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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9139291 No.9139291 [Reply] [Original]

Is 3rd Strike the peak when it comes to retro fighting games? The soundtrack kills, the sprite work is great, the levels are all fantastic. I only wish there was more things to do in single player, your only real option is to play arcade mode over and over.

Any recommendations for similar type of games? Been on a kick with SF/MvC/CvSNK lately.

>> No.9139293

Unfortunately the only good fighting game ever made is Marvel Vs. Capcom, but as a general rule you're better off ignoring the genre entirely lest you be unfairly lumped in with its "fans".

>> No.9139296

i wish someone would mod 3s to include the stages from the other 2
instead modders waste their skill on "rebalancing" and other worthless shit like that

>> No.9139298

Ugly, boring and forgettable roster ruins this game

>> No.9139313

I suppose it's subjective. They are missing a lot of key characters like Saget, E.Honda, Blanka and Guile. But I personally really like all the new characters.

>> No.9139337

>the levels are all fantastic
Wait 'till you see vanilla SF3

>> No.9139345

i dont like how it plays, id rather play ST or A2/3

>> No.9139360

Do you like Twelve, Necro and Remy too? Makoto is great, and Q would have been cool if he had a more flashy and human personality. Gill is an ugly and stupid final boss.

SF3 Third Strike feels too dark, heavy and edgy for a SF game. Also, each new SF sequel gets a bigger roster, but to me, neither of these feels as "international" and huge as the original Street Fighter 2, which felt much more like a world tournament than the following games.

>> No.9139362

Damn you're right. I've never seen gameplay of the vanilla SF3, just looked it up. Those levels were so expressive

>> No.9139372

>Q would have been cool if he had a more flashy and human personality.
kill yourself

>> No.9139373

Remy I could go without but I thought Necro and Twelve were cool. This game also has Dudley who I've gotten really good with, it's a shame he wasn't used much outside 3rd Strike. I prefer his moveset over Barlog's any day.

I agree with SF2 feeling much more international and well received, but from what I hear strictly from a gameplay point of view, 3rd Strike and Alpha 3 are usually considered the best of the best during the retro generation.

>> No.9139407

Mediocre lazy reskin of XM vs SF. Fuck off

>> No.9139415

I wish they had not done what they did to Q and Twelve in Street Fighter V.

>> No.9139417

The sprite work is inferior to SF3 and Second Impact.

>> No.9139420

In terms of production values for 2D fighters? Yes. I was in fact spoiled by 3S so I turned my nose at the SNK fighters at the time since they weren't quite as slick. I'd even say SF3 went through a few itinerations where it didn't know what to do and they felt like Mugen games with low quality music that didn't see to fit. The rap/urban and jazz themes of 3S bring it all together.

>> No.9139445

Looks badass, wasted on a guile clone, and not even a good one like Ash or Nash
Looks badass, wasted on a bootleg balrog
F Tier character, 4th shoto in the game, without a fireball
Copy+Paste capoeira character, not as cool as Robert or Eddy
Am i missing anything with the dogshit character roster? The game also had mediocre stages for most the characters, but was hella fun to play

>> No.9139508
File: 95 KB, 611x450, karnov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peak retro fighting game
>anything other than Karnov's Revenge/Fighter's History Dynamite

There's also bootleg Dhalsim and that other low tier white monster guy. And those chinese kids. Or were they korean? Fuck it doesn't matter.

>> No.9139537

That game looks pretty sweet. I have no experience with the NeoGeo and theres so many good games for it, I should find a good emulator to see what I'm missing.

>> No.9139551

nope. SF2 or MK is.

>> No.9139561

It and Breaker's Revenge are my favorites. They're kind of goofy and weird but they've got so much soul I can't help but love them.

>> No.9139568 [DELETED] 

The soundtrack is boring. The game is mediocre. Spectators think it's the pinnacle of fighting games because of its animation and because of moment 37 while knowing little to nothing about it
>dude what if instead of block to push forward for le epic super block!!
It doesn't get more reddit than that

>> No.9139597 [DELETED] 

back to Ultra Tranny BlazGear x342/d HD Remix -Fate Of Two Worlds-

>> No.9139604

>Is 3rd Strike the peak when it comes to retro fighting games?

