9147758

Celadon has more charm
Saffron is all sky scrapers and narrow streets

>> No.9147759

Which also connects to the Cubone storyline with Mr Fuji finding redemption for what he did in Cinnabar. Everything is subtly connected

>> No.9147769

Damn near spit out my drink laughing when that second video started.
Also, nice title pun.

>> No.9147773

Cinnabar doesn't mention shit about Porygon. You people need to actually replay these games.
Mewtwo's story isn't even about the dangers of tech until the movies. He blew up a lab full of bad guys. That's it.

>> No.9147782

No you retard. There's a report in sylph co saying how the first manmade pokemon, Porygon was created in the cinnabar lab. The only Porygon in game is on the rocket controlled casino slots. The cinnabar lab says it was founded by Fuji.

>> No.9147786

>Mewtwo's story isn't even about the dangers of tech until the movies. He blew up a lab full of bad guys. That's it.
Anon... you are retarded. The story from a game for children went over your head.

>> No.9147787

Sylph Co does mention how Porygon was developed in the Cinnabar lab. You're making a fool out of yourself

>> No.9147923

Poketism is the worst kind of tism

>> No.9147940

Your petty critique is unconvincing

>> No.9147973

Not as unconvincing as your IQ being above 100

>> No.9148018
File: 82 KB, 600x600, Male_Nidoran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that?
Just click double click on Brock and then thrash every trainer you stuff up dodging after.

>> No.9148026

Ye, I just traded for a Crystal one. Easy pokedex. Easy life.

>> No.9148054

Not on /vr/, people are just discussing the cities and locations, pretty comfy to be honest, pokemon threads are usually very civil and on-topic on here.
/vp/, yeah, they can't stop being horny teenagers who want to fuck fantasy animals, but the sonic fandom is probably still the worst, or final fantasy.

>> No.9148119

Please pokemon is literally worse than mlp and sonic combined

>> No.9148125

It can be, but the games were genuinely very fun. Cartoon wasn't bad either.

>> No.9148167

What's so bad about this thread? Where is the furry porn or the mental breakdowns (other than your own)?

>> No.9148186

As someone who usually likes Pokemon remake OSTs is astonishing just how bad FRLG music was. LGPE did it far better even if it went the generic orchestra route.

The only songs in FRLG that is peak kino are Team Rocket's Hideout and Blue's Champion theme. The latter's hectic chaos of it is especially amazing.


>> No.9148190

thats the kind of petty shit an undicked woman says to *finally* get some attention

>> No.9148205

It's a shame that FRLG is such a turnoff for some people because it was really a very good game. I'm willing to concede that the soundtrack doesn't sound quite as good as RBY's and that the trees all over the place might not adhere too faithfully to the original game's setting or art design, but it's still awesome game.
I think the actual game mechanics in the gen 3 games are pretty top notch. Held items are a welcome inclusion and battles don't feel like they drag, at least not to me. All of the trainer and monster sprites are great and the game has the most aesthetically-pleasing Pokedex in my opinion. I really enjoy the little recap the game gives you whenever you load a save, too.

>> No.9148209

I'd rather see trees than fences or whatever the original had
honestly I thought anon was bitching about them being coniferous rather than deciduous, but his autism surpassed my expectations
anyway, I dont like held items and I really didnt like the sevi isles, otherwise they are the best game

>> No.9148213
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>All of the trainer and monster sprites are great

>> No.9148217

yeah, I agree FRLG had better trainer sprites as well

>> No.9148218

>pokemon worse than mlp and sonic combined
You have not gazed long into the abyss

>> No.9148223
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>> No.9148226
File: 65 KB, 515x485, 01-25-41-1659133042475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy training your fossils in time for the elite 4 with only 2 gyms away

>> No.9148228

Get this, anon: I like both a lot. That Red sprite in particular is just as good as the old one.

>> No.9148232

the best player sprite in the entire series IMO

>> No.9148238

Sevi Isles were pretty mid, yeah. Held items, though. I liked those. I can understand why you might not though.
Frankly, treeanon expanded my mind. I could not bring myself to disagree with him. It was like the anon who enlightened me about Link's Awakening's tiles looking better in monochrome than in color all over again.

