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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 456 KB, 589x676, blaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9106272 No.9106272 [Reply] [Original]

This is why you play /vr/ on a CRT, through composite.

>> No.9106275

>muh filters
here we go again

>> No.9106278

That pic is from a real CRT, anon.

>> No.9106312

>be me
>use composite
>stuck with 50hz cuz 60hz via composite will be black and white
>forced to play full screen 60hz in inferior RGB ;_;

>> No.9106315

What's wrong with S-Video?

>> No.9106319


>> No.9106324
File: 85 KB, 717x595, NP_Simon's_Quest_Dracula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9106336

Reminder that back in the day nobody actually preferred to play on a blurry, shitty TV

>> No.9106346

Prove it, zoomzoom.

>> No.9106349

Yeah, I miss my 90s 4k oled tv

>> No.9106352

are you implying anyone knew better at the time?

>> No.9106356

>Oh man if I only had this alternative that doesn't exist yet

>> No.9106363

Used to play N64 on composite cables and I swear I never looked at those games and thought about it being blurry or what (yeah, i know they are, but took me more than a decade to think about the blurriness)

>> No.9106373

>there only exist blurry shitty TVs or 4K oleds
People who did know better and had the money would play on high-end CRTs, such as CRT PCs. EGM reviewed their games on TVs modified for RGB.

>> No.9106384

>journo larp

>> No.9106392

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9106394

Right looks like shit.

>> No.9106509

Composite retards are either blind, zoomers, or both.
People used to spend money to get a slightly crispier image, and nowadays you've got those retard posting vaseline-smeared screenshots on Twitter for likes.

>> No.9106518

Not really. It's zoomers that hate composite and softness in their graphics. We thought the N64's trilinear filter looked great.

>> No.9106521

Only those redpilled on high resolution gaming PCs

>> No.9106529

reminder back in the day people just plugged the console in and played it and didn't care.

pc gamers were more away of resolutions and refresh rates mainly for reading text and emerging CAD/Art software, but who really cared

>> No.9106569

Just change the settings in your emulator zoom zoom

>> No.9106574

that composite looks better than average, i wonder what is his Genesis model

>> No.9106585

lol you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.9106608

>pc gamers were more away of resolutions and refresh rates mainly for reading text and emerging CAD/Art software, but who really cared
I'm assuming you meant "aware", but it's really one big checklist when deciding to buy a software/game: whether or not your monitor and graphics card can support said program. so yeah we actually did care about that, learned this the costly way when I bought SimCity because my VGA didn't support VESA.

>> No.9106615

>CRT monitors for PCs don't exist
Damn, sucks to know, that's what I use for /vr/ stuff.

>> No.9106620

Anyone who'd ever seen an arcade game or PC monitor knew composite was garbage

>> No.9106624

aka nobody

>> No.9106630

people still do that. you're just on the internet too much.

>> No.9106631
File: 520 KB, 720x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For people in the 90s the only other option for a bigger TV was Rear Projection, which still looked bad unless it was dark,

>> No.9106636

>everyone who doesn't drop hundreds of dollars into modding primitive consoles so they can take pictures and brag about it online is a zoomer

>> No.9106646

None of the color\sharpness of RGB, none of the blending\dithering of composite.
Literally only useful for N64 and that's only to save you the headache of the RGB mod.

>> No.9106654

>Le composite is bad meme

>> No.9106656

Who gives a shit

>> No.9106658

i could just not use a filter lmao
>none of the blending\dithering
tell me how i know you've never used it. it just doesn't look smeared to shit like composite.

>> No.9106665

It's just useful when you can't get RGB. Not good, but not liquid shit like composite.

>> No.9106692

The fact that there are pixel-wide details proves developers don't intend the CRT experience. Yeah, they just want those locks of hair to disappear!

>> No.9106694

>reminder back in the day people just plugged the console in and played it and didn't care.
Sure, especially kids, and I bet it's still true for a lot of people nowadays. I didn't care until my parents got a huge Sony CRT with fantastic image quality for the living room.
People back then knew about good displays, connectors, and even mods. Everyone creamed themselves over the Dreamcast VGA box.

>> No.9106712

Nothing wrong with it

>> No.9106717

That's the result of the composite signal. On a CRT with RGB those details wouldn't be lost.
Most devs would just draw a clean image and hope composite didn't mutilate it too much. That's also why most pixel art games look fine on non-CRTs if you aren't zooming in.

