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File: 108 KB, 903x655, Screenshot 2022-07-21 at 15-12-21 Project III Final Fantasy VI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9109858 No.9109858 [Reply] [Original]


Seriously, when is enough enough? What is it about FF6 hacking that brings out the most unnecessary, redundant autism in regards to the script (yes, it's a product of its time, but we've had like a dozen attempts to fix it since then) and the mechanics (yes, it's a buggy game, but again fixes have been out there for years).

Even games that have had decades long hacking scenes (Sonic, Mario, etc) are rarely this redundant, and ones that are usually can be written off in favor of hacks/restorations that actually fix shit.

>> No.9109895
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Christ almighty, I saw this just the other day, and indeed my first thought was
>ok, what does THIS do that Woolsey Uncensored, Retranslated, and Revised Old Version doesn't
>oh, nothing
Fuck's sake.

>> No.9109909

Also, I love how none of these hacks can help themselves and end up doing more than just retranslating (read: grabbing bits and pieces of pre-existing translations and mashing them together), and have to shove in all sorts of bug fixes and even gameplay alterations of their own. What if I want to play with the Evade glitch intact to build unkillable characters? Nope, shit out of luck.

>> No.9109926

Notice how this "hack" has the balls to list using original goddamn logo as a "feature".

>> No.9109956

>meticulously retouched script, taking elements from various localization projects
>we copy and pasted Legends of Localization's script comparisons

>> No.9109961

Isn't that what Retranslated did?

>> No.9109986

These "lolcalization style" translations/hacks must be some sort of subversion or shitpost, most peoole would prefered an accurate translation, and you wonder why game localization is worse then before.

>> No.9109996

FF VI is one of the most famous and beloved games in that scene. Making small touch ups instantly gets you mountains of praise from the community. Fan translators get paid in hits of dopamine so that’s very important to them. It’s also easier to make small adjustments to an existing translation than make a new one from scratch. That’s why less we’ll known games that desperately need to be retranslated like the Legend of Heroes Gagharv trilogy or all those games butchered by Working Designs get passed over while the same 2 or 3 Square games are translated over and over.

>> No.9110012

It's fanboys wanting to have their cake and eat it too. Woolsey's translation came under increased scrutiny as time went on for all the obvious reasons, but at the same time it gained a meme status of sorts, and when the more accurate GBA translation dropped, a lot of people criticized it for being "too bland", even though it kept a bunch of the Woolseyisms, though not all.

So now you have people trying to achieve an accurate-but-not-bland translation, and the path of least resistance has been "let's just take Woolsey and make it more accurate", but since no one involved in the endeavors actually speaks moon, they just end up grabbing bits and pieces of the GBA translation, Tomato's translation notes, and sometimes the old Sky Render fan translation when it suits their tastes to do so, and mashing them into Woolsey. And it just ends up being a clusterfuck, so then other dudes come in saying "I can do better" and they never do because they also don't speak nip. Shit's retarded.

>> No.9110016

And when they do, you know what happebs to them.

>> No.9110018

Well, obviously fans will work on what they want to work on, not on what "needs to be worked on more", since they're not getting paid. And again, these dudes don't actually speak the language, so they couldn't retranslate a game from scratch if their lives depended on it.

>> No.9110026

If you think thats bad, you should see the hacks by hack frauds that are done for Dragon Warrior 1-4

>> No.9110048

You and the creator are two peas in a pod in regards of autism.

>> No.9110075

Which ones? So far, the most I've seen anybody do with them is change the spell names to the modern standard set by DQ8.

>> No.9110093

English is a superior language to Japanese; why not let English projects embrace this? OP clearly has autisms of his own.

>> No.9110107

Why even care about this shit when you can learn Japanese and play the game like the devs intended?

>> No.9110239

Because FF6 is one of the more story-heavy RPGs to be effected by limited cartridge space when the translation happened. I'm fine with what I got, as janky as it was, but a lot of people want to "fix" it up. Many of those people aren't happy with how others have "fixed" it, so they have to throw their own "fix" out there. They aren't satisfied with the newer official translation, why would they be satisfied with any they didn't make themselves? Then they think "Gee, I'm "fixing" what's broken in the game, why not all the bugs fixes and QoL improvements too?" And then we end up with yet another hodgepodge translation with the same bugfix and QoL patches worked into it.
FF7 also got a number of re-translation projects, but mostly for the older PC version since it was easier to hack than the PSX original.

>> No.9110250

There was more than one FFVII retranslation? I only knew about the one that gave Cait Sith a Scottish accent and changed several names and other silly shit.

>> No.9110262

Just play the original. I assume there are save editors out there if not it should be pretty trivial to cheat engine or hex edit whatever you want in terms of stats and abilities.