>> No.9148243

I dont care though; the trees look great
everything looks great; thats kinda my point

>> No.9148247
File: 66 KB, 1408x640, 01-33-28-1659133532749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was like the anon who enlightened me about Link's Awakening's tiles looking better in monochrome than in color all over again.
Lmao it's almost like I'm the exact same person. Glad I could help someone see the light though

>> No.9148252

you just have shit tastes anon
right is far and away superior

>> No.9148257

>the city of rocks / mines / archeology
>turns it into a forest village
shut up secondary

>> No.9148262

The map on the right is misleading since it removes the cut bush blocking the way to the back half of the museum.

>> No.9148268

Yes anon the city known for its fossil museum, with a rock type gym leader, located next to Mt moon and that on the map is located in the spot that corresponds to the tipically mountainous gunma perfecture in Japan should most definitely be engulfed by a forest and most definitely not rocky cliffs

>> No.9148295

>museum costs money
>save the game
>reset the game after looking around
>money saved
Seriously though, what's even the point in making a tollbooth for an area with nothing in it? Why not make it free or put a reward there?

>> No.9148319

Immersion. Its not like the ticket makes a dent on your game wallet, it's merely symbolic

>> No.9148320

To get to Cinnabar you only need surf.
To use surf you only need Koga's badge.
To get to Koga you only need cut.
To use cut you only Misty's badge.
Good ol' Kanto where you could challenge the gym leads in almost any order.

>> No.9148327

Lol, thanks anon. You're doing god's work.

>> No.9148335

towns in mountains are usually below the tree line
but whatever, you're dead set on being a harping autist

>> No.9148343

The point of the museum being in the game is it provides a lot of optional expositionary lore for players that care about it, and foreshadows the existence of cool ass fossil pokemons.
Then the point of adding a toll to it is to make it feel like an actual place.

>> No.9148346

Pokemon is a role-playing game.

>> No.9148403

Honestly the Safari Zone is the only "bullshit" part of gen one. Everything else is fine, but fuck that time -wasting impossible bullshit. On my last playthrough I just used the Cinnabar glitch to catch the Safari mons.

>> No.9148507

Where you play the role of a pokemon trainer, not a tourist

>> No.9148523

Then why did you go to the museum?

>> No.9148729
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>> No.9148913

>he's never been to Cinnabar island ASAP to get mons there to use in earlier routes/gyms
>he's never started a playthrough by giving himself a lvl 5 Aerodactyl hatched in gen 2 and transfered in the first town

do you even know how to play gen1?

>> No.9148925

also those guys are right, bad guys over-using technology to mess with nature for personal gain IS a central theme in the story of the game. And it's not just Mew Two, it's the Team Rocket and Giovanni as well, finding out about Mew Two is just the icing on the cake, realizing that the Team Rocket weren't the first ones with that mentality and that history repeats itself despite it backfiring on the guys in the first place before humans never fucking learn/care as long as personal gain is involved.

>> No.9149221

t. ponyfag

Pokémon and Sonic at least have the games (and their mechanics, graphics, music and the like) to discuss about, MLP "fandom" is nothing but an ironic shitposting campaign gone awry.

>> No.9149331

It is, but to be fair, they fucked up when coding and balancing it. The fixed catch mechanics in Gen 2's bug catching contests were much more forgiving.

>> No.9149347

It was there.

>> No.9149671


>> No.9149897
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>> No.9149962
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cringe post

>> No.9150310


>> No.9150883

>If you have the foreknowledge to do everything in your power to break the flow of the game to get a pokemon you want before the game expects you to this isn't a problem!
Fucking retards

>> No.9151373

I'll agree that this is a major downgrade. Really don't like this redesign. Still, FRLG Red is fine.

>> No.9151682

I'm surprised FRLG managed to stay out of all the trumpet memes that always plague RSE

>> No.9151684

Based on what we got in the Pokemon Presents this week, you might be wrong now.

>> No.9151693


>> No.9151705

Open world, can do gyms in any order, three main stories that you can do independently of each other.

>> No.9152134

Sounds pretty cool

>> No.9152771
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>> No.9153085
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great pic

>> No.9153319

nice digimon

>> No.9153963

>most profitable media franchise of all time

>> No.9153987

I really like the area around Vermillion City. Lots of different good mons. It felt like you're really hitting your stride.

>> No.9154050

I don't remember any of that water area on the right.

>> No.9154059

>not remembering snorlax blocking the way
>not remembering all the fisherman trainers and the house where you get the fishing rod

>> No.9154071

20 years too late. They could have easily gone the open ended level scaling route like the saga games as soon as the GBA era. It’s a shame gamefreak settled on the linear gym structure for so long.

