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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9103697 No.9103697 [Reply] [Original]

Get 'Em Before They're Gone Edition

>> No.9103806
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>Get 'Em Before They're Gone
CRTs were mass produced and then some and they have no moving parts. There will be working CRTs when we're all dead, and if somehow we run out (practically impossible) the free market will ensure a small company will start making them again.

I picked up a CRT the other day from an old lady who said she thinks its been turned on less than 10 times.

Idk why people online pretend like having a CRT is rare, unique, or interesting. We were making 160 million of them per year in the 90's. The supply is WAYYYYY higher than the demand

Now look at my cat.

>> No.9103813

I want a fat fuck so bad, not even a fancy bvm just a FAT FUCK!

>> No.9103817

Cute cat btw

>> No.9103925

>some shitty consumer sets ARENT RARE!!!!!
no shit, sherlock
Worthwhile consumer sets in great condition with good colors are impossible to find.
Anybody can find some shitty crt.
But who wants to actually play on some crappy set.

>> No.9103996

at least half of crts have been landfilled already and that number keeps climbing. not to mention the fact that the amount of people with both the knowledge and skill to fix them have shrunk considerably and will continue to do so. also, no one is ever going to manufacture new crts again except in your dreams.

>> No.9104001

Well I just said I found a nice one the other day, so it's not impossible. That was after maybe 2 days of looking online on the usual sites. She also gave me a matching Sony receiver but someone already took the speakers. The day before that I got a clean PS2 phat with 10 games (mostly shit) for $30.

These people are still out there. They're rich, and they're old, and they don't even care about the money so you're not taking advantage of them. They just want it gone and can't move a CRT themselves. Half of them give me the thing for free and say they only posted a price to deter lowlifes. As I'm putting the CRT in my car they'll say something like "do you happen to like Nintendo because I have an old one...", and sure, it turns out to be a Sega Genesis but it's still free. Apparently "Nintendo" means "video game console".

Idk, maybe it's just the area I live in, it has a lot of rich old Italian people.

>> No.9104009

You can't imagine some hipster startup making TVs like this if there's demand? I can.

>> No.9104013
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Oops pic
Literally all someone would need to do is a kickstarter or something

>> No.9104016

Wow half of the billion CRTs have been land filled? That's really going to make finding one tough for the 12 of us.

>> No.9104017

if this isn't bait you're retarded

>> No.9104019

How much hassle is hooking up a CRT to a PC?

>> No.9104035

Zero hassle, they make HDMI to RCA adapters (make sure it's not the other way around). Some of them might be laggier than others but mine is passable. It's also cool to watch old TV shows on it from my PC.

People on this board will tell you to pants on head retarded shit to something a simple HDMI to RCA adapter does fine.

>> No.9104037

Idk if I had a stroke during that last sentence, but hopefully I got my point across.

>> No.9104049

Yeah. I have read posts on here before that said hooking up a CRT was a real hassle, like it could fry your PC or something.

>> No.9104134

Yeah lol, that makes no sense. Or maybe they were trying to do something stupid with VGA and chink adapters. But all I'm talking about is taking a digital signal and making it analog. No electrical fires required.

>> No.9104234

Yeah we’ll just crowdfund a device that was made by billion dollar multinational corporations that employed entire factories of specially trained individuals dedicated to producing said device. It should be easy.

>> No.9104359

>implying all CRTs are created equal

>> No.9104410

Yes, some of us actually want to have good displays for the future. Keep coping about your OLED, though.

>> No.9104420

If you want to be a shitter and use composhit with a ton of lag do what >>9104035 suggests.
Otherwise check out some previous threads or just wait and posts about connecting a CRT to a PC via RGB will pop up anyway. You people ask about this in every fucking thread.

>> No.9104435


The mass producing in the 90s and therefore cheap price may give a false impression:
A good color CRT is HIGH TECHNOLOGY! Extreme precision required, you need large numbers to get the price to a reasonable level.
Nothing a kickstarter project can accomplish unless enough people are willing to pay 5-10k for their new CRT. And not just a few enthusiasts.

>> No.9104452


GPU with analog output > PC CRT

Difficulty: 0/10

>> No.9104467

oi can i see /vr/'s room setups? trying to get some ideas for my place. I need to fit both my PC desk setup/soldering/game work setup/games+game consoles and finally the fking monitor/tv, all in one medium/small room. Most jewgle results are the most generic corporate modern room with a gamer pc + rgb accessories and ironically no games in sight. just the bed parallel with the desk.

>> No.9104546

Outside the novelty of just using a CRT, the only real advantage they have is motion clarity (and generally youre making a trade off by dealing with imperfect geometry). Modern panels, particularly oled get the perfect contrast, have near CRT latency (I think my current LG oled is within 3ms of a CRT), instant pixel response, large range of compatible refresh rates (again, my oled just works with consoles anywhere between like 58 to 61hz without so much as a hiccup, and going forward we have things like adaptive sync etc), and we have scanline generators for real hardware and shaders for emulation.

The only thing we're missing is motion clarity. Once we get that down, and we will, I don't think we'll really need to stress out about finding good CRTs. Again there's still just the novelty of it which is cool, but I feel like soon modern panels will largely just be the superior option

>> No.9104550
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When I need the desk space for work, I just slide the mouse and keyboard beneath the monitor stand. This is a 60" wide desk I believe

>> No.9104578

OLEDs are great but they're way more expensive than a CRT. Even a PVM/BVM is still gonna be quite a bit cheaper.
It's why I think the "when will we get new CRTs???" talk is pretty stupid. They would be very, very expensive if they were once again manufactured.

>> No.9104596

That Redline poster is fucking awesome.

>> No.9104602

nice comfy little setup. reminded me i really need to get risers for my monitors so i can store shit under them, and consider putting my most used consoles on this desk instead of with the other consoles, maximize space better that way.

>> No.9104616

>you're just not believing hard enough!!
seriously embarrassing

>> No.9104775

I have to turn the picture setting way down on my tv to prevent pixels from blending too much together, does that make sense? I want a more saturated picture while still being sharp

>> No.9104792

I'll deal with crappy sets if that's all that's left. For me, playing /vr/ on a CRT isn't just for using component; it's the fact that all /vr/ consoles look like shit on an HDTV, period. Even a composite CRT setup beats the shit out of hooking up a /vr/ console to an HDTV.

>> No.9104857

I'm already hoarding as many as I can! :D

>> No.9104873

But motion clarity is a big deal. Give me light scanlines a a lil blurring if I get motion clarity or complex shaders.

>> No.9104905

>Even a composite CRT setup beats the shit out of hooking up a /vr/ console to an HDTV.
Because that's what the vast majority of /vr/ content was designed for.

>> No.9104996

Do you enjoy stating the obvious, anon? And before you say what I said was obvious, I was just responding to the other anon and making a point.

>> No.9105015

It's not actually obvious, considering there's a lot of component and/or PVM soibois who post in these threads and act haughty about it. Why act so aggressively over someone stating the truth? Do you feel insecure that deep down, you're not that much better than the HDTV fags you shit on?

>> No.9105029
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>implying a component CRT looks anything like a LCD
Why are you fags like this? Just save up for a Trinitron if you're that jealous about it. Much healthier for you than shitting up these threads.

>> No.9105083

I've come to realize that having one good setup for everything is fucking impossible. I'd love to fit my OLED, modern consoles, my Trinitron + all the retro stuff, my PC and some space for soldering/gunpla all combined with a properly placed stereo (or even some surround setup in the future, maybe even both) in one room, but there's no way to make this happen without sacrificing one for the other. You'll always end up having to move one TV to the side and fucking up the speaker placement in the process, placing your desk in the middle of the room or sitting with your back turned to everything while you're doing something on the PC.
And don't even get me started on the acoustics of the clusterfuck that you end up with or having room for more than two people to comfortably sit down and play some board games.

>> No.9105091

fucking exactly. its where owning a house and splitting the rooms, one for work and one for recreation comes in. But i dont have that yet, not for another few years or so.
Some people have the balance and im fucking impressed. Hell, i dont even have speakers man, i just have my headphones. No guests ever and i wanna accommodate for it but i cant right now.

>> No.9105093

Are you still doing this after being completely raped and btfo in the last thread? Just go back to your crt filter thread.

>> No.9105115

>Just go back to your crt filter thread.
Did you mean to reply to >>9105029?
>I'd love to fit my OLED
Like six fucking mentions of OLED in this thread and we aren't even at 40 posts. Is LG paying people to shill?

>> No.9105163
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>> No.9105171

We've already made strides to improving motion calrity on modern displays. We just need a high nit OLED display with dynamic strobing and done deal. And with this year's OLED and QD OLED displays, brightness has gotten vastly better so I don't think it'll be a long wait

>> No.9105203

There's no way you can get as bright as a CRT with high BFI. You'll always be compromising just a little.
Which frankly isn't a big deal, only a tiny minority of people would find an OLED's small amount of motion blur noticeable. The main advantage of CRTs have always been that they're cheap, look great, have zero latency, and are plug n play. These new monitors indeed look good but that's all they got.

>> No.9105247

>There's no way you can get as bright as a CRT
Are CRT's even that bright? HDR1000 peak nits are almost physically painful for me to look at for more than a few seconds, I've never had that issue with CRT's

>> No.9105361

Anybody know if a Mitsubishi CS-27209 is RGB Moddable? SN-71 is the chassis but thats all I've found.

>> No.9105376

I got a 20" PVM a few years ago that I can't get any picture to show up on. It looks like the sync is messed up but it's for every cable I try.
I switched to a Retrotink 5X on a 4K TV, and now I don't know what to do with the PVM. It's so fucking heavy and it's not working so nobody will buy it I think.

>> No.9105441

Does the image spaz out but is otherwise intelligible? Hopefully the set isn't completely fucked, since im sure someone out there will pay for a discounted, fixable set.

>> No.9106163

>PVM owner
>uses 4K TV as a substitute
Of course.

>> No.9108003

Did you try pressing the external sync button? lol

>> No.9108027

This. I live in a major metro area in America and quality CRT sets are rare and when they do pop up they go for a ridiculous $800+

>> No.9108039

Fucking tard.
>It's so fucking heavy
A 20 inch PVM weighs about 70 lbs, you weakling.
This is exactly what he needs to do. Imagine getting a professional broadcast monitor and not even cracking the manual open to learn how it functions.

>> No.9108050

I bought a 2000s-ish RCA CRT off of FB Marketplace, the screen is great but it makes this high-pitched whining noise when it's on. Is there any fixing that?

>> No.9108052
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Well, I'm about to piss off my family when I bring this big boy in the garage...

>> No.9108062
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Not anything to brag about, I don't know shit about crts, but just happy to have a neighbor put one out. Reminds me of my sharp when I was groing up in the 90s. I can't wait to hook up my 6th gen consoles to it.

>> No.9108086

Covered in piss, nice.

>> No.9108096

good find anon

>> No.9108225

Got a PVM 20M2U from work and I love it, but my urge to have the perfect setup still makes me want a BVM 20F1U. It's just so expensive bros, though for me that really would be the peak of CRTs.
It sucks knowing I can't wait too long because that'll make it just more expensive. I've been seeing them for ~$5k. That'd be a pretty expensive birthday gift for myself but I'd hate to see them be $10k in a few years

>> No.9108245

The cat spray is what gives it the s0vl kvno.

>> No.9108274
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Might be dog piss, but I smell nothing so far after wiping with clorox wipes. Good news is it works!

>> No.9108318
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Cheers mate!

>> No.9108341

>BVM 20F1U
If you want the peak of 4:3 CRTs, why would you want a 20F1U? Did you mean a D20F1U? The one that can do 480p to 1080i?

I have one, and while I like it, I think the PVM 20L5 is probably the better option. They don't cost as much, and I see them for sale way more regularly than D20F1Us. 100 fewer TVL than the D20, but it's hard to actually notice.

>> No.9108358

Yeah, the D20F1U. Actually just saw one for $4.5k, for pickup in NJ and that's pretty good.
I don't honestly know how much of a difference there would be between my PVM-20M2U and this D20F1U, but I can't stop myself from wanting it.
480p/480i is nice and it's neat that it has 1080i but I probably wouldn't use it almost ever.

>> No.9108395

>I don't honestly know how much of a difference there would be between my PVM-20M2U and this D20F1U
Quite a bit if you plan to play games in 480p. If you're just playing 5th gen consoles and prior generations, the D20 isn't worth it. But if your playing 6th gen games in RGB/component, it's lovely.
$4500 is a high price, but pretty fair if it's in good condition, has been serviced, has good geometry, and comes with at least second input card.
People love to go on about how you desperately need to get one with low hours, but the vast majority of these monitors have been used day in day out for their whole lives. Finding one with low hours is a barn find. If it does everything right and has been treated well, hours shouldn't matter too much.

