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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9095945 No.9095945 [Reply] [Original]

I've been replaying some Yu-Gi-Oh! video games recently, mostly after Kazuki Takahashi's passing, as a way to remind myself of my love for this franchise since childhood. I had Forbidden Memories for my PlayStation back then, and I could never even come even close to beating it, the farthest I got was the part where you have to face the all of the High Mages, and it left quite a positive mark on me in a way, even though I struggled so much with it, it was just so full of atmosphere, and felt like a genuine RPG, I felt like I was the Pharaoh, going up to those strangely calm and peaceful, downright beautiful even, shrines to fight for the lives of everyone I cared about.

After many years I went back to Forbidden Memories, this time with the help of GameFAQs and TEA/PocketDuelist, and managed to beat it, it really is a matter of knowing the mechanics, how drop rates and ranks work, and most of all, who to play against more often. I was somewhat hooked after completing Forbidden Memories, and decided I wanted to play something else with this RPG feel, and went after Dark Duel Stories, since it looked similar to Forbidden Memories theme wise, with DarkNite/NiteMare appearing in both, and Sacred Cards, due to it looking like something out of the Pokémon franchise, but with a Yu-Gi-Oh! theme. I loved both of them.

I eventually even completed Duel Monsters for some reason after it finally got a translation, I hope Duel Monsters 2 and Duel Monsters 4 can get a translation soon too. I'm now working on completing Eternal Duelist Soul and it's been wonderful, it's the 1st one I'm playing that actually follows the OCG/TCG rules, but this is before the OCG/TCG got too complicated for me, so I can still follow. I miss the RPG feel Konami used to put into these, I wish Master Duel would have a campaign apart from the one that focuses on card lore, maybe with the tier system used in the Duel Monsters series. Have you been playing any Yu-Gi-Oh! video games recently too, /vr/os?

>> No.9096495

WC2006 is the only one that I revisit.
The Spellcaster's Judgment structure deck is a lot of fun to start with.

>> No.9096570
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I'm quite fond of WC2006's look, it was one of the few GBA installments to actually have card artwork during play, instead of just having a black void, of course Sacred Cards and Reshef of Destruction had card art too, and to me they manage to look even better than WC2006 due to it being more zoomed in and therefore bigger, with more detail, but they more closely resemble all of the GBC installments due to not following the OCG/TCG rules and I know that's not for everybody, especially Reshef of Destruction which to me can be bordeline unplayable due to some design decisions. Spellcaster's Judgement was a stellar stucture deck, some of my favorite cards are in there, if I ever go for a full playthrough of WC2006 it's definitely the deck I'm choosing at the start, I feel like after I'm done with Eternal Duelist Soul I might take a break, but WC2006 is definitely in my backlog, especially since it has a system I'm familiar with, with the tiers and all, just a shame that instead of the tiers having characters from GX it actually has monsters, as if you're dueling them, but that's fine.

>> No.9097283
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In case anyone's interested, the popular Yu-Gi-Oh! video games for Nintendo's portable systems, mostly GBA and DS, actually started all the way back in the original GB, and a few months ago Duel Monsters 1, which was the 1st ever video game adaptation of the card game, finally got an English translation (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6337/).). One interesting thing about it is that this is what essentially made Konami get the license to make the OCG, due to its positive reception and high sales, before Konami it was Bandai who had the license to make real cards, and Konami even used the primitive GB rules as a basis for the OCG's original rules, it's quite an interesting piece of card game history. Also, if you decide to play this, I suggest looking it up on YugiPedia, since they have quite a lot of useful pages regarding fusions, drop rates, victory bonuses and opponent's decks too, which can help a lot in a playthrough.

I have to admit a lot of things about it haven't aged well at all, some of it can be forgiving due to it being their 1st attempt, but other choices were already poor even back then, mostly when it comes to grinding, with not only low drop rates for cards fans would want, but also some ridiculous stipulations, like having to beat a specific opponent 100 times, or duel against dozens of different players using link cables, which makes some cards quite a chore to acquire legitimately. Still, I do love this, it feels like a lite RPG based on Duelist Kingdom, which is an idea with tons of potential, which I wish Konami would attempt again, one more thing I like is how there isn't only a single viable deck like in most Yu-Gi-Oh! video games, though playing anything control here isn't a thing still, it's all about choosing an attribute and type, a theme, and then building a deck with the proper equip and field spells, which adds variety and replay value.

>> No.9097317

Yugioh WCT 2004 is very underrated and has a bitchen OST.

I also love The Sacred Cards and Reshef of Destruction even though they shit all over the TCG rules.

>> No.9097757

Appreciate the info anon. I've been thinking about YGO a lot recently as well, started playing Master Duel and I managed to sink about 40 hours in it. I'm tempted to revisit the anime, I didn't really get all the weird Egypt shit they did as a kid, might be fun to give it a shot now.

>> No.9098356
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I don't know what it is about Yu-Gi-Oh! video games that makes them always have stellar OSTs, but for some reason Konami always pulled it off. I don't mind WC2004, in terms of gameplay it's just like Eternal Duelist Soul, but I don't like how they removed character dialogue, which made everything more immersive, and events like the Grandpa Cup/National Championship/Rare Hunters... all of that made the world come alive to me, but when it comes to a simulator for those who want to test strategies, WC2004 really was as good as it got, it had its purpose. I adore Sacred Cards even with it's odd rules, since I'm used to that thanks to Forbidden Memories and Dark Duel Stories, I even find it charming, and everything else about it is excelent, its looks, its sounds, its immersive story, moving around all of Battle City... they nailed it, my main issue is how it's too easy, however with Reshef of Destruction I've always suffered from the opposite, it's not forgiving at all and it expects you to grind even more than Forbidden Memories, due to card prices, and due to both your duelist level and deck capacity taking so long to increase.

>> No.9098374
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I'm always happy to give out this information since to me it really is a key part of Yu-Gi-Oh! history, one that most fans don't know about, and those that do often don't know about its translation allowing them to finally play it... as full of flaws as Duel Monsters 1 is, playing it is a novelty and something I think most fans can appreaciate, sometimes I wish Konami would remake it with Master Duel, since I don't see them ever adding a campaign similar to Forbidden Memories or Sacred Cards, something like the traditional tier system would probably be simple to add and it'd be a fun thing for fans. I wish I could play Master Duel, but I'm having issues with installing it, probably because I'm using GNU/Linux on an old laptop, but I'll try again at some point. Revisiting the anime sounds fun! I'd go for it, even I have been watching some episodes from back then, though I haven't decided to rewatch everything just yet, I'm mostly reading the manga really, since I find it to be quicker, though of course I'm missing out on things like the stellar OST and the excelent voice acting, both Japanese and English, still, I think both the anime and manga are good options.

>> No.9098438

For those unfamiliar, there's three major series of YGO games, as well as a bunch of other ones.
The first series is Duel Monsters, which started in 1998 with the game >>9097283 describes, and had 8 games in it, up until 2003. These games use unique rules, most noticeable of which is the Attribute RPS and various summoning quirks. They're also all RPGs with some plot providing scene dressing and immersion.
Duel Monsters 5 and 6, subtitled Expert 1 and 2, were the first games to use the finalized rules, and were the first entries in the Expert / World Championship series, which went on until 2011. Expert 1 to 3 and (iirc) 7 Trials to Glory are also RPGs, but the series dropped that for the GX games, though the 5D's games (Stardust Accelerator, Reverse of Arcadia and Over the Nexus) brough back the RPG elements in spades.
The Tag Force series began in 2006 for the PSP and lasted until 2011, with a final entry in 2015, and was on the PSP. It loosely follows the plot of the anime, and has tag dueling as a frequent gimmick.

Other games include Nightmare Troubadour and Spirit Caller, which are WC but with RPG elements during the period they had been stripped of them.
Forbidden Memories and Duelists of the Roses are the "True Duel Monsters" series, presumably because Forbidden Memories was, at the time, the first game to implement the real rules, but it's actually based on prototype rules, meaning that it plays as an interesting middle ground between Duel Monsters and World Championship. Duelist of the Roses does its own thing with a system unique to it that involved movement and whatnot.
There's also three Capsule Monsters games, a Dungeon Dice Monsters adaptation and even an Ogre Battle-like game (Falsebound Kingdom).

>> No.9098548
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Wonderful post, anon! I'd say this is quite informative for anyone looking into a Yu-Gi-Oh! video game to play currently. One thing I love about this franchise is how there seems to be something for everyone, some prefer the OCG/TCG rules while others enjoy the approach from Duel Monsters 1-4/7-8 or Forbidden Memories, or even those that are a huge departure like Duelists of the Roses or all of the Capsule Monsters adaptations. some prefer a more focused dueling simulator while others want a full RPG experience etc. I still have a lot of installments I'd like to get to, mainly Duelists of the Roses, but most of the handhelds aswell, hopefully Duel Monsters 2 and Duel Monsters 4 get a translation soon just like the original did, it'd be fun to experience them.

>> No.9098779

Having the different series laid out properly helps figure out what the deal is with each series, I found.
The variety is quite welcome, and I find it's a bit of a shame that there's no easy way to play the DM rules with real cards. You can adapt Duelist Kingdom rules and Forbidden Memories with some tweaks, but the DM rules would have you check for the many Attribute differences and other such things, on top of not really being expandable with more recent cards.

For the record, my recommendations, keeping in mind I can't read japanese, for those that don't want to play every game are Dark Duel Stories (DM 3) and/or Sacred Cards (DM 7) for the Duel Monsters series, and 2009-2011 for World Championship.
imho Nightmare Troubadour is better than Eternal Duelist Soul (DM 5) and Stairway to the Destined Duel (DM 6) at being a WC game for that period. For GX I'd recommend Tag Force 1-3 over Spirit Callers and Duel Academy, though SC is also fine from what I remember. Forbidden Memories is also really good.
I personally didn't enjoy the fairly contextless dueling of WC 2006-2008. The 5D's Tag Force games are also good, albeit I prefer the WC games of that period.

