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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.88 MB, 512x382, 1658447692235.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9118857 No.9118857 [Reply] [Original]

Translators god...please...

>> No.9118872

What game?

>> No.9118881

I think Mouryou Senki Madara 2 on the snes

>> No.9118882
File: 688 KB, 1333x999, 1640908901756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9119075

>ah good, as expected you came if you are here I can feel safe
Subscribe to my patreon and I will translate the rest op

>> No.9119101
File: 542 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9119520

Man i thought this was a MegaDrive game due to the color palette.

>> No.9119527

What Asian beauty.........

>> No.9119530
File: 2.99 MB, 1444x1080, 1628430688726.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translator gods...please...give us a sign...

And for the other anons on this thread, load up the rom on your emulators just so you can see the intro and listen to some of the music, it's pure 90s anime ova kino.

>> No.9119548
File: 278 KB, 625x465, look screen night bored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I can read Japanese but I'm not interested in practically any of those WHOA DUDE UNTRANSLATED YET games that are posted in this board

>> No.9119558

looks gay lol

>> No.9119574
File: 2.69 MB, 1444x1080, 1639590350822.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translators gods...i beg you...

Now with crt-guest-advanced-ntsc and a boss kicking my ass.

>> No.9119803

I dont know man perhaps try to contact translation groups and tell them about this game.

I know some jap but I heard the hardest part is the inserting of the translation.

>> No.9119814

She kicks high

>> No.9119852

All these games are written for 12 year olds to play. Get a screen OCR based translator and feed it to google and you'll figure what's going on

>> No.9119906
File: 2.88 MB, 1444x1080, 1645372933435.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translators gods...i'm at my wits end...my girlfriend turned into a monster...

>> No.9119949

Oh, good. You came after all. If you're here I feel like I can relax a little. Well then, shall we go?
(Yes selected)

Subaru: If you didn't come I don't know what I would have done.
The mansion's at the end of this path.

Subaru: This is kind of a strange house. No matter when you look the front gates are locked.

Kamishiro: You sure seem to know a lot about this place.

Subaru: This house was originally built by one of my ancestors. Everyone moved out a long time ago. No one's living here now.

Kamishiro: Your ancestors? There's no way the monster could be one of them right?

Subaru: That's rude, calling my ancestors monsters! According to one of my grandpa's old books a young man, woman, and an elderly person used to live here.

Kamishiro: Oh yea? Well whatever, so how are we gonna get in?

Subaru: There should be a broken wall on the eastern side of the house. Let's look for it.

Kamishiro: What the hell was that monster?

Subaru: I saw something like that called a Mouki in my grandpa's book. It looks like the rumors were real after all.

Kamishiro: Are you satisfied now? Let's get outta here.

Subaru: No way, it looks like there's still more to this case. Let's look around some more.

Kamishiro: Yea yea, I know

>> No.9119993

>You came after all.
I knew you'd come.
>a little
Trannylator adlib.

>This is kind of a strange house
Strange phrasing. Better off going for the same intent with something like "this house always gives me the creeps".
>No matter when you look the front gates are locked.
Completely wrong. Did you think the いつ見ても carried over or something? "I'm pretty sure this gate is locked".

>> No.9119995
File: 2.60 MB, 1444x1080, 1637561518210.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translator gods...i had to kill her...

...we are not worthy...

>> No.9120479

>Translator gods...
shut the fuck up you stupid fucking child

>> No.9120526

Shut up, I’m enjoying the thread

>> No.9120789
File: 2.97 MB, 512x382, 1639730988780.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translator gods...the game transported me to another world where i use armor...i'm lost...without guidance...

>> No.9120815

Then, what are you actually interested in, anon?

>> No.9122109
File: 2.45 MB, 512x382, 1638507937978.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translator gods...i think that's it for me...i can't summon the strength to keep going without understand what's happening...i hope one day...one day...the translator gods will...grace us...with a new...fan translation...translator gods...

>> No.9122126


>> No.9122189

shut your hole, senile

>> No.9122263

Well too bad, here's the 25th de-woolsed FF6 retranslation released this year.

>> No.9122324

wow! this looks fun. I hope if its got translated, it's translated properly. Like, true translation and not localization.

>> No.9122692


>> No.9123497
File: 2.85 MB, 512x382, 1648616246976.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translator gods...i played a little more...fought a boss on the top of a tower...this game is fun...the music is amazing...but i still don't understand anything...translator gods...please...