>> No.9108404
File: 3.50 MB, 4032x3024, freepvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a free Sony 14N5 the other day :)

I'm a happy camper :P

>> No.9108496

Listen to this anon, he's not bullshitting.
I got a huge mint B&O from a richfag a few weeks ago for free, by far the best looking CRT I ever saw.
But I guess it also depends on where you live.
Here in Germany theres free CRTs almost daily being posted on the local marketplace.

>> No.9108541

>just want a small 14" crt to put on my desk and play ps2 on
>all CRTs in my area are marked up to over $200 AUD
>all only have composite input
fuck australia

>> No.9108552


>> No.9108559

they would just stick an lcd monitor in woodgrain box. and glass in front of the screen to add to the illusion

>> No.9108574

you joke, but there's a project out there that does basically that, and tells you to use a retrotink to add scanlines

>> No.9108584

My friend spotted it as his university was throwing it out. He knew I liked CRTs so he got it for me :)

>> No.9108638 [DELETED] 

Are oleds really any good for motion clarity ? I mean it's sample and hold, why would they be ? I have an acer predator that strobes at 60hz using CRU, but it adds a lil bit of lag to play at 60 hz. Thank god for run ahead. The single strobing also adds massive strobe crosstalk in "blue" stages and I get interlace pattern artifact if I add any type of prominent mask to a shader. I like it but it's not perfect.

>> No.9108661

Anyone here from Scandinavia?
Are Bang & Olufsen TVs any decent?

>> No.9108692

sold my L5 to a friend, he only uses it for composite

>> No.9108693


>CRT's were mass produced
I don't think you understand how early the industry started dropping CRT's and transitioned into thinner screens
>We'll all be dead and CRT's will still be around
Yeah in landfills somewhere unfortunately
>Less than 10 times
And you would just trust an old person with no technological background? Right makes sense if you were desperate or it was FREE
>CRT's rare, unique or interesting-

Uh that's literally what the whole bizarre and tiny community is all about. Its like a handful of you propagating the idea that somehow this old dead technology is "better" than everything else still. Just because you don't own it, doesn't mean something better doesn't exist.

>> No.9108694


Annoying. In most cases you need to buy a fairly expensive converter for the signal, like display port/ HDMI to VGA analog converters- which once again- aren't cheap.

>> No.9108701
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>> No.9108714

Looking to get a CRT. Are the early-mid 2000s ones the best? Does a higher resolution CRT or HDCRT benefit older consoles? I want a CRT with component, S-Video, composite and maybe RGB SCART but I'm american.

>> No.9108759

I'm from Germany.
I have a 28inch B&O and I'm very pleased with it, I have a PVM to compare it with and I like it more than the meme.
Make sure you get one with an original remote, universal ones are hit or miss and even when they work its very frustrating to use.
I still need to calibrate the geometry on mine but it's only an issue with the Megadrive.

>> No.9108763

Yeah, I'm in Denmark and I'm surprised by how many people have their shit in great condition with the remote.
I'd just prefer a smaller TV, maybe something bigger than the typical PMV, just so I can have it on the desk.
A lot of these B&O's come with very weird stands and attachments which made me worried the TVs were crap.
Thanks for clearing it up.

>> No.9108769

All depends what you want really

It's a hell of a lot easier to find later CRTs with all the good inputs than it is to find the older CRTs. Most of those big silver flat screen CRTs are gonna have component or s-video at least. There are a lot less round screen CRTs with component though. If you're american though you're never gonna find a non-monitor CRT that takes RGB umodded, just settle with component.

As for HDCRTs and widescreen CRTs, it's complicated and the easiest answer is to just be wary and avoid them unless you know what you're buying.

>> No.9108770

Mine came with a stand, and it's way sturdier and heavier than it looks, it also has an inbuilt electric motor, you an turn the TV using the remote, its a cool gimmick but i never use it.

>> No.9108786

Do you mind doing me a favour and sharing the exact model B&O you have?

>> No.9108812

Overly high tvl is a meme, consumer hd crts have lag, you won't get RGB unless you go professional.
Look for a consumer with component or a PVM and be patient. Keep in mind a small 13"/14" on a desk looks fine with composite and is way cheaper. If you need more inputs you have to pay more money or get lucky.

>> No.9108879

When did you start looking?

>> No.9108891

i've heard recapping and reflowing the transformers' solder can help

>> No.9108918
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nice, love the cleanliness of the glass too

dammit now you fuckers make me wanna get one of these massive things

>> No.9109005

yeah I was a PVMer but I got a large 40+ inch RCA for free with speaker jacks in the back.
>never looked back

>> No.9109014
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Perfection is the enemy of progress. Just have shit anon. Put it where you can. It's fun either way.

>> No.9109030

the second i found out what PVM's are i knew they were a fucking joke. Defeating the purpose of getting a CRT if they're not what the devs intended.
40inch is what i'd have to go, just like my old tv when i was a kid. Black or gray would be really nice but i'll have to see what i can get for the price of free or max $20.

>> No.9109036

>even considering paying $5K for a TV that looks like an HDTV
lmao, PVMfags everybody

>> No.9109039

yeah this looks assy.
you need wall mounts like in school back in the day. or like me Ive been actually thinking of getting a real deal AV cart (with the strap and shit) So I can put it wherever and maybe keep it in a coat closet when Im not using it.

>> No.9109040

Be careful with saying that, the people who bought a PVM with their trust fund money will chimp out on you.

>> No.9109045

>massive CRT on top of a tiny little entertainment center with his expensive limited edition consoles underneath
now thats how you kick in my paranoia kek
wall, stronger/bigger entertainment center, or maybe even one of those metal school carts. Thats one of the ideas i had.
they're like monkeys at typewriters, but instead of typewriters its a 60% keyboard with LEDs. They come into threads already having shit in their hand so they can be ready to fling it.

>> No.9109047
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>all this samefagging
What's wrong, mad that you didn't get a BVM before they became expensive?

>> No.9109049 [DELETED] 
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>tranime meme further becoming true with stocking anarchy this time
>schizo ranting about samefagging
yeah, it's all coming together

>> No.9109051

>two (Yous)
So you are samefagging. Pathetic. Go back to playing on your 13 inch black and white RF-only CRT and leave the rich patricians alone.

>> No.9109071
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it's a bunch of colors all over the place that responds somewhat to what's happening judging from the audio working fine.
of course, but i cant get any clear picture. i owned this a few years and had gone into the service menu to calibrate the image just right. it suddenly stopped working with everything months after changing the settings so I just gave up.

I can play my games at better image quality with zero lag and perfect scanlines. It's pretty much a direct upgrade, especially since it is in stereo.

too heavy to ship comfortably but you can pick it up and take it for $200 if you wish

>> No.9109091

>4K TV
>zero lag
Typical intelligence of a PVM user, everyone. And people yell at me when I say PVMs look like filters on a LCD, kek

>> No.9109102
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>4K TV
>zero lag

>> No.9109105
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>4K TV
>zero lag
>perfect scanlines

>> No.9109160

what about HDMI to SCART? My old TV doesn't have an RCA port, and from what I've seen people say HDMI to SCART is pretty shit.

>> No.9109161

Retrotink 5X in frame lock mode and polyphase 50%. It even deinterlaces PS2 video and upscales it without lag, this shit is great.

Milliseconds of delay smaller than the time it takes to draw a frame at 60 fps is literally not "input lag." You press a button and the game instantly responds just like on a CRT.

>> No.9109176

>4k @ 60Hz 11.0 ms

>> No.9109181
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MX 5500
I got the pic from Google because I don't have any on my phone.
Mine is an older model so in order to access the service menu I need to open up the back and short two pins on the board, on newer models you can just input a key combination, so be aware of that before getting one.

Another anon gave me a lot of helpful tips a few threads ago, you might still find the discussions in the archive.

>> No.9109182 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9109185

beautiful tv, too bad im in burgerland so i wont be able to get one.

>> No.9109187
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>You press a button and the game instantly responds just like on a CRT.

>> No.9109193
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sunk cost fallacy top kek

>> No.9109196 [DELETED] 
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if there will ever be a crt thread with no tranime coping PVMfags, and a dude sperging about his 4k near lagless tv, that will be a great crt thread

>> No.9109198
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Do PVM retards really?

>> No.9109202

also, is VGA to SCART better than HDMI to SCART?

>> No.9109203

Literally jealous that you're too poor to afford anything better than some junk JVC taken from the streets of a ghetto.

>> No.9109204
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Yes anon, everyone is simply jealous of you, no one is actually laughing at your stupidity

>> No.9109208

One day you'll understand that you get what you pay for. If you pay $500 for a PVM like I did, you're gonna get something way better than a shitty composhite-only TV.

>> No.9109254
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Not sure why you guys think posting reaction images will change reality lol. It's lagless, looks amazing, has a much bigger picture, and I can use the same TV I use for everything else without hassle.

It's not jealousy, just anger that I actually have a PVM and I genuinely think I get a better picture and experience with modern upscaling equipment. Cheap CRTs can take advantage of special effects like flickering and dithering to do transparency, which PVMs and modern displays mess up.

>> No.9109259

Anybody have experience with buying CRT tvs off eBay? I live in a pretty rural place, not alot of people around, craigslist and FB markets are empty. But I'm seeing plenty of trinitons and such for 100 bucks price range which I don't mind paying. Just wondering if it would make it through shipping.

>> No.9109261
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You think that's good because that's what your PVM looks like. This is why we tease those CRTs for looking like modern TVs. Because it's true but it's annoying seeing people deny it.

>> No.9109267
File: 41 KB, 250x194, 1621450351959.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say retarded shit
>get called retarded

>> No.9109285
File: 1.04 MB, 2618x1008, rt5x vs ossc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the appeal though, with the right cables they look like what you'd get in an emulator but on original hardware and with genuine scanlines. Modern TVs still can't handle those inputs that well natively without buying extra equipment.
I went from a cheap CRT to a small PVM to a 20" PVM to OSSC to the Retrotink 5X. The cheap CRT is still useful to maintain the look of some games, moreso than my PVM at this point, but it's not about having no input lag anymore. Things have changed.

That's not me you are responding to, but what did I say that was retarded? There are plenty of people out there who tested the Retrotink 5x's lag and it's about 4 ms in Frame Lock mode, so there's no input lag at 60fps.
The real retard is this guy >>9109176 who I believe is trying to claim the Retrotink is pulling a full 4K @ 60fps. It only goes up to 1440p, but I use 1080p which scales beautifully and laglessly on my 4K TV.

PS2 games are the real prize to me, pic related.
Retrotink vs OSSC; I've never seen a real PS2 have video this clear outside of emulation.

>> No.9109292

btw I'm serious, if any of you are in the Delaware Valley and want this 20" PVM I'll sell it for like $200. If you can fix the syncing issue then it's a great TV.

>> No.9109294

>That's the appeal though, with the right cables they look like what you'd get in an emulator but on original hardware and with genuine scanlines
Well at least you're honest about it. You wouldn't believe some of the meltdowns PVM retards have had about it, constantly trying to deny it.

>> No.9109312

How many CRTs are too many? I have a 27" i'art, but I feel the need to get another component TV as a back up.

>> No.9109316
File: 252 KB, 640x480, END.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So lucky man. I'm still pissed at my retard friend for not pulling through
>all my friends know I'm into /vr/
>about a year ago: asked my local group of friends if they/their parents still have CRTs lying around
>everyone says they'll be on the lookout
>fast forward 6 months, we all hang out at my drunk friend's family lakehouse (these people are loaded)
>there's a 14" Trinitron hanging up in the corner of a bedroom, looks practically unused
>take notice to it
>"anon you like TVs like that? My dad just threw out a bunch because no one would take them"
>ask my friend why he didn't fucking tell me
>"uhhh whoops I was drunk when you asked"
Must be nice to have friends with high IQ. Enjoy that PVM anon

>> No.9109360

well I hope those redditors were wrong because I just ordered an HDMI to SCART adapter, thanks for the help faggots...

>> No.9109904

Yes. VGA is already analog RGB, so it doesn't involve a DAC or a scaler in the signal path, it's just a simple circuit that joins HV sync into CSYNC. You have to set an appropriate video mode on the PC though.

The OSSC side actually never looks like that in motion. Single frame capture doesn't do it justice, because it's just one line-doubled field, hence the jaggies on the screencap. What you see IRL is flickering instead and motion adaptive deinterlacing is still superior, of course.

>> No.9109919

"Too many" is relative. If you start running out of space or it becomes a compulsion then you probably need to stop. Personally I think two is plenty. One of standard living room size and another small 13" or something.