>> No.9110310

Sorry someone recognized how loudly autistic FF6 (literal) hacks have become and in the process of adding "QOL" shit and "tasteful" translations they've taken what's one of the most accessible and approachable classic JRPGs look almost impenetrable to people who've never played it and think they need to play the "best" version.

>> No.9110356

Bro fixing the blind bug and increasing the movement speed are good. Idk why this board hates QOL improvements so much
I'm not walking through a JRPG
>but you can equip a rune to ru-
No nigga my rune slots are going into handy battle stuff

>> No.9110359

Woolsey Uncensored has an option to keep the glitches.

>> No.9110362

>Idk why this board hates QOL improvements
They'd be fine if they weren't wedged in with a bunch of other hacks and gazzilion different script revisions they didn't make themselves. FF6 is the only game I can think of that has this problem where there's so many different overlapping hacks and script revisions from different groups spergs it's a pain to keep track of.
>but you can equip a rune to ru-
This isn't twitter, you don't need make up something I didn't even say to act like you win the imageboard argument, my nigger.

But your case, map a fast forward button to your controller, nigger.

>> No.9110389

I want to listen to the music at normal speed. Are you really arguing that the run button is bad?

>> No.9110396

>I want to listen to the music at normal speed.
Then walk around town a little bit and once you get tired after the dozenth or so loop speed forward.
>Are you really arguing that the run button is bad?
Millions of others who played these games back in the day didn't seem to mind. And I'm not even complaining about adding qol shit, it's that FF6 hacker faggots have almost devalued their game with amount overlapping bullshit they squeeze into these hacks and beat their chests that they've somehow "fixed" the game. That's what's being argued.

If you prefer FFVI Retranslated Rose Ultimate Uncut Woolsey Edition w/ hacks ver. 2.001 instead of FFVI Retranslated Rose Ultimate Uncut Woolsey Edition w/out hacks ver. 2.000 (or even just the original game), that's your business.

>> No.9110435
File: 28 KB, 342x342, 1480260126948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cock sniffer I want listen to the music while playing the game

>> No.9110449 [DELETED] 

And no one is stopping you just how they can't stop you cruising for little boys.

>> No.9110531

>played the original US release back when it was relatively new
>hear later about things that were cut, glitched changed, curious about how my opinion would change
>try the Advance retranslation, and one or two fantranslations
>drop them each after a few hours and just replay the 3US version again
Just ignore them.

>> No.9110578

>General Leo's skin color reflects his concept art
Soiboi just wanted a heckin' black man in his video game

>> No.9110598
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If anything, he made him gray.

>> No.9110846
File: 214 KB, 345x336, 1657095091014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh... I didn't really want a news article made or I would have made one. I'm kind of embarrassed about this project, and that I even released it. :-\ I would have spoken to my fellow staff about its approval had I seen it in the queue. I know it's going to be mocked and derided (It already has, and it hasn't been out for long) since it's done the exact same thing as all ten (Yes, ten) projects that came before it. It's not even half as good as any of them.

>I'm really sorry that I made this hack. I hope I didn't offend anyone.
Fucking kek, this guy.

>> No.9111089

fuck retranslations, theres tons of shit out there with no translations or partials

>> No.9111167

The best part about this redundant trash is the authors can never, ever speak a lick of Japanese. They mash a bunch of English shit they found together and expect praise for it. I'm glad people have at least picked up on how stupid these are now, if you want to retranslate a game, actually learn how to fucking do it and bring something new to the table.

>> No.9111179

There was only ever that one and one typo fix patch IIRC, the one retranslation was by a schizo and legendarily bad and there's never been another because, surprisingly enough, FF7 was actually well translated (albeit rushed in places) and just kind of a goofily written game at its core.

>> No.9111180 [DELETED] 
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>English is a superior language to Japanese

>> No.9111195

>the one retranslation was by a schizo

Also, yeah seems to me save for things like typos and some weird dialogue that was a bit hard to make sense of here and there, it wasn't really that bad. I wouldn't mind a small patch that keeps the script as we have it largely intact but limits itself to fixing up those little snags and maybe modernize the spell names and shit, but it seems no one in that scene can be trusted to contain themselves and prevent feature creep and bloat.

>> No.9111231
File: 17 KB, 407x379, 1318614058872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what do you know, I just found something that very nearly fits that bill:
But of course, like I said, these people can't help themselves:
>What's in this patch:
>MDef Bug Fix (Spirit Bug Fix)
>Uncapped Damage
>PC Steam Dialogues (well I improvised a few scripts like "C'mon newcomer. Follow me." into "C'mon rookie. Let's move." which is based on FF7 Remake old trailer.)
>Updated Magic Spell Names (Cure2->Cura, Cure3->Curaga, Steel Blade Sword->Zantetsuken, Gunge Lance->Gungnir, etc.)

