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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 205 KB, 624x936, 25323526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9123047 No.9123047 [Reply] [Original]

>Sony BVM-A32 - $25,000
>High-end, handmade cables - $30,000
>HiFi speakers/amplifier - $50,000
>Sealed, first issue, copy of Mario Kart 64 - $5,000
>Voultar's N64 RGB mod - $80
Time to game.

>> No.9123074

The game in picrel is Front Mission (SFC T-Eng)

>> No.9123079


>> No.9123083

Why would a cable I make with my hand ever cost more than a couple hundred dollars?

>> No.9123085

Honestly, if you do anything less you might as well just be watching a low res youtube lets play

>> No.9123089

Just like the developers intended.

>> No.9123097

I play with RF and a consumer set because that's what I had as a kid.
I don't really give a fuck what the best config is.
Can RGB on muh balls whatever that means.

>> No.9123098

That cable snake and "lifters" will never stop being funny. The perfect example of a fool being parted with their money.

>> No.9123114
File: 127 KB, 239x372, 1611921485316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vintage insulators raising the cable off the floor
Was about to make fun of you but then I realized you're B-B-B-B-B-B-BASED

>> No.9123124

Because they are made from high quality coax cable imported from Italy. ITALY. That's in Europe, son.

>> No.9123131
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Does it come with free packages of spaghet?

>> No.9123140
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No isolated battery backup with filtered power regulation. Its like they didn't even try.

>> No.9123268

For the price they're asking, it better come with meatballs and a bottle of wine.

>> No.9123464

>Hisense 720p LCD $100
>raspberry pi 3b $30
>256gb SanDisk micro sd $15
>ibuffalo USB SNES controller $7
Yep, it's gaymen time

>> No.9123478 [DELETED] 

>Cutting your dick off? Priceless.

>> No.9123482


>> No.9123491 [DELETED] 

Actually it probably costs another 50k

>> No.9123507

When that TV was in the booth, being used professionally, they did none of this shit.

>> No.9123568

Of course not. I know a guy from LA that got a similar monitor (BVM-D24) from a pro colorist who last used it on the movie Avatar in 2009. These monitors were used for production purposes originally.

>> No.9123579

>thunder storm hits
>all your expensive toys go bye bye because no surge protection

>> No.9123671 [DELETED] 

>Toshiba 2987DB 28" CRT - £100
>Cambridge A5 amp - £60
>Mission 700 speakers - £50
>Mordaunt-Short Silver Maestro speaker cables, Arcam Camcom plugs, and Ixos interconnects - £60 (total)
>Atacama Nexus 6i speaker stands - £30
>2x Revolver R050 racks - £100 (total)
>all vidya modded/NTSC
I'm having as much fun as you at the fraction of the price. Few people know of the TV. It's the best 4:3 model I've see hands down.

>> No.9123697

>Toshiba 2987DB 28" CRT - £100
>Cambridge A5 amp - £60
>Mission 700 speakers - £50
>Mordaunt-Short Silver Maestro speaker cables, Arcam Camcom plugs, and Ixos interconnects - £60 (total)
>Atacama Nexus 6i speaker stands - £30
>2x Revolver R050 racks - £100 (total)
>all vidya modded/NTSC
I'm having as much fun as you at the fraction of the price. You can scoff at the unfamiliar TV, but it has the best picture quality I've ever seen on a 4:3 consumer set.

>> No.9123706

Dude I think your garloid is sick. They're not supposed to be black.

>> No.9123819

>princetron 19in crt $0
>retrorgb cables $30ish
>scarlett solo and some mid-cheap headphones $160
>ps2 slim $0
>gbs-c, mc2sio, sd card for that $80
time to game

>> No.9123849

What do people who use it even believe it does?

>> No.9123869

Shielding. Though, the snake is huge overkill; decent cables (especially those at the prices he's claiming) would be more than adequate for the job. That thing is nothing more than a glorified cable tidy. Surprised he didn't go down the mains spur route...

>> No.9123914 [DELETED] 

all that shitload of fuck and still unhappy, alone, and living with an empty void in your heart; turn to christ

>> No.9123968 [DELETED] 

Yeah, Christ fans are usually well adjusted and functional and not pedophiles at all.