>> No.9123515

Text was a bit fast but I didn't have much problem reading it. What do you need a translator for?

>> No.9123517

just learn Japanese

>> No.9123545

This. Then OP doesn't have to be a complete sack. If OP wants it translated DIY.

>> No.9123686 [DELETED] 

>this house always gives me the creeps
trannylator tier take

>> No.9123709

oh shit, you actually kill her?

>> No.9123720

instead of whining for other people to do shit for you, why dont you do it yourself

>> No.9123721

>this thread
Holy cringe

>> No.9123954
File: 226 KB, 400x250, 1437601953292.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SNES jrpg
>Konami joint
>goes for a realistic horror vibe than sd style cute graphics
>you can actually see your characters duking it out instead of the usual DQ-esque static image battle engine

mite b cool

>> No.9124163 [DELETED] 


>> No.9124214

Feel free to offer a better translation for いつ見ても、ヘンなたてものね. People don't usually say shit like "this house looks weird/out of place". "There's something off about this house" kind of works, but you lose the いつ見ても part, and it's stilted English. A house giving you the creeps conveys the same meaning and intent as the original phrase, while also being something an English speaker might actually say in this situation.

>> No.9124236


>> No.9124250

Let's back up and squash the
portion of this then since you have forcefully interpreted 建物 to be a "house" when it literally refers to a building here.
It is important that "building" be used here to provide contrast to the following lines where it IS referred to strictly as a house.
Trying to force creepy/etc meaning onto ヘンなたてもの is not fair to the building since they are simply remarking on the fact that the house is strange and unusual, and that they feel this way no matter how many times they see it.
To render this eloquently in English while still carrying the voicing of ね might be a pain in the ass.
No matter how you slice it, you probably end up having to tweak/rewrite stuff and add in words that don't exist for the sake of carrying the full, correct message and feeling without adding more than is absolutely necessary.

>> No.9124257
File: 7 KB, 610x119, 1634707264382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To support my claims, I present the dictionary definition of tatemono directly from weblio dictionary.

>> No.9124364

>you have forcefully interpreted 建物 to be a "house" when it literally refers to a building here.
You invalidate your whole point before you even begin. Nobody in English says "wow, what a building this is!" for something that's blatantly a fucking domicile. You could say "house is wrong, mansion would be better" and I could agree with you, assuming the building is pretty big internally, sprites on a map are often deceiving. But building? Fuck off. At best you're trying to make a distinction between たてもの and 家, but this is pointless. If I say "my house has a big garden", you don't turn around and say "uh, no, your property has a big garden, your house is just the building on it" because you're not a fucking retard.

Something giving you the creeps doesn't mean that it's creepy. The house is unnerving in some way, personally I interpret it as the fact it's clearly a gothic style western house in a region surrounded by what look like modern Japanese buildings. It's out of place, it has a different aura to it.

>> No.9124386

Let me give you some advice because you seem to have your wits about you and I do mean well: Stop replying to retards. In time you will come to see the wisdom of it.

>> No.9124391

If I wanted to stop replying to retards, I wouldn't have wasted 18 years of my life here.

>> No.9124393 [DELETED] 

Look reddit-spacing retard, your personal interpretation puts words and thoughts into the dialogue which were never there to begin with. I agree that Japanese frequently requires one to read beyond the text to extract true intent and meaning, but this is not one of those times. We are not parsing the prose of 漱石, 梶井, or 三島 here. It doesn't matter what you think about whether it sounds "wrong" in English, because your feelings and opinions are irrelevant against the raw text whose meaning is laid bare before you.
And yes, people in English DO say things occasionally such as:
>weird building, innit
It's time to close the internet browser and go read a novel or three in both English and Japanese while carefully considering the exact and precise words chosen by an author and why changing those to different words in translation might be, at the least
>dishonest to the reader
and at the worst
>devaluing to the source material

>> No.9124396

Look what you've done. Well, you gonna reply to this one as well? >>9124393 Go ahead.

>> No.9124418

Fucking unhinged pedantic autism

>> No.9124419

>Japanese larp thread

>> No.9124420

>disable background layer
>use retroarch auto tl feature
>literally just point your phone at the screen

>> No.9124423

>disable background layer
>use retroarch auto tl feature
>literally just point your phone at the screen and google translate

>> No.9124468

>being something an English speaker might actually say
English speaker actually would say "ngl, this building giving me a bussin bad vibe. fr fr".
Look, just translate it as literal as it get, don't add your opinion to it. Why they need to speak like english speaker? They're not even english. Just look at their names.
this is why we can't have a good translation.

