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9088693 No.9088693 [Reply] [Original]

What is the definitive version of this game?

there are like 3 versions


>> No.9088806


Translated by a Hack and had to be fixed by the community

Translation in progress

Done the official translation was ported over to it

>> No.9088818

Play the GBA version, it's solid and the translation is official and not fucking garbage by a shitlord.

>> No.9088819

GBA. It's the official English translation taken from the iOS version and put into the GBA port. It's really damn good as well.

>> No.9088820

snes for better sound

>> No.9088825

You forgot the PCE version

>> No.9088841

what about SMT2 and if? are the translations really that bad?

>> No.9088842

And Sega CD.
But for me it's just the SNES original.

>> No.9088871
File: 698 KB, 1366x1536, PCE Destiny Land Exclusive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PCE version is absolutely radical but will never ever ever be translated.
The SNES version has awful sound, even compared to the rest of the Megaten SNES games. It's like they couldn't figure out how to cut their samples at the zero-crossing and they click everywhere, it's maddening.

>> No.9089005

What's the best version for someone who knows Japanese? Is PSX the consensus?

>> No.9089108


>> No.9089119

I think that the initial release of SMT1 SNES translation had some very serious bugs and the translator did not react to pleas to fix them.

>> No.9089128

I found a patch on romhacking.net

are there similar problems with SMT2?

>> No.9089138

>The PCE version is absolutely radical
Why? I thought the Mega CD was the one with the most exclusive content and the Playstation was the best?

>> No.9089568

sfc has the best sound and vibes.


>> No.9089723

SMT2's translation is a bit buggy, but I never had any gamebreaking problems like I did with 1's old patch. As far as accuracy goes, the translation is a bit biased towards the chaos route. Nothing huge, but there are a few lines in the endings that were changed.
I had no problems with the SMT If... translation, nor have I heard any complaints.

>> No.9089835
File: 14 KB, 640x480, Bow wow wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the minority but I think the soundtrack is god-tier on the PCE. Overall I think the PCE version just has a lot of unironic soul, but I can't play it so what the fuck do I know. I beat it on iOS, which is the GBA version with the PSX soundtrack. The Mega CD version is really kind of bizarre, picrel.

>> No.9089848

Yeah they have a bunch of zoom in portraits during dialogue, it gets quite jarring if you're coming from the OG sufami version. The lawfag looks kinda weird, I don't think Kaneko drew these at all

>> No.9089854

Probably the SNES version with the SMT 2 map hack if you don't speak runes.
I heard the GBA version was nice and added a lot of new context to different scenes.

>> No.9090123
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I used the patch but the shops are still like this

>> No.9090130

Doesn't look like his style whatsoever, I'd agree.
The GBA version is based on the PSX version, with some bonus features and worse audio, obviously.

>> No.9090135

I think that's literally just a matter of the menus not being big enough

>> No.9090138

The STM stat was changed to VIT so the patch is working as intended. I guess it just doesn't fix the menu issue though

>> No.9090143

Is it the one that adds the auto map? I played through the original SNES SMT1 patch (before the mapper add-on from 2) and I remember there being some issues with text like that in the shop but I don't know if the patch fixes it.
Though I think it does fix the glitch where you can get busted ass items for free including a chaos only late game sword like really early.

>> No.9090148

>Is it the one that adds the auto map?
no its the one I linked here >>9089128

fixes various bugs with the original patch and changes the translations in some areas to be more in line with official translations.

>> No.9090158

So I'm biased for if..

If..'s translation was announced when I was entering highschool right when I was getting into SMT and learning that it was Persona 0 made me pretty excited.

Then it was constantly delayed and the translator kept fucking with the community and I finished Highschool, College and University when he released it. Why did he release it? Another team announced they were translating the PS1 version (which is better) so he HAD to be the first one to get it out there

Then there was errors in the first 5 minutes of the game

>> No.9090314

typical of an asshat who "calls dibs" on 100s of games to stifle better rom hackers.

>> No.9090368

the dibs rule is retarded they should go with the "free market" approach let the best translation win

>> No.9090594

>Then there was errors in the first 5 minutes of the game
shame. guess I will just have to wait until the PSX version is translated.

>> No.9090648

It's never going to get translated they literally left every social media platform right after the announcement

The errors are pretty minor (Pager to Smartphone) but I take great offence to having waited over a decade for something with errors 5 minutes in

>> No.9090845

>literally left every social media platform right after the announcement
were they the same ones that announced the SMT psx tranlsation?

>> No.9091445
File: 621 KB, 689x526, Fuck a Demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed entirely. You can't have "rules" without a governing body, just total Internet retardation.
I understand your frustration, but beggars really can't be choosers, anon. I'll shit on the translation "scene" all day, but they don't owe me shit. And there's a handful of rad translators and hackers out there.

>> No.9092141

Wait for the PS1 translation.

>> No.9092273

>Then there was errors in the first 5 minutes of the game
What Errors? I played through If... just fine