>highly unbalanced
>parry negates classic fighting game tactics
>3/4 of the cast are unappealing designs
>audio quality is bad

Super Street Fighter II X is the greatest fighting game ever made.

Personal criticism: dashing shouldn't be a main mechanic in SF games and makes the series play too much like everything else. Let dashing and running be a KOF and Vampire thing.

Guilty Gear XX#R, Slash, and Accent Core are /vr/ era games and are in this discussion depending on your cut-off.

>> No.9139605

Have either of you considered that you're both on the wrong side of the issue here

>> No.9139608
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>> No.9139610

The game needs to be decompiled, along with Super Turbo. Then both games can have native netplay support with all the benefits thereof. Also we could get bonuses like you describe: all stages and soundtracks from all the Street Fighter III games.

And eventually: custom characters.

>> No.9139613

>classic fighting game tactics
if spamming projectiles is ok parrying is too IMO.

>> No.9139630

Are the sprites slightly smaller than 2nd Impact?

>> No.9139631

Close, but it's no Garou.

>> No.9139635


>> No.9139636

nta but parry is a dumb mechanic, doesnt add anything other than encourage a more defensive playstyle and nerfs offensive playstyles

>> No.9139637

3rd Strike feels like Street Fighter characters inserted in a random fighting game with strange characters.

>> No.9139654

I like parrying, personally, but I can understand why people don't. I'm not a high-level player by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.9139660

Akiman was already starting to lose his marbles at this time.

>> No.9139667 [DELETED] 

Back to donating to maximillian dood spectator faggot
Have you considered saying something of substance? Probably not. >>9139636 is right. Parries are gay and make the game as flat and uninteresting as can be.

>> No.9139679

I downloaded this for a ps2
I saw the characters and just shutdowd the console to get back at opl

>> No.9139685

i get the appeal of parrying, its amazing when YOU pull it off and amazing hype for the audience but when its you getting parried its annoying.
no evo moment 37 without it but imagine getting your super completely nullified and then losing 1/2 your health for it. kuroda made low tier characters top tier just because he was so good at parrying

>> No.9139698

t. spammer

>> No.9139704

>but when its you getting parried its annoying.
I actually enjoy it but again, I get it.
>kuroda made low tier characters top tier just because he was so good at parrying
Yes, and I like that. I'm a Q player.

>> No.9139718

That's how every game works retard. Getting hit isn't fun, hitting is fun. What a basic conclusion you've drawn about video games.

>> No.9139731
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Did you mean someone else? He likes to kick, sure, but it's still karate.

>> No.9139734

>Is 3rd Strike the peak when it comes to retro fighting games?
For 2D fighting games, yes. For fighting in general, I'd say it's in the top 5 but I'd have to give the top spots to Tekken 5 and Soulcalibur 1/2/3, in that order.

The parrying mechanic makes the game overall more reasonable in terms of chipouts (you only die because of bad timing and not bullshit fireball spamming like in ST), the cast looks great and is a good mix of old and new characters and the super select allows you to strategize a bit better when it comes to how you use your meter and respond to different situations in different more interesting ways. My general gripes with 3S is more general as it has to do with my gripes with 2D fighting games being to reliant on special inputs rather than combos like in 3D games, but that's not a big deal in general to me nowadays. I wish they found a way to include the 2nd Impact and New Generation music and backgrounds in the game. Maybe in like a Super SF3 game. Would have been interesting. overall, it's a very good game and while I don't think it's the absolute best retro fighting game, I can see why someone would think that.

>> No.9139736

I didn't expect that guy to step on a rake that hard when I entered this thread.

>> No.9139737

My tastes are very close to yours given your top five, but no love for Virtua Fighter?

>> No.9139743

>that whole post

>> No.9139752


>> No.9139757

thats a good way to rationalize infinite combos as fair gameplay

>> No.9139759
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>Any recommendations for similar type of games? Been on a kick with SF/MvC/CvSNK lately.
Make sure to check out the Darkstalkers series. It has a lot of overlap in developers with the games you mentioned, and had a very big influence on them in everything from graphics to gameplay mechanics to music.