>> No.9154449

pokemon is dead

>> No.9154495

I don't know, I probably forgot it since I thought fish mons were underwhelming besides gyrados and I was running off the high of getting cool shit like drowsey.

>> No.9154501

Tits or gtfo

>> No.9154614
File: 130 KB, 1200x666, Fidough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pokemon is bread

>> No.9154912

Almost like the games being made now aren't in your demographic anymore because you're a literal middle aged man now.

>> No.9154914

I would drink the dog beer.

>> No.9155521

>Almost like the games being made now aren't in your demographic anymore because you're a literal middle aged man now.
I'm a manchild on /vr/ who still enjoys plenty of "for kids" media(even modern stuff), that has got to be one of the poorest excuses to justify garbage.

>> No.9156339

No, it's not a poor excuse, because millions and millions of kids still like it. People said the same thing when diamond came out, same when white came out, etc. You're just at the point where you are no longer encased within the demographic based on your tastes. Jesus christ you sure are a manchild for this to have to be explained to you.

>> No.9156393

I don't mean it's literally dead as in no one cares about it anymore, just metaphorically dead as in the original essence has completely faded. It's like saying Star Wars is dead even though it's a property that is still brimming and pulling billions.

>> No.9156532

>The game was in no way themed around Mewtwo

Only if you're dense

>Mewtwo cloned on Cinnabar island
>Cloning lab on the mansion destroyed,
>New cloning facility established, they clone fossils, Fuji had a hand in founding the lab
>First encounter Team Rocket in Mt. Moon where they are looking for fossils to clone
>Later see them in Lavender town where Mr. Fuji lives, rocket member hints that they were talking about matters that don't concern you hinting it wasn't just the Marowak why Fuji was there
>next see team Rocket at Silph co.
>Masterball looks like its themed after Mewtwo
beating the E4 is the barrier to entry for entering Mewtwo's cave

In a modern game they'd make it more obvious

>> No.9156554

But this shows why RBY is so good; the fossils are already at a high level so you can just roll with them on your team a lot easier than grinding a level 5 one that far in. Level 40's can take on the elite four easy, and Its not too hard to grind at the mansion right there.
Foresight is knowing you go in a specific order that later games would enforce. a new player going for exploration wouldn't necessarily think that way. Especially if they take advantage of trading and end up with Pokemon with HM moves.

>> No.9156556
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>In a modern game they'd make it more obvious
and they did

>> No.9156562

>But this shows why RBY is so good; the fossils are already at a high level so you can just roll with them on your team a lot easier than grinding a level 5 one that far in. Level 40's can take on the elite four easy, and Its not too hard to grind at the mansion right there.
that was literally that poster's point, he was trashing the remakes for messing that up

>> No.9156574
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and also

>> No.9156587

>can do gyms in any order
But they're still on a level curve, so those level 2 Pidgey expies aren't doing much against the highest-leveled Gym.

>> No.9156818

Kek, I do mostly keep up with the games but I missed this one

I think this was always the intention in the old games, too. A lot of ( /vp/) fans really dislike the idea that certain elements from the anime were from the game designers, so I see a lot of people disregard Team Rocket being linked to Mewtwo as an anime original idea retconned in.
I think when the anime staff consulted Game Freak they were probably privy to ideas and concepts that were downplayed or not made obvious in the game. So while Team Rocket may not have commissioned Mewtwo in the games, they were interested in it,or the tech behind it.

>> No.9156839

Even in red and blue inside the silph building there's a pokemon report saying how porygon was developed in the cinnabar lab and yet to get porygon you have to buy it in the casino which we know is owned by team rocket so there's definitely some level of implied connection there.
The gen 1 japanese-only pokemon encyclopedia written by satoshi tajiri directly alludes to this mentioning something along the lines of how weird it is that team rocket got a hold of porygon...