>> No.9124469

one of the most basic things about interpretation/learning a language in general is that you dont translate shit 100% literally, even if the meaning changes a bit, it has to sound natural in the language. like you dont translate "konnichiwa" as "this day is".

>> No.9124476

>my girlfriend turned into a monster...
That's Blind from ALttP.

>> No.9124484

because "konnichiwa" doesn't mean "this day is".

>> No.9124509

literally translated, yes it is.

>> No.9124513

Yeah how would you translate 元気ですか

Good original lifeforce?

>> No.9124521

Aeon genesis website says its been worked on, but there hasnt been update in years.

>> No.9124530


>> No.9124557

>its been worked on, but there hasnt been update in years.
many such cases

>> No.9124598

I could translate it, but I'm not going to. I love keeping the good shit away from EOP's.

It always feels weird to see djt shit in vr. I always forget there's some crossover.

>> No.9124645

And good morning doesn't mean anything by itself either. Even if you are aware it's a shortened expression of desire that the person has a "good morning", whether it's a greeting or a parting farewell is contextual.
In other words, stop getting hung up on "accurate translations" and know that all language is full of "you just know" and you don't even have to be translating from one to the other to get stuck on non-literal phrasing.
If a foreign language has a set phrase that doesn't have a close enough equivalent in the target language, well then you're done fucked and the best you can do is insert something a native english speaker might say in that situation. It's either that or you give up and Nakama your Avalanche-gumi every time it can't be mapped 1:1.

>> No.9124650

I think some of these people are college freshmen one semester into Japanese 101, just excited to get on the internet to go "WELL AKSHUALLY" about "inaccurate" translations. Anyone who's spent ANY time learning a new language is going to learn real quick that 1:1 translations aren't a thing between most languages.

>> No.9124989

you are just incompetent

>> No.9125071
File: 2.98 MB, 512x382, 1654911313692.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translator gods...i killed another boss...but after that fight my companion disappeared...now i'm alone in the world again...

>> No.9125689

You started this thread 61 hours ago.
If in that span of time, instead of making a dozen embarrassing posts begging for a translation, you instead memorized hiragana and katakana, and downloaded a good electronic dictionary like Aedict, you could be reading the Japanese in this game by now.
The text in this game is like 85% kana. It's written at about a fourth-grade reading level. Even a person completely new to Japanese could read this with a dictionary in hand if they took it slowly.
If you care this much about untranslated Japanese media, why not learn the language? Then you'd be able to read whatever you want.

>> No.9126319

With each passing day my disdain for the people on this board grows.

>> No.9126370

this is some real dumb shit, the post above is just saying how tatemono=/=house which is an objective fact and has nothing to do with understanding phrases or whatever

>> No.9126383
File: 2.90 MB, 1436x1076, 1652116122957.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translator gods...i got a new companion...this person has magics...the first one in the game...i need to grind a little...regular monsters are too strong on this new area...translator gods please...

>> No.9126402
File: 293 KB, 1020x797, 1601607301572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like Translator Goddess (she/ her)

>> No.9126553

>has a penis

>> No.9126604

Great yet another generic Snes Jarpig.

>> No.9126668

Learn japanese. Things aren't going to get any better in the """localization""" community, they are getting worse by the day. And Fan-translations are possible ever worse than official ones, because now people have worked out that they can just insert any text they want without having to know any japaense, and people will play it and leave a good review on romhacking.net.

>> No.9126672

No him but believe it or not there are other uses for a language than playing 30 year old video games.

t. 3 years into japanes learning.

>> No.9126842

Great, yet another awesome Super NES JRPG.

>> No.9126875

>1:1 translations aren't a thing between most languages
Ain't you the one disrespecting your oh-so-beloved localizations? American localizers say they're not translators. Those are not translations, those are not even adaptations (they *don't* want to adapt nor convey the existing content), those "localizations" or "TRANScreations" are rewrites.
Those rewrites are deservedly the laughing stock of non-vidya English translators, English speaking audiences, and audiences. The "fan beloved" localization lines are more often than not cringe that's so badly written it invites ridicule and laughter, they're almost never remembered for their quality or good writing.