>> No.9139760
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I never played it. I can't comment on any series I haven't really played.

Here's your (You)

>> No.9139769

Breaker's Revenge is fantastic, definitely one of the best "SF clones" out there. The gameplay is so great, it let's you cancel almost everything into everything. Kizuna Encounter is a close second from that era.

>> No.9139817

Honestly I prefer KOF98, MvC2, JoJo, Super Turbo, and Garou to it. I don't understand why it's so beloved to be honest. I like the aesthetics, but it's not particularly fun or exciting to play.

>> No.9139841

no, also 2nd Impact had the better ost

>> No.9139925

Half the roster are really not fun to play with though.

The mechanics make up for it, XvSF is too rushdown-heavy.

>> No.9139942

The BGs are just scans they didn't have the budget to properly work over.

>> No.9139967

I think it was a technical limitation due to the extra characters having so many frames of animation or something like that.

>> No.9139982

Soulcalibur III is trash. Used to play it competitively when it came out, such a glitchy, busted game. The home version was littered with corruption issues and the entire game was a busted mess. How did you enjoy it?

>> No.9140008

It's the best 2D fighting game and it's not even close.

>> No.9140021

CVS1 had much nicer looking stages.

>> No.9140037
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I prefer pic related

>> No.9140042

>reminder that Sean was nerfed from 2nd impact to 3rd strike

>> No.9140072

People play offensive anyway. If anything, it nerfs overly cheesy and cheap plays.

>> No.9140078
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fantastic thread full of /v/ tier opinions

post 30 seconds of you playing someone or fuck off

>> No.9140085

no u

>> No.9140253

I don't play fighting games competitively. I play it with a group of friends and just have fun. The FGC was only fun because of the thuggery and the bants. It's corporate and squeaky clean image now made me realize that there isn't much to it outside of that.

>> No.9140282

You were never aware of these things. You watched some youtube videos about them in 2018 at most. Your opinion is as meaningful as asking some guy who emulates Starcraft 64 about the brood war scene.

>> No.9140285

Name one specific play, how it works, why its cheesy.

>> No.9140324

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.9140391

Competitive fighter players are as mentally well as speedrunners are. Chilling with friends is way more fun when it comes to fighting games.
This guy gets it.

>> No.9140395

Nah, shitters get no rights. Stick to v.

>> No.9140720

>Chilling with friends more fun
Not really unless they are around your skill level. Holding back isn't fun for more than 10mins...much better to play online vs people around or a bit better than you.
Don't have to pick between two extremes like playing tournament beasts or shitter friends.

>> No.9140781

I'm the guy you're replying to and that's actually the one game on his list that I didn't enjoy. I rented it once and didn't like it.

>> No.9140793

Im just a casual but by watching videos I noticed its really hard to end battles with chip damage or super art. People will try to parry their way out and catch you offguard if you get lazy.
I think your main criticism is very valid because of people that play Q, I think that characters main strenght it counterplaying/punishing. Its impressive just how much players like Kuroda can read and predict what the other player is going to do but also a bit tiring after some time

>> No.9140828
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Vsav, their best game of course.

>> No.9140849

no garou

>> No.9140854

Why do you consider it their best game?

>> No.9140871
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Feels very unique, even to this day. The game is faster them most anime games while having combos that are easier then SF, it's a really interesting dynamic that I can't think of in anything else. If you want fast games it usually means someone is going to stop playing for like 30-45 seconds, except in vsav.

>> No.9140873

i really hate sasquatch

>> No.9140881

>Im just a casual but by watching videos I noticed its really hard to end battles with chip damage or super art
All you do is watch netflix-kun. It's easy to chip, especially with a fireball or fireball super. The final pixel meta is not even close to "honest" or fair. There are a gorillion things the offensive player can do, parry is only there to add more randomness.
>impressive just how much players like Kuroda can read and predict what the other player is going to do
Kuroda is was not a normal player, he relied heavily on his reactions and parry. That's not how 97% of players play the game. It's also way easier to "react" and "predict" when tapping forward gives you a free, fat, optimal punish. Who needs to time a whiff punish or do a hard read when tapping forward will do it all and better. Look at him trying to play sf5, playing the same style as 3, trying to use ryu's parry to replicate those reactions and predictions and getting washed.