>> No.9123984 [DELETED] 

You're thinking of Catholics & Muslims. Other than those two, it's typically only weird, fringe, cultish offshoots of major denominations that engage in widespread pedophilia.

>> No.9124000

>spend all that money on hardware
>still play games in English like a retard
Peak poser shit.

>80 bucks for an RGB mod
Imagine being unable to solder that shit, took me about 10 minutes.

>> No.9124206

On what planet is a 720p display that expensive?

>> No.9124263


>> No.9124363

what are those meant to do?

>> No.9124374

lol at all the poors seething

>> No.9124401

>lcd screen
Lol @ your gaming set up

>> No.9124404

>zero dollar crt

>> No.9124409

according to audiophiles, avoiding interference from the ground. kek

>> No.9124424

Nobody here is stupid enough to spend 100k on a retro gaming setup. Sorry - ONE person is, apparently.

>> No.9124432

Delivery from US to Russia costs about 30-50 bucks to me. The hell is wrong with that stuff if importing it from Italy costs thousands.

>> No.9124747

Less than 10 years ago, those monitors were all but worthless and could be found on ebay any day of the week. 32 inch bvm were still a princely $1000 or so because they still had some pro use.

Inflating the price of something that is not even a videogame is some funny e-celeb effect indeed.

>> No.9124883

Totally not on the spectrum.

>> No.9124890

More like audiofools.

>> No.9124893

>Crt I found walking my dog - $0
>My old nintendo that still has tape with the previous owners name from 1990 on it - $50 in 1991 money
>Original NES controller that came with it - part of the $50
>A box of carts I bought at an estate sale 7 or 8 years ago - $25 and I got a free rug
Who wants to come over and play Blaster Master? my wife made pizza rolls.

>> No.9124906

Is this what emufags think playing on the original hardware is like? lmao

>> No.9124925

I’m an unironicn occultism and mysticism enjoyer and am probably still less superstitious than the average audiophile.

>> No.9124956

I hope that twenty thousand dollar sticker never falls off that power cable.

>> No.9124978
File: 89 KB, 1000x663, 100_inch_action.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'as new' smart projector from ebay: $30
>shower curtain thumbtacked to wall: $5
>used '500 watt' home theater sound: $10
>128 Gb thumbdrive: $12
>spare bluetooth controller: $0
There's something great about seeing 8 bit games on a huge screen.

>> No.9124993

I know it's supposed to be played in a dark room, but that contrast is awful.

>> No.9125000

How’s the projector treating you? I’ve been wondering about how those super cheap ones are.

>> No.9125027

>$120 Costco TV
>$80 SNES Classic Edition
I love gamin'.

>> No.9125029

Are they insulating ceramic pots under tha cables?

>> No.9125040 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 800x533, early-20th-century-communications-technology-10392874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe it or not those are actually vintage insulators. Looks like they're made of ceramic. They were used on telephone poles back in the day.

>> No.9125045
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Yeah looks like the ceramic variety.

>> No.9125056

>old tv with broken buttons that i got for free
>hacked nintendo switch with tons of emulators
>SCARD > HDMI adaptor

Git gut OP. i can play all games literally. may be except Nintendo ds games because 2 small screens on crt tv look awful

>> No.9125098

kek what does he have, 750v DC running through them?

>> No.9125147
File: 22 KB, 474x474, th-3054762270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funniest thing about this ultra larp is the PAL SNES in the top image, and the foreign (American?) mains in the bottom.

>> No.9125373
File: 63 KB, 640x640, Mr_Christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve been wondering
Mine has been ok but doesn't have dust filters so needs opening up about once a year to clean.
Gave an ultra cheap one to friends' kids and they managed to overheat and damage it within a few months. Now has slightly discolored area on projected image but it's not noticeable when watching cartoons and isn't getting any worse.
Pic - kids unit. About $12 on post-christmas closeout.

>> No.9125409

>Less than 10 years ago
That'd be 2013. By that time CRTs were already expensive on ebay. Time gets away from us all, anon.

>> No.9125415

Oh, weird. I didn't even notice and just assumed it was a Super Famicom.

>> No.9125547

You have to get one of the ones that sold for 250+USD when they were new. You can often find them for less than a hundred second hand. The ones that were always cheap are junk.

