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9111259 No.9111259 [Reply] [Original]

What is it about this game in the FF series in particular that managed to crate a swath of autism?

>> No.9111285

Is this about the other post on here that says this game is where gaming peaked LMAO

>> No.9111294

It allows people to pass off completely subjective opinions like "story was good" or "I liked the music" as objective statements of fact (I'm saying this as someone who liked the story and the music).

>> No.9111307

it was many peoples first foray into Japanese media and turning into a weaboo. It was the Ghost in the Shell of videogames.

>> No.9111309

ghost in the shell had an underground cultural impact. I don't know a single person regardless of age group who's seen it

>> No.9111327

maybe this is anecdotal but all the guys I knew at school who played FFVII had also seen GitS.

>> No.9111328

It didn't, and on the contrary, it was aimed to sell to virtually everyone at the time, and it succeeded in doing so.
It was the triple A blockbuster of that era, which everyone and their grandma knew about.
Nostalgic normies are the only reason the absolutely terrible compilation, and the questionable remake, manged to sell so well.
Autistic people tend to overthink everything, like whether Sephiroth or Jenova controlled each other, while the actual audience of this game doesn't understands that Aerith from the original and the one from CC are two different characters, written by different people during different eras.
It's a normalfag game that manged to appeal to some autists because almost (practically) everyone played it at the time.
It was also a late '90s game about environmentalism and the apocalypse, something that was circulating in the news media globally at the time.

>> No.9111346

Best Jrpg and maybe even game of all time.

Still making everyone seethe to this day.

>> No.9111495

Quite possibly the greatest video game ever made

>> No.9111515
File: 29 KB, 739x415, images - 2022-07-22T215403.455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghost in the shell was better than ff7. I haven't watched it in some time but some of its scenes still stand out to me.


>> No.9111530

Looks like some kind of anime game, that’s a pass for me

>> No.9111532 [DELETED] 

Based. Some of us anons like pussy a little too much. Sorry guys, no more anime jrpgs.

>> No.9111562

That's okay, come back once you're over 30 and realize that pussy isn't worth shit

>> No.9111565

FF7 in particular or the series as a whole? Zelda games have always been were pretty weeby too

>> No.9111608

It’s about being true to oneself, and that’s admirable

>> No.9111612

It was just a lot of babby's first rpg

>> No.9111639

Everything went to shit post 2015, this series however was already suffering post X

>> No.9111643

It was really good.

>> No.9111768

only in internet, normal people who played FFVII don't care about "headcanon" "ships" and other mental illnes created on 4chan.

>> No.9111881
File: 100 KB, 800x685, 34894-final-fantasy-vii-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The games up until that point hadn't been as blatantly "Japanese" as FF7 was. Up until that point Japanese developers often used westernized box art to market their games in the west. But that became more difficult with the fifth gen, since graphics were getting more detailed and explicit. They couldn't hide it as easily anymore.

But thanks to FF7 they discovered they didn't need to. I had a friend who smugly informed me that the smaller cutesy models in FF7 was something called "chi-bi" and that it was a common occurence in Japanese manga and anime and that it was a deliberate choice by the developers to use these "chi-bi" models as a contrast to the serious deep adult themes of the story. I thought he was full of shit. But that didn't stop me from smugly repeating what he had told me, to other friends.

>> No.9113616

The combination of going past sprites on a new system and FMVs so it got more people engaged. 3D was cool, new and fancy (for consoles).

>> No.9113895

FMV cutscenes and a massive marketing budget that was completely unheard of in the genre.
Seriously the double page silicon graphics rendered adverts in Edge and Next Gen magazine alone were fucking insanely good looking.

>> No.9113909

I'm gonna get banned for saying this but I'm gonna say it anyway. It's because it wasn't on the 64

>> No.9114784
File: 1.61 MB, 960x1076, 8E991F78-9760-40CD-BB9B-77B930058880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could've been worse, but after this travesty who knows how far they'll go.
I couldn't get past this. I shot my TV with a shotgun, shoved my PS4 controller up my ass and broke my controller right here and turned it off. This is wrong. Why did they change it? That's not what Barret's supposed to say.
This isn't FFVII.
Fuck Nomura.

>> No.9114847

i heard it was bad but damn