>> No.9110098
File: 78 KB, 588x753, 1AD35757-8989-4C80-ADEB-4E7BA3FA0A4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apparently "Nintendo" means "video game console"
Literally everyone over the age of 40 calls them that

>> No.9110114

CRTs are incredibly bright. I don’t use mine to retro game anymore with the exception of my N64 which absolutely requires the smeary effect, but I do watch a lot of old SD television shows. CRTs are scorching bright. I’m on season 2 of Star Trek DS9 which is a dark show with strong beams of light. Its insane. Even during the intro the flashes of light actually hurt my eyes if I’m watching with the lights off. Flatscreens are getting better about this but its just incomparable.

>> No.9110178

Honestly the local CRT supply is drying up, I feel fucking stupid for not being this rgb modded flatscreen silver trinny some guy was selling like 3 years back for $175. Just sold a black 90s trinny to some young dude for cheap.

>> No.9110215

You can find them still on the curb in towns with a higher than average older population. People who bought CRTs around 2004 or so to replace their early 90s set are now throwing them away to finally get a flat panel.

>> No.9110243

If you have some thirld world country as neighbour, look up if there's any way to buy stuff online there. Third world countries are so far behind that they still have plenty of CRT, you can even find some that are pretty good and the prices are cheap as fuck.

>> No.9110271

I guess he could be from Canada, yeah.

>> No.9110283

Because one autist got butthurt by PVM owners and pretends arcades never existed every single one of these threads must be derailed to this pointless bickering.

You would think a niche board dedicated to old videogames would not be the worst board on 4chan but here we are. This board really really sucks. It was even better when half the threads were sega system scotformers willyvania speccy. Fuck you.

>> No.9110369

Russia will be making these again, the way their country is in decline.

>> No.9110373

somewhat related to pic
>want to play P3FES before P3P port comes out
>hook up PS2 to my 4K tv with component cables and a $30 component to HDMI adapter
>just let the TV deinterlace the image
>image flickers like crazy
>hurts my eyes
>hook the PS2 up to my parents old 1080p tv from like 2011
>direct component input
>no name brand cheap crap
>image doesn't flicker any more
>looks like the screencap on the left
>looks like progressive video

what the fuck? why is my $1700 4K tv worse than a tv my parents paid $300 for a decade ago?

>> No.9110431

>why is my $1700 4K tv worse than a tv my parents paid $300 for a decade ago?
follow the money

>> No.9110538

It's something I've noticed too. My guess is older TVs had better deinterlacers because they were mainly used for watching 1080i and SD broadcasts. Now the focus has shifted to at least 1080p content because who the fuck watches TV in this day and age.
That said, deinterlacing from 2011 probably comes with a lot of lag, even if it looks good.

>> No.9110650

I have a 13" Toshiba that is composite only with mono audio and another 27" tube that is S-video and composite. I just feel like I would want one more CRT that has component.

>> No.9110657

Oh, I also have a 27" I'Art that I keep bringing up in these threads. Sorry if I keep annoying people about it.

>> No.9110672

>That said, deinterlacing from 2011 probably comes with a lot of lag, even if it looks good
true that. For Persona it's fine though, don't need lightning fast response to play a turnbased JRPG. I just wish that something like the RetroTINK 5x wasn't expensive. I just need something that does maybe 2x at most and has the motion adaptive deinterlacing.
Maybe RGB mod one of the tubes and then get a COMP2RGB adapter from Mike Chi?

>> No.9110797

I have a 27" JVC D-Series with component input that I use for my retro setup. However, I just scored a 32" Trinitron KV 32FS100 for free from the side of the road with component inputs too. Is it any better than my D-Series to replace it in my retro set up, or stick to the D-Series?

>> No.9110802

peak soulless

>> No.9110867

My 4k tv has component inputs, I should try it out with my ps2, see how it looks

>> No.9110870

If you can DIY, GBS-Control does all that for a fraction of the price of RT5X. I use it for PS2 myself.

>> No.9111194
File: 257 KB, 960x1343, le-samourai-md-web_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blade runner
>wii (hacked prolly)
>windows 11
>le brandy so ppl on 4chan think I'm cultured yet i still play children's games.
holy fart smeller, we got a genius up in here, a beautiful amalgamation of faggotry, lonliness, AOS (Always online syndrome) and soon to be proven, self ignorance. Get a life zoomie! There's hope on the outside if you take this much effort in actually creating a social life!

>> No.9111225

What was the point of listing crt as a bulletpoint in /CRT/?

>> No.9111240

dont search with the term CRT you absolute retard just search for TV and sort by cheapest.

>> No.9111407

Not him but I see no issue at all with his setup.
It's clean, organized and has quick access to everything he might want to play, the wii is great if you don't care about playstation, and by the looks of it, he doesn't.

>> No.9111415

also if your tv has audio out you can hook it up to a stereo receiver or use a cheap connector and use noise-cancelling headphones. it works for me, but my set adjusts the volume of the audio out and yours might not. in general, the bigger and older they are the louder they'll whine, but if it's unbearably loud then there's probably something wrong with the circuits and you should recap and reflow where applicable. carefully, of course. discharge the tube.

>> No.9111454

how the FUCK do people game on CRTs less than 20 inches? Do you sit 3 inches away from the screen?

>> No.9111456

HDMI to SCART is almost always HDMI to composite not RGB. Don't know any cheap adapter that does HDMI to RGB, you could go HDMI to VGA and that's technically HDMI to RGB but then rather do DP to VGA.

>> No.9111559

turn it on and see for yourself

>> No.9111632
File: 640 KB, 1024x704, iMac-G3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found an iMac G3 in my apt's basement that's not working. When I plug it in it make a buzzing sound like the CRT is about to turn on then immediately shuts off.

Anyone knows what this could be? Is it some expensive part like the flyback or is it salvageable? or would the people on /g/ know better?

>> No.9111635

I feel bad about usinf my sub 1k hour TV maybe I should get a worn one and put the new one in storage

>> No.9111647

14' monitors were pretty common back then. Also 480i content uses very clear and large fonts.

>> No.9111651

Any pc can emulate old games at full speed and with a pci card you can output 15khz natively, why waste money on an external device?

>> No.9111661

Yeah, you sit closer to them since they are sharper. It's just a sharpness/size ratio, the content looks exactly the same if size/distance ratio is correct but you don't have to have the monitor 3x the size and distance, it can just be on your desk.

>> No.9111667

>and with a pci card you can output 15khz natively
Why would you need a PCI card? Don't you have DisplayPort out on your modern GPU? You can just output 15kHz RGB.

>> No.9111673

Meh I tried doesnt work , none of the custom res bullshit worked and I almost nuked my windows install

>> No.9111741

works perfectly fine here
sounds like user problem

>> No.9111763

will my pc sitting right next to my tv cause interference? i have a pretty standard case so i to my knowledge it should be well shielded. however i am retarded and didn't take into consideration my pc speakers are unshielded before setting up my display. i have since noticed some distortions in the geometry of the set. what's a good way to shield these? they are on a shelf below the set (about a foot away) with close to an inch of ... i'm not really sure, between. it's not exactly wood, maybe a wood/paste mix?

>> No.9111843

Where's the problem? I use this method myself and there's several other anons who use DP or HDMI to VGA adapters for the same thing, had one set it up for 240p and 480i in the previous thread.

>> No.9111848

You can get shielded speakers or monitors. Computer itself won't be a problem.

>> No.9111854

Bait as fuck.

>> No.9111868

Nearly every desktop post on 4chan gets a glass of liquor you stupid faggot.
Either that or a pile of empties and cigarette ash.
It's like feet in a gun pic.

>> No.9111872

Someone on /g/ would know better, but it could just be the ram is loose. Open the back of it up (little twisty plastic scree head) and reseat the ram.
Could also be some other component. Mine was doing this a few months back though and it was the ram.

>> No.9111882
File: 859 KB, 576x1280, 1637027121766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a good day

>> No.9111974

Hey can I get a quick rundown on this? I had no idea you could use a display port gpu to get a 15hz output. My tv is only Composite though, I'd have to mod it for RGB right?

>> No.9112001

Basically DP to VGA adapter plus what anon in >>9109904 said about joining sync and afterwards just setting the right screen modes for your emulators

>My tv is only Composite though, I'd have to mod it for RGB right?
Yeah, easier in Europe or with PVMs that already have RGB by default, really cheap and quick solution actually when you have RGB already

>> No.9112003

There was a anon who used the MiSTer VGA to SCART cable and a random HDMI to VGA adapter to get 15kHz 240p and 480i out from their PC.

>> No.9112253

you can DIY the cable and there's known good adapters that for sure work with 15khz
this is made to look so much harder than it actually is, no wonder it's so unknown or rarely used

>> No.9112408

Stop spewing your singular anecdote.

>> No.9112413

I'd find a place to store it and just keep both

>> No.9112417

>here in Germany
You are irrelevant.

>> No.9112423

EU fags can stop posting now.

>> No.9112431

>80+ million people in germany alone
>middle of europe and easily accessible by car for neighbouring countries too
Did I miss something?

>> No.9112432

Why? It's a region 740+ million people, double of US and Canada combined. Plus a region where you can still find CRTs, even high end ones, for cheap or free and even PVMs cost only a couple hundred today.

>> No.9112465

>open 4chan
>ctrl+f "europe" "eu" and whatever shortlist of European countries you have nailed to the wall above the monitor
Rent free

>> No.9112690
File: 2.15 MB, 4032x3024, image.pssfgjsjgfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I just got my crt monitor today (ViewSonic A90-2) and I was wondering how I could stop pic related from happening. It's pretty noticeable on any smooth scrolling image and doesn't look all that great

>> No.9112713

Using it as second monitor? What refresh rate? UFO test is probably syncing up to your main monitor and not the CRT, so you're getting double images since the refresh rate isn't 1:1 to the FPS of the UFO test.

>> No.9112727

It is my second monitor but I set it as my main monitor while I did the test. It was running at the refresh rate of my monitor while still giving me double images.

>> No.9112731

You sure? You closed the browser, set it to main monitor and afterwards re-opened the browser?
Where did you check the refresh rate the CRT was running at?

>> No.9112747
File: 37 KB, 551x550, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You sure? You closed the browser, set it to main monitor and afterwards re-opened the browser
yep, exactly how I did it

>Where did you check the refresh rate the CRT was running at
pic related

>> No.9112752

That's a custom mode, the mode you can be running at could be entirely different. Check advanced settings under Windows display properties.

>> No.9112759
File: 11 KB, 426x228, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9112768

and UFO test shows 60Hz and the green SYNCED text?

>> No.9112769


>> No.9112779

is your main monitor freesync/g-sync though? if not your CRT might be fucked, as is bad caps and it's actual ghosting or if you're lucky it's just the hdmi/dp to vga adapter you use

>> No.9112786

My monitor isn't g-sync or freesync. I doubt it's my adapter since I got the Delock DP to VGA adapter everyone recommended. Guess my crt is just fucked.

>> No.9112791

might be bad batch of vga adapter too though
what cable do you use? might be heavy signal ghosting causing it but unlikely

>> No.9112798

what do you mean by what cable do I use? I'm pretty tired setting this up so my brain isn't working at full capacity.

>> No.9112806

your VGA cable might be fucked
the one that connects the adapter to the crt

>> No.9112809

The cable is attached to the crt so I can't replace it very easily

>> No.9112824

2huspammer from /g/, I'm still little confused about what the issue he is having, jitter or what? The picture >>9112690 looks exactly like any display should when taken with a sattionary camera with a similiar shutter speed.

Either way whatever it is, it cannot be either the cable or the adapter. Issues you could have is missing a color, left-smearing or no video at all, the adapter nor the cable can duplicate frames or whatever. The Delock is a dumb pixel-at-a-time adapter, that's why it's so cheap and flexible.

>> No.9112827


>> No.9112834

yeah it's jitter. I've tested it a bit more and it's pretty inconsistent, sometimes there's no jitter at all and then suddenly non-stop jitter

>> No.9112836

let my clarify by saying that the jitter only occurs during movement

>> No.9112837

Does it work properly in fullscreen games?
Jittery browser is whatever, a lot of things can cause that in Windows.

>> No.9112841

not using windows

>> No.9112843

Try disabling compositor?

>> No.9112846

yeah it happens when stuff is in fullscreen. Although it does happen less in fullscreen

>> No.9112852

>Either way whatever it is, it cannot be either the cable or the adapter.
Signal ghosting is a thing, anon and usually related to the cable or adapter. It's like having a ghost image follow the real image turning motion.
Similar visually to double images when refresh rate does not match framerate but can be more or less severe. Usually the ghost image has higher contrast for example.