>> No.9106762
File: 38 KB, 500x500, crt vs pixel perfect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9106767

I did. Emulation goes back a long way and as soon as I saw ZSNES in 1999 I knew something looked off compared to my CRT.

>> No.9106789

Someone post the corrected image. I didn't save it.
In reality a lot of those details are in the lcd version, it's just a blown out pic. Still looks better on crt tho

>> No.9106792

Even zsnes had scanline filters and bilinear filtering and such to primitively attempt some parity with crts.

>> No.9106794

>everyone is a zoomie like me

>> No.9106817
File: 145 KB, 800x468, 1658334046406240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this discussion again.

>> No.9106836

CRTgays are worse than vinylfags

>> No.9106849

It's too late, that shitty comparison is used even among "professional" gaming journalists.

>> No.9106967

if you ever played on one you would know its not.

>> No.9106997

I own a small RCA CRT and it looks pretty close. Save the filter accusations for when someone posts a PVM screenshot.

>> No.9107027

It never ends...

>> No.9107046
File: 149 KB, 640x480, UxvWNHZ6bB0GEGrrn6z8w9dWIFMdJAm53fale2onf64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell me how i know you've never used it. it just doesn't look smeared to shit like composite.
Nope. Pic related. Sonic on S-Video. No waterfall transparency. Might as well use RGB. Go ahead and post your own proof that S-Video properly blends dithering.

>> No.9107157

>be you

>> No.9107163

thats a fuckng filter.

>> No.9107175

PAL CRTs support NTSC unless your TV is from fucking 1950

>> No.9107249

With composite cables? how? my trinitron from like 2001 just displays in b/w

>> No.9107263

bud scanlines dont darken the image like that

>> No.9107423
File: 2.36 MB, 640x484, 1635777452125.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visit a friend from out of town and stay at his place for a couple of weeks
>he has a PS3 connected to his HDTV
>with fucking composite
>looks like absolute shit
>see he has an HDMI cable literally just laying around unused
>autism engaged
>decide to do him a solid and hook it up
>instant improvement
>he boots it up later in the day
>tell him I hooked up his PS3 with HDMI and that it's now actually in HD
>ask him what he thinks
>he shrugs, looks the same to him
>disconnects it a couple of days later for some reason, ends up going back to the composite cable when he hooks it back up later

>> No.9107440
File: 135 KB, 304x430, smallsonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, they don't darken the image at all. But if you take an extremely zoomed in photo, it'll look darker than it really is because you're getting an image where half of its blacked out. This is pretty easy to google for yourself. Mine doesn't do it because it's a tiny shadow mask, but OP would because they're using a Trinitron.

>> No.9107446

has he been to an eye doctor at any point in his life

>> No.9107450

What the fuck.
How did he managed to read the small text?

>> No.9107457

Yeah, composite supports both PAL and NTSC. Maybe your TV is really cheap. Most 2001 CRTs should DEFINITELY support PAL, PAL60 and NTSC

>> No.9107460

>my girl blaze

>> No.9107490

No clue. He was hardly playing games at that point (too busy with school and shit) and mostly used it for Netflix. Also, he's gay.

>> No.9107493

>With composite cables?
Simple science
>my trinitron from like 2001 just displays in b/w
Doubtful. Maybe some tard fucked up the settings?

>> No.9107516

Composite may actually be better for some ps3 games in terms of framerate, because in that case system limits itself to 480i rendering resolution only.

Dragon's Dogma for example is borderline unplayable in 720, but tolerable at 480.

You could just change the resolution in the system settings of the console though, so I doubt that's the reason your friend ditched HDMI in favor of composite.

I guess that's the point when console gaming truly went to shit and really became "just like playing games on PC, but worse". Wait for the fucking game to install from, the disk, then download all the patches, only to have to fuck around with the settings to make it work halfway decently.

The PS3 and XBox360 technically are not even consoles. Like, officially. They're deemed "computer devices" because in some territories those get taxed less than "game consoles". Only Nintendo stuck to its guns that generation.

>> No.9107521

>what is a projector

>> No.9107524

>I doubt that's the reason your friend ditched HDMI in favor of composite.
It's not that he ditched one in favor of the other. He literally just grabbed the cable he knew worked and hooked that up. He was just clueless.

That said, I didn't know the PS3 actually rendered at a lower resolution if you set it so. I assumed all games ran at a certain internal resolution and it upscaled or downscaled depending on the resolution setting.