>> No.9157673

I hate to admit it but I gotta say this thread gave me a newfound appreciation for gen 1

>> No.9157675

being outside a demographic isnt an excuse for a lackluster game, theres plenty of games targeted towards kids that still hold up when played by adults.
pokemon on the other hand is actively dumbing down their games for the younger audience, and even actual pokefags are dissapointed with how the new game looks. new games have to focus on a more handholding experience and shoving the story down your throat, while forcing in a new gimmick every game to keep the ADHD kids entertained while not even having half the mons in the 'collect em all' pokemon game.
as someone who doesnt care a lot for gen4/5, i can still appreciate them and dont mind playing them every once in a while, as the core of the game is still reminiscent of how a pokemon game should be, but i cant stand playing gen 6+ for more than a few hours and couldnt even be bothered to finish the main story in most of them. it actively feels like the game is treating me like a retard and wasting my time by grinding the pacing to a halt every 5 seconds
>Jesus christ you sure are a manchild for this to have to be explained to you
someone struck a nerve lol

>> No.9157729

Same. I had sort of thought that if I were to meet someone that hadn't played Pokemon at all, it might be best to have them play FireRed/LeafGreen first, but I was on the fence about it. Now I see it would have been wrong.

>> No.9157856

Koga/Sabrina/and Blaine aren't that different in levels, Blaine caps a little higher but surf on any decently leveled Pokemon will tear him apart. And besides, if you just grind through the game to have higher level Pokemon it isn't as fun, challenging enemies on par of higher than your team average makes it feel like an actual battle.

>> No.9157896
File: 180 KB, 900x883, labeled_map_of_kanto_by_rythos_d3c4hsg-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought of this much, but it is interesting. It doesn't break FR/LG for me, but I will say I get where you're coming from. FRLG feels like its coming off from RS's tropical environment, but unlike that game which has plenty of variety in environments; deserts, ice caverns and beaches, FR/LG doesn't really emphasize those in Kanto.

Saffron is probably the biggest change, I miss the railed paths that really made it look more developed.

>> No.9158594
File: 36 KB, 640x673, route23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak soulless

>> No.9158608
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For me, it was grinding my starter to level 100 and exlusively using it

>> No.9158619

That's how I've felt, too. I feel like if someone already likes retro games and they want to try these games that there's no reason not to start with the Game Boy games. They're still fun.

>> No.9158846


>> No.9158930

cool pic. now post the wojak tiktok edit

>> No.9159314

Funny that even on the routes where there used to be brick roads are now dirt paths

>> No.9160359

How the fuck is this even acceptable in 2022? Aren't zoomers graphic whores?

>> No.9160361

I'm not really sure that zoomers are the ones buying Pokemon games, and the ones that do probably have pretty low expectations for that kind of thing, especially on the Switch.

>> No.9160724

Weren't Saffron and Celadon supposed to be one city together, mimicking Tokyo?
Wich is why they are separated by a incredibly small route.

>> No.9161314

saffron is the business district and celadon the commercial district

>> No.9161358

Gen2 was pushing the urban development concept even further with things like razing Viridian Forest, turing the Pokemon Tower into another radio station, and Mewtwo's cave collapsing. But then the franchise came under new management in Gen3, and they decided the games had to look like the anime where everything always has to look pristine and natural, so the original idea of Kanto being a highly-developed urban region was retconned out.

>> No.9161389

more like filth lol

>> No.9161601
File: 54 KB, 640x576, Goldenrod_City_GS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked Goldenrod City

>> No.9161635

Sweaty that is not in Red and Blue

>> No.9161669
File: 977 KB, 1863x843, 1344828167984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Celadon is likely to be the one you spend the most time in. TM's and the game corner have a great allure. Always loved obtaining pokemon outside of normal catching. magikarp from the route after brock, evee, lapras, fossils, and of course the prizes. I used to give my gambling addict asian grand mother the gameboy to rack up coins while i did other things and come back to grab a scyther, dratini, and other swag shit

>> No.9161679

Yeah Goldenrod was awesome

>> No.9162123

I think both games have merit. The remakes are more polished and a better representation of the established Pokémon franchise. I still really enjoy red and blue for their simplicity and rougher edges In terms of style. Some sprites have to be seen to be believed.

>> No.9162126

>I used to give my gambling addict asian grand mother the gameboy to rack up coins while i did other things and come back to grab a scyther, dratini, and other swag shit
Holy shit, that rules.

>> No.9162138

I don't think the anime is to blame for that necessarily, it had way more cities and a higher level of tech than the games at the time. If anything, the change comes from Ruby/Sapphire's emphasis on really organic themed towns; places built under volcano soot, towns on treetops, towns on boat docks, etc.
When I used to post on /vp/ one of the common complaints about Kanto I saw was it being boring because the towns are all plain. As opposed to Gen 3 onward where every new region has a ton of gimmicky cities. Ultimately most of the gimmick towns don't really amount to much though, just a bunch of NPCs talking about how ___ town is the town of ____ and how random geographical feature is good for their Pokemon.