>> No.9112854

it is a thing but probably not what anon has

>> No.9112859

I've done some more testing and it seems like turning on v-sync and testing a game like dusk solved the issue entirely. But playing a sprite based game with scrolling (no v-sync available) the jittering starts and stops at random

>> No.9112862

>it seems like turning on v-sync and testing a game like dusk solved the issue
Obviously the problem was >>9112713
>so you're getting double images since the refresh rate isn't 1:1 to the FPS of the UFO test.
V-Sync forced it to be 1:1, unless your toaster can't handle the FPS. Modern games might have that problem with a 1060.

>But playing a sprite based game with scrolling (no v-sync available) the jittering starts and stops at random
Use Nvidia Control Panel to force v-sync for the game.

>> No.9112870
File: 113 KB, 400x300, 1632694638908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a laptop with an nvidia gtx 1650 GPU and i'm trying to get it to output 240p to my consumer set via some cheap HDMI to composite converter. I've been trying to mess around with custom resolutions n shit in nividia control panel but i keep getting a shitty 480i picture. Is this a fool's errand? Should I just build a Pc that can do this easier?

>> No.9112872

Yeah, those adapters don't do 240p, they are hard-wired for 480i. No amount of custom settings will help.
You need HDMI to component or RGB to get 240p.

>> No.9112874

>Should I just build a Pc that can do this easier?
Your laptop isn't the limiting factor, you need a set that accepts component or RGB and a dongle for your laptop that outputs either.

>> No.9112875

I don't really have any clue what you're talking about. Signal ghosting is usually that typical smearing/duplicates to the left side, and it happens the same regardless of motion. Don't really understand how stuff could persist accross frames in a cable.

>turning on v-sync and testing a game like dusk solved the issue entirely
Yea that's what vsync is for.
You can force it in various ways depending on your OS, typically the simplest way is to play in (fullscreen) windowed modes.

>> No.9112876

huh yeah that worked. Weird how it says it's running at the same fps with and without v-sync but it jitters without it on. Is there anyway to make it stop jittering without v-sync? because it's gonna be pretty annoying going through every program I wanna use on my crt and enabling it (I don't wanna use global setting because v-sync looks like ass on my 144hz monitor)

>> No.9112878

fucking RIGHT SIDE
How do I keep mixing left and right!?

>> No.9112879

>Should I just build a Pc that can do this easier?
old VGA GPUs with composite out are locked to 480i/576i too anon

>> No.9112884

>I don't really have any clue what you're talking about. Signal ghosting is usually that typical smearing/duplicates to the left side, and it happens the same regardless of motion. Don't really understand how stuff could persist accross frames in a cable.
Yeah it's not something this anon has a problem with, but it's a thing that exist. You are correct that it happens always and not just in motion though, but usually it's easier to notice in motion.

>to the left
Depends, broken cable that makes bad connection? Could easily be on the left, sure but a cable with bad reflection because, for example, no or bad termination? Could display to the right. Many reasons those things happen.

>> No.9112887
File: 64 KB, 662x640, 320090743155201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damnit, my sony set only has composite and svideo. Thank you guys for the info btw.

>> No.9112891
File: 216 KB, 527x593, 1637395874444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be able to do DP to VGA with 15kHz and use a VGA to RGB cable that joins sync, then use a RGB to composite converter.

>> No.9112893

Correction, this one even accepts separate sync. So just DP to VGA and VGA cable into the converter in the picture I posted should work, as long as you use 15kHz modelines on the software side.

>> No.9112897

My laptop only has hdmi, would hdmi to dp converter work or would that fuck things up?

>> No.9112905

You can just do HDMI to VGA at that point, there's been anons who got working 240p 15kHz out from HDMI too with HDMI to VGA adapters
Buy a couple cheap ones and try, sent the rest back and keep the one that works or if you can find someone that tells you a specific one that works for sure, but even the same model ones can use different chips so it's still a gamble, specially since HDMI to VGA seems to be more of a mess than DP to VGA

>> No.9112906

Okay nvm then, the description you gave was so weird to the common vga ghosting that I thought you were talking about something else.
>to the left
Meant right, just being retarded. I don't it's possible for anything to go to the left, unless your display is upside-down.

>> No.9112910

Cool cool, i'll try them out. Thanks a lot

>> No.9112912

>Meant right, just being retarded. I don't it's possible for anything to go to the left, unless your display is upside-down.
As said, depends on the specific signal problem. If the initial signal is weak for some reason, you get ghosting to the left, if it's reflecting, you get ghosting to the right.

>> No.9112939

Why did you lie and double the EU’s population to win an internet argument?

>> No.9112949

Europe is a continent, anon. There's a lot more countries in there than there are in the European Union.

>> No.9112957

Also even if they would *ONLY* talk about European Union, it's still almost 100mil more than US and Canada combined. Makes no sense to ignore half ot the European countries though, traveling between them, even between Union and non-Union countries is easy, which might be confusing to a American to understand, granted.

>> No.9113009

I meant regular CRTs with a higher resolution, not 16:9 widescreen CRTs. But thanks.

>> No.9113218

fuck your tiny irrelevant shitholes

>> No.9113315

cope burger

>> No.9113348

Between 2001 and 2008 I did the job in that picture. Pulled these fuckers out of dumps for recycling. Filthy, heavy, hot work. Wish I'd saved more, but CA paid $10 to our company for every "canceled" CRT. Seriously, they called them "Canceled" after we sent em out for recycling, in Canada, where they smelted the glass and took out the lead.

>> No.9113446
File: 1.81 MB, 3024x3024, clip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i get an electricity 101 from my /crt/ frens. bought this to discharge my crt but im not sure if i should do red > red or red > black or black > red? does it matter at all?

>> No.9113493
File: 2.85 MB, 3024x3024, rf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i bought an RF modulator but it uses a weird RF cable. it came with C while A is used here. preemptively i had bought B thinking it was the right fit but the end of it is actually a smaller A. so what the fuck is the name of the cable i need? C to A.

>> No.9113497
File: 2.85 MB, 3024x3024, rf-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong picture. sorry for the spam.

>> No.9113508
File: 14 KB, 350x315, adapter coaxrca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are you discharging your CRT? Are you working on the inside of it?

Toss the RF Modulator. If you wanna hook up a 2600, or a NES or a Genesis, this is the only thing you need, along with an RCA cable.

For older systems, use RCA if you can. SNES and above should have simple RCA adapters. RF adapters are for simps This adapter is $0.50 on Alibaba. RCA female to COAX male.

>> No.9113509

Got a license for that?

>> No.9113517

yeah, i'm just dusting it off. been off for a couple of days but want to make sure. just don't like buying one and having all that dirt inside from who knows where. it is pretty dirty inside.

>> No.9113518

Picked up a nice PVM today, there's a very loud hissing which I know is normal of CRTs but should I be concerned at all? I can't get rid of it right

>> No.9113521

Spray it out with canned air. Don't go messing around inside. If you REALLY must, it doesn't matter what color the cable is, just that it's connected properly on both ends. But, like... don't. Spray it out. Don't go sticking your hands in there. Not because of the discharge, but just because you might knock something loose, or break something. It's Older than you are, most likely.

And get that adapter.

>> No.9113526

You can try using a magnet to recalibrate/degause the thing, but it probably won't work. That hiss is it slowly dying, but you could have years left.

>> No.9113534

C is the Belling-Lee connector, used mainly in PAL regions for plugging in an antenna/cable TV. Burgers used the F connector instead (A in your pic).
Also why do you need the RF modulator? What inputs does your CRT have?

>> No.9113540

This is the saddest post I've ever seen on /vr/

>> No.9113546
File: 163 KB, 439x447, rf-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the help. i'm fairly confident after going through basically all youtube videos i could find on discharging, just the cable coloring threw me off a loop. looked into canned air but it's fairly expensive where i live and i'm short on money. i even had to buy that booster cable online. also i actually had the same issue perhaps as >>9113518 when i plugged it in and it's why i want to clean it. only afterwards i unplugged it for discharge i realized it has calibration buttons underneath, maybe that would help both of us? shit cost me next to nothing so i won't complain too much though. just glad i'm not the only guy who went out to get one and came home with that lol
thanks for the names. gonna get this adapter for the cable it came with, tell you guys how it goes when it arrives in a week. i run my setup from a pc so needed hdmi>rf. crt only has rf, it's pretty old. plan on getting a small trinitron eventually but they're hard to find where i live. mostly want to play 2600 and nes for now so fuck it.

>> No.9113558
File: 8 KB, 265x190, rcafemale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong cable, unless you have something different. That's Coax to coax. You want Coax male to RCA female. This is the other end.

Canned air is replaceable with any air compressor. Got a garage nearby? Gas station? Friend with a work shop? You can blow it out with that.

Honestly, back in my day... and I am told specifically by the staff not to do this..... But I still do it when I need to fix a CRT iMac, or a fussy TV....

But my solution to hissing back in the day was percussive maintenance. That means balling your hand into a fist and smacking the top of the TV like you're making a point. Do this while it is on. Doesn't work? Hit it harder. Did the picture flicker and shit almost vanished or something? Stop. Something's loose inside.

Sometimes, a good swift smack on the head fixes just about any CRT problem. Sometimes it breaks it irreparably. Sometimes it does nothing. But it was always my go-to. Of course, I always had a warehouse, then later a museum full of these things so if one died I'd get another off the rack. Your mileage may vary, but I'd say it had about a 75% success rate back in the day. 90% on iMacs.

>> No.9113568

Probably going to adjust convergence rings on a monitor this weekend.
How do I make sure to not die?

>> No.9113572

Yup, there used to be imagery all over media of people hitting TVs back then. It's for a reason.

>> No.9113698

this is a pedantic point but hd sets do have rgb in the form of vga or hdmi or dvi, just not scart.

>> No.9113703

use a mirror, one hand in your pocket when you can, don't touch anything you don't need to, be gentle with the neck of the tube because it's fragile. wear rubber gloves and long sleeves. keep in mind the points on the monitor with high voltage. have someone else in the room to help look at the screen while you adjust and for medical assistance in the event you implode the tube or stop your heart.
mostly just be careful what you touch. also remember to mark where the rings are to begin with.

>> No.9113968

Just have fun and ignore perfection like the other anon said. I'm buying a house with my wife and I'll have one of the rooms for whatever I want, so naturally I'm going to make it a gaming time machine. But wait, I have 2 CRTs, so the speaker placement will also be fucked. Also I probably can't fit my desk in there either with displays, games, consoles, and seating (it's just an average size room, I'm not a millionaire with a huge mansion). And overall I'm definitely not gonna have space to dedicate one room to each of my other activities: lifting, DIY, work, music. Having a house definitely helps but as long as you have a space where you can get comfy and enjoy some retro gaming, just let yourself enjoy it like we did when we were kids. I definitely didn't worry about speaker placement or guests, I didn't notice the world around me at all as soon as DKC booted up and that kick-ass music started

>> No.9114021

Why is it even a shitty game can feel like you're playing something amazing if it's on a CRT?

>> No.9114024

Guy I bought my CRT off said the picture can get warped if you rotate the CRT because of the earth's magnetic fields. Was he bullshitting?

>> No.9114095

>cries about european union
>makes a UK joke
didn't expect any better education

>> No.9114097
File: 472 KB, 1228x1159, tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need a new CRT
>thrift stores can't carry CRT televisions due to local laws
>buying one online is a terrible idea since shipping alone will make it expensive as fuck
>local facebook marketplace has jack shit, either free fucking huge televisions I wouldn't be able to fit through my door or small garbage ones in awful condition

>> No.9114103
File: 495 KB, 640x640, 1641120211712.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 15kHz CRT monitor for 240p
I have 15kHz CRT TV for 480i
I have VGA CRT for 480p to 1440p
I have Plasma for everything that's too new for CRT but not new enough for OLED
I have OLED for everything new

Each with their own proper desk and monitor (as in stereo speaker) setups

Plus a few others like ultrawides for modern PC games

>> No.9114984

Anyone else used to put their head close to the screen as a kid to get their hair to stand?
Or "wipe off" the static electricity with their arm?

>> No.9115005

I took the flyback out and managed to shock myself a few times when burning shit using electricity
Glad I'm still here

>> No.9115130

oh hell yeah, gonna try that tonight
also, i got my gf to start doing movie night with vhs tapes on my crt screen. we're all going to be ok

>> No.9115139

Yea. Did you try touching the screen with a piece of aluminium foil?

>> No.9115160

No he's not bullshitting. The image is absolutely affected by the Earth's magnetic field. I'd recommend you face the screen toward magnetic north for the best geometry and color purity.

>> No.9115168

I second this, actually true
Hence why you actually do have to calibrate geometry again if you move the CRT between rooms or rotate it too much

>> No.9115338

Here you go
CRTs are literally electron guns. Of course they're affected by electromagnetic fields.