>> No.9107536

Oh fuck now I remember, I wasnt using composite but RF!
You see, I hooked my MD up via RF because I wanted to see what Duke3D would look like if displayed like that (color bleeding etc)
Composite might also a similar effect I guess, but i'm not gonna keep switching cables all the time..

My mistake, I blame the heat.

>> No.9107539

I plug my ps3 into my retrotink with crt filters on and nobody has noticed it yet even though it’s the weirdest way to play 720p/1080p games lol.

>> No.9107542

>I assumed all games ran at a certain internal resolution and it upscaled or downscaled depending on the resolution setting.

You'd think so, but no.
Here's Marvel Ultimate Alliance in silky smooth 15 fps at 1080p, but then jumps up to 30 at 720p.


>> No.9107551

Comparison is from a japanese twitter user comparing framemeister to crt. It's valid, you're just mad and gay.

>> No.9107552

I never understood this type of argument. As people get older and technology changes you develop an eye for aesthetics and can discern what looks good and bad (some people still can't). If you can't look back and realize that some TV's looked like shit, and some TV's looked good, you are part of the group of people who have no eye for aesthetics.

>> No.9107569
File: 1.10 MB, 915x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fags that think right looks better than left

>> No.9107573

The comparison isn't valid if the person sucks at photographing. LCDs wouldn't be wash out the pixel art that badly. Not to mention CRTs don't look that dark either, those fuckers are bright.

>> No.9107621

not when youre literally photographing a ligjt source you retard

>> No.9107626

Sick cope. Nice talking to you. Enjoy being blown the fuck out.

>> No.9107638

Why not? You think your average consumer camera is capable of capturing that shit accurately? Again you can find tons of examples of this, just accept that you've made yourself look stupid and move on. That's why being anonymous is nice.

>> No.9107647

because you fuckin dumbass thats not how it works thats why not

>> No.9107673

In the right one you can't even tell where the nose is. All this just to anti-aliasing it?

>> No.9107696

Don't lash out at me over your wounded ego, anon. Everyone but you will forget this exchange when this thread gets pruned.

>> No.9107697

Mate that’s a real tv
It’s probably because it’s a screenshot of the preview images instead of the actual images so it’s compressed

>> No.9107698
File: 91 KB, 520x509, scanline-lcd-pixel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another post made by CRTPixels.

>> No.9107706


>> No.9107712
File: 55 KB, 456x414, _front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This shit is the most embarrassing autism bullshit in the history of embarrassing autism bullshit. You know how feasible it is for you ham planets to actually find working CRT's? Are you gonna fix the tube when they burn out? Are you gonna replace it with something even more expensive? Just move on with the rest of us. Games did not look better with scanlines, its absurdly arrogant to think they ever did. A technological limitation does not equal better quality image. We have a million and one ways to play older games on newer devices and monitors, but yeah keep shouting to the other 500 people that still own all this garbage about how amazing it is. If it was so great, and a lost art to how we display movies, media and videogames- why isn't it still used?

>> No.9107720

Dude misread 5 pixels once and you bring it up in every thread for a year. Despite him being right about everything else. The shading in the hair is clearly intended for crts, and so are the eyes. Nose too. All that mostly vertical shading is for the benefit of crts.

>> No.9107721

>Worse Contrast
>Worse Colors
>Worse Sharpness
This is why you play /vr/ on a CRT, through composite.

>> No.9107734

>You know how feasible it is for you ham planets to actually find working CRT's
I have 3.
>you gonna fix the tube???
No, but I'm not going to throw it in the garbage either. I'll fix the pcb.

Why are you so mad?

>> No.9107748

I enjoy the fact the sweatlords are reframing the CRT narrative with LCD *and* RGB on the bad side now, and their smeared composhit dot-crawling all over the other.

>Anyone who'd ever seen an arcade game
>aka nobody
Arcade games are a hoax perpetuated by oldfags like me to fool zoomies like you.

>> No.9107782

youre retarded and i dont want to haul my crt out of the closet to prove it

>> No.9107827

Like I'm going to take advice from someone who prefers Streets of Rage to Final Fight.

>> No.9107828 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 550x700, dracula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When your CRT horribly fucks up the image (not just the teeth, but the eyes too, see pic related) and you then call it "your favorite" then you're not gonna live that shit down and rightfully so. It shows the problem with that account: zoom in that close to an image then shit will always look bad. There are advantages to gaming on a CRT and none of it can be be photographed (better contrast and colors, for example).