>> No.9125553

The expense was shipping in 2013.

>> No.9125586

What BLACKED scene is this?

>> No.9125589

Well maybe add a year or two but it wasn't that long ago. In that timeframe, I got my Ikegami TM20-80r for roughly $100, with shipping included and it was in mint condition (and the seller used premium "Expanded Air" blown in foam packing). And that was the most I will ever spend on a CRT, it's fun seeing what the same model costs now.

I had thought about buying one of the 32 inch BVM back then from the pro video sellers (most located in Hollywood) but $1000 seemed an obscene price.

Rarest sighting in that era was exactly one Sony HDM-3830 400 pound monster Hi-Vision monitor, the most expensive CRT display ever made ($70000 in 1989) and never saw another for sale since.

>> No.9125627

Audiofaggots are even bigger retards than crystal roasties.

>> No.9125664

So like, do audiophiles have audiophile wiring in their walls too

>> No.9125687
File: 253 KB, 800x1350, audiophile pole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually far worse than you can even imagine:

>> No.9125771


"Audiophiles" (aka retards) believe that the cables lying on the ground lead to some kinds of "Interference" because apparently the electromagnetic waves could be reflected by the wooden floor (!) and interfere with the non-electromagnetic (!!) signal in the wire (Then what the hell was the anaconda shielding for?!)...somehow...
But be careful - you cannot simply use - I don't know, some books? - to lift them off the ground, that would lead to the thing used to lift it interfere with the signal too - obviously... Only maximum insulators able to resist 100+kV are able to prevent that interference - again obviously...
Unfortunately it will not protect against Earth rays, I recommend some aluminium foil wrapped around the cable and the listener's head as well, we don't want intereference, do we?

>> No.9125832

Kek I remembered the old pasta about Flying Lotus and the "electrical interference", I don't know how he spelled it.

>> No.9125879

Have fun getting through this...

>> No.9125923
File: 1.93 MB, 4608x2184, 1581699992456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my mum old tv - $0
>controller from gamestop - $10
>games - $0
>scanlines for authentic experience™ - $0
hell yeah its gaming time bro

>> No.9125929


Does it explain why the shielded cable then has to be placed 10 cm over the ground on electric (but not electromagnetic) insulators?

And I mean OBVIOUSLY you would use "F" laminations instead of "E" and "I" lamination, that's just common sense, I mean come on man...

>> No.9125937

desu as a ruralfag on a barely maintained grid that literally had the transformer on the pole connecting my house explode one day I can't say I don't sympathize with going out of one's way to make sure you have good shit installed on your utility pole. I guess in their defense they only took a day to replace it.

Maybe not for audiophile purposes, but like if I had a lot of expensive electronics in my house and enough money to big dick my power company I'd probably make sure I'm hooked up to some good shit.

>> No.9126076
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>> No.9126153

I mean, I’m pretty sure everyone knows these are two different sourced images

>> No.9126169

Scanlines too thin. Not like my CRT.™

>> No.9126178

> 65' 4K Roku smart TV from Walmart
>brightness: 100
>My old Genesis hooked up via the VCR which is hooked up via RF and set to channel 3
>image format: fit to screen
>headphones plugged into a 7.1 Dolby digital system which is also plugged into the VCR
>retrobit Genesis 8 button USB controller plugged into some chink converter since my original broke
Yep, it's an NHL 94 marathon night

>> No.9126265


Ahh, just like my Trinitron.
Like the devolpers intended.

>> No.9126273

I almost feel like I'm looking at a triptych right now with those blinds on either side

>> No.9126280


>> No.9126363

I like how the scanlines match the blinds.

>> No.9126406

>Sony PVM 20L2 - $300
>Hand made stereo using lm1875 - $100
>vintage JBL speakers - $25
>NOS Super Nintendo controller I opened - $100
My luxury setup cost less than a new PC.

>> No.9126837

Electrical infetterance?

>> No.9126840

thats power plug ac snake looks sexy

>> No.9127503

Can someone actually tell me why I should play on this washed-out, devoid-of-contrast, screen; instead of my colour-punchy, perfect-black OLED with Retroarch shaders?

