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9090037 No.9090037 [Reply] [Original]

true kino

>> No.9090450

>posterized black crush

>> No.9090701

any advice or how to change controls on xbox? camera is giving me pain in the ass

>> No.9090718

IIRC on PS2 you could hold the button you use to lock-on, that lets you move and strafe with the left stick and move the camera with the right.
Probably the same on Xbox.

>> No.9090959

It's a *kind* of cinematic experience...

>> No.9090979

agreed. i mean the cop shootouts are jumping the shark a bit but still this is classic rockstar

>> No.9091104

literally go in the settings and set it to the alternate control option. best way to play the game, only on Xbox™

>> No.9091112
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>he didn't beat Monkey See Monkey Die

>> No.9091129

The soundtrack was the real KINO
In other news my ps2 mic died so no more yelling faggot as lure.

>> No.9091414


>> No.9092119

>You Died..

>> No.9094135

the game goes downhill when they force guns on you

>> No.9094173
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>Steam version
>Windows XP is a requirement
Should I emulate or go to GOG

>> No.9094305

parroted take. the gunplay is kino with a gamepad and largely optional if you aren't trash

>> No.9094310

emulate on xemu once they fix the shadows. also it isnt on gog. also it runs fine on pc if you fix it using google and a brain

>> No.9094349

There's no point in emulating it on PC, just go to PC Gaming Wiki and install the mandatory fixes.
There you go, Manhunt on PC with Widescreen support, better framerates than the console versions, better resolutions, and maybe even some PS2 assets brought in as well.

>> No.9094354


>> No.9095516

grow up and learn to form your opinions and while you're at it git gud

>> No.9095672

Any version outside of the ps2/xbox originals are compromised trash ports.

>> No.9096064

PC is perfectly fine with patches, but yea xbox port is king. a couple minor missing visual effects like most ps2 > xbox ports but the updated control scheme more than makes up for it

>> No.9096373
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Fuck ESRB and fuck Thompson

>> No.9096381


>> No.9096668

I don't listen to zooms that spew the word kino and sound like utter faggots.

>> No.9096715

first half of the game is great. during/after the mall the game becomes all about guns and goes downhill. but yeah its very kino. it nailed the dark and sinister vibe.

>> No.9096721

the only part in the second half that matches the first half is the fight with the pig guy

>> No.9096986

>everyone i dont like is a zoomer

>> No.9097661

Do the fan patches completely fix it? Don't wanna play a broken piece of crap.

>> No.9097761

It's a damn shame we'll never get a new Manhunt. R* is still gonna be re-releasing GTA 5 well into 2030

>> No.9097943

>no rumble
>no mic
Nah only xbox and ps2 pass

>> No.9097963

Back when i watched my brother play this game in his psp this game disrutbed me a lot but now that im a manly man i wanna give it a try, is it like postal?

>> No.9098739

Its perfectly playable from start to finish with fan patches. That's more than can be said without them - if you attempt to play the vanilla game it'll seem like everything's normal at first, but you will not be able to open one of the gates in the tutorial level. After that the game will crash, so fan patches are basically mandatory.

It's only similar to Postal in regards to its controversy and status as a game with extreme depictions of violence. It's more of a stealth-action game with horror/thriller elements. Your character isn't killing innocent civilians, he's just a guy forced to participate in a series of snuff films, in a corrupt city full of the worst of the worst gangs.
Manhunt 2 is the game you're probably thinking of since that was on the PSP, and it's fairly different compared to the original.

>> No.9100428

Pc or xbox backwards compatible version?