>> No.9107832

It's always the same with these people. They are always zooming in on some portion of the screen; one section, even one sprite, instead of looking at the image holistically.
I think its more important to look at the totality of the image rather than if a cluster of pixels in one corner is 'authentically' blurry enough.

>> No.9107834
File: 84 KB, 550x700, dracula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When your CRT causes you to horribly misinterpret an image (not just the teeth, but the eyes too, see pic related) and you then call it "your favorite" then you're not gonna live that shit down and rightfully so. It shows the problem with that account: zoom in that close to an image then shit will always look bad. There are certainly advantages to gaming on a CRT but none of it can be be photographed (better contrast and colors, for example).

>> No.9107928

CRT yes. Composite HELL NO.

Component > RGB SCART > S-Video > Composite > RF

>> No.9107948

From a distance left looks much better, nobody plays with the face glued onto the screen, that mugshot is a tiny square in the picture

>> No.9107964

There's a good argument to be made for scanlines. 240p was never a real resolution, it was a visual hack that used a quirk from 480i to save on resources and display a progressive image. 240p is just 480i without half the screen. So in that sense you can't display 240p properly without scanlines.

That being said there's no reason to use garbage composite, there's scanline features built-in in most scalers these days that look pretty good, not to mention emulation shaders.

>> No.9107989

Left looks better. Sneed

>> No.9107996

what makes you say component > scart?

>> No.9107997
File: 64 KB, 223x138, cbcbcb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. this is how it actually looks when you're sitting at normal play distance.

>> No.9108012
File: 21 KB, 690x656, vr judges your scanlines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody plays with the face glued onto the screen
Seems lots of people here do, especially on CRT shader threads.

>> No.9108020

True, but we just didn't know how good we had it, at least in relation to these games at the time. They were made with these regular consumer TVs in mind.
If you showed me one of the modern LCD screens as a kid, I would have no doubt be excited as fuck about them and would think they're much better than CRTs.
But nowadays I understand SD works better with CRTs, and HD content obviously works better with HD screens.
It's not about playing on an absolute super blurry CRT either. I think a good consumer CRT with composite gives the most authentic experience, at least for console games.

>> No.9108029

Maybe my art would look better if I filtered it like this, hmm.

>> No.9108032
File: 227 KB, 768x720, 1645415383685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9108037
File: 187 KB, 800x600, 1645415589363.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9108089

go to a neurologist and optician, somethings wrong with a few functions.

>> No.9108131

Higher resolution, better colors, sharper and also more accessible

>> No.9108132

wow... CRTs are amazing...

>> No.9108138

What's the best CRT to buy? Are the early-mid 2000s ones the best? Does getting a high resolution CRT or HDCRT benefit older games? I want my CRT to have composite, S-Video component and maybe RGB SCART but I live in the US

>> No.9108142

none if you don't know how to repair them

>> No.9108147

NES/Master System = Best with Composite
SNES/Genesis = Best with S-Video or SCART
Playstation/Saturn/N64 = Best with S-Video or SCART
Dreamcast/Playstation 2/Gamecube/Xbox = Best with Component

Xbox is also better on an HDTV

>> No.9108149

I mean yeah, it's good to enjoy a game and not obsess, but things like refresh rates can actually cause headaches, make the game much more difficult to play, and so on. As far as resolution goes I don't care too much but MGS2/3 are just objectively better games at 1080p than 480p.

>> No.9108161

S-Video > Composite > RF > any RGB
Did you forget about SOUL, anon?

>> No.9108219

except it's not. CRT is the SOUL part. using composite is limiting what your console can do. Might as well just play on a black and white CRT with RF.

>> No.9108227

Playing with RGB is the escapist bullshit, might as well play on an emulator with some dumbass filter.

>> No.9108238

It's not what my console CAN do.
It's what my console was MEANT to do.

>> No.9108243

Can we all just at least agree that youre both inane faggots

>> No.9108250
File: 16 KB, 213x194, 1614453434482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep playing on your emulator zoomie

>> No.9108268

Bilinear filter is good now, N64 must be the favorite system of these people.

>> No.9108269

keep chasing your youth by buying overpriced plastic when emulators are better

>> No.9108280

>chasing your youth
I have flash carts and kept my original hardware from my childhood, you fucking faggot.
My experience is still authentic and the friends I have are always impressed.
Keep yourself secluded in your mom's basement playing your shit on a computer for the rest of your life, bitch.