>> No.9115367

>a non-zero amount of gullible tourists will actually carry a console with the 240p suite and a big ass CRTs between rooms to see how much recalibration they'll need

>> No.9115435

I was taking stuff to the local recycling centre last weekend. Came home with an aiwa 14" stereo crt. Got it home and it's fully working.
If you're after one, just do the same.

>> No.9115446

Just something I noticed when I moved CRTs around over the years
Also once I actually calibrated the rings around the tube and then put the CRT back, but I had it on the ground, facing 90 degrees from where it normally sits on the table next to it
It was perfect on the ground but once I put it back on the table, you could actually see it being off again without comparison images

>> No.9115451

Doing the lord's work, anon, enjoy

>> No.9115679

Are 1080i wegad with componentand hdmi based or cringe?

>> No.9115752

mid. they have input lag and some have sharpness filtering that you can't disable even in the service menu. most of the time the aperture grill pitch isn't small enough for 1920 or even 1280 horizontal resolution. mine is only small enough for 863, so it's nice for anamorphic widescreen dvds and wii if you don't mind the lag. with lag minimized it's a couple frames.

>> No.9115948
File: 531 KB, 920x517, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moving out
>mom says she will leave all my shit the way I leave it
>cool I can eventually come back and pick up my CRT
>come back three years later
>she had the CRT moved outside behind a staircase in the basement where it caught moisture and got infested with rodents
My beauty..... Never got over it.

>> No.9115985

>>she had the CRT moved outside behind a staircase in the basement where it caught moisture and got infested with rodents
Don't see the problem. Looks like a fix-em-up.

>> No.9116047


>> No.9116062
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x739, image.thumb.png.63057f88e896bc5861e9b0755f6bb5c3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you touch anything inside once discharged?

>> No.9116514

on a 5" set like that, yeah. on larger sets some of the bigger caps might warrant discharging too.

>> No.9116584
File: 1.82 MB, 3264x1836, sh2ps2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silent hill 2 PS2 through component on a toshiba 14AF46

>> No.9116631
File: 2.24 MB, 1444x1080, 1612975846850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have 16 crts
>still afraid of running out and feel like I need more
suffering I wish ewaste places would just let me look around and take some I need more

>> No.9116648 [DELETED] 

you are filthy, disgusting human being

>> No.9116653 [DELETED] 

not really

>> No.9116678

hi Ran-kraut

>> No.9116698


>> No.9116712 [DELETED] 

you hoard giant, decaying electronics that have literally no use outside of video games, more than you'll ever possibly need, yet your avarice compels you to collect more and more. you fill your living space with meaningless, peurile garbage out of a bizarre fear that you'll one day lose the capacity to accurately recreate childhood memories. you have stunted yourself and alienated everyone around you, without question. you are alao undoubtedly an unclean and smelly person with a cluttered home and a cluttered mind. you are everything wrong with society and my hatred for you is beyond limit. unironically end your life you stinky, wretches little creature.

>> No.9116715 [DELETED] 

I collect more and more too, when I run out of dedicated space for them, I give the shittier ones away
Over time my inventory just grows in quality

>> No.9116729 [DELETED] 
File: 3.68 MB, 4608x3456, 1650165096258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your reading too much into it I collect crts because I like them and I have nothing better to do
>unclean and smelly person with a cluttered home and a cluttered mind
dumb normie thinks his minimalism makes him a better person

>> No.9116741 [DELETED] 

>literally admits to collectingold garbage to fill a void in his life
kek checkmate retard
>dumb normie thinks his minimalism makes him a better person
yes, it does. also, only "normies" surround themselves with material objects instead of playing actual fucking video games.

>> No.9116742
File: 3.79 MB, 4608x3456, 1650568815111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im glad I saved little eizo chan from being scrapped but I couldnt save so many of her sisters its just sad

>> No.9116745 [DELETED] 

how does it feel knowing that every person who sees you is repulsed by you and the world would experience a met gain from your demise?

>> No.9116749 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 960x720, 1639890151824.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a projecting faggot with issues.

>> No.9116763 [DELETED] 

half of my crts would be dead now if I hadnt saved them from the crusher poor things deserve better
And they are being used to play vidya
it could be worse

>> No.9116764 [DELETED] 

>muh projection
the de facto response of every butthurt retard called out on his own inadequacies. i repeat, you are a filthy human whom everyone else considers a burden and you wont be missed when you inevitably tie the rope.

>> No.9116765

I fucking hate ewaste why wont they let me look through their sets theyll get scrapped anyways its frustrating so damn frustrating

>> No.9116771 [DELETED] 
File: 3.85 MB, 3936x3456, 20220320_222128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound kind of stressed why dont you have a drink?
If an anime girls smile cant cheer you up I dont know what will

>> No.9116776

they scrap that shit for money, you taking that stuff means less money for them.

>> No.9116785 [DELETED] 

dont worry, you can laugh it off now. you wont be laughing when you're in the nursing home, alone and being physically abused by a fat nigger nurss because you never became a functional adult and alienated anyone who could become friend or family and take care of your retarded ass. throw away all of your shit, take a shower, buy new clothes, lose weight, shave, start saving money for something meaningful. if you do this, there is a small chance you can piece together your broken life. ignore this advice and i guarantee you will steep further and further into materialism and crushing depression until you become sick or suicidal. this is the advice you're ever going to get, good luck.

>> No.9116786 [DELETED] 

Maybe because you are a projecting faggot and that's why everyone calls you that?

>writing all that shit to reply to some retarded drunk who enjoys hoarding CRTs

>> No.9116792 [DELETED] 

>being the retarded drunk who hoards
like i said, good luck. the joke will stop being funny real soon.

>> No.9116794 [DELETED] 

That fag has posted for years. Still funny.

>> No.9116797 [DELETED] 

Its not gonna get better it only gets worse you will get older aswell you will be betrayed aswell there is no gurantee you wont die alone even if you do everything right.
And I think im just gonna blow my brains out before I end up ina nursing home fuck that if I cant life on my own anymore its over anyways might aswell end it there and then
, who would go willingly into a nursing home what a sad way to die, if you end up in a nursing home it means your family doesnt want to deal with you and wants you dead

>> No.9116801 [DELETED] 

hope that cope makes you feel better. it wont change anything. you've been warned.

>> No.9116819 [DELETED] 

lear 2 read

>> No.9117029

the guys working at the acception point from 8 to 18 don't give a shit, they get paid the same regardless
I know several places where they don't give a shit

>> No.9117095

It’s more of a dickhead thing
I went to one and asked the guy and he said sure
Then the guy in charge came out all pissy and told me I can’t do that so I asked him why, he goes “because I said so”

>> No.9117107

at that point you ask if you can offer them 20 bucks for it, people love money, protip

lol many places even sell their shit to normal people, like officially, not even what I'm talking about above

>> No.9117130

yea probably. they more like choose to ignore sometimes. if asked from their superiors taking stuff is not allowed. because how do you control that, if one is allowed to take an old tv home everyone should be. so no one is allowed, officially.

>> No.9117668


>> No.9117781

should you replace all capacitors or only the big pump up one to fix vertical foldover?
And is it allright to use one that has the same values as the old one but is physical much much smaller?

>> No.9117789

You don't have to replace any, unless there's a problem. Newer capacitors never hurt though if they are the same value (I'd say it's beneficial anyways, analog equipment is less tolerant to drift).
But if you're already replacing because of a broken one, etc, might as well change everything.

>> No.9117832

well as I have explained above there is an issue

>> No.9117996

So realistically how are you supposed to replace capacitors, do you pull the PCB out a little and do it in the TV or do you disconnect all the cables an pull the board?

>> No.9118030

stupid bitch

>> No.9118034

Realistically if you don’t know the answer to this, you shouldn’t be replacing capacitors

>> No.9118070

No, just that modern options + shaders are superior than even the finest CRT

>> No.9118270
File: 1.08 MB, 2663x1816, 20220724_200009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this for free.

>> No.9118276
File: 1.64 MB, 2986x1816, 20220724_200107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It needs some cleaning, but it looks so retro and cool.

>> No.9118287
File: 1.33 MB, 2179x1816, 20220724_200112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one set of inputs, but it is free so I can't complain. I couldn't test it since it was a grab and go on a curb, but I imagine it should be fine. At least I jope so since they said it works and it has the remote.

>> No.9118359

very nice composite Monitor

>> No.9118381

Thanks! I was worried it might not be worth the effort, but honestly the aesthetic alone is nice and I would of hate to see it dumped off since these 80's CRTs seem harder to find. I just hope the picture isn't screwed up.

>> No.9118448

love the aesthetic of this era

>> No.9118481

I had a cute little 14" Trinitron years ago, got it for $20 off craigslist, worked great, and even came in the original box. I was stupid and let some movers put it in their truck instead of taking it in my car, and it got all sorts of fucked up. Never found such a great deal since, and had to settle for a Sharp Xtreme.

>> No.9118521

yeah I once found a TV with a simillar aesthetic but I only had RF and the picture looked awfull so I got rid of it, I kinda wish I hadnt

>> No.9118739
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>> No.9118756

What is it, MEATBALL HEAD?

>> No.9118824
File: 3.07 MB, 4032x1816, 20220725_004831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the Sanyo tv in action

Everything looks good with it, but the are a few lines of dead pixels on top of the screen. Plus when I was adjusting the color and sharpness dials, the screen would turn dark for a bit then be fine. After keeping it on for about 6 minutes after changing the picture it all looked good.

Honestly I feel like I jumped the gun a bit picking it up, but again it was free and I can always dump(as much as I hate to say it) it if it has issues.

>> No.9118829

Here is a video of >>9118270 in action https://files.catbox.moe/6xmboj.mp4

Only issues I found are that there are a line of dead pixels on top of the screen and when I adjusted the color and sharpness knobs the screen when darker a couple times and then never again the six other minutes I was playing Megaman 2.

Honestly I feel like I jumped the gun picking it up, but it was free and I can always dump it at my work if these are signs that the poor thing is dying. Plus, it was from an older couple(or an older single women) that probably needed help getting rid of it, so I'll consider it a good need to of thrown it out for her.

Pardon for the double post, but I think 4chan is having a stroke.

>> No.9118943
File: 2.30 MB, 4096x2304, IMG_20220725_055859185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rearranging my room to accomodate the 32'' crt I got a few months ago
>have the CRT just sitting on top of the stand I got it in the middle of my room while I'm doing shit
>disassembling my desk to move it (it's attached to the wall sort of)
>as I'm lifting up my desk top to put it out of the way, I turn and swing it around full fucking force directly into the CRT's screen without realizing
>hit the screen hard enough to dent the corner of my desk, but the CRT just wobbled for a second and is fine, not even scratched

Man I would have fucking screamed if I smashed this CRT, holy shit. If I did that to my HDTV it would have put a hole in it for sure. Has anyone here ever broken a CRT before? Like not on purpose but on accident.

>> No.9119646

>tfw I'm so brow beaten by having terrible luck getting a reasonable crt to replace my busted old one I'm seriously considering spending 150 USD on a tinitron that's in perfect condition
I realize paying that much for a crt is incredibly silly, but I guess living in ass crack nowhere I don't really have many options if the local facebook marketplace/thrift store/cragislist/mercari scene isn't doing it for me.

>> No.9119664

>but the are a few lines of dead pixels on top of the screen
>dead pixels
>on a CRT
Bruh, those aren't dead pixels. Those lines mean that something has gone bad in the vertical deflection circuit. Sooner or later, the entire image will collapse down into one line in the center of the screen. Probably a failing capactitor or chip.

>> No.9119756

>dead pixels

>> No.9119763
File: 470 KB, 850x1153, Stahn.Aileron.full.849596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually never owned a Trinitron before. Does the KV-13FM13 come recommended if 90% of the time I play on the original PlayStation and Sega Saturn?

>> No.9119764

I know crts don't have pixels on them, but I didn't know a better word for the issue. I was thinking that it could be lines showing due to that section of the game not suppose to be visable.

>> No.9119806

I guess after looking at another playthrough of bubbleman's stage, I notice that the screen can reach that area of the sceen without issue. So I will probably send it out to pasture later this week. I will at least keep the remote, but it's sad that it is going out.

>> No.9119873

if it's not more expensive, you can go for something far away and make a road trip out of it. i always check the local listings when i'm out of town, but then fb starts thinking i live there

>> No.9119960
File: 239 KB, 1200x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks so damn SOUL...too bad its not working and i cant find another transparent version of this TV.

>> No.9120003

they're cheap fucks. i bet you could find a working set and tube swap or whatever it is that's needed

>> No.9120008

yeah i see tons of these specific small tv-radio ones.
Wanted to get one just for nostalgia - i remember i used to play simple NES games on 5* black and white size tv as a kid and i think its perfect for quick plug and play random nes stuff.