>> No.9098969

>this time with the help of GameFAQs and TEA/PocketDuelist, and managed to beat it,
What's a quick rundown of all the mechanics/strategies you used? I find it really difficult to get good magic cards from Pegasus.

>> No.9099017
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I'd recommend the same ones you've mentioned to people, especially regarding the aspect of prefering duels with more story contexts, with the sole exception being the DS ones, not because they're not excelent, I have no doubt that they are, but simply because I haven't been able to experience them yet, I've never owned a DS and emulating it to me doesn't look all that good due to the dual screen, either way hopefully I get to experience them somehow in the future, since Nightmare Troubadour has always looked interesting to me, and all of the GX ones too, it's something I'm nostalgic for, maybe emulating on one of these new foldable phones that look like a couple of phones stitched together, it could replicate the DS well.

>> No.9099024
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Well, it depends on which stage I'm at in the campaign, early on it's important to focus on learning the fusion mechanic well, remembering that it's not really about specific cards as much as it is about card types and even artwork, most specifically cards with women, which aren't a card type, but for fusions they actually are. One thing to keep in mind as well is when you grind there's not as many ranks as you might seem, of course there are S/A/B/C/D and also POW/TEC but there are only 3 drop pools, one for getting S/A POW, one for getting S/A TEC and one for getting B/C/D POW/TEC, it also helps to know who to grind for cards you're looking for specifically, I recommend PocketDuelist (https://pd.ygo.fm/)) since it's a convenient way to look it all up.

After finishing off the 1st Egyptian part of the story, there's the World Tournament, and it's here that I start grinding the early duelists in Free Duel, mostly looking into getting cards to make my main fusions in a more consistent manner, so Dragons and Thunders are a must, but also Women, Rocks, Plants, Beasts, Pyro, Birds, etc. As I become more confident in my deck I start tackling the World Tournament, and when I beat Isis/Ishizu I start grinding against her too, since at a B/C/D POW/TEC she can give Dragon Treasure, and by this point I'm still not confident grinding against Pegasus. When you win the World Championship and go back to Egypt, this is where you get all of the mages, it's also where you can beat the Mage Soldier and grind him for Dark Energy on B/C/D POW/TEC.

With the High Mages, it's all about beating the Low Meadow Mage, leaving unless you're confident enough to face Kepura, and then grinding non stop in Free Duel, it's how you'll get most of the strongest cards, like Meteor B. Dragon and Meteor Dragon, when you have a playset of both I suggest grinding Jono 2nd to get a playset of Red-Eyes B. Dragon, so you can fuse for Meteor B. Dragon and effectively have 6 copies of it.


>> No.9099074
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When I'm at a point where I've acquired a playset of Meteor B. Dragon and both of its fusion materials, since it's one of the few specific fusions here, I feel confident enough to grind Pegasus for Megamorph and Bright Castle, which are tough because you have to get an S/A TEC against him, when it comes to how you achieve this rank I definitely recommend GFC_'s videos on YouTube, he explains it a lot better than I ever could, since it can be quite complex, one of the most guaranteed ways of doing it is winning by having your opponent deck out, but it's not too reliable and it takes a long time, but doing it quicker it's something I don't know how to explain properly through here, but I'm sure the channel I mentioned had tutorials for it. Once you know how to reliably beat Pegasus with an S/A TEC, and by extent every other opponent who you might be interested in beating this way, you should have no problem having this in your deck:

3x Meteor B. Dragon
3x Meteor Dragon
3x Red-Eyes B. Dragon
3x Megamorph
3x Bright Castle
3x Dragon Treasure

I'd say this is the engine that lets you beat Forbidden Memories's late stages, before that it's Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon, and he can still help you out here since he gets powered up by almost all Equips, including Beast Fangs and Dark Energy, another useful card for this very reason is Skull Knight, especially since he has the Mercury Guardian Star, which beats Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon's Sun Guardian Star, speaking of which, it's a mechanic you need to get a good grasp off, remember the CPU always chooses the 1st Guardian Star, so Gate Guardian will always be played in Moon, which is why it's good to play your Meteor B. Dragon at Sun later on, also you'll notice patterns really quick, Forest Monsters are usually Jupiter, Water Monsters are Nepture, Thunder Monsters are Pluto, etc. I'd say that the above engine, alongside Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon and Skull Knight, with the other Equips, just wins.


>> No.9099093
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>> No.9099094
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P.S. One more reason I'm fond of grinding against Isis/Ishizu for a B/C/D POW/TEC is that not only does she give out Dragon Treasure in these ranks, she also gives out Widespread Ruin, which is easily the best Trap in the entire card pool and something I recommend running a playset of aswell. Someone else you can grind against, when you learn how to effectively pull of S/A TECs is Shadi, if you want a playset of Raigeki. I'd say this covers everything, the last thing to really mention is that Forbidden Memories takes a while to finish, you'll be grinding for quite some time to get everything you need so it's important to have that in mind and be patient, of course you can try to progress without getting all of the cards I've mentioned, and I've already managed to complete it with a less powerful deck, but it's less reliable and that can be especially difficult in the Final Six, since you have to beat them all in a row without any saving in between, but it's doable and quite rewarding when you finally pull it off, the most difficult one is definitely Seto 3rd because of Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, but all of them can be troublesome.

>> No.9099105
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I've never noticed how similar Yuzu could look to Hatsune Miku. Well made edit, anon!

>> No.9099108

The dual screen is honeslty a nonissue, having emulated them recently to show some friends how those worked. In practice it means you can just use melonDS and use your mouse without touching the controller at all. It's honestly not a bad experience and they run well, give it a whirl, you'll likely have fun.

>> No.9099128
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It's not so much about the usability of the dual screen for me, though it could be somewhat uncomfortable since I've always enjoyed emulating with just a laptop over my lap, without a mouse, just using the touchpad, and that could be less than ideal, but still manageable. My main issue is how it would look, there's no way to display it on my laptop's screen without there being a lot of negative space, more than when I emulate GBC and GBA for example, it's not a major issue and I'll probably get to them eventually, but it's the main reason I haven't bothered with it much yet, it might sound somewhat petty I suppose, but it really is my main reason. I appreaciate the advice either way, anon!

>> No.9099163 [SPOILER] 
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That is true, and I get the screenspace issue. That can be mitigated by having a Wiki or guide open in half the screen, or putting the screens in horizontal layout, which is also an option.

>> No.9099215
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Now that I'm looking at them side by side it actually doesn't look nowhere near as off putting as I'd imagined before, there isn't even that much negative space really, at least compared to GBC or GBA which have black bars on the sides anyways due to not being 16:9, this looks fine overall. I suppose the DS installments are back on my backlog now, just need to properly set up a DS emulator on my PC and choose the horizontal screen layout in the settings, it should go smoothly. I appreciate it, anon!

>> No.9099443

Hi YGObro, glad to see another thread. Recently I replayed Capsule Monster Coliseum as an adult and I was surprised by how much replayability it had. I must've beat the game 3-4 times trying out different builds, collecting end-game monsters and trying to evolve as much shit as possible. I even finished the game once using just the Light Starter Kit to make it harder. DOTR felt the same way until I discovered how busted zombie support was: Pumpking, Curse of Dragon spreading out Wastelands, Call of the Haunted (this version turns all your monsters into zombies), etc. It's still a great game but once you go Pumpking you never go back. I really miss that era where Konami was willing to make experimental YGO games instead of just the card game over and over. Ever since childhood I've wanted a sequel to either game.

>> No.9099453

>Have you been playing any Yu-Gi-Oh! video games recently too, /vr/os?
WC 2010. Had it since it came out, played it for a while recently to unlock stuff I didn't unlock back then.
Bought WC 2011 and planning to play it.
I also played Joey the Passion (PC game from 2004) a bit, and bought on of the new YGO games on Steam (one where you play the story of the series up to the link monsters series).

>> No.9099463
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This thread inspired me to download the randomized version of Forbidden Memories, wish me luck.

>> No.9099510
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I miss that era too, and while the simulators they make now are all quite impressive, especially Legacy of the Duelist and Master Duel, it lacks something, I appreciate that both of them still have campaigns, something most CCGs don't bother with in their video game adaptations, but Legacy of the Duelist feels like nothing but a retelling of the anime, whille Master Duel focuses on card lore, which is great if you care about those specific cards, but dull if you don't. I miss the RPG feeling in the campaigns, but I don't see that making a return any time soon. I need to give Duelists of the Roses a look eventually, technically it's the sequel to Forbidden Memories, even though it is quite different, I suppose it has the same feel from what I've seen before, and I find that appealing, also what they attempted with the gameplay is just a fun concept that I want to play around with, I'll also make sure to avoid Pumpking at the start, even though I adore him, to give myself a harder time, at least when starting out, I want my video games to beat me before I beat them, it makes the whole thing more special when you eventually manage to pull it off somehow, an accomplishment.

I'd say those are all solid choices. WC2010 and WC2011 have an RPG like campaign similar to something like their predecessor WC2005 and even Sacred Cards/Reshef of Destruction, where you can move around with your character, which I always found to be a good feature to have, as a way to really immerse the player in its world building and plot. I've never played Joey the Passion, or any other from that PC trilogy, but I recall some of my friends in middle school playing it all of the time and it looked fun, though I never got around to installing it myself, I sort of regret that a bit.

I've never heard of this Forbidden Memories version before, is it one of the mods? I'm familiar with the ones that make all 722 cards acquirable and ones that drop more than 10/15 cards.

>> No.9099514

Yeah, it's the mod that randomizes the opponent's decks, your starting deck and the drops.
More specifically, it makes that every cards has an equal chance of appearing in every duelist deck and drops, it's fucking crazy.

>> No.9099520
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I see, that sounds quite crazy indeed... though it sounds fun in a way too! Afterall the random aspect is something that can sometimes go against you, or in your favor, either way it keeps things more exciting and interesting. I hope you can have a good time, and I wish you good luck in your playthrough, anon!