>> No.9108317

It's not. Composite distorts the signal and makes the game look like shit. Composite looks like shit even on CRT. Even the SNES and Genesis look lke shit with composite. Old games were meant to be played on CRTs, but not necesarily meant for composite.

>> No.9108332

>but not necesarily meant for composite
Oh course not, up until the late 90s most people were using RF.

>> No.9108389
File: 488 KB, 900x675, 1625038576303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's too based for composhitters

>> No.9108440

Then why are all the screens on the back of the box and in the manual in RGB?

>> No.9108583

VGA supports RGB?

is VGA better than component in the Dreamcast's case?

>> No.9108750

I unironically use composite cables for PS1 games

>> No.9108752

I'd actually play that, looks neat, like a PCE remake

>> No.9108753

I sold my L5 to a friend, he only uses it for composite.

>> No.9108757


>> No.9108790
File: 68 KB, 300x300, 1389179478293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, this twitter retard again.
>posts ultra zoomed in RGB shots that might as well look like a zoomed in emulator
>presents it as a fair comparison between a CRT shot failing to mention that distance/perception between the two technologies matter
>acts like a smug fuck over composite superiority "BRO THIS IS WHAT ALL DEVELOPERS INTENDED" when most of them were drawing sprites/artwork on RGB monitors in deluxe-paint-like programs by 4th gen
>literally got caught stealing screenshots from other people in the early days of his account and had to apologize, other people sucking his dick.
Once again, I do not know why people continue to suck the dick of people on social media when they essentially just steal content from places like here. I've been in /CRT/ threads since near the beginning of /vr/ where people have been posting CRT shots and discussing them for years. Some kid comes along and steals content, acts like a smug fuck over his preferred way to play retro games and people shower him with clout. Next thing you'll know is that he'll open a patreon and monetize his brand. Get a fucking grip and stop giving these people attention.

>> No.9108795

Which one am I supposed to pretend looks better?

>> No.9108797

Depends on if you prefer getting (Likes) or (You)'s

>> No.9108816

What a fucking virgin faggot. I bet he doesn't actually play these games

>> No.9108956

Grownups who use original hardware because standards don't need to chase youth. We just have to mention we do and the youth come crawling out of the woodwork to seethe and cope.

>> No.9109053

The "RGB is bad" stuff is really funny because it implies that arcade and 90s PC games look worse than consoles which absolutely nobody actually thought back in the day

>> No.9109175

>literally got caught stealing screenshots from other people in the early days of his account and had to apologize, other people sucking his dick.

Citation needed?

>> No.9109180

Not him but there are a lot of comparisons on his Twitter that's been deleted, would explain things

>> No.9109270
File: 810 KB, 820x738, zelda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like you know you're wrong and are trying to save face, kek. Here's a pic from Red.dit, I'll be nice and give you an excuse to deflect further.

>> No.9109281

You had one fucking job you monkey

>> No.9109289

>I guess that's the point when console gaming truly went to shit and really became "just like playing games on PC, but worse". Wait for the fucking game to install from, the disk, then download all the patches, only to have to fuck around with the settings to make it work halfway decently.
That didn't start until the Xbox one. The 360 and PS3 didn't have hard drives usable for more than "arcade" games until like 2013

>> No.9109302

I don't know who's arguing what anymore but tracing the replies back seems like you're proving his point.

>> No.9109313
File: 37 KB, 162x178, mrgimmick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How so? My point is that zoomed in photos of CRTs, especially when they're compressed to a thumbnail, can look darker than they really are. Does that Zelda screencap really not look darker to you, especially when viewed as a thumbnail?
You can go to the CRT thread on this board and see this yourself. There's a reason why people say that CRT shaders look like photos of CRTs: because they both can look dark.

>> No.9109326

Neither the ps3 nor the 360 rendered at a lower resolution just because you changed the settings. They render at 720p or whatever res the game was, and them upscale or downscale to the output. You would get zero performance increase from composite.

>> No.9109334

must be larp from an amerishart copper
RGB is ten times better

>> No.9109341

>being this proud of playing on a microscopic CRT TV through composhite at that
100% zoomster with a twatter accunt

>> No.9109427
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 1515052266985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Citation needed
If you dig through his account you might even find his semi-apology post. I dunno, nearly every time these fucks get caught doing something objectionable they make a half-hearted apology and then quietly delete the apology when no one is looking, so it might be gone. When he started some of my follows like Mike Chi started boosting his shit and right away I knew that his comparisons were unfair and robbed me the wrong way. As someone who has literally been posting in /crt/ for years when I saw that he was stealing unaccredited photos and then passing them off as his own I thought nah, time to block this little fucker.

