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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.74 MB, 1452x1024, 2022-08-22.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9143062 No.9143062 [Reply] [Original]

Uhh...is this how it was on the original?
I'm playing the remake on the Switch.

>> No.9143067 [DELETED] 

>I'm playing the remake on the Switch.
Kill yourself disgusting sub human

>> No.9143079 [DELETED] 


>> No.9143119 [DELETED] 

go back to /v/ you mong

>> No.9143129 [DELETED] 

>can't answer a simple yes/no question
So you didn't beat Alex Kidd either?

>> No.9143293

>Uhh...is this how it was on the original?

>> No.9143339

Yeah, Alex Kidd games are trash. Only decent Master System game I grew up with was Golvellius. Alien 3 was alright too.

>> No.9143340

The ability to destroy blocks was great, these early console sega games have a lot of cool stuff. they were worse than arcade division games but no less top notch

>> No.9143842

So why is this screen considered hard? Yeah it's bullshit your first time but once you figure it out
just swim right through it

>> No.9143843

Because you would have fuck all lives and you aren't really in the experimenting mood once you hit this screen as you're on survival mode.

>> No.9143846

I only bet this game on an emulator by abusing save states in my 20s. Crushed my soul as a kid on the Sega

>> No.9143871

Are you blind? The spikes don't do damage in the remake but do in the original.

>> No.9143887

Wait a minute, he's moving downwards in that video, doesn't touching up or down make the spikes 'active'?
I've never actualy used the trick myself so maybe I am just misunderstanding it...

>> No.9143891

In the remake, the top spikes did no damage whatsoever, the bottom killed you from any angle.

>> No.9143892 [DELETED] 

Plz discuss retro games on this board.

>> No.9143902 [DELETED] 

So they made it easier for nintoddlers? Thats hilarious

>> No.9144006

I used to keep a Psychic Wand for the room a few screens before. The one with a trap floor and a ladder in the top right corner. Taking this ladder allows you to skip a lot of the castle.

>> No.9144036

Yes, I got a Game Over then
I got to the end of the game without the special items, somehow, SOMEHOW, managed to figure out the code (took a crapload of lives), and entered the final area. Died my last life there unfortunately

>> No.9144304

Idk, did they? There is conflicting answers here.
Did the top spikes kill you or not?

>> No.9144445
File: 47 KB, 662x372, 662px-Alex_kidd_jankens_castle1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't press up or jump against the spikes and you won't die.
The remake is decent, they did however fuck up the timing on the pic related rooms. Unless I forgot how retardedly tight it could be depending on how you enter it.

>> No.9144456

Wow. You suck.

>> No.9144459

>spikes don't do damage in the remake
Then why would they put them in at all? Why not just push a button that tells you you win?

>> No.9144537

>is this how it was on the original?


You should have died the moment you floated up into those spikes.

>> No.9144641

For beating a challenging segment in a video game? Yeah, sure, ok, retard, faggot, cockmongrel, fart huffer.

>> No.9145357

You didn't beat it.

>> No.9145473 [DELETED] 

remakes have always been allowed
fuck off newfag

>> No.9145484 [DELETED] 

this is video-proof that society is becoming increasingly more retarded as time passes

>> No.9145516

As presented to me, the player, I opened up a can of whoop ass on it and beat it like your daddy.

>> No.9145648
File: 833 KB, 644x532, Aleexx.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question answered, problem solved, tested with an original copy in rom format, the definitive [J] [!] version btw.
You are all LIARS and LOSERS who didn't play the game or couldn't figure this shit out.

Alex Kidd naturally floats to the surface in the water. If you let Alex FLOAT instead of actively swimming upwards into the spikes, he survives. The second you press the UP button, he dies. You can just float up to the spikes and swim to the side and pass this area.
I...am vindicated.
Btw, does anybody know some better webm software? I'm using some free thing called WebMConverter.

>> No.9146038 [DELETED] 

>have always been allowed
>thinking the rules here make sense
You sound like a janny lover.

>> No.9146424 [DELETED] 

>user was banned for this post

>> No.9146436


>> No.9146604 [DELETED] 

What a dumb trash you are.

>> No.9146607

Great. I didn't even know there are that many retards on /vr/.

>> No.9146676

I remember when I beat this game in 16min57sec in my childhood.

>> No.9146706

Nice. Good job. You deserve it.

>> No.9146712 [DELETED] 

Was that the time you decided you were going to take puberty blockers anon

>> No.9146713

>thinking a bunch of larping zoomers were going to do anything but embarrassed shitposting and larping
It's still funny to watch you blow them the fuck out though.

>> No.9146907

I said I had a single life left you retard

>> No.9146924

lmao even

>> No.9146928
File: 165 KB, 408x209, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for proving yourself wrong

These two are not the same

>> No.9147781
File: 2.58 MB, 512x448, SMB1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm using some free thing called WebMConverter
Check the "Enable high quality mode" for 2pass as well as VP9 under Advanced tab.

Also be sure to put the right size limit for the board your posting on. Under Advanced/custom arguments you can halve the -minrate:v and -b:v numbers and double -bufsize to better utilize the space usage of larger webms.

