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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9099725 No.9099725 [Reply] [Original]

Emulator or original hardware?

>> No.9099728

Original hardware with flash carts/modchip etc.

>> No.9099734

I gave up on disc-based consoles.

>> No.9099891

Emulator. OG hardware is often faulty and the lack of good 3rd party controllers gets on your skin when the damn thing keeps on breaking for no reason at all.

>> No.9099921
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if we're talking about the ps2, CECHA00/01

>> No.9100154

If I have the original hardware - I use it. If I don't - I'm not buying one if the emulator can run the game well enough.

>> No.9100160

I use an emulator because I play Monster Hunter 1 online and don’t feel like rigging up my old PS2 to the online.
I definitely miss the hardware sounds like the whirring of the fans and stuff, and the way it used to look on my old ass TV.
Are there any filters or anything for PCSX2 to better replicate older TV displays?

>> No.9100172

I have like 5 first part PS2 controllers and three of those Logitech wireless controllers. I am guda guda on them.

>> No.9100204

I emulate games that are too expensive for me to purchase copies of.

>> No.9100367
File: 47 KB, 1920x1006, Pcsx2_2022-07-17_18-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emulate all day!
Why? comfy
Also you can't take screenshots on real hardware.

>> No.9100391

Same. Bluetooth and Emulation is much more convenient. Messing around with OPL and pademu, not that OPL and pademu aren't great. They are very awesome. Also some games don't work on the RGB port, so you gotta have composite and rgb plugged in. You wouldn't have to worry about any of that shit with emulation.

>> No.9100392

Wtf does this anon do to their controllers

>> No.9100394

I dunno but I think people who emulate have something wrong with their brains. Not because they emulate or something but their sheer determination to shit on everyone who doesn't emulate and constantly remind people that they are emulating. At some point you just wonder if they have a preoccupation with something

>> No.9100395

Once the PS2 gets an HDMI mod and ODE it'll be the best way to play

>> No.9100398

Maybe you can put out a request for TV, with leaky capacitor, that needs to be slapped every 12 minutes, filter. Also don't forget dusty whirling fan with dead roach husks smattering the fan blades, audio filter.

>> No.9100694

Native 480i makes my eyes bleed so emulate.

>> No.9100703

For PS2, emulation is terrible. I use real hardware there because it's easy to pirate.
Anything older emulates fine though.

>> No.9100708

enjoy your YLOD

>> No.9100743

of course

>> No.9100769

Neither, there's literally zero games on it I think are worth playing. No troll, gaming went to shit in the mid-90s and the PS2 generation was the first to really be a wasteland of fucking shit games.
/vr/ should be 8/16bit generation only.

>> No.9100774

I'm leaning more into emulation these days. I want a more minimal setup and convenience

>> No.9100786

Original hardware but just because it was cheaper than getting a PC that could run everything decently on PCSX2

>> No.9100797

see, I had that
now I have all original consoles with flash carts and ODE's hooked up to a big CRT and it's just a much better experience
I would recommend a MiSTer for as close the original experience with a convenient size

>> No.9100819

He already said he emulates.

>> No.9100995

aint it a bit early in the morning for you to be up gramps? lets get you back in your hospice bed.
true nostalgic kino

>> No.9101008

>Anything older emulates fine though
Why are you lying?

>> No.9101031

I dunno but I think people who never emulate have something wrong with their brains. Not because they never play original hardware or something but their sheer determination to shit on everyone who doesn't play on original hardware and constantly remind people that they are playing original hardware. At some point you just wonder if they have a preoccupation with something.

>> No.9101047

This is the only reason to emulate. I go for original hardware whenever possible, and occasionally I'll get a $150 playstation game if it's one I really want, but for something that's thousands of dollars I'll begrudgingly have to emulate.

>> No.9101049

Maybe I just haven't played anything obscure enough yet. Everything seems to work fine.

>> No.9101054

This is best. I wrote a GB emulator and I’m the process learned not even GB emulation is perfect.

FPGA implementations are also good. MiSTer is the best balance of compatibility and convenience

>> No.9101057

CECHE01 for me. Less likely to fail.

>> No.9101060

even if you're emulating it's worth having a ps2 controller and adapter at least, pcsx2 has shit support for modern analog sticks.

>> No.9101067

there's an infinitesimal amount of input lag you're lying about

>> No.9101186

and you're speaking for him why?