I don't speak up on my main because I detest twitter drama anyway. Don't like dishonest people who steal content, force their ignorant opinions on others to build a following and then turn around and start accept donations. Scum

>> No.9109506

In the article where EGM described the RGB monitor they used for photos they admitted it was far out of most peoples price ranges. EGM did mention a lower cost RGB alternative (I believe it was a C64 1702) which still looked excellent compared to most North American tvs of the era.

I hear people say “we just didn’t know any better in 1991” but that simply isn’t true. We had arcade machines with beautiful 25” RGB displays in every convenience store, laundromat and bowling alley. We wanted home games to look as good as they did in the arcade, or even as good as they looked in EGM reviews.

>> No.9109524

This is true on smaller TVs/monitors but if you're playing on something big then you have to be pretty far away to not notice how sharp the left looks. Sometimes I play /vr/ on a 4K TV and yeah, shit looks better with some kind of filter/shader. For that I just use something subtle, those grungy composite-style shaders you see hurt to look at on a 55" screen.
Yeah, the truth is that there's always been videophiles and the like, it's just people who did know better back then have aged out of 4chan's demographics. If you were an adult reading EGM in 1991 then you have to be pushing 50.

>> No.9109531

Yes they did, you're just retarded


>> No.9109624

Still wanna see evidence please?

>> No.9109650
File: 50 KB, 614x536, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some searching and found this
Honestly don't care if he takes shit from here because that's kinda the point of being anonymous, but taking it from people with names attached might be a little too much

>> No.9109720

I'm old. I still have the same trinitron I've had since 1997, along with some monitors I've picked up over the years. I have used composite my entire life. It was immediately evident when the Sonic HD collections for PS3 came out that any 16 bit game that relied on dithering never looked right over component or HDMI cleanly upscaled. Sonic had transparent waterfalls my whole life, on Genesis, and even in the Gamecube collection. Watching ecelebs and zoomers argue about RGB, upscaling, and filters for the past 15 years has been a real joy, but I'm glad you guys are finally catching on.

I will post some actual 240p CRT composite screenshots in a minute. Maybe an eceleb can steal them.

>> No.9109726
File: 198 KB, 976x650, 1657300371373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this again

>> No.9109803
File: 3.67 MB, 2000x1500, streetsofrage2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't just crop/zoom these in so they can steal other people's images, it's also to hide color bleed, which can be pretty bad on composite. It's a trade off.

>> No.9109804

He misinterpreted the non crt version too. Again, 5 pixels.
Clearly aren't bright red dots in that image either. Stop misinterpreting the artistic vision.
>never live that down
It's not like he slept with his sister or committed manslaughter.
Agree that the benefits of a crt aren't easily photographed, but a lot of older games definitely were shaded with it in mind.

>> No.9109809

I wouldn't buy any. Just get whatever you can find for free locally. Unless you live in an area where they simply don't exist for whatever reason.

>> No.9109816

>stealing screenshots
This is your brain on internet outrage. Who can possibly give a shit.

>> No.9109821
File: 1.54 MB, 1745x1379, sonicfall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look for free things.

For max autism you want a consumer set and a monitor, as I said earlier some things look better on blurry sets with composite, and other things look better on the higher end sharper sets.
Some games are shaded with it in mind, but more often it's necessary to hide hardware limitations of the PS1, Genesis, and a few other consoles that developers utilized a lot of dithering to get around. Pic related is the most commonly cited example.

>> No.9109823

I laffed

>> No.9109824

Hardly any PAL TVs support NTSC, you are probably some rich fucker who had a £1000 TV or something. Normal TVs that regular people had show NTSC in black and white.

>> No.9109829

NTSC looks like garbage, you don't want that. If you want 60Hz, mod your Mega Drive to support PAL60.

>> No.9109831

>Some games are shaded with it in mind
I haven't taken inventory, but I'd bet it's more than some.
Can't speak to the intentions of sonics waterfall, but the devs almost certainly tested on common hardware. They would've had to recognize the effect at least.
Most games that have vertical dithering would be intended for crts though. In sonics case it might just be that waterfalls are vertical tho. I mean, how else would you shade it.

>> No.9109834

I don't know about shit. But I don't think it looks better.