>> No.9140882
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>> No.9140886

I've been threatened one time and they didn't end up doing shit. Outside of that the fgc could be snobby but were mostly top blokes.

>> No.9140893

I meant the appearance of it. I don't doubt they were cool dudes for the most part. The most extreme person I've seen outside of obvious ones like LTG and DSP was Triforce Johnson and all of them were more weird than actual threats.

>> No.9140920

This is not Alpha 2

>> No.9140926

Parry builds meter and gives offensive players a way to continue their momentum when the opponent sees an opening and gets baited/parried. Both offensive and defensive styles will benefit from it.

>hype for the audience but when its you getting parried its annoying
If your opponent is parrying to the point if annoying you it means he's reading you very well and you're predictable to him, if it wasn't parry hed be kara throwing you or doing something else you find annoying. If your supers are getting parried so often it's because you aren't confirming them properly. Evo 37 happened because people thought Chun li's super was virtually unparriable at the time so Wong assumed he was safe to just throw it without setup...now they know better

>> No.9140928

I agree with that anon that it's their best game. It's also my favorite 2D fighting game period. It's seriously that good.

>> No.9140956

If you have to hit-confirm every super in a game then that's a shit fighting game.

>> No.9140975

What's "thuggery" about triforce? Dude was just a scammer. As i said just a youtube watcher.

>> No.9140980
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Whatever floats your boat nigger. Idon't want to argue with even more spergs about something barely on topic like I'm on /g/ or something

>> No.9140982

There's a lot of ways to approach infinites. Although infinite combos are rarely viable in a real match, the ones that are are usually very hard to pull off. Games with easy, match practical infinites are generally busted in a bunch of other ways too.

>> No.9140985
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>getting hit isn't fun
Never bothered my boy Gold Warmachine.

>> No.9140993
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>bullshit fireball spamming
Stopped reading there.

>> No.9140998

The fatal flaw of fighting games is AI. It's garbage so you need to play with "humans" and see above to observe how they act. Neither option is acceptable so it's necessary to play in better genres.

One day someone will make the first good fighting game.

>> No.9141003

>it's garbage
Do you play against bots when playing RTS or FPS games as well?

>> No.9141004

Once AI gets good it will either be impossible to beat or fudge into an artificial win/lose. In other words get good or go play a single player game.

>> No.9141016

You can play it like Punch-out and just memorize the A.I. patterns.

>> No.9141018

>It's garbage so you need to play with "humans"
Ohhhhhhh my god get over yourself, anon. You posted this to a board that "humans" use. You are a "human" yourself.
This is like saying chess is a flawed game because you can't play it solitaire.

>> No.9141050

Humans make AI and either it's static pseudo AI just repeating predetermined loops you memorize like in shmups, or it tries to mimic humans and does a terrible job.

>> No.9141053


>> No.9141054

Most fun aspect of fighting games is the mind games involved at higher levels of play. Which are non existent vs AI.

>> No.9141058

That’s one of the few shortcomings of 3S. Jank cgi backgrounds for some characters. Look at that asspile subway stage on 3S compared to the hand drawn rooftop in 2I.

>> No.9141059

>yeah I don't like the genre at all which is why you should listen to me

>> No.9141061

>static pseudo AI just repeating predetermined loops you memorize like in shmups
That's what upsets me about monster hunter, at first it seems the monsters attack strats are random and reactive to your actions but after many hours of replay you notice they are repeating loop patterns over and over you can memorize, with very minor reactivity. Sad.

>> No.9141062

You don't want Street Fighter. You want Mugen.

>> No.9141063

It's not even the peak of 2D SF. That would be Alpha 2

>> No.9141080 [DELETED] 

>open 3S thread
>literally every wrong opinion regarding fighting games
That's just half the thread. I'm not going through a hundred more of this dumb shit.
Here you go, watch and enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/c/3rdSTRIKE
No 37, yet it's the hypest FG to watch, right next to SF4.

Those two aren't in SF5 to begin with, dumbass.

>> No.9141082

>what do they expect me to do, get friends and socialize?

>> No.9141085

Yawn, come back when the algorithm shows you something new you poser faggot.

