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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9119068 No.9119068 [Reply] [Original]

But by the advent of Sony’s PlayStation console, Nintendo’s mustachioed mascot had more than met his match.

>> No.9119070

By the power of making minimum wage in a first world country. I can afford to own both retro consoles and think people who still partake in console wars are retarded.

>> No.9119072

Spyro gets major credit for having dragons which are awesome but something about the way Spyro controlled just wasn't as smooth or fun to mess around with as Mario.
Anyways it's okay to like both.

>> No.9119078 [DELETED] 

Kys dumbfuck
>Wahh I like everything
You're gay
You have no imagination
You're soulless
And you should KYS

>> No.9119085 [DELETED] 


>> No.9119089 [DELETED] 

Stop sniffing markers Timmy they're gonna hold you back in 8th grade for the 6th time

>> No.9119109 [DELETED] 

>you're soulless if you choose to not take sides on literally aspect of life
Anon...you have the brainrot.

>> No.9119140 [DELETED] 

Stop being poor.

>> No.9119209 [DELETED] 

>I can consoom every product and not ask questions

Glad to see a steady diet of social media and goy slop have melted your frontal lobe.

>> No.9119257

I can discuss games I like without shitting on other good games in the same genre. Only retarded /v/tards turn everything into a shit flinging contest.

>> No.9119282

Only for the first game, 2 and 3 were steps in the wrong direction and Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie had long since blown the whole trilogy out the park by then

>> No.9119294

Thats part of why Insomniac chose to make Ratchet bipedal. But I'm ok with Spyro's clunkier controls because he's, after all, a dragon. Its fun to control certain characters like that

>> No.9119897 [DELETED] 

election tourist retard

>> No.9120781

>Comes in
>3 good games
>Insomniac ditches it because they ran out of ideas for Spyro and don't want to make a fourth one
>Universal hands it to literal retards
>Fourth one sucks
>Studio dies
>Fifth one is generic
>Franchise dies
>Revived into dumb edgy reboot for autistic children
>Dies again because Sierra dies
>Activision owns franchise now
>Makes it into a dumb toy game for kids
>Spyro becomes irrelevant and dies again
>The franchise dies
>OG trilogy gets remake
>Things are looking up, Crash 4 released, logically Spyro 4 is next
>Activision sends dev team to CoD mine, killing Spyro yet again
>Activision gets into serious shit
>No good future for Spyro
Being a Spyro fan is eternal suffering.

>> No.9120820 [DELETED] 

>no imagination
Says the underageb& who speaks in buzzwords

>> No.9121012

You forgot
>microsoft buys activision for a shit load of money
I have some hope.

>> No.9121016
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I had a friend of a friend who had a Playstation 1 with the first Spyro game. He was so excited to get it that he ran over to my friend's house and invited us both over to see it. It was so cool and I fell in love with the first game. I got a demo disc for my Playstation a few years later and it had either Spyro 1 or 2 on it and I would play it for hours even though it stopped after 15 minutes of gameplay. I never did buy it but now I'm thinking of getting the trilogy re-release.

Childhood memory unlocked. Thank you anon

>> No.9121019

>Hope for a mascot platformer under microsoft

They've got more dumpster babies than a cheerleading squad on prom night.

>> No.9121469

Have you ever considered that maybe Spyro's potential as a concept was already tapped out by game 3 and that's why Insomniac themselves moved on from it? I just wish Insomniac would actually make platformers again.

>> No.9121497

Their platformers after spyro were always soulless b tier mascotshit for sony to pad out its epic gaymer repertoire. They didn't hold a candle to decent games.

>> No.9121532

Disagree Spyro's simplistic movement is what makes it so playable even today. I honestly believe the first game at least is an honest 10/10 game. SM64 as well but its a harder game with more difficult movement and camera. I guarantee a zoomer today has an easier time enjoying Spyro 1 than SM64 because of this. Spyro 1 had some god tier level design which helped it immensely.