Plus it looks aestetically pleasing if transparent

>> No.9120024

could need a recap. I hate muh recap fags but it does look like something it drifting in the signal where it's not sweeping vertically all the way. You could try cleaning any pots in the inside or outside and see if it helps. also it could just be underscan. I have a zenith that does something like that but it's just the top few pixels that would be pushed off with some vertical size adjustment. there should be a v size adjustment that you can use to make that change.

>> No.9120040

it's a pain to invest in the storage, but i've always advocated for the "one thing at a time" approach. I have a clean desk, a flat screen, and CRT. everything goes in storage in a closet and pull out what I want to play (tandy, commodore, ps4, turbographx, etc) at that area. it helps you focus on one game/platform and keeps things tidy. Those maximal, cube, rgb, meme setups never work. The cabling is a nightmare and it's impossible with children around. If the desk isn't occupied by a computer then you can use it for soldering work. I have a workbench in my garage but in the summer when it's too hot i solder at a desk indoors.

Right now, i'm doing a lot of VR stuff and that takes a lot of space. Once I'm done with the headsets, they'll get velcroed up, boxed and just put away.

>> No.9120043

I'm just going to go ahead and dump it off, as I saw that these 80's can have horizontal issues where a fire could occur. Also, I have no idea how to solder so I would hate to cause a fire and shock myself. Sorry to be a scrub like this, but I guess I will just stick to 2000s tv like my I'art.

>> No.9120056
File: 367 KB, 532x398, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9120138

I had one tied down in the back of my truck when someone moved in front of me on the highway and slammed their brakes. I hit my brakes, crt popped from the tie down and rolled into its face. I though for sure it would be smashed because it landed on some bricks, but it turned out there was a cardboard box on top of the bricks. Wasn't even scratched.
They're strong. That would've destroyed any other display.

>> No.9120228

i always keep my eyes out for these little sets but they seem to get snatched pretty fast. noticing far fewer CRTs in general lately, i think the scalpers are starting to hoard

>> No.9120237

>noticing far fewer CRTs in general lately
Same, but for me that's due to local laws changing. Places like thrift stores in my state are not allowed to carry CRTs anymore. Only TVs you'll find there now are rancid old flatscreens.

>> No.9120251
File: 81 KB, 600x450, ewaste-glass-paint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's wrong because the supply is decreasing daily

>> No.9120280

I have a Compaq 19" and a Dell 17". I also have a second Dell 17", but I think that has power arching or something cause I hear a pop sometimes and a small dot of discoloration shows up for a second.

>> No.9120295

Nah it just looks like there’s a bow in the geometry

>> No.9120303

i think these people really underestimate a) how many other people actually want to use this junk (hint: literally no one except /vr/ autists and the few /vhs/ autists), and b) how willing your average person is to chuck them straight into the garbage without a second thought

>> No.9120309
File: 15 KB, 320x239, QUuLw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's definitely bowing but there are a few distinct lines there. Maybe it's not the first stage of vertical collapse, though. Pic related is what I'm used to seeing before a monitor "collapses".

>> No.9120363

Well I already dropped it off since other reasons like fire hazard stuff. I feel really bad too since I really wanted to use it for my famicom stuff, but like I also mentioned the colors all got darker off and on for some reason after adjusting the setting a bit. So I'm thinking it was on its way out, I just feel bad for the poor thing.

>> No.9120376
File: 1.05 MB, 1952x1698, 20220725_004708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A closer pic of the line issue. Sorry to everyone for contributing towards the on going issue of CRTs supply. I still have my 13" Toshiba and a couple others with S-video or component around my house. The 13" Toshiba should be good for my NES and PC Engine games anyways.

>> No.9120384

No biggie. 80s monitors aren't exactly ideal.

>> No.9120629

Those are retrace lines, a simple capacitor replacement will fix that
What’s happening is the electron gun is not correctly scanning the lines

>> No.9120682

Shoot, now I feel bad. Sorry

>> No.9120696

I was playing Paper Mario for around two hours when during the end it sounded like the plastic made "popped" sound and it feels warm around the air flow sides. I'm sure it is normal since these things get hot after a while, but is that normal?

>> No.9120750

So I bought the ssm-14l1 recently. It looks good but I'm unsure if this is able to do 240p. Im playing on my SNES and it says its at 480p 60i. Is this one of those crts which just upscale its content?

>> No.9120776

How many CRTs would you say are good enough to have for a lifetime of use? I have three, ranging from composite to component, but worry that I should pick up a forth one around 20" or less.

>> No.9120816
File: 36 KB, 640x517, 1657309434295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys feel about 13 inch screens? Talking with some people and they all say 13 inch crts are far too small for gaming and compromise your picture quality.
I've been playing on a 13 inch crt in my room for the past seven years and I think that it's perfect. Nice and neat in a corner in my room. Never once have I felt like the screen was too small.

>> No.9120828

Check out shango066 on YT. He does CRT repairs


>> No.9120906

If you're going to throw something away because it has an slight issue and not even bother to attempt to learn how to repair things then you're going to run into this exact same problem with your newer tv in maybe 5-10 years. You might as well fuck around with one that already has an issue because you're interesting in using devices that aren't getting any younger.

>> No.9120935

Well it was mostly due to that TV being from the 80s and worried about it becoming a fire hazard down the line. If something were to happen to my I'art or 13" Toshiba for example I would feel more comfortable to work on those due to less hours used compared to the 80s one, more likely anyhow, and overall better quality of parts from when those were made. At least that is how I feel about it, plus I live at home with my mom so I hate to have something that would damage the house if I look away. I feel bad about giving it up still.

I do understand what you mean overall and I do need to learn how to solder, I'm just waiting for those Pinecils to come back in stock or something just as good.

>> No.9120963

What game is this?

>> No.9121027

The Thing I believe

>> No.9121156

>also, no one is ever going to manufacture new crts again except in your dreams.

you cant find a CD for sale in bestbuy but you can find vinyl records and record players.

I saw a portable cassette player being sold on one of the home shopping channels last week and a poloroid style camera.

crts coming back arent too farfetched

>> No.9121160

carthode raycsist

>> No.9121163

I see the brain damage audiophiles suffer from has spilled over into other areas

>> No.9121169
File: 91 KB, 606x443, zxvzv453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Old media format popular
>CRT old media format
>Therefore old media format MUST become popular

>> No.9121172 [DELETED] 

What is the manufacturer and model number? I've never seen this

>> No.9121189
File: 1.27 MB, 808x1083, C8D7670F-689B-4B14-9F1D-4F744C0A1F7B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just remember we warned you about it

>> No.9121194

There is a black stray that hangs out around my house and I give it food and water daily, but I'm so worried that it might be sick since I see some gray on its leg.

>> No.9121197

take pix

>> No.9121212

Even if it was broken and I didn't want to fix it and use it, I'd just keep the monitor as a display piece or something because it looks cool. If I had the room for it, of course.

>> No.9121215
File: 1.79 MB, 3010x1589, 20220721_182507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I was going to do for a display piece, but like you said I have no room for it and I love with family so they didn't want it hogging up space.

The pic. It looks so scared and sad I just feel like crying a bit.

>> No.9121219
File: 840 KB, 1816x2850, 20220721_182146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry it isn't the best pic, but here is another.

>> No.9121231

nice kitty anon. if you keep feeding it, it will eventually trust you. does he walk funny? otherwise grey patch could just be natural

>> No.9121243
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x1816, 20220711_200928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He runs and jumps quickly when I walk anywhere near it. So they seem okay, but I have a cat by brother found as a kitten two years ago and I get a little emotional and worried when I see a stray more now.

My cat

>> No.9121272
File: 203 KB, 1600x1200, hew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn the white one looks cute as well!
uhhhh guys should i get 5 inch one? It looks so damn neat in aestetically pleasing terms but how is playing simple games on it?

I remember i was playing NES/Sega on a very small tv back in the 90s but i dont remember was it actually 5 inch or not

>> No.9121275

I tried Ridgr Racer Type 4 on one that was cool, but hard to read. Said TV also started shorting out a bit and then died sadly, but I think it was just a fuse.

>> No.9121296

What state, and why?

>> No.9121301

I know my goodwills around houston don't have CRTs in them at all.

>> No.9121308

Can you guys think of any other instances of people pretending to like objectively inferior technology? Maybe people who collect vinyl?

>> No.9121310

>Can you guys think of any other instances of people pretending to like objectively inferior technology? Maybe people who collect vinyl?
Zoom Zoom

>> No.9121328

>the free market will ensure a small company will start making them again.
CRTs will never get made again.
But it's okay since MicroLED is coming anyways so who would want a CRT at that point when you can perfectly emulate CRTs plus with better black level and ANSI contrast?

>> No.9121401

here's your (you)
also i collect vhs

>> No.9121408

Why would you immeadtly throw something away as a first instinct, 30 minute repair job, atleast give it away online next time

>> No.9121413

The other thing was the screen would go dark with the colors randomly and it sounded like the power kind of "jumped" off and on once. If I did try and give it away I didn't want to be sued somehow for "giving away a faulty item that caused a fire". Again I feel bad about it, but I don't intend on just giving up CRTs and infact I saved three CRT PC Monitors from being trashed at my work. One of the monitors has a "power arc" issue I heard can be easy to fix with some cleaning, so I'm not throwing that one away just because of that issue.

>> No.9121509

my 4K (LG CX) is great at deinterlacing.
I do use an OSSC though, but simply line double 480i and it looks grand on the 4K.
Much preferred over playing 480i on a 15khz set.

>> No.9121517

*Ignore the retarded post.
I don't line double 480i - I feed that directly into the flat panel.
I do line double 480p (Dreamcast)!

>> No.9121795

i don't know if a pvm is able to distinguish between 240p and 480i. if you have 240p test suite on something, there's a "drop shadow test" that will tell you if your signal is interlaced or not

>> No.9121835

he's kind of a character but his hour-long resurrection vids are max comfy

these sets are pretty hit or miss in terms of quality, could be sharp as a tack or have a picture like what it looks like when you press against your eyeballs. some don't have composite input.

>> No.9121871
File: 386 KB, 1200x1600, s-l1600 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy FUCK look at this thing!
This is so Fallout (needs some degradation of plastic/recoloring tho) and would look nice as some sort of weird thing in your house.

it's a tv with THREE lights.
Why? what? HWHWYWYYYY??
>hey kids - it's a huuuge flashlight but also you can watch cartoons on it!

>> No.9121874
File: 204 KB, 1200x1600, s-l1600 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are 2 additional adjustable lamps on the back of this Son of Frankenstein

>> No.9121916

it's something you would use in case the power went out, to get weather updates etc.

>> No.9121927

>it's something you would use in case the power went out, to get weather updates etc.
Do americans really live like that?

>> No.9121959

Nvm found it, it’s SOCOM

>> No.9122029

looks great

>> No.9122275
File: 726 KB, 565x755, 4jh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons i think i finally started with something.
One guy gifted me a "tv that is not working" - but turned out that it's not working because "when i turn it - there is nothing just a screen that goes "pshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"".

Any TV-experts here? I will be searching for info and videos about adapters and etc. but it will be nice if there are people that already know how good or bad this TV is for some retro stuff.

I know it's super old dusty and couple of buttons went broken (i remember same thing happening with old tvs and i used to use pencils to push buttons back then haha) but if it will be working nicely with games it's a good start.
(will provide photos)

>> No.9122279
File: 1.63 MB, 1603x902, 4uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9122282

how the fuck do you niggers deal with coil whine from those TVs, are ya'll just deaf?

>> No.9122284

So i guess it's TV philips 15aa3332/08B
but the info is not showing anything. I guess it's a color tv at least.
Need to get some connectors - i had one but its in my parents house ugh

>> No.9122285

>zoomers these days think that a TV showing static means it's broken

>> No.9122287

Only actual zoomers think a 13 inch screen is too small for gaming.

>> No.9122293

I'm 27, it goes away over time. When I started using my CRT for the first time in 10 or 11 years, it was noticeable enough to give me headaches. Now I hear nothing.

>> No.9122298

Looks like a Socom.

>> No.9122303

You mean the 15kHz high voltage noise? That only applies to 15kHz monitors/TV by the way.

Anyways, I grew up with CRTs and never stopped using them. Literally a non-problem.
I definitely can hear it less these days though thanks to age, but I can still tell that a 15kHz CRT is turned on in the house.

>> No.9122305

I'm pretty sure im older than you.
+ you seem to have some shit in your eyeholes if you didn't read: >>9122275
>(i remember same thing happening with old tvs and i used to use pencils to push buttons back then
which means i clearly had a CRT tv back then and used to play games on it.