>> No.9141086

>Here's my superior opinion
>watch my favourite eceleb YouTube channel
>I'm also knowledgeable about sfv
Yikes at this guy. I haven't played 3S in years but I'd whip your eceleb watching ass with Ken.

>> No.9141089

We get it, you're a scrub.

>> No.9141101

>You want Mugen.
Mugen is awful and outdated.
SF2-engine PC port has been a long, long time coming.

>> No.9141123

>The game needs to be decompiled

I doubt this will ever happen, best we can hope for is a CPS3 core for MiSTer at this point.

As for as netplay goes Fightcade is good enough.

That said, someone is working on a widescreen hack for 3S:

>> No.9141136

>I didn't show how dumb I REALLY am last time

>> No.9141213

>The soundtrack kills,

No, the music sucks.

>> No.9141306

Fair point, I always sucked a fighting games but enjoyed watching so yeah, most of my opinions come from watching replays over the years. I like to see that people even go aggressive with characters that seems more defensive type, like Remy. I think SF3 brings more enjoyment to the viewer, but any fighting game is fun to watch desu (except melee i guess?)

>> No.9141312

its the peak of fighting games in general.

>> No.9141385

this has to be said more

>> No.9141517

Ok, I respect your response. Seems like you actually play VSav, so that's good.

>> No.9141617

>tourneyautist throws in his worthless opinion

>> No.9141654

>eceleb YouTube channel
>literally just a gameplay clip dump
you sure are fucking stupid

>> No.9141664

No, they did it for SF3 and 2nd Impact.
Third Strike was just a lower budget game.

>> No.9141812

I think he meant Bob Wilson.

>> No.9143274

I consider CVS2 the peak. There are some parts that are lazier about it, because it uses many Alpha sprites, but the finished product is a huge cast and 6 grooves to fight like any of the other games. Groove system is huge to me, it's both a throwback and collection, and injects enormous variety into the game for me. 4 of them are even good enough against each other for use in tournament play - you'd expect the balance to not be quite that good.

>> No.9143285

CVS2 has too many movement options and makes most characters feel same-y.

>> No.9143290

So mix them up. You get to pick your movement options with your groove, you don't get all at once.

>> No.9143298

I always thought that garous version of parrying was better than turd strike

Also there are 2 viable characters which killed balance at the high end.

>> No.9143328

>never played 3s before
>just watches youtube footage of said game

>> No.9143337

alex's visual design is fine but as far as gameplay he's a train wreck, they took a grappler and gave him every special move archetype besides a fireball

>> No.9143557

Fighting games are the best genre for tryhards, nothing comes close to the satisfaction hype and thrill of winning good sets with tough opponents

>> No.9143639

This. Only revisionists say 3s is good, because if had a cool tournament moment.

>> No.9143650

>highly unbalanced
Stopped reading. No good balanced fighting game exists.

>> No.9143654

See >>9141080

>> No.9143656

>oh shit I got called out on my stupidity
>lemme change my talking point real quick

>> No.9143657

>bothering to learn Alex's moveset when you can just spam stomps after a knock down

>> No.9143659

You posted a link to YouTube to back up your claims. You sound like you've never had an original thought in your life. I can proudly claim to never have donated to a streamer or eceleb. Can you?

>> No.9143660

It's thee game for autistic black men.

>> No.9143662

>Is 3rd Strike the peak when it comes to retro fighting games?
Unfortunately I have failed to git gud at it for decades though.

>> No.9143663

>parry negates classic fighting game tactics
This is a good thing.

>> No.9143692

It's mostly japs dominating 3s, a few westerners (non black) are good. But the japs have been playing it daily since it came out so big advantage, it's recognized as the best fighting game by japs who matter. Daigo might not like it but he thinks the most impressive fgc player is Deshiken who is a 3s ken player

>> No.9143695

>it's recognized as the best fighting game by japs who matter
Name them.

>> No.9143742

Deshiken, Nuki, Kuni, Tominaga, Kuroda, Vanao, Ruu, RB, Haitani, Aruka, Hayao, Decoy, YSB, list goes on and on

>> No.9143764

Funny how there's only one ST player in that list.
What do Mattsun, Aniken, Mao, Gian, Muteki have to say about this subject?
Need a source on Nuki saying 3S is the best SF game.
Also: Chun-li player likes 3S? Shocking!