>> No.9111284

>which is based on FF7 Remake old trailer
Which was fucking 20 years later by a different dev team......Final Fantasy fans have problems.

>> No.9111295

The author sounds like he made it out of passion and nothing else. Looking at his history of romhacks, he does nothing that breaks the game or drastically changes it like ROSE did, neither is it a frankenstein patch like twue.

>> No.9111302

> * Mended opera's scansion (Though Tom Slattery's opera has not been imported)

>> No.9111312 [DELETED] 

>self-hating anglophone
my aporogies LARPer-kun, please demonstrate the superior grory of the nihongolese ranguage by transrating "the"

>> No.9111317 [DELETED] 

>can't stop you cruising for little boys.
Why are you thinking about this unprompted?

>> No.9111357

>FF6 romhack autism

It's simple. It's some control freak worrying about what others play and tricking them into downloading something labeled as what the audience wants, but is really just the same old shit.

There are people who worship the Ted Woosley localization with all of its faults, so-bad-it's-funny but still bad lines, its inaccuracies, its length limitations, its NoA-mandated censorship and everything. Unlike say Working Designs, the choices Ted Woosley were because of time and technical limitations and he said he would have liked to do it differently given the choice. This goes beyond subjective opinion, and is more of an objective fact, given that a lot of characters die in the game and the way those scenes are translated is borderline enigmatic. Another game of his (Chrono Trigger) sends the player on wild goose chases over poorly translated throwaway NPC lines.

There are new players who think those flaws affected the experience and wanted to experience something closer to the original intent. So three options emerged.

1- Some retranslation efforts based on Japanese were started. However, they were flawed (part of the reason why they're said to lack credibility is ironically because how they reuse lines they liked from the Ted Woosley version).
2- A localizer at Square Enix, Tim Slattery, did a rewrite of the original localization. However, also because of "fan favorite" lines, he kept some of the "memes" from Ted Woosley's version.
3- Further restoration/retranslation romhacks emerged, because of general dissatisfaction over how sufficient 1 and 2 were.

A rabid part of the Ted Woosley fandom was irate that anyone would play any versions other than Ted Woosley. Hence:

>> No.9111361

1- Sky Render was convinced to "apologize" for retranslating FF6 instead of accepting the greatness of the Ted Woosley version.
2- Palette/sound hacks that fix the GBA version's technical flaws were bundled in compilation romhacks that also included a "translation fix" romhack that "ported more better Ted Woosley lines from the original", but it was a complete script port from SNES to GBA.
One project to port the GBA script to SNES was stalled because "the script is copyrighted content" and reported to website mods. However, it eventually was accepted.
3- and so the alternative was to flood the market with "retranslations" or "relocalizations" that are just the Ted Woosley translation but with some light changes here and there to undo visual censorship or fix some lines (can confirm the fixes are overrated and even keep the nonsensical Nintendo censorship)

You're better off playing the official GBA version with palette sound fixes and NO translation changes,
OR the SNES version with the direct GBA script port and nothing else (maybe visual censorship undone)
It still has "memes" but is subverted the least.
There might be a new direct translation in there, but there's no way to tell. Localization nowadays no longer mean adapting a foreign work so that most of it gets to the player, but it's arbitrary rewrites and these "relocalization" patches are no different.

The Working Designs fanbase is even worse, they don't even want romhacks that leave the shit translation alone but fix the atrocious game balance.

>> No.9111364

they’re called relics you stupid nigger

>> No.9111371

dont care nigger im not obsessed with ff6 and the fact you knew what i was referring to doubly proves the black futility of your post

>> No.9111372

Christ imagine writing all this bc you’re buttmad about the work Woolsey did in ‘93.

Touch grass, have sex

>> No.9111424

are machine translations any good yet?
is there a software that just OCR's japanese text and translates on the fly?

>> No.9111492

If someone does really want to do it then """Retranslating""" FFVI SNES should be simple, port over the GBA Script, take Mato's notes, and that's it.
No, you'll never be the definitive translator for FFVI so any of your bullshit revisions are all garbage.
No, majority of players do not care about the translation at all, your autism over some woolsey lines is wishful thinking on your part thinking that what you're doing is something significant.
No, nobody cares about """"features"""" that go over what the game should be and what it should contain.
10 forum posts that suck your dick don't mean shit. Nobody cares.

>> No.9111513

I got the game for Christmas in 1994 and dealing with sprint shoes got old. Even at the time that felt like a lame feature to tie to a piece of equipment. It was a hassle.