>> No.9101857

Because he emulates.

>> No.9101864

Not the recent nightly update. They tweaked it to where it can accept Xinput and has a new UI now along with an automatic updater.

>> No.9101870

Nightly build it has a ton of huge graphical fixes but it is still a work in progress.*

>> No.9101927

Emulation. Convenience, and you can tweak settings. More fun imo.

>> No.9101935

The one that plays PS1 games with 24 bit colors, 480p resolution, geometry correction, a turbo button, save states and gameshark codes.

>> No.9101953

It's like eating cooked stuff vs eating it raw. Emulation is such an upgrade that it's hard to understand the purists who insist playing on original oftware.

>> No.9102412

It’s more like eating overcooked steak with ketchup vs eating medium

>> No.9102506

This. PS2 was the worst in this regard. Every other 6th gen console had 480p default. There's no reason to use a PS2 for anything other than exclusives. It's even a worse multiplat machine than the PS3 which was only 10% worse than the 360.

>> No.9103448

>GB emulation still isn't perfect
>FPGA is good
Shows how much you fucking know.

>> No.9103451

Mister, and hacked/modded consoles for anything not on Mister.

>> No.9103458

Some people are now trying to justify atrocious 480i with the made up "240p fetishization".

>> No.9103580

>standard definition media doesn’t look good on HD TV’s
Thanks for stating the obvious

>> No.9103635
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Original hardware if you can get it, emulate it if it's fucking $300 for fucking Silent Hill 3 what the fucking fuck

>> No.9103656

There are plenty of ways to pirate on original hardware. Buying games is for collectors at this point.

>> No.9103719

Emulated hardware.

>> No.9103746

Burn the disc tard

>> No.9103905

Half that on ebay,why the fuck do you buy retro games on amazon.

>> No.9104661

Emulation is soulless and has the tendency to turn people trans, I'd recommend to get comfy and play on original hardware.

>> No.9104667

I have the original hardware but it's too much work. I might set up the ps2 to use a hard drive but most consoles I've had that read discs eventually fail.
Emulation is also the only reasonable way to preserve games.
The main benefit of emulation is that you don't go on your computer to play, and as a result don't end up browsing the web which kinda sucks.

>> No.9104684

somebody paying hundreds of dollars for collectors items is far more likely to be trans

>> No.9104769

"8bit" and "16bit" games were fucking trash you retarded fucking Nintentoddler. Gaming went to shit after Atari dipped from the scene, after that every single game was designed to appeal to either literal children or manchildren like you. Fuck you for ruining gaming.

>> No.9104781

Incorrect in every way. People who purchase vintage video games have more expendable income in general, they usually own a home and have successful careers. They have more conservative values with stronger beliefs in tradition and preservation. They know that there are only two genders dictated by chromosomes at birth.
People who sit at their PC or stare at their phone emulating and hanging out in discords all day are more commonly poor and have more left leaning beliefs. They tend to have lower income jobs and have higher levels of depression and anxiety. Ultimately these lifestyles and beliefs can lead to gender confusion and eventually fully "transitioning", putting them on the path to becoming just another statistic.

>> No.9104791

I'm more into emulation these days as my phat PS2 is very definitely dying (I know the DVD drive is dying and god knows what state the actual silicon is in). I suppose I could just go ebay one of the slim models as they are (iirc) more reliable.

>> No.9104793

You clearly don't work a well paying tech job, trannies are all over this shit. And they're all autistic so they will hoard this plastic junk, having nothing better to do in their lives.

>> No.9104807


Only poor people use emulators, and usually they're poor from their $500,000 sex transition.

>> No.9104808

>Tech Job
PC trannies and emulating discord junkies, my point proven

>> No.9104828

>you're a tranny if you don't fill your life with meaningless puerile plastic garbage
is that why speedtrannies are the ones who use original hardware? you've lost the plot. go to sleep.

>> No.9104859

No one said that, there are lots of different ways to play on real hardware. Why are you even on a retro gaming board? You seem as soulless and miserable as emulation is, go dilate somewhere else.

>> No.9104865

Memes aside these bitches have ruined retro gaming for young kids, now you need to spend $100 or whatever to play Mario 64.

Don't get me wrong it's cool to have retro hardware, but ultimately give that shit to a kid you know who will actually play it, instead of hoarding it and reminiscing over your forever gone youth.
Also hardware is not preservation. All of it will fail. Free and Open Source emulators are the only pathway to real preservation.