>> No.9162156

I'm with this guy. I thought the anime was honestly a great representation of the first gen games. It didn't seem super squeaky clean to me; you just get a closer look at some of the sci-fi stuff in the games. There was a lot of camping from what I remember. I honestly consider it one of the better animes I've watched.

>> No.9162247
File: 3.36 MB, 498x372, pokemon-team-rocket.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm with this guy. I thought the anime was honestly a great representation of the first gen games.

>> No.9162250


>> No.9162270

>remove locations because incompetent devs who would have to make more maps
>"n-no it was world building! My headcanon is right!"
Meanwhile that old man is STILL stomping dirt with his Machoke... some urban development you got going there

>> No.9162325

> three years and still not done

Yes sounds about right for urban developments

>> No.9162334

Why you heff to be so mad?
Sure, that probably isn't how most kids would have played it, but that you still technically the have the option to take non-standard approaches is nothing but a plus.

>> No.9162339

Plus yellow sort of pushes you away from Saffron by raising Sabrina’s levels. It’s not like going to Fushia quickly wasn’t encouraged. Plenty of NPCs tell you about finding moves to explore the world better.

>> No.9162350

Coz those routes are completely optional. If you wanna get to Fuschia from Celadon it's a hundred times faster to just take the cycling road instead. You might go there in the post game to pick up a Super Rod, but that's about it.

>> No.9162368
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>makes a completely ridiculous factually false claim
>somehow I have autism for laughing at it

>> No.9162371

Why were random ass statues even there in the first place? Is it a Japanese thing?

>> No.9162373

They think they're making for young children that actually like the style.

>> No.9162378


>> No.9162379
File: 2.42 MB, 3024x4032, kitsunestatues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. In my headcanon they are immortalizing pokemon who made it to the league hall of fame

>> No.9162390

That’s also how I saw it. Reading this thread has me wanting to play one of these games again.

>> No.9162430

The fire red theme straight up sounds like a meme version that was made shitty as a joke. Like wow. The OG is pure kino though.

I agree completely with you. The gen 1 remakes homogenized the graphics, homogenized the gameplay mechanics, fucked up the soundtrack beyond recognition, and even butchered the dialogue apparently. It's crazy to think that poke remakes have been trash across the board since day fucking 1, but it's the truth.

>> No.9162553

cant you not reach fuschia from lavender because of snorlax?

>> No.9162561

is there any indication in the game that Mr. Fuji was related to Mewtwo?

>> No.9162573

The cloning lab on Cinnabar was established by Mr. Fuji after the old lab on the Pokémon mansion was destroyed.
It’s not much of a stretch to imagine Fuji founded the old lab, too.
In Gen 3, there’s a special event where you can travel to the island Mew lives on, this island has a faded sign hoping only a kind hearted person returns to this island, signed by “-ji” with the first part faded, suggesting this is where Fuji found the Mew that “gave birth” ( however you’d like to interpret that) to Mewtwo

>> No.9162579

The Cinnabar Lab was founded by Fuji. There is a picture of Blaine and Mr. Fuji. The key to Blaine's gym is locked and you find the key to it inside the Pokemon Mansion.

Later in the gba remakes there's further confirmation with the ingame event where you capture Mew.

>> No.9162701

Holy mother of all JUSTs...

>> No.9162912

What I don't get is, why replace it with plain cylinders? It makes no fucking sense. The generic monster statues are still there so its not like they were trying to downplay them

>Some sprites have to be seen to be believed.

The weirder sprites make more sense, even besides the anime/artwork being later cleaned up revisions, when you think of them as variations of RPG monsters you're taming. The franchise has origins in Ultraman and Dragon Quest monsters

>> No.9163068

>What I don't get is, why replace it with plain cylinders?
Because the perspective of the statues, which use two 16x16 tiles vertically, make it seem like you could go "behind" it through the top tile even though you can't since they are both solid.
God forbid that kids would bump into walls a couple times trying to go behind them before finding the right path. That would be completely unacceptable.

>> No.9163074

Why does Nintendo do this?

>> No.9163141

Not Nintendo.

>> No.9163180

Didn't you know Mr. Nintendo makes all of the Nintendo games by himself? Never mind that the same guy drew both of those and was the art director for both of those games.