>> No.9147835

There is no advanced tab. Are you using another program? Link?

>> No.9147838

least retarded /vr/ user

>> No.9147850

So you didnt actually beat it

>> No.9147853

The hero we need

>> No.9147867

we need more Anons like you
thanks for keeping this place intact

>> No.9147891

Did something confuse you? One is the remake, one is the original rom.
Did you WATCH what is happening in both?

>> No.9147935

>Check the "Enable high quality mode" for 2pass as well as VP9 under Advanced tab.
>Also be sure to put the right size limit for the board your posting on. Under Advanced/custom arguments you can halve the -minrate:v and -b:v numbers and double -bufsize to better utilize the space usage of larger webms.
Alright, took that into consideration so I'll see what happens next time I make a webm.
Are you trying to make webms too or impersonate me, anon? There is most assuredly a advanced tab.

>> No.9148001

>There is most assuredly a advanced tab.
Where? Link the version you are using

>> No.9148008

The original question was
>Uhh...is this how it was on the original?

Next time don't make your retarded questions so ambigous if you only meant button input wise. The original looks nothing like the remake in that section.

>> No.9148010

Idk webm for retards it says...

>> No.9148012

>The original looks nothing like the remake in that section.
Holy autism, it functions the same, which should make it obvious that the fact it is seen as a death trap.

>> No.9148851
File: 69 KB, 317x266, that'srude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9148852

>16min57sec in my childhood.
You were timing it down to the second? Allow me to express doubt.

>> No.9149336

Yeah, us rear vr folk only used sundials, seconds are a made up measure of time...

>> No.9149456

Correct. I made peace with it

>> No.9149642

There's only 2 good levels as in a memorable level with design that has some actual thought put into them. Ristar is better.

>> No.9149650

Knew everyone was full of shit all along. thanks for taking the time to prove it

>> No.9150058

based individual, zoomers making shit up BTFO

>> No.9150805


Well I can imagine like other anon said, by time you get here you don’t feel like “experimenting” with what works to find out that the top spikes only kill you if you actively move into them. You just assume touching the spikes at all means you’re dead.

>> No.9151236

Jesus Christ, you underage faggots really can't research shit, can you? People have known about this shit for decades now.

>> No.9151248 [DELETED] 

>it functions the same
Which absolutely nobody can infer from watching a video. People are going to compare if it visually looks the same. You made the mistake of not even explaining what you were talking about.

All people saw was that it looks radically different, so to your question
>is this how it was?
The answer is a resounding NO, that is NOT how it was. (As you yourself proved)

>> No.9151253 [DELETED] 

not that anon but you're retarded fyi

>> No.9151258 [DELETED] 


>> No.9151262 [DELETED] 

>thinking a bunch of larping boomers were going to do anything but embarrassed shitposting and larping
It's still funny to watch you blow them the fuck out though.

>> No.9151264 [DELETED] 

The hero we need

>> No.9151265 [DELETED] 

>You made the mistake of not even explaining what you were talking about.
The post you commented on explicity states what the issue is, are you retarded?
>All people saw was that it looks radically different
You're fucking stupid.
>These two are not the same
Read the post. Don't just look at the pictures, read, readtard.

>> No.9151269 [DELETED] 

we need more Anons like you
thanks for keeping this place intact

>> No.9151270 [DELETED] 

Knew OP was full of shit all along. thanks for taking the time to prove it

>> No.9151275 [DELETED] 

Read the OP post. Don't just look at the pictures, read, readtard.

>> No.9151280 [DELETED] 

based individual, OP making shit up BTFO

>> No.9151285 [DELETED] 

>is this how it was on the original?
>refer to webm and see what is happening in the segment
>cross reference what is happening with the original
Yes, it is the same.

>> No.9151287 [DELETED] 

nah, it's not the same, it looks different and nobody can divinate button inputs from a webm

>> No.9151294 [DELETED] 

Maybe if you had played the game you would know but instead you're just talking about shit you have no business talking about because you don't know the context because you haven't played it.
Even when it was explained to you, in the post you quoted, you still felt the need to comment. Baffling.
Get the fuck out of my thread, retard.

>> No.9151301 [DELETED] 

>muh context
Maybe next time don't make a blatant mistake in the opening post of your thread, misleading everyone, and then act like a smartass even though your inadequacy caused the confusion in the first place.

>> No.9151304 [DELETED] 

No, the original looked NOTHING like that.

>> No.9151312 [DELETED] 

There wouldn't have been confusion if you had experience with the game. Have you played Alex Kidd? No, so shut the fuck up. Also, stop cluttering the thread with your stupid filler posts.

>> No.9151395

>People have known about this shit for decades now.
I've seen people post that exact screen on here like it stopped their playthough and they dropped the game though.

>> No.9151428

wrong. You never played it. I had SMS2, Alex Kidd built in. This is how it always was. You can float up to the spikes, but as soon as you push UP, you die. But you can just push RIGHT and bounce along them. It has always been this way.

>> No.9151801


>> No.9154432

You're describing yourself being shit at video games, don't project your insecurities and failings onto the rest of us.