>> No.9099524

Thank you!
>inb4 stuck at Seto 1st because he keeps spamming Gate Guardian

>> No.9099527
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I don't doubt it could happen, considering the random aspect, so make sure to keep us updated here in this thread in case anything crazy like that happens during your playthrough so we can share that fun with you!

>> No.9099545
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My starter deck, let's see if I can beat Simon Muran.

>> No.9099575
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What the FUCK, Villager #1?

>> No.9099579
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I'd say you're looking good, especially with that Black Luster Soldier over there, it always upset me how no one drops it in vanilla Forbidden Memories, its design is simply stellar to me, and with respectable stats too, not to mention that iconic scene where Yugi beats Mai in Duelist Kingdom by summoning it, with that beautiful OST and all.

>> No.9099585

Jeez, Villager #1 doesn't mess around in this... now would be a good time to draw that Black Luster Soldier, or anything with respectable stats and a Sun Guardian Star.

>> No.9099590
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Welp, that's it
I managed to beat 2 guys before getting my ass kicked; I reccommend trying it, it's fun as fuck! Gonna get me another deck.


I wish he swooped in to save me at the last second, anime style.

>> No.9099604

I'll make sure to give it a shot eventually, though not for the time being, I still have a lot of installments to get to from my backlog and I can't justify doing yet another Forbidden Memories playthrough considering I've done quite a few in the last few years, though I appreciate the recommendation nonetheless, I didn't even know this existed and it looks like the most fun mod to me so far out of the ones I've seen.

>> No.9099761

wtf is up with all tge tl;dr in here?

>> No.9099842
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What's the actual gameplay of that one like? I always really wished someone would work on a translation of the PS1 one, it looks fun.

>> No.9099846

never heard of forbidden memories randomizer before, downloading it right now

>> No.9099849

Post a link you dang nigger

>> No.9099905

Search it yourself faggot, try asking nicely next time.

>> No.9099912

just got a blue eyes white dragon from tea, my second story fight, kinda fun

>> No.9099936

Lucky, the best card she gave me was a Raigeki on my 3rd try.

>> No.9100123

i actually just beat the game, there seems to be no bias at all for later opponents to get better cards, kinda lame

>> No.9100181

That wouldn't really be random now would it

>> No.9100363

Instead of cards you have an entire "deck" of monsters but you'll usually bring out about 5+ of your choice to the duel. Unlike DOTR, every monster has their own movement patterns like chess but also a unique attack pattern. Fiend Reflection for instance could move like a rook but only attack diagonally like a bishop. It sounds a little weird but it's better when you see it in action. Each monster has ATK, DEF and HP so they won't die after a single hit like in the TCG. In fact you could spend your turn ganging up on a bulkier monster just trying to kill it. Attributes are more important here since each one has 1 weakness & 1 resistance so most NPCs are gonna end up using at least 2-3. Winning is done through one of 2 ways: destroy all your opponent's monsters or destroy their symbol which is kinda like beating up a king piece. There's also several rare monsters you can get through defeating NPCs, the shop or fusing/evolving so I started collecting them. I don't know Japanese so I haven't played the PS1 one, but I'll give it a shot once it's translated.

>> No.9102015

OP here, are you referring to the massive walls of text present in this thread? Well, that one's on me, I simply write too much when it's a topic I care about deeply, I start writing and find it hard to stop sometimes, so I apologize for that.

>> No.9102792

Keep up the good fight Yugianon. I for one appreciate all your walls of text.
Not retro but I spent over an hour trying to find some way to unlock all the packs in WCT 2011. The game itself is pretty good but it shouldn't take like 20 hours of gameplay before you get to unlock Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En, pretty fucking stupid. I love the unlock all packs cheats for games like UM2006 where they actually expect you to do hard labor to become worthy of Special Gift Collection. UM2006 also doesn't give you enough DP to make the early to mid game of UM2006 anything besides slow unless you just go balls deep into buffing one of the Structure Decks then start saving for some cookie cutter Makyura bullshit
Anyway that's why I'm not going to play card games on motorcycles until I can find some code that will work. Recently I've been playing GX Duel Academy with infinite DP and having fun making godawful burn decks

>> No.9102807

Also I found some way to actually play the 3DS game Duel Carnival. I don't think you can buy it anymore but you're not missing too much. The cardpool cuts off around mid 2013 but the game is basically just 1. make deck 2. duel any recipe they have for you in free duel 3. ??? 4. profit, all of the cards are unlocked from the start because they just gutted the entire story and progression out of the game. There's pretty much nothing to actually do besides make the most broken deck you can find and then beat stupid AIs until you find self satisfaction
What I've done is begun a collection on YGOProDeck, added the contents of one of the most recent Starter Decks, then implemented a quite autistic system for myself
>if I win a duel I get to accumulate a win which I can spend on packs
>1 Win = 1 Core Booster
>2 Wins = 1 Retro or Special (Duelist Pack, etc.) Booster
>7 Wins = Structure Deck or something like Gold Series
The first time I made my awful baby's first Onomat deck the game didn't even save it but it doesn't really matter since I keep the real decklist elsewhere. I get at least some fun just out of coming up with stupid shit like this and maybe this will actually get me to play Duel Carnival. With games like that you sort of have to make your own fun, in its current state it's just a bare bones duel simulator

>> No.9102810

>all of the cards are unlocked from the start because they just gutted the entire story and progression out of the game
Forgot to mention but the Japanese version of the game was a standard YGO game with packs and standard progression and stuff AFAIK. They just didnt give a fuck when they localized it. Also the cardpool was about a year old but whatever.

>> No.9103543
File: 2.22 MB, 1417x1000, Neo.Blue-Eyes.Ultimate.Dragon.full.2100848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it'd get a translation too, even though I'm more into Duel Monsters, Capsule Monsters looked fun in its own way in the manga.

Thank you for all of the information, anon! It sounds fun, hopefully it gets translated soon, alongside the GBC one aswell even.

I recall playing against Seto 3rd so many times to get a single Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and playing against Shadi a lot to get more copies of Raigeki, the idea of Tea giving them is downright amusing in a way, then again that's part of it being truly a random mod, and it does sound quite fun to play.

>> No.9103560
File: 306 KB, 1049x1500, 1636947022827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad someone's fond of my walls of text, so thanks! I get what you mean regarding packs in WC2006 and WC2011, sadly pretty much all Yu-Gi-Oh! video games suffer from expecting the player to grind for an unreasonable amount of time, with a few exceptions of course, either way I hope you can play cards games on motorcycles soon enough, I recall finding that concept so ridiculous when I first heard about it, but 5D's seems to be one of the most popular sequels to the original, so I might give it a watch eventually, I stopped watching all of the anime by the time GX was at its half way point, around that. Duel Carnival sounds like a quite odd localization story, what's odd is that it'd be harder to make the changes they did instead of just leaving as it was, so it was a conscious design decision that they took... for some reason that we'll never really know, maybe they wanted to compete with YGOPRO and Dueling Network by having all cards available? I'm not sure, but it's an odd move, either way the system you've built isn't something I'd consider autistic or anything, it's just a way to try to get the most out of it, afterall a sense of progression is one of the most satisfying things in video games, taking that away is just a way to guarantee a more shallow experience on the whole, and you tried to implement that sense of progression back into Duel Carnival.

>> No.9103871

Unironic question not meant in an insulting way: Do you have autism or some such?

>> No.9104429

I mean this in the nicest way (and am not OP) but you ought to 1. just be able to tell and 2. not bother asking about it to make sure
I assure you the majority of autists (including me) aren't really trying to hide it or are 'failing to pass as neurotypical' or some shit

>> No.9104630
File: 3.17 MB, 1668x1359, unknown-1~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>awful baby's first Onomat deck
Here's the list
>yfw you go to locals and face this first

>> No.9104780
File: 558 KB, 1000x1000, 1634855356655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea, though I do have a couple of friends that have Aspergers who told me on separate occasions that they thought I wasn't neurotypical, because they saw some of their patterns of behavior in me, this lead me to become suspicious of there really being a possibility of me being on the spectrum and eventually I asked my therapist about it, but she disagreed, saying that I was completely neurotypical and didn't have to worry about it, so I don't know. I do show some characteristics usually associated with autism, mainly hyperfocus, but a lot of symptoms in mental health can overlap between various conditions, so I could have something completely different, and my family has a history of ADHD which I've also never checked, which I recall having some overlapping symptoms, so I don't really know what's wrong with me for sure.

>> No.9104846
File: 671 KB, 444x647, Garoozis-LCJW-EN-C-1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some classic cards you like
I always used to play Garoozis back then when I was learning, pretty bad but I find the early generic beastmen cards to be pretty neat.

>> No.9104894
File: 231 KB, 850x1201, __mutou_yuugi_and_mazaki_anzu_yu_gi_oh_and_1_more_drawn_by_mibry_phrysm__sample-edbeec6c0fbb25469b2edc563df3b0bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this information is useful, but while Garoozis and many other vanilla Beast-Warrior monsters aren't particularly good cards even by early Yu-Gi-Oh! standards, there were some video games in which they were a lot more respectable, mostly the ones developed before tributes were properly implemented, or that had a different summoning system altogether. I'm thinking of Duel Monsters 2/Forbidden Memories for the lack of tributes and Duelists of the Roses due to the summoning system still being based around levels, but resembling modern CCGs like Hearthstone more. Still, from my personal experience they were at their peak strength in Duel Monsters 1, you can get Garoozis from Joey after 80 wins, alongside many other Beast-Warrior monsters and support cards, and from that point onwards they were all quite helpful, especially when I used the proper Equip on them, or played Meadow to power them all up, it was an installment which favoured themed decks a lot more, allowing for more deck diversity than other retro Yu-Gi-Oh! video games, even though gameplay is quite basic.

>> No.9104941

Themed decks are very fun indeed, I used to run a Earth one in Championship 2008 and it was quite powerful (Although, my card burn deck took over after getting the right cards, Neddle Worm ftw).
I need to check out DM1, is it the one for game Boy?