>> No.9109841

>He misinterpreted the non crt version too.
Said misinterpretation is fueled by what his CRT put out, considering he thought Dracula's eyes were supposed to be pure red.
>Clearly aren't bright red dots in that image either. Stop misinterpreting the artistic vision.
Which represents the original art better? The red dots, or composite smearing it so that even his sclera is red?
>It's not like he slept with his sister or committed manslaughter.
Okay? He's just being made of, no one's wishing him harm.
>but a lot of older games definitely were shaded with it in mind.
Moreso for composite signals than CRTs themselves. CRTs vary drastically in how they look, sure most consumers owned low-end TVs but arcades and PCs looked much sharper. Most devs just drew a clean image and hoped for the best, because that game you designed for clean VGA/RGB could be then played on a shitty TV (or vice versa, like many first-party genesis titles). That's why the most popular examples of CRT vs LCD come from stuff like Sonic 1, a game tailor made for the Genesis and it's particularly blurry composite, they could count on those waterfalls being blended. Even then they ported that game to arcades not even a year later

>> No.9109848
File: 3.08 MB, 1766x1500, streets2intro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not so much about making things look better as it is making things not look bad. PS1 and Genesis output pretty close to 320x240, and over RF or Composite back in the day that resolution was high enough and the signal was bad enough that you couldn't see individual pixels or sharp edges. Particularly, diagonal lines looked as sharp and non-pixelated as vertical ones. Because of this, even on hardware that supported transparency and larger palettes, developers still used dithering to hit even higher color palettes and achieve affects they couldn't pull off otherwise. Silent Hill on PS1 and even the PS2 games are good examples, the fog effects don't look nearly as shit as they do on modern sets. I'd post pictures, but the effects don't look right in still images.

>> No.9109862

>Literally only useful for N64
And that's stretching it, seeing as you still have blurry as shit textures and low res antialiasing.

>> No.9109870

This, as a rich American in the 90s everyone in our neighborhood played on dual broadcast standard PVMs with RGB input connected via BNC.

>> No.9109881

>People used to spend money to get a slightly crispier image
Most of those were adults who wanted to see Super Bowl in higher clarity and didn't give a shit about seeing the individual droplets in Sonic's waterfalls.

And "clarity" in case usually meant buying a big screen rear projected TV that just revealed how blurry and shitty broadcast SD video looked when blown up. Zoom and cope.

>> No.9109897

Back in the day a "shitty blurry tv" meant plugging coax into someone's bedroom tv that was a hand-me-down 70s unit. Or even aerial screws. The worst times it was black and white.

>> No.9109898

see >>9109506

>> No.9109938

Nice gotcha dumbfuck
>In the article where EGM described the RGB monitor they used for photos they admitted it was far out of most peoples price ranges. And while we're at it
>We wanted home games to look as good as they did in the arcade, or even as good as they looked in EGM reviews.
We wanted them to have as many of the visual ASSETS (colors, effects, animations, etc.). No twelve year old unless they were a legit sperg gave a shit about if their Genesis could replicate video signal in a cabinet. Often because it couldn't, as arcade cabs could run in all sorts of signals (compared to the bog standard 15hz of consumer TVs) and refresh rates.

Why do zoomers make it so obvious they get all of their knowledge about old shit from youtube videos and other anons dumber than them?

>> No.9109958

PC gaming used even TV's dipshit, 3dfx cars supported composite

>> No.9109962

The retards at the RGB podcast brainwashed a lot of people.

>> No.9109970

>3dfx cars supported composite
Not all of them. Some Voodoo Rush and Voodoo 3 cards do, but it wasn't a feature every model of those cards had.

>> No.9109993

>leaving out where EGM suggested cheaper RGB alternatives
No more (Yous) until you put more effort into your shitposting

>> No.9110002

I think its because they dont want the glare of the camera to accidentally dox their faces.

>> No.9110013

do /vr/ a favor and put your hands on the pure3d for footage then anon

it will be interesting to see 3dfx dithering and scanlines working on a TV under 640x480 mainly stuff like diablo 2 since i saw it once many years ago because i knew

>> No.9110027

You should always play with an RF connection as the developers intended.

>> No.9110037

From which youtube did you obtain this opinion?

>> No.9110050

>Which represents the original art better?
For just the eyes? Neither. For everything else, the crt.
>living down
He doesn't to experience death threats to not live something down. But I don't know this dude, I have no personal feelings toward him. It's just tedious seeing the bait of using one of his images and the inevitable same post every thread.