>> No.9126972

>I always forget there's some crossover.
Anything with any mention of translation or Japanese will inevitably be filled by people who went to djt at some point. It's the go-to for basically anyone who gets sick of translations or wants a better understanding of works, even if it's complete garbage these days and only useful for the guide.

>> No.9127216

I don't have "beloved" localizations and I'm not reading the rest of your post because it doesn't have shit to do with me. I'm explaining how human language works. There is not a 1:1 translation for everything. That doesn't mean it's impossible to get the meaning across in another language.

Study linguistics please.

>> No.9127229

>There is not a 1:1 translation for everything.
you don't know shit

>> No.9127638

So let's say we have something in English that gets translated to a bunch of other languages. The character in question says that "It's raining like cats and dogs out there."

Do you think the people who are translating that are going to give a literal translation of that phrase instead of either just translating it to "It's raining really hard" or whatever idiom that language has for heavy rain?

Again, study linguistics. It's clear you have not.

>> No.9127673

Tbh, if that appeared in a localization, the "translator" probably ignored the original Japanese script and wrote "it's raining like cats and dogs out there" despite the cut-scene show people in the beach enjoying their summer day.

>> No.9127684

That has nothing to do with anything I said lmao

>> No.9128647
File: 2.92 MB, 854x638, 1631183565071.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translator gods...i'm just use the magic of emulation to speed up my grinding...me and my companion is level 20 now...i think i can survive on this new inhospitable environment...full of strong beasts and monsters...without any idea of what's happening...translator gods...

>> No.9128670

Will you shut up already? Nobody cares.

>> No.9128762



>> No.9128798

I think he's just baiting the Japanese language learners of /vr/ just to see have a dick measuring contest against each other.

>> No.9128816

I care
thank you for the update

>> No.9128865

Is Aeon genesis retro tom?

>> No.9128871


>> No.9129062

>needing a translation
just fucking learn moon already. it'll only take you about a year of dedicated study to be able to get through a game on the level shown in the op.
t. learnt moon

>> No.9129292

>a year
lol it's always funny when people out themselves as sub 100IQ
it should take you six months AT WORST.

>> No.9129862

Not EVERYONE has time for that, if People were interestrd they already learn it.

>> No.9129875
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>>has a penis

>> No.9129891
File: 34 KB, 600x531, 1613520362226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9129939

I did it in 2, get on my level.

>> No.9130557 [DELETED] 

such a same that artist became some gaslighing tranny fucker. the pic that fanart is based on
that trap comic was really good

>> No.9130649

no. different.

>> No.9131102
File: 2.84 MB, 854x638, 1644424002972.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translator gods...walking around to grind i encountered a place were a sage type guy gave my main character a powerful spell...now i can attack all enemies at the same time...with a cool looking attack...translator gods...

>> No.9131778

What is moon? I want to learn.

>> No.9132350

He is calling the japanese alphabet moon runes.

>> No.9132389

It wasn't really her, it was a demon disguised as her.

>> No.9132667
File: 36 KB, 500x500, 1583661924953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know why I enjoy this thread

>> No.9133340

The only thing jap learners hate more than EOPs: other jap learners.

>> No.9133592

It's true. Especially localizers.

>> No.9133639

Personally I think it's a terrifically entertaining thread in a nostalgically autistic way.
Almost reminds me of /v/ when it still had a shred of sincerity left.

>> No.9134051

I don't respect anyone that dedicates years/decades to a japanese-centric hobby and doesn't just learn japanese.

>> No.9134454
File: 2.85 MB, 512x382, 1648473094934.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translator gods...i got a new companion...she's a grill...she has a lot of spells...and she uses a bow...translators gods...please...

>> No.9134820

How so? I would much rather other people learn japanese than just whine "t-translator gods..." like fucking needy faggots the whole time.

Every time you type like this I want to help you even less you fucking mong.

>> No.9134878


>> No.9134884

Actually anon. I am not the best at reading japanese but if you study a bit it can be followable. Japaneez isnt as wordy as english. The hardest part is kanji.

>> No.9134903


>> No.9135114


>> No.9135124

Best thread on /vr/ this side of the decade

>> No.9135192

Aw and here I was hoping it was an urban rpg.

>> No.9135194

You negros are following guidance of people whose raison d'etre is posting DEKINAI macros and complaining about deck reviews daily. Just think about it for a moment.

