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9101849 No.9101849 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't they give X a pet dog?

>> No.9101871

It's that one. Ligma turned it into a Maverick and you have to put it down.

>> No.9101995

X is supposed to be the edgy and Dark MAGA Man. He can’t have a transforming canine sidekick. Velguarder shows up very briefly in MMX1, I wouldn’t consider robot pets normal after 20XX.

>> No.9102007 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, Casshern (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mega Man X was pretty must an overt rip off of Casshern, who did have a robot dog support, but with Sigma already being very shamelessly Braiking Boss and the First armor being primarily white, they probably felt they were pushing it too far already.

>> No.9102034
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>> No.9102041
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Looks like they had to give him a weaker pet

>> No.9102056

>Mega Man X was pretty must an overt rip off of Casshern
Ehhhhh not really

>> No.9102102

It's rapper slang

>> No.9102105
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Oh come on, not only Braiking Boss and Sigma are both big bald robots who malfunctioning after and incident and said malfunctioning makes them "decide" humans are stunting robot potential and raise an army with their own logo, X during some early concept phases even had Casshern's high collar and C logo.

>> No.9102119

>X is supposed to be the edgy
What the goddamn fuck are you on about?

>> No.9102121
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Embarrassing, he even copied the logo

>> No.9102126

Mega Man has always been about taking "inspiration" from other sources, even TOM PON and Akira Kitamura have played it off as "oh, all the devs just based many things on the anime we watched as kids" to not call it direct rip off. The blue dog enemies from Mega Man 2, the ones that breathe fire, are actually named Friender, much like Casshern's dog, who's known to also spew fire from his mouth (and so does Velgauder).

And of course there's the whole similar aesthetic between Mega Man Legends and Yatterman, with Roll looking, particularily her hat and hair do, pretty close to Ai-chan.

>> No.9102137


>> No.9102141

Astroboy is also another source, for classic in specific, the proportions and facial looks, but Mega Man "borrowed" from many other anime sources than just Astrobot.

The scene from MM4 when Rock volunteers to be turned into a fighting robot and then becomes Mega Man is pretty close to the Casshern anime scene when Tetsuya volunteers to be turned into a cyborg and becomes Casshern.

As an aside note, since they borrow elements per their own admision, I wonder if Proto Man's whistle comes from Kamen Rider 1 and 2 having a whistle before they show up.

>> No.9102153
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Glad they dropped that idea, the collar really doesn't work on a stubby character like that, especially with Megaman's signature giant boots.

>> No.9102158

That said, X did got drawn looking taller as the series went on, compare his artwork proportions from X1 to X6 or X7.
Which is hilarious, since X is canon a manlet. like 162cm.

>> No.9102163
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Hmm, the center guys..

>> No.9102170

The third guy reminds me more of the lanky lackey Braiking Boss had his meetings with. The one that was always seen with a short fat one.

>> No.9102196


No purpose, gameplaywise. Rush was there to give you movement options, but a core part of X was that the player should have more immediately accessible, dynamic movement baked in.

>> No.9102248

I had always read that Inafune designed Zero to be Mega Man X and someone else designed the final character later when execs wanted a more recognizable MM.

>> No.9103042
File: 112 KB, 882x962, Mega Man X Development Document translated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero was designed first as "Super Rockman" was just starting to be thought of, very early pre-production before any plot were considered. Zero didn't really last as "X" very long, for all we know he was X only for a day.
After that, Inafune and the planner dude from MM5 whose name currently escapes me began planning how things connect to classic Mega Man and the elements borrowed from Casshern start popping up.

>> No.9103062
File: 151 KB, 626x931, 3p1nefag2wm21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beta concept art shows X with very similar armor and helmet to casshern.

>> No.9103068

Ah yeah, the mouthplater/mouthcover just like Casshern. Funny how they ended up using that idea for Mega Man Battle Network instead.

>> No.9103308
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They basically kept the helmet, copied the colors and just slapped on a blue back