>> No.9127593

> ntsc-j silver slim ps2 with a dead laser
> FMCB memory card to bypass laser
>Loading games and cartoons off an external HDD via USB
>using a translucent blue controller
> hooked up via composite (just white and yellow, mono TV) to my 8" CRT that I used to hook up with my gamecube in the car to play during road trips as a kid

That's what I call comfy

>> No.9127716
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Why not both.
switch is the best handheld retro gaming platform.
CRT is the best way to play it sitting on your ass in front a TV

>> No.9127796

The true retro game enthusiast emulates their Super Nintendo games with ZSnes running on an original EeePC with a knockoff PS1 controller ghettorigged into an LPT-to-USB adapter

>> No.9127952

It only looks washed out because of the lighting. In a dimly lit room, the image looks wonderful. Also you can't use shaders with real hardware - it would be retarded to emulate on a monitor like the BVM-D32.

>> No.9128097

How much are you paying in electricity bills lol

Oh wait it's your mom who pays them

>> No.9128524

Not as much as you think.

>> No.9129394

>washed-out, devoid-of-contrast, screen
How to admit you haven't seen a CRT in person in years.
I have a Samsung Note 20 Ultra with an OLED screen that maxes out at 1600 nits, way higher than OLED TVs reach due to energy regulations. My Samsung TX-P1430 CRT shits on it in terms of brightness, colors, and contrast. It also demolishes my LG C1 based on how much it can fill my living room with light.
Keep in mind my CRT is a 14 inch box and the OLED is a 55 incher.

>> No.9129615

>PS2 FAT SCPH 30004 R - 30$
>Sony KV-25X5K - free
I'll have the sony trinitron by today, hopefully it'll work fine.

>> No.9129637

gold plated cables ;)

>> No.9130798

>he didn't buy PVM/BVM's when they were considered junkyard trash
Keep cope posting. As usual you're just mad because you didn't do the research before Youtubers told you about them and destroyed the market. Just like with every other hobby over the past 10 years. Have fun!

>> No.9131013
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CRT my dad bought in the early 2000s, consoles and games from my childhood, magnetically sealed speakers I got from my uncle, all free. I did spend money on everdrives and ODEs but I didn't have too. Also dropped big coin on my chair but that was just a treat to myself

>> No.9131147

I don't have a PVM because nobody had any to get rid of in my area a decade ago. I drove an hour and a half to pick up a car load of Commodore Amiga stuff for free though. I have no idea what that car load is worth now, but it's probably in the thousands.

>> No.9131202

CRTs have OLEDs beat in terms of brightness but for colors and contrast OLEDs are better, since each pixel is individually lit while CRTs draw line by line and can suffer from blooming.
And that's just going off ideal comparisons, in reality even the youngest CRTs are nearly 20 years old and thus the image quality will further degrade unless you repair it. Sounds like you just got lucky, most CRTs I've seen look worse than OLEDs. PVMs tend to still look pretty good, though.

>> No.9132196

I did! Posted above about the dirt cheap Ikegami I got right before the CRT boom.

>> No.9132202

If that was a plasma I'd love this setup, so close.

>> No.9132210

> 14" Toshiba CRT with component, $10 at garage sale
> HP mini PC i5-6500T $120
> VGA to Component transcoder $50
> Batocera with 4TB HDD $40
>8bitdo wired controller

It's morbin time

>> No.9132214

Do miss my Panasonic plasma but it died after a long life. This VA Vizio still works but I'd love to replace it with an OLED but it's hard to justify since I'm on the CRT like 90 percent of the time. Maybe I'll hold out till the Mini LEDs are out

>> No.9132218

>car load of Commodore Amiga stuff for free though
Nice! What did you get?

I picked up a mint condition (literally like new from factory) 1200 with a 1230 (128MB RAM) and M1438 for 200 yurobucks a while ago that I consider a steal. Came with a bunch of extra shit too like Compeittion Pro joystick and pad, Escom Amiga mouse, floppy emulator that I don't care much about, matching 2-way stereo computer speakers that are period correct, 16GB CF card with EIDE expansion as replacement for HDD and a big box of floppies, including original WB 3.1 and some other shit and last but not least, WiFi PCMCIA card and a PCMCIA CF card adapter with a CF to SD adapter in it. Even some Genlock equipment. All in all a nice setup.