>> No.9111516

Btw I don't even disagree about your general point but it's retarded to get into arguments with people about the bug fixes and sprint shoes.

>> No.9111610

>I know it's going to be mocked and derided (It already has, and it hasn't been out for long) since it's done the exact same thing as all ten (Yes, ten) projects that came before it. It's not even half as good as any of them.
I fucking knew it, these faggot lovers do here

>> No.9111619

No one's mad at Woolsey you illiterate FFaggot. We're calling out the tards who shit out redundant hacks that just reuse his and other's work that just lard up the amount of hacks already made. Seethe and dilate

>> No.9111627

Why is this board so illiterate? See:
>FF6 hacker faggots have almost devalued their game with amount overlapping bullshit they squeeze into these hacks and beat their chests that they've somehow "fixed" the game. That's what's being argued.

>> No.9111642

>There are people who worship the Ted Woosley localization
It's more that most people are sane enough to realize that it's a videogame (emphasis on GAME) for kids to adolescents with a Saturday morning cartoon storyline (maybe Fox Kids X-Men for a contemporaneous example). Overwhelmingly, translation details are just not that important.
>b-but legends of localization said
yeah and he's probably right.
nobody cares.
FF6 is not literature and it's not a business document.
>You're better off playing the official GBA version
You're better off playing SNES version with no translation changes, but with bug fixes if you're in the mood and can find any without dumbass retranslation shit included for no reason. FF6 is one of the best-looking, most aesthetic SNES games there's no good reason to play on a shit resolution with an ugly font just to see some abbreviations expanded and a handful of unimportant accuracy tweaks in the script you won't even remember once they've passed. Plus you'll adopt all the retranslated names for spells, abilities and so whenever you try to talk about the game with other people they will immediately mark you as a fag. The only semi-valid reason to play the GBA version is to see the post-game content, since FF6's actual endgame is rather disappointing (though you could also just play Worlds Collide randomizer with some challenge settings switched on if you want more out of the gameplay).

>> No.9111645

I read that you retard. You still argued with the guy making comments about speed fixes. If you had simply not included that contrarian faggotry for no reason I would not have posted.

>> No.9112279

There are more Final Fantasy 6 interpretations, than there is denominations of Christianity.

Final Fantasy 6 has been retranslated into English more times than Hamlet has been adapted to screen.

Some day all children will learn English by creating their own final Fantasy 6 retranslation.

>> No.9112284
File: 528 KB, 593x476, FF 6 IRL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funniest part, is literally not a single of the now TEN fucking FF6 retardlations, are worth playing. Not one.

Want vanilla+?

Play Divergent Paths.

Want a new spin on a classic?

Play BNW or Tsushiy Edition.

Beat all those? Do the open world randomizer.

These troonlations have no reason to exist.

>> No.9112343


>> No.9112381

Nowadays i just play Revised Old Edition, is this the good one?

>> No.9112451
File: 28 KB, 480x297, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, now you've done it. You just had to, right?

>> No.9112489

No, the Revised Uncensored Woolsey Patch: Rose Edition with GBA script plus Sky Render additions due out next week will be the best.

>> No.9112495

>most people are sane enough to realize that it's a videogame (emphasis on GAME)
ah, the good old pro- shit localization argument.
"the medium is shit, just eat this particular shit version"
>You're better off playing SNES version with no translation changes
I love me playing the version that completely avoids most of the backstory after the world of ruin segment starts that most of the population died and how the survivors on the island slowly committed suicide, but I'm supposed to infer that from this girl collecting fish and jumping off a cliff all of a sudden. I might as well play it in moonrunes and get an equivalent experience to this "localization", even the ellipses would provide more dramatic tension.
But as long as some boomer obsessed with what others play is happy, it's all worth it. Let me pretend half of the series doesn't exist as well because Ted-sama renamed it FF 3.

>> No.9112497

>Let me pretend half of the series doesn't exist as well because Ted-sama renamed it FF 3.
Pretty sure that was a Square/Nintendo decision.

>> No.9112509

I just want bug fixes and a touched up woosley transition, fixing some of the lost in translation plot stuff.

>> No.9112517

>I just want this thing that's been run into the ground in just a couple of years.
It helps to read the thread.

>> No.9112697

No thanks, I'll just play the Japanese version instead.

>> No.9112795

Sometimes i wish to start learning but i'm 38 years old and probably to old for that.

>> No.9112804

It's never too late, anon. Always worth it if you're doing it for what you love and what brings you happiness. Like video games or cute idols, for example.

>> No.9114027

A daily routine can do wonders in just a year.