>> No.9121545 [DELETED] 

Retard retard

>> No.9121759

>I guarantee a zoomer today has an easier time enjoying Spyro 1 than SM64 because of this
You're fucking delusional

>> No.9121767

Spyro 1 is one of the best games ever made

>> No.9121775 [DELETED] 

Spyro fans: talk about how their game is better than M64, never play their game

M64 fans: replayed their game so much they discovered every pixel

>> No.9121796 [DELETED] 

You forgot the part where Spyrofags wax and wane about skyboxes non-stop. It's very important and about 75% of the discussion over the last 5 years

>> No.9121798

You really don't need to start a spyro thread with console war faggotry, it's bad enough that you can barely discuss these games anymore without people dumping ugly nu-fauns until the thread 404's

>> No.9122168 [DELETED] 

>raging that your consoomer tendencies got called out

Back to reddît

>> No.9122220

People have speedrun and beat the game with that 15 min demo

>> No.9122325 [DELETED] 

That's because Spyro fans aren't autistic. They're too cool to get obsessed. They have fond memories of the game but are now focused on raising their kids and building their career. Meanwhile SM64 losers are still playing a game they picked up 25 years ago and trying to complete a 120 star dildo-up-the-ass run on Twitch. Sad.

>> No.9122357 [DELETED] 
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>That's because Spyro fans aren't autistic.

>> No.9122379

Nah, that just shows lack of imagination on Insomniac's part. Its one thing to say they didn't want to do Spyro anymore, another to say they couldn't do anything else.
Ironically Ratchet and Clank(and Jak and Daxter) would have the protagonists age a bit over time to let them do more in terms of gameplay and story. Spyro could've gotten that. Give Spyro new powers and abilities(like flight and different breaths) to reflect him growing.
Thats selling the Ratchet and Clank games short. the Ps2 trilogy was definitely full of soul. The one thing that keeps me from replaying them is that they're more snarky and cynical compared to how easygoing Spyro is as a trilogy. There's a sereneness to the Spyro trilogy which is soothing and why its so nostalgic to people.

>> No.9122437

Spyro games got remade and sold well. SM64's last true remake was a long time ago and gen Z really isn't going back to play a game like that. Its movement and camera is too complicated for gen Z. They would also claim the camera to be dated. Spyro suffers from none of these issues. Honestly Spyro 1 vs SM64 I take Spyro as the better game.

>> No.9122609 [DELETED] 
File: 287 KB, 728x1096, 1632979615361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to kiss spyro

>> No.9122713 [DELETED] 

That's kinda gay bro, unless you're a girl, in which case, will you go out with me?

>> No.9122717

You forgot

>butchered the art direction of the Remastered Trilogy by going with a DeviantArt furfag reimagining of the original style

>> No.9122756

>Nintendo’s mustachioed mascot had more than met his match.

>> No.9122764

For real though, it is kind of weird the PS1 doesn't really have an answer to SM64. Either they're too gimmick oriented or too short in span.

>> No.9122807

We already said Spyro BTFO SM64 for three games in a row.

SM64 just generated more hype because it came out first and had a massive marketing budget.

>> No.9122809
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>tfw Mario still hasn't moved over

>> No.9122821

As far as exclusives, Spyro does come the closest, but the worlds aren't as fun to backtrack and Spyro himself has a gimmicky control scheme. Which works for the characters, but doesn't feel like its trying to play like Mario.

>> No.9122825

Honestly it's not really like Nintendo ever even really had a good follow up to SM64 either. Every 3D Mario afterwards just wound up being nearly as simplified as your standard PS1 Mario killer. SM64's over developed movement system really was lightning in a bottle.

>> No.9122991

>for our next console exclusive killer app, we’re going to take Mario’s plumbing role LITERALLY!

>> No.9123972

Best game on PSX

>> No.9123989 [DELETED] 

>worshipping a guy who is brainless consumerism personified
>calls out others

>> No.9123992
File: 357 KB, 1920x1080, bowsers-fury.original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you ever considered that maybe Spyro's potential as a concept was already tapped out by game 3
>Mario has existed for 39 years

>> No.9124593 [DELETED] 

Who do I worship my dear schizo? Elaborate on your strawman.