But here is your cursed (you)

>> No.9122306

I imagine I will get flamed and called a stupid niggerfaggot for asking a stupid question, but is it detrimental to have HDDs near a running CRT? I'm talking external drives. I know it's fine to have drives in a PC case next to a CRT but I was unsure if it was all just a matter of shielding in the long run.

>> No.9122310

i'm 34 and hear it whenever I see a youtube video where one is on and its fucking annoying.
no every single TV, I couldn't hear it when I was younger but now at 34 I hear it with any thing thats not a computer monitor.

>> No.9122314

>no every single TV, I couldn't hear it when I was younger but now at 34 I hear it with any thing thats not a computer monitor.
It's physically impossible to hear 31kHz or higher CRT monitors. This only applies to 15kHz TVs.

>any thing thats not a computer monitor.
There's also 15kHz computer monitors though, so I don't know what difference saying that makes.

>> No.9122315

>zoomers these days think that a TV showing static means it's broken
also i re-read your message and holy fuck.
You are such an entitled faggot you didn't even properly read my post.

The story was - the old guy that thought it's broken thought that just because to him it was considered broken just because "it goes pshhhh and dont show anything".

I didn't know that and i still decided to go to his place and after testing it home i saw that this TV is working.

Fucking die zoomer moron. How such subhuman brain can even exist holy fuck.

>> No.9122318

It clearly shows static, so it's indeed working.

>> No.9122319

>It clearly shows static, so it's indeed working.
yes i also read my own post. Thanks genius.

>> No.9122321

So yeah, at least a zoomer thinking it's broken because "it goes pshhhh and dont show anything" is excusable thanks to lack of experience or knowledge for something that they never experienced. A "old guy" doing the same is just misinformed or dumb.

No idea why this makes you so angry and what kind of a argument is "no ur the zoomer" when I didn't even call *you* the zoomer buy the person making the comment about it not working originally, unless you are yourself actually a projecting zoomer who my post triggered. Which I guess is true, case closed, enjoy your CRT.

>> No.9122323

its not impossible https://youtu.be/coymTmLg6H4?t=341

>> No.9122337

Your video literally says "The frequency this happens at lies near the upper range of human hearing." which is 15kHz.

The quote in the video is from here:

Human hearing range even in the best cases maxes out at 20 kHz, you won't be able to hear 31kHz or higher monitors like VGA/SVGA CRTs or even EGA/CGA.

So can you hear it? 15kHz CRT TV/monitor, yes. 20kHz+ CRT monitor, no.

>> No.9122340

alright give me a video of one of your 31kHz TVs and I guarantee I can hear it.

>> No.9122353

Kek, nice one. I could literally record it with my phone and it would be complete silence thanks to most things not even recording or encoding such frequencies.
I guess you're just shitposting at this point? Pretty funny post tho, have to say.

>> No.9122356

Do it then, prove me wrong cause I don't believe you.

>> No.9122365


>> No.9122373

Be quiet zoomer. You aint fooling anyone with that butthurt.

>> No.9122384

Was meant for: >>9122305 / >>9122315

>> No.9122394

You'd need like 30+ year old hard drives for it to be any remote problem. The magnetic fields of HDDs are bent to be focused inside only.

>> No.9122425

Alright, thanks Anon. I was nearly asleep last night when it occurred to me that my external drives are sitting a few inches next to and slightly behind my CRT, so I wanted to know if I needed to change their location.

>> No.9122512

>LG oled is within 3ms of a CRT
No it's not. All LG OLED's are on the 8 to 10ms range.
That said modern screens don't have to have lag as proven by ZisWorks's LCD kit but big manufacturers don't use the best electronics for the best latency.

Also OLED just isn't bright enough for strobing.
Until MicroLED we won't get a true CRT replacement.

>> No.9122531

>Also OLED just isn't bright enough for strobing.
brighter than a CRT, easily 400-500 nits average with strobing compared to a good CRT that has less than 300 nits average, both when displaying a completely white image

>> No.9122537

CRTs are still being made, but only by one company and they only make tiny CRTs for aircraft HUDs.

>> No.9122542

This is true. Feed a PVM, or BVM, a 240p signal and it will display "480" on-screen.

>> No.9122546


>> No.9122548

>they all say 13 inch crts are far too small for gaming
who the fuck thinks this?

>> No.9122549

240p literally is just 480i with even lines missing and double the refresh rate instead
it's a hack and for the TV it makes no meaningful difference

>> No.9122553

Is it worth it to mod a tv for s-video?

>> No.9122561

zoomers I'd guess

people seem to be confused by that concept that a 13 inch screen from one meter away and a 32 inch screen from 3 meters away will basically look the same size and sharpness (as long as they have the same amount of TV lines too)
it literally just depends on the use case, TVs were big so several people could watch them at once, if you just play yourself at a table, there's no need for a huge screen if you're just going to sit further away from it and it will look the same size

>> No.9122564

How hard is it to mod an old rf only tv to composite or better?

>> No.9122573

Oh shit I just looked it up and the last factory was closed in 2020. It was Toshiba that was making them. It's officially over. The end of an era.

>> No.9122714
File: 3.77 MB, 4032x3024, 1648134055060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked this 17in Samsung SyncMaster for about 3 fiddy, the colors and the geometry looked acceptable compared to the others.
Problem is, it has some sort of backlight effect, i tried "lowering" the brightness in the flyback, tinkering with the ocd menu, but nothing worked.
Is not the color of the mask, the blacks literally emit light, around the same levels of a IPS.
What/why is this happening?
t. crt newfag retard

>> No.9122780

Kind of related, but I find it amusing that on Sam Hyde's "The Three B's of Business" he hits a CRT glass screen full force with a metal dolly multiple times and is unable to even make a dent on it, and the dude is fucking huge mind you.

>> No.9122906
File: 49 KB, 300x302, 1650571913897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. crt newfag retard
>people are so afraid of being called newfags/zoomers in this thread - they shit on themselves first
>this thread
How to tell when thread is shit/swarmed by zoomers that scream "zoomer!" first so they will remain unnoticed.

>> No.9122957

>brighter than a CRT
Nope, A CRT's electron gun shines brightly at about 10000 nits for a brief period.

>easily 400-500 nits average with strobing
Why are you lying?
With BFI on Max on the LG CX you get about 60 nits at 60hz.
And this is without applying shaders which would darken the image tremendously.
This is lower than a Plasma TV.

>good CRT that has less than 300 nits average
Most CRTs were 100 nits at best.
Only a few ever reached 300.

>> No.9122978

Even those will drop CRTs after that point.

That's just due to the way the interface is designed/programmed. When you send 15khz to a BVM the interface will show it as displaying "480" if the vertical scan is 60hz and "576" if the vertical scan is 50hz.
480/240 and such means nothing to a CRT.

Even lines aren't missing from 240p. This is a common misconception.
It doesn't work how you think.
The consoles send 240 progressive, they're not "hacking 480i" like many idiots say in the internet. What it's doing is simply drawing 240 lines sequentially in a frame thus displaying full frames instead of drawing even and odd fields like how interlaced scanning works.

>> No.9123034

>PVMs and modern displays mess up
Neither of them mess them up you retarded nigger.
The dithering is a composite cable effect and it works on your bargain bin walmart LCD just fine so long as you're using composite and the same goes for PVMs.

There are literally no effects that make usage of flickering.
You're talking out of your ass.

>> No.9123093

Nah, you are the zoomer screaming "your a zoomer" to remain unnoticed. Projection is peak zoomer tactic, just like spongebob memes.
Now answer my question.

>> No.9123102

Nothing wrong with shitting on yourself when you're clueless about a topic, that practice long predates your arrival.

>> No.9123208

Kek, don't zoomer realize that the only ones making "no u" zoomer posts like yours are obviously zoomers themselves?
I saw this post >>9122714 and thought nothing of it, only you for some reason had the zoomer logic about it, like you felt personally connected to the post.

>> No.9123216

wrong, it's not just about composite or RGB, TVL and pitch play just as big of a role
only a retard would say otherwise

>> No.9123363

>finally have everything I need to finish my multi av setup
>I somehow only JUST NOW discover that my CRT ignores composite input whenever an s-video cable is plugged in, even if there's no signal

Well I can't say I'm not more than a little annoyed right now but I guess going from having to unplug everything any time I want to play a different system to just pulling the s-video cable out of my CRT if I want to play NES or Genesis is still a pretty significant improvement. I'd have to get some kind of composite to s-video converter to solve this but I've already had problems with s-video converters in the past fucking with the picture so fuck it, reaching behind the CRT to mess with a finicky and delicate cable connector it is

>> No.9123637

>I didn't want to be sued somehow for "giving away a faulty item that caused a fire"
Land of the free home of the brave.
Next time give it away and just explain the issue in the description so anyone who gets it knows what they are getting themself into.
Still lmao

>> No.9123894

get a second TV?

>> No.9123946

it depends on the tv. composite should be possible for any tv except early models (i don't know when exactly, say before 1970 to be safe). for anything else it depends on the chips, see the shmups forum thread on rgb modding

>> No.9123957

why not just bypass the tuner would probably be the easiest way

>> No.9123990

for composite, yeah. the problem is that the frequency wasn't standard so sometimes it won't work. i don't remember the details.

>> No.9124126

can someone explain to me why you cant adjust the colors properly on 90% of crt monitors?
Early form of planned obsolescence?

>> No.9124175

because you are bad at it?

>> No.9124265

no because you just cant adjust cutoff on most monitors

>> No.9124287

Easy mod.

>> No.9124301

explain how?

>> No.9124337

Special snowflake kids acting like CRTs are good just to be edgy and unique. They're garbage and they should be treated like garbage. I fucking grew up with the shit and I don't miss that headache-inducing pile of shit technology at all.

>> No.9124343

>CRTs are good
Said nobody ever, outside of niche cases like /vr/ usage, in which case it's true.

>> No.9124352

are you going to post the same thing over and over?
jog on

>> No.9124354

It was meant as a reply to anon, I just didn't want to (You) their shitpost.

>> No.9124382

So how do you mod a monitor for cutoff controls?

>> No.9124389

I still have a few crt monitors and when testing an old mainboard on one of them I was pretty taken back by how good the picture looked. Crts are a treat for some use cases - I really like them.

>> No.9124583
File: 464 KB, 515x758, 568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decided to fool around
>connected dvd player by SCARD>AVI and connected my external hdd to it.
>tfw i can watch porn or any pictures using this old TV
I watched many videos of "connecting pc to my old tv" but still doing it by myself in 2022 feels so nice.
If i only knew and didn't throw away my 2 good tvs during mid 00s. I remember trying to find an excuse to throw away a really good TV. Back then nobody cared about those because they were dead weight

>> No.9124612

I just stream content through my 360

>> No.9124616 [DELETED] 

Gr8 b8, but if it's not:
What would you expect to see?

>> No.9124624
File: 606 KB, 680x869, 234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guessed that it's possible because you just connect thingie 1 to thingie 2 and it works.
But still seeing gay porn pictures on this old ass TV is fucking hilarious

>> No.9124628

You're cool. I like you.

>> No.9124639


Okay, thanks, my set is late 70, I'll have a look on those forums

>> No.9124664

>colors have suddenly fixed themselfs
Dont wanna jinx it and its really not perfect yet but why did the image go from hard red tint to slight red tint all of the sudden?

>> No.9124760

composite to s-video is the highest leap in quality. not that s-video's the top, just that it's much better than composite. very noticeable. whether it's worth it is up to you.

is the picture otherwise normal? sometimes a monitor will have a weird effect if the picture goes too far off screen

240p is effectively sending only the first field of an interlaced signal instead of both. that's why it's called a hack of 480i. a tv draws the signal just like it would one field of interlaced, as though it's skipping every other horizontal line.

>effects that make usage of flickering
this is pretty common for nes games, alternating drawing a sprite one frame then not on the next. it makes it look transparent. but this works on any display.

>> No.9124808
File: 28 KB, 300x250, sony-playstation-classic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons should i buy this just to play some low-poly stuff on CRT?
I know everybody was shittin on this and i wouldnt buy it but i left all my retro stuff at parents home and wont be able to bring those here for a while.

I guess it's fine just to get it and play some PS1 stuff on crt despite anything people say?

>> No.9124947

It's easy to connect a CRT TV to a modern PC

>> No.9124957

It is. 480i is two 240p images, odd and even lines, both being shown for 30 and 30 times a second. While 240p is just odd lines being shown for 60 times a second.
It is literally a "hack of 480i" in that sense, ironic.

>> No.9125748

240p has nothing to do with 480i, you idiots have no idea how this works.

>> No.9125894

all those recent mini consoles are hdmi only as far as I know. You can use them but you'll need a solution for converting HDMI to a signal your CRT can use. Or an HDMI capable CRT.