>> No.9104972
File: 635 KB, 1009x651, 1657423161251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say the lack of variety in deck building is the main issue with retro Yu-Gi-Oh! video games in general, a lot of them have too many generic cards which are just objectively superior to everything else and eventually you just end up running mostly staples that don't necessarily have any relation to one another, though to be fair that's how the OCG/TCG were for a long time aswell. Duel Monsters 1 is the one for the original Game Boy, I wrote more about it here: >>9097283

>> No.9105142

Thanks for the info yugianon, keep up the good work.

>> No.9106010

I'm always glad to help!

>> No.9107067
File: 160 KB, 400x400, Extra Attributes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the fun of it, I took some time today to make attribute balls for the alignments that were dropped from the rules that were in the Gameboy games.

>> No.9107120
File: 1 KB, 149x46, 558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr Anons, I want to buy one or more of the GBA Yu-Gi-Oh games, but I'm not sure of which one to purchase right now.

I've been interested in the game and series since it was airing the island arc on Kids WB back when I was a teen, but due to a lack of people to play with in the region I never could get into the game until a few years back when I discovered Duel Links. Eventually quit Duel Links because facing the same few meta decks killed the fun of the game, but I still consider the card game to be near and dear to my heart. After hearing that Mister Takahashi passed away recently I felt I should try and buy some of it not all the English language games, but where to start?

>> No.9107150
File: 380 KB, 421x614, Illusionist Faceless Mage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a quick mockup to show how those look.

>> No.9107169

Looks sleek and solid.

>> No.9107198

Try actually reading the thread, retard

>> No.9107202

Like the smooth shit i just dropped in the toilet

>> No.9107289

I'd recommend emulating the games to get a taste for them before you buy. Assuming you aren't looking into japanese games, Sacred Cards is the best one if you want that unique ruleset, as Reshef can get pretty tedious since Konami slowed down progression and made it grindier.
If you want to play OCG/TCG rules, you could aim to get 7 Trials to Glory, which is the last World Championship game on the GBA pre-GX.

>> No.9107298
File: 224 KB, 647x360, 1623597902258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved it! I'm not sure why, but the system used in the Duel Monsters series, and even in Forbidden Memories under different names, has always been somewhat appealing to me, and it's even more interesting that it's not something Konami pulled out of nowhere, it was actually based on the manga, and considering how important the early video games were in developing the OCG/TCG it's interesting to think that the actual card game could have gone in that direction, perhaps it's for the best that it didn't though, but it's still interesting to think about. Also, sometimes I feel that there are too many monsters that fall under Light or Dark, which by consequence always made them the best types, especially early on, which is the reason Chaos monsters were so overpowered when they came out, dividing them into more categories like Light, Fiend, Dreams and Shadow instead could've made it more balanced perhaps.

>> No.9107345

I'd love to see a retool of the Star Sign system from FB as a new form of dueling instead of pendulum bullshit that tried to reinvent the wheel instead of complementing the base game.

>> No.9107376
File: 156 KB, 850x1084, __dark_magician_girl_and_magi_magi_magician_gal_yu_gi_oh_drawn_by_deluxe__sample-513f3982ccdaec8d256c2894bdbe2f74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll say right away that I agree with this anon (>>9107289) when it comes to emulating before buying, the current market for retro video games is inflated in prices, and Yu-Gi-Oh! had about a dozen releases on the GBA, so download some ROMs and load up an emulator, that way you can try everything and make a purchase based on what you actually liked. Now, regarding where you should start, it depends on what you're after, since you're interested in the card game then skip Dungeon Dice Monsters and Destiny Board Traveler, you can also skip the GX ones if you're looking into the original series only, that still leaves a few options though. Sacred Cards is excelent if you don't mind it not following the OCG/TCG rules, since it's an immersive recreation of Battle City, but if you want Battle City with OCG/TCG rules go for Stairway to Destined Duel, though it's not as immersive. Eternal Duelist Soul and WC2004 are more basic simulators, though the former has more content. WC2005 does the RPG feel best and Reshef of Destruction is ideal if you're a masochist. I'd try all of them, each has something to offer.

>> No.9107394
File: 15 KB, 394x333, 1657621635372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how that could work nowadays, to me the OCG/TCG is already too far gone in terms of speed and complexity, the Guardian Star system and Alignment system we had in early adaptations managed to work because of how simple Yu-Gi-Oh! was back then, where it was mostly a matter of bigger numbers winning and not much more, but now it probably wouldn't matter much or would just make things more confusing and bloated than they already are. I could see it working on a sort of reboot or something though, but that already happened with Rush Duels and they didn't add this sort of feature in it, so I suppose they've given up on it completely. Still I don't mind much if it doesn't happen, since we'll always have those early installments to replay, from a time this card game was simpler and easier to follow, which is how I've always preferred it.

>> No.9107412
File: 548 KB, 544x544, Cattle Call.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you're probably right

>> No.9107504
File: 380 KB, 421x614, Fairys Gift (DM7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a couple more, such as an effect version of Fairy's Gift, based on its portrayal in Sacred Cards.

>> No.9107507
File: 408 KB, 421x614, Red-Eyes Black Dragon (DM).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a Red Eyes Black Dragon where the only real difference is it being a Demon attribute card.

>> No.9107681
File: 2.23 MB, 1280x1819, 929d8b36ca6a4075bf6914206ea7ef33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how these look, good work! One thing I love from Dark Duel Stories and Sacred Cards is how many monsters without effects in the OCG/TCG actually have effects in them, and they carry over from Dark Duel Stories into Sacred Cards, giving it a sense of familiarity when going from one into the other, seeing some cards felt like seeing an old friend, like Hourglass of Life, Doron and Fiend's Hand. At the same time some cards had effects and either had them changed or removed altogether, which made cards like Jirai Gumo and Dark Elf a lot more broken than they were in the OCG/TCG. I recall the most broken card changes to me being Relinquished and Thousand-Eyes Restrict though, since you could just play them, no Ritual or Fusion.

>> No.9107695

My childhood memory of YGO Eternal Duelist Soul is discovering Cyber-Stein OTK and instantly summoning Blue-Eyes Ultimate. And that is all I did.

>> No.9108950

I can only imagine how much this blew kids away back then, I mean, it's pretty much a free Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon without the need for all of the setup it usually takes, and giving it 9000ATK is just the cherry on top of the cake. I had Kaiba attempt this play on me, but I stopped him, don't recall if it was with Waboku or Swords of Revealing Light, but on the next turn I used Change of Heart and attacked Cyber Stein to finish him off, it felt exciting to do. I particularly love this artwork right here, based on this play (>>9104780).

>> No.9109340

On the off chance anybody here is interested in making their own cards, be it recreations of old game ones like I posted, anime-only cards or whatever else, here's a a trimmed and tweaked version of AmarillonMC's YGO Series 10 MSE template that I made for myself because the YGO templates included with the non-MtG MSE download are buggy and keep spitting errors.


In terms of trimming, I reduced the file size to a third by axing the following:
>japanese and chinese support, which cluttered the UI
>the "proxy-like" style which is just an innacurate reconstruction of series 10 cards from back when they were unveiled, and is pointless when an accurate template is included
>the dozen fan-made mechanics of which half seem to come from the YGOCC forum and the other seems to have no documentation anywhere (Enhance, Bigbang, DLC monsters, Sound Stage, Time Shift, Evolute, Pandemonium, Conjoint, Trell etc)
>random custom foils and unused files
>so much spaghetti in the scripts

As for tweaks and enhancements:
>enabled the Egyptian God frames, for some reason they had the files in but they couldn't be used
>added a Legendary Dragon frame
>fixed the alignment of the UL and GR foils
>colour-matched the extended art frames' text box to the frame instead of all of them being green
>replaced the dark synchro (and pendulum) frames with matching ones I made, added an extended art version
>consistent resolutions between level stars, and across attribute balls
>made a new negative level star and added the missing UL version
>made attribute balls for Forest, Thunder, Illusion Magic and Demon Magic, for those who may want to make cards in the spirit of the manga or the Gameboy games
>replaced the Eye of Horus holos with clearer ones
>cleaner filestructure for easier tweaking
And probably some other stuff I forgot

>> No.9109442


I think for the illusion ball, you could just use the first kanji, 幻.

>> No.9109450

That is fucking hilarious, I didn't know this was a thing other kids did but it makes perfect sense considering Blue-Eyes Ultimate was probably the strongest in terms of raw attack power at the time and I didn't want to think much, just brute force my way through story mode.

>> No.9109456
File: 423 KB, 452x595, attributes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went with 幻想 because the rest of the magic types are a single kanji and I wasn't sure if it'd cause some weirdness.
That being said, you're correct, the japanese versions of those games only use the first kanji.

>> No.9109475
File: 62 KB, 200x300, Illusion Magic Fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's fixed! Full res and the ones that are scaled down for the MSE template that I postead earlier, just crop them out.

>> No.9109497
File: 534 KB, 443x647, dream time wizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks pretty good.

>> No.9109815

Should I just cheat in all the unlocks in 2009 stardust accelerator? Beating everyone 5 times to unlock shit is tedious as fuck.

>> No.9109864
File: 151 KB, 800x1298, 1638569648628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to say, this is an excelent improvement, looks a lot more clean overall, which I'm into.

I usually make my own cards using GIMP or something, but that's mostly because I like to experiment with creating custom card frames from scratch instead of using the official ones, still this is an useful resource for those interested in making something that looks official overall.

It's a valid agressive strategy really, and for a long time it was even used by many players in the OCG/TCG, at least from what I can remember, it's not a 100% reliable strategy since it can be quite risky and suffers from consistency issues, but when you pull it off... it's just too satisfying.

Well, that's really up to you, if we're talking about an offline single player experience then your enjoyment of said experience is what's most important, at least in my eyes. If you prefer to beat everyone 5 times just go for it, if not then I don't see anything wrong with unlocking stuff.