>> No.9135464

I haven't browsed /v/ in a decade. Is it really that bad?

>> No.9136506
File: 2.98 MB, 512x382, 1644433156826.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translator gods...i have no idea what's happening...i got on a turtle...went to a place with mermaids...the place has the "evil" music...looks like they been attacked by monsters...translator gods...

>> No.9136734

>Ah, we don't know who you are, but help us. The royal palace has been invaded by Mouki.

I have no idea who or what a mouki is.

>> No.9136758

disable layer
grab phone
google translate
take a pic of the screen

>> No.9136789
File: 154 KB, 512x378, 1651853801714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This based retard is going to complete the game just to provoke the translator gods

>> No.9137030

I get the impression the guy seems to understand Japanese more than he lets on and it's just baiting.

>> No.9137983
File: 2.94 MB, 512x382, 1653829905841.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translator gods...after facing the monster on the mermaid town i got on a cave...a big guy with swords accosted my group while holding a grill hostage...i saw that bunny guy before...he run way again...i'm so lost...translator gods...please...

>> No.9138257

>that flawless menu navigation

>> No.9138454

Either he does that or is faking it quite well. You an easily see during dialogues he takes a few second before ending it, which implies he is reading it.

>> No.9138470

Who fucking cares, dude? Game looks like garbage.

>> No.9138523

It looks fun to me, like a Super NES version of a Phantasy Star.

>> No.9138629

I'm a translator, but I'm not your translator. As far as the game goes, you're doing fine.

You're somewhere around here:

Wanna know a long synopsis of the story with for spoilers? Google Translate this:
You're somewhere around post#101.

If you knew the hiragana and katakana you'd be able to start picking out commonly repeated words, which (if you looked them up) would help your enjoyment of the game, so long as you bother to memorize what you look up. It's still years off before you'd actually fluently understand the text, but even a little comprehension is better than none.

>> No.9138635

Just use the AI translation tool in Retroarch + google for walkthroughs on the Japanese side of the internet if needed

Be your own god

>> No.9138706

Looks like a fun game I'd play. If it were translated.

>> No.9138717
File: 494 KB, 1125x1146, 1656618342126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to auto-translate nip nip games?
Text hookers don't seem to work (I mainly do this for psx games) so I use a convoluted way: an Android emulator with google translate/lens. But for some reason I can't directly capture the emulator or create a virtual webcam that works with an Android emulator so I also have to emulate a shitty QR Code scanner to translate a fraction of the screen at a horrendous quality.
Then I use OBS Studio to capture the emulator and put the translated part of the screen on top of the emulator. It somehow works, but it's extremely tedious to set up every time and highly pixelated.

Any better idea? :(

>> No.9138723

Retroarch, AI translation tool. Press a button and it will translate like google translate. Doesn't always work depending on how readable/recognizable the text is in the game though.

>> No.9138725

following this thread to see you finished this game.

>> No.9138728
File: 246 KB, 2560x1431, foreign aid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give aid to frogposters.

>> No.9138785

>English speaker actually would say...
Uneducated American, sadly, might say...

>> No.9138814

Weak troll. If not troll, kill self.

>> No.9138816

>It's raining like cats and dogs
There is no "like" in there, just sayin'.

>> No.9138834

OP is laughing all the way to the ryokan and clearly kicking the shit out of everyone in this thead.

>> No.9139349

I thought about it, but I'm exclusively looking for real-time translation.

>> No.9140771
File: 2.92 MB, 512x382, 1654613244010.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translator gods...things are getting serious...after coming back form the mermaid quest i talk to everyone on the palace and they opened a door on the back that led to a tower...with enemies and a boss that kicked my ass...so i grinded more...came back...and kill that priest like boss...but something happened...i don't know what since i don't understand... but it feels that something big just went on...translator gods...please...

>> No.9140864

Godspeed you magnificent bastard

>> No.9141771
File: 2.95 MB, 512x382, 1647218568106.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translator gods...something big...did happened...translator gods...please...

>> No.9141781

(You) getting pulled into the world broke one of the seals on a demon that wants to take over the realm.

>> No.9143530
File: 2.90 MB, 512x382, 1650534030989.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translator gods...i'm completely lost now...finally gave in and look at gamefaqs...looks like a big game...i think i'm gonna stop here...maybe one day...one day...we will be blesse by the...translator gods...