>> No.9104890

I see where you're coming from but it doesn't really make sense, it's a huge hassle to get a real n64 even hooked up to a modern TV. If a kid wants to play Mario64 you can do that on a nintendo switch far more cheaply and easily. Even then the reality is they'd probably much rather play fortnite.
People buy retro games for a lot more reasons than just to play them, that can be achieved quite easily.

>> No.9104895

It's so easy to play pirated games on disc based consoles that there is no reason not to use original hardware

>> No.9104918

Yeah, you're right. The thing is I don't understand collectors. If you're not going to play the game anymore, give it away to a child (with the crt). Surely 500+ games can't have sentimental value to a grown adult? There has to be some level of self-infantilization going on. I'm not saying you can't play games or anything but these people with collections that number in the thousands are not doing it for their kids or to even play the games, but rather to fill a void in their soul.

>> No.9104919

I should add, I feel this is less true if the games were a reasonable price. Say $5 a game or even $10. But when you're collecting games you didn't even play as a kid, that can be played on an emulator for $100+? And doing that hundreds of times? What's wrong with them?
The same goes for other collecting hobbies too (and arguably, more so) i.e. funko pops, comics, guns (when they don't train or shoot them, and they have no historical value)

>> No.9105016


>> No.9105037

I don’t need hundreds just a dvd and img burn lol.

>> No.9105065

People enjoy collecting vinyl records even though you could easily listen to that music for free, likely in higher quality on YouTube. If they are passionate about it they might like to enjoy the small touches, the physical art, liner notes or the experience of actually playing the record on their equipment. Raging about prices is idiotic, the market decides what things are worth based on the demand that's why some games are $5 and some games are $100 and prices fluctuate.
I don't understand the appeal of collecting baseball cards or postage stamps but I'm sure for the people that do there are alot things they enjoy about it. It's pretty to be reductive and just say it's all rotting paper, plastic, metal and rubber because you don't get it, it sounds like an NPC statement.

>> No.9105069

Your argument is that it shouldn't be here because you don't like it. Then you dove into a thread about shit you don't like. Completely retarded.

>> No.9105094

For ps2? Use the original hardware if possible, some games do a good use of the pressure sensitivity buttons. Emulation is flawed, but okay, I like it for the shaders and upscaling.

>> No.9105102

>good use
Lol, pressure sensitive buttons are a sucky gimmick and make them feel like mushy shit

>> No.9105103

I want to control my car speed with the pressure-sensitive X button.

>> No.9105108

It works well on MGS2/3.

>> No.9105618
File: 134 KB, 1920x1006, Pcsx2_2022-07-18_22-38-46-386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the plastic case, printed paper and a disc burned with data that everyone have acess, all done by a chink factory and hands, give soul to my games.
You don't enjoy games at all... I see. You just cope with this idea of "soul" to try to force yourself to play the games.

>> No.9105898

PCSX2 is getting way better than it used to be, compatibility-wise, but I feel like it's still not quite there yet
Random example, I tried Hitman Blood Money just yesterday on the nightly build and there were pretty terrible visual glitches

>> No.9105961

Whatever you have set up, holmes, what's important are the games.

>> No.9105974

Honestly? Both are terrible. Emulation isn't fully fleshed out and playing on a real PS2 has never been enjoyable (Xbox and PC versions of games were objectively better). There are only a handful of worthwhile games that are still PS2 exclusive.

>> No.9106038

The ARM emulator has better defaults, AetherSX2.

>> No.9106947

>Emulator or original hardware?
The answer is pretty obvious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFivwxmxFOE&
2 years ago video btw. Imagine now

>> No.9106952

Original hardware if I can, emulator if I must.

>> No.9107010

For me it's the opposite. I appreciate emulator convenience and enhancements, but if the emulator is obviously broken then in the trash it goes.

>> No.9107025

PS2 is the only retro console where the emulation is so bad and bothered me enough that I felt the need to go out and buy one. Granted I haven't tried any Xbox emulation.

>> No.9108305
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Why not both? Why limit oneself to just one?

>> No.9108319

There's not a great reason to play Blood Money on pcsx2 since it has a superior pc version, that's probably why no one cares to fix it.