>> No.9110841

Needing to unlock packs is how these games provide artificial progression so fuck em. Almost all of the games don't even tell you how to unlock new packs or cards. I don't know how you're supposed to find out about Tea in DDS but it's completely necessary to have her code to beat the game in any reasonable length of time

>> No.9111071
File: 1.97 MB, 1145x860, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rn I'm saving up for the 5D's Starter Deck to have access to some nice stuff including Colossal Fighter. After that I'll get back to Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy

>> No.9111939
File: 66 KB, 492x600, 45f4b60073dd8c121f692e2a36893d17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tea always gives you a card after you win a duel in Dark Duel Stories, did you mean to mention Yugi's Grandpa that gives you an extra card when you input his password? I decided to beat Dark Duel Stories without using any codes at all, because it felt more legit I suppose, I also avoided the card creation because I wanted to use only cards I recall from when I was a kid. I did beat it, but it took me quite some time, so I don't really recommend anyone to do what I went for at all.

I'll be honest that the Synchro and Xyz eras were when I began to not be as in touch with the OCG/TCG anymore, it just got too fast and frenetic for my liking, so I barely know any of these cards really, though there are a lot of familiar faces there, it's always nice to see Cosmo Queen, Call of the Haunted, Dust Tornado, Magic Cylinder, Shadow Spell... so many good memories with them, in both the anime/manga and the video games I played growing up.

>> No.9112523

5D's is the GOAT and absolute peak of the franchise

>> No.9112596

t. not retro zoomer.

>> No.9112778

When you think about it, it's the last era where the YGO formula remained intact.
Synchros are just another form of contact fusion with looser requirements for the materials. (and level requirements to not make it TOO loose)
Xyz had ranks instead of levels and had "detaching", and then everything afterwards completely broke it. They even broke the mats.

>> No.9112890

Synchro shit is hilarious, I started playing Championship 2011 on the DS and the first CPU opponent just summons an horde of monsters on the first turn and downs my life to half (not before taking 4 minutes to think).

>> No.9112914

It's not the synchros. It's the archetypes, like Blackwing and X-Saber.

>> No.9112917

Eh, don't care anymore
Switched to Championship 2008 and now I'm having fun with the soulful Duel World.

>> No.9112950
File: 760 KB, 1063x1500, 237610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YGO threads on /vr/ are always the comfiest. WC2008 is the one I enjoy the most, even if the cardpool is lacking.
I thought WC2009-2011 were good too, but they still left a lot to be desired. I appreciate that they're there, but I don't think that the RPG elements hold up when compared to actual RPGs.
They got better with each installment, though, and 2011 had many things that I enjoyed a lot when I played it.
The gun method to decide who goes first, as well as the prize cards after winning were done much better than previous games. It even has its own duel puzzle creator, and I assume that it was possible to share them with other people over wifi, which is yet another cool feature which Konami didn't have to add, but did anyway.
After 2011, though, Konami just kind of gave up on the series. I really wish they didn't, because the continuous improvements with each game werw vectoring them towards making something that I think could have been really special.
They were so close to something good, but starting with zexal, games felt much lower quality. Duel Generation was particularly dissapointing, with how often decks were paywalled behind microtransactions.

>> No.9114241

Villager 1 name is Jusell in another Ygo game

>> No.9115467
File: 816 KB, 473x693, 1637073168686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Synchros are at an odd spot, where they're indeed the last summoning mechanic that keeps some of the feel from classic Yu-Gi-Oh! while at the same time being the point where summoning mechanics began to change drastically. I'd say Fusion/Ritual is the classic duo, while Pendulum/Link is the duo where everything changed in a truly radical manner, literally warping the field when introduced, Synchro/Xyz is at the middle, the transitional period I suppose, with Synchro being slightly closer to the classics, and Xyz being the true start of what we have now..

>> No.9115575
File: 104 KB, 281x301, 1628354085597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing World Championship 2009 lately. I do enjoy that it has it's own custom story and stuff and I like using 5Ds era cards but boy is it weird switching between it and Master Duels which I also play.

>> No.9115587
File: 102 KB, 500x693, ToonWorld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo yugianon, are you still here? I've wanted to ask you about the Toon cards, been getting them on WC2008 and I'm curious about how to make a deck around their limitations.

>> No.9115646
File: 870 KB, 847x1200, 1611538464403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still need to watch 5Ds, it looks good overall, but the motorcycle aspect of it has always turned me off from the idea, it just sounds so silly and unnecessary to me, though I do understand that I might be missing out on something good due to a minor pet peeve.

Indeed, it's a shame that Konami didn't continue with the World Championship series, especially since we have people going back to earlier installments even to this day, so even if we didn't enjoy a recent installment, it'd be fine because we'd have the next year to look forward too, and plenty of older installments to replay that we didn't end up getting. I miss these genuine RPGs based on Kazuki Takahashi's work, even if they weren't deep compared to true RPGs, the complexity and length felt just right to me, always a good mix of deep and accessible.

I had no idea, but I've just looked it up and it's true, it's interesting finally knowing his name after being a Forbidden Memories fan after all of these years, so thanks!

I can imagine it's odd to go back and forth between them, but I suppose each has something to offer that the other one doesn't, so it's worth it, and with time you'll get used to it and it won't be as odd anymore, it'll just take some time.

>> No.9115661
File: 262 KB, 761x1000, Duel Art (41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never played with a Toon deck before, my only real experience with a dedicated Toon deck was playing against it back when YGOPRO had a mode where you could face an AI, before Links were implemented into it and the AI was ditched, they had Pegasus as a character you could play against and it was fun because he was actually programmed to know your cards, so it felt like you were actually going up against Pegasus and not just his deck. I recall Toons being tough to deal with, mostly because of their direct attack gimmick which can get you off guard, especially if you don't have a response and can't destroy Toon Kingdom/Toon World, and how Toon Kingdom was genuinely good for the strategy. I believe Toon Kingdom didn't exist when WC2008 came out, so you'll have to settle for Toon World, which still works, but it's not as good as its retrain. Toons are odd, since they have summoning sickness, which is standard for Magic: the Gathering, but their direct attack gimmick, and some effects in individual monsters, can be quite tough to deal against, I'd say just use the Toon cards you have and test it out until you find out what works well.

>> No.9115683

I didn't know there was a Toon Kingdom, looks pretty OP if you know what you're doing;
Thanks for the insight, I'll try using Vengeful Bog Spirit and some other stalling cards to see if they work.

>> No.9116782
File: 413 KB, 421x614, Elemental HERO Sparkman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've dropped the prepackaged MSE after checking that these scripts work for both 2.0.1 and 2.1.2.
I've put together a sample set, make sure to open the right version or it'll be messed up. I hadn't noticed the sample set in the previous releases, those won't work properly.


>fixed the Pendulum effect text clipping into the type line
>moved the Link monster card number so that it doesn't clip into an arrow, and adjusted the size of the Link Rating
>added a text box for Speed Duel and Duel Terminal text (which is offset on Link cards and white on dark cards, though "Duel Terminal" doesn't fit and should use the edition text instead, same goes for Pendulum monsters)
>the edition text should now be bolded by default
>added a toggle for more compact copyright text
>added Sitka Banner to the font folder for the above setting
>replaced the hologram toggle with an override option with a choice of holos
>added a ritual card frame and ball to round out the gameboy cards
>changed the text color override options to match rarity colors

This is actually the third version of this template, as I had gotten some feedback on things to fix really soon after posting it on /tg/, so here's the rest of the changelog since the initial release:
>a bunch of small text placement tweaks so passcodes, copyright, etc is properly placed
>Link card names are now white, and their card number is properly offset instead of clipping into the Link arrows
>the Illusion magic attribute ball now only has the first kanji on it, which is the abreviation used in the GB games
>Skill cards have properly sized names, and the card number, edition text, copyright and passcode are now white

If any of you know of a compact Stone Serif-like font, it'd be helpful since Sitka Banner isn't quite the same.

>> No.9117471

Looking good. Thank you for your work, anon.

>> No.9118935

Links and Pendulum were shit cause Konami literally had to change the way the game was played to force people to use their new shit. Xyz and Synchros fit naturally into the Fusion/Extra deck.

>> No.9118962

Pendulum kind of requires a rule change and Links have absolutely nothing wrong with them as an Extra Deck mechanic. Links are literally just easier to make XYZ with arrows on them
The thing that sucks about Yu-Gi-Oh to me is the complexity creep. Not necessarily that the game mechanics themselves are bad, I don't think they are, it's a unique card game with dozens of quality formats with engaging, thoughtful skillbased play. Problem is unless you were there in 2002 watching Duelist Kingdom you're going to immediately be overwhelmed by all the mechanics
Toons were pretty much dogshit until they started getting busted legacy support like every other archetype. I've used a bunch of them over the years (Toon Cyber Dragon is literally just budget Cyber Dragon with summoning sickness, Toon Gemini Elf is basically just budget Gemini Elf with summoning sickness that Spirit Reapers a card out of their hand, etc.) but trying to use them together as an archetype in 2008 feels real bad.
>I'll be honest that the Synchro and Xyz eras were when I began to not be as in touch with the OCG/TCG anymore, it just got too fast and frenetic for my liking
I stopped caring about YGO for some time and when I returned I had to learn about Synchros and XYZ. Then I left again and when I came back I had to figure out what the fuck Pendulums and Links were. Really once you get used to any of these they stop bothering you. The speed of the game and the general power level went up, but it's not like that stuff wasn't all happening anyway every single year from 1999-2008 anyway. A card like Card Trooper would be fucking ridiculous by 2003 standards.
So it's all relative.
Also not that anyone was asking, but to update my (>>9102807 >>9111071) bullshit from earlier, I ditched the "get Colossal Fighter" idea in favor of just opening more Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy and building Battlin' Boxers. Progress is slow because most free duel decks in the game aren't shit.

>> No.9118984
File: 80 KB, 300x395, 1637200016636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, tl;dr anon. Komoney literally had to change how special summoning from the extra deck worked so every deck before and since had to shoe-horn Links into them.