I don't assume that most devs just drew sharp images and hoped for the best, and I don't know how much of that would be them simply being pioneers in a new craft or deliberately trying to make the game look good on all displays. I don't know anyone who had a high end display in the 90s. And art for arcade ports was often redone or altered in some fashion for console releases.
What I've seen for sure is art that was definitely done for consumer grade displays, often for genesis like you mentioned and pc engine.
Kinda makes me want to go through some games and find examples, get a bead on it.

>sonic ported to arcade
Didn't know that actually. Arcades weren't big where I grew up, we just had one small one at the mall. T2 wasn't favorite.
My orthodontist had a Sega cabinet that was just a genesis and a switch box to change the cartridge. It was honestly pretty tight. He had the GameCube bubble machine too. N64, a few bespoke arcade cabinets.
I hated going there, but that definitely helped.

>> No.9110053

Was my. Phone posting, which is why it's all disjointed as fuck too.

>> No.9110112

suckers who play on 8-inch, worn out pvms do have to be that close.

>> No.9110126

I’m sure some people did. But most of us were retarded kids who didn’t know anything except that RF sucked. I had a TV with S-video but still used composite simply because I didn’t know what s-video was. It was fine.

>> No.9110496

Yeah, a commodore CRT monitor that every American had lying around, fucktard.

>> No.9110536
File: 835 KB, 1124x740, Dracula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, those sharp defined teeth.

>> No.9111020
File: 2.59 MB, 2656x1494, 20170903_222204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Composite Genesis really the way to go, despite the attrocious rainbow banding? I've only ever played in Component since that's what mine came with off ebay.

>> No.9111170

Hello cybershell.

>> No.9111192


>> No.9111420

VGA is always RGB.
Requires VGA signal converter.

>> No.9111478

I don’t get it. It’s just more fuzzy? Looks like shit.

>> No.9111490

damn these always impressed me back then. i used to hang at the electronics store dreaming of plugging an N64 on it...

>> No.9111506

>lips and teeth
thats his mustache and lips his mouth is closed

>> No.9111507

I always wanted to play Nights on one.

>> No.9111512


>> No.9111545

>my girl blaze

>> No.9111581

No one's arguing that most people used RGB set ups for console gaming. Take a deep breath, calm down, and reread the thread

>> No.9111807

Depends what you mean by "VGA" and what you mean by "RGB"
Depends what you mean by "better"

>> No.9111837

oh shit i see the lips and teeth now

>> No.9112510

Is that 240p or 480p?

>> No.9112554

He sounds like an annoying cunt that hates being wrong. Just ditch him OP people like that are not worth being in your life

>> No.9112732
File: 2.45 MB, 1494x2656, 20170903_191258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

240p in Component. I have to go in real close when I take a picture or the tube won't play nice.

>> No.9114232
File: 1.28 MB, 2644x2760, 20220723_090229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back in the day
Nigga I still do that.

>> No.9114796
File: 33 KB, 302x351, i frew up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9114807 [DELETED] 

No cap fr raw deadass pixels do my girl Blaze dirty

>> No.9114839

Someone post the waterfall.

>> No.9115125

>have video hardware so shit it forever perpetuates the composite smear meme
>main competitor's video and sound hardware rapes it but is crippled by a dogshit CPU and loses
>middle of the two has amazing sprite, color and processing capabilities but only has one layer and was a non-entity outside Japan
Fucking Sega why didn't you allow the genesis to have more colors per screen and better composite encoding

>> No.9115141


>> No.9115373

> why didn't you allow the genesis to have more colors
Because they went with master-system compatibility instead.
> better composite encoding
Its not easy to make NTSC not look terrible, genesis composite looks great in PAL.

>> No.9116379

almost everything he said was correct besides the teeth
the lips look smooth somehow despite being like 5 pixels

>> No.9116402

>For everything else, the crt.
unzoomed, the left looks much closer to the art tbhfam
I mean just hover the quote for this post >>9110536 and you can see the comparison

>> No.9116752
File: 56 KB, 424x268, LDPQw6m.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't assume that most devs just drew sharp images and hoped for the best, and I don't know how much of that would be them simply being pioneers in a new craft or deliberately trying to make the game look good on all displays.
A lot of evidence indicates that really was the case, not uncommon for devs to translate clean sketches into pixel art as best as they could.
>And art for arcade ports was often redone or altered in some fashion for console releases.
That was done for technical limitations, though in some cases yeah those examples did lean more on composite effects (ie, the Genesis ports of SF2 use dithering far more often)