>> No.9108331

One of the few rare instances where I can agree, that stuff worked way too well, there's a few bugfixes for the PC version, also the original original Xbox controller had that pressure thing too IIRC abd mgs 2 and 3 were on the orig xbox

>> No.9108436

Emulator, Hori controller, 15khz CRT running via component.

>> No.9109660

Every PCSX2 shit talker is (or all combined):
A poorfag who has a shitty PC and can't buy a new one.
Has low IQ, therefore, the undeveloped brain finds everything complicated.
They are uneducated individuals by 2022 standards: cannot understand simple principles of computer technology, its software and how they work.
Has cognitive problems understanding UI design and correlating things in general.
Stubborn oldfag too depressed to move on and accept change for the better.

>> No.9109686

good morning sir

>> No.9109934

game name?

>> No.9109939

Enter the matrix

>> No.9110007

Emulation is fine. Would prefer original hardware for the sake of nostalgic experience but I can't justify buying an old concole that can die any day and whose game prices are over inflated. And an ugly ass CRT..

>> No.9110123
File: 405 KB, 2048x1536, bgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not use hardware that isn't emulation unless you're some pathetic poorfag?

>> No.9110140

Well said, misterbro! Let's spread the gospel so the plebs can leave the stone age. Even the original hardware will die or has its faults, but the MiSTer lives on and surpasses it in absolutely everything.

>> No.9110237

Absolutely, the capabilities of the MiSTer are truely impeccable. Software emufags and original hardtards wish they could play on something as good as the MiSTer.

>> No.9110339
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Shiller detected. Wtf is mister, how much does it cost and why is it so good?

>> No.9110439

Nice setup for them to plug more bullshit. Almost as if it were inorganic.

>> No.9110443


Have you ever heard about FGPA? Think about recreating EVERY game console perfectly, on hardware level. You're not emulating software, which is prone to errors. You're recreating hardware, forget about inaccuracies or incompatibility. If you're not a poorfag, $210 should get you a DE10-Nano, the FPGA board favored by the MiSTer project.

>> No.9110456

>and if you act now and order in the next 10 minutes, you get a second slapchop absolutely free.

>> No.9110510

The PS and PSII were MIPS based, and didn't have the habit of cooking themselves to death, little the PS3 and onwards.

>> No.9110525

fucking kek, reminder that guy beat up a hooker and got ousted from the TV marketing business. kinda based but he was also a kyke so...

>> No.9110553

>I'm not a poorfag because I can afford to buy a weird gadget
What gadget is this?! a Basedthink x5 variant?
Do not answer. i'm fine with my i9 10900 + rtx 3700. Not only emulating all pcsx2' that I care, but also ps3/x360 games... and besides, i don't feel like an idiot wasting my money on these pathetic gadgets

>> No.9110628

Enjoy your massive input lag. But you're so low-IQ that even a full-hour input lag would be faster than what your brain could process. Leave MiSTer to the true chads.

>> No.9110678

what are you smoking

>> No.9110916

It already has Saturn and PS1 cores, it's only a matter of time before someone makes a core for the N64, the Dreamcast, and the PS2.

>> No.9110917


>> No.9110950

Speaking of ps2 and hdmi. Been trying to find decent converters to hdmi since newer tvs are phasing out the old ports.
I noticed when using a rca or component to hdmi converter the shadows just end up being pitch black. in some games making it almost impossible to see/play. I've already tried the ps2 hdmi converter stick and one other box and even cranking the brightness and backlight to max settings. games like fatal frame 2 are still almost impossible to play. It seems like id have to drop $200+ on an ossc to get any decent results.

>> No.9110957

Get a RetroTINK 5X or make a GBS-C

>> No.9111047

>hardware that isn't emulation
my sides

>> No.9111917

I'm more into emulation nowadays, especially since my most comfortable way of playing video games is laying in my bed, with a few pillows and cushions to get truly comfortable, with my laptop, I don't even mind playing with a keyboard anymore, for anything that uses few buttons it actually works quite well. I don't mind sitting on a chair to play, but laying on my bed is more relaxing.

>> No.9112029

Emulation, nowadays at least. Would have said original hardwares till 5 years ago.
But literally 99.99% of the library works with the software renderer, which looks still better than a real PS2, specially if you use a real CRT and 90% works perfectly without glitches with hardware renderer and internal resolution scaling.

>> No.9113802

Is Snapdragon the only chipset that is the best for emulation on the go?

>> No.9114242

>I wrote a GB emulator and I’m the process
Holy shit