>> No.9118995

>and Links have absolutely nothing wrong with them as an Extra Deck mechanic
Links were fucking dogshit when they were first released. Now they're just whatever.
The extra deck was unchained a few years ago actually after vrains fucking bombed and it chased away the kid fanbase over in Japan. Now you only need the arrows for other link monsters and pendulum stuff. Syncros, fusions and XYZs can ignore them now

>> No.9119010

>I miss these genuine RPGs based on Kazuki Takahashi's work, even if they weren't deep compared to true RPGs, the complexity and length felt just right to me, always a good mix of deep and accessible.

Same here. I particularly appreciate the Sacred Cards/Reshef of Destruction for managing to capture the atmosphere of the anime/manga with its elemental and special summoning conditions.
Even today I'm still remiss we never got a game based on the DOMA arc, since the Legendary Dragons (and a majority of the cards in that arc) seemed tailor made to those wacky RPG mechanics. I know they finally made the cards official to the OCG and included them in a few games by now, but it's just not the same.

Thanks for all your effort, anon.

>The thing that sucks about Yu-Gi-Oh to me is the complexity creep.

This is my problem with the modern game since 2006. Konami tried so hard to divest the game from its origins as a weekly comic with transitory rules in order to compete with contemporaries like Magic: The Gathering, that they wound up heading into ridiculous territories that defied all logic and internal consistency.

I can't say it hasn't worked brilliantly for them so far, but it's worth pointing out.

>Links were fucking dogshit when they were first released. Now they're just whatever.

To be fair, that's happened to every extra deck gimmick since XYZ.

>> No.9119014

>To be fair, that's happened to every extra deck gimmick since XYZ.
By dogshit I mean they were shit because they ruined everything for everyone else by forcing you to use them and thus killing a shit load of old decks dead. Now that you can synchro / XYZ / fusion spam like the old days they're just the new XYZ aka generic toolbox cards

>> No.9119041

>dozens of formats
Master duels, speed duels, rush duels, structure deck duels, Battle Box sealed play... What other formats are there, bsides stuff that only exists in the anime?
What happened exactly with VRAINS? I always figured that the Rush Duel and SEVENS shit was them trying to focus on the kids so they get into an off-brand Speed Duel format and then move on to Master Duel.
Though that'd be hampered by the cards being completely separate, so transition will be pricy. Which, knowing Konami, is likely the entire point of it.

>> No.9119046

>What happened exactly with VRAINS?
It was a trainwreck like Arc-V but unlike Arc-V that actually started out good, it was boring from day 1 to the final ep. Also the game got needlessly complex and quick around this point and this was reflected in the anime and got to the point that kids just weren't interested in more. Hence Rush duels and the whole reboot.
I actually kind of like Sevens but I'm still early in watching it so whatever.

>> No.9119095

I haven't watched ARC-V or VRAINS, since those were past my time, would you feel like elaborating on the issues those shows had?
>needlessly complex and quick
A real feel. I've been having some fun with the older games and doing Speed Duels with cards up to GX with friends, it's a good time, but I don't look forward to having to learn Pendulums and Link monsters if they get interested in those.

>> No.9119102

If you aren't aware, Rush duels and Speed duels are completely different things. Speed is something created by the TCG (American side) and Rush is something created by the japs

>> No.9119106

I know they're different things, and you've got it mixed up. Speed Duels were introduced by the 2016 OCG starter deck, and then updated to the New Master Rules in the 2017 one. The TCG Speed Duel rules are based on those, but with the Extra Monster zones removed, based on how dueling works in Duel Links.
Rush Duel is essentially a development of Speed Duels on the OCG side as far as I can tell.

>> No.9119162

>Master duels, speed duels, rush duels, structure deck duels, Battle Box sealed play... What other formats are there, bsides stuff that only exists in the anime?
I was only referring to the TCG itself
Off the top of my head there's Goat Format, Edison, Reaper, etc. Maybe this is just because I'm plugged in to the general Yugituber sphere, these people often do Progression Series or something and do other shit to play with older formats. Lockdown probably had to do with this
But in general there's obviously been as many formats over the years as there's been new sets and banlists, plenty of those formats can be great when you look back at them with modern deck building and people have the time to test and break the format further than it ever was IRL
Archetypes and decks come and go. Its not that big of a deal. I fucking love Six Samurais and they've been terrible for like a decade, doesn't stop me from running them on Duel Links ladder. You CAN still build fun decks using cards you like, just not in the same ways. Besides they have been releasing fuck tons of legacy support for the last half decade. Buster Blader has its own archetype. Mako's shitty normal monsters all got retrains to buff your kino A Legendary Ocean comfybuilds. Blue Eyes was Tier 1 for a while. Dark Magician Girl got her own archetype. They fucking made a card that makes it feasible to summon Neos Wiseman. How about the Crystal Beast Structure Deck that's about to come out? Unless you literally just mean "I miss when archetypes didn't exist" I'm not sure how you can't still find a way to play using strategies and characters you liked in the older meta.
And of course there are archetypes literally based around not using the Extra Deck as a resource--I mean, to shit out monsters at random. Archetypes for Tribute Summoning, not Special Summoning much, etc.

>> No.9119181

>rchetypes and decks come and go. Its not that big of a deal. I fucking love Six Samurais and they've been terrible for like a decade, doesn't stop me from running them on Duel Links ladder.
No like. You're missing what I'm saying. Links legit changed the rules so that decks couldn't function even at lower levels. For example it fucking slaughtered most synchro decks because synchro decks need to combo into synchros to summon more synchros. You can't do that with MR4 because you can only have one Extra deck monster on the field at a time unless you have a link monster with arrows pointing to other spots.
So basically any deck that turboed out 2 or more XYZs or synchros a turn were just fucked in the ass.

>> No.9119184

I'm unfamiliar with those terms for formats, what's the rundown on them?

>> No.9119186

Think the second You I misread or picked the wrong post to make that point, whatever

>> No.9119193

No yeah my bad. I don't like talking about Master Rule whatever because it was obviously a bad idea and they went back on it.

>> No.9119261
File: 414 KB, 400x585, Raigeki-BP01-EN-R-1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this stuff about links, extra decks and pendulums and I'm here just "haha monster go zap"

>> No.9121486

It seems that replying to some of these broken threads can bring them back.

>> No.9121502
File: 672 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20210310-002215_Tachiyomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The YGO sequel anime are ridiculous and I have no idea where to start and if I even want to do so.
I remember watching some GX subbed when it was brand new and thinking the duel school thing sounded cool but the series lost my interest pretty fast. Little did I know how batshit it went later on, until the crossover movie came out I had zero knowledge of Yubel. I watched some of those episodes recently because I find Judai/Yubel to be a pretty interesting concept. Judai also gets ravaged emotionally throughout Season 3 and walks out of it feeling like... well, a legendary duelist on par with Yugi Moto.
I don't know what all goes on in the other series besides osmosis from video games and an episode here or there. Here's what I know
Was ridiculed when it was announced but is pretty much the Pokemon the Series XY of Yugioh, well regarded. In that way it's also the most popular with people who still want to feel cool while watching media time in propaganda for Japanese children. I don't even know how dark or cool the series actually is, I just know it has a pretty grungy aesthetic and most of the characters could be young adults as opposed to shounen hero standin children
The character designs start getting really insane. Yuma seems like Judai at his least interesting, I do like the concept behind more "two souls in one mind" fuckery that seems to be a motif of YGO sequels.
>arc v
I literally know jackshit about this. Yuya seems like kind of a fuckboy twink
I don't really know much. Seems kind of like a retread of Zexal with older characters again
Caught one episode of this on TV recently, it's more ygo shit but the protags actively shill for rush duels and how based they are and I can't play the game it advertises. Seems fun I guess. If you like kids shows
(Meant to post this exact message nearly 20 hours ago)

>> No.9121635
File: 87 KB, 400x580, 1651683897232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast Kaiba!

>> No.9121778
File: 78 KB, 400x580, SevenToolsoftheBandit-SYE-EN-C-1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah fuck that

>> No.9121986

When I was a kid playing 7 trials to glory it felt like the CPU always had either this or ring of destruction

>> No.9122218

Quite the nut slapper innit.

>> No.9122486
File: 49 KB, 330x480, 51PmfGwaRFL._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Card artwork and name are incredibly kino
>Card itself is trash
What are some other examples?

>> No.9122578
File: 291 KB, 300x436, 300px-Tatsunootoshigo-B2-JP-C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of cards from the first generation pretty much.

>> No.9122840

Modern Linkspan bullshit Yugioh where Raigeki is unbanned and barely played at all.

>> No.9122969

Boo hoo my card from 1999 isn't good anymore

>> No.9123296

>decide to finally give Duelist of the Roses after hearing people talk about it as if it's a cult classic of the franchise
>spend three hours repeatedly trying and failing to beat the first battle
>eventually give up
I'm too retarded for this. I'll stick with normal yugioh, thanks.

>> No.9123329
File: 523 KB, 603x1000, Dark.Magician.full.3198943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with on this one, mostly because both Pendulums and Links literally required a change to the board, which I feel it's too drastic, especially for it to happen twice in a row. Of course a card game can change it's board with time, but we had these genuinely drastic changes in a relatively short time span, and it sent an odd precedent for players, we almost expect everything to change quickly.

Indeed, power creep is common in card games, but most of them have set rotation, with Yu-Gi-Oh! we don't really see cards get that much bigger, back then the strongest Lv. 4s had between 1800ATK and 1900ATK while now they have 2000ATK... but what happens is that they all get more complex, a Lv. 4 with 2000ATK and no effect is irrelevant now, even though back then it would've been downright broken. I don't mind the increase in complexity by itself, my issue is how so many cards now need to have full paragraphs of tiny text on them, which I find to be uncomfortable to read and boring when I have to do it with so many cards in a row, and I don't like how nowadays it's all about taking few longs turns, I prefer when both players have a lot of shorter turns.

Konami's handling of Links was genuinely the worst at the start, because they were literally required to do special summoning from the extra deck, even if you only played something like Synchros or Xyzs, you needed to have Links, it was the first summoning mechanic that you essentially had to buy just to play previous ones properly, nowadays they're no longer required, which is better.