>> No.9143537

Thanks I enjoyed this thread

>> No.9145036
File: 884 KB, 250x250, chick bathing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based schizo

>> No.9145042

Kill yourself as soon as possible.

>> No.9146315
File: 2.98 MB, 640x400, 1645948626126.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the middle of this unfiltered autism someone mention retroarch automatic translation, ended up looking up and with the help of a video i set the whole thing up.
And i don't know, probably worth when you don't have a choice, but i personally think you better off investing time on learning the language.

>> No.9146317
File: 3.00 MB, 640x400, 1630603743955.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here a whole dialogue scene using the tool.

>> No.9148306
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x960, 1650776593606.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizo-bro, please come back, i want more webms and translator gods posting...

>> No.9148779



>> No.9148838
File: 210 KB, 763x800, no fun allowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9149183

Translator gods...i summon thee....tom...tom-ato.................gideon.................................woolsey..................................................................................................hatsuu....................................................................heed my call...translator gods...

>> No.9149476

yes. I love waiting 20 years for a subpar translation.
absolutely no

>> No.9149546

Hey mang what's the game in your post?
I saw a thread about it a few years ago on here, remember there being a psp game and whatnot

>> No.9149553

thee is singular dumbo

>> No.9149620

No... please do some more... EOO bro...

>> No.9149689

I like how the machine translator got the very first line completely wrong.
Looks like one of the PC-98 Brandish games.

>> No.9149694

lol there are no translators god. If there was, could he make a game so big that he himself couldn't translate?

>> No.9149742
File: 2.91 MB, 1280x796, 1644807723168.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Brandish 3 for the PC-98.

I really want to play more but i'm having a problem.
I download the Brandish 3 - Spirit of Balcan (FD version).hdi version but after i choose a character the game probably makes a profile for that character and i can't change character anymore.

I think on the regular 8 floppies .fdi version you have more data options for that, but on the .hdi i only have copy data and choose the profile, no delete or create a new one.

Anyway, here the woman fighter intro, i want to play her but i can't damnit.

>> No.9150456

Translator god...forgive that sinner...he knows not what he says........................your almighty power is far too great...please.......................................................deus machina...

>> No.9152105
File: 2.57 MB, 640x344, 1630406667399.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translator gods..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................please...............................................................................................translate New Legend Heroes and PC-98 Legend of Heroes II.................................................................................................and some day..................................................if the translator gods fell that we are worthy...................................................................................the Gagharv PC version trilogy..................................................no i'm not OP.

>> No.9152189
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Don't worry bro, AI service to the rescue

>> No.9152209
File: 389 KB, 1920x1080, retroarch_2022-08-06_01-40-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The plot is this nosey little schoolgirl Subaru heard about a haunted house and wants to investigate it but is too much of a little bitch so she's enlisting the help of local kendo club chad and mc Kamishiro to go with her

>> No.9152683
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I've tried it in 2019 or so when it was released, but it was too slow.

>Brandish 3
>that character
Impeccable taste, anon.
Did you try with a text hooker?

>> No.9153136
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Anon, how do you configure your?
I use some old tutorial, mine use the VGTranslate program and it hooks on ztranslate i think, but it's really bad, look how it mangles the sentence on the screenshot, and that's not even the fault of the window, same thing happens on fullscreen, it spits out the exact same translation.

I wish i could hook it to Deepl...

>> No.9153149

Name four dozen.

>> No.9153219

alex kidd had a hard life

>> No.9153357

Just play Zelda and be happy.

>> No.9153473

i got JLPT1 in 7 days fuck you

>> No.9153501

>not getting it in 30 minutes
what a pleb

>> No.9153506
File: 386 KB, 1920x1080, retroarch_2022-08-06_01-40-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there is only 1 way to configure it, if you're using the vgtranslate_serve_v1.01 method with ztranslate then that's what I'm doing. It's never going to be perfect, if something comes out really garbled just try translating the same text again a few times, you may get better results.

I played through all the jp Kunio games like this pretty painlessly but RPGs are always going to be much more difficult.

You gotta try to piece together some weird translations too like I'm pretty sure BALLOO here is trying to translate 'suBARU'

>> No.9153570
File: 36 KB, 544x288, 1651108747798.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to make it real-time?
Having to press the MTL hotkey on every screen is too much of a bother for me.