>> No.9163298

I have some serious Mandela Effect going on with this. I have a memory of his work being done in one of the later games, and it turning into one of those shops that sells medicine that heals well, but makes your Pokemon's friendship stat go down, like Cianwood Pharmacy and I think there's one in Gen 4. I recalled being super disappointed that the dude was building with Machoke for so long only to make a useless store, but looking back at every appearance of Vermillion City, that dude's never been finished building. So wtf.

>> No.9163514

It's obviously a technical limitation of the time, Kanto was heavily downscaled because it had to be to fit it in at all. But the thing is, they went for a clever approach to presenting said limitations that fit in with the world and premise of urbanization they had established.

>> No.9163576

wasn't the building done in gen4?

>> No.9163581

No, it NEVER was

>> No.9164039
File: 614 KB, 800x800, Vermillion City Gen IV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9164071

I also have memories of the building being completed in some later iteration. I think it’s mostly because, upon revisiting Kanto in later entries, you expect to see some changes to the world, and that building is an obvious choice. That, and you’ve probably played other games where something similar happens, and you’re conflating them.

>> No.9164134

Yeah, that's probably it. I don't even know what they could put there that'd be worth the long wait. I imagine it'd just be the dude's house and he'd give you a TM or something.

>> No.9164172

I remember playing RBY on my Gameboy Color and the pallette switching to hues of blue for cerulean, purple for lavender town, etc. Were they able to do this because the GBC was already out or in development but they didn't want to go full color like the later non-notched GBC carts?

>> No.9164201

Pretty sure that was when you played on a Super Game Boy. The GBC only locks the palette to red tints or blue tints, depending on which version it is.

>> No.9164206

Oh, and Yellow is fully colorized on GBC.

>> No.9164218

They really missed something here. They could have finished that house and have the old man says it took him X years(the time from R/G/B to the remake of G/S).

>> No.9164268

Red and Blue on a GBC just have a general Red/Blue (respectively) palette for everything.
Yellow has proper colors for each town.
And yeah, on Super Game Boy, Red and Blue have different colors for each town, IMO it's the best way to enjoy these games. Very comfy pastel colors.

>> No.9164306

I was thinking of Yellow, pretty neat.

>> No.9164356

I'm actually fine with the design but hate that they didn't keep the smugness of the original artwork.

>> No.9164507
File: 620 KB, 828x722, C481877A-B073-4581-ACF5-15222C336124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you press certain combinations when you turn on the gameboy color you can have multiple alternate colors for the Pokémon games.

>> No.9164512

The GBC was programmed to specifically give certain games a color pallete. Not as extensive as SGB, but not as limited as just having a single tone. No idea what
are thinking, there's towns that are different colors and Pokemon with specific colors on GBC. The Red/Blue tones are mainly for certain areas and things, not the entire game.

>> No.9164783

Why are pokemon threads on /vr/ always so based when /vp/ is such a disgusting cesspool?

>> No.9164849

Because out of principal RBY will be shitposted into oblivion. Hardcore fandoms attract the biggest, gatekeeping autists.

>> No.9164858

Every time I've visited /vp/ it just feels like /v/ but with a narrower focus. Which is to say that there are no shortage of random coomer threads.

>> No.9164896

Because /vp/ is a containment board for ashnime and furfags, nothing more.

>> No.9164923
File: 179 KB, 1200x1520, starterpokemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally impossible to provide any sort of positive credit to the first generation, you'll immediately be dismissed as genwunner that is completely blinded by nostalgia

>> No.9165303

You worded that sentence terribly, nonny. No you don't need Fuschia isn't blocked by Snorlax since you can also get there by swimming in from the south.

>> No.9165317

You need surf to swim and you need access to the safari zone(located in fuschia) to get surf

>> No.9165332

I had Blue for my GBC. I know for a fact that the whole game was all blue-colored by default, and only the Super Game Boy changed the colors based on each location.

>> No.9165580

when you have an entire board for one subject it's bound to be less focused

>> No.9165636

Yes, and this didn't work for Yellow because it did the SGB thing of colorizing the towns. I remember seeing kids playing with inverted colors and asking them how, and it never worked on my copy of Yellow, so I thought they were bullshitting me until I later got Red/Blue and figured out the palette swap stuff.

>> No.9165832

>tiktok frog

>> No.9166067
File: 1.23 MB, 320x288, gsctrain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak comfy