>> No.9125913

please enlighten us, oh wise one

>> No.9125915

>>9124957 is 100% correct

>> No.9125917

might not be able to output in 4:3 even if you convert the hdmi signal to composite

>> No.9125919

You'll have a bad time with converters that are stuck with 480i and lag only and 16:9 widescreen.
Just get a low power PC and wireless controller.

>> No.9125926
File: 20 KB, 400x266, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or one of these bad boys

>> No.9125934

Yeah, this light bleeding or whatever is called happens even if there is no PC attached to it and the icon asking for a cable rolls around the screen..
I mostly wanna know how this problem is called so i can do a bit of research myself, so far i wasn't able to find anything, just people saying that some screens are more light tinted so the blacks are not as pure.
This one does emits light, but is pretty dark when off.

>> No.9125938

Have the same problem being stuck to 480i only.

>> No.9126160

seconding, i have a monitor that does the same thing. i figured the tube was just weak.

>> No.9126293
File: 176 KB, 750x771, 116D51CA-3F12-4C13-966B-35523C8BD88B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers /crt/

>> No.9126351

Comfy, love the pic anon.

>> No.9126379
File: 3.73 MB, 4032x3024, 20220727_170226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this Disney Hannah Montana lcd tv, would have bought it if it didn't have scratches on the lens. Anyone have any themed crt's?

>> No.9126381

is that costco yakisoba?

>> No.9126458

naw its a GE, says 'commercial skip' on the front

>> No.9126569
File: 3.13 MB, 2000x1500, 1658980078539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, I made a thread earlier and then found this one but I'm the anon that found 3 beauties on the side of the road.
I ended up grabbing one, it's the Sony Trinitron KV-XA21M30.
anyone have this set? I haven't had a chance to plug it in and see if it's working, but it's in beautiful condition.

>> No.9126649

Should have taken the black one imo

>> No.9126656

i wish australia were a low socioeconomic country so i could find these anywhere

>> No.9126706

give your tv a shower boys

>> No.9126715


>> No.9126847
File: 2.26 MB, 2000x1500, 1658994973524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, it's >>9126569
so I got home and plugged her in and she is beautiful. works fine.
I tried plugging my SNES into it tho and encountered an issue.

The image is pretty strobing, I haven't used a CRT in decades so I can't remember if that's how it's meant to be, but it doesn't really do that when it's displaying static. also the picture is cropped only on the SNES and it's like that on all the inputs.

if I even so much as nudge the cables on my SNES the picture goes away, so I'm guessing my composite cables are cooked.

I'll buy a new set, it looks like they are super cheap online, and see if that makes a difference.

anyone have any experience with this model? I can't seem to find any settings or anything to adjust the picture.

sorry if I did a horrible job explaining. see the picture for what I'm talking about.

>> No.9126861

You took the worst crt, but you should be able to adjust it with a remote.

>> No.9126864

there is no remote with it.
I have an old android phone with an IR blaster, I could look into a universal remote app and try that.

>> No.9126867

A universal remote should be fine, its cropped because the previous owner put it into 16:9 mode with the remote

>> No.9126868

is it strange that the static from the other channels is in 4:3

>> No.9126928

You can probably set it for AV only

>> No.9126970


The black Trinitron would have been the best pick. Black consumer Trinitrona with curves screens were the best consumer sets Sony made.

>> No.9126975

absolutely he took the cheapest looking one sadly damn

>> No.9126980

Well what model is it? Im the chad from the other thread with the rgb modded kvxf21m31.
Get an rm-870 remote and ill tell you how to access the service menu to fix that geometry.

>> No.9126982

this seems like a PAL/NTSC issue

>> No.9126989

giving advice when you know nothing is worse then not saying anything

>> No.9127037

PAL SNES I assume? A flickering squashed image is normal.

>> No.9127204

hey man thanks for your chadly interest in helping.
it's a KV-XA21M30
I'm trying to find that remote you recommended. I'll get it if it will work with this tv and fix the issue.

my SNES is the only retro console I have access to at the moment, but my plan is to get composite cables for my Wii U which is collecting dust and use that as a backwards compatible emulator machine on this tv.

>> No.9127284

The WiiU cannot even output 240p, don't bother.

>> No.9127326

>Im the chad
Kek nice one

>> No.9127328

Someone who deserves it will hopefully get the black Trinitron instead, I hope. Anon didn't deserve that one.

>> No.9127386

Finally scored one (havent actively looked for one though) B&O BeoCenter 1 in nice condition for (equivalent of) 30 bucks. Dunno if B&O sold outside Europe but its an CRT from early 2000. For the price I will give it a try. Anyone got one or something similar?

>> No.9127461

Another nail in the coffin, they just won't stop making these videos.

>> No.9127504

Aslong as its TVs who cares I still regularly find them on the side of the road, more deman would actually be good so they dont end up getting scrapped

>> No.9127514

It's the new cool thing, of course they milk it as much as possible.
Took them years to realize and catch up in the first place, wouldn't have seemed weird even in 2018.

>> No.9127517

How do I find a landfill to find crts and other old stuff?

>> No.9127989
File: 1.86 MB, 4096x3072, holy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New crt. My first trinitron, holy holy, it looks amazing. Maybe my camera sucks but my photos really don't do it justice, the picture quality is so good in person. Better than my half dead Magnavox.
Outside of the colouring of the television shell itself yellowing, it's in amazing condition. Fits like a glove in my set up.

>> No.9128019

congrats anon. is a great feeling to see retro games on a crt for the first time or the first time in a while

>> No.9128037

lol the most liked comment on the video is some zoomer complaining about CRT whine. Deaf bros... we won.

>> No.9128060

I had only 3 days with CRT TV and holy shit i'm having a BLAST.
Now i understand why people hyping it. It's just so much more aestetically pleasing to play videogames on crt.
I can't describe it. It's the combination of glass surface and everything else.

Yeah yeah im a zoomer blablabla (im 23) and never had CRT retro experience as a kid but i love it now.

>> No.9128065

Seriously. I've been stuck with my half dead Magnavox for what felt like an eternity. Think I should just throw out the Magnavox? It still functions on a literal level, even if the buttons on the tv only work half the time and the picture has giant permanent black bars over parts of the screen. Would be nice to give it to someone who could fix it, let someone get some use out of it. But I don't know anyone like that, probably more work than it is worth.
>complaining about CRT whine
I feel like your ability to hear that diminishes over time. When I turned on a crt for the first time in years back in like, 2015, I could definitely hear it. But within a day or two I couldn't notice it anymore.

>> No.9128072

>lol the most liked comment on the video is some zoomer complaining about CRT whine. Deaf bros... we won.
Funny that now it's a "problem AHHH MY HEAD IM GOING INSAAANEEE" while generations lived with it and didnt care/had fun playing old consoles on crt.

>> No.9128104

>Think I should just throw out the Magnavox?
Might be worth keeping so you can practice repairs on it.

>> No.9128249

Ok retard

>> No.9128365

I remember complaining about it when I was a small child. I don't know what happened but within a few months it seemed much quieter. Maybe I got used to it, maybe the TV changed.

>> No.9128427

crt shaders are the solution, you contrarian plebs

>> No.9128513

Unfortunately no. Closest I have is a purple crt clearly meant for a kids room.
Only has rf in.
Would love to find an old themed crt tho. They don't even make shit like that anymore for flat screens. We lost soul.

>> No.9128526

i'll stick to my crt thanks :0)

>> No.9128747

the Wii U can do 480i and 480p, and has specific settings for non-hd output.
would it for sure not work on my crt?

>> No.9129006

Are you sure it does 480i?
I thought it could only go down to 480p

>> No.9129028

100% does 480i. I double checked on my Wii U last night.

>> No.9129031

Weird how it doesn’t do 240p then

>> No.9129116

so even if it does 480i, you're saying it won't work with composite cables on a crt?

>> No.9129143

it'll work, but most retro games are 240p. so you get interlacing artifacts

>> No.9129159

I guess if it takes Wii cables they’ll work but I don’t know if it’s possible to do 240p at all

>> No.9129276

Kids, stop, Wii U its 480 only, progressive or interleaced, no 240p no matter what you do, even with its spotty and overmemed emulation quality, it is better to use the original hacked Wii cause it has the best composite output, and it can do 240p, all it needs is a port of Final Burn Neo, since the RA FBA core is janky. GXGeo doesnt work im Wii Mini, RA mame core is a shitpost joke based on 2002 making it useless.

Also PS1 emulation still really fucking horrible, but its likely due to the emu devs being fucking idiots and just tryng to polish the turd that is WiiSX since that one was build around an equally putrid N64 emulator, when mednafen psx on PC is really good and lightweight but no one has ever tried to port that one to the wii, NOT AS RA, but as mednafen wii, shit, its Virtual Boy and PCEngine cores are better then RA.

>> No.9129334

well I've got a hacked Wii as well, but I only have component cables for it so either way I'd need to pick up composite ones.
I was hoping I could use the Wii U because then I can use Bluetooth controllers on it, like the NES, SNES and N64 Nintendo switch online controllers. I haven't looked into if the Wii can do that too.

>> No.9129349

Why would you want to use composhit when you've got component?

>> No.9129380

Honestly I feel like a failure in life, so my whole life is an lmao that I try to fill the void in with games.

>> No.9129391

What game?

>> No.9129393

because my fucking crt just has composite

>> No.9129882

I had a dream about getting a PVM for free from a local dentist that wanted to get rid of it last night.

>> No.9130009

It does 480i over composite.

What's so weird? It's composite encoder is made for 480i only, a lot of graphics cards etc had the same problem.

>> No.9130014

Dang, too bad it was just a dream. Could have sold it to some retard and bought a nice CRT instead.

>> No.9130072

Hellgod: Run

>> No.9130089

You may migrate when ready:


>> No.9130916

You don't think Trinitrons are nice CRTs? Interesting. What kind of CRTs do you prefer?

>> No.9130925

Trinitrons are great, what are you on about.
Do you think AG and PVM are inclusive?

>> No.9130932

mutually inclusive*

>What kind of CRTs do you prefer?
Also as far as AG, Slot Masm and Shadow Mask go, a good Slot Mask is the best of both worlds in my experience.

>> No.9131000

>Could have sold it to some retard and bought a nice CRT instead.
You implied that Trinitrons are not nice CRTs. You do know that PVMs CONTAIN Trinitron CRTs, right?

>> No.9131014

>You implied that Trinitrons are not nice CRTs.
It does not.

>You do know that PVMs CONTAIN Trinitron CRTs, right?
You seem to be confused.

All Sony PVMs use Trinitron tubes (except a couple very niche ones like the B/W ones).
Not all Trinitron tubes are in PVMs only.

Here's a question, both the best CRT ever made and some of the worst use Shadow Mask tubes, does that mean Shadow Mask is good or bad? By your logic it should be one or the other.

>> No.9131020

you can sell meme pvm and get a nice consumer trinitron set instead which is suited much better for /vr/ usage
I have no idea why you think trinitron means pvm and vice versa

>> No.9131027

A PVM is not a CRT. That's why I got confused by the post implying that a "PVM is not a nice CRT". A PVM is a monitor. A monitor which contains a Trinitron CRT.
I don't think PVM means Trinitron. That other anon thinks PVMs are CRTs.

>> No.9131034

>both the best CRT ever made and some of the worst use Shadow Mask tubes, does that mean Shadow Mask is good or bad?
Missed this question in my last reply. The answer is that the quality of the monitor matters, not the type of CRT it uses. The quality of the electronics plays a big role in the picture quality.

>> No.9131036

>A PVM is not a CRT. That's why I got confused by the post implying that a "PVM is not a nice CRT". A PVM is a monitor. A monitor which contains a Trinitron CRT.
We're talking about CRTs being the whole thing, either monitor or TV set, this is a given in this thread, otherwise we use the term "tube". It's simply a shorthand, no need to be a pedantic autist.

Even then this logic does not apply, since the original argument was:
>Could have sold it to some retard and bought a nice CRT instead.
Could have sold it (the PVM) to some tards and bought a nice CRT (i.e. Trinitron tube with a consumer set) instead.

Way to be pedantic but still fail.

>> No.9131042

See second part of >>9131036

Also no, there's more to a monitor or TV than just electronics, the tube itself matters too, just because something is branded Trinitron for example, doesn't mean it's equal quality to another Trinitron tube.

Way to out yourself as a retard trying to act smart, I take back the pedantic autist part, you're not autistic, just trying too hard.

>> No.9131052

just ignore the reddit larper, obviously here for just (You)'s

>> No.9131069

>no need to be a pedantic autist
I'm trying to entertain myself. Lord knows you people aren't.