>> No.9132224

Imagine framing some shitty sketches of kiddie viddy game controller.
You retards are fucked in the head with this whole TV cult.

>> No.9132340

It was a gift from my kids, I think they are cool

>> No.9132363
File: 997 KB, 500x281, 1641872363638.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet all power is from dirty unfiltered grid electricity

where the fuck is your custom tuned generator with hand-made palladium-core phase windings with pure beryllium quartz rectifier?

>> No.9132368

>It's morbin time
This isn't Youtube...

>> No.9132595 [DELETED] 
File: 759 KB, 1895x1275, Baby-Parrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me you learned everything you "know" about CRTs from reddit without telling me me ou learned everything you "know" about CRTs from reddit.

>> No.9132691

>Voultar's N64 RGB mod - $80
Based and Voultar-pilled
HD Retrovision poorfags need not apply

>> No.9132729

Seems like a lot of money to listen to old Bob Dylan tapes.

>> No.9132804

Voltorb's mod is really good. Restores the RGB lines to what it should have been out of the factory. Nice and bright with good colors. I still wish there was a way that you could get deblur on it but I understand that so far it seems impossible to do that without also hooking into the VI chip so it's understandable.

It's not the fact that it can't do deblur, it's more the fact that Voltarb consistently gets on his high horse and says that it's flat out not needed because the N64 is a dogshit console not to his liking anyway and blah blah blah blah. The man makes good shit and I've bought a few things from him but he's the biggest narcissist in the scene and gets matters wrong often.

>> No.9132904

Proof autism is hereditary

>> No.9133126

I recognize that MV that's GUN.

>> No.9133135

So Wii U was your childhood?

>> No.9133143

I was 22 when it came out, that sure feels like being a child to me now

>> No.9133162

I accept your concession.

>> No.9133164

Now I think about it I was 27 when the WiiU came out. Jesus Christ time is hard to keep track of

>> No.9133248

It's fucking MADE of spaghetti son!

>> No.9133374 [DELETED] 

>[copes in reddit]

>> No.9133381

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9133401

Way to fuck everything up, mate.

>> No.9133412

>play games in English like a retard
Spending ten years plus learning a language to play video games is about the most retarded thing I can think of.

>> No.9133413

Where are the games though?
Where is the Speccy?

>> No.9133551

prevent ground loops

>> No.9133597
File: 101 KB, 948x768, Off_Grid_Power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going off-grid with $50k personal power sources
How does he call himself an audiophile?

>> No.9133706

I got Voultar's mod a few years ago. Sent my N64 to him since I'm a retard when it comes to electronics. Anyways, I got to watch him do the mod via livestream, during which he explained that he prefers not to deblur the N64 because he believes the blur is an essential part of the N64's visual character. It's fascinating that you try to spread lies about him.

>> No.9134307

>n-nooo I am not seething about not having your set-setup look at those uh... framed sketches heh

>> No.9134419

That's a little over my budget. Think I could make do with the $30k model?

>> No.9134532

Moreover, that big fat one is for the AC power. The dude that uses that shit is such an audiofag that he spent tens of thousands of dollars trying to remove noise from the fucking power line.

>> No.9134743

>make do with the $30k model?
Only if you use one for each component to eliminate harmonic crosstalk

>> No.9135250

>during which he explained that he prefers not to deblur the N64 because he believes the blur is an essential part of the N64's visual character.
Why are you spending the money on installing an RGB mod to use with quality shielded RGB SCART cables that are most likely going into SCART equipment that you've also spent money on just to care about having a fucking unnecessary pass of blur over the final image? This is not an argument. Use composite or S-VIDEO. The VI blur is different from the edge AA that's used (which is actually beneficial). There's a good reason why people pay for RGB mods to want it gone. Again, he sells a product that doesn't do that, and that's fine. It's his attitude surrounding the reason as to why people want that and his overall weird hatred for the console
>spread lies
He regularly goes on twitter tirades about it being a garbage console with zero redeeming games and a fucking godawful design. When people ask him that he's obviously just being facetious and that it has at least one or two decent and influential games on it, he doubles down and says that it's stiill garbage. He's the perfect example of someone who has the skills and knowledge but can't shut his fucking mouth and loves to die on stupid hills. Contrast him to someone like Dan Kunz who is also highly knowledgeable but isn't a loudmouth constantly getting into arguments with people on social media for dumb shit.