Almost like it's a list of 3S players who say 3S is the best game.

>> No.9143765

>by japs who matter
Holy yikes. Get some self respect for yourself.

>> No.9143778

Super Turbo is jank garbage to play seriously with skill, it's full of primitive cheese tech, rng damage, retarded hitboxes and throw range, trash flow due to poor combo, juggle and link system, etc

>> No.9143779

git gud

>> No.9143783

Not gonna get good at shite games anymore, I value my time ty ty fr fr

>> No.9143792

>best version of the most popular fighting game in history
>nerd on /vr/: ackshually that game is baaaaad

>> No.9143794

>Most Popular = good
Lol and kek

>> No.9143802

Yeah it's called argumentum ad populum and it is legit when discussing matters of subjective opinion.

>> No.9143807

>Argument ad populum
Yes that's called a fallacy lmao

>It's okay for subjective opinions
All it tells you is that it's popular, popular things are not above criticism and can still be shite

>> No.9143809

brb have to download latest gacha shit because popular is good and valid now

>> No.9143818

The jank is what makes it spicy and fun

>> No.9143912
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>the list goes on
Indeed it does. There's plenty of top nameless players out there from all over the world. I don't understand why a bunch of japs liking 3S makes it the best fighting game though. If David Beckham suddenly said Soccer is the best version of football would you believe that as well?

>> No.9143918

He was a good QB tho

>> No.9143920

3S has highest skill cap so naturally it's top players are going to matter more than say Smash players or whoever you think highly of

>> No.9143932

>the genre's popularizer is actually the best one
>yes, I am legitimately saying that in the 30 YEARS after this game's release, not a single game surpassed it
>even though every single game that came afterwards built on its basic formula, so now it's bland in comparison
>none has better mechanics, graphics, music, roster, nor balance
>no seriously trust me this is not nostalgia talking
>I didn't put more than 10 minutes into any other fighting game after it, but I think you should listen to me

>> No.9143937

The key issue here is the one you are avoiding.
And that is the total lack of fun.
It’s not a very good game.
SNK made a lot of good fighting games when they tried to copy the Street Fighter 2 success story and this wasn’t one.

>> No.9143971 [DELETED] 

Holy reddit you are retarded
Stop posting if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.9143976

Cvs2 and sf4 did it better

>> No.9143982

It's hilarious how you're rattling off names that get featured on that turd strike clip channel and have never read or heard anything they've said

>> No.9143984

Data east made karnovs revenge

>> No.9143993


>> No.9144028

they've done interviews, posted comments and some have social media, newfag

>> No.9144029

For me it's SF2CE on megadrive.

>> No.9144042

The point is though that the link he posted is just compilations of good 3S matches. It's not an eceleb or streamer. There's not even commentary in any of the videos.

>> No.9144050

>Today's word of the day is: Projection

>> No.9144053

3s has the worst sound in the entire series, even worse than sf1.

>> No.9144063
File: 86 KB, 640x634, krab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like just about all you can be proud of

>> No.9144068

Like I said: These people spout literally every wrong opinion regarding fighting games. Dumbest thread I've seen.

>> No.9144108

Without using google, who did aruka originally play? I've read most of those interviews

>> No.9144119

Posting a youtube channel is not an argument. You've only demonstrated what a brainlet you are like most turd strike spectators.

>> No.9144146

not sure originally but he had a sick Ibuki

>> No.9144182


>> No.9144185
File: 261 KB, 1056x594, 0_E1eNateTiDThGcYI[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

embarrassing post

>> No.9144219

>stop playing the old games and play the new ones so I can make more money

>> No.9144260

Hell yeah. I loved that version too.

>> No.9144305

Same with other games/genres.
>genwunners say Pokemon Red and Blue are the best, even though 3/4/5 are the peak
>Mario Kart is the only popular kart racer, but CTR is by far superior (original and NF)
>In Metroidvanias, Super Metroid was the best, but some people still insist it's the best even though Metroid Dread surpassed it in terms of gameplay
Nostalgia is a disease.