I wish I could enjoy Reshef of Destruction, because in terms of story and atmosphere, the overall world it takes place in, it feels like a love letter to Kazuki Takahashi's work... but the difficulty has always turned me off from it, the changes from Sacred Cards overall, like that annoying cursor and the slow leveling up with high card prices, progression just feels like a drag.

>> No.9123354
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>> No.9123359
File: 14 KB, 240x240, UCBxe8syteKLOEnx3SrrrekQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to formats, there really are few that Konami actively supports... it's a department where they're lacking and should take notes from other card games, but it doesn't mean we as players can't play under different formats, mostly legacy ones where we play with older card pools and limited lists, Goat (2005) is the most popular, but I've also found Yugi/Kaiba (2002) to be fun.

I prefer the way things are now compared to back then regarding archetypes, but at the same time I don't find them to be ideal. Deck building used to be too generic, with just staples, now it feels too specific, I wish Yu-Gi-Oh! had gone in the M:tG or Pokémon direction, with colors and energy respectively, and focused on something like its attributes and types, because while I don't mind the existence of archetypes, and I especially love how many classic cards got their own entire archetypes based on them, they make deckbuilding more limited to me from the moment you pick one of them, most people run the same few cards within an archetype, and packs especially feel awful, most cards mention specific cards and archetypes, which makes most of them useless to me.

Raigeki still sees a lot of play and is an excelent card, I don't think anyone would argue with that, I wouldn't say Links killed it or anything, though at the same time it is indeed not as devastating as it once was, due to how much protection and negation monsters have nowadays. Raigeki is still powerful, but it is an example of power creep in Yu-Gi-Oh! too since it got worse with time.

I stopped after watching some of GX aswell, I didn't dislike GX back then and actually thought it did interesting things for a sequel series, but I never cared about it as much as the original, at least not enough to finish it. I have no memories of what came after it, besides a friend of mine in high school who was really into Arc-V and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon.

>> No.9123372
File: 44 KB, 355x500, 512R5FK5WRL._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing this jank since yesterday and I kind of like it. The best of this game are the 3D models of classic monsters, is there some model viewer out there where I can see them up close?

>> No.9123375
File: 185 KB, 425x602, BlackLusterSoldier-DPYG-EN-R-1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are some other examples?
So many... too many to count really, especially early on. One that comes to mind is Black Luster Soldier... I've always loved the artwork for the original Black Luster Soldier so much, but the card itself is not good at all, due to the investment it takes by simply being a Ritual, and not having any effect, it's takes a lot of resources and can be taken out too easily, which is awful for card advantage unfortunately. I wish Envoy of the Beggining had this artwork instead or something, or that the original had Envoy of the Beggining's effect, it would've been less broken due to it being a Ritual and all.

>> No.9123524
File: 33 KB, 216x325, BlackLusterSoldier-T0-JP-UR-RP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use the one in the world tournament prize illegal normal version bro

>> No.9123527
File: 1.14 MB, 600x875, 1638105606621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's vanilla BLS.

>> No.9123529

Based samefag.

>> No.9123549
File: 735 KB, 461x669, 974D1F62-97C2-499E-90BB-E27725B3C1CD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted Magician of Black Chaos but by the time it finally got released in America it was pretty much unusable in any deck. At least they made up for it with Dark Magician of Chaos, but the powercreep has made that card worthless now too.

>> No.9124129

Are you me?

>> No.9124141

In 2015 litterally a week before the Red-eyes archtype became a thing (they added the fusion spell and shit), I made a Red-eyes Metal Dragon deck and beat the shit out of metadecks, fun times.
Play EDOpro and look up older formats, you can get away with anything in those or set up games with the bot or other people

>> No.9124208
File: 762 KB, 481x700, ArchfiendEccentrick-PEVO-EN-SR-1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not liking pendulums because you don't feel like learning how to use or combat them kek. Anti-nu-YGOfags are lazy nostalgiafags
>Pendulums and Links literally required a change to the board, which I feel it's too drastic
>my issue is how so many cards now need to have full paragraphs of tiny text on them, which I find to be uncomfortable to read and boring
This honestly reads top me like cope.
>Konami's handling of Links was genuinely the worst at the start
I find it very telling that people still talk about Links like this as if it matters at all. It's today, not then, find something else to bitch about

>> No.9124212

>At least they made up for it with Dark Magician of Chaos, but the powercreep has made that card worthless now too.
Also it's actually hilarious to me to read shit like this, because how dare a card released nearly TWO FULL DECADES AGO not be Tier 1 today kek fuck Komoney

>> No.9124267
File: 33 KB, 310x450, 1642809471840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of the retard that liked Qli format.

Rituals were shit since day 1. Just like Fusion monsters that needed Poly.

>> No.9124271

>collect all in-game cards in WC 2010
>there's 13 more that are download-only
>5 of them aren't just alt art
>only got 1 of them back then
>can't get them without Action Replay
Why retro gaming is superior.

>> No.9124335

>plays Nintendo DS
>is not retro
>still stinks up /vr/ anyways

>> No.9124345

>can't read 6 lines fully
>says others are stinking up the board
lrn 2 read bby

>> No.9124351

Verification not required.

>> No.9124381

this. i love wc06.

>> No.9124764
File: 38 KB, 344x500, 51Eim6I+1+L._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering playing The Sacred Cards, any tips? All I know is it has anime rules or something

>> No.9124939
File: 859 KB, 3200x3200, MV5BYjg5ZTZlOGEtNjc2YS00M2Y0LWFjOTItZmJjMzU5NWI1MDlmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzM4MjM0Nzg@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to play Worldwide Edition a fuck ton back in the day. Not sure how it's aged but I remember having a blast with it 20 or so years ago.

>> No.9125046
File: 619 KB, 400x589, BadReactiontoSimochi-DB2-EN-C-UE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having a hard time with WC 2008
>Don't know what to do, the CPU keeps outsmarting me
>Fuck it, Bad Reaction to Simochi + Gift Card
I love ultimate bullshit strategies.

>> No.9125156

Imagine liking links because you don't feel like learning how to think and calculate risks. YGO newfags are lazy casualfags
>inb4 more of your delusions of grandeur
1v1 in nekroz format or any earlier format, I guarantee an ass kicking for you newfag

>> No.9125530

In WC 2010, Luna uses this all the time, along with Savage Colosseum.
I learned to MST the Simochi when she uses Gift Card.

>> No.9125821
File: 1.44 MB, 1488x1768, 1635476622914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EDOPRO and official retro adaptations by Konami really are the way to go when playing these older cards that aren't good anymore, or that were never good to begin with, I recall EDOPRO not having a way to play against the AI though, but I might be mistaken, it's been ages since I've last looked it up.

I don't know what you mean by saying that I'm coping with anything, it's just how I feel about it, you can be happy with the things I take issue in and that's fine, personal preference, but I'm not coping with anything, I'm being transparent about my thoughts.

I see your point, and I mostly agree, but I can see where the anon you were replying to is coming from, DMoC wasn't just a good card, it was stellar and at times downright broken... while nowadays it's not even considered even in rogue decks, it's an example of how different Yu-Gi-Oh! is now compared to back then, not necessarily a bad thing, and DMoC can still be used effectively in legacy formats, but it's interesting to think about it nonetheless.

One of the main reasons I stick to retro most nowadays, it's impressive how many things that should be part of the complete offline single player experience get attached to the online aspect of it which will inevitably fade one day and become inaccessible.

>> No.9125840
File: 2.19 MB, 1080x1080, 1634855865918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I adore The Sacred Cards, but it's definitely an odd one, mostly due to its rules. It functions similar to Pokémon in a way, with you moving around its world, and it's something most fans of it love, but it might not be for everyone and could be a deciding factor in enjoying the experience or not. Now, regarding the rules, this can be the real deal breaker, or what makes the experience shine to you, either way they take time getting used to, but once you do it's a smooth experience. You have to learn the alignment system well, once you do a lot of duels can get much simpler, play Fire monsters against Weevil and Light monsters against the Ghouls and they'll have a harder time countering you, for example, this was especially helpful to me against Mako, who was giving me a tough time... until I added a lot more Thunder monsters to my deck, then he went down.

Also, you have no phases or anything like in the OCG/TCG, no Main Phase 1 or Main Phase 2, no Battle Phase... which makes the experience flow quite well, since you can do everything in the order you like, it also causes less misplays from my experience. One fun thing you can do when tributing monsters is using tributing the monsters you'll use for the tribute summon, then use Dark Hole to do a board wipe, and only then play your monster, it can be a devastating move for the opponent. Another thing to keep in mind is monsters can only use their effect once, when they're played on the field and are face down, after attacking or activating their effect once they flip and you can't use it again. You'll get currency quite quickly, and you can use it to buy cards at the shop, I recommend Hourglass of Life, Skelengel, Doron and Witch's Apprentice to start off.

>> No.9125948
File: 712 KB, 1117x818, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I recall EDOPRO not having a way to play against the AI though
You can, just follow the png order. They can also use any deck that you make. The AI package is pretty good, and iirc you can easily install another AI package

>> No.9126335

>Imagine liking links because you don't feel like learning how to think and calculate risks.
What does this even mean
>YGO newfags are lazy casualfags
I've been playing since 2002 but go on coping

>> No.9126582

>I've been playing since 2002
Anon playing Dark Duel Stories doesn't make you an oldfag

>> No.9127323
File: 40 KB, 294x437, 153334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you done making RL fanfic of me
Though I will admit DDS was the first way I could really engage with yugioh because it was the first game I got. I didn't even get another one until 7 Trials to Glory.
I watched on kids WB when it was pretty new because it had time slots near pokemon and my classmates liked it, same reason why I watched DBZ occasionally
First product I got was the Joey Starter Deck. Now this is kino. Summon Baby Dragon pass

>> No.9127357

The early game in Nightmare Troubadour is rougher than I remember. Perhaps it's because it's been a while since I've played pre-GX YGO, or perhaps I just keep getting shit pulls, not that the boosters available early on have very useful cards.
The starting deck can technically counter some of what the early NPCs pull on you, but it's pretty shit all round. Takes forever to get enough KC points to buy a booster, and everybody except Tea can steamroll you out of the gate.