>> No.9124641 [DELETED] 

There's a lot of weird ass art of Spyro, just search "Spyro [insert fetish]" and you'll get results. The funniest one is the picture where some male babyfur dressed as a girl is on a dinner date with Spyro, and someone else pulls the babyfur's tail and says "Need a change, princess?". That seems like a very elaborate fantasy.

>> No.9124718

Literally feel the opposite of this. SM64 feels like slippery bullshit. Spyro is much tighter and easier to control in all 3 PS1 games. To this day I don't understand how and why the series went to hell. Simply Insomniac moving on I guess.

>> No.9124720

>SM64 feels like slippery bullshit. Spyro is much tighter and easier to control in all 3 PS1 games.
You might have actual brain issues

>> No.9124757
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I prefer Ripto, he's cuter

>> No.9124774

Does Spyo have any real vertical platforming or is it a walking simulator?

>> No.9125481

>SM64 feels like slippery bullshit.
It's literally the most precise 3D platformer of all time.

>> No.9125554

>To this day I don't understand how and why the series went to hell
A lot of comes down to exhausting all of Spyro's platforming options by the 2nd game. There's only so much a fire-breathing, quadrupedal dragon can do short of giving him unlimited flight or relying on gimmicks.

That and Insomniac never fully owned the IP in the first place.

>> No.9125595

Yes in multiple levels

>> No.9125640

Spyro is more akin to DK64 than a Mario game, really. As in it's a collect-a-thon piece of shit.

>> No.9125671
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The only game that's really any platforming heavy is the first one, a lot of it is about figuring out where you need to be and how much running speed you need to be able to make jumps and glide to destinations. 2 and 3 kind of lost focus and started replacing the challenge with minigames.

>> No.9125912

I'll grant you have to backtrack with new powers in Spyro 2 which is annoying similarly to DK64, but it's not true for the other entries.

>> No.9125986

You have to backtrack in Super Mario 64 to get more Stars, too. But the worlds feel more open to exploration and paths open up more organically which is why its not complained about as much.

>> No.9125991

I always thought he had a huge underbite from this cover. Still hard to unsee desu

>> No.9126215 [DELETED] 

I'm not a consumer, I pirate all media

>> No.9128147

Soeaking of that, I love Spyro 1 but I've never played 2 or 3. In fact, I love 1 so much I 100% almost every year.
I tried playing 2 yesterday after beating 1 again and I don't really like it so far. I'm only like half an hour in but I'm not really feeling it.
Should I push ahead? Does it get better or is it all stupid dialogue, forced backtracking, and minigames from here on out?

>> No.9128298

2 was the weak point in the series for me, but has some really atmospheric levels

>> No.9128342

Well, I'll give it another try then. Thanks.

>> No.9128345

Spyro 1 doesn't even have game play. It's just 'go over here'

>> No.9128456

Yeah, thankfully there isn’t A LOT of backtracking like DK64 had, but I can understand the annoyance. I’m a completionist so I get annoyed at having to leave segments unfinished.

>> No.9128475

Spyro 2 has a cheat to give you all the abilities for free, I think it's literally just like circle circle circle circle square on the pause screen. Do that and you have no backtracking.

>> No.9128725

There's an atmosphere in 1 they never really recaptured. The dragon themed worlds and open fields, the emphasis on trick platforming and flying, it was all more interesting than the generic cartoon fantasy world and gimmicks of the next two.

>> No.9129807 [DELETED] 

Bro, you're on /vr/. You're no better.

>> No.9129809

>but now I'm thinking of getting the trilogy re-release.
Just emulate the originals, you fucking idiot.

>> No.9130186 [DELETED] 

>this guy can't pull off wizard proxy

>> No.9131857


>> No.9132026

Yeah, I have all the originals but it emulates fine on retroarch with a USB PS3 controller. I was gonna get the remasters but the reviews are pretty shit. New n Tasty already poisoned the well anyway

>> No.9132167

I was gonna go with the trilogy release for convenience but I probably should play some other playstation games like Tomba 1 and 2 so I might as well get the emulator working again.