>> No.9135260

But not supposedly paying over 100k on useless shit to play children's games? The dude is right. He paid all that money for the 'best possible experience' yet actually playing in the original language is the biggest improvement you can make.

>> No.9137210

Those anaconda cables always get a kek out of me.

>> No.9137225

If you ALSO own at least one home and one vehicle completely on paper(no outstanding mortgages or loans) then I could say you're doing well.
If you do NOT own your own home completely, you're just a fag wasting money of valueless shit. Might as well buy a few kilos of coke or meth instead.

>> No.9137427

>Might as well buy a few kilos of coke or meth instead.
Lol? Meth crystals cause audio interference in a radius of 2 meters, and coke powder might get inside the PVM, reducing its contrast. Gaming is a serious hobby and should be treated with proper care.

>> No.9137478

As an American, I want to apologize for the undue aggression from the NATO terror organization and the Biden regime.

>> No.9137492

The one starring you’re mom

>> No.9138264

>If you ALSO own at least one home and one vehicle completely on paper(no outstanding mortgages or loans) then I could say you're doing well.
Cringe and boomer-pilled.

>> No.9138290
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>> No.9138312
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>> No.9139148
File: 249 KB, 360x594, 1646535915752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat SHARP CRT I got from craigslist -$0
>default RCA cables that came with the console -$0
>built in TV audio -$0
>default controller -$0
>n64 I bought from the gameshop down the street when I was 8 -$25
>everdrive from krikkz for ~200 bucks
get on my level, fags

>> No.9139245

>biggest improvement you can make is to change the letters you can read into moonrunes you can't
Yeah, you're a faggot.

>> No.9141064

Nice! I Remember when GameStop hade those bins of "older consoles" wrapped in cellophane priced super cheap because no one wanted to buy them.

>> No.9142272

>bragging about overpaying $225 for a pleb setup

>> No.9142319

I play all retro games on my phone using the touch screen. Works great.

>> No.9142572

That Car load was. A battery damaged A2000 that had a PC card in it and another one in its box. An Atari MegaST with its color Monitor, an external Hard Drive, but no keyboard. The A2000 had its keyboard. There was a Box of retail Software. A Box of Boxed Amiga Games. Four or Five Commodore Monitors. Giant User Manuals for Amiga OS 2 I believe. There was more, but that's what I can recall.

>> No.9143423

>Trinitron from thrift store -$8
>Built in speakers -$0 (Unless I'm playing the Genesis then I plug in the $5 MDR 7506s into the headphone jack).
>A bunch of AV and Svideo cables for various consoles -$40
thats all i need really. id rather spend money on games n consoles.

>> No.9143727

an anon posted about CRT projectors here ages ago, showing off ape escape running on it looking amazing. Been seriously considering this option for the living room given how space conservative they obviously are + easy to setup. Anyone have model recommendations?

>> No.9143767
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>> No.9144160

>Anyone have model recommendations?
You're unlikely to find anything decent you can afford

>> No.9144351
File: 1.14 MB, 750x920, 1658416826173454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spending ten years plus learning a language
Should take you a week max, bud.

>> No.9144354
File: 521 KB, 853x1000, 1659448507374350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they can't do anything about you

>> No.9144896

I bought a Sony CRT Projector for $400 six years ago. Works great, but it could use a new green tube. They need a serious amount of space to use.

>> No.9144935
File: 54 KB, 420x420, lowqualitybait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the ad said I can learn a new language in a week so i'll do that next week

>> No.9145758

7506 headphones are $100 new, $70 on sale

>> No.9146192
File: 69 KB, 792x594, SONY PS1 RFU ADAPTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I don't know him

>> No.9146280

Keep an eye on Craigslist, etc and you will find units that people can't even give away.
They will be happy to find someone interested but then you are stuck with the huge, high maintenance item.

>> No.9146569

mamma mia

>> No.9146581

One of the most based console modders out there

>> No.9146826

I use a $50 TV from the thrift shop, a $15 Android stick from Wal-Mart, and a $30 Genesis bluetooth controller. Probably just over $100 after tax

>> No.9147293

Here I go again...

>> No.9148143

Voultar is one talented douchebag,