>> No.9127785

>I watched on kids WB when it was pretty new
Uhh anon that was 2006
>First product I got was the Joey Starter Deck
And this was 2003. I doubt you'd make a 1-4 year mistake like this. Either you're trying to fit in or you're retarded. Either way opinion discarded

>> No.9127793

Nigger, Yu-Gi-Oh STARTED on kidsWB in 2001. I guess you read Google wrong since it ENDED in 2006.That guy is still probably lying since DBZ didn't go on kidsWB until like 2011 when it was rebranded to Toonzai. Though I'm sure different states and countries had different shows on different channels.

>> No.9128952

>That guy is still probably lying since DBZ didn't go on kidsWB until like 201
Besides that not being true (Kids WB briefly aired DBZ in 2001-2002 when they were doing brand synergy with Toonami), you are able to change channels while watching television and DBZ also had an after school time slot
Zoomer insists I must be lying when they have no idea when YGO aired on Kids WB kek

>> No.9128994
File: 670 KB, 445x645, PantherWarrior-LCJW-EN-C-1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tribute-to-attack monsters must be one of the worst types out there.

>> No.9129036
File: 3.34 MB, 1401x1227, unknown-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the XYZ Symphony starter deck instead because I desperately needed Rank 4s

>> No.9129053

Just hope you don't face Mako, you'll have little to no back row removal so if he flips Tornado Wall it's basically an OTK. Nightmare Troubadour sucks. Game is too slow and progress is even slower

>> No.9129490

Lack of backrow removal has been the main issue I've had. Are the GBA WC games less of a pain in that regard?

>> No.9129538

Are there any mods for Forbidden Memories that just increase the drop rates without increasing the difficulty or otherwise altering the game?

>> No.9131008

There is one bad it's pretty bad, they added Marik and Dartz to the story

>> No.9131029

There's some I think, but it's hard to get the less popular mods unless you search through some latino facebook group.

>> No.9132935

I usually play WC06, WC08 and Tag Force 3. All 3 are really good and imho that period was the peak of Yugioh.

Synchros kinda fit, but the problem is they became too generic. You could pretty much play most good synchros no matter what deck you run. Even if you didn't have a tuner you probably had a Stardust Dragon and ran Starlight Road to counter Dark Hole, Heavy Storm, Torrential Tribute, Mirror Force, Judgment Dragon, Black Rose Dragon and many other cards. But at least the game was playable in Synchro-gen.
Xyz monsters were much worse since all you had to do is have level consistency. All of the sudden no matter what deck you had you'd have 15 cards in your extra deck. Majority of decks mostly had level 3 and level 4 monsters, so Number 16/34/39/50/101/106, Zenmaines, Diamond Dire Wolf, Lavalval Chain, Exciton Knight, Black Ray Lancer, Leviair Sea Dragon, Steelswarm Roach, Gagaga Cowboy, Dark Rebellion Dragon, Abyss Dweller, all of these were usable in majority of decks. There being 16 different staple/semi-staple Xyz cards meant that the extra deck basically replaced the role of the main deck during the Xyz era. Just like the Graveyard replaced the role of the hand and the Banish Pile replaced the role of the Graveyard near the end of the Xyz era and during the Pendulum era. While I really like the Xyz mechanic, Xyz cards actually ruined Yugioh for me and most people I played with. Pendulums and Links only gave a finishing blow to people who still continued to play neo-ygo. It's actually because of Pendulums that my friend group plays Yugioh on Edopro (ygopro) with either Fusion-gen, Synchro-gen or Xyz-gen ban lists with all newer cards auto-banned. We even have tournaments.

>> No.9133112

>all newer cards auto-banned
But there are cards and archetypes that got support in later gens that AREN'T any of the new card types (Chaos Max Dragon, Millennium-Eyes Restrict).
Why not make exceptions to them? Freshen up the game without changing it in extreme ways.

>> No.9133226

NTA, I've been thinking about doing something similar, allowing newer cards that don't use mechanics past whichever period my group is playing at that time, but I worry that the overall power creep will mean that newer cards outclass the old ones anyway.

>> No.9133230

I think it's fine if that happens. The point of adding newer cards is to use them.

>> No.9133341

I still dont know if the progression system in these yugioh games are good or not. Its fun the first time but after my 4th video game I got sick of grinding to unlock packs to give my staples like Mirror Force. If a new single player game ever gets released, I kinda hope its like Master Duel where you can convert your useless cards into a currency to craft cards or just keep it really simple and let you convert any card you own into DP.

>> No.9133390

Power creep, honestly. We do allow anime cards which were released afterwards, as long as they're not broken. For example, Seal of Orichalcos is allowed when we play Fusion-gen because the card is generally weak. And, of course, all cards are pre-errata versions. For example, Ring of Destruction has no limit on when it can be activated nor what it can target, and it deals damage to both players at once.

>> No.9133398

Yeah Ring isn't broken at all
Do you even know why they do erratas or do you think they just like changing cards at random sometimes

>> No.9133416
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I see, thank you so much for the heads up! I recall when playing against the AI was downright removed when Links were introduced, due to the whole new complexity both them and MR4 added to Yu-Gi-Oh! at the time, and it felt like that AI would never resume its development and come back, it's so good to see I was completely wrong in that regard, I'll install it again at some point.

Indeed, sadly Panther Warrior comes from a time where a Lv. 4 with 2000ATK or more had to be given a set back, in this case a tribute, which made Gemini Elf the Lv. 4 with the highest ATK stat for the longest time. I'll admit it really is a shame though, Panther Warrior has an appealing design, but the card itself manages to be worse than both Dark Elf's and Jirai Gumo's LP cost.

In Eternal Duelist Soul you can run 2x Heavy Storm and 1x Harpie's Feather Duster, alongside 3x Mystical Space Typhoon and 3x Giant Trunade, so it's decent in that regard, I don't know about the World Championship ones though. Of course, for all of the cards I've mentioned you'll need to grind until you can get everything you want to run, which can take quite a few duels to do.

I find it interesting how one of the main issues with Yu-Gi-Oh! used to be that the most competitive cards on the main deck were just too generic, so pretty much all decks ran the exact same core. Nowadays with archetypes we don't have that issue anymore... but every since Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums/Links the extra deck started having that same issue the main deck used to have.

I know what you mean, the grind in Yu-Gi-Oh! video games can take ages, it's especially bad early on, but even some later installments too. I'm with you on Master Duel, one thing that always bothered me was getting more that 3 copies of a card and not being able to trade that for currency or new cards, for something that I could actually use, this system should be the new standard.

>> No.9133443

It's broken, yes. But we'd only play it in traditional format anyway, so keeping the original effect makes more sense.

>with archetypes we don't have that issue anymore
I really love archetypes, but many of my friends feel like they ruined the game for some reason. While I see their point, I feel like early archetypes were fine.

>> No.9133458

Archetypes were a good addition that made deck building way less generic, which I feel is something that Yu-Gi-Oh! absolutely needed, it's also nice to see classic cards get their own entire archetypes for those that loved them, though at times I feel we went from too generic to too focused, and I wish there had been more of a focus on the attributes and types, similar to Pokémon's focus on its energy types and Magic's focus on its colors, it's sort of what they went for back then, but they made Light/Dark attributes so much better than everything else, which lead to the generic deck building, it should've been more balanced. One more thing I dislike about archetypes it's that packs are much worse now, back then you could get a pack and maybe pull something useful for you, nowadays cards usually required a very specific engine to work, you can't just put them in your deck unless your deck is exactly that archetype's.

>> No.9134404

Yeah, too focused is one of the best arguments against archetypes. You can't just buy 10-20 random packs and build a deck anymore because every archetype card expects your deck to be filled with other cards of the same archetype. Compared to MTG where you absolutely can do that.
IMO Yugioh didn't really need to go with the archetype route, they could have used types and attributes instead, like MTG did. I guess most people liked the idea of archetypes when they were first introduced, and it was easier for players (kids) to understand that "thematic cards with similar names" should be played together so the game was redesigned with archetypes in mind. I don't really mind that as I find it interesting, but it really limits the game. Not to mention the archetypes became very stale since most of them had very similar card effects on many cards.

>> No.9135139
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Here's a quick and dirty pack list for Eternal Duelist Soul I made, showing how to unlock these packs and the most major pulls. This doesn't include every single good card because I made this for myself and ignored some of them
Looking at the packs and comparing them to their real world counterpart, you can see how close they are. I used to think UM06 was the first YGO game with real packs
I did this with some of the other GBA games as well, if anyone cares I'll find them later

>> No.9135515

I've now played Duel Carnival enough to get it. This is actually one of the best Yu-Gi-Oh! games ever made.
Because you can duel against recipes that you create. That's the #1 most important feature in ANY YGO game in my book, as it allows you to flat out recreate past formats. The AI in this game is pretty solid too, it plays pretty well when on the highest difficulty. The AI plays like they don't know how to read (or activate Traps) when on the lowest difficulty setting and you can use that to cheese through Story Mode.
What is Story Mode? I don't care, more importantly, you can beat a character's story in maybe 2-3 hours and after you do that, you can edit their recipes in Free Duel.
So yeah, World Duel Carnival is basically the bare bones duel simulator I said it was, but more importantly, it's a pretty good bare bones duel simulator. I was going to tell you to buy it, but that's physically impossible at the moment, so I guess get fucked instead.
Why spend (unironically) 100+ hours in Ultimate Masters 2006 to unlock recipe dueling, then all the cards you need (another 100+ hours) when you can just play World Duel Carnival?
Also? XYZ Monsters? Are based.

>> No.9135525

Also this thread is on auto sage because fuck Yu-Gi-Oh and everyone who enjoys it I guess