>> No.9153582

No not really? The only benefits of Japanese are untranslated games and using their women as your servants

>> No.9153924

like auto translate everytime text appears on screen? That'd be a mess I think.

I have it set up so the MTL hotkey is my ps4 touchpad button and it doesn't pause the game/music and atmosphere, best compromise I think. There's the Text to speech MTL option instead text MTL which technically is the least intrusive but you gotta listen to a TTS voice and it'll sometimes be unintelligible. Nothing's perfect.

>> No.9154613

Yeah because reading light novels and translating City Pop lyrics is so much cooler

>> No.9154717

Translator gods please translate jaseiken necromancer... It looks cool as fuck but only has the menu text translated...

>> No.9154730

I rolled it in the Gauntlet a year or so back. It's got some amazing enemy design but the crazy high encounter rate makes getting anywhere too much of a chore. You might want to ask the translator gods for a different one.

>> No.9155034
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>like auto translate everytime text appears on screen? That'd be a mess I think
Why would you think that?
It works okay with Google Lens/Translate.
I just can't get it to work on my computer without convoluted tricks that ruin the resolution because I'm probably retarded.

>> No.9155372

Learn the language lol

>> No.9155486

Lol no, japanese sucks.

>> No.9155515

translator gods................................

>> No.9155518

yea, for worthwhile languages, not for fucking japanese looooooooooool

>> No.9155545

He probably met the word of Dekinai-sama, achieved N5 enlightenment, and became a translator-god cockroach. He's in a parallel universe terrorizing weeb EOPs with professional localizations full of dad jokes heavily involving tumblr neologisms.

>> No.9155908
File: 4 KB, 256x224, time-twist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

translator gods.........
Time Twist...........
I summon thee.........

>> No.9156986

translator gods......
have you forsaken this welcoming atmosphere.....?

>> No.9157029

Godeon Zhi has attended your prayers. He'll be here by 2047.

>> No.9157102
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Looking at the guide on Gamefaqs the game is bigger than i anticipated, i ended up taking a interest on it because of OP autism and even started the game, it's a Konami game alright, pretty graphics, amazing music, i really like the combat system with the automatic attacks and the characters running around the battlefield.

>> No.9157625

>Who the hell let these n*ggers free?
>I won't let you animals get away from here.

>> No.9157859

How I explained it earlier, at least with retroarch, you might not get the best translation on the first pull, I had to press the machine translation button a few times to get something readable in my playthroughs so for RA ai translate it's not good enough for that yet. It's one of those things that's hard to tell if it'll ever be because it's never an ideal font/text on background background when sending the game pic to translate.

>> No.9157961

This whiny fag blocked me on twitter lol.

Yeah it does look pretty nice, gameplay-wise. Would you consider streaming the game?

I don't mind if that's half gibberish, honestly. I just want a basic understanding of the dialogues and the menus (so I won't heal with a explosive potion).

>> No.9158020

>This whiny fag blocked me on twitter lol.
What did you expect from a degenerate enabler who puts "he/him" pronouns on his bio?

>> No.9158316

Right now tom (@retrotranslator) is looking for new game to translate. Pray directly to the god.

>> No.9158425

I don't have twitter. Could you kindly suggest DeSPIRIA to him?

>> No.9158963

NTA but I saw others mention Despiria.

>> No.9159208
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There is some really interesting games being listed on the answers, damn, should've started learning when i was younger, now it's too late, i'm a 38 years boomer...

>> No.9159456
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translator-kun gods-sama...........Rushing Beat Ran and Rushing Shura..............plz...........k.......thnx............bye.........

>> No.9159714

we need a translator gods general........
before it's too late........

>> No.9159759

I liked your thread, anon. Sincerely. Thanks!

>> No.9159834

Is the thread on auto sage?

Hope translator gods anon make another one some time, it's fun to see these unstralated games.

>> No.9159885

>Is the thread on auto sage?
Yes. I don't know if it happens after a set time or if some janny did it.

>> No.9160264

...page 11?

>> No.9160272

uh yeah page 11. theres no page 11 if you type it into the address bar, and theres 151 threads including this one. and each page only has 15 threads. literally have fallen off page 10.

is this a thing? that i just never noticed?

>> No.9160320
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>page 11

Translator gods...my unworthy thread ended up this big...being held by the faith of all the translator gods followers...i'm genuinely happy...i hope...one day...translator gods...please...