>> No.9144323

You might like Garou Mark of the Wolves. Came out around the same time as 3S and has comparable visuals but it's on considerably older hardware. SNK did some wizardry towards the end of the Neo Geo. The Last Blade 2 is incredible also.

>> No.9144342

nuki btfo daigo

>> No.9144393


>> No.9144461

lmfao based nuki

>> No.9144565

lmao that auto correct

>> No.9144773


>> No.9144818

3rd strike basically killed street fighter for years.

>> No.9144820

Daigo just doesn't like defensive games, he's a former Guilty Gear player after all.
I wouldn't take his opinion too seriously. He recently ranted about how Alpha 3 was the best game in the series (if you ignore all the shit that make Alpha 3 not a good game).

>> No.9144924

>he fell for the "A3 is bad" meme

Now post an infinite you can only dream of attempting in a real match as your decense.

>> No.9144954

thats sf5, sf4 was a pretty great era on its own

>> No.9144997

>tournament players say it's good = it's objectively good
see I can do that too

>> No.9145005

Next you're going to say a2 is a good game because... le stages and music!

>> No.9145021

It's not bad, but it's not good, especially the vanilla arcade version (Saturn port is very much worth playing). I get why a pro player like Daigo doesn't give a shit about the boring stages and crappy music, but his argument is laughable. It would be the best Street Fighter if they fixed the bugs and balance issues (except they fucked it up even more later with the Naomi port and nobody plays it) and if nobody played V-ism (sorry, but everyone is going to use the shit that breaks the game). It's basically "if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle".

>> No.9145026


defensive games are gay. heres tokido properly drilling into justins skull that being a pussy will not be tolerated

>> No.9145073

Also ha 3 is not bad but it’s a downgrade on alpha 2 or alpha 2 gold.
Too many ISMS and bad changes.

>> No.9145091

You can't defend against unblockables.

>> No.9145161

justin gets punished for playing lame by letting tokido build meter for 30 seconds. you dont like unblockables? dont give the opportunity to begin with

>> No.9145191

Eat shit

>> No.9145198

>only very intelligent people can play 3S

>> No.9145204

Can't we agree they're all good? Throw in mvc2 and ST for top 5 fighters.

>> No.9145221

There is nothing about Honda that is key. I honestly like the SF3 cast better than the SF2 one which are pretty basic and boring overall.

>> No.9145229

STFU janny

>> No.9145246

I'm never sure what Daigo means be defensive game, he still thinks SFV is too defensive as well.

>> No.9145257

Of course gameplay matters but without style a game will be bland.

>> No.9145950

Not even the isms or actual thing, but the background feel like cheap mugen knockoffs in A3, the music most of the time is shared between stages unlike character based with a few exceptions in A3, overall it feels less polished and way more rushed, pretty much the difference between SF III 2nd impact and 3rd strike, one is the game widely played and the other one is the one crafted more carefully instead of just shove everything we got there and fuck it

>> No.9145956

>Former Guilty Gear player
You know he sucked shit and was in the lower skilled players in XX right? His Sol was subpar as best and was often bested by the higher tiers, it was more of an experiment

>> No.9146005

>he sucks shit
Can you beat Daigo at guilty gear?

>> No.9146013

I don't know why that guy brought up guilty Gear instead of Darkstalkers which is the game I'm pretty sure he started with.

>> No.9146051

He started as far back as SFII, Night Warriors was whete he started to make a name for himself though.

>> No.9146075

Garou looks better than 3S but not as good as 2nd Impact

>> No.9146117

Yes, because he literally gave up playing it.

>> No.9146224


>> No.9146226

>overall it feels less polished and way more rushed
Cps2 carts are 40mb retard, they aren't going to fit unique and detailed backgrounds and every new character

>> No.9147067

in terms of mechanics yeah it's the best. i prefer alpha 3 but realize 3rd strike is the least broken with layers of strategy that capcom would use in every street fighter moving forward.

>> No.9147587

I'm not sure this comparison makes sense because 3S is more widely played and more carefully crafted with far better presentation. I wouldn't exactly call A3 rushed either, it's got way more modes and features going on. The console ports had the